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So now that PC gaming is officially dead I need to upgrade to

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Thread replies: 215
Thread images: 45

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So now that PC gaming is officially dead I need to upgrade to a console. Problem is: I dont know which which of the 2 consoles to get. PS4 or Xbox One?

Are they both basically the same machine? Or is one significantly better than the other, and why? Please show your work.
This is low quality bait at its finest.
xbox is better hands down because white people
every fucking black and mexican child has a
also microsoft has better software obviously
xbox just looks nicer
less asian
>has a
A what?
Nintendo wii bruh, these things are shit in comparison.
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pc gaming isent dead you fucking retard its far from it
XBox, any day of the week.

>not recognizing stale pasta
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>PC gaming officially dead
a PS4
Every time I see this fucking thread I swear It's the exact same words used as well.
>using meme arrows xD
just kill yourself
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Nah man, pc is gay asf, witcher 3 has been the only good game to be released in ages..

I agree op....
xbox because better software, Halo, xbox play anywhere releasing more title and better controller imo
Get a ps4 pro, for reasons youtube "ps4 boost mode"
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PS4 all the way!
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PC fags spend their time crying and throwing tantrums because their $1000 graphics card can't run minecraft.
while true gamers play console and actually level up. just give up
That's generally what pasta is, friendo
That doesn't look like Quiet at all..
Try native 4k. Not 30 FPS 720 upscaled on a pseudo-4k television display.
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I want to saved this image but I feel like it'll contaminate my hard drive
>needing 4k res while you sit 2 feet away from your 24 inch monitor.

kys immediately PCuck
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>tfw i'm psting this from my XBone right now.
Xbox One has the best exclusives. Get it, op.
>$1000 graphics card can't run Minecraft
I'm sorry, what?
It's... it's literally a fucking java game.
If you were going to pick a game that actually made bloody sense for this, No Man's Sky would have worked, that's pretty bog-standard for a PS4... oh, but wait, I have a two-year old graphics card that I got on sale for under 100 in a seven-year old computer, and that runs it perfectly.
So yeah, logic harder before throwing out nonsensical hyperbole?
>Not kidding
>Built this pile of terrible in 2010
>Six core, 3.5 ghz, 8 gb RAM, still runs everything I throw at it
>Only upgrades have been better fan and graphics card
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PC isn't dead. it's great for doing emails and general browsing the web but for actual gaming i'd say XBox
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>people still buy consoles
>So now that PC gaming
To quote the current President:

" Wrong ! "
>takes bait so easily
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>people go on 4chan not on a computer
>on a fucking phone or a console
>jealous because consoles won't see native 1080p until the next gen
>wont see 4k for another 15 years
>wont see fps above 60 for another 20 years

Ass-damaged poorfags is all I see.
I work in Retail; specifically in home entertainment.
I sell roughly 4 PS4's for every Xbox one.
Personally I use neither but I have noticed a almost everyone over 18 gets the Play Station so take that as you will.
Really I recommend looking into exclusives and seeing what you like most because there isn't a huge difference beyond that and controller shape.

I wouldn't say PC gaming is dead but it has gotten very stale.
last thing i bought was a ps3.. ad a 3ds. yeah im not paying a subscription just to go online for games.
Steam? yes. Sales ALL the tiME. No fucking with hardcopies. Got myself a laptop that can run everything and I can take it places easily.
1 power cable, 1 HDMI and 1 USB controller. All fit in my carry bag along with, oh, idk... 1000+ games?
wew, isure fucked up here man. Time to get a block that'll be obsolete in a few years
more like people that actually make money dont have time to fuck with the pc world
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faggot you do realise that on your tiny little computer monitor you may as well be playing on 720p? unless you hook your PC up to a 50+ inch monitor your "4k" won't even translate
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top zozzle
who the fuck wants to game on a laptop though
and no one fucks with hard copies anymore
no one
It all comes down to exclusives, and PS4 fucking rekts Xbone in that department. So buy a PS4
do you realize that you spelled realize wrong
and real eyes realize real lies
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>people that actually make money
>"dont have time to fuck with the pc"
>i.e. can't afford a PC
lmfao. you set yourself up to burn.
>What is an IT career
Realize is the US spelling.
Realise is the British spelling.
wtf are you even talking about
i dont know one single successful person who works a real mans job that has built their own pc
only poor fags that go on 4chan build PC
real shit
>fat american detected.
i speak English faggot. Do you REALISE that normal people outside of your little dream world also spell "color" with an extra vowel?
ITT: Upset poor people

>can't argue
>need to use grammar-nazi for damage control
realise is not in the oxford dictionary
or any dictionary
so i'm pretty sure you dont realize that you are fucking wrong
and armour, and honour, and labour.
because i dont feel like being confined to one area. I can take it anywhere and if I like, can sit at a fucking desk with it or hook it up to my tv or use it at work when i need to kill the last 3 hours.
Why not a laptop?
I play on PC, PS4 and Wii. I don't give a fuck to those childish console wars.
Just get a fucking job and buy whatever you want, geez.
mfw i just got here and theres nothing to argue about and youre talking to the wrong person
ha what?
i'm american because Realise isnt in the fucking dictionary?
ok m8 hahaha
>fuck gaming laptops

This is truth, which is why I think All-in-1's for gaming around going to take off soon, if they haven't already.

Think about it: slim & portable all-in-1 PC, gaming keyboard/mouse, and a bag to fit all of it.

There's a market, I'd say.
this thread has literally derailed into a couple faggots arguing about spelling

Not sure if trolling or really retarded

Autists do love to put shit together and take it apart over and over and over and over.
>what is google
Get the one that has mod support, can use any controller you prefer, supports independent games, let's you buy AAA titles for a fraction of the price, has full complete backward compatability, doesn't have a cancerous community and allows multi-player support for literally thousands of players OP
Did I say it was right or wrong?
I just stated the difference.

I'm not the anon you replied to. Fucking salty little bitch.
>what is the oxford dictionary
i dont give a single fuck if every british person is retarded and spells it wrong
that does not make me wrong
yeah you are
did you or did you not say that one was american and one was british?
or did you?
you did
so i was replying to you
because youre wrong
one is correct
and one is said by retards
ones in the oxford dictionary
one is not
fuck you
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>i don't give a fuck how the people who invented English spell my words that i speak with.
keep spelling things how you want special snow flake, don't let anyone tell you otherwise ok?
Casual gamer here. First console was the Atari 2600 for me.

Seriously, what happened to gaming? I used to be able to buy a game, power up as I went along, beat the fuck out of it, and go back and get the secrets and get it over with.

Now you have to put stickers on your fucking guns, buy levels, buy maps, buy "special abilities", "rank up", "rank up YOUR FUCKING GUN, choose your "classification", download patches, update files, and cant play online unless all your buddies bought the same shit you did.

Anybody who has the fucking time to spend (and money) on 500 dollar graphic cards and fuck with "mods" probably never leaves the fucking house and has never had any social contact other than with their own parents.

It is no wonder that the modern male in affluent countries are so fucking pussified and require interventions just to have them put away their fucking mouse and keyboards for a fucking day so they can go outside.

the modern "gamer" sickens me, and should be shot for being such an unproductive POS for society.
>1 new post
the UK
can you be any more wrong?
every dictionary in the world seems to disagree with you
i dont know why youre even arguing about this
Your poverty is showing
>The English were wrong spelling English words the way they did. let's fix that for them
>Console war shitposter kids migrating from /v/ to /b/
>disagreeing with the people that define words and their meaning and spelling
>is not retarded?
i dont think so
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No I was saying that was my first reply to you.
I wasn't aware if you knew that they spelt certain things differently because quite a few people don't.

Calm your autistic screaming.
yeah and im saying i was clearly fucking aware of that and youre the only one thats having trouble understanding whats going on
i dont need an explanation
pc gamers remind me of audiophiles who buy Bose headphones to play 64Kb MP3 files.

top kek.
I suppose you have a problem with the word pneumonia as well?
why not make that easier for Americans to spell while we're at it?

i dont have a problem with ammonia faggot.
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The only dead thing is xbox lmao
wtf are you even talking about
i'm done lol
this is not about fucking americans
this is about whoever spelled realise wrong
and its WRONG not because americans dont spell it that way
its wrong because its not fucking spelled that way in the dictionary
just because britfags started gettijg autistic in the 1800s doesnt mean it was originally spelled realise
it was ORIGINALLY realize
it is incorrect for the rest of your fucking life to spell it realise
i dont care how many people do it
its still incorrect
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I am having trouble understanding that I pointed out a difference that unleashed all of the autistic hellfire your chubby little fingers could muster?
Oh, you got me.
people arent chubby where i live
making up fake shit about me doesnt help you seem smart
it actually makes you fucking retarded
especially because i'm not fat or even a little chubby and am dating a short and skinny blond girl
making you look even more stupid
Also, I spell it realize and I agree with you.
F U C K I N G M O R O N.
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Well it's changed to the new generation of overpriced shitboxes. The original pasta was about PS3 and Xbox.

This is how old this pasta is and retards still fall for it
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>be pc gamer.
>live off ramen noodles.
>buy 600 dollar video card.
>600 dollar monitor.
>post pc "specs" on pc gaming sites as a some sort of badge of honor.
>MFW i read that shit.
youre obviously the butthurt and autistic one i dont fucking care about anything you say gtfo of our conversation
you keep replying about a reply
You're trying to prove yourself to a complete stranger on an image board.
You're projecting fam.
I never said or implied that I knew you, you seem to be having a little bit of a tard moment though.
it was never originally realize you dumb shit. please stop embarrassing yourself it's just cringe now
PS4 Pro - never look back.
you called me fat and chubby multiple times
all im saying is im not
thats not projecting
thats not proving myself
thats stating a simple fact that the insult you keep trying to make makes you look like a complete imbecile to me because i'm not fat at all
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>Xbox1 has better HUD/UI and the best controller
>PS4 has a decisive lead in exclusive title
Read up on what the PS4's exclusives are, and if you can live without them get an Xbox1.
>I'm gonna go by the Switch
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tfw gf left me with some lame ass nigga with a xbox 360
i'm about to prove you wrong with this quote
inb4 everyone calls me a faggot for posting proof instead of a bunch of false truths that i made up in my head
In fact, the -ize spelling variant is older than –ise—realize predates the United States and Canada by nearly two centuries
at least i'm not making shit up out my ass like you
One of the worse bait threads I've seen. So bad I won't even complete my
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No I called you autistic multiple times, I only called your fingers chubby once.
You seem fixated on weight fam; sure you're not getting a little soft around the edges?
iPhone or Android?
Ford or Chevy?
Pepsi or Coke?

>b8 or bait?
I will always picture xbox with squeaky 12 year olds and their retarded avatars. The community is literally filled with them
thought this was you>>723358808
dont even care anymore
youre not even talking about anything at all
why reply?
RIP in peace amrifat. you may now kys
maybe 360
not the one

After so many years people are still falling for this bait thread lol
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just because its preferred doesnt make it the original spelling
you just ignored
"lthough realize is now regarded by many in the U.K. and Australasia as the American spelling, it is not an Americanism. In fact, the -ize spelling variant is older than –ise—realize predates the United States and Canada by nearly two centuries—and has been the preferred spelling throughout most of the word’s history in English."

"realize was preferred before around 1875 and is again preferred today"
"perhaps because of the influence of dictionaries like Oxford, Cambridge, and Collins, which encourage -ize over -ise."
and cherry pick one sentence that doesnt even prove you right at all
im dying right now
you actually just wrecked yourself
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found the 12 year old.
>perhaps it’s simply that a few influential British news organizations have collectively adopted the newer spelling,
key word there
as in
its not the old spelling
as in
its fucking wrong
Hi, babby. Long time no see.
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No that's not me anon.

Honestly I was just bored but don't worry, I still love you <3
Ignoring the bait and trolling, but between the two consoles listed, the PS4 is probably the better of the two. The games unique to it are generally more entertaining, whereas Xbox just has Gears of War 4 and Halo 5, with everything else being cross platform anyway.

PC gaming is fine and realistically, in this day and age, getting upset about the differences is just splitting hairs.

I'm not sure if Nintendo is just creatively bankrupt or what, but at least Mario Maker seems fun.
lmao these still kill me. xbox bunch of kids and diddlers
>typical nigger logic
your back peddling and major damage control will never convince me or any reasonable educated anon to spell it the retarded american way. I will spell and speak English the way it was intended to be.
For all those non-ironic posters (if there are any)
t is not an Americanism. In fact, the -ize spelling variant is older than –ise—realize predates the United States and Canada by nearly two centuries—

t is not an Americanism. In fact, the -ize spelling variant is older than –ise—realize predates the United States and Canada by nearly two centuries—

t is not an Americanism. In fact, the -ize spelling variant is older than –ise—realize predates the United States and Canada by nearly two centuries—

t is not an Americanism. In fact, the -ize spelling variant is older than –ise—realize predates the United States and Canada by nearly two centuries—

whats that saying?
you cant argue with stupid
so i'm done here
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>implying it's dead
just apologise and we're done here.
you're a little faggot
I apologize
>you cant argue with stupid so i'm done here
when will you realise that you've lost this argument?
knowing the history of the word realize?
while you literally make shit up out of your ass?
not going to happen
the oxford english dictionary knows a little bit more about the word than you do
i'm on their side
Not me, I'm sorry
>everyone i know and i spell it differently so i automatically know the history of the word and use it correctly
you lost the second you posted realise
>I'm an uneducated american, so I know better than you
you lost the second you were born an american
not me im sorry>>723360906
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how can someone be this dense?
if you told me realise came first and it actually did
i would believe you
because it would be true
but its not
so why cant you just accept that?
instead of making it about americans
the word PRE DATES america
you are so fucking stupid
Me too, have a good day :^)
I apologise that the truth hurts your feelings.
>the word PRE DATES america
so you agree with me
>xbox is better hands down because white people
are you a complete fucking loser?
pre dates
and america
thats history
thats the truth
there is nothing wrong with spelling is realise
but realise came second
to realize
and realize is the correct way to spell it in the dictionary and for everyone who has a brain in the future
>I'm a nignog
Are you a fucking nigger?
> Xbox One has the best exclusives
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What, is that really all you could come up with? Calling me a faggot? By the gods you really are a complete degenerate, calling me a faggot for no reason. Well maybe I am not a faggot, but a retard, expecting a logical reply from this cesspool of weaboos and, cucks. To be honest if this website is filled with idiots like you I'd rather go to fucking 9gag. People like you are what causes this websites demise. Go fuck yourself.
no i just know that every nigger in the line on black friday bought a ps4
and not an xbox one
i will choose xbox for life
that might be because it's hushie.
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You do realise that the dictionary was written by (((them))) right? yes i'm talking about the circumcised "fellows".
but good goy. keep spelling it with a z
PS4 > Switch > PC > Xbone
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thats because you only hang out with poor people pablo.
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What about the switch
that doesnt change the fucking history of the word
who cares who made the dictionary
its the law of fucking words
all that matters is one came first
which one was that?
so thats the correct way
and its 100% not american
its existed before america even existed as a country
Actually they were greek
topkek, you guys are taking the rp a bit too far
he means a real console, not a memesystem
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christ it's like you've learned nothing today. so what would be the "correct" way to spell honour? or colour?
Ps4 has some great exclusives now
Bloodborne, Nioh, Horizon Zero Dawn are all A++ games
I fix that for you

PC > PS4 > Xbox > Potato >....> Nokia 3310 > Nintendo Switch
Hey. Console peasants.
What is an SSD?
What is a PCI-E bus-bound SSD?
What is WiDi and Miracast?
What is an ODAC?
What is HDR Tessellated shading?
What is high-bitrate 1080 and 4k playback?

Peasants gonna peasant. Your entire systems cost less than my video card, and my video card is 1/4 of my paycheck.
the funniest part about this entire thread is that people have tried to mention other words
i dont give a fuck about honour or colour
dont make it about something else because you cant handle being fucking wrecked
the original way realize was spelt when it was first conceived as a word was R E A L I Z E
thats it
thats fucking final
theres nothing to argue
no reason to bring other words into this
so dont
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You just took the bait like a fag
I assume you're a negro
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Dont care
My ps4 runs all the games, dont want more
Got more money for games and stuff

Also how can you be that triggered, just go and fap on your pc when u like it so much
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it's cute how you're actually convinced in your own special way that your bizarre and unusual way of spelling realise is correct. Even after probably an hour of getting completely BTFO you're still getting up to take more. it's perfect
literally dont care
the device i use to GAME should be less
its not that fucking important to me
it shouldnt be to grown men like you either
>every wrecked faggot from 4chans response ever
its bait because you lost
if you were 100% correct you wouldnt even say that
trips checked.

also, don't feed the troll.
samefagging no one gives a fuck about your trips
back on topic lads.

Buy either console you like OP, there both cheap to buy easy to use and offer a a great gaming experience for those who either lack the funds or the time required for pc gaming.
lol fag took the bait
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not even trolling kiddo. just keep spelling words in your own special needs way.
PS4 outsells Xbox 4 times, and theres a reason for it. I had an xbox one for 4 years before i finally got a ps4, and its so much better.

If not the game selection (uncharted, last of us, until dawn which is a personal favourite) its the sales. Theyve had big box games on sale for 60% off all month this month its been absolutely bananas.

Take it from former xbox one fan boy. The ps4 is the way to go man.
This is some aspergers.
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Wrong again faggot, thanks to kids like you b is dead too
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>got a ps4, and its so much better
Get a ps4 for sure
Although realize is now regarded by many in the U.K. and Australasia as the American spelling, it is not an Americanism. In fact, the -ize spelling variant is older than –ise—realize predates the United States and Canada by nearly two centuries—and has been the preferred spelling throughout most of the word’s history in English
>realize preferred spelling throughout most of the word’s history in English
>preferred spelling
i love when people call me dumb on 4chan and are blatantly ignoring actual facts
literally only on 4chan

the real reason
its $100 cheaper
stop lying to yourself
How can you say better software?

>xbone playing Horizon 3
>screen goes dim cause sleep mode
>check on forums and problem around for ages

PC gaming is where it's at
nigga just give up smh tbh fam
shake my head to be honest fam?
at least try
No highs, no lows must be Bose
did it dieded? when?

..... a.k.a. it blows
'Cause Bloodborne.
>being this new
OP here. been reading through the posts and it looks like Xbox has the slight edge so i'll prolly get one of those. thanks for the advice faggots.
>explain to me what's so great about playing on a PC
>customization, flexibility, infinite modding potential, minimal loading, pick up and immediately play, this, that, this...

>lol fag took the bait
anon I would say xbox, I'm not saying this because I play xbox and some fan boy bullshit.

Xbox has windows 10 and will be more configured to PC's as time moves on, to give you an idea on Halo 5 for example you can go on your pc and use Forge, now I know it's a small example but keep in mind that a lot of cross platform games are going to be with xbox since Microsoft owns both platforms. You can also stream gameplay from your console to your PC. I do it so I can listen to music and use my pc at the same time on the same screen, the time diffrence is vitally none when streaming it over from what iv seen and used.
Fucking hell dude.
Leaving the front door must freak you the fuck out.
I mean I make 105k a year, not really rich, but definitely not poor. Built a new pc from scratch about 6 months ago because I could.
> spent 2k on it because I fucking can
>not really rich, but definitely not poor
ooohh fuuuuucckk yooouuu
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World of Warcraft
Terrible b8. Honestly surprised on how many people you got
Apparently you decide whether PC gaming is dead or not. Ever heard of CS:GO?
csgo has been shit ever since Phoenix ended, maybe even after Bravo.
You can play any pc game with a ps4/xbone controller. Theres literally no point in having a console
the butt hurt is strong in this one
B-b-but what about The Last Of Us (few who still play this game) and Gears Of Bore?

Found the virgin
found the butthurt poorfag
found the PCuck
Just got a ps4 and it pisses me off. You think you can Play right away? Oh sure after downloaden 20GB of Updates.
Still cheaper than a PC but that's the only reason to go for a console
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>single player, casual normie games determine whether or not PC gaming is dead
go fuck yourself
if you don't play games competitively you're a faggot neckbeard, not a gamer.

i just love when casuals like you complain about games not being '''''''good enough''''''' because they suck dick in every game that requires its players not to be braindead baboons
Except uniformity of hardware among players.
Except a larger playerbase.
Except less effort expended fixing issues with drivers and other software.
Except couch co-op.
Except fewer cheaters.
Except console-exclusives.
Except having both and the ability to switch back and forth to play with ALL of your friends.

Right, though, no point.
>you don't have to update PC software
PS4 auto-updates and you're retarded for not turning it on.
>I just got my ps4 and I want to play games now
Yeah, kiddo; no one has ever set up a PC before. They all come ready to go with your name and all of the games you have a preference for, updated and everything.
You're an faggot.
It can't blame you for being too young to know that console gaming used to mean: insert Disk, Start playing.

But since you seem to have this endless Source of knowledge, please tell me how to Set my ps4 on Auto update before i want to Play a game for the First time

i 100% agree with this
i miss the old cod4 times
where we used to compete in international/national illegal LAN tournaments for shitloads of money.
this new generation of inbreds is not only dumb but they are massive faggots and cant do anything right, not even gaming.
>b-b-b-but muh esports!!!!11!!1
esports is just a clusterfuck of slightly above average casuals
if you look at gaming communities 10 years ago, people were pulling some crazy smart shit in competitive gaming that you have never seen before, people were so smart and creative you would thing they are geniuses...
for example stevy cod4
noaa or marm in wow:wotlk
free or abe from CS... etc.
its all on YT,
haven seen an amazing player since 2008...
except for that one LoL guy, faker.
oh my fucking god yes yes yes yes and yesssss there was this lan tournament in croatia back in 2005 i think it was dota im not sure but i remember the prize money, the first place was 100,000kn which is like 15,000 dollars im not sure it was held in some old factory lot in a massive tent there were people coming from all over europe, all pro players... man those were the times not this bullshit today where people are impressed with and amazed by most basic shit plays ever...
PS4 is better. Xbox is shit.
if youre talking about the one in zagreb
i was there and it was 2004
also if you know who Marm is, he was there as well and some other old school pros like noah and elke.
you should have seen cod4 LANs, they were the best shit ever and the most massive ones as well
there was this one LAN where over 1000 people crammed inside an old fucked up shopping center and some chinese guys that came with trucks and vans bought 50 huge ass LCDs so everyone could watch and then gave them away after the tournament, keep in mind back then those things were expensive as fuck.

there is NO WAY you will find shit like that going on today, people are pussies nowadays also nowadays pro players (''''''''''pro'''''''''') are
actually talentless brainless monkeys
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