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How can I blackmail someone into sex if I stole her pics? pic related

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Thread replies: 62
Thread images: 9

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How can I blackmail someone into sex if I stole her pics? pic related
who is she
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a friend's gf
You could be a decent human being and delete them ya fuckin asshole
you'll just end up in jail
blackmailing someone into sex counts as rape in a lot of jurisdictions. and even if it doesn't in your area, it's still blackmail and still illegal.

I say this not to be a whiteknight, but because if you have to ask 4chan how to do something illegal, you're not smart enough to get away with it.
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Or I could just force her into letting me fuck those sweet tits
Can u give a uncensored pic ? Of the facial?
Those aren't sweet tits

I hope your friend beats the shit out of you
It's not worth doing time over imo, but aye I hope she lets you fuck
Or you could live in reality, where those things are fucking gnarly, and she's a gross pig, making it really fucking pathetic to blackmail her for anything.
Have some self respect and delete that monstrosity, and go get nudes of a HOT girl, and blackmail her, you fucking plebeian.
>what's the best material you have
>is it clearly identifiable as her
>is the somebody who would an hero if pics got or out somebody who'd tell you to go fuck yourself and release the pics
I second this
do it anonymously, get her to send you pics so you get more ammunition until you feel comfortable making her meet you in a hotel, blindfold her and fuck her and keep it anonymous
can you drop her name?
Not that bad of idea. Have you done this sort of thing before?
More pics. Now.
more pics and uncensored them mate.
just stop lad, shell never do it, shell ruin her relationship with her bf and you will feel awful guilt. 4chan is not the place for retards like you we are a website of peace
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I like this
never had the desire to really, people are easily manipulated though
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Stfu white knight fag
post an uncensored pic
i need to fap
also more

You're a fucking retarded faggot. There is no scenario here where you win. You're such a fucking ugly, creepy fuck so she's repulsed by you most likely just call the cops. If you release them that just makes things worse for you. Kill yourself.
>website of peace

Where the fuck did you crawl out of ?
Are you new?
Does your mommy know where you are?
Do you want a balloon?
Don't stop posting this pics!
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OP, you know 4chan is archived right? You understand if your do blackmail this chick, they'll see this thread admitting you did it?
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Why the fuck are you normies always trying to white knight all the time,get the fuck off my board and go to fuck to bed

>cuts her face out

Wtf anon

Post face what the fuck are you scarred of faggot
What state you in?
anonymously is much safer at first. You can get more material out of her and it doesn't fuck your life if she doesn't play along.

Then if you think she's pliable enough to move onto in person.

can offer more advice on how to proceed with the online part.

I am far from a white knight. I've ruined people's engagements before and love cheating sluts. But blackmail is retarded because OP is just a little nerd who would get chewed up.
At last, finally after lurking many years of nudes from random chicks on this place. I suspect this might be the first time the photos belong to someone I know in real life. God speed OP and keep those pictures coming
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go on
At least give us her first name. Stop being a faggot
But why would you care about a random person ?

Fuck off we're trying to have some fun here mate.

We don't you and the others mucking about
That's it....

Not very bright, eh OP
Sure that could definetly help
The bait is strong with this one.

is her name Brandi?
So first, avoiding ruining your life if she just goes straight to the cops:
you need to santize any account you contact her from. you do not do a single thing relating to blackmail from an account you ever use for anything else. whether it's skype/kik/gmail, you set up a new account.

set up that new account over vpn, only access it over vpn.

Make fucking sure when you're talking to her you don't give away any info that you know her in person. try to vary up how you write, imply you're in another town or state, etc.

She needs to absolutely believe you're going to do it. You need to start with a list of all her friends, family, where she works.
Encrypt some or all of the files and upload the archive somewhere public. give her the link and the key, so she can verify they're there. tell her anybody who gets sent that link and key will have all her shit.

Personally I'd hold back some of the most hardcore stuff at first, but keep hinting about it.

IF she calls your bluff, leak a couple. Maybe censored like this, maybe just the lingerie ones. do it on a random forum and link her to it.

She needs to believe that you have the only copy of the pics, and that you will let her off the hook at some point. Nobody is going to agree to a lifetime of sex slavery, you need to make doing what you say obviously the easiest way forward.

Because I'm not a total piece of shit and don't find fun in innocent people being blackmailed?
OP you're getting some solid advice on both sides of the contreversy. You got what you came here for , now dump some more nudes and name please
Learn to live mate, if you hate it here.

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Oke i am going to give it too you straight.
You are masturbating way to much, /b is flooded with porn.
Nothing but lonely losers ejaculating excessively, destroying their testosterone levels.
Our only weakness , porn.
After ejaculation you are calmed you are made docile and lose all motivation.
This needs to stop, this is the reason our birth rates dwindle.
This is the reason why /b turned weak , we are all contempt wankers, drained of our manly juices that makes us /b.
We let our guard down now tumbler and reddit have grown in numbers ,they made us weak with this infection of porn.
It is time we put our sperm in nothing but jars or women, no more little swimmers waisted on webm`s.
No more ejaculation unless it is for the cause of /b.
It is time for discipline, It is time we make /b great again, It its time we stop masturbating with out a cause.
/b unite ,Abstain , Return to your natural form of frustration, hate, contempt and anger.

Your mission , no masturbation for 9 days too reach the maximum amount of testosterone in your system.
This will also flush the build up oestrogen out of your system and reduce your bitch tits.

Do not watch any porn.
Sexual stimulus causes the prostate to produce prostate fluid that over time becomes a carcinogen.

If you roll dubs or higher in this thread you get a 7/10 gf, trips gives you a 7,5/10 gf etc.
If you already have a gf you get a second one.
>You cant unless she likes you.

I've been here for years, I don't hate it here, I hate autistic freaks who can't lose their virginity without blackmail, rape or paying a hooker because of how pathetic they are.
I'm got a wife, Blackmail is just hot as fuck.

don't kinkshame me anon
It's ok, I find it pretty awesome like those h mangas with the black mail, but you know. Without the huge eyes and 2d aspects
Nicely put anon, however I personally just want confirm OP is talking about a chick I knew in HS who I had crush on. It's the reason why I at least want to the initial or name of said person
which high school did you go to mate?

>I've got a wife

You dun goofed
Some small decent school located in New Jersey.
Why won't you post uncensored pics op ?

I'd like to see that facial hot af
Can't you tell he's a beta male who has to blackmail this girl to get him to even acknowledge his existence

Or you could be reported and wind up in jail ya fuckin full retard.

jesus christ you pack of virgins
Thread posts: 62
Thread images: 9

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