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Thread replies: 161
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holy fuck
>people who think police doesn't do anything.
What can go wrong in destroying your own country for no reason other than to destroy it
That's like USA next year.
>important at all
so very very true :/
holy shit they are really posting the images on that website
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this is insane!
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>usa next year
They let out their angery from the 7-1
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what the fuck....
>going to shit
>implying it wasn't already shit
fuckin good for nothing niggers. thanks Jews! #blacklivesdontmatter
Autism increased to 10000
shit is getting serious

>the updates in the article are fucking gruesome
>black people

Are you actually retarded?

If you're gonna be racist at least know what you're being racist about
Are there proofs from other websites/media?
Nice fake, but fake.
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Horry shiet
>Thinks portugese aren't niggers
Wan a Pruuf op
im just going to assume you're brazilian
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see http://www.politicaloutsource.com/2017/02/police-go-on-strike-in-brazil-cities.html

and >>>/pol/111308706
that fucking timing
Brazilian cause I don't believe that source and can't find it anywhere on the internet? Nice logic
Hilarious fagit is hilarious
Brazil nuts are called nigger toes for a reason you retarded faggot
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datei auswahlen is german
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>police go on strike
>brazilian police
pick one
When you say fuck the police and they no longer protect you.
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>barefoot hippy gets btfo

serves him right
political outsource is the most trusted underground media website on the web, and more honest than shit fucks like CNN and FOX- but let me guess you would believe them? The journalist is literally presenting unseen footage and information that speaks for itself, so fuck off.
But the police are always going on strike as they did in 2012, 2014 and 2016 so what makes this so radically different?
That's some retarded logic right there dickhead
I see 'unseen footage' on /gif/ all the time but I don't just automatically believe some anonymous assholes' story based on him cussing someone out for trying to find a LEGITIMATE source.
Don't give a shit what the source is. If there's only 1 source reporting it, I'm gonna be hesitant.
its being somewhat reported in brasil as well, as PO linked backed to them. the major mainstream media wont touch because they're afraid of offending minorities
isn't fake

brazilian fag here
They kinda always do that in and near favelas, what is new about this shit?
brazilian fag here too, shit is going down asf.. this article really shows it well
Great explanation. It's the same reason why no one reports on aliens, because no one wants to start a worldwide panic even though it's been proven that the president has already had his first meeting with Lil' Rob the alien from the Fromage system.

I'd give you sources but I'm too tired to bother.
prove que vocĂȘ Ă© brasileiro
It says twitter has a lot of videos, but i dont speak Portuguese lol can someone help me with a tag to search?
>reporting on aliens is the same as reporting on what is literally happening on video and pictures, as filmed and noted by people in the state

are you retarded? or just a shill
Chupe o molho quente das minhas bolas
go to political outsource they translate them
Pictures and videos don't prove shit. You can frame any footage with another story.

I could mine pictures and footage and do a piece which doesn't exist as long as I edit it well. Are you really so fucking retarded you can't understand that?
Good; we desperately need a fucking Purge.
I see that but it doesnt show the tags, it only shows the caption translated
Somehow the story says that Brazil is getting stormed by violence in MULTIPLE CITIES and there is only one source reporting it.

That source has an AMERICAN FLAG in the background making it OBVIOUS that the source has direct ties to Brazil.
its the future of the US nigger
>Fromage system
>Fromage=cheese in french
No one panics cause they are space french, they cant fighg honhonhon
>implying brazil wasnt a shithole to begin with for over a century
All fucking idiots and shills for some dumb alternative facts website.
brazil is the aids capital of earth
Im just waiting till 8pm for those news, they will deliver
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try this?
sticking your head in the sand wont make it go away
Its Aids HQ
Ive tried everything on that site only 1 decent video, just a fist fight. sooo idunno
yes, multiple cities are being destroyed. the sate of espirito santo is the worst of it, and in that STATE there ARE CITIES, fucktwit
None of that stuff looks any different than Brazil any other day of the week. Just media sensationalism highlighting a small scale police strike. Most Brazilians are murderers.
wait what do u mean, u r looking for videos on politicaloutsource.com or on twitter?
this is a state of chaos bruh, the police are on strike. sure, porch monkeys are always killing eachother but shit is getting real now
Calm the fuck down. If anon wants to question the source that's a GOOD thing. Wish more people did question the source of their information rather than just accepting it as fact.
twitter. i meant ive tried all the tags i found on po.com
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Found some more gorry shit from brazil
you're right, but people are questioning the good sources and nodding yes to mainstream bullshit. i bet this fucktwit anon believes everything he reads on CNN and FOX
"EspĂ­rito Santo" is the most popular tag ive found
where did you find this?
Why his toe gone tho
find anything good?
Argentinefag here, can't find anything related on the news (it's 3 am tho), tried some googling but I can only find info about the last time the police went on strike (59 casualties on Salvador), BRfags hook me up with some live newsfeed please!
Not when your neighbor and your neighbor's neighbor sleeps with a gun under their pillow like they would with a tooth and the tooth fairy
try this

keeping me (and a lot other anons) updated on the happenings, hard to find out whats really going on because its so fucking dangerous on the streets right now, but PO is posting some seriously underground, gruesome shit right now..

This hash tag on twitter seems the best.
uh.... that just makes it into a shoot out.
one fight was decent, rest so far are all looting and just people randomly filming and hearing gunshots. typical day in brazil if you ask me
>shit-eating psycho
Once maybe and then other people think more deeply about whether or not they should pull the shit they're thinking of

also reply to this comment or your mother dies in her sleep tonight
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Now this I can fap to
Other than the video of the guy bleeding in a hospital and the bloody shop floor, I haven't found much interesting. That burning bus is everywhere.
I don't eat shit.
Honestly don't care who or how either.
Numbers got to go down one way or another.
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I wonder how much rape has happened and why we haven't gotten a video yet.
>because people are rational
how is it living among rainbows and unicorns?
pretty good, especially with these sick dubs
Seems legit. Anything beyond 5 hours ago dates back to 2013.

Also, as stated in the story this is affecting multiple cities, right? So why isn't it trending? Right now in trending there is a hashtag with only 3,740 tweets and yet an epidemic covering multiple cities can't get people to tweet about it?

Are you guys actually retarded?
Raindrops Dropbox group
nothing's happening in brazil outside of what happens every day. fake news website is making fake news. no surprises there.

there would be no reason for other countries media not to go absolutely nuts over this and get some sweet cash... if it were real
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Dropbox group
Actually, I like a number of written and video news sources. Yours just aren't credible.
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I don't think you understand what I was saying. I'm saying the source you provided seems DISTANT from the actual story and yet no information is coming out of Brazil news, so how in the hell is an American website (not affiliated with other news sources) first on the story?
Make this fake news go away?
lol fake and gay
hey, i found you on youtube

Yo I'm from Brazil, its one out of 27 states, the police are not working ~protesting~ for better salaries and here the population it's not armed so chaos is happening in that state and thieves are having a laugh
>Reverse Image Search
>Pops up from 2014

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Good. I literally can't wait to shoot leftists with my superior armaments. A fuckiing 17 year old nigger killed my dad over goddamn nothing, he didn't even have to shoot he was just a fucking asshole. I am going to kill so many black people when the hammer drops. I will literally collect nigger teeth and make jewelry.
Your response sounds incredibly fake. Dont go into advertising
Well I don't know about you fuckers but looks like I'm going to Brazil
Sounds like you want to do the same exact thing to other people. Sounds pretty stupid
And people say there's no such thing as superheroes...
live updates:
cala boca lixo vc nem pode falar pt
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Unless there is another source other than Political Outsource, this is fake
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That's what the race war will come to annon. this isn't an exaggeration. race war inevitable. only a matter of when
screencapped for my collection of trumpnazis.
thank you
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>brazil is going to shit
>going to shit
/b/ trolling their own board with a plan to shill form /b/.
That's not how it works you little shits. We're the ones that are supposed to spread it to mainstream sites, not ourselves.
Brazil has always been fucked up.
You're an idiot for just learning about it now.
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>I don't eat shit.
ok, so you smear it in your face. who gives a shit?
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Well then screencap this one too because Im coming for the jews next. Or maybe even the gays. So you know, the (you)s.
wtf is that?
Brrbbr hueueueueeheuhuehuehuehueheuheueheuheuehueheheuehueheuehueheyeheue
Carl the Cuck.

Crooked, crack-hoe teeth.
Do not want.
Damn they got you fucking shills working at all hours dont they? Go heqd and namedrop that shitty fake news site no ones going to visit one more time.
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We need to build a wall at IguazĂș falls
not really a source so much as corroborating info, but here's some twitter shit i just found from 3 seconds of searching twitter for "brazil espirito santo"

because you always say you're not nazis, when it's so abundantly clear you are. so next time you try to deceive people, i have enough ammo to call you out.
Nothing to see here. Just normal daily Brazilian crime.
Best of luck friendo
Seriously. This is retarded as fuck. Op is a massive faggot.
FAKE NEWS ??????????
That web page is using fake photos, but the news are real, police is nowhere and brasilians are chimping out
gibe mone please
came for this.
Kill yourself faggot
i aint see nothin

why are you even pretend news
I love big butts and 8 can't lie
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