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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>722693843 Rules: >Claim

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 181
Thread images: 151

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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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Add Nobody#5930 on discord
stop being gay
Avatarfags get out of my thread
Gas dogfuckers

You are not your avatar :o
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well 13 is the age consent in japan so i guess it's okay...
hi gun girl~
she's mine...i had her first
it's not enough, i need someone to wrap his arms around me
that means you're ashamed of her
oh my that sounds like a lot of an investment.
it's also a good reason for me to not commit suicide
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Claiming best girl
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Nothing like listening to chill beats and dying of excruciating tooth pain

>Hamakaze claimed
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Hey Mash

Can't sleep after uh... you know, the cleaning exercise, so I'm gonna head out to IHOP in a few and work on a paper.
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>Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome once again to the always classy /waifu/! My name is Koto and I'll be more than happy to be your hostess of the evening! Let's see some waifus!
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owo what's this
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i wish i could ride along in your pocket, bye bye~
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Dont worry ive known about her since I was in high school
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Ashamed? Just possessive.
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Well that among other reasons I guess

Once you get to Stardust Crusaders (pt 3) shit gets really fucking weird really, really quick
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I can stuff you in the glove box like my 1911! I just don't have a concealed carry permit.
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spic -_-
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Is JoJo worth watching?
Wraps arms around
>>722696818 koto
true but how would she have known?
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your waifu is scary :o
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That's my point

She didn't

How can I put this simply...

It's one of my all time favorites and it's a great ride to go through. I don't know if you're familiar with the manga but the Anime is definitely worth seeing. And I mean the one that starts in 2012, not the Stardust Crusaders OVA.

But I highly, highly recommend it, it is a phenomenal series
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>>722696422 (Koto)
Find a job in the public sector and then you can be a government slug like me and get every President's Day off.

>>722696511 (Misaki)
Kek, the setup wasn't my fault.

>>722696644 (Tali)
Something tells me if the Momboss gets you hired, he's gonna try and be a prick when he can.

Run out of clove oil? Sooner or later it's gonna be time to see a dentist before you get an abscess.
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I missed your last reply sorry, what happened?
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I need to watch it then.
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That i can deal with
Well if mama didnt warn you then its ok to do it
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I said both
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have you um, thought about her.. in "that" way?
she'll want to lewd with you in public and she'll be sad if you don't
you're spoiling it!
wow you have a 1911? i have to admit i'm jealous... I want a M1917 revolver~
oh my that tickles~
>leans into you
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so what are you gonna do?

I'm sorry to hear
OMG, I'm online all the time bragging about Donald Trump, and my best chance at romance is claiming a "waifu.." Just buy a blow up doll B/ro

I'll claim Jessica Rabbit.
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Of course but I wouldnt do anything
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Well I'll have to check, never know, I could be surprised

let me know if you do, I love hearing peoples reactions to their first time watching it

Not so fast! great gramma bushins warned me!

I ain't spoilin shit.

You could say

It gets

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I don't know
I can't stop doing this
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I have a lot of guns. Of course I'd have a 1911.
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you should separate yourself from what's causing you problems
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You think that tickles?
*Nuzzles neck*
Ok how the hell did she know about aliens?
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so you didn't, you know. finish on her?
i like anime that takes me into a different world~ I can see why JoJo is popular
how on earth did you even get your hands on one?
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I can't
It's also the only thing I have
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Nope. Sorry to dissapoint
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It is. Episode three gets manly as fuck from there on
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I feel that way too

though I cried a lot today

makes me want to leave but idk
great gramma bushins knows everything

some people call her crazy

mainly its because her hair is a literal bush

I'm just glad it's getting a lot more popularity outside of Japan as well. did you know that Hirohiko Araki, the series creator, worked with fashion companies like Gucci to showcase their designs by drawing his characters in them?
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True, push comes to shove you'll probably be fine because of who got your hired anyhow. Plus HR is usually in an ivory tower until they have to address something, and then it's typically something vague.

The catch is it almost always pays less than the private sector, but there's perks if you get on somewhere. Then again, there's good demand for your type of work, so you could always start a business instead.
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Need help to find a cure for the voice I keep hearing. Here's my discord help me.
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I doubt she'd want to do that.
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Old man bought it for me, plus the ammo. Don't need to be 21 if it's a gift.
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You never drained your balls on a picture of her?
I am right now
I really can't
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JoJo is totally worth watching.
Take it from someone who said multiple times I wasn't going to watch it and then, when I was basically forced to do it, I ended up loving it.
It's kinda weird at times but it's well worth your time bud.

Also I know, I was just kidding. How's your night going fam?
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^-^ im literally a human furnace btw
What exactly did she say about alien cuddles?
And i know how to not give hr anything to look into. If there's one thing i can be in life it's invisible
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I'm not good with talking, so sorry

you can talk to me whenever you'd like, though I'm not much help

I'm sure you want better
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Jews fear and hate you!
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At least there's opportunities. More than can be said of most other places

And I quote:

"thems alins'll try to get you in the comforter and thems tries to eat your liver with chopsticks"

endquote, great gramma bushins 2k17
if you got through part 1 and thought none of it was weird I think we got a problem
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Nope. Maybe one to you later
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ah no wonder they wear some pretty awesome clothes~
yeah she'll want to eat you
>tfw i only have a hunting shotgun and never held a pistol in my life
you mainlanders have a lot of access to guns...
was your 1911 used in the war?
im going to need more heat than that~
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finish in my mouth!
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here's how Jojo goes down/

You watch part 1 and go "wow that was pretty wacky"

Then by the time you finish part 3 you start feeling like part 1 was the most normal part of the entire series

part 1 was my favorite part tho. Loved Jonathan and Dio's feud

Araki does a good job of showing off a character's unique style, whether it's in how they act or pose or dress
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No, I dont think I put it on right since its in an awkward angle. I tried it again just now and the pain is gone.
>All thats left now are the relaxing beats
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I should actually have them somewhere on my HDD.. just gotta find them first.

Saya is a nice girl. She wouldn't harm a fly!
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what do you want?
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Lol no, it's a newer one, no chance.

If you keep up that level of lewdity I'm gonna need to jerk it again.
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Goddammit saya...kek
I am appalled. I would never eat your liver
Hello courtney
Damn...are you mizore?
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I always know you're joking sis. You do take far sometimes ;_;

Easy. Can't decide to either watch anime or play some vidya. How about your night or morning over there?
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The scarf spam is slowing down my phone.

Bye everyone!

best pkmn girl!
he makes me want to get back in to drawing clothes again hehe
oh yeah! I DL the game yesterday, I will play it soon~
oh wow still very impressive, i would put it in an air lock bag and never open it lol
bye misaki~ i'm going to watch NHK meow~
>feeds you lewd foods
>steals your heat
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Of course if thats what you want
I don't know
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-//- bye tomoko <3
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It's all pretty bizarre. Things such as stands were able to really bring out the strangeness of the show but fuck man the half-breed shits that Dio have are burned into my memory but as far as the show goes yea Part 1 is the most tame.

I respect you for that. Rarely see someone who appreciates Part 1 for what it is. Even though its on lower on my list of favorites, I hold a certain respect for Part 1.
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Take it it died years ago
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Play it ASAP and let me know what you think of it! Bye!
Sorry but how is it slowing it down? Everyone posts and the scarves are no different.
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Quints of truth
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How come Tomoko gets his own goodbye post?
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"Thems alins did eat me liver, now I canna have none o the good whisky no more"

Endquote, great gramma bushins 2k17


I really appreciated how well done it was as an origin story for the beginning to a truly strange adventure. Like,here's some kid whose entire world gets shattered and loses everything bit by bit, but manages to be the faint glimmer of hope that turns into a burning fire
Because unlike tomoko, tomomo poster is actually popular
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Your hurting my feelings....
Ayy lmao
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Hey it's not me, it's great gramma bushins

blame her

I'd never want to hurt yo feelins
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Saya 078.jpg
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Found 48 episodes of Stardust Crusaders.
nice hair
Not really, they just act like erping faggots towards eachother.
File: there's a hand in my bag.jpg (38KB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
there's a hand in my bag.jpg
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Jonathan never gets enough credit. Dude is a spoiled rich kid who has his life torn apart in a matter of week until he feels safe again only for it to happen once more.Goes as far as beating a vampire without the need of hamon. Goes against being a gentleman only once to stop Dio. Jonathan deserved better.
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Hell, you're good then. If anything you'll get some opportunities for more pay since it's probably a turnstile over there with people quitting/leaving.

Definitely. I feel bad for people getting ready to leave school looking for career work. The market is screwed up in the way that everyone wants experience, doesn't want to give it, and then they bitch that they can't find qualified people to take the jobs. What's out there is dead end entry work, contractor gigs, or unpaid internships that supposedly can turn into a permanent position.

Looking back on it I was fortunate to graduate in '06 and find a stable job before 2008 hit.
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Saya 034.png
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Also found JoJo 2000
stop that.
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Then stop believing her lies and just cuddle
Thats what im hoping for.

>new images
Shit happens on my phone too.
Thread posts: 181
Thread images: 151

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