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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>721255683 Rules: >Claim

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 234
Thread images: 134

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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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Trips confirm we should do that.
>>721273020 (Flandre)
It's a pretty common fish used for food around here. Doesn't have too much taste on its own, but you can pretty much use it as a blank canvas with various seasonings and sauces.

On another note, is all this talk about pineapple pizza being good some sort of twisted meme?
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I will go get something to eat.

YESTERDAY?! Please eat more jeez. You need all those calories and shit.

Nice, do you have some place out of here where you post them? So I can listen to them after thread. Like Soundcloud or something? And no, I do not know if you have one..

Do not!
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Nowa claimed.
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Its you!

I have to get a fucking horrible procedure done in 2 weeks
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Claiming best girl


Pizza tastes like an old dusty house no one's lived in a long time otherwise
Fuck, stop trying to make me a pedophile.
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Claiming BEST of the best girl.
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still here
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>Pizza tastes like an old dusty house no one's lived in a long time otherwise

Nah, it's actually much better if you don't put fucking fruit on it :^)
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Sweet, what time?

jk bb

Can I ask what it is...?


Not supreme
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Whenever you want.
how many more will gift you chocolate ??
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Hi there. Nice smug! What should I drink?

They are shoving a tube down my fucking throat

Hmmm, I am not sure. I think you would be the only one if you did it
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Pineapple is the only fruit you can put in a pizza without it tasting like shit.
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Tomatos are fruit
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but not all pizza goes with pineapple
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Share what you and your waifu are listening to pls

that would be cool but I don't think I would actually be the only one
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what are the options
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I never said they were.
And interesting. So it's like that one fish we eat in Russia that tastes like nothing but with a few sprinkles of that and that turns godly... Interesting.


So no tomatoes, peppers or olives?
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Claiming BT
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Then you will just have to come up with something that will really catch me off guard!

Well let's start simple. Wine, beer, or liquor?
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tomatoes are too obvious so I ignored them.

Canon is so good

Best conquest girl
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ah the memories you just gave me with that ...
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Did you remember to give your waifu a hot and tasty breakfast?
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Well goodnight now. I had my snack, time for bed.

Please eat more Tomoko.

Saya, treat yourself a nice meal.
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Cooks actually classify tomatoes as vegetables.

But yeah, scientifically they are a fruit, and they obviously go on pizza.
And same with peppers and olives.

I'm just saying that pineapple on pizza is just so off compared to those other "fruits".

But people can like what they want, I guess.
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Oh shit, forgot to let her out of the cage.
nothing lewd if that is ok
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Which fish would that be? As big as Russia is, I wouldn't know where to start. There's some native fish here that are pretty good, but their uses are a bit more limited.

A couple of songs sung by the waifu:


Followed by one of my all-time favorite vidya OSTs (Castlevania Symphony of The Night)
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That is perfect!
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Nite nite. And no. I'll continue eating bread and canned or instant meals mainly because I'm too lazy to cook or go out to eat.
nighty cutie
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Is something wrong with Pineapple on pizza?
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I dont drink so whatever you like most?
I agree with you about pinedapples, I was just being a wiseass ^.^
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From italian people point of view, yes, there's a lot wrong with that.

But people can like what they want, as I said.
At least she'll be warm down there unlike me.
Weather ain't nice in Northern Michigan.
great now the hard part, thinking of what that could be
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From an itallian perspective, American pizza in general is an abomination
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please don't say that was real and you fuck dogs
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I don't fuck dogs.
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I like them all!!!!

I am sure you will come up with something great!
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That's also true.

I mean, any pizza that isn't italian, really.

I ate pizza in austria once and it was like I was eating cardboard put together with glue.
or any living animal , riiiight ?
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well uh beer i guess
don't get your hopes up what if I die before that date or the internet gets shut down or aliens blow us up
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I will know you have my best interests at heart and will die happy
What are you trying to get at here?

Where do you think I live. Minnesota?
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Same could be said about many cuisines we get our hands on here in Burgerland, just fill in the blanks for the cuisine, and the food item.

Tex-Mex is reviled by some, but I don't mind it. Same with American Chinese food, though I enjoy the more traditional things as well.
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Nothing wrong with that. It's really up to you what you want on your pizza. Whatever floats your boat.

Why you don't drink? Go with liquor.

You just got the pizza from wrong place.
I'm just trying to talk with an semi sane person here that does not fuck animals, or wants to kill them or people because they think it would be fun
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She only looks 14
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Im 19
don't say you will now. hopefully we'll live past that day
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..You can't drink yet?
That shit is too fucked for me and plus I got a job so I'm usually tired by the end of the day.

Just want to play hockey and shitpost.
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Little fox.jpg
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Yeah, needles to say the country where food originates makes it best

America would be one of the greatest places for food if it wasn't the most commercialized industry to exist, fast food kinda screwed everything up
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Well it would be fun, ok!
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Legal age is 21. Ive had a few sips of vodka and whiskey. thats all
good then we can continue
hokey you say ? never saw anyone play that in person
We have farmer's markets too.
Just look at these dragons wiggle!

please no ...
-sits on the floor in an oversized Jets jersey and squeaks-
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Murder claimed.
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Is that for beer too?
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*smells the jersey and wonders if it is Ikaros*

Yes pls!
>those cheeks
fuck it now I have to watch this
Yeah, got season tickets to see the Spirits play. Shit is cash.

Red wings are better.
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I am not really a fan of comfy anime, but this one had me a bit hooked. Everyone is very likable
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It's pretty decent
does that ass have nice screen time ?
that is all I want to know now
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That is for all alcoholic beverages in the US yes
-squeaks and shrinks back. Is just a Sonata-

-likes butterfly wings the best.-

-can't, is too late to get in the bag. Beg getting-in times has ended for the week- 0.0
It's more about frying everything

But apparently making everything as unhealthy as possible is an American artform
Then burn that Jets jersey and put on a Red wings one.

I blame those assholes in Washington.
You should be in prison right now.
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That sounds harsh. 18 here for up to 22%. 20 for stronger.
same anon?
-would not burn the nice hand-egg people's jersey- ;.;
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Thank you all!

SotN is so good, it probably has my favorite rendition of bloody tears
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Ehh its not big deal i think.
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Then I'll burn it myself.
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I didn't do anything
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Who is dis?

Ehhh... but you could be destroying your lives much earlier.
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Decent screen time. So does the giant titty dragon monster in general

*wonders why you have a jet's jersey on*

That anon claimed me. I am murder
Only a natural born masochist would root for the Jets, you are one sick mother fucker.
claimed you ?? what ?? he's your valentine's too ??
;.; -does not want to ruin the shirt and hides from you-

-thinks is nice shirt-

-likes the part where all the hand egg people try to get the egg. Thinks it's the best game for Easter.-
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Dont worry it happens anyways
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Why do Mexicans pronounce "pizza" so wrong?
you should try a beer some time tomoko
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No, they just like to give me attention

*wonders if you stole it from Ika*
why is that ?
No thats my husbando Murder.
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make it great.png
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Because Mexicans can't even bathe properly,
Why would they be able to speak properly?
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Do you want me to teach you how to pronounce it? :0
Are you from NY, dude?
Racist trump supporter -_-

I guess calling you racist and trump supporter is redundant though
Italians are just fancy Mexicans :o

yes please
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whinny bitches
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I honestly don't know. I attract all sorts of people

Husbandos are proven no homo
now this got interesting

why the murder thing ?
-looks guilty and tries to run away- o.o

-is from here-
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why? Also I cant
>Italians are just fancy Mexicans :o

Maybe the southern ones.

Northerns are the pure race :0
Man on man is gay.

Simple as that.
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i name these.jpg
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Not my fault you don't clean yourself
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I'm not done yet

Drink responsibly. Don't do stuff that might make you feel like an idiot later more than once. Try to avoid ruining your life.

Liquor is better than beer. Most beers taste like piss.

How do they do it?
>not dirking both
Liberal shit spewing retard BTFO
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and I better get it too.jpg
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LOL I remember that holy moly :o
I want a large pizza from papa johns :0
what time of day do you shower? -_-
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He will never know who I am though.
I say it with "zz" / "tz" barely met anyone with "x" sound or "cs"
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Typically the morning

But time of day is irrelevant, I actually thoroughly clean myself
American pizza is disgusting :0
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>frying everything
Sounds about right, if it has the holy trinity of grease, sugar, and salt, it's American. The Scots are also fond of frying shit too. I won't lie, a deep fried Mars bar is delicious.

Oh definitely. The OST as a whole just adds to the atmosphere of the game itself.
So you're from NY or what?
Showering at night is more efficient, do you clean your dick? :o
I say peecksa
That's why I want it from an Italian papa johns :0
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*grabs your waist and stops you in your tracks. Looks at your sternly*

No one is on anyone... Yet

So I have posted on 4chan for 9 years now. Was just a normal anon for the majority of it. I kind of really enjoy murders and other odd things. Someone noticed my posting patterns and called me "murder bro" for awhile. The name got shorted to murder and here we are 4 years later.
I make better pizza :0
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No, it really isn't

I do, but it's not even that necessary because I'm cut

Who's this semen demon?
a stalker ? fan ?
you wouldn't murder your valentine's right ?? right ??
what's your favorite flavor of pizza?
Make me a pizza, papa :0
Why not? -_-

and I'm uncut and uncensored
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well i dont have anyone to do it with so it would be by myself
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He's a myth - find him. Find that Semen Demon.
pizza flavor ? what ? you are weird
What kind of pizza? :0
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It's irrelevant, really
I prefer to go to work feeling clean though

Yeah, we know you're uncut
And I also know it's so coated in cheese you can't peel the skin back

Why do you tease me so...
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No, but I will dream about it~
The things that go on the pizza :o
meat lovers :0

you are what you eat
I don't put cheese on my dick -_-

I did use butter as anal lube once though
>you are what you eat

I see what you did there :0
-is from the broom closet-

:< -promises to put it back after laundering it-
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oh boy.jpg
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It's not literal, dumbass
It just means you don't clean it
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Hey Yuuki, ready for Sunday?
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*believes you and lets you roam free for the time being*
Pizza , I'd eat any kind but not a full pepperoni only one
why.... why not snuggles or sharing chocolate instead ??
You're just thinking lewd ;0
How was I supposed to know? -_-

white people come up with the weirdest words, Spanish is much simpler
Pepperoni is the worst pizza topping so good job
You're not from NYC are you.
That's because you love dick :0
Clearly mexico is based around simplicity
Cut corners anywhere you can, like with bathing
not really , I like it too but I just don't like it as the only topping or too much of it
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Yuuki (17).jpg
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HELL YES! I'm going to a friends house to watch the game! I don't own a Falcons shirt though
-didn't lie and hurries to the laundry room to wash the shirt- :<

-is from here-
Okay you're from NYC then. Why don't you like the Giants? The Giants win more.
How big is yours? :0
Efficiency* -_-
What's your favorite food?
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Hamakaze (1).png
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Too slow to be a Friday night tbh
Because it's tasty. When you're old enough of course (or not, your secret is safe with me).
sea food
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Kyouko (204).jpg
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See? That's all you think about :0

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If that's what you call being unwashed
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Part of me wants to see a curbstomp by the ATL offense, but I wouldn't mind a close game either. The weather is gonna be spring-like, perfect for throwing a ton of meat on the grill and having a good time.
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Its a bit too eerie...

Can I touch the butt?
Hello kamikaze
Hello friend
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nah its just a nice night
I guess so. I mean I cant buy it and I would only do it by myself so it seems kinda ehh
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Have some more!

That only there's less people to disappoint.

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We can do that while I strangle you?

*is happy you didn't lie*
T. Tali
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I just want a Falcons win, I don't care if it's a blowout or a close game. My heart has been broken too many times by Atlanta sports playoffs (aka every Braves postseason).

TALI! What's up?
I'm not into that at all and I wouldn't want to get murdered
>That only means...
0.o -squeaks with confusion- ?

-folds it neatly and sets it in the clothes basket to be put away once the other loads of laundry are done-
Mine is bread :o
I think about you too :0
How long do you shower? -_-
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Hamakaze (80).jpg
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Hello tali

I guess so but it's still a strange feeling ya know?

Whats a Sonata?
like garlic bread ?
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It'll probably pick up again in a bit. There's a small group that usually shows up around now.

Hey Tali, how's it going?

Yeah, the Rangers are just as bad with the postseason. When Seattle lost to New England because they didn't run the damned ball (REEEEEEEEE), I immediately had flashbacks to Game 6 of the World Series against St. Louis. On the other hand, when you see your team finally win one, it definitely feels awesome.
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No, you can't!

You ask an awful lot of questions

On average 20 minutes
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thats not lewd
means what?
nah this is pretty normal
Just bread in general
I just like talking to you, even though you're a bully -_-
you are weird
Eating a bretty good burger
Hows it going
It is for your standards
The New York Giants are the other New York City NFL football team.
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Not really bullying
I just call an unwashed spic an unwashed spic
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Saya 121.jpg
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*That only means there's less people to disappoint.

Tried to fix >>721282706 in a weird autistic way
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Yuuki (63).png
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The Pats need to know what it feels like to be an Atlanta team lol. The most heartbreaking game I've seen wasn't even in the playoffs, but in the wildcard game. Chipper Jones' last game and the umpires made THE WORST CALL ever. Look up Braves/Cardinals infield fly call.

Damn I want a burger now, I'm drinking some beer and eating chips and dip
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Ever heard of the restaurant BJs? It was big and had bacon
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Nice, where from?

What the hell did I just watch? Damn that was bad.

This moment summarizes Rangers baseball growing up- a home run off of Canseco's head.

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My standards?
thats good then right?
Hand holding is pretty lewd for your posting
rude :o
But I showered before I got on waifu -_-
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Hamakaze (74).png
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Ah, alright

Why not? ;~;

I'm not on as often so I don't really know.

It's going good, just sitting here.
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lewd 3.png
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That doesn't mean you're clean

Well why would you want to?
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Yuuki (48).jpg
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I have not, but my god that sounds delicious

Yeah, apparently you can be halfway into the outfield and still have the INFIELD fly rule called. I was pissed. That play is so sad to watch, he was so close to catching it!
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Nah you dont see my posts when Hanako is about
I think its normal at least
-is a me- ^_^

-likes hand egg-
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Saya 078.jpg
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That's for you to decide.
Did Murder leave?
Sitting where?
Its a brew house restaurant they make their own ales here
Thats not untrue
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Hamakaze (47).jpg
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Why wouldn't I? It's all round and plump and begging for a good ol' touching.

It's starting to speed up


Looks like it

In my chair
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Yeah, those are pretty good. There's a few locations in the area, but it's been some time since I've had a burger from there.

Timezones and stuff probably slow people down too, along with Friday night vidya.

I still don't know what the hell I just watched. I guess if the refs had an equivalent of NBA/FIFA flopping, this would be it. I'm sure Sunday will have at least one questionable call go Bellicheat's way.
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tasteful lewd.jpg
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Yes, but flattery gets you nowhere
Then why do you like the Jets?
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Probably better that way.
Ok then
It is going pretty decent yeah
Thats not a chair, it's my lap.
Same here thats why i got one
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Yuuki (106).jpg
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That sounds delicious as hell, there's a growler place around here, but I haven't been there in a while. They sell local beers and drinks on tap

So you know how the infield fly rule works? It has to be an ordinary infield pop fly that can be reasonably caught by an infielder. He was like halfway into the outfield, and the ball dropped in between two fielders. I guarantee there will be something questionable throughout the night, whether it's the game or the half time show
o.o -holds up a cup of tea to you=

-thinks they make good hand egg-
well now you're not even arguing just saying I'm dirty -_-
who are you? :o
you but cleaner
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I claim Mayu

Not like the competition was really stiff or anything...
They suck. You should be a Giants' fan.
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Hamakaze (158).jpg
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Well, it got you to respond. That's enough for me really.

Oh, thats not ok.

I guess so

What is tea? I only drink coffee.
What is she from and why does she look familiar?
It was delicious plus i got an oreo pazookie
It is unless you move alot
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Saya 097.jpg
1MB, 1773x1200px

Yeah. I'm not one you should take advice from.
she looks cute
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She's not christian.jpg
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you don't clean your dick
My expectations aren't high

well played

Go ahead Nemo, touch the butt
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My dick is protected my very tight foreskin -_-
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If I wasn't feeling so lazy I'd go and drive up the street to get some Whataburger, but some junk food from the freezer will have to do for now.

Yeah, shit was ridiculous. I'm halfway expecting the halftime show to turn political somehow and then there will be a mini meltdown over that alone. Maybe a Trump tweet if we're lucky.

Cute claim, where's she from?
That... sounds awful
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