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feels thread

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feels thread
I'm tired of waking up everyday. I don't want to wake up tomorrow but I would like today to be a very good day.
today will be a good day for you, i promise
today at work i thought about coming home and cutting my wrists in the bathtub. i feel thats the only relief from waking up everyday to do the same boring ass job, with no love in my life its hard to see a good ending to my life
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You think finding love will make it better.

It won't.

You'll just be in the same boring job, doing the same boring life.

But you'll have someone to care about.

Someone to feel ashamed to.
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what's got you down, friends?
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Still living with parents at 31,
Social anxiety
r9k confusing lust with love

I have found that actual love is findable, and likely comes about in your 30s once your shit is straight

Teenage lust -- well, yeah, you probably missed out

Silly victim mentality niggas
Currently experiencing that teenage shit. It feels good even though I know it will end pretty soon
fucking lies, no day has ever been good and the chances of a good day is non existant
>keep trying to wake up early 'to feel better' and make the most out of my day
>wake up early
>stay in bed til 4:00pm because I'm alone and bored all day, doing the same shit day in day out
thats what my life has been for the past 4 years or so. Been trying to do something about it but each time I do something it fails after like a week of starting it
Have you tried doing something you haven't done since you were a kid? For the past couple weeks or so I've been cycling up to the beach after dark and just doing kid shit - sliding down the sand dunes etc. Maybe the nostalgia will break whatever purgatory you're in for a while.
If you would like today to be a good day, go out and fucking make it so.

It sucks that you feel this way Anon, but in the wise words of Kendrick (or rather, his Grandmother)

"Shit don't change 'til you get up and wash your ass, nigga."

Go out and fucking seize happiness.

If you're going to ignore this and decide to keep waiting for happiness to fall into your lap, you might as well not wake up tomorrow. You've been asleep this entire time, and you're staying asleep, because it's easier and there's less risk.

Make a fucking change, dude. Help yourself.
I never really changed much, its weird in a sense, even people I knew really well went through 'phases' and such. I never really cared enough to bother being something else than I was so I always did the same shit really.
In the recent years I just started adding more stuff to what I was already doing. I didn't party much or anything when I was younger and pretty much the whole of last year was about partying, drink, drugs and other shit. I've matured and added more age appropriate things to my life.

I listened to a lot of music when I was a kid, I do that even more now + keep learning to play new instruments to produce my own music.
I just lack purpose in life, nothing is working out and I just don't wanna end up being nothing and work a day job forever and hate life. Whats the point? even if I get to do 'fun' things in between its not gonna make things worthwhile if I don't amount to something bigger at the end of it, but each time I try I fail miserably and get depressed over it, it makes trying again more difficult but I do anyway, it just takes a long time and the wait is killing me...
I'm not best with women, I'm not a very social person. I spent all of 2016 emotionally invested in a girl who just fucked me over in the end. I always gave her attention and the validation she wanted. We did have some very good times, some very memorable times. She would let me touch her and kiss her but she never had intentions of having sex with me. And once I stopped giving her the validation she wanted she began fucking one of my friends, doing things that she would never let me do to her. She never even touched my dick or anything and only kissed ME like 5 or 6 times. she was also banging another friend of mine on and off but they've been a thing for a years don't care about that too much. I feel so much hatred towards her.

Been talking to this one chick lately. We chilled the other night. Shes not a looker but I find myself strangely attracted to her. She has a boyfriend but she told me she had a great time hanging out and wants to chill again soon. I'm just gonna hang with her from time to time and see if anything happens between her and her bf.
Stop quitting after a week.
Hey, it's great that you're actually making an effort. Having the will to change your life is like half of the solution already.
This is a shot in the dark, but are you alone? I feel as though if you're doing everything you can to make your life meaningful and it just isn't working, it may be because there's nothing - or noone - in your life worth living for. That's certainly the case for me right now anyway.
I was once obsessed with this one girl and suddenly she stopped talking to me. Didn't know why so I waited an entire summer for her to come back so we could talk. Turns out some cunt was spreading rumors about her "on my behalf" so she genuinely thought it was me, and being a woman she obviously didn't want to even consider an option where I was innocent, just fucked over by some guy that possibly had a crush on her and was jealous that she wanted to spend time with me instead.
I don't think girls are worth obsessing about. Even now theres this group I'm in, and one of the girls (who has a bf) seems to be into me, similar situation to yours. We hang out every now and then, she just comes to me. I'm trying to not let things go too far since I'm friends with her bf. A part of me is jealous that shes with him, but on the other hand I don't wanna let it go to my head, don't wanna imagine 'what if' anymore because it ends badly every fucking time... Like I said man, I wouldn't obsess too much about a girl.

I don't know what I'm trying to say really, just wanted to vent out in a way because we're sort of on the same boat
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>she's not a looker but I find myself strangely attracted to her for some reason
Green flag right there, I'd tell you to go for it if it wasn't for the other bf. Shit can be so complicated sometimes huh
We met briefly about a week ago, and we know the same people. A few days ago she started messaging me online saying how she saw me somewhere but was unsure if it was me... Ever since we've been texting and I asked her to chill one night. She texted me the next day saying that she had fun. I'm just gonna scope things out for now.
>wake up
>realise is a normie
I don't think you understand me. I don't just say "oh well, thats too hard, better quit!", I quit because its the only option left. Like not being able to fund college because parents won't support me even tho they said they would and I can't get any student grants because I already used it up on a course which I had to withdraw from unfortunately. Shit that just doesn't work out and the only option left is to let go.

I am, in a way... I have friends they just live too far for me to visit them as often as I'd like to (costs too much to get a bus/train and food etc)

I just ended up moving back to my parent's since I can't afford to do anything else atm. Being on my own isn't too bad, like I'm used to being alone so I don't mind. I just need something to wake up to, something to work towards like college or a career or whatever. I just don't wanna waste my life in years that are meant to be the best years of my life. I don't know why everything I do isn't working out, its like when you fuck up once its hard to recover from that and you just keep fucking up. I always had an idea of what to do, but I can feel like I'm slowly running out of options and it scares me, makes each day stressful as fuck
Yeah man you and are very similar in both situations. I now realize no girl is worth is getting crazy about, literally no girl. I stopped talking to her over a month ago and haven't looked back, still feel sad sometimes of what could have been. This girl is legitimately insane and just hoes around and friendzones any guy that does some sort of good to her. I acted like an asshole to her and she seemed more interested yet she never let me fuck. We would sleep together but nothing more than me fingering would occur, it was torture.

I don't know this new girl too well. We just met. But she seems interested enough, enough to hang out with some stranger. We had fun and were making plans to hang out again soon. I'm just take things in stride and see if any sort of opportunity arises, you know. But thanks for the advice, fuck bitches don't let them get you.
I know it sounds like optimistic bullshit, but trust me, there's always another way. Even if you have to restart and try again.

I know you've already thought through what you think is ever possible scenario, but think about it again, and again, and again until you can manipulate the world around you and bend the rules to benefit you.

There's always a way to make something work in your favor. Just keep thinking about it. You'll come up with something if you want it bad enough.
Once a girl realizes you're somewhat 'desperate' to get her attention she'll feel in power and do shit to boost her own ego. Thats what girls do, not all tho, rarely, but it happens that a girl just wants someone to care about her so she's fine with one guy's attention. But for the most part chicks like to tease and go after every guy they can. I just stopped being all nice and giving them more attention that they deserve. I'm trying to play it cool now, thats why that girl from my group seems to like me, its sort of like desperately wanting something you can't have. I can see that other guys in my group are trying really hard to get her to like them, and they are much better looking than I am so if she chooses me over them, then it just proves my theory. I don't like being a cunt so I'm not being one, but I'm not being overly nice or anything, just so they can't toy with me and if anything were to happen, I'd have the upper hand since its HER that wants my attention and not the other way around. This and just being natural, I don't really bother pretending to be something I'm not and I suppose thats what makes a little more 'interesting' than the other guys in my group that try hard, but fail.

If she has a bf, I'd say don't get too emotionally invested in her, be a good friend but not a toy, chances are she might enjoy the company of a guy friend, and not a potential boyfriend. So stay cool man, if she wants to be with you I'd say one thing will lead to another and she might break up with her current bf and then you might jump in and go for the kill. Until that happens tho, like I said man, don't get too obsessed. From what you're saying I think you're already doing that so you're fine, just don't let your guard down. Girls can be cool, but its hard to tell with some of them so you gotta stay cautious
Having a very similar experience., She's after me but because I'm not giving her the attention she normally so easily gets from all these other schmucks, she's acting out in front of me and trying to get me to react.

Fucking top kek when I couldn't give ha;f a shit about the bitch and she's eventually going to make a move, let me fuck her, and then I'll probably just stop talking to her.

Shame she's such a whore though. She's really fun to smoke weed with.
>Being on my own isn't too bad, like I'm used to being alone so I don't mind
Sure, but maybe finding someone worth living for will put the meaning back in your life, give you a reason to get out of bed n all that. Whether it's a girl, a new best friend or even a new pet, I've found that the best way to change your perspective is to have it changed by someone you care about. Or maybe I'm just projecting, idk.

Either way you gotta break the mold somehow. If picking up new things isn't working and you don't feel like finding someone new will help then maybe you just need to do something absolutely crazy. Go hiking or try playing in front of an audience, just something that wakes your brain up and gets you feeling alive again.

Four years of purgatory sounds like a hopeless cause, but I promise you'll get somewhere if you keep trying new ideas. The only things you need are a little creativity and a lot of trial and error.
Also nice trips
Yea man I get you, my mom seems to have a similar way of thinking as mine and she told me that she used to be worried all her life but things ended up working themselves out anyway so theres no need to worry. I'm not really worried, I just can't help but feel like I should already have something going on in my life, and as it stands, I probably won't be doing shit for another couple of months at least, just lack of opportunities, things take a long time to cook.
Its the uncertainty that kills me man, I can work towards something for a whole year and theres a 50/50 chance it'll succeed, but so far it hasn't and its very demoralizing, not knowing if something will work is stressful as fuck man.
Thanks for sharing and the feedback anon. If you really want her why not make a move? Invite her over and watch a movie or something. See if she wants to sit down right next you or something, that should be enough for you to make your move.

If I soon realize I don't have a chance with this girl I'll still chill with her. She's really cool. Her and I are passionate about the same things and are into the same hobbies and activities. I feel like I made a good first impression with her. I kept her attention, kept her engaged, we had some laughs and had some interesting conversations. Drank some beer and smoked some weed. She told me she had a great time so I'm happy about that. She brought a friend along and he was chill too, it wasnt her bf though.
Oh no doubt man, having someone to care for is great, but I know I'll just feel like shit having a gf or whatever when I'm at the state I am in, I've no job, no education, sit at home all day trying to figure my shit out, no money, no car no thing, I'd feel like a drag that can't 'provide' when I'm at the age (21) where I should probably have these things sorted out. Maybe I'm exaggerating and these things aren't relevant, but for some reason I feel like I'm 'not ready' to have someone to care for, like I wouldn't have anything to bring to the table and I know it'll make me feel worthless.

I've started a band but it'll take awhile to put all the pieces together and actually be ready, its my only life line atm so I've high hopes for it, it just takes time once again.

I don't intend on giving up, it just sucks that I haven't figured out anything stable already
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I hear you bro, you keep at it and something's bound to change. I'll be thinking about you till then, have a rare pepe on me.
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i can't stop thinking about her, most of me says shes never coming back, but a small part of me just wont let go

how do i move on?
I like her, I mean all guys that hang out with her do, she seems to like me too.
Theres several problems with it tho
>her bf is a good friend of mine
>I live too far to see her
>I'm not so sure about her (saw her making out with a random guy in a club when her bf wasn't around. Apparently she was in bed with one of our mutual friends when, once again, bf wasn't around)
If I did make a move I'd ruin a friendship with a decent guy and possibly get cheated on anyway since I won't be there all the time. She's sweet and seems innocent and we have a ton in common, but give her a couple of drinks or drop some E's with her and she'll be sucking off the next guy that shows up. I don't think I'm into that so I just stay neutral and don't try to think about her too much.
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Fuck man, that was exactly me like a few weeks ago. I got through it by making a ton of songs using the raw feels I had, though that probably won't work if you're not an artistic person. I'll be pressing F for you tonight anon.
Time will either heal the wound or make it rot. Until then, turn your sadness into anger and hit the gym.
yeah, because I want to live lika a stupid movie because I cannot tell the different.
sure. wohever wrote that should turn off the tv for a bit. the real mistake of him was to spend his youth in front of a fucking telly or in the cinema.
I mean pussy is pussy, so why not right? But you should definitely tell her bf that she's a fucking whore...then you can fuck her with no consequence
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was always good at writing, maybe i'll do something with that
> oh yeah,I'm gonna improve I'm life by choosing something artsy
> from now on everything will be awesome

you know, don't choose the hard way if you already have trouble walking on a normal and soft path.
just saying.

this is not a movie plot.this is life. go handle it.
Poetry, short stories, song lyrics, anything that gets the feels out of your head and onto paper. It won't work immediately but it'll increase the healing process by a ton.
Like I said, she's genuinely sweet and innocent, when she's sober, shes a good friend of mine and i like to chill with her, don't really wanna ruin that just to get some easy pussy. This and the fact I don't want to be a snitch and ruin our friend group. If she doesn't tell her bf herself then its her problem and her guilt she has to live with, I don't think her bf would leave her either, hes understanding and they'll most likely just 'have a talk' about a thing or two and resolve it, its like telling her she can't get away with it anymore, leaving me with the guilt of snitching which i really don't wanna have. Besides, if he broke up with her so she can be with me, then he'll find out one way or another and I'll lose a friend I don't think I wanna lose, he's that kind of guy that 'gets' it and is somewhat normal as opposed to my other friends that I do like, they just have some things about them that I can't bring myself to like, i just tolerate it
God-tier feels music
If he's your bro you gotta look out for his well being, even if it will fuck you over. But if he's a duck and is cool with her fucking other dudes then whatever. And don't make her your girl because all shell do is hurt you by cheating...once a cheater always a cheater. Bang her a couple times and let it go.
>wife of 2 years leaving me
>dated 4 years before marriage
>love each other
>helped her get over being raped and the death of her mother
>feed her when she won't feed herself
>support her and myself on walmart pay
>she wants kids
>I don't have money
>not to mention all of our combined mental health issues
>tell her I can't morally raise a kid like that
>she's leaving
>can't work because of mental health so she'll probably be getting pounded by old men for cash
>she's laying next to me now
>I feel sick knowing she's actively looking for a way out now

What do I do?
Cuck not duck***
That sounds wonderful really
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Fuck anon, I don't even know what to say to that. Hope everything works out for you okay bro.
I genuinely don't have a clue how to help you out here, seems too serious for me to guess.

But from what you explained there, it seems like she's confused and doesn't know what to do, maybe a mental illness of some sort? very irrational with the whole having kids thing and her leaving, what does she want really, if she has a kid she can't leave so how come it makes it ok to leave now without kids?
I'd suggest to hold on to her and show her you care about her, if you do that is. Explain to her that you have it all figured out and that everything will be fine. Sometimes people are just uncertain of their position in life and look for a way out. I don't know for sure so don't quote me on anything but if you too got married it means there was something between you to cause that, if you think something is still there and you love her as much as you did before you got married, then stick with her and don't let her go, its not like she'll make it far on her own from what you wrote.
The right girl is far better than the first one.

Trust me.
I mean at the end of the day it might be what's best for her. I don't have money to get her treatments, or make sure she's alright, and without that she just tends to hurt herself. I put in a ton of personal effort, I just don't think that's what she needs.
ask yourself how far she'd get without you. Try to come up with possible scenarios where she'd possibly need you and how she'll get by on her own.
If you think she'll be fine then do what you think is best. If she'll struggle more without you then its probably better if you two stick together. I'm not an expert on this, its just how I'd handle it i suppose
You dont cut like that to kill yourself, its just for attenttion.
watch johnny bravo
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