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Well would you think carefully

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Well would you

think carefully
18 billion dollars can buy a lot of therapy.
It would crush me as well as it would him, but think of how many puppos I could rescue with that money.
$18,000,000,000 just to put my foot on a dog, are you retarded?
I've thought about this. I literally have never had a job and at my age with no work experience ever, I never will at this point, so the question to me is not if I'd do it for 18bn, but how small of an amount I'd do it.

18bn DEFINITELY because that's a fuckload of money and it would take care of any legal fees resulting in my doing it

But if I could be exempt from any legal repercussions, I'd probably go as low as 100 dollars. Maybe even less. I'm desperate.
fuck yes i would

i would even barbeque it afterward and eat it.

18 billion dollars, i could buy my own nuclear submarine an crew and all the missiles and wipe out any shit hole nation that condems me for stomping it and eating it afterward.
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I would eat it
Plot twist: You can only spend the money on male prostitutes

You can buy an awful lot of puppies for 18 billion dollars.
yes, can i reroll for more?
Of fucking course I would. Do you know how much money that is? Besides, I'm fairly good at distancing myself from things that I regret doing, things/people I have hurt. And as some people above had said, even if I did feel bad about it after (I would, I hecking love doggos) then I could justify it by donating even a tiny portion of that to charities/shelters that house/help animals.
yes wouldnt put any wieght on it though bam, pay me money!
uh... I'd pay much more than that to step on the puppy
I'd stomp on it for five bucks.
I would feel absolutely terrible afterward, without a doubt. I would probably have nightmares for the rest of my goddamn life.

But 18 billion dollars is 18 billion dollars.
I don't need money that badly.
dont care all that much about money or material pocession, so long as I can pay my bills thats good enough
I'd fucking tap dance on that shit for 18 dollars
The fuck is this thread???
I'd step on all the puppies for $18 billion.
I've killed people for less.
Le underrate epic comment

upvote this to karma heaven anons
Yes. Since it just says step on the puppy, not stomp or kill. I could do so without injury to the pup, and collect my winnings, and give the pupper a nice treat after.
For that much money i would tap dance on that little fucker.
>step on very end of tail

Pupper feels a slight pain and then I get my money
i would but i would spend at least half of that on charity organizations for dogs or else i woulndt be able to live with my self.
Hell fucking yeah I would.

I'd be the best fucking dog crusher around too. I'd be hitting numbers you need exponents to calculate.

Come up with a machine to do it more quickly, maybe two or three puppies at a time. I'd be the motherfucking Gregor Clegane of puppies.

I'd hang up a sign in front of my shop which read:

Come see Dr Crusher, he'll annihilate your pupper.

Plus that sick 18 billion dollars.
probably not , no.
money doesnt concern me
of course i have mental problems
but i'd never change my nature for gain, i always try to be true to myself
People are a pestilence upon this planet and many deserve to be killed.

It would be a lot easier to kill a person than it is to step on a cute, innocent little puppy.
Are you fuckin kidding me?

For a quarter billion I'd fuck it to death with my tiny cock!
In front of mother and my grandmother!
without hesitation... line the block with em'... I could do it all day.
i'll just step on it very carefully

I recognize this from somewhere

Isn't this a copypasta or greentext apapted from something like "dr deletus will annihilate your fetus"?

idk maybe I dreamed it
Is that $18B before or after taxes?
Yeah it's dr deletus, I'm way too retarded to come up with anything original.
...but what if that pupper is the canine mashiach who was has been foretold to defeat the coming feline Mephistopheles and by killing the puerile dog king your greed dooms all of humanity to enslavement by cats
Have robotic shoes made with a massive footprint to stomp dozens of pups at a time. Metal floor grating to drain away pup sludge; conveyor system to deliver newborn pups by the score.
i would for 1 million. probably for 100k

18 billion dollars? there's no sugar coating this but yeah. i'd kill it. I'd smash the living shit out of it for 18 billion. I'd do it on live television. I'd fucking batista bomb that shit for 18 billion. i wouldn't have any regrets. I'd be looking at it's disfigured face and think about that 18 billion dollars
kill one dog and make the lives of millions of dogs better?
You've thought too much about this breh
You did not specify which parts of the body and how hard, so I'll step lightly on his foot then use the money to care for him if necessary
oh shit nice. sorry for calling you out, you could've fooled some other anons . my headmind brain-memory is just really good.

forgive me

My money, please.
what difference it make? either way you a billionaire
There is literally nothing I wouldnt do for 18 billion. Except killing myself/family member or cutting my dick.
i would take a full time work crushing puppies for that money
This already happened a few years before the pyramids were built. This post was a trick question to see if history really does repeat itself.
Yes. The puppy will die and I will use the money to help so many people and animals. Also I'd get a really cool car and house. I will create a religion. Jesus Dog Died For You.
The only thing I wouldn't do is cut my dick off
how about poking both of your yes out?
So long as i get my money.
I would crush the fuck out that dog are you kidding me? I wouldn't feel bad do you even understand what I could do with $18bln? That dog isn't contributing anything to society.
Chop off both your arms, both your legs, pull out your tongue, and blind and deafen yourself.

But at least you have 18 billion dollars, if you can figure out how to tell anyone how to spend it.
How about poking both eyes out?
Knew it. Faggot.
The only hope then is Ceiling Cat casting Basement Cat into hell at the end of the age during the catpocalypse at the battle of the furmageddon.
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You'd be an idiot if you didn't

It would hurt to do it but I'd have to say yes. To suit my conscience though I would donate to animal shelters or some kind of wildlife preserve.
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God damn, that's some good copy pasta
Only if the guy in the blue jeans is Bill Gates holding the check for 18 billion

There's an argument to be made that if you can no longer experience the world you are dead which would fall into OPs clause
>poke eyes out
>invest $10b into artificial eye development
>see again
>market the eye to blind people everywhere
>cure blindness
id do it for 5
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No. It's a trap.
5 dollars that is
It's not like it's saying that you have to curb stomp it into mush. I'll take that 18b easily if I just stepped on its foot.
Anyone who says they would step on that dog with $18,000,000,000 cash sitting in front of them is a fucking liar. That's like a freight container size stack.
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Without a second thought.

>Come see Dr Crusher, he'll annihilate your pupper
3/10; the rhyme needs work, penalty for copypasta.
Is the money generated or taken away from anyone? If the money would be generated you would not only kill a puppy but also destroy the lives of thousands of people on the edge of poverty. If the money is taken from somebody (or a group) it question whom it was taken from? A billionaire? than i would do it. If it would have been taken from the governemt its either gatherd by taxation or by printing money so both results in my first point. If it is taken from a group of people from the middle class or lower its even worse than statet in my first point.

So all in all its way to complex to decide with so little information given.

Anyone who says no is a faggot

Not Million

Think of all the good you could do.
You could save so many stray animals from being killed.
No, real men love Jesus
Or just have them all killed.

Would you kill yourself if you could give someone of your choosing 18 billion dollars?

I'd do it for free
Think of how many more puppies you could kill with 18 billion dollars!!
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Maybe if I was old
i would do it for like tree fiddy.
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Just step on it lightly
Get Money
Get Dog

Good life
Same. Fuck dogs.
I'd do it for free
With an $18bn hit out on that pupper I assume he has it coming anyway, so yes.
I would step on 18 billion puppies for one dollars
>not seeing papa frankus video on this

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I dont think it would live a great life after i stepped on it. So obv no. Id probably flick it's nose though fr 18 billion
What is the average hourly rate in your country? It must be dog shit for that to be worth the time
he is such a try hard forced faggot character
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I'll take .1% of that money OP
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it didnt say id have to kill it.....
so ya.....
ive killed for less....
to double it id prolly tap dance on the mf...
you would flick an innocent dogs nose?
u sick piece of shit kill yourself
I would, but i don't have 18 billion dollars.
I would puppy on 18 dollars for one steps
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>step on

Didn't say with how much force, I'd lightly tap the pupper with my foot.
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this mother fucker thought carefully
I don't think that would count as stepping.
oh its not about the money. i'm american and a psychopath. wanna see my guns?
Doesnt say i have to step on it to kill it
>gently places foot on top of puppers
The fuq is my billions bitch?
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For 18 billion i'd go on international tv and create a huge show, i'd get in a wrestling costume and start off with insulting the dog, spitting on it and start teasing it. There'd be strippers in puppy costumes, and rockets and a huge light show. I'd get p diddy to create a song about stomping puppies and perform it life. I'd have tanks shoot int into containers filled with puppies with PETA written all over it, i'd announce that Bernie Sanders is my president, i might even crap on the floor and cut off my dick. And then i step on a post and jump on the puppy trying to hit it with my mouth while singing the mexican anthem. Then i'd eat the fucker raw. When i'm done with my meal i'd look into the camera and say "this spot was sponsored by coca cola" (C). Coca cola - together is beautyful.
>Mfw even after all costs i made 20 billion dollars
You're right and this is what I'd do too but there's nothing I wouldn't do for 18 billion short of severe self harm or to a loved one. I mean I'd ass rape this pupper to death in front of a bus full of school children.
If I have jail immunity I would jump on a toddler for those money.

But but, puppies or toddlers, I would do it with a smile on my face even for "only" 18 milions, but even for 180000 or 18000. If I should really beg for money I would do it even for 1800, 180, 18, 1,8 or 0,18 dollars, depending on the circumstances.
>would you step on this puppy for 18 billion dollars

18b dollars huh?
Well, there is no sugarcoating this, im gonna, i-i would kill it.
Are you fucking kidding me?
I would smash the living shit out of that for 18 billion.

I'd do it on live television
I would petisa the shit out of that thing.
I would not have any regrets.

I'd look at its disfigured face as im doing it and i'd just be thinking about that 18 billion dollars baby

Like to start off with the prices to high.
18 billion dollars... I would without a doubt smash a puppy to death 10 grand. 10 grand easy.

But for 18 billion... For 18 billion i would that that fucker to my foot and just slam it against the treadmill.

For 18... jeez, for 18 billion i'd attatch it to a rope and just smack it.

I would kill 18 billion puppies for 18 billion dollars. I would smash the shit out of that thing, that little shit probably doesnt have memory yet and if it does the only thing it will remember is my foot.
Are you saying that I should pay 18 Billion to kill one or receive 18 billion if I kill one?

If it's the second one, yes.
The first one, no.
I couldn't and wouldn't do it for any money. That's just the way it is.
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The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
yes. again and again and again.
Step on, yes. I'd put it's tail right under the middle of the arch of my foot and step down with my full weight. Since I have high arches, the doggo would barely feel it and I'd be $18 billion richer.
Who would pay me to do this?

I would just kill them and take their money. One less psychopath in the world.
then step on the doggo?
Is it john wicks puppy?
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>I would kill 18 billion puppies for 18 billion dollars
So you would kill a puppy for a dollar.
I said one less, not the same number of.
yes, are you fucking gay?
lol, nice homage
not the same thing dumbfuck
Wow havent seen this shit thread in like 2 years
what a fuucking dumb question. get the fuuck of /b/ you little retarded kid. Your parents dont like you're being up this late
I would create a company advertising workers for any job at half the cost of paying a labourer, then I would pay the male prostitutes way more than what they get for selling them selves out of the 18billion kitty and pocket what the companies pay me. I would be a billionaire from this.
I'll do it for $100. It's just a fuckin' lil nigger puppy you sissies
It's precisely the same thing. Just like a two-for-one sale is the same thing as half-off.
The Against Malaria foundation estimates that it can save about one life for every $3300 donated.So, with 18 billion dollars, you could save about 6 million lives while ending the life of just one puppy.
Frankly, it would be immoral not to step on it.
The proceeds of this elaborate scheme could still only be spent on male prostitutes.
Sure. It didn't say anything about putting your weight down, so you could avoid maiming/killing the puppy if you wanted to.
I guess. I would try to break it's neck with my heal to prevent too much pain.

Two scenarios:

1 - Guy doesn't kill dog, lives ordinary life trapped by bills, dies.

2 - Kills dog. Super rich. Has amazing life, can donate to charity/research.

Scenario 2 seems better overall.
heres my skeleton frined with my MAK-90
>save six million lives

It would be like the anti-Holocaust.
Not it isnt the same thing

Would I kill 1 for a dollar? No. Would i kill a million for a million bucks? damn right

and a 2 for one sale is not the same thing. What if you only want 1

Fucking 12 yr olds
I would stomp on it with steel cleats then punt it into the 9/11 Memorial live on YouTube for 18 Billion dollars.
This sort of fallacy has to have a name.

The person who would presumably be paying you has the same opportunity to be reverse Hitler and did not take it. Instead he is paying you to step on a dog.
So? I take the money that he would have spent on selfish shit and instead spend it to save lives. I don't think that's fallacious.
That much money would ruin my life, not to mention the notoriety of being the guy who killed a pupper for money.
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i'd eat the fucking dog not even being edgy, 18 BILLION DOLLARS you'd have to be fuck retarded to not ruin that dog. that is a lot of money
Yes, with a bottle of vodka in hand so I can chug right after to help me deal with what I just did. Then donate a bunch of money to an animal shetler...feels better ahh..
I'd rather have a well-paying job stepping on puppies than all my money in a lump sum.
No, that kind of monetary transfer or creation in any way would alter the economy in unknown ways. Unsafe. Could even make your money worthless.
Fuck yeah.
>step on
Sure. Could be a gentle step, literally just placing your foot on the puppy very gently. Now I have 18 billion and a cute puppy.
>tfw you will never be offered this deal
Fuck yes I would, just not very hard so it wouldn't even be hurt. Now if there was some requirement that I put my whole weight on it I would do it quickly and make sure it's poor little head got crushed quick. Just to fuck with the world I would donate half to PETA. I would also do hella humanitarian shit or maybe adopt a poor rural county and do amazing things for the people there.
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I wish I could, but I can't. I can't make a mistake to try to correct it later knowing it's a mistake.
This is /b a lot of us have done way worse things to animals then kill one small puppy, 18 million dollars, that's enough to not have to work for the rest of your life. This is a fucking stupid thread, and you sir, OP, are a faggot.
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I'd eat it for $10,000

honestly...it's the old 'would you suck a cock for a million dollars'?

Do you know how much fucking money that is, son?

I'd suck the skin off it for a million dollars
I'd do it for $50
$1,000,000 today is more like $100,000 when the expession of "$1 million" being a lot of money came out.
burn in hell for even posting that
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Cool trips, but
It doesn't say how hard I have to step on the puppy.

I could lightly tap its pawn with the tip of my shoe and walk away with millions.
What profit would it be for a man to gain the whole world if he should lose his soul?
What is up with you guys? what happened? when did anon start giving a shit about any other living soul?
that's a no-brainer. RIP puppy, you died for a good cause.
I would step on all the puppies
Given that the newspaper is in Turkish, he's already in hell.
>implying the man has a soul
Gimme 18 bucks
This right fucking here
18? not 19? or 17? only 18 will do?
I would do it for $1000
Lowest bid is 18
Not an animal person so I would do it. Although I also don't like scuffing out life, animal or no. I'd probably donate a fair bit of that to some good animal shelters to make up for it.
It's not original, but still funny anon
answer is simple: YES
if you even consider NO, you are a lying sack piece of shit that this world needs to get rid of
A life is not a statistic.
And you are a normie and need to quickly and quietly get off my board.
I would for 1k or for free if it was a cat
I would pay $18 to do it.
Does this diddle your pickle?>>722136174
If its in the equivalent of $18bil Kuwaiti Dinar, in gold, platinum and silver bullion, with diamonds as well.....I would stomp puppies for eternity.
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There you are anon :D i missed you.
The world is already filled with people who harm others for personal gain or entertainment. There is no amount of money that can buy me to become one of those people.
Move to a state that honors polygamy and marry all the prostitutes that labor for you, use marital assets to make invesments. Profit.
You sound like fucking Doctor Evil with that question.18 billion. Why not say 50 puntillion?Because that sounds just as ridiculous
well hi again! Indeed, Dinar is approx worth 3x as much as USD and paper monies hold no value should the world economy collapse.
Are you the anon that pointed out to me that the Dinar holds more value than the Euro?

i'd destroy that little shit
Fuck yeah, I'll fucking stomp the shit out of that pupper.
Sometimes elemetary school kids talk too much shit and need correcting
sheeit ill putt that shit for three fiddy
A light tap on its head with my shoe would count as a step. Easy $ and no one fucking dies
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id body slam that lil nigga
I'd stomp the shit out of every puppy I ever come across for the rest of my life for 18B.
Yea its an inferior chihuahua.
I would smash that puppy so hard his brains are coming out from his ears. With all that money I could even buy some dog breeder shit if I really want to and breed a new dog for this cruel world.
yes I would donate some money to help animals so I wouldnt feel bad
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I would do it for $80, $40 if I can wear headphones while I do it.
no it's too cute
I would love to, but I can't afford 18Billion dollars
I would bite the fuckers head off for half of that
Id like to say i would but me playing out the situation in my head is making me sick and i am not even that crazy about dogs. Im weak lmao
I've killed cuter for no reason at all
discord dot gg /wnz7zXH
Yeah. I'd step on his tail. Then adopt him and take him to the vet.
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dont cut yourself on all that edge
I'd do it for free
Way too expensive. I can't imagine myself paying more than a couple hundred to do it.
yes. but not very hard as it does not state i have to cause it any actual harm or death.
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With that much money, i would order a Falcon rocket with a warhead and fireworks attached to it, put the puppy inside, and send it to the skies, exploding the rocket 10km above ground, while people get entertained by the lights show with male strippers fucking each other on the stage. Even if they offered no money, i would still organize it.
duh ill kill a thousand puppies for 18 billion kill all the puppies
I would curb stomp that puppy till its a blanket of skin and bones with blood everywhere. I.E yes I would
No. The puppy is real. The money is not.
No. I'm happy with what little I have, and I would never end a living thing for money, regardless of how many puppies I could save with it.
For 18 billion, I'd tape it to my show and hit the treadmill.
No and here's why unless you're a psycho path. You would feel this horrible sense of guilt that you would never be able to shake off for the rest of your life. You would wish every fucking day for it to go away and it wouldn't. Nothing you could buy would make it go away. You'd always feel like that horrible person that was willing to kill a puppy.

It's not worth it to do anything bad for any positive reward whatsoever.
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