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Rekt thread you fucks. Post the most brutal shit you got.

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 366
Thread images: 104

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Rekt thread you fucks.
Post the most brutal shit you got.
>mfw the entire platform backs away from him.
Y'all were perfectly content <10 seconds ago, but the moment he dies it becomes a problem?
that's one way to get a comfortable sit in the metro
Right? It's like they don't even want that dead ass niggas blood and guts on them.
File: baby attacked by dog.webm (1MB, 400x400px) Image search: [Google]
baby attacked by dog.webm
1MB, 400x400px
Daw, that actually made me feel happy. Thanks anon!
What an Asshole
This is one of the reasons you don't grab jumpers.
Instead of being killed instantly by the train, he has to go through that shit.
Also if you don't anticipate the weight properly, you could end up killed, too.
>not even once
Saved for when I need a feel-good moment.
That dude jumped late, he wouldn't have died instantly.
you spin me right round baby round round
happy Easter?
>Fans the flames
The grabber didn't died anon
wtf! Where is the rekt?
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Fake and gay
fake and gay
It happened on live tv
>img unrelated
I do believe it's real
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gay conversion therapy.webm
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Boon fight.webm
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Obviously never heard of stop, drop, roll. Just sit there then. How bout dah!
It is staged. Of course fake and gay
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Brazil execution.webm
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>black people
is this bait? Gota be bait right?
Yeah .. no it's not.
Still in upper 5% of nigger iq
Why no blood?
What movie is this from?
is that in a ball pit? lol wtf
that doesn't work when you're covered in flamable
Nerve gas
Theft/general nigger behaviour/drugs
There would be, just internally
Riot 2012, sometimes called GBH
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moustache gas
When the bongos hit hard
Das it mane
internal bleeding
God damnit everytime i think i seen it all. /b/ provides a moment like this.
When you steal Francis his mountain dew
this fag needs death now
gake and fay
Typical nigger
>Made in China
Okay this has to be one of the worsts rekts I've seen
I seen this yesterday and I want to freaking know what the hell happened.
I think she stole drugs from them
File: This Man is Having a Bad Day.webm (1MB, 320x240px) Image search: [Google]
This Man is Having a Bad Day.webm
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>chinese regruations
>arow for chearhp buirdings and rides

Is this really fake or are retards just calling it fake because ISIS shoots videos with such high quality now?
Requesting the webm with the terribly ugly young guy with the weird hairdo talking to his murder before he gets shot.
>shit camera
>raggedy clothes
>brown people
look at the "blood" if youve seen real blood you that shits fake.

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What's happening? Is everyone happy of angry?

The cut scenes are an obvious giveaway and the blood is basically paint.

that dude is a beast for hanging on so long

i wonder if he survived
Wait.. I can get paid to suck my own dick?
Yes, I guess.

Can someone explain what the fuck happened here?

why the fuck are they standing in front of the yellow line? for fucks sake people
> i wonder if he survived
he didn't
why are you fucks finding enjoyment out of something like this?

let them rip

cause female cops arent totally fucking worthless
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Wrong car nigger..webm
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This is now a When Animals Attack thread
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Niggers at the atm.webm
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>sexy females in uniform

It's real.

Either newfags are trying to fit in by doing some "fake and gay" epic trolls or people are genuinely retarded and actually believe it's fake.

It's ISIS. It's a propaganda video. This is what ISIS do. It's far more economical and powerful to get a child to shoot a man in the heads than it is to fake a video of a child shooting a man in the head.

Perhaps people just have a hard time coming to terms with how fucked up the world is.
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Hammer time.webm
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why does no one seem to figure out this is fake?
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zoo animals attack.webm
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Lol yes it is you fucking twit
what is happening here?
Are... Are you retarded? Are you literally fucking retarded? Why the hell would you even say that? Because it's an anonymous board and no one knows who you are? Do you not feel embarrassment? Do you not wish to kill yourself? Are you not going to say sorry, for saying something like that? Do you see all these people? They all think you're retarded now. It doesn't matter that you posted anonymously, they know that this comment - that very comment, has been written by a chromosome-less retard. They know that you are the biggest failure on earth and the death of you will only mean raising the IQ of this world. Please, I ask of you, with all fellow /b/tardas, kill yourself, in the most painful way possible. End it, your and our suffering of your complete stupidity, of your lack of self awareness, and of your completely irrational judgement call to say such a completely retarded thing. My regards to your mentally ill mother and your brain dead father, for creating such an abomination as yourself. Remove yourself from existence. May your final meal consist of rat poison and nails, and wash it all down with bleach, retard.
Because it is not, that vid has been around so long that they did not even had video editing programs.

Also there was this thing where they had a week long man hunt for the guys.
It's still more boner inducing than the rest of the shit posted here. Maybe only >>724800587 is hotter.
I guess the fact that it's dead makes it a little less horrifying
For real, what a weak bitch
buckle up kids.
File: We are on fire.webm (683KB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
We are on fire.webm
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well, can you suck your own dick?
eternal bleeding
File: buckle up.webm (2MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
buckle up.webm
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>buckle up
My spirit animal
She was going to fill a grill of some kind. There was vapor/gas in the bottle. Not extinguishing the flame first caused the gas to ignite, flame goes into the bottle and the expanding gasses caused the fuel to spray out of the bottle.
The perfect flamethrower for grilling a chinese woman.
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Keep your gaurd up bitch.gif
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Nigger lover

I don't know how many things I've read from the gay community that says this shit isn't real. Of course it is. This is normal homosexuality.
Clearly they cook a little bit more then just sushi
>methlab explosion
you're fake
If I were to guess.
Might have been trying to steal copper wire or something
Trying to steal copper piping I think. Got raped.
U got me, anon
This is why in the US, female cops has the biggest, baddest cop as their partners
Duude his frigging flesh melted and his hand is now glued to the power thingie
African dental surgery
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Her names sharkesha anons. Kek

Thanks, anon.
Kentucky fried nigger
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Thanks Anon. I needed that smile.
mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/sickening-new-isis-video-shows-9589888 u kiddin' me nigguh, right ?!

lol I was in that thread.

A true /b/tard.
>When you dump STR instead of CHA
File: neck rubb.webm (2MB, 352x640px) Image search: [Google]
neck rubb.webm
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I have a feeling that guy is a retard(like literally a retard)

Im fuming right now. I sure fucking hope those scum were brought to justice.
Does anyone know if the girl lived?
Jeez, take a sit dude
shes cute. why not rape her instead of this shit?
and why the smartphone on her head?
They're happy. Hence the intense tipping.
Why are you milennials so fucking retarded, and incapable of critical thought?
File: Where is your god now,,,, yo.webm (2MB, 400x272px) Image search: [Google]
Where is your god now,,,, yo.webm
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File: Did he die.webm (1MB, 352x640px) Image search: [Google]
Did he die.webm
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Wonder why they didn't rape her. She's pretty fuckable
File: dog throws in the towel.webm (937KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
dog throws in the towel.webm
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Mad that you are wrong? Kek
heh. good ol china
Of course it is, it's from a fucking movie
File: home invasion.webm (2MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
home invasion.webm
2MB, 480x360px
She cheated, this was the punishment. he dint mean to kill her, the phone is added because she was texting or something.

>She is a nigger anon why would you wanne fuck that.
>I'll just have a bit of a lie down

Shit nigger, what did you think was going to happen?
How can that happen?
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>death of you will only mean raising the IQ of this world.
it doesnt.
File: brass knuckles.webm (2MB, 480x480px) Image search: [Google]
brass knuckles.webm
2MB, 480x480px
IPhone 7 stress test
File: boar hunt with a sink.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
boar hunt with a sink.webm
2MB, 640x360px

Did they find the guys? Did the girl live?
EMT here, blood can and does look/act like this. It's a very varied thing, movies just have consistency (For the most part)
'Cause she isn't dying yet

and ppl wonder why im racist
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He was probobly stealing anon. That's the only way they learn.

if youve seen ppl get shot in the head

whats the story?
good god hes a tank
Oh great i've never seen one of these before
You more of a fedora or a trilby kinda guy?
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Leon Trotsky.jpg
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Racism is nearly observing the differences between people who lived in isolation for a long period of time and evolved unique traits and characteristics

Now one thing about the European and Asian blood tho, because Europeans and Asians have more population groups (family trees) and much shorter / younger family trees the African and arab genetics are more dominate

The media is using the term genetic diversity for a old population group who lived in isolation for a long time. This is where the misconception of African Negroids being more genetic diverse comes from aswell (the African family trees(main ethnic African groups) are bigger and have longer branches but the rest of the world Asians and Europeans have more family trees

Because of this long isolation these genetic groups(trees) gained genetic dominant genes true interbreeding and strengthening genetics by keeping a selecting the same set of genetics over and over again generation after generation

All other so called junk DNA, that causes the unique mutations needed for evolution and diversity decay with every copy reducing mutations within the population group

This is the cause of "regression" to the average mean denominator.

Now you call some one a racist , but by being a racist you are preventing regression to the mean avg and in fact protecting diversity and the unique specialized traits of humans that would simply disappear by gene mixture coming from outside the group that developed these unique advanced traits and ability's, resulting in regression to the mean avg and loss of this trait/ability

Not having the diverse groups isolated from each other, developing and evolving unique traits and abilities does not allow the population groups to adept to disease etc and survive bottleneck events

We need to protect this diversity and ensure the survival of the genetic uniqueness of these groups and not have them regress to the avg norm which is void of ability and specialization of genes
isnt this about the thread with the guy who said it was harder to strangle someone, than in movies?
File: anatomy_of_a_cat.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
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upload this shit to jewtube.
I was fucking scared to click on this until I read the comments
god damn it sharkisha
this was 13 minutes before the shooting at the orlando night club
Why are black people allowed?
''and the quarterback is toast''
File: Amoebas vs. Protozoans.webm (376KB, 480x320px) Image search: [Google]
Amoebas vs. Protozoans.webm
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babysiter, so she didnt grabbed the kid and ran to neighbors. nig comes in demands checkbook.
She is the babysiter so she doesn't knows.
he didnt like that. beats her in to brain damage and trows her down the stairs, he never found the checkbook.
spot on
what a nigger
youtube censor
File: go up up somewhere else_vid.webm (1MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
go up up somewhere else_vid.webm
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omg for a second i though some fucked up shit was gonna go down, idk if i could handle and puppy and baby at once, good job mate
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


People wonder why I keep a loaded glock on me incase a nigger comes close
Are you always this retarded, anon?
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forty kekes.jpg
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kek fucking
Don't listen to >>724806816 he's an idiot making shit up
It's the kid's mother
The nigger b&e beats the shit out of her and robs the place.

The sign on the ride says, "Human Trebuchet."
If it's any consolation, the nigger is probably still in jail
File: farmer.gif (2MB, 320x240px) Image search: [Google]
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You ain't doing shit with the glock after being sucker punched with a knuckle duster
that nigga is in jail nao?

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Multikulti JA! Danke Mama Merkel!
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I remember that.
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i heard that obama pardoned him.
Faded shot at the end...he surviived?!
If I were to guess.
Was riding on top of the train and fell
File: invasion.webm (1MB, 426x240px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 426x240px
Mm hmm
You know I'm all for most of the stuff I see around here. But when I see this it makes me kinda angry you know, like I'd rek that bitch. I know it's a nigglet but it's still a baby.

No idea
I just remember the initial news report
File: Wasted.webm (2MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 720x404px
Jesus those punches started in the next county.

fucking stupid dog, can someone post a video of a dog getting rekt?
Damn, props to the byofriend/husband there, I imagine if there weren't fucking 20 of them he could have held his own.
But hey, scavengers travel in packs.

He deserved all of that. Make a big show out of some dumb shit. Lesson learned.
hang in there
i'll pretend this is mud
of course no blood she is black !! ,
Why are refugees all adult males?
thx anon
File: chimplets.webm (1MB, 224x400px) Image search: [Google]
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its a nigglet anon, your emotions are irrational, plain suicidal even.
No shit, Sherlock
Where do I find her? I need to marry this one.
I was there.
I would murder this bitch and be justified in doing it
This is why you don't have this sort of shit being done by WAITRESSES. Holy fuck.

She should be in prison for stupidity. This isn't a freak accident, it's negligence.
shit the Jurassic Park dude that stole all the DNA knows how to throw hands
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Read the file name
>2:191-193 Fight and kill unbelievers until “religion is Allah’s,” i.e. Islamic law rules all societies
Bb gun?
Nice comeback, retard.
Don't be racist anon, they clearly are all just children with doctorates and engineering degrees!
I want to do this.
niggas being niggas since they can walk
>White are racists.
>Niggers hitting people for being white.
File: yep it`s a nigger.jpg (201KB, 800x800px) Image search: [Google]
yep it`s a nigger.jpg
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hay i was about to say that
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Only a nigger
It was real.
You know those signs that warn you not to go near high voltage equipment?

This is what happens when you ignore those signs.
Pedro, Juan, Jorge and Enrique, you should all be ashamed of yourselves. Now go sharpen those machetes.
you little shit head, you stole my video!!!!
Welcome newfriend
fuck off ahmed durkagoat
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no i believe that is a .22 she died btw, pretty sad seeing those genetics go extinct because an emotional incompetent nigger that lost his job because of his own fuck ups.

>he used to be her camera man
The electrics wont let him let go
Filename are for pussies
They need to sharpen their swords.
File: Black people are racist.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Black people are racist.webm
1MB, 1280x720px
wow! mean words! over the internet!
is that kid asleep or the cartoon is good?
Man his shins are gonna KILL when he wakes up.
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go be a nigger somewhere else.jpg
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File: Rast stop.webm (2MB, 720x410px) Image search: [Google]
Rast stop.webm
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This guy was probably a vegetable for the rest of his life.
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Whatever she's being paid to do that its not enough
>ive never even held a gun before so im qualified to make shit up and pretend i know stuff
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soo that is what boogie2988 does to his pet's
This is the type of shit that I just can't understand...bitch..you know you are dead..why are you letting them kill you? DO SOMETHING. Attack them, run, something. You're guaranteed dead if you do nothing, why not try anything?

If you can reach it with your gut in the way.
That's not her child. It's stolen.

A female cop on patrol on her own confronting a group of young men, only in fairy brained EU imaginary utopia.
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how pathetic is your img folder?
Oh imagine a napalm bombing right there
I imagine they can make your death even more painful if you try something.
Dig your eyes out, pull your nails, shit like that. Better to just get it over with sometimes.

i fucking died
thank goodness that's not a hate crime
*let it rip
T. 13 year old who plays cod and think he knows about guns
my dude, there are some lines you just shouldn't cross.
China = death trap
it's not 1970, fyi.
This is why black lives dont matter
You're still retarded.

>HuurDurr I'm unable to figure out simple shit for myself.
Oops, looks like they hit her reset button and she went back into monkey mode.
His eyes moved.
File: Culture of blacks.webm (848KB, 479x479px) Image search: [Google]
Culture of blacks.webm
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the muscles relaxed
It pounced on him like the majestic bengal tiger
It was a babysitter you dumb fuck stop making shit you don't know up. The reason there's a camera is because they suspected abuse from the babysitter. Why the fuck would a woman record herself sitting with a stolen child
"What are you going to d*ooof"
not often you see a 1 on 1
wjat u tslkin abiut?

im alibe, judt typi n with stunps
relax, its fake
I don't know if it is from a movie or what, but this is sad as fuck

someone is butthurt if not delicious pasta
Newfags love to eat pasta
some anon told the back story to this the guy rolling around is the grabber not the jumper from what i know the jumper ende up in the little gap and lived unharmed the grabed well is dead
>tfw no asian gf to come flying at high speeds towards you
File: Nigger VS amberelance.webm (1MB, 400x296px) Image search: [Google]
Nigger VS amberelance.webm
1MB, 400x296px

Then why did you ever venture away from tumbler?
just dropping the misses off at the Honey Wax
>beep beep
And here we see why niggers grow up to be niggers.

shit where is this from? story?
It's a hot pot/in-table grill place. The grill ran out of fuel so the waitress was refilling it, but there was still enough heat present on the grill to ignite the fuel vapors. The vapors sucked back into the tube and rapidly expanded, causing the fuel to spray out violently and ignite.
Not even close. But that's just a child. I don't care what color you are, if you're a child you're innocent.
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it is not, Statistically this happens allot.
>this much projection
Agar.io IRL
sadly she died. died the second the bullet touched her skin. she had a severe lead allergy
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No anon it is because of their genetics, nurture over nature never been proven.
lol that stupid fucking laugh on her face is priceless
people will do anything to get the ice cream man to stop
honestly whats wrong with the eastern hemisphere? i feel like all the fucked up stuff happens in China, India, Philippines, some African Country etc. Then there's Brazil, don't even get me started on Brazil.
File: But the children.webm (1MB, 426x240px) Image search: [Google]
But the children.webm
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>, if you're a child you're innocent
it doesnt you raging naive imbecile.
>Spouting memes because I'm a retard.
>eastern hemisphere
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it goes a bit deeper then color tumblranon
this is the woman that got beaten up by the father of the child
I think she sued him but he didn't went to prison after they saw this video or some such

would kill her if that were my child
slowly and painfully
That's a nigger

The spirit animal of all 4chins.
world's greatest mom
are you sure?
>i believe that is a .22
It's a Glock 19 9mm. .22s do not have any appreciable recoil.
da white man keepin us down yall
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Black and white.jpg
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How are you even imaging this niglet to be your child.
you have to be a women that lacks the genetic ability to judge dangers
Looks like a sub panel for electric. Probably tried to do a little nigging and got zapped pretty bad. On the left side you can see it burned some nig off him. Guess that's what they all need?
this is a meme free board kiddo
i watched the whole vid of this and they saw another guys head off and put on a waltzer then spin it around, it's fucking hilarious they filmed the whole thing at an abandoned funfair.
he needs to get lower if he's going for a tackle
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The thing is abortion is typically illegal and dangerous in 3rd world shit bowls of countries.

But sudden infant death syndrome is not and its safe for everyone else but the infant.
File: LondonMarket.webm (1MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
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nigger must have big hands.
obviously nerve gas
If you're so stupid that you couldn't work out what was happening in that webm, then you are retarded.
Where's the newspaper article?
File: Road kill.webm (1MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Road kill.webm
1MB, 640x360px
This is indoctrination. The child is being taught this behavior. It's not like he came up with that all on his own you fucking twat.
Always been curious, how hard would it be to get all those tacs back out?

Also, can't you get an embolism that way?
File: Nigger shot.webm (683KB, 600x338px) Image search: [Google]
Nigger shot.webm
683KB, 600x338px
All she had to do was have sex with me to preserve her genes but she didn't and now she is paying the price. it's all her fault
File: fucking niggers.gif (2MB, 240x180px) Image search: [Google]
fucking niggers.gif
2MB, 240x180px
File: Every body frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry.webm (309KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Every body frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry.webm
309KB, 640x360px
making him not innocent either way blacks are born violent.
File: burka driver.webm (292KB, 360x360px) Image search: [Google]
burka driver.webm
292KB, 360x360px
I never once asked what was happening in the webm and you should project more
they were blank bullet.
File: Muslims in canada.webm (2MB, 528x304px) Image search: [Google]
Muslims in canada.webm
2MB, 528x304px
File: Monster Kill.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Monster Kill.webm
1MB, 1280x720px
This is why black lives dont matter>>724808579
N i g g e r s a r e n t p e o p l e
Then why were you getting so butthurt, you faggot?
File: up the wall.webm (1MB, 400x224px) Image search: [Google]
up the wall.webm
1MB, 400x224px
Happy International Women's Day!
File: Fuck'd.webm (939KB, 490x320px) Image search: [Google]
939KB, 490x320px
Yeah. In the shooting.
did he survived?
I must know.
that shit was badass
Newfags love to eat pasta
A statement is butthurt?
File: Shaun Bean ko`s traitors scum.webm (1MB, 800x450px) Image search: [Google]
Shaun Bean ko`s traitors scum.webm
1MB, 800x450px

File: Niggers in the parking lot.webm (1MB, 202x360px) Image search: [Google]
Niggers in the parking lot.webm
1MB, 202x360px

Ok, that's cool as fuck.
Yeah. Its fucking obvious that you remain conscious after a quick decapitation, tho some silly fags disagree.
File: nigoween.webm (1MB, 352x240px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 352x240px
Getting hit in the head with a hammer can't be good for your brain....
holy shit, cool
>because of their genetics
Never been proven either you embarrassment to the white race.
File: Dont touch my car nigger.webm (2MB, 400x240px) Image search: [Google]
Dont touch my car nigger.webm
2MB, 400x240px
Fucking hell, you really are painfully stupid.
Suicide or extreme stupidity.
File: do you even lift bro.webm (281KB, 368x656px) Image search: [Google]
do you even lift bro.webm
281KB, 368x656px

melanin http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886912000840

>wat is the aggression (warrior) gen
File: isis flag raising.webm (2MB, 2048x1152px) Image search: [Google]
isis flag raising.webm
2MB, 2048x1152px
You feel better buddy? Get it all out.
Thread posts: 366
Thread images: 104

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