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/b/ - let's solve this once and for all. What is the master

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/b/ - let's solve this once and for all. What is the master race?

PROS: developed mordern society
CONS: too divisive amongst themselves and are physically unintimidating

PROS: the most athletically gifted race excelling in strength, speed and agility
CONS: the least developed in terms of science and social issues

PROS: the smartest race and also know kung fu and shit

Who you got?
Dam she fine
PRO: most attractive females
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Caucasian FTW
This is the same race that just elected a mango as a president. Get real.
I didn't vote for the fucker. Most people didn't.
I'd go with the Pie Faces personally. We're all going to be speaking Chinese in a few decades.
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Race war!
you couldn't be more wrong. english, or some fucked up version of it, will be spoken by about 99% of the world's population within the next century.

Hey azn, come on now.
>Physically even less intimidating than whites
>mild autism
>lactose intolerant

We need indians, latinos, arabs, native americans, j00z, slavsquats, etc in here
Sorry to say but this one clearly goes to the blacks.

Best music

Best culture

Best science

Best inventions

Best athletes

Best women
The races you listed are all categorised by Caucasian, negroid or mongoloid.
Blacks win by brute force alone. Strip all three groups back to their primal states and the nignogs curb stomp.
why ? Because we elected Trump
Yeah I should have included that in the CONS
>PROS: the most athletically gifted race excelling in strength, speed and agility

u dumb cunt niggers were selectively breed for hard labor

go to africa and you'll see skinny niggers all over
>Best science
>Best inventions
Am I the only one that read this?
Butthurt much?
there's no master race because there is no more slavery right....RIGHT
Not enough stuff to steal
Corn was a black invention.

Panglish is what we will be speaking soon
>most people didn't
>proves his autism
He didn't win by a majority though. He lost the popular vote.
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you are forgettin the latinos
(and yeah, im latino).
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>Maize (/ˈmeɪz/ MAYZ; Zea mays subsp. mays, from Spanish: maíz after Taíno mahiz), also known as corn, is a large grain plant first domesticated by indigenous peoples in Mexico[1] about 10,000 years ago.
>The history of modern-day maize begins at the dawn of human agriculture, about 10,000 years ago. Ancient farmers in what is now Mexico took the first steps in domesticating maize when they simply chose which kernels (seeds) to plant.
Whites are larger and stronger than blacks as well as better warriors
Oh yeah all of those historical black scientists... wait
Latinos are mongoloids
>not latina or asian
Hispanics are a mostly Native American and European "race", Basically a Mongoloid/Caucasian mix
You've basically got Philip Emeagwali and... Well that's probably about it.
Nice joke, anon. The Sudanese are the tallest people in the world, and black athletes dominate every other race in any sport.
You're delusional
All the strongest men in the world are white
Yes, I voted for him and you bet your ass I still support him. The man is a gift from God. He’s keeping his promises and doing what is best for this country. You can think we’re a joke, those who supported him, but in case you haven’t figured it out we jokes hold the power in this country. We put him in the White House to do exactly what he’s now doing. You can kick and scream and piss yourself laughing like a toddler all you want, but the adults took this country back this election and President Trump is making US proud. America is greater at this moment than it’s been in a very long time. Just because you see the appearance of a farce in your simplistic little mind doesn’t mean he’s not doing a damn fine job. Every leader of every other country and every citizen of every foreign land--they can all think we’re a joke, it doesn’t matter. President Trump is doing what’s best for America and we are getting stronger because of it. Trust me kid, you’ll see, very soon
Which age are you living in? There ate no warriors. And by that standard, Japanese would win by a long shot.
Jesus you must have not seen any sporting events in the past 100 years. Even "white" sports like boxing and polo are being dominated by blacks.
/b/ is so cucked
Electoral College is Unconstitutional. Every vote should be counted the same, regardless of where you live in the US. On a federal level, Wyoming citizens have more electoral votes per person than I do in Illinois. Should be equal, no matter where you sleep at night.
>gift from good
Fuck off Jesus freak

eat shit...
Mob rule
We're a constitutional republic
Not a direct democracy
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You have to go back
Spanish people are hispanics though so what do we call central and South Americans?
All them negros running roughshod in the NHL
Nice bait.
I'm saying to change it to majority vote. Don't give a fuck about what it's called now, or anything else. Get rid of the college, go go majority vote. It's the measure of election for every other government office. Federal, state, local. All use majority. Why something different for the presidency?
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