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Waifu claiming thread. Previous:>>725491325 The rules

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 211
Thread images: 149

Waifu claiming thread.


The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
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i just want you guys to know i'm eating buffalo chicken pizza and it's great
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That's like saying loli is bannable.
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Claiming best girl
Even if its fake its still illegal.
If you get banned, restart your router man.
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weeeew lads let's keep all the nasties out of this one, right? <3
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No it's not, If it were all pedophiles would use that as a loophole and masturbate to photoshoped CP.
False equivalency.
Even poorly shopped CP is still CP.
Loli is art, not real.
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Hell of alot more you need to do than that.
>IT fag here
>About to go do all that shit now.
>see you fags sometime later
>Had enough internet for the day
>Tanyas claimed but out because of CP crisis.
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Saya 113.jpg
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Not everything you should be spread around. CP is one of those things, as is aids..
you find*
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>claiming Taiga?
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World class
i needed that
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well there can never be too much
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>they banned imgur links
Haha yes
I present this to Tanya
Only Cheese Pizza I like is Domino's.
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How many unlisted videos have you uploaded?
We posting loli?
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sorry have like 30 threads open
How many people frequent these?
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223, I don't even know why I do it other than elitism. Pretty good, I wanted to explore math rock a bit more but it was hard to find something in the same vibes of Toe, with high impacting percussion.

You sick fuck Can you JUST STOP?
so many! and they're all wonderful people <3
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i fucking tagged myself im a tard here
I do not appreciate being lied to like that.
Not everyone
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I might be preaching to the choir, but Slint, Spiderland.
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This is now a loli thread
No, it's a waifu thread
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Absolutely disgusting?
The Jews have won shilling "thicc" girls. These girls naturally have shitty genes and should be culled like the cows they are.
They're not thicc, they're fat
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delte this
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you shut your goddamn moaf
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So what're you up to? Apart from posting here that is.
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shes not even fat
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Then why do i only see loli and no waifu?
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don't listen to em, thicc girls are love and life
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fuck everything
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Happy 3.14159265358979323846264... day everyone!

>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.
no i agree with him theres a difference between having big tits and ass and being fat and having fat saggy titties and ass but shes not fat
I can't lie about all these lovely people <3
e v e r y o n e
listen to Mouse on the Keys! or Bookshelf by Jizue, one of my favorites <3
I wrote another 4-second chord progression that works in a song I've been playing with for almost a year now! all I need to do now is write the other 98%
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thats my whole point
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Oh no. A loli invasion. Whatever shall we do.
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While i'm certainly not fond of fat, exactly the opposite in fact, calling their genes inferior is a little silly.
Overweight girls used to be the beauty standard, until food because abundant enough that now skinny girls are the rare ones.
Fashion is more or less a function of supply and demand. If there's a bunch of fatties wandering around, they lose their appeal. If everyone is thin, the unknown allure of a fat girl becomes much more appealing.
Humans always want to be different.

>e v e r y o n e
I'll have to disagree with you there.
>other 98%
Try not to let perfectionism hold you back too long. Lol
Keep your hands above the desk, mister.
I'm not
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red pork.jpg
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rate my waifu you fucking losers
you're all nice to me!
10/10 beautiful, anon!
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Im at work, like I normally am. What do you take me for, a Tali/Hanako/S-mug/Sonokawa circlejerk?
Yee, I love Spiderland, and as dumb as it is it took me a while to try it because the cover made me think it was nigger rap for some reason.

That sounds a little metal-ish, other than that I can get into it.

I also really like this band, which happens to be J-math rock too.

I'll take notes of those, thanks.
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Do you see those fucking fat rolls?
In case you haven't, I've hi lighted them.
I might be nice but i'm not wonderful
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Hey, i don't know what you like to do during your breaks.
Even snakes can be nice, if they think it'll get them what they want.
I do not find that picture even remotely appealing. I don't know why you're bothering to poke at me.
Mouse on the Keys is from the same label as Toe and sort of as loud, but more jazzy!
Jizue is full jazz with math rock!
I think you are anon <3
Ha. Good one.
Reminder that DFC is holy and noble and JTTF is for godless heathens
this is the autism i expect to see
You don't know me
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Haha, fair enough.
no one knows how to find me other than when I post here, so I don't know how they can get anything out of me!
I believe that all people are good, anon <3
S-mug used to be cool
you realize what a fanart is right it was not made by the creator see this was point out how shes fat >>725516764
where cuz i can see threw her legs its not just a wall
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Hmm? Who said it had to be something material?
I'm not
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I was saying that picture was disgusting

new thread
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I don't know about it being metal-ish, I more enjoy the calculated schizophrenic chaos it brings forth. It has a sort of angular mayhem.
It's much less noisy and more melodic than what I have come to associate with math rock, but still good, sort of jazzy at the end too. Really long though.
what will they try to get, then? love? I have enough of that for everyone!
we're going to agree to disagree!
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>organised chaos
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I just woke up, good morning all!

Felix claimed, again.
Or you could just agree to agree with me
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Best girl
Good evening
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Good morning, slept well?
I actually didn't link noise that much to math-rock, but I admit I'm not versed in the genre.
I liked that a lot.

That sounds interesting. I've downloaded their albums already, I'll listen to them soon, maybe today.
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If you say so. I'll keep my thoughts to myself for now.
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The same to you. thank you.

Thank you aswell.
I could say that I did, but I went to sleep around 7 am. It's around 3:37 here.

How about you? How are you?
Felix is hot
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Eating a late dinner, stale salad made a few days ago, made way too much.
Bored, doing absolutely nothing.
Overall I'd say everything is pretty alright.
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Thank you, same to you.

Oh I feel you, I'm gonna attempt to reach out to a friend today to see if hes up for chilling.
Why isn't s-mug cool anymore?
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I think a lot of it is oftenly linked to Emo and Post-Rock.

I have yet to listen to any Dreamtheater albums, I probably should.

This is the last I'll share for today.
He erps with Hanako, etc.
I erp with Hanako too, he's so nice~
I don't care.
He used to not ERP with anyone
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What's wrong with ERP? Most of the time it's in a private place anyways
what is ERP
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Sounds nice, I'm just waiting for bedtime to arrive

Not when people do it in posts on here.
Can be slightly annoying at times
He does it in thread.
I agree that it can be fun on DMs on Discord, Skype, Telegram, etc.
But when you do it in thread it's gay
Epic Rap Battles
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Never understood why Urakaze has huge tiddies on 90% of her fanart, they aren't that big in the official CG.
I don't know. For at least two people it's enjoyable, so...
Eh, it doesn't really bother me. I can't see how it'd be pretty annoying though.
I figured after seeing it so much you guys wouldn't really care. You're right though, it's probably best to keep it private.
I can understand where the annoyance comes from, at least in thread. It's kinda a public space and you're sorta clogging it up, I suppose.
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I'm sorry for not responding, i had to do the yard work

Its so cold outside it made my ears hurt. That's a first.
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you kanna from earlier
Hey, some like to do it in public. It's a fetish or something
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You know it <3

Trying to come to the threads more and more often, I've just been a lurker for a loooong time

I thought about that. i kinda like that, if I'm being honest... but you gotta respect people's space
how many images you got my dood
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No worries, I'm completely spaced out listening to music.
It's finally starting to get warmer here, above 0c most days now.
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I try to save around 10 photos every couple of times I check into a thread. Right now though, not enough :(
whoops, >>725526370 meant for you! A little tired right now
So erp is bad for other people in the thread because it's invading their personal space?
Well, alrighty, still don't really get it but I'll take your word for it
It's 41°F where I live and I have a problem with the cold in itself. I get colder fast, and that leads to sicker fast.

But I digress, What are you listening to?
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Help, I need sleep. I keep replying to my sellffffff

Free bumps I suppose

Err, kinda. Most people don't wanna see two people going at it when they're just talking to others. I don't really get why they don't just ignore it, but you should always be respectful of other's wishes!
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Forgot a Felix, lmao.
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I arrived.gif
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Fun fact:
International Men's day is November 19th
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I don't really mind the cold, I'd say I prefer freezing over being too warm.
Listening to Tool at the moment, you listening to anything?

I see you over there
its ok im working on something for you now
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Saya peek 003.jpg
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In the mouth of mandess was a decent movie..
if you go yo sleep im gonna flip my shit
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To each their own! But thats how the rest of my family is so when i go to my sister's home to visit she keeps it at like 67°

Plus, here: Dreamwave
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Don't worry I'm still here <3
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I guess I'll have to watch it again, can't remember more than a few fragments

>Louise waves to you with her screwdriver.png
Heyo, how's it going?

Not bad. Little sleepy.
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Saya 139.jpg
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Why spooky movies never stay spooky all the way to the end?

Hai Louise.
My playlist has around 98, songs with it ranging from vaporwave sub genres, joji, and other alt rap stuff. Weird and calm but cool.
jesus fuck this is taking forever
Hiya Saya
Sauce please.
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Take your time, it's alright!
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It's pretty dead in here..again..
I like slow threads to be honest.
Excellent taste in waifu
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Quite sleepy, might watch a movie, haven't had the concentration to do that in forever.

Because they would be too spooky?
My guess would be that when they reveal the spooky stuff,
the whole fear of the unknown element is gone.

I've listened to a lot of synthwave, and some to the genres you mentioned, it's my go to for comfy.
I listen to a lot of different stuff depending on mood, which changes all the time ayy

I think it's comfy, might be because I'm super slow when tired.
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Thank you!
Well, that's enough reason for me, and you have a good point.
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Hey i feel you on that. If you want to listen to the playlist here you go. This is the go to playlist when me and my friends chill.

Codeine Dreams~: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX_FfyaQPgFX4e2NH4Y9kFIMs6CIK6tgL
That was the image I wanted to post but couldn't find.

At least now I might remember where I saved it
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No problem, fellow Anon!
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Saya 177.jpg
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I like them faster. Especially when I'm bored.

Yeah, that's pretty much it. Should try and watch a movie 2/3rds in and then just stop to see how it'd feel..
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Cool, thanks. Bookmarked.
Already see some good stuff in there.

Save it so many places it doesn't matter if you forget.

Have someone cut the power on you right before the reveal
That's radical, I hope you enjoy it. I might go play some overwatch soon. Do you have any systems other than a Computer?
Aaaand my thread is not autoupdating..
gonna kms
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Don't do it Anon! I believe in whatever you're doing!
you took that seriously im just frustrated chill
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Nope, haven't had a console since the early days of the 360
I got xbox controllers for my PC so can still couch coop, so can't see any reason to have one.
You playing on any other systems?
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Saya 013.jpg
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I can just stop watching you know..

I sometimes get impatient and click on update rather than wait that 10 or so seconds hoping something new has been posted..
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Don't even have a good running PC.
I use mostly my Xbox 1, plus I have some old ps3 games I used to play when my ps3 worked.
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I kinda thought you were joking but you never know when someone's serious! It's best to be on the safe side

I get that problem quite a lot, actually.
I usually have the thread on in the background while I do something else
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Saya 267.jpg
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Yeah, so do I. Sometimes just don't feel like doing anything but stare at the ceiling.
sorry but i give up i was trying to make a kanna mass image downloader i fucked it up im gonna go back to making and file hosting server like pomf and cocaine ninja
It's usually fine for me, so it's a little weird
I totally feel that.
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But that's boring, and too easy, isn't the whole point to be afraid?

>I sometimes get impatient
I just did that, 7 second saved.

Fair enough, if you don't have a gaming PC, consoles are neat.
Been lucky and have had a pretty strong computer the last 10 years pretty much.

I do that too, but the boop sound only works like 1/3 of time time for me, annoy!
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dudes.... who tf is all these people
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Hi, who tf are you?
Ahh, some chocolate cake and a glass of white supremacy

Nothing could be better
The boop noise?
that's never good, hon!
what do you do for fun?
the same for you! please don't be discouraged <3
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It's okay Anon, you tried! That's all that really matters. Thank you <3

It's a lot better on my phone than it is on my computer for some reason.
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Mukuro (1).png
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Hi comrade Kurome
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That's good yo.
I would love to get a pc not even for gaming. I usually do edits of photos and stuff
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Saya 024.jpg
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See? It works!

Some would say it's pretty boring. There's no need to always be rushing to do something..

Why it's never good? It's sometimes good to just slow down and chill.
Play games, watch videos, stare at the ceiling, listen to music, draw, or on rare occasions, paint.
come hang out with me! you can use photoshop when I'm not using it, we can take shifts!
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It's Kurumi,
Not Kurome
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34KB, 427x468px
Thank you!
I've never had problems on my phone
Sure, but..three monitors helps that
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101KB, 600x582px
I meant in the sense of, if that's all you do! I'm sorry I'm not making sense, I still haven't slept ;~;
what things do you draw and paint?
I've never used Photoshop, I've always used Gimp 2.0, youre gonna have to teach me.
Sorry, I always get confused. Any way I can make it up?
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im "that guy" %)

all the people i never talked to
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>don't ask where the milk is from.jpg
Louise doesn't see why you object to the collar.jpg
Spooky filenames...

You know, the boop noise!
The option to make a boop when you're replied to.
File: I like.gif (243KB, 356x200px) Image search: [Google]
I like.gif
243KB, 356x200px

I said don't ask
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Since we are posting lewd dragons. Here is Kanna wearing the same shirt
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Saya 192.jpg
1MB, 2894x4093px
I only got one ;_;

Sleeping is good for you.
Draw people, paint landscapes with Bob Ross.

I'm probably one of them. Hai.
File: Louise with a collar.gif (101KB, 607x739px) Image search: [Google]
Louise with a collar.gif
101KB, 607x739px
She is perfect

I...don't have any boop noise
I can try! it's fairly similar, just more hotkeys!
hello hello! weren't you the one in Alice's thread? how are you?
that sounds fun and relaxing! creative hobbies are always a good stress outlet!
I'm sorry Kuromi, but this is the best I could do. Anything else maybe?
File: Saya 141.jpg (2MB, 2000x1277px) Image search: [Google]
Saya 141.jpg
2MB, 2000x1277px
Sounds fun! So when do you want to hang out?
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Mukuro (1).jpg
8KB, 197x256px
Crap... I meant Kurumi... it's getting way too late
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ohh we doing lewd
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Spelling the name right is a good place to start
Whoa whoa whoa there.

That's a good picture.
he was always the happiest man ever <3
you'll have to find me first!
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I'm really sorry... this is just getting emabrassing
She's from the anime "date a live"
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yea hey. ive seen you though so ur presence is relaxing

yo uh-huh thats me and im sore from work

pls pick a new waifu../ le nothing personal
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Hi guy, nice meeting you.

How have you even been watching me play Dark Souls?!
I can't do only one thing at the same time, I am completely reliant on my 2nd screen.

>mfw I caught the mini Monday Bob marathon this week
was watching it while cleaning today, good times
File: 5e5.gif (1MB, 350x298px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 350x298px
I'll have to find you? How exactly am I supposed to do that?
You're probably hundreds of miles away.
Thread posts: 211
Thread images: 149

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