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Why do I feel so alone /b/? Feels thread

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Thread replies: 236
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Why do I feel so alone /b/?

Feels thread
Because you are
Because life is a shit

Very true /b/ro
Bit, you are not alone, im here
i agree. i'm going to kill myself drinking nembutal. its end of the road for me
Sad but true anon
Sounds fun
Don't off yourself, not worth it, just try to adapt to life, that is what stopped me from kms
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Maybe, this night is my night too
i feel so humiliated. i jst feel sad for my family. i'm such a selfish fuck
Because from the moment you're born, you'll always be alone.

You'll probably have friends, family, someone to love, but in the end it'll just be you in the grave, you that makes all the decisions in your life, You that takes care of yourself.

In the end, we're all born alone and we all die alone.
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I hate thinking about this, I know I'm going to be alone and never have kids. I hope all of you /b/ros are having a good night.
because you are always alone anon. everyone is. the only thing that anyone has in common with one another is that we are separate
Op, do you wanna be my friend?
Not me in particular, hate my current situation and what my life has boiled down to
You're never lonely because you are never truly on your own.
You're just leading the way...
What kind of faggot are you?
because you dont talk to anybody. talk to anybody. you know people here feel the same as you, so why not talk to physical people?

be cause you are stupid.
stop being stupid.

say to somebody, what do you use the internet for?
if they answer something you dont use it for, walk away without saying a word.

this is the same thing you are doing right now...

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I talk to nobody outside of my immediate family and coworkers

I'm so fucking lonely
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and basically what this guy said...

life sucks. people suck. you'll never really be able to communicate with them. maybe you'll find someone, maybe you wont. no one gives a shit. you won't be anyone important, historically speaking. but that doesn't really matter because nothing matters cause earth is just one in infinite of planets and we are all just going to die.
What kind of faggot are you to reply twice to the same person in the same post?
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Been alone a long time now. Got used to it. Now I prefer it, and I hate myself for it.
Because you refuse to get out your comfort zone to either change or find people who are compatible with you. Just gage people's responses to your behavior and change accordingly and people will be around you.
He is alone, im alone. That isnt faggot.
In the sadness a friend help so much fucking apati
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You can be my friend but don't blame me when the Mossad or Yandy Liang start killing your parents and friends
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I used to consider killing myself to make the people who hurt me on a regular basis feel sorry for what they've done.

Now I realize I'd just be one more tally mark.

Don't hate to live.

Hey Anon, if you are really truly going to off youself;
What's your name? Who are you? As selfish as it is, and as meaningless as it is, I want to remember you, if only this much.
get the fuck off this site
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Get the fuck out of a feels thread.
You can still change, stop thinking like that, it won't get you nowhere.

Please, get up and solve your shit, there may be people in this thread that has a worse situation than yours, and even so, they got ahead in life.

Excuse my shitty English level.

I talk to many people physically every day, doesn't mean I don't feel alone
wow ur 2edgy
I mean you gotta commend the people that have the balls to off themselves. That shit takes guts! I wish I wasn't such a pussy.
goddammit this one gets me every time
Is that really all you think about when people kill themselves?
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I can't stop thinking about all the things I'm going to miss out on if i off myself
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I move out my city almost three months ago to live with my best friends, all my other friends don't even text me anymore. My best friend and I have an amazing realtionship but we made a mistake, we had sex weeks ago and he cheated on his girlfriend so and felt really bad and weird with me since then.

Now I watch as all my friends are leaving me alone while I cry myselft to sleep everynight, I dont know what to do with my roomate or his girlfriend who is one of my closest friends.

How can I turn my feelings off /b/?
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If WW3 ever happens in our lifetime, just sit back and watch the world turn to fucking glass.

It will be worth it.
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truth, OP. the liquid within is pretty much my only comfort, my only confidant.

lots of gore and cp
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what you waiting for?
you're sitting around feeling down
yet you complain about being alone
you've built up some fantasy
you've only got yourself to blame
but these four walls won't cure your heart
or fix your broken brain

you've built your walls
for someone to knock down
you're waiting for someone
you've lost yourself
and forgotten what it's like
to love, to live, to feel, to want to fight
but oh no don't you see
you're a walking talking tragedy

you're still fixated on something that happened
eight whole years ago
you close your eyes
but the shadows torture your soul
you tell yourself you're trying your best
there's nothing more that you can do
but these four walls won't cure your heart
or erase what's haunting you
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I live near enough to experience a nuclear winter if Russia gets nuked. Wouldn't want to miss that.
Nah. I sometimes think it's unfortunate that life insurance doesn't pay out for chickening out on life.

I mean it's sad when somebody kills themselves, but you gotta have respect for those willing to make such a permanent decision.

Being completely alone all the time can get taxing on the brain but accept that at least to some degree you'll always be lonely/alone
The love of my life passed away nearly two years ago. I've done everything I can to move on, but I have become emotionally despondent. Life is misery, OP. Life will fuck you forever. And that's just how it is. What matters is how you take it.
That's rough, anon. Some time alone would probably be your best bet.

Mistakes happen; they're unavoidable. You two will learn from this.

It's not a matter of turning your feelings off. It's a matter of how to get past those feelings. Don't beat yourself up.
Me too, anon. But if I give up then I'd be a total failure without redemption. (Like, for real. There's no way to fix shit after death). SO, better stick around and try to get shit done. Better late than never. And choosing suicide is never.
Some policies will pay out for suicide, usually after a certain number of years. My policy pays out half after 2 years.
Listen to Loveless on repeat and drink until u can't feel anymore. That's what I've been doing every night for 6 months. It helps kinda. Unfortunately I think I'm reaching a breaking point.
My parents would rather I be on the streets or dead, than alive living with them. (I'm 21, just graduated from college a year ago; been trying to find footing and have been working a stable job)
We were on vacation in Jamaica around 5 years ago and I found a note my dad had written to my mom (they were fighting the entire trip; thought they were gonna divorce but they didn't) explaining how he wished my mom had just left me at the hospital, or aborted me, or whatever.
My mom refuses to let me eat most days because it's "her food". I could go to the grocery store and buy food for myself, and she would still refuse to let me eat it.
"I'd rather you starve to death" is usually the reasoning.
I've been desperately trying to move out, even into a temporary women's shelter until I can lock down a sublet or rental or something - anything - to get me out of this hell. It's gotten to the point where every time I try to find a place to go so I'm not here, I'll get threatened if I try to leave the house. I'm on constant lockdown at home unless I'm at work, and even when I'm at work, my mom will stop by and harass me during my shift.
I know an-hero is fucking stupid; I've been down that road before. But what else is someone supposed to turn to when their entire life is based off of being hated by the two people who are supposed to love you unconditionally.
thanks.most people here would suggest to become an hero. life can be overwhelming. sometimes problems can become bigger than you.
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I'm sorry.

People shouldn't behave that way. I know I'm only text to you, and it doesn't mean much, but you have my condolences.
When it comes down to it... I'd never off myself. But i do like to sleep and drink to make more bearable. Watching our world ignite in flames is much too interesting. Maybe I'll have the oportunity to die in WWIII. Why leave the world as a pussy when you can have the opportunity to be a hero?!?!?!
Nice dubs.
Your success isn't determined by your parents' love for you. You need to build up the courage to tell them to fuck off. Your life will be better without them.
When they threaten you, do they threaten your life? If so, you may be able to get the police involved in some way.
It's 3:30 in the morning, I'm feeling old as fuck, my job is a dead end, I'm married and yet I don't have anyone to talk to, I've missed all my chances at greatness, and I feel like I'll never find any joy in my life again.
Do the shit that other college guy did when his parents were a little bit like yours go on a roadtrip by yourself and do wierd shit you would have never done and not die (or do i am not your counselor)
I'm virtually alone. My immediate family is an ocean away, and the one person who loves me is someone I don't love back. I'm worried that when they find out how truly melancholy I really am, that they'll stop. My roommates are practically strangers. My friends leave me at the wayside. I've been on medication for years to combat mental illness and while it helps sometimes, there are nights like tonight where all my friends have left and I can hear other people through the walls of my apartment complex partying and having a good time, that I feel waves of melancholy wash over me. My skin turns to gooseflesh, and I realize how alone I really am. I don't tell anyone. I don't want to burden them, and I don't want pity. I just want to be accepted for who I am. To make memories. To share laughter, ideas, to create. But I can't do even that.

I'm a loser. It's my lot in life.
The little things in life are the most enjoyed things. Get a pet, go for hikes, do something different.
It usually consists of one of the following:
"if you leave you'll never be able to set foot near the family again"
"go ahead, leave. I dare you to see what'll happen if you do"
"if you leave you'll just die anyway"
Thanks, friend.
They're trying to make it seem as if they have power over you. They don't choose if any of your other family members see you, they're bluffing when they make threats that are too generalized like that, and they do not keep you alive.
They're just a hurdle in your life that you must get over.

No problem, anon. Be kind to yourself.
your life is your life
don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
be on the watch.
there are ways out.
there is light somewhere.
it may not be much light but
it beats the darkness.
be on the watch.
the gods will offer you chances.
know them.
take them.
you can’t beat death but
you can beat death in life, sometimes.
and the more often you learn to do it,
the more light there will be.
your life is your life.
know it while you have it.
you are marvelous
the gods wait to delight
in you.
Don't die on me thread...
I need ya'.
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No problem, anon. It's quiet here on /b/, we're here to listen. Feel free to speak your mind.

unrelated: these captchas are getting dumb af
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Lonely night tonight too. This space just feels comfy.
Scenes like this bring me so much peace. A countryside inhabited by hardly anyone in the middle on nowhere. Pretty much untouched by civilization.
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this is a comfy place, anon
Damn well is. Sometimes that's all we need is a space to just take a minute to relax. I should relax more.
life sucks and then you die
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That's why I posted it
i cant do well when i think you're gonna leave me

but i know i try

are you gonna leave me now?

cant you be believing now?
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Because you're a human. All humans feel lonely.

Perpetual happiness is impossible. We'd never survive in this treacherous universe if we always felt happy.

Get used to being sad, or exercise meta-cognitive control and force yourself to be happy.
that should make you determined to show them that you can make it anon.

take your anger and sadness and make it a reason to push forward, you can make it dude. be better than your parents ever will.
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I feel like I've done just about everything you're supposed to to do to be happy and I'm still not.
The only thing I haven't experienced is being in love. I'm worried that won't make me happy either.

I wish there was a way to see if it's all going to be worth it. I'm tired of "living".
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>Be me
>A total happy-go-lucky type of faggot after I had hit 14
>Never really had many friends before then
>Not too book-smart, and kind of quiet, but real good at reading people
>Addmitidly I'm a super touchy-huggy person
>Get pegged as "that one kid who's nice to everyone" in high school
>Type of fag who will go out of my way to check up on someone if I get the vibe that they're not doing okay
>Always there to help, always there to listen
>feels good man
>get to meet more people, establish a group of friends
>feels really good man

>fast forward 2-ish years
awww shit. Man, I need drugs. Helps me forget.
Can't hang myself, would be shitty and hurtful to my family. That's what my dad did.
Love isn't all that great in my opinion. It's like communism. It seems great when you think about it, but in the end it just doesn't work out.
you'll figure it out anon, i trust in that much.
Sorry anon, I wasn't referring to off yourself. I was just trying to compliment your picture.

>Junior Year summer vacation
>Summer birthday kid, so I grew up kind of used to never having friends acknowledge my birthday
>Kind of stopped caring somewhere along the way
>Weirdly looking forward to it this year though, because I actually had friends who I considered closevfor once
>Figured some would remember, since some had asked when it was because I hadn't celebrated at all last year
>End up getting weirdly excited about it, and staying up till 11-ish (late for me, I kind of usually clock out at around 9)
>Figured I might as well stay up until midnight, maybe someone one will send a message or something right at midnight
I remember thinking specifically, "Man what if this is set up like a shitty sit-com, and I'm just that one loser kid, and everyone just forgets my birthday?"
>Midnight rolls around
>think, "well, okay, that's fine, it is kind of weird..."
>Go to sleep
>Wake up and check my phone again
>Shrug, and figure nobody should be awake right now anyway since it was 8am during summer vacation
>Keep periodically checking phone over the course of the day
>Heart starts to hurt a bit
>Parents also have totally forgotten
>Day goes by like this
>Awake at 11:30-ish again, heart really hurting
>Literally watch as the clock slowly counts up and crosses into the next day
>Heart feels like it's just been crushed
>Just cry

>Already over it by the morning
>Go to my summer job the next day (Good 'ole Baskin Robbins), a smaller group of my group of friends come into the store
>Perk up a bit, and immediately think that they had just gotten the date wrong and hadn't forgotten completely
>They just buy some ice cream and make some small talk
>Talk about how they're heading up to a nearby forest to camp for two days
>Heart starts hurting again, but also start getting a bit angry
>Can't just walk away because it'd be rude
>They finish, and are heading out
>Snap and just say "Thanks for saying happy birthday yesterday"
I, uh... am not a very agressive person...
>They all look like deer in headlights, and start looking at eachother in confusion
>"Uh... Oh... Well, happy birthday then, Anon..."
>They just leave

>Never even get any kind of acknowledgment that this even happened
love will cut you open just as much as it can heal you anon, its risky shit but its worth it if you really love the person.
>Fast forward a smidge more
>Over the course of senior year, slowly notice that people don't really talk to me unless they need something, or just for formalities
>Slowly notice that the group of friends I have only really brings me along 1/10 of the time to things
>Most of the time I learn about something way after the fact because they try to talk to me about it and forget that I wasn't there
>Start to remember every time I'd get left behind by them while with them anyway
>Start to realize that I cared so much more about my "friends" than they did about me
>Start to realize that regardless of my want to help people and make sure they're okay, that wasn't at all reciprocated
>The one quality I have isn't worth anything
>Still keep up a smile though, and still do what I do because it's still all I am
>Damn heart-broken feeling is constant now
>Friends stop inviting me to things all together because it's too much of a bother to give me a ride
>Regardless of how I would usually pay for gas because I felt bad about having to mooch rides
>Start to think that I'm just annoying the people around me
>Don't even put on a face at this point, just go back to being only a quiet kid
>Nobody says anything
>People still come to me, and I still listen though, I really can't help it
>Senior year goes on like this
>Graduate, no one even bothered to get a picture with me after the ceremony
>Grad night is spent at home crying.
This was like a year ago, but I have to admit I'm still reeling from it /b/.
Why? Why was I so easily forgotten? What did I do wrong? I'm no saint, but I'm a good person? I helped people whenever I could, and I tried to always be kind. Where did I go wrong?
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I agree so far, I've had two long term relationships but have never felt swept up you know?

I'm going to give it a while longer. I think, if I'm not happy by like 35 I'll go disappear somewhere.

Oh lol
Thanks gondolas are the best, they actually make me happier for some reason. One of the best distractions.
>pic related
my favourite one.

Yeah, I want to try I think. Say I've tried it all you know.

if they never cared then they never mattered in the first place anon, your time will come as soon as you can make it.
good luck anon :^)
life is fair bcs it is unfair to everybody
You never did go wrong, it's just the way the world is. Nobody cares unless they have something to gain from it. I was that kid in high school too.
This world is a pathetic and selfish place; that's why truly kind and caring people are so rare. Everyone eventually stops caring.
I was in love. Still am. She's gone with someone else now. Can't sleep and only just stopped drinking myself to death over it. Grass is always greener.
I dont know your situation that well anon, but im kinda in the same boat. ive got "friends" that i talk to a lot but it often feels like they do it out of obligation.

I like to help people. its what i feel like i was put here to do. i dont know why you do it, but it might help to think about why you do it, or anything for that matter. its just what helps keep me through the day, that im not some black pit in this place full of shit. too many people today just suck, and i dont want to be one of them.
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gondolas are my spirit animal
Who knows what tomorrow may bring?

maybe sunshine and maybe the rain.

and as for me i will wait and see

maybe, it'll bring my love to me
Go ahead
treasured you are
yet you seem so far
with you, anything I can entrust
I think not that will ever bust
we were never apart
and you stole my heart
now here we are, right back at the start
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Sounds sarcastic but thanks. Also check'd

I'm so fucking sorry dude. I don't think I could handle something like that. I hope somehow someday you'll be happy.

Love that one too. Fine art gondolas are a respectable hobby in my opinion. Wish I had more.

>>725237162 came off as really shitty, not really what i meant to say.

i suppose i mean try to find a reason why you do what you do. if it makes you happy then i would keep doing it. like >>725237130 said, it's not you that's doing something wrong. people just suck.
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There is no need to to be around them, you should look at them as someone who gave you birth nothing more, learn from it and if you ever end up having a family... treat your kids as if you wanted to be treated right, in sure you will find peace in that (opinion)
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doubly checked.
That one is so cute. Fucking sad.
good ol wet fart
Have any of you anons played Suber Gondola Land?
I was so abused in my past two relationships that it makes the current one I'm in so difficult to maintain.
My exes have beaten me, manipulated me, robbed me, raped me, and caused me to lose every shred of trust I had left in humanity. When I tried to leave them multiple times, they both would physically assault me and scare me into staying, saying that no other man would "love" me like they did. If they cheated and I found out about it, they would fuck with me mentally; calling me every degrading name possible, making me think that the people I was close with were out to get me, and that I shouldn't fuck with them because they "have ways" of getting what they want.
Now that another man does love me, I'm so paranoid that he's plotting to hurt me that it's gotten to the point where it's ruining everything. He knows about all of my previous experience in the relationship department (or lack thereof), I just don't want to constantly think he's cheating, or he's going to hit me if I say the wrong thing. I can't even bring up my opinion anymore without being scared he's going to get offended and lash out like my previous boyfriends have. It kills me to even fathom that he would do anything like they did.
My boyfriend's pretty awesome, and obviously I love him; I wouldn't be with him if I didn't. He wants to make my life into what it should have been already; a good one. And my fucking exes ruined the part of me that's supposed to trust another person.
Oh, no no, you were totally fine.
I mean, it may sound like I'm being sarcastic or snobbish, but it's just what I do. There's never been a real reason behind it, more than it making me happy, it's more like trying not to breathe. Yet, I'm also still an optimist and kind of hate to find faults in people. Ergo, the only person I can find myself blaming is really me, despite how much that may not be the case...
Change it. I hate my life too. I hate my fucking life. I live in the middle of nowhere going to a dead-end university with a major that will get me nothing (double that: French, Business). But I carry on. I don't get girls, I am ugly, I am not doing well in school, I am not great with people. I feel, personally, that I have nothing going for me, but I carry on man! If for nothing else, carry on for better horizons. It's worth it to me.

In the same boat. Were together for a while. She "loved me, but wasn't in love with me", whatever that means. I'm still her best friend though, which is just...super. She's getting married in October. Spend most of my days just wanting to crawl off to a corner and die. Added bonus, I see her every day of the work week, so I can't even get distance to get over her.
How long have you been with him?
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As someone who has dealt with abuse give it time anon. It'll get easier to behave or live "normally" with your boyfriend.

You just need time. Some things will always scare you and whatnot but it does get better.

Took me little under a decade to be able to handle certain situations. Over a decade to behave normally and not have overt knee jerk reactions.

You'll get there.
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i hate on myself a lot too, but i think its because i just make so many small mistakes in life.

i should knock out, its getting a bit late for me. you have a good night anon, and everyone else here too. i wish you all the best.
Don't I know that feeling. She lives half a damn world away and still I dream about her. I know that doesn't make you feel better, but I certainly hope it makes you feel not so alone in the matter.
Damn that's bad. With mine she fucked off to another state (another country actually ...Canada here). I think you should cut her off anon, it's bad enough when you can't get them out of your head but seeing her all the time would just be torturing you. When she said she's not in love with you it means she's not infatuated and that's what she's chasing after which is a terrible thing to build a relationship on.
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>i didn't get permission for this feeltrip
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I've been with my current boyfriend for a year on the 25th. I spent a total of 4 years between the previous two boyfriends, with around a year and a half between the last one and the current one.
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You have plenty of time to adjust. It won't always feel this way, I assure you.

Ugh, don't I know it. I go between wanting to be with her all the time, and wanting to never see her again. What's worse is she still calls me all the time. Whenever something bothers her at home, or if I'm taking time off from work she'll call and tell me she misses me. Calls me in the morning telling me I need to get up for work so she can see me. But I don't really discourage it either, so I guess I'm not helping.
Drink booze anon, It helps me cope. I am having a good night watching t.v skilling cooking in RS3.
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I hate my life too, OP.
Life's shit, but it won't be forever.
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very nice, post all you have please.
No you're going to have to tell her how it's effecting you at some point.You could rationalize it and think that maybe one day you'll be able to accept that she doesn't love you "in that way" but even if that's so I bet you nine times out of 10 you won't really want to hang out with her at that point anyway. Funny how that tends to work. Similar with my ex. I keep thinking maybe I'll contact her in a year and we can re kindle a friendship or something silly like that. But really that would just mean I'm still not over her if I did that. If I'm truly over her I'd more than likely just think why on earth would I want to contact her? Hoping I get to that point eventually.
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Go sit in a public park and read.

Guaranteed eventually someone will set next to you and talk.

Plus you get to watch people being alive and doing normal stuff. It's neat. Helped me through an alone period.
I live in Aus, Almost makes me wish for a nuclear winter.
you get told as a kid, don't talk to strangers, that sticks around for ever
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This is Probably our song anons
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wish this one were bigger.
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why do people give a flying fuck about "being remembered" as compared to being gratified and enjoying every moment they can. I find the latter more rewarding than the former ever could, seeing how ya know, you'd be ded.
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sorry, anon
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here if you want to go full fucking depressing sad.
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don't be! thank you for the all the pics
this is so stupid, it's a fucking robot, it won't have home sickness, fuck the guy who made that comic
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np, always here to spread the love of gondolas
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You guys need inspiration


Join to the chat
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aw, sorry
>untouched by civilization
the landscape was formed by humans, there is even a fence
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don't be anon
>pretty much untouched
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Depressed. I waste my weekends doing nothing every weekend. Ive try to see goals like practice drawing, actually do school work stuff like that but i just end up sitting in bed doing nothing. This weekend I just listened to kpop, masterbated to futa hentai and drew a little bit. I just cant seem to motivate myself to do anything anymore.
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Are you at least somewhat good looking?

I went to a strip club about a week ago and I got to get a dance from one of the younger dancers who'd only been working for 3 weeks on that night, it was the usual shit at first but she started letting me grope, kiss and suck on her nipples.

I chalked it up to me being the only guy without gray hairs in the strip club but then she got to talking to me, getting into deep stuff while she rubs her ass and cooch on my dick, The more she talked, the more she made sense.

Some how some way, I asked her if she would believe me if I told her I was a virgin and she told me to shut up, next thing I fucking knew she put her hands on my cheeks and told me Life's a Mirror and if I look into it I'd see that I wouldn't need to come to a place like that to have a woman's attention.

There was a point when she was just sitting on my lap saying "Get the next song", when I started to walk away she held my hand, put her fingers between mine and held on until I started walking away.

Got 3 free dances out of her, she was talking about life and the universe and all that shit, for a long time I was just assuming she was using me to get a break from work.

Anyways everything she said to me has been haunting me ever since, why is this bother me so much?

>tl'dr a hooker mindfucked me with some life advice and now I can't get her off my mind
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Try out different hobbies until you find something that you actually have an interest in. You won't need motivation, you'll just innately want to do it.
>I just listened to kpop, masterbated to futa hentai
I mean its true
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What you do for a living doesn't determine who you are. If you really wanted to, you could try to talk to her some more, if possible.
How do you know human?
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I gotta be honest with you, I've placed all my chips on this one girl who lives 400 miles away and messaged me a picture with her boyfriend in the background. I'm head over heels for her and I know it's not her time I feel like I'm too damaged of a person for her.

>I hope one day I'll forget I ever posted this
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If I understand correctly, she already has a boyfriend?
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The core of all depression is stupidity. Depression is a natural response of the body to cope with grief and think away out of a situation. It's a state of relaxation and deep thinking designed to allow you to think up answers for your problem. Perpetual depression literally means you're too dumb to figure out how to solve your problems.
So fuck all the meds and the therapists. What you need is information and critical thinking. Even if you can't solve the problem atleast you would know you tried really and after that it stops being a problem. Sport helps keeping them brain chemicals in check but what you really need is information imo.
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Depression comes in many forms, my friend.

>last gondala
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Im long gone from where she was at and I probably won't go through there again.

At one point when she was just on my lap she said "Young people like us shouldn't be doing this sort of thing"

I've been in strip clubs before but this was something else, now I have this sense of longing but not for her specifically, but for an experience that most people have gone through before but I never gotten myself except once, just for pretends with a stripper who was probably feeling the same thing she was feeling
She had one before that was viewed by our circle as "the one." They broke up a few months ago. She rebounded, I don't know her history with the guy. Just feel bad that she'd have to go through more heartbreak just for my wishes.
I agree there are clinical cases where you can literally see abnormal brain activity in depression patients. Those guys need some medication because the problem is physiological. That said those aren't the majority of depressed people...
thank you kind anon for all the gondola
The best and most healthy thing you could do is get inspiration from her words of wisdom.

If she has a boyfriend at the moment, I'd just try to view her as a close friend for now despite how hard it is.
no broblem :^DDDD
Everyone is alone
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trips of truth, unfortunately Im headed for California

>tfw an Oregon stripper is more real than most California girls
I've always wanted to live in Oregon, or at least somewhere in the northwest.
If this thread 404s anytime soon, I just want to say thanks for this thread.
The people are so real it hurts, the girls were always cool but this stripper made me realize if I had been more assertive or "myself" when I was with her I'd probably actually made a real connection with a woman for oncee
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maybe she was the avatar of God and you were meant to meet her in this timeline
Loveless is such an amazing album. 10/10 easy.
I don't think I'll ever experience something like that, its like we used each other to feel like normal people our age who aren't drifting in the wind or dancing for old people for a living.
i want to cuddle with a girl
ive spent the last three months alone in my apartment
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that could totally be a good plot for a book
or one of them short movies
New thread

I think I'm realizing for the first time that I might be in love with a girl I've never met in person. I know her only through text, never seen her face or heard her voice before. But she was always there when I needed her, and sitting with her talking about nothing in a game were probably some of the most special moments of my life. I'm discovering now how much it hurts that I'll probably never meet her in person, and that the one for me is someone I'll never be with. Time has moved on from those days when I would spend hours talking with her in the early hours of the morning, and I miss those times so bitterly. Now she's busier and when we do talk it's over the weeks or months and not every day like it was.

I don't know. I think if I told her this it would end it entirely, and so I have to sit and think it quietly. I sometimes think it would have been easier on me if I never met her but then I would be missing some of the best moments of my life.

Yeah, but what kind of information?
You and me both.

I'm skinny. Girls don't like to cuddle skinny guys.
>Girls don't like to cuddle skinny guys.
You sure about that mate?
faggot you screenshotted that kek
It's from what I've heard. Said it feels like cuddling a bag of remotes.

Man I wish I could gain weight.
Oh my fuck, that's so harsh. Honestly anon I've never had a problem cuddling a skinny guy. Fat guys I imagine would be unpleasant. You'll find someone.
Yeah, ive been feeling alone as well. Like no one, just no one to talk to. All my secondary school friends are all gron up and dont like my holocaust jokes anymore, on top of that the only sane one in my family died today, just a shit time overall. The girl i use to like my old best friend is going out with. Just lifes kinda shit.
at least i got dubs ey
>at least i got dubs ey
>check em
Thanks. I hope one day I'll forget about posting these, just hope my dreams of affection don't go askew Of Mice and Men style.
Is that enter the void?
>I was in love. Still am. She's gone with someone else now.
Do you wish you'd never met her?
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stop being a fagget a live life no matter how hard it is. unless you really are in for it post pics. im drunk and wanna see someone die
You're no alone here OP
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