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Is there such a thing as a pretty girl that's not a

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Is there such a thing as a pretty girl that's not a complete fucking whore?
Sure - there's lots of those.

I'm trying to find the complete fucking whores so I can nail any and all the strange that I can..

The cute religious ones.
Most humans are pretty into sex
>Sure - there's lots of those.

I want evidence.

>I'm trying to find the complete fucking whores so I can nail any and all the strange that I can..

good for you but that's not part of the question.
God you're weird

cute religious ones are the biggest sluts nigga. They rebel against their wholesome upbringing and then do porn.
Why do you ask? It's not like you have a chance with either.
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nope they all think they need to be whores to have fun.
or she's just a woman
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find yourself a nice country girl that has a great relationship with her over protective father , we are talking about marriage material right ?
If she breaths shes a thot
what's wrong with a complete fucking whore?
Sauce on the girl
Probably, but good luck finding them. They're also probably going to be boring and uptight as fuck.
Op is a faggot
im a virgin so i cant see women as whores because they are essentially just men because i dont have sex with them
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There's plenty of them, but you won't find them on Tinder, and I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news anon, but you'll have to be the one that initiates contact with them first. They're usually, uh, I don't want to use the word timid, but they're definitely not going to walk up to you and tell you what their intentions are. Their intentions are romance marriage and security of a long term relationship; ie, things that are implied without being said.

A better question would be, why do you want one? How can you have a healthy relationship with women when you vilify female sexuality? By saying all women are whores, you're implying that their worth is based on their sexuality. So when their value is sexually based, and you hate their sexuality... maybe you should reconsider your worldview.

Ideally, the old adage: lady in the streets freak in the sheets is still based in truth. Maybe even more so today than ever.
Yes plenty. They do well in school, go to college, get a solid career, have 2-4 boyfriends in high school and college, get married at 28, have kids in their early 30s. As a dude in my early 30s, this is pretty much all the women I encounter
I believe what he means by "whore" is a girl who had more sexual partners than classes in high school by the age of 25 and is such an easy lay that practically no effort is required.

*Possibly also that she is a sexual social climber , trying to fuck her way to a rich boyfriend
Error: Undefined class "whore".

How do you define a "whore" OP?
There's such a thing as a pretty girl that's not a complete fucking whore YET.
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Yes, and my question was "What's wrong with that?".

Men have always done this, and guess what? Women have always done this too. Humans like sex. History shows that humans have always been sexually promiscuous. It's only the bullshit versions of history that try to play women off as being some chaste virginal creatures. "Victorian era women couldn't show their ankles" Bullshit. There was drunk and drug induced wife sharing and communal gangbangs among the poor and the royalty alike.

Also, I had more sexual partners than classes in high school by 25. That's not even all that many. A girlfriend in a healthy relationship that lasts maybe 5 months, every once in a rare while a one night stand. Not even all that adventurous or difficult.
who's the girl?
You just need to stop being a little faggot. This isn't some secret underworld, but normal girls aren't going out every night and hanging out with questionable people

This is condescending drivel. I don't have a problem approaching women. I've had a threesome. I'm just saying you can't find a pretty girl that's over 16 and is also a virgin. You can't find a girl that's in her 20's that's pretty that has less than 30 sexual partners. You can't find a pretty girl under 30 that's not DTF on the first date.
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thread over
>You can't find a girl that's in her 20's that's pretty that has less than 30 sexual partners

This is complete and utter bullshit. Most women in their 20s are in 1-3 long term relationships that eat up most of their time. Most pretty girls are spoken for because they are pretty and desirable. They aren't going out and getting blacked ever other day.
You didn't get what I meant at all, so let me condescend again before I leave this lame ass thread:

The kind of women that you approach for a threesome are not the kind of women you approach for ... whatever it is you think you're looking for. Because clearly you don't even know. There are plenty of women who aren't concerned with the number of men that they've had sex with, and have also had less than 30 sexual partners. But you're a stupid piece of shit who has no understanding of the world if you think that makes them better or worse than others.

check out the feminist fag lol Are you concerned about the steadily dropping birth rates among whites? The fact that more than half of marriages end in divorce? This type of "it's okay to be a slut" attitude is a huge driving force behind that. you're a fucking faggot
The more sexual partners a woman has , the less likely she is able to bond with a partner , Stefan Molyneaux of YouTube as source.
Guys OP is a huge faggot, leave him be, he's only 20 he doesn't understand it yet.
>They aren't going out and getting blacked ever other day.

nobody said they're going out and getting blacked everyday you BBC loving faggot. There's nothing to suggest that most girls in their 20's are in long term relationships. Define long term? 2 weeks? 6 months? a year? What about when they're not in a "long term relationship"? Oh yea they're fucking anything with any semblance of self esteem and a dick
>so let me condescend again

you did a pretty good job at being condescending again I have to admit lol I approached the girls that I had a 3some with because I wanted sex. Not that hard to figure out but what I'm saying is any girl that's above an 8/10 is a slut. They feed off the attention they receive constantly from men and they fuck whoever they want. That's not healthy. There are no 21 yr old pretty virgins in America. It just doesn't happen anymore. That's not good for society

all pretty girls are sluts. What do I not understand?
>It's only the bullshit versions of history that try to play women off as being some chaste virginal creatures. "Victorian era women couldn't show their ankles" Bullshit. There was drunk and drug induced wife sharing and communal gangbangs among the poor and the royalty alike.

there's literally no evidence to support this claim. shut the fuck up faggot
call me when you grow up
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This is actually pretty accurate.

I dated girls that I met at parties and slept around for a long time.

They always ALWAYS had some reason to go fuck around disguised as some dramatic female shit. Then her whore friends back her up and shes off to the next dick.

Then I finally found a curvy chubby girl with a cute face.

She was bullied and never had a boyfriend in school, her older sister was a blonde bombshell that sucked every dick she could find.

She wouldnt let me fuck for a long time, I was getting frustrated, but she said it was only because she liked me a lot and wanted to know if I liked her as much.

Im glad she didnt let me fuck the first night, because we bonded.

Now 4 years later, we are going to have our first baby in June and find the sex of the baby in a few days at her doctors appointment.

Shes not skinny, and shes a little clumsy, but man i couldnt have asked for a better woman in my life.

Shes not at all what i was looking for, she so much more.

You will find one one day mate, just try to be a good dude.
>That's not good for society
uhhhh mu-muh sex addicts!
I want this to be true for me and my girlfriend as well, I'm trying really hard to keep this relationship lasting for awhile.
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When you find your missing piece you usually just fit together.

Sure we have had a few squabbles about arbitrary shit, but usually we dont even have to try that hard, we just flow.

Mainly because of the steadily decreasing birth rates among white people.


More than half of marriages end in divorce. Illegitimacy rates are up. More single moms than ever. Children raised by one parent are much more likely to be poor and unsuccessful. Women being whores is bad for society for a myriad of reasons.
>Children raised by one parent are much more likely to be poor and unsuccessful
only because they won't inherit shit.
Most successful people inherit what they have instead of earning it.
Being successful is all up to you, wether you have 1 or 2 parents won't make a difference if you're a lazy fuck.

that's a nice sentiment. If you work hard then you can be whatever you want to be! lol you sound like a high school guidance counselor. The stats show definitively that if you're raised in a single parent household you will most likely struggle as an adult. It's not really a matter of working hard. Particularly with an absent father young boys don't fully understand how to be men and with young girls they have no male role model and fill that void with meaningless sex.
nothing to do with inheritance, they tend to have worse grades, worse behavior, and that is still in school before any inheritance comes into play
not having a functional family is a big deal
ever wondered why its always the fucked up people that end up following fucked up ideologies ?
their upbringing was lacking, their formation as a functional member of a society was lacking
and its funny because everyone but themselves can see that
they think they are in the same level as other people, trying to tell how society should conform to their fucked up ideals, how they need to feel more included and how they want their voice to be heard
without realizing that their voice only speaks retarded things that will only bring more problems to the society
>Is there such a thing as a pretty girl that's not a complete fucking whore?
Whore as in Complete freak in the sack or Whore as in the second your backs turned she is doing DVDA and tri-donging it in the mouth?
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please be bait.
my sides at this comment.

What is DVDA?
If you had an ass like that you would be a hungry slut for cocks too
my father died when i was 7 and i'm still a virgin so i guess i never learned to be a man
I wonder, if you were approached by 5 women a day, 3 days a week for 5 years, would you say no to ALL of them just to make certain some loser on an anonymous image board would think that you're a good person?

Before you go around calling a hot woman a slut for saying yes less than 1% of the time, lets see if you have the will power to turn down sexual offers from 4500 women.

Yes. Been married to one for 18 years.
I should start a man's school for people like you and get rich
if the feminist faggots dont find a way to shut my school down due to oppression and shit
good reason
They're either a whore, or dumb as shit
This guy gets it
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is this a photo of you?
Well, to be fair, since you're only ten years old today, you still have time...

check out this white knighting feminist faggot lol

>it's totally acceptable to be a whore if you turn down the majority of guys that hit on you
>Have gf
>She's much more experienced sexually than me
>She's 3 years older than me
>Loves me to no end, honestly
>Still allows me to improve my self confidence and fuck some other girls as long as it's a one night stand and not dangerous to our relationship
>I can talk with her who to fuck and she tells me if it'd be hard or not

How's that guys? I think she's perfect.
how did you know?
>PUA = feminist

u wot m8?
there is obviously a catch there that you either arent telling us, or she hasnt told you
*laughs like George McFly in first back to the future movie.
You know that your position is extreme when the only way to defend it is to call a pick up artists a feminist white knight.
>gf ok with you sleeping around

That's a huge red flag, usually a sign she does too.
>implying women and men think the same about sex

nigga ofcourse a man will say yes because men like sex, women don't like it that way but they like the benefits that may come with which makes her a fucking whore

and thats also the reason why there will never be 5 women approaching you a day just because they want to have sex, it's always the other way around
so you don't have a girlfriend
I'm with her almost two years and still there hasn't been anything that could be a "catch" yet. I'm really happy with her, get to fuck her however/whenever I want and also can fuck some random bitches (with certain limitations).

I'm pretty certain she's not doing it, we live together, I know her living habits and know her long enough to know that she doesn't have the need for anyone else.

Why do you think so?
God yer dum
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Sounds like you've got a cuckqueen in the making
wow nice
Nah, I don't think she'd be down to that, rather she wouldn't care and do something else, like read a book in the meantime or watch Miami Vice.
There is.

I shit you not, the hottest girl in highschool, a purebred german girl with huge tits, nice hips and a marble-chiseled face couldn't stand jocks and only dated 'Nice Guys' who had the balls to flirt with her and ask her out.

She ended up with a chubby-yet-muscled filipino guy with a great sense of humor.

She flirted with me so much on grade 8. I missed out. Fuck.
>women don't enjoy sex

>women don't like it that way

Femanon here. You're a moron.
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PUA are just as degenerate as feminists. They exploit "liberated women" yes all these girls that fuck however many guys they want and work for corporate america are much better off than their grandmothers were with a stable marriage and children who love them. I mean just look at this oppressed women suffering under the patriarchy.
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you're not helping
White semi-christian girls.
Hey......are U a female?

>women don't like it that way

There's the virgin
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>You can't find a pretty girl under 30 that's not DTF on the first date

I call bullshit. Your words literally REEK of a guy who got cheated on and is still butt-sore over the realization every female he's met need dick that he can provide.

Who the hell are you even trying to fool with that statement anyway - the 14yo virgins on the /b/?

We know you are NOT so damn hot that all the cute girls and women fuck you on the 1st date. That's just an asinine idea for you to even attempt to have us believe.

Secondly, experienced men know the rule of low self esteem: the uglier the girl, the easier they are to rail -- and vica versa. Really cute girls are harder to get in bed.

Yes of course there are exceptions but in general, anyone with any decent social adjustment will lose their virginity in their late teens and 20's,and there's nothing whorish about that.

Try getting off the keyboard and out in the real world once in a while. Maybe you'll find an ugly girl who won't cheat on you in the second month of your relationship
Nope. Not among the ugly ones, either.
Oh year. I know one, incredible looks, Christian through and through, asexual - thus no desire to whore around.

Also nearly impossible to get with, obviously.
>Your words literally REEK of a guy who got cheated on

and your words reek of a guy that's too beta to even get a date
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