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Hey /b/ros and /b/ girls, been noticing a few stoner related

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Hey /b/ros and /b/ girls, been noticing a few stoner related questions. Medical cannabis user, 4gm/day excluding edibles.

Post trippy pics and ask your questions, and I'll answer em best I can. You have my attention for the next hour or til this thread dies
hey /b/ been off the weed for some time now about year and change. I quit because i used to smok cigs and then went into vaping and eventually quit it all cold turkey..anyway one of the main reasons i quit as a chronic weed smoker was that i began to get serious heart palpitations and feel like i waqs having a heart attack every time i smoked and the feeling would only go away when i came down from my high. Now that some time has passed i want to get back into weed knowing the benefits of it however im scared i might die or have a heart attack when i smoke. just looking to see what your take is on this, ever have a problem like that? I dont live in a legalized state and can other factors contribute to it? sorry no trippy pic but serious discuss needed thanks

Hey man, first off, sorry about the Health concerns, hope it gets easier to deal with.

Cannabis raises your blood pressure, which would make sense if you have a preexisting condition (or susceptible to it by genetics [not a doctor]).

You may feel better about the high if it's consumed differently. I have a lot of friends who can't smoke but love edibles. I have friends who can't consume either so they consume concentrates.

I'm not sure what the research is available on CBD extracts as a way of treatment.

In terms of trying to get back into it, ease into it. Have a brownie edible and eat a quarter of it every 20 mins. If you would like to avoid going back to smoking, check out the pax vaporizer. There's also a grinco herbalizer that I have. Its affordable way to burn without combustion aka carcinagin causing (SP?) elements.

I vape, smoke joints, prefer blunts, and love dabs. Trippy pics aren't necessary, just something to enjoy
For future reference I'm in Canada
Hi, sorry I don't have any trippy pics,

I'm interested in purchasing CBD strains, but have noticed on some seed websites that they'll have a particular strain with say Indica/Sativa levels of 100%/0% but with still a THC content of 20%.....
I thought Indica meant it wasn't supposed to have so much THC...
Damn you canadians are so nice lol thanks /b/ro i know about the devices you have mentioned the pax is lovely and grinco has great products too but im also concerned of the quality that i get its not regulated so i don't know if i am getting sativa or indica and which would be best i guess i could try edibles as well but again i need to go somewhere its regulated and speak with a budtender. is it legal in Canada right now or are you guys still fighting it like here in the States? And what about digestive issues could they be related to cardiovascular ailments when smoking? i tried looking this up but no luck and thanks for getting back to me
Hey /b/ro not OP but all i know is with CBD it is not psychoactive and true CBD does not have any THC in it. The problem is you would have to get a high concentration of CBD oil anything 500 or more to actually get an effect of it. With CBD as a non psychoactive element of cannabis it works as like a nicotine alternative and many of my friends get the higher levels 500 mg - 2000 mg depending on how much they want to spend money wise it is an awesome thing to use in high dosage with vape flavors and can really benefit to relaxing your self especially if your trying to kick the nicotine habit.
Sorry man you got it a bit backwards.

Sativa is an active body buzz
Indica is heady and behind the eyes
Hybrid is mixture. Since you vape, it's like 70%vg and 30%pg. The level of mix is the end result : hybrid that is 70 indica and 30 sativa will offer a slight body buzz but you will feel very central and focused (usually) smoke sativas in the day and indica at night is usually the way people go about it but it's a free world.

Thc content is how high you'll get, however as I understand it, CBD doesn't get you high, or as high?Picture this, In cannabis you have two properties on a weight scale. In one side you have CBD and on the other side thc. If you want the psycidellics the thc has to be higher than the CBD. If thc goes up, CBD must come down. Vice versa. If you're really curious about CBD treatments, try to speak with a doctor about seeking low thc and high CBD oil treatment . Health benefits without the high. Unless you wanna get high AF lol

Our prime minister has promised legalization, but is yet to follow through with it. Supposedly this year but nah, where I am there's raids on store fronts every now and then
Nah don't want to get high AF, just trying to relieve/cure my depression/psychosis lol

Heard CBD is good for that
OP here heading to bed in 5 mins, should nap for the wife wakes up and we gotta start the day at 2.5 hrs lol last min question as I finish my j?
that sucks after 7 States legalized here more States are pushing but what they do is the people vote to legalize and then the fucktard politicians push back the recreational use for two years after it has been voted in and heavily regulate the medical use so only terminally ill can reap benefits which i am thankful for but now our fucktard of a president wants to blame the opioid problem on marijuana use and not have the balls to take on big pharma which created and enables the problem everyday. BTW props to your PM for not shaking his hand lmao o god the U.S.A is fucked lol
See -->>>723557275
any way you can deliver some of that good shit to the States? will pay good for what you have.

>4g a day
Dude how
Any advice on using pot to help sleeping?
Panic attacks? Are you on any psychiactric meds? antidepressants and antipsychotics make weed fucking hell
Indica is the body buzz, sativa is the heady
Indica is the best for sleeping just smoke some an hour before you are to sleep and bam sleep so good you'll wake up refreshed and feeling good
CBD self medicated here
If i don't live in america - so can't go shopping for strains - shouldn't matter?
never have been my whole life the only drug i have ever done is weed nicotine and caffeine i used to get high every day then suddenly panic attacks i guess you can call it that but i really felt like i was having a heart attack and more recently like 5 months ago after i had not had a cig for a whole 6 months i smoked a little reg weed and still felt that way but not as much cuz i only took one hit every have that feeling?
I've had friends who have done very serious health concerns, both chronic and acute, mental health varying from depression to schizophrenia and physically inflicted with cancer, and most have had great results. My one friends cancer is in remission, my depression sucks less and I get more out of my day (can't buy pure CBD oil yet or at least can't find it) and my schizophrenic buddy avoids it as he sees the connection between thc/cbd and cannabis and makes him paranoid. He knows that it's not something for him so he doesn't pressure it. >>723557544
Noted lol

I can't seem to help me fall asleep personally with indicas, but it certainly doesn't prevent it
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What are you fellow pot head ? I also know alot about cannabis let start a discussion
yes sativa is a heady almost energetic high but there are hybrids you can smoke with a mix of sativa and indica i know its hard living in the stone age like most of us with not being able to choose and dealers not knowing what they are selling but that would be the only way to do it is to have an indica dominated hybrid or straight up indica
It's too much play on the brain, your creatinine ceratonin and dopamine levels would be crazy unbalanced
Did you plateau around 4 grams a day? I'm always scared to get more because I know I wouldn't be able to control myself after smoking a couple grams a day on a schedule like that. My tolerance goes back to normal within a few days if not the same day even after taking up to two week breaks
Personally I'd not smoke 6 hours before sleep if I wanted to feel 100%
I also grewn various of strains indoors and outdoors
Can you explain maximum tolerance or the curve of the tolerance on a tolerance vs time
I honestly kept chasing the Green Dragon tbh. Now I'm going to cut back, drop tolerance, and partake again, take a 35 day sobatical
nothing better than not smoking for a while and then smoking again its like being born again
The first few times though can never be matched, it's like there's a permanent tolerance that can never be reset.
the innocence is lost...
Well it depends on the strain. For example if you will start smoking a strong strain your tolerance will increase obviously faster. But it also depends on the individual that smokes. I personally had a high tolerance from the start.
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LOL you're such a faggot you quantify your daily use, "medical cannabis user" ooooooooooo fancy you buy weed from a store like millions of others it's 2017 you aren't special.
everyones a critic
>I also grewn various of strains indoors and outdoors
Maybe I should mention that growing in my country is illegal
that shit look delicious
only other thing I can think of is too many cigs and the stimulant-depressant thing causes bad side effects or you're dehydrated. I've noticed getting really stoned when Im dehydrated makes my heart pound and I'm more prone to paranoia
I see, I know you gotta switch strains every now and then but I really wanna know how a 24/7 stoner like Snoop Dogg functions
Ow what exactly do you wanna know I smoke 24/7as well because of my depression
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What happens if you only have 3.6g smoked and you want to go to bed? Do you feel less cool and power through to 4g before you can sleep or else you'll have nightmares about being a fake stoner?
Samefagging same faggot
there are a bunch of little things that can add to that shit, even breathing wrong will cause your heart rate to fuck up skyrocket at the same time the weeds alrady doing that you feel like your hearts gonna pound outta my chest
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Beauty, wanna try doing that with some Kief, but I'm building a collection right now lol this was mine from the other night, rolled it for friends bday

Alrighty guy, OP heading out, I'll be on tomorrow night earlier to do the same. Continue the discussion, be cool to read when I wake up in 2 hrs lol
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It is, tastes unbelievable and smells amazing too. A little pricey for my tastes though.
that actually makes sense very helpful thanks /b/ro it is very important to stay hydrated and i figure now that i don't smoke at all it will be good for me to get back on it in small doses to build a tolerance again just gotta remember to stay hydrated
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This shit is getting out of hand need to use it can't decide how
1. its the 1st thing u do when u get up in the morning?
2. you sleep blazed af or wait to sober down a little?
3. probably doesnt occur for you but hows dealing with fiending/ going dry? must feel a few times worse
i used to dab every day morning day night and that kept me in a "safe spot" i feel in my depression, i couldnt get any better but not any worse. Any input on that.
lol true its fucking weird to be on an exact schedule like that unless hes the kinda guy who measures all the ingredients of his food before he eats it like 30g of fat protein shit like that
dude wtf, id be making pucks before that thing got halfway full

Its just my average, sometimes more and sometimes less. And no. My LP paperwork and medical card from government of Canada says that I can, and my insurance at work covers it. Instead of shitting on a decent thread, how bout you just sit back and eat your fucking soup, ya fuckin cunt
Not that dude but I blaze all day every day from 10 mins after waking up to going to bed. I don't go dry because there's always a 3g overlap. When I get down to 3g of flower or 1/2g of concentrate I buy more. Never run out and I have a weed card so there is no being "dry". I'm sure many other stoners echo this way of doing things but maybe not
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Does any one have any educated guess of when weed will be recreationally legal in Hawaii ? We just got authorization to open grow ops for medical card holders .
MY GOD MAN I will use that if you are not make some hash or hell just smoke it
give it two years
I'm Canadian too faggot and I have the same paperwork as you don't act like it's special or difficult to get. In what way am I shitting on your thread I just posted a bunch of nice weed and concentrate pics for you. I just think you're a faggot for quantifying 4g/day as if that matters or is worth mentioning. Don't be so sensitive
im not your guy friend and im not your friend guy
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My two cents about this bullshit is it's a waste of fucking money and such a marketing scam. It's impossible to properly smoke because you can't grind the flower up small enough due to the hash oil and it just makes a mess. Oil is meant to be dabbed anyways so fuck moon rocks I've been sitting on these for so long cause they are a pain in the ass to smoke.
gettin high in Hawaii would blow my mind
Mother of god what the fuck is that?
1. The first thing I do ,I smoke a joint
2. I cant get really stoned , but I prefer smoking some good indica before going to bad
3. Yeah this doesn't occur to me haha
yea that's def a common thing to do but im sure you dont wake up feeling 110% you prob know what that feels like, depending on how much u sleep obv. but i heard it delays REM which is kind of like sleeping drunk, easier to fall into the sleep but takes longer to get into the deep sleep part.

when i first saw those it seemed kind of gimmicky, like the amount of oil is limited to the size of the nug, and id rather just dab the oil and smoke the nug lmao
How would you not get offended a bit by someone calling you a faggot? Anyways, you should be directing your frustration at "dispensaries" not individuals like me and others in this thread. Not cool.

But something that is cool, bag was pre tared. Not overly impressive but that's my collection
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What in the fuck is that, anon.
Keif and hash morphed into the weed???
it's just a bad invention that caught popularity somehow. you can just dip your own shit into a nug i dont understand it at all.
Jesus fuck that's incredible
lol thas dat piece of da block ole grove street nukka represent da family fo life foo
Do you understand where the fuck you are M8? OP is always and will always be a fucking faggot it's /b/ are you new? I should be directing which frustrations at dispensaries? Why would I be frustrated at dispensaries? Should I call them up and tell them I think this fag OP on /b/ is eccentric for quantifying his daily marijuana use to the gram?
Funny how some people say their area/ state has the best weed. But someone with a few year experience/ working internet connection can grow top shelf 30%+ thc buds in their own home within 1 year
It's called moon rocks, basically a bud dipped in hash oil rolled in kief. It's a terrible terrible invention and like I said anpain in the ass and not practical it just ruins both forms of the weed. It's like a double down from KFC or a ramen burger.
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To be honest I don't have any medical conditions other than asthma. What I have noticed is I am less a fag when I smoke and am very comfortable talking to the opiate sex when I'm high. Before my weed got flushed I smoked a small bowl in the morning and I was good for the rest of the day. I have an ecig blue pen that I popped the top cap / screen off and I can refill the cartridge. How much do y'all think a 20 millimeter bottle of oil would cost? I've never dabbed or vaped weed before.
How though... I went on a date and just smoked basically the whole time but I was too high to even think...
do you have psychosis yet
no that's why he has medical. he's trying to trick his mind that he doesn't have it by inception
I only rip a little chunk of a gram and smoke it. I'm high enough to feel comfortable yet sober enough to talk.
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Here it is under a macro lens, I don't wanna smoke it all cause it's so nice looking
My cancer patient friend has a 30 ml bottle and said it cost her 110 with a discount, but I'm not sure about her specific dosage.
Try It is good
Lose It and you leave
Day after day you face the death and once you surrender you understand one shall not lose it's life by smoking.
Yeah I was outsmoked hard bro lol, took a 2 wk tolerance break and thought i could outsmoke anyone on campus, probably could have the day after
As a photographer my heart is melting. I'd buy a print if you sold em
I remember I had pics of my grow when I was 15-16 on instagram. lol forgot the username though
Not yet, but could certainly happen tbh
I'd use it once in a while in edibles like firecrackers
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When I move and start trapping in Memphis how much do y'all think the price on a quarter ounce would be? We got some good shit from Colorado up there.
this is from 4 years ago.
as you can tell, one of the sides of the node was chopped off cuz my friend thought he was an expert and tried trimming it
another one
as you can tell this one is malnourished/ not enough sunlight, i was really bad at growing back then
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