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Waifu thread Previous: >>725197763 The rules are very

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Thread replies: 189
Thread images: 151

Waifu thread
Previous: >>725197763

The rules are very simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Discuss yours and other's choices
>Keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>Refrain from posting porn
>Most importantly: Naps are great
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There's no reason for embarrassment
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I guess we need a way to destroy artifacts. And Rangers are a magic using class. They're like Paladins without the healing and anti-undead / evil. They're more self buffs and support / control casters with an emphasis on self damage and survival.
Misa Amane FTW
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still here
hello all you amazing people!
<3 <3 <3 <3
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Yeah, I know. But Mash refuses to come talk to me on discord. I'll let her know it can't happen anymore.

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I know they are, but I mean I tend to focus more on wizards, sorcerers and stuff like that. I prefer straight up spellcasters to classes that can just use a bit of magic, but then Pathfinder tends to require you treat things that way in the lower levels anyway.
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good morning friend! it's actually night over here! did you sleep well?
no problem miss Smug!
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So why do you think she has feelings of embarrassment?
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Well, because some of the stuff we're discussing really shouldn't be out in public and I agree. TBH I should have said 'discord or no go' a long while back but I tend to forget.
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all of these niggers
Good evening all
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Mash has also mentioned things happening in her life, as I believe it is making her fall apart.

Has she told you about what is happening?
hello miss Rem! how was your day?
I like your guitar, miss Konata!
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I haven't heard a thing about it. Just a lot of abrupt departures recently. Why?
miss Tali hello! was your day well?
is there a way to get in touch with her? I would like to make sure she's okay!
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So close, but it might as well be the moon...
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Fellow tsundere. How's your evening?

Ayyy Tali.
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still here I guess
go sleep with bradley -_-
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Well the fact I missed the get ruined my night, but other than that I'm doing okay.

Maybe that's also affecting her in a way. I don't know human psychology that well.

From what I believe she has Discord. No, I don't have it. No, I will not ask, and no, I do not advise asking.

I wanted to die, but then again if I did get it it would've been a waste and a third of /b/ would yell at me, and underaged kids would yell at me more for posting in animus
who this
Hello everyone, selection sunday is upon us
>Juvia claimed
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Morning Houki! How's it going?
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I would if there wasn't an ocean between us

just a fag

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Pretty good! Teaching a sanya-claimer to play Yu gi Oh. Yours?
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lol hi

Might be leaving to eat out late and finish a paper

What's also affecting her?
I'm sorry! I'll pretend you got it, if it helps. let me know if Mash improves!
did payday 2 finish downloading again?
Nah, calling your own sextuples is legendary. Fuck that noise.
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Catching up with some old friends over some halo 4 right now, glad I got all my important stuff done today.

Yep, and it's about time.

See above, although I'm feeling it from doing some landscaping/gardening a bit earlier today too. Sometimes old man mode kicks in after a day of outdoor work.
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have fun :)

night night
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Like I said, the stuff happening in her real life. She mentioned it a few days before.

I didn't download it, sadly.

Yet, there is someone who can do it like it's nothing much. Hell, they called their own decuplet or whatever it's called
what did they mean by this?
love-anon needs to rest, please be good people while I'm gone!
good night friend!
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I haven't heard anything about anything. She's refused to tell me about any issues. What's up?
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Hello Yui, looking cute at usual
Indeed. Honestly this is up there with Christmas for me. Although i don't get time off For this
Well nighty night then love anon
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In some places, my work included, the first day or two of the tournament is devoid of productivity. I'm part of the problem, of course.
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thanks :)
I like the touches to your hats :o
up to anything?

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That's the problem. She literally only mentioned it once and never said anything again. I was completely worried and wondered what the fuck was happening.
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Yeah, that sounds pretty great. Kind of wish I could catch up with some of my old friends but I don't honestly know where to find any of them now.
That sounds like fun, though! I'm glad you're having a good time, been a long time since I played a Halo.
Well, our low level spellcasters have still been maxing on spells and have still been effective. Pathfinder gives decent low level spells.
is this?
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Would you like to tell me what she said?
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nobody :o
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Is she okay with it being out here in the public?

If not here's my discord
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Ah right. Honestly I'm more used to 3.5, where you have barely enough spells to be useful at low levels
anya will u be my gf pls?
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Already taken, buddy.
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It's a nice way to catch up on what's going on since we're all doing our own thing now. Every now and then it turns into planning some sort of road trip to catch up in person too- it'll probably be my turn to go up and see the group of them sometime later this year.

I'm rusty as heck, but still not bad. I'd probably get murdered on a twitch shooter like CoD though. Fighters are the same, I can do things like SF or Soul Calibur, but something faster like MvC or an animu fighter is fun but a lot more harder to get good at.
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Whars up buttercup?
My day was merg but my night has been ok
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oh.. ok then. best of luck to you two
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Same here. I'm usually a pretty good worker but the first 2 days i just do next to nothing.
I'm glad you do
>communism will rise again
Just eating dinner and hanging with friends. You?
Hello love
Saber claim
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Absolutely stunning.
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Dat belly button
Yay finally
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sitting at a computer working on music as usual

just yuiposter
Ah gosh, I REALLY miss Soul Calibur 4, I played it for HOURS a few years back.
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Not too much, a lazy night after a busy day. Making some vacation plans with a group of friends right now. You?

Can't blame you though, a whole ton happens in those first two days. Upsets are my favorite part, of course.

Nice pic.
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I'm glad you're excited
How are you?
What kind of music?
Are you a nazi? be honest
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That shop is fuckign awful
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Tired but i just had a hot steamy shower.
Still trying to secure 1 of 3 jobs
There are pretty damaging cantrips available to full casters. Though most have proficiencies with ranged weapons. Support casters are fucked for damaging options.
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Hey tali
Hey juvia sorry bout yesterday
Hey hey houki still gaming it up on halo 4 i see
Ana is best idolmaster
Rory is not a loli tho
I am hallow
> claimed*
Thanks Mugi
Thanks you. Been doing good?
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1 on the Dreamcast was one of my all-time favorites, 4 would definitely be second (and not very far behind). Kinda makes me irritated that they're doing more Tekken, but not SC.

>1 of 3
Any of them a big step above what you're doing money-wise?
Angel boy best boy.
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currently semiambient electronic

as I said, nobody
Hello bewbs..i mean rias
From 12.75 to 15-25 /hr so yeah
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Oh Yes.jpg
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Alter Saber is best Saber
Ugh, I can't wait for the next SC. To be fair, 5 was godawful though. I've never played 1 or Soul Edge.
I'm not sure what you expected from a Mobile photo editor
Well that's always nice.
It's all good friend.
How are you?
Unfamiliar with the genre.
What is it like?
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Hurr hurr hurr
Well not too good but that isn't new for me, I'll spare the details
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well you know ambient? ya know, pretty boring music that seems to drone forever?
well I take that and add melody to it and make it move a little more, but not so much as to make it something else. It's (Semi)ambient.
But I am likely wrong and just making up retarded terms to validate.
who dis?
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A cute 1.png
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Yeah, I kind of wish I'd stayed in contact so we could do stuff like that. Everyone kind of just scattered though at some point. Maybe if I ever go back to my hometown I'll try tracking a couple of them down.

Yeah. Honestly I haven't played for so long my memory of this kind of thing is rusty at best. I just remember that around mid-level casters get REALLY fun. And then late-game in 3.5 they get literally bullshit.

She really is.
I agree
And when Heavens Feel comes out she'll have a lot more art and gifs
Nah there's way worse
>I miss Doll anon ;_;
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>Heavens Feel
I want this but I don't want this.
Was expecting a lewd comment tbh
...kinda disappointed
Low ball had to hit it
Like mash lol
Both mashes :^)

>one day fam
>one day
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Gaming's done, now it's time to relax here before I lose an hour of sleep.

Yeah, the usual Saturday routine- get a ton of stuff done so I can be lazy and enjoy Sunday. Mission accomplished, but barely. Weather here is warm enough to start planting, so it's been a whole lot of yanking weeds, finding vegetables to plant, and other outdoor yard work.

Very nice, what line of work? That's the sort of money that makes it a lot easier to get by on, though those CA taxes hurt.

I'm hoping some kind of announcement eventually. I'd rather they take their time and do it right since it's been so long. 5 felt like they were almost phoning it in. Who do you typically main/secondary in SC games?
Uber, lyft, and postmates
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Yes...ty for the reminder, i was unaware of that...
Ya that's right, it's spring forward tonight ain't it? Hope you had fun
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The bewbs comment was easy because rias has massive breasts
Forgot pic
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I hate to hear that.
Is there anything good going on?
Sounds legitimate to me.
Doing anything else?
Cause i know what lewd comments lead to with you
And I'm not trying to get hot and bothered tonight
I'm very fond of Cervantes. Secondary...I mean, there's nobody I'm bad with, I'd say. Probably Asteroth is my main.
Maybe i like you all hot and bothered
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Well within an erternal darkness there's a (small) glimmer of light
I know it's going to hurt but it's the most interesting route too
Worth the pain
>He was based begining to end
Sounds painful but at least Sunday is always worth it.
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drawing a tad
was watching anime earlier if that counts
why ask?
what's wrong alice? :o
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Dick worms tho.

>tfw Rinfags and Sakurafags get anime but Saberfags have to deal with the Deen one.
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This is my husbando. Sorry for the lewd pic, there isn't much of him
>bewvs xdddd
>I don't want to get you being all lewd xdddd
>hehe anon you're so hot and bothered xddddd
You'd think we were in elementary school again
Hos life treating you?
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Oh yeah there's that
>One day Ufotable will remake it...One day...
>Mfw never
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RP is cancer
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Ufotable were going to remake it, if I remember right, then they decided they'd rather do UBW instead.
N-no. S-stop now
As long as you always have something to look forward to. Like for me at the end of everything at least i get to come on here and talk to you, and Tali, and hama, and Houki and everyone else.
Sure it does!
What'd you watch?
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I'm ending this weebdom.
I enjoyed UBW but SN needs that remake so bad. It hasn't aged well either
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Again not too god unfortunately, im in a very critical situation
Ya...i jist feel like sometimes im all alone, hopeless and people only make it worse sometimes or at least kick me while im down
leave this faggots alone.Unlike us,they actually keep /b/ active.
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It wasn't good to begin with, how could it possibly age well?

Or maybe i just want a nice relaxing night of cuddling
Well shit anything to vemt about? Do you have an escape plan?
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little witch academia and kobayashi-san chi no maid dragon
both recommended so far

ah that
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what the hell were you doing in elementary school?

was alice molested? :o
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Unfortunately yeah. It doesn't mess with the sleep schedule too much, but it's yet another reminder that time overall is going by too damned fast.

Astaroth is also my main as well. Sophitia as a secondary, and Voldo when I feel like having fun.

Yeah, sometimes it's the other way around, Saturday becomes the lazy day, then Sunday is pretty much like a workday moving from one thing to another. But since it's all personal and family business, I wouldn't change a thing. Might take a vacation day or two near the end of the month to recharge mentally.

It might be worth trying- tracking someone down and seeing where life ended up for you all relative to one another. While it doesn't always turn out good for everyone, seeing some old friends after a long time is always worth it.

That's a good way of putting it. It's a nice little way to end most nights for me after everyone else here is asleep.
You're good at spamming cancer.
What are you waiting for?
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Cheer up pal, it could've been bananas!
please do
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Kinda sorta, it's pretty much a hail marry. if you're truely intrested i can talk about it on discord
Ya...it sucks....
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you're still here?
>Waifu thread

Virgin thread*

Go outside you pasty 60kg faggots, you probably all wear t-shirts in the pool.
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He's a lot of fun, he hits so hard.
Voldo is too! Especially against a human.
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You're welcome baby
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all fat people should wear a tshirt in the pool

I don't even care if you're confident or not, it's gross
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That's the thing it was bad and the animation was so poor it didn't transition well at all. Meanwhile Cowboy Bebop which is older still holds up today animation wise despite the age
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get dubs or higher
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But my belly needs sunlight
Laughs in yiddish
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still trying?
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you drive a hard bargain... how about singles instead?
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quads coming up btw
Yeah things can get pretty bad. I've felt like nobody's there for me. But then i started to talk on here and now i always know there's someone to talk to.
>no you don't
D-don't you sit here and lie to me.
What are they about?
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It can be a little difficult, though. Contacting people from my past in particular is complicated.



Yeah there's a load of really old anime that still holds up super well. That adaptation really wasn't one of them though.
hope i get trips,here goes nothing.
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Off to the gas chambers with you!
>Tanya claimed
>Will protect from jews. All jews must leave thread due to german presence.
yep :o
what i meant is thank you for the picture,added to my collection.
I really do for once tbh...
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1MB, 1920x1080px
Let's hope Ufotable has it in them to remake it after HF
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Fak m8 I guess I messed with the wrong weebs. I'll leave you niggers alone now. Youn might be one of the most cancerous tumors on 4chan, but you're the nicest niggers on /b/. Normally people get pissed, but you guys just ignore the shit. I guess this is whiy I never see weeb threads turned into spoders.
just wanted to try the weeb life,next time i'll help you derail some other threads anon.
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A cute 2.png
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Ah, right. You're welcome I guess?

We can only hope.
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Awoo girl claimed
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hirasawa yui (5).jpg
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little witch academia is about witches, in school. Basically harry potter if it were animated and replaced with cute girls.

dragon maid is about what it sounds like, dragons as maids. A very sketchy idea it is. but kyoani does well with it. has decent humor

you need to sleep :o
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Mash Kyrielight (262).jpg
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no i stopped because my community wifi kicked me again!
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Ya...too bad there are "people" that do quite the opposite in here
Hey tanya
it's pretty good
third times the charm right? your waifu is coming with me
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i'll watch it later then,thanks.
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Not gonna happen you filthy maggot. Off to the gas chambers with you.
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not today
its alright
though it is definitely a trigger animation
heh heh heh good...

your waifu must come with me... don't worry I'll take good care of her
Thread posts: 189
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