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Mods, listen here. A team that repeatedly posts the same threads

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 151
Thread images: 21

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Mods, listen here. A team that repeatedly posts the same threads such as WWYD, wife/girlfriend/ex, cuckold, pics not to share, and fb/instagram threads are spamming /b/ hourly, which slows down later in the evening. Around 8:00am US Western time, they post from mobile devices. This is nothing but a team of shills and fakes. None of the "girlfriends" or exes posted are even legitimate. They ask for kik, snapchat, etc. for trades, which is nothing but a scam, some links only leading to a very suspicious drop box. They are all the same persons just sitting here hourly.

Why would someone care? Only a cuckold would care about what someone else would do.

>Post your "girlfriend/wife/ex"
Why would you care? Only a cuckold would care about what someone else would do.

>Post your fb/instagram "friends"
Why would you care? Only a cuckold would care about what someone would do.

Obvious one

I think this is just some weird British guy.

In regards to the bots, they're suspiciously only prevalent on /b/ and /pol/ and nowhere else to be seen.

The issue with the spammers is that they're flooding /b/ and not making /b/ very random. They also try to shoehorn into regular threads where someone posts their "girlfriend." Typically, at least three of each thread is active, each reaching max limit. Because of this, any normal thread is bumped to page 10 indefinitely.

I'm with you /b/rother
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THIS. MODS need to take action.
>mfw some faggot add an anti-spam filter and we cant even summon mods anymore
Thanks, anons.
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You forgot traps, dick rate, or any rate really, face of /b/,.. pretty sure there's more cancer but you can just filter them.
I know right? It's so blatantly obvious I'm surprised nothing has been done about it.

When did this site become infested with cuckholdry? Traps have been around for a while but it's only been in the past few years that cucks have been showing themselves I swear.
you forgot the "let's do a /b/ meetup, what could go wrong?"
I agree
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What /b/ really need is one or two mods to bans the faggots making these shitty rating threads.
>mfw mods don't exist on /b/
>mfw MOOT is gone
Mods please do your job
>Past few years

More like the past few months. The only few cuck shit I've seen were just insults and the few losers on /soc/ from years back.
Jap moot trying to artificially inflate /b/ for money.
Nah. Past few years have beat the shit out of this board.
What if those Snapchatfuckers paid for posting here? Cause all the other adds seem to not bring enough Money for our jap master and that is why they are not removed.
He has plenty of money. So much, in fact he's been caught with illegal activity on numerous occasions.
If you have plenty of money, you never have enough money.
Sauce? Cuz dubs don't lie.
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you are doing gods work, anon. bumping
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>implying there are still mods
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Fuck, anon, you're probably right and its really, really sad :/
So, what do we do now?
Leave /b/ and let it die so it can rise again some day? Or just live with the knowledge of being cucks to some jap fatass?
Fuck off moralfags. Go suck some transgender dick, fuck a trap and report back to /b/.
4chan is on the decline and will be a shell in a couple years. Just accept it.
they said that long before you were on here
>implying it's not already

What moralfags? Fuck off cuck.
so what? what can they do with your snapchat or kik name?
There's nothing we can do, anon. I probably just go elsewhere, found a new great imageboard and just lurk back on /b/ from time to time.
Don't forget gigga nigger
Then why are /pol/ mods banning those threads left and right?
Probably true since post #3 was probably something along those lines. But if you actually are an oldfag (which I doubt) it would be obvious to you how much the whole site has declined the last 18 months or so. /b/ is especially bad. It's the same threads over and over and over and over.

Granted, there were definitely the times when half the front page was something like boxxy threads, but there was more variety between them.
Fuck off faggot normie. Quality wwyd threads with responses are pretty much the only worthwhile threads here aside from the occasional OC posts.

Those are cancerous, but they're not nearly on the spam level as those listed on the OP. They're also contained in their own threads and board. Meanwhile, all the others try to shoehorn into normal threads.
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This! This and more this!

Although, this thread does remind me of an ex girlfriend I once had, please tell me /b WWYD??

They're all subliminal cuckold threads. None of the girlfriends posted aren't even anyone's girlfriends. Also, you guys never stay contained in your own threads. You go into normal threads and post your cuck fantasy shit there too.
Get the fuck out you pathetic underage beta.
Nothing wrong with cuck/hot-wifing fantasies bruh. And actually I have posted my real world wife in any of those threads. Along with a few ex GFS.
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I'd call you out on your bullshit, as google directed your image to xhamster.
Awww, insecure little Billy.
Fuckin cunt
I thought theres a fur board now
I didnt know i was this retarded
>Nothing wrong with cuck/hot-wifing fantasies bruh.

Everything's wrong with it, Shlomo.
holy shit look. a good thread! thanks anon!
Off-topic probly
The reason there's no fur board is because artists bitched about copyright and redistribution. May as well put the board back since thousands of other places don't follow that rule.
Whew, you got me there. How about you take your repressed mind back to church or somewhere else that will appreciate the ease with which you can be brainwashed by stupidity?
Needing other men to help you masturbate makes you gay anon.

A straight guy would fap to the pics, but you fap to the words the men whisper in your ear.

What a faggot

The mods in /b/ are banning only bot threads, though it takes time to just sit there and fish for them. They're not taking care of spam threads, however, as nobody's really called them out on it.
Why don't you google sarcasm?
Real niggas remember the guro board.
>Calling me brainwashed

Oh, my sweet child. You have much to learn.
Don't need, but it can be hot? You never read erotica and jerked off? What if a guy was the author? That makes it gay? You are an idiot.
Why don't you google humor?
What, so I can be "redpilled"? Omg that sounds so kewl! Teach me how to be a faggot cuck to yesteryears ideas of society, oh mighty neck beard.
No. I don't jack off to words. Worthless cuck.
Says the nigger
Drumpf supporting scum. What an asshole for even putting up those signs (should be considered hate speech) then he sets up things to vandalize that poor girl's tires! All she was trying to do was stop the hatred and save the fucking country. And what does she get for being a hero? Fucked over by a corrupt justice system. This is sexism and persecution of sane liberal ideals. This man should be shot dead in the street for his intolerant views. No sympathy for anyone who would be so stupid and low to support that fascist bastard Drumpf. Fuck him.
There's a difference between erotica which is indirect, and reading posts you know damn well are of what a man would do, since it's directly from themselves.
Probably because of your poor reading comprehension. You should try using your imagination sometime, it will help you in other areas of your life beyond being a slobbering knuckledragger.
>hey guys! I want niggers to fuck my girlfriend!
>aren't I so cool and progressive!
>if you think any different then you're just a stupid old person!
Not really, it's still just reading and imagining fantastical scenarios.
Can somebody dox the Andy sixx guy already
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>US Western time
>I'd put my peepee in her butthole
Oh shit! Gotta jack off!

You're the one being controlled by your peverseness instead of doing something worthwhile. But I'm the slobbering knuckledragger, top kek.
> /b/ is especially bad. It's the same threads over and over and over and over.
>Trust me guise am an oldfag
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Hmm it might be linked to a blackmail scam I've heard of,
>find your fb
>run premade video of sexy girl while you jack off on cam
>have no audio so type asking you to show face
>once face revealed blackmail threatening to provide $$$ or will send to all your fb friends
Seems like all the threads are leading to getting you to provide personal information.
Might not be that exact same plan but all the threads that are always on /b/ sure do seem to point in that direction
>stupid cuck has nothing to say because he looks like a stupid cuck and he knows it.
Using kek without being ironical is pretty much the definition of being a knuckledragger, yes. As is caring what kinks other people enjoy.
What I wouldn't give to have old /b/ back. We just need 3-4 admins like Snacks to ban the shit out of everyone who starts and posts in those threads, and slowly but surely things will go back to normal.

Or hey, the FBI mods could be a little less useless and instead of posting the occasional bait, actually ban these fags.
I'm with the ironical police. That kek was used ironically.
You're reading the fantasies OF THE MAN.
Hello Shareblue
It's pretty safe to assume that the MODS arnt gonna do anything about all the shit/ad trafficking on here. Why not spam them with spidey or graphics cat until they reach the image limit?
>using kek on 4chan? Wow.
>unless you're being ironic, then it's hilarious! Haha irony!
cucks are the new furry. also ban that cuntbubble that keeps posting andy sixx
Omg oh noes so scared must cleanse myself omg omg
Oh no! Better use an ad hominem!
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We must fight for the existence of the white race and take back the jew peddling bots
Little Billy, I promise one of us looks like an idiot here, and to anyone with half a brain, it is obviously you. But it's okay, I still love you.
>yfw it's the CIA posting all this garbage to condition people
The mods should clean this edgy 12 year old level normie trash up, Make /b/ great again !

If they are here so often everyday, they are allowed to. They surely pay for that.
>implying there's only one
You have no idea how many are dedicated to the cause
If you had an imagination you wouldn't need other men to tell.you stories, you'd imagine your own.

Uh huh, sure thing little Billy. That's why everyone writes their own books instead of reading other authors.
Probably a few in this thread already just trying to derail it. Kinda obvious
They're too busy losing, Anon.
face of /b/ needs dead.
we are supposed to be anonymous. people can look at your fucking acne ridden chimp face on facebook
>if I keep calling severing little Billy, I'll look smart!
I see them. They get mad if you call them out in their own threads when you reveal their fakes.
This. Those piss me off the most.
It's okay buddy, someone will love you someday.
Now you're comparing novels to a paragraph at most from another man telling you made up fantasy bullshit that has like to do even though he's never touched a woman?

You're trying too hard anon.
Turn back the troll dial a little
I'll have to agree with this one. There's already an entire board for that. In fact, the board was made to keep that shit off of /b/
Yawn. You'll figure it out if you ever grow up, little Billy. Either way, as a "cuck", I am willing to bet I have posted more OC on these boards over the years than probably almost anyone in this thread. Very possibly, everyone combined. But I digress. Enjoy being close minded infantile little Billy's.
>He's proud of his cuckoldry
Just need more people to take affirmative action against them. Run the image limit n call em out. Make them pissed off n leave, it is a pretty odd coincidence I don't see anyone spamming threads with spidey anymore though
Yeah, it's called being an adult who isn't afraid of his own interests and desires.
Kill yourself faggot.
*kisses you* Mmmmmm *pop* MWAH!<3
you are not a whole man. you need some pork bun in your life
*kisses you back* Mwah!
Aww, aren't you so cute?
Your fault for making 'cuck' mainstream. It's not a 'team of shills', it's actual fucking cuckolds that troll easily triggered retards who use cuck every four seconds while simultaneously jerking it. Win-win. Fuck 4chan is full of fucking retards.
Bro, I crush pork like you wouldn't believe.
That's long way of writing the word faggot
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Please mods.
I came here 2011/2012 cause i heard some funny things was posted here.
>inb4 thinking im an oldfag
i came here to have some place to belong to cause i've never been able to find a good place in real life cause i never could fit in anywhere but here.
I found some really funny things but over the years this place has become boring af, but still i come here in the hopes of seeing some funny things.
>inb4 /b/ has never been good
so please, mods, if you read in this thread, some of us really miss seeing other threads but dumb ylyl threads, traps, wwyd threads and other boring stuff we keep seeing everyday. please make other boards for them.
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Plz do not enable these faggots
I know you are but what am I?
A faggot
I know you are but what am I?
I know you are but what am I?
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yeah i don't know why the mods just don't give them their own board?

m00t had the common sense to give the bronies their own board when the pony cancer came calling a few years back.

why is it so hard to make a cuck board and send all the samethread homo's over there
No, It's called a bunch of men sitting in a circle masturbating over each other's stories...
That's pretty fucking gay anon
b u m p
>men masturbating over stories of heterosexual intercourse
>That's pretty fucking gay anon
I think you are confused - about many things
preach bruda
this, plz mods, make /b/ great again
Keep being a closed minded child bro.
There's a difference between a story, and masturbating over what a man is directly telling you while he is masturbating over telling you.

Someone's definitely confused here, and it isn't me.
Only when you're insecure and afraid.
y'all are derailing the thread, stfu
Explain how thinking a group of men sitting in a group with their dicks out jerking off as each one tells a story is gay makes me closed minded.

If I said it was stupid and you shouldn't enjoy it, that would be closed minded.
Saying it is a very homosexual act is an objective truth.

Would you get all your male friends over to your house one night and have a story telling jerk off session together?
If not, why?
No, it's gay no matter what.
Men masturbating over what other masturbating men are doing is homosexual as it is a sexual act composed of only one gender.

That is literally homosexual
What's the difference between the scenario you are so terrified by, and a male porn director making movies and you watching them?
Almost everything.

If you said what is the difference between that and a male porno director verbally explaining a porn scene to you while you both had your cocks out jerking off, then you'd have a point.

No difference, they're both very gay scenarios.
I post in those threads and actually haven't ever masturbated during one. I like hearing other people say dirty and slutty things about my wife, who I then envision being a dirty whore. It's quite literally the same as finding a porn with a girl who kind of looks like her, and imagining it as her.
Actually, on a atomic level, you watching a porn directed by a man, and imagining what someone wrote is likely indistinguishable on brain scans.
>atomic level
This shit just gets better and better
bamping the fuck out of this. Bring on the Mods. Minimising all the shite on /b/ is taking longer than enjoying decent content on /b/ sort it please
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i miss when our mods didnt suck dick
>mfw people in this bread who dont know about the global pedophile market/company that makes biz with nearly every porn site thats out there
Pornhub/redtube/youporn/motherless you name it
They have thousands of cp sites connected to normal porn sites, making millions
Dont know what im talking about ?
Go to motherless and click the most shady partner sites, always click the youngest looking chick pics on the sites that open and you wont believe what you will see after a few minutes
Thread posts: 151
Thread images: 21

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