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Sex through manipulation: Any sociofags out there? Wondering

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Sex through manipulation:

Any sociofags out there? Wondering about the specifics of how you analyze potential mates and get them to do what you please.
Bump for interest. Read machiavelli's "the prince"
yeah its really easy. basically what i do is find a girl who seems nice that i click with and treat her like a regular human being until i eventually win her respect and then i FUCK HER
too difficult... also kys
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I listen to hints more then anything. Find out about their family life and exploit their weaknesses. Make them feel great about themselves and then make a connection with the chick and act like you are the only one that feels this way about her. Never compliment too much and keep her confidence down. Once she falls more for you, you can start to "hurt" her a little here and there but always say your sorry to make her think you care. Leave her for a hotter chick but drop her a line every once in a while. Before she leaves get back with her. And pretty much from that point on, call her up for sex and never say "i love you" to her when she says it to you. Wait until shes really low and say you love her too. It will keep her fighting for your attention. At this point you can pretty much do whatever. I have my slam piggie coming tomorrow night for a night of unaldulterared sex.
the more alcohol, the greater the chance of sex.

i can hear your fedora tipping clear across the country, anon

go to bed, dad.... shit....
>Make them feel great about themselves
>Never compliment too much and keep her confidence down
>Leave her for a hotter chick
i don't think you fully understand the intention of this thread

anyways, be more specific about the "hurt" statements
>night of unaldulterared sex
>of unaldulterared

just don't text them or they will know you're retarded
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If you need advice you'll never be smart enough to actually manipulate anybody.
True virgin talk right here, this is how I got my anime pillow to fall for me
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Dude say what you want. I literally have a chick that I fuck when I want with no future plans of being in a relationship with her.
Bring her a small present and tell her you were thinking about her.
When she fucks up... lay into her emotionally. Tell her shes fucking lame and that no one wants to put up with her shit and that plenty of other chicks would be lucky to have this type of attention. Dont talk to her and make her apologize.
Even if you lie about it... tell her your seeing someone else. Make her feel shitty. Ignore a few calls.
Hey bro... say what you want. Im getting laid. Obviousky ur doing something wrong.
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I'll take Shit That Never Happened for $800, Alex,
>replying to every comment

this nigga
Wait till she has some sort of self realization, an eipiphany or W. E.

You'll soon be found dead.
Ha ha. Its like fighting with a bunch of pissed off virgin. Well faggots have fun dreaming of a warm and wet pussy and realize you all arent getting any cause you are severly stunted emotionally. Everything is handed to your generation and thats why im I love you guys. You are quite literally my competition so it makes it that much easier to look normal around all you faggots that dream about pussy. Ha ha ha. Fucking angry virgins. What did I expect. Have fun with ur furries and your trap porn faggots.
>Obviousky ur doing something wrong

Oh yes, obciouskyly I'm doing something wrong.
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can someone give details about how they view microactions? (ex: eye contact, movement patterns, etc.)
i love u man good shit
Lol this fucking guy. This is the fat kid with plad shorts, new balance sneakers and a Spider-Man shirt that thinks he's cool because he discovered porn
>why im I love you guys

So your a faggot? That's what we're saying. Why are you arguing?
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Oh look, I tracked his IP to his MySpace account.
I tend to go for chicks who are in relationships that aren't going well. I.e - the guy is cheating on them or is abusive.

pay them a little attention. Take them out. use to classic. I really wanna kiss you and blah blah blah.

case in point I have this chick now who was in an abusive relationship for 6 years. Would come to work with bruises all over her and hurt ribs. Unfortunately she is bat shit crazy and likes percocets and shit so shes very unstable. showed up on my doorstep 4 days after we hooked up saying she had nowhere to go , she left him. said she loves me after 2 weeks. 3 years later now I'm abusive towards her and I have a light bill in my name for her apartment. Basically blackmail her to get my dick sucked. say ill shut off the lights. make her throw up on it and shes into piss play. so I guess that's a plus.

hopefully one of you fags can sweep her off her feet like i did so I can get rid of her..

You should probably start a new thread if you want to seriously discuss that topic.
in all honesty;

a little bit of background, i'm a mess. i'm pretty good looking, tall and fit, but pretty depressed and anxious and not really boyfriend material at the moment even though i try to be really nice to them.

i accidentally manipulate them all the time by being distant / depressed but also treating them really well, and it almost always blows up in your face unless you're a sociopath. i know you probably just want to get laid but even getting laid loses its appeal fast. it's not worth it.

if you are a sociopath, well, honestly, good luck, because convincing girls you "care" about them when you don't is hard as fuck, they sniff that shit a mile away.

tl, dr, the best way is to manipulate women is to actually care about them but not be able to give them what they need because of a crippling self weakness.

If you're a loser then use manipulation.

If you're actually a good dude just be yourself and you'll have about the same success rate as a liar.
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Fucking virgin faggots. Talk all the shit you want. Ill be sucking on these bad boys tomorrow while you shit post and become angry at your sexless life. Faggots.
is some fat hick's tits supposed to impress us
Ha ha typical virgin
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So many autistic people in here.

>im le human cumputer 8)
>analyz the girl
>get teh sex
not tryna put in a ton of effort here

just tryna get the answers bro
feel sorry for you anon. We'll be praying it all goes well. Can't imagine having to put my mouth on these
no, seriously, is it supposed to impress us

any idiot with a dick can get laid whenever they want, you go to a bar and buy the drunkest girl there a drink
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Heres my fat chick bro. Lol. Dont be so angry that no chick wants to fuck u.
You cant.
im just wanna fuck a 6/10 even though there are so many other girls i'd rather start a relationship with (and one in particular)

is that too much to ask?

blurry camera = limited funds
"pilly" old shirt = limited funds
acne on breasts = poor hygiene
fat roll near armpit = overweight

yeah, you can have her
she's fat. like i said.

and why do you care what a stranger thinks on the internet? are you really that beta that you need this anonymous outlet to feel better about yourself?
Ya its different from the daddy dick you are use to.
those shoulders are bigger than my head. Sorry anon...
Na... just letting you guys know ur beta. Talk ur shit. U aint getting any pussy! Lol. Fucking liberal faggots.
Well there ya go you're a scrawny dude. No chick wants that.
is your dick hard yet

you proved an anon who very well could be trump himself that you fuck a fat girl. sad!
Your virginity is showing.
how hard are you, i wanna see your little dick
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I concur. Give the fucking sauce.
honestly? the best way is to just ask.

go on tinder, swipe right to almost anyone. say to girls, "hey, sorry if this is weird, but i'm looking for a casual thing, would you be interested at all?"

you'd be shocked at the amount of girls who find your honesty refreshing. just don't be crude or nasty or mean, say what you want, if they say "no thanks," say "no problem! thanks and good luck" and unmatch.
what if we want attractive girls?
>calling them breasts

Only pussy youve ever felt is the one you came out of.
not the guy but lmao you wish you were trump faggot. only trump has mastered the art of ending his statements with one/two word exclamations like that, though.
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I'm sorry, but sitting on /b/ trying to prove your manliness is the single most beta thing anyone has done since the invention of the internet.
I think you should focus on a living person first. Something not on your computer.
that guy has never fucked an attractive girl in his life so not the best guy to ask lol
Ya, i guess looking for tips on getting pussy on /b/ is a lot better. Lol. Virgin faggot.
are you aware that there are people in this thread other than op
You guys realize this is why you never get any pussy. Your so focused on why other dudes get it you become angry that your not getting any. You want chicks to come up to you like you have anything special to offer. Ive fucked over 20 chicks all before ever knowing about 4chan. This place is full of beta cancer fucks that mope around about being beta and staying close to the feels thread. You all can talk as much shit as you want... the simple truth of the matter is... your gonna jack off tonight, tomorrow, and mostly the rest of the year. And when and if a girl pays attention to you youre gonna fuck it up because you are filled to the brim with this cuckery bullshit that you have come to know as your social life. You are 4chin... biggest beta losers that need porn to feel some type of human emotion. You guyd are virgins for a reason and thats the fucking truth. Good luck faggots. Keep whackin it and never talking to a female.
no there's a girl im already talking to a little bit in uni but it hasn't progressed far past small talk. i felt like there was a stronger first impression than ive had on most other girls so im trying to push this oppurtunity.

I clicked in here because I'm a clinician and psyche related threads interest me. Not because I ever learn anything about my profession, but because it's fun to listen to the sort of people I deal with everyday (inept, awkward, disturbed, isolated) brag about doing things they will never even attempt.

tl/dr I'm paid to not mock you when you're in my office, so I come here and do it.

Goodnight, anons. I need to sleep so I can see op for his 8 o'clock tomorrow.
op trying to break the mold here dawg. dont hate.
Ya im sure that ms why you clicked. Has nothing to do with the fact ur a closet pedo looking at cp. Hope someone doscovers ur sickness faggot.
>A fruity therapist tells other men how to be manly via his white armor

Get with the times, islam is coming

So what's your diagnosis, op?

he wasn't even white knighting, nigga

Not for nothing, but being a sociopath makes everything super easy. You think plenty of girls don't delude themselves? Not like 'all bitches are blah blah', just, you don't think there are enough of them who are more than willing to believe it if you tell them what they want to hear?
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Done this to get nudes but not sex
Being fucking awesome. I think they call it successful. I call it another day.
But u r faggor.
not interested in that, literally just trying to maximize pussy with minimized effort. replies here show that its prob not gonna work out. :(
you're not op, faggot. also nice trips

When your counselor is done working with you, he writes his notes and then at lunch he goes to the break room where he mocks you with the NP and the cute receptionist where they laugh about how to dress, how you smell like warm ham soup. how loudly you farted in the client bathroom.
Generally only virgins relentlessly call other people online virgins, virgin.
Compliment her friend(pick one,should be one less attractive than her). Only show interest in her friend. Wait for her to start flirting with you as she can't understand why you are intersted in her less-hot friend. Don't cave until she is literally throwing herself at you. Has worked for me so many times with girls way out of my league.
This is all u need right here lads
that guy isnt op either
then progress it past small talk. don't try to manipulate her. just say straight up something like "man, i wish i had someone casual to hook up with, i'm too focused on uni right now but it would be nice."

if she says something like "oh lol um wow you're a pervert" just laugh it off and say something like "oh come on, you know it would be nice, but i guess i am a pervert, haha." and change the subject; and you know your answer is "no" towards hooking up with her.

if she's receptive at all, feel her out, and see if she would be into it.

fuck all this stupid ass manipulation shit. it's just for emotionally stunted betas who don't know how to actually just say what they want without fear
Nice projection plaid beta faggot
That's breast tissue not fat. If you ever saw real tits youd know about the little armpit tit folds.
How about you treat another human being the way they're meant to be.

I wish some Aliens would discover us and catalog every person that needs to take advantage of another person to feel special and good inside, and then wipes this place clean of you.
i'm >>720878554

again, if you want to get pussy without effort, ask for pussy without putting in effort. it's not fucking rocket science.

you literally just effortlessly ask a girl if she'd be into hooking up with you casually, if she says no, you say "oh lol alrite my bad" and move the fuck on.

you are overthinking this and the idiot in this thread who thinks he is the "lol masterwoman manipulator xD" isn't fucking helping
Conditioning through control of necessities

literally just make her feel like the most special person ever, and she will do whatever you want. It also dosnt hurt if you are good at sex. fuck her like she wants to be fucked, and then she will do whatever you want in return.

give her multiple orgasms, really isnt too difficult and its easy to tell when they arnt faking. if you arnt fucking a cave, you can feel them tighten a fuck ton on you, they might shake a little bit. after the first one, shouldnt take more than 30 seconds for each of the next. if you cant make her squirt, watch kinkUniversity's video on it, if you think squirt is piss... who cares? it makes them feel good, and will keep them "coming" back to you.

>ask them how they want to be eaten out, toutched, or fucked... they fuckin know.
>this makes it normal for you to tell her what to do to you

sorry if this was just random as hell, im tired as shit
i mean, yea, being a sociopath makes it easy, that's part of the diagnosis of sociopathy. the problem with it is you have to literally be a sociopath. you can't just be some edgelord who thinks he's one.
Only faggots with mental problems go to counselors.
Ya i wouldnt know how virgins do things.
easy. fucking insult them. ill explain.
assuming you are of drinking age: go to the bar with a budy or two MAX. find either two or three girls never have more woman then your little posse has. ever. they will gang up on you and it will be over before it begins. chances are you budies are going to be nice and flirty with the girls and thats exactly what you want. wait till everyone is a bit tipsy, assuming you guys are interesting enough that the chicks will chill for a while. then whatever one is the hottest start talking to her more but be nuetral, dont be nice and dont be mean, yet. chances are she will be a little bit full of herself so after talking to her for maybe one drink, say something subtle but she will over think like, "your top reminds me of something my mom wears whem she is cleaning the house, its cool." that will get her thinking she dressed old and stupid. if she gets offended by that good, just laugh and say you are sorry and you are just really bad at complimenting beautiful women because you get nervous, that will get you back in her good books for a bit. ok once you drop that little bit of horse shit you can step things up because hopefully you will actually know something about her. pick on physical traits. she WILL be insecure.example, if she has small tits start calling her Shit tits. " yo guys next rounds is on me, Jeff what do you want... Jack what do you want?... Amy, whats your poison... Shit tits can i get you a coke or water?" but say it with a big fucking smile like you are joking. get everyones drinks and ACTUALLY JUST BRING HER A WATER. she will be butt hurt. laugh and say you are just fcking around and her and you are guna go grab a shot at the bar. now you have her to yourself. she will be feeling insecure and kinda not sure because everyone is always nice to her but you are kinda being a dick. you are golden after that. now be a little nicer but still joke meanly.
the tl, dr, of this is be confident

this is how to be confident while being a dick. there's also ways to be confident while not being a dick. you can do either, they both work equally as well.
Girls caught onto this shit years ago when the game became a fucking published book. Even the most idiotic girls have heard these kind of tactics. try it out, sweet if it gets you laid, but question the kind of trash you're fucking if it does.
Unless you're trash too then go for it.
Get ready for the beta cucks to call u a virgin now. Lol.
this guy actually answered op's question, gave helpful advice, and you guys lambast him like a flock of feral feminist pigeons on LSD? wtf
im not really trying to use manipulation, im moreso just trying to analyze the person to avoid getting rejected out of the blue when i felt that i should've been successful. prob looking too much into the details of microactions but its interesting to see them do tiny little things that hint at a subconcious attraction.
U probably won't even get your micro penis up u fucking virgin
Did this by accident once and have been applying it ever since. Fucking crazy how it works. With serious 10/10 hot and smart girls. They go crazy if they aren't the one the guy is interested in. You can have whoever you want if you get this to work.
>i guess i am a pervert, haha.
i'd rather fucking die then have to utter these words. you arent understanding the point of this thread either. i have to maximize my chance of success by seeing how my partner acts on a subconcious level. if that method sounds too unpredictable then im open to suggestions.
Sometimes you get rejected. Numbers game. Keep trying.
I go for girls with low self esteem that have issues. Current is a emo girl. But it's all the same, you be there for them, you become they're world, they end up needing and depending on you, then you threaten to leave.
I got my last 2 girls to eat their own shit even. They even learned to love it.
we all take advantage of others for personal gain whether its a conscious decision or not. are you trying to tell me that you've never hurt a single person's feelings before in your life?
>i have to maximize my chance of success by seeing how my partner acts on a subconcious level

Jesus christ just stop. Be yourself, do things you enjoy, meet women who enjoy those things. Let things happen naturally. You don't need to read into every little fucking hand movement.
you don't have to phrase it that exact way, you are misunderstanding the stigma of a man wanting casual sex.

it's not a big deal to ask a girl if she wants to hook up if you don't make it one. end of the line.

you want to find out? ask. don't ask her outright of course, but hint that you're looking for it. if she seems uninterested, make it seem like not a big fucking deal and move the fuck on.
this is the reward, not the challenge. but i appreciate your wise words, sensei.
not a single mother fucker said anything about picking up gf material to meet the parents... this is about manipulating women into wanting to fuck you because they feel shitty about themselves. and considering i use this shit fairly often with a high success rate, onviously canadian girls havent figured this sustem out yet. it works, what can i say. also helps im pretty fucking handsome.
Telling people they are projecting is the adult version of "I know you are but what am I?"

It makes you sound really clever!
honestly, this is 90% you being handsome and 10% manipulation, if that's the case.

i'm pretty good looking and fairly charming and i have very large success just straight up asking, no manipulation, no smoke and mirrors, just honesty
Use the Demonstrate value Engage physically Nurture dependence Neglect emotionally Inspire hope Separate entirely aka Dennis system

Yeah, I agree. I am not claiming to be a sociopath, just pointing out the obvious benefits when it comes to manipulating people.
okay but i want to reduce the risk of rejection. when do you think is a good time to start hinting? also do you have any clever ways to do so? this is probably the main issue im having, making the first moves and testing the waters, being more than just a person for her to talk to.
this guy >>720874335 beat you to it dawg
oh, the analizing part? the friendzone is great, because you get to learn about the person without having to commit so much to them. just be there for her when shes down, dont half ass it... actually be there. look her in the eyes like you would a normal person, just be a normal person.

see how they act when you do certain things, if it makes them not happy... dont do that shit. if it makes them happy, keep doing that shit.

>just find somebody you would want to spend most of your time with even if they were a guy. but they are a girl, which means ontop of having a great friend. you get to fuck that person.

i dont get the apeal of hooking up all the time and not wanting to be in a relationship. if you dont find the person i mentioned, dont start the relationship. if you cant see yourself spending your whole life with them, dont start it. because you are just wasting both of your times. being in a relationship is great. sex on tap, best friend always with you, person to talk to about hobbies or whatever you want.
the fact that you're concerned about the risk of rejection means you are already sunk. dead. end of line.

you can't give a shit about rejection, that's the entire point. there is no clever way to hint, the best time to start hinting is right away, you just have to go for it, and not give a shit if the answer is "no."

start thinking of it this way - you want to go to the movies with one of your buddies. he says, "no, i want to grab drinks tonight." even if you really wanted to go to the movies, drinks would also be fun, so fuck it, that's cool too. now substitute your buddy for a girl, substitute movies for sex, and substitute drinks for just being friends or whatever bullshit she says. that's how little of a fuck you need to give.
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also this can confirm
>shit personalty but hide it
>attractive af also 8" thicc cock
>all my exes at some point attempt suicide
>tfw no sisters all brothers and gold dig mom projects in my personalty
i literally only talk to her during classes a few short times a week, hard to form any sort of connection like that at this point unless i get her number or talk to her more outside of class. tbh im getting bored of this whole ordeal by just thinking about how far id have to go for someone i just wanna fuck and not talk to again.
when you really feel like you want to be in a relationship with her.
read >>720880322
just be straight up with her. "hey, i really like being around you. you make me smile, youre attractive, your funny, you generally just make me happy just by being around you. i like you, i dont want to ruin our friendship. but i would like to at least take you on a date and see how things go from there. if things dont work out, its chill, were still friends. if it does work out, we get to find out together"
but can you really choose whether or not to be concerned with a natural fear? im assuming this issue doesnt affect you as much so it can be hard for you to empathize with what im concerned with rn.
heres my girl
i dont wanna be in a relationship at all with the girl im talking about. shes a grade up on me and looked kinda slutty from a first impression so im trying to see what i can make of it. if i dont really care for her to be in a relationship, is it even worth pursuing?
oh no, i totally empathize. i was a virgin until i was 22. i'm much older now and have slept with far more than my fair share of women, but getting over that initial fear took years and years.

the only way to get over it? realize it's not a big deal. you realize that by asking it enough times and getting over the fear. literally, experience is the only way around this.

i was at a party a couple months ago, and talking to this girl who had just finished law school and wanted to give me legal advice on a recent problem i had. she seemed nice, but i didn't really need the legal advice because i know a good lawyer already, but i asked for her number anyway because why not. she said "oh sure, i can help you out with your problem!" and i said "oh lol, yea i don't need help with that." and she said "oh, are you asking for my number because you want to hook up with me sometime or something?" and I literally said "hah yea exactly." and she laughed and gave me her number. haven't even bothered to text her, but it's that easy sometimes.
yea? of course it is. just do what he said, then fuck her. if you want to keep doing her, just do a low maintance relationship. since you are in highschool anyway, you cant really hang out all the time or buy presents, so sex will have to do.
We do that's right, but you can do it unconsciously and consciously trying to be a good guy that helps people around you growing and achieving fullfillment.

But i think that kind of thing won't be heard here...
not bad
Hey thanks for standing up for real nigga talk. Dude these are angry virgins. They cannot comprehend that this works because they have a disorder. There mama's told them they were special so these faggots feel entitled to sex and their general thought process is completely wrong when it comes to women and its too much fro them to comprehend. Either way I'm getting pussy tomorrow and they aren't. You know what's up though.
not in high school
Ha ha ha. She'll get it up for me. And if I can't get it up she'll just suck on it til I tell her to stop. Thanks for the concern.
I tell my bitches fuck me or fuck off.
Either way there is a fuck involved.
im totally down to do this a party or some shit but my least favorite thing is having to awkwardly interact with these people in the future. i also hate having to say hi to people i dont like all that much and shit, ya feel? i guess its not a big deal in the end but personally i hate dealing with it
IF YOU ARE IN COLLEGE, FUCKING GROW UP AND DATE THE BITCH. do you understand how amazing having a slutty girlfriend is? she comes with experience, and you will be her only source of dick. if she really is slutty, she will want to do it all the time, and she might even think that you have saved her which will make her want you even more.

if she has fucked 15 guys, thats 15 guys she has had practice on. doing her best to get the guy off. you will have the best sex of your life, trust me. my girlfriend had been with 30 guys before ( shes shares this stuff pretty willingly to me), i got her tested and shes clean. fucking best sex ive ever had in my life, its insane. i locked that shit down immediately.
is it fucked up that i want to get manipulated? something about getting tricked into getting my brains fucked out turns me on
>virginfag detected
literally how you make her upset and wont have sex for a week.
Future bitch of Martin Shkreli.
well, yes, it's easier at a party, but the principal is the same. you can't make it a big deal. ask her out for drinks if that's easier, than while you're having drinks ask what she's looking for. straight up. if she says "oh i'm looking for a serious boyfriend" say "ah, yea, a serious girlfriend would be nice, but i'm so busy with all this stuff in my life that i'm really just looking for something casual right now."

if she seems unreceptive to that, then no harm, no foul, and move on. it doesn't need to be awkward from that point on, she's just someone you grabbed a drink with and it didn't work out.
i dont get it
would be cool to date a girl purely for sex but i also dont wanna go thru all the baggage that comes with a relationship like that. the dream is that we hookup once and then she pursues me in the future if she feels like it, but i wont be showing much more interest. there are other girls that id really like to date just from having them in my classes and shit but thats a whole different story
are you a guy or girl?
this is /b/, what do you think
well, if you are good at sex in return, you could ask her to do friends with benefits. lots of college girls are down for that. just make sure she gets tested every once and a while.
not quite able to get drinks legally (neither is she, but shes closer) and im not the best at initiating plans so idk where this conversation would happen. maybe i could go eat with her somewhere but beyond that seems like too much effort
Just be very nice, take them to dinner, take them back to your place, the rest just happens; no need for manipulation people are lonely creatures with primal instincts
lol if you won't even grab a bite to eat or a coffee with her than you aren't getting laid bro

just because it's casual doesn't mean you can't just literally put 0 effort into it

again, if you want to put zero effort into it, download tinder, swipe girls right, and when you match say "hey, i'm looking for something casual, you down?"
i have a feeling ill be pretty good at sex without any experiences to prove it... i feel like i can release the built up emotion and give what she wants. i have a super gut feeling that she has basic tastes in sex from what ive inferred and i can def pander to that. does this sound overzealous or could i be a hidden boss?
Youre gonna get AIDS with your chick that fucks 15 other dudes.
you are going to be awful at sex
yeah i said im cool with eating somewhere, just dont wanna be too aggressive about my intentions, want to show that im casual and not looking to be too emoitionally invested. this should be reflected in the type of activities i do with her, imo.
did you not read the part where we went and got tested together because i didnt want to get infected?

shes clean, and im clean also.
im a guy but from the way ppl double take when they see me i can tell they think im a girl for a split second,its might just be me but this also turns me on
How do I bone this babe who's over? She's got a boyfriend but hot as fuck
but, even though you're going to be awful at sex, everyone is awful at first. again, you just need practice kid. practice asking girls out, practice getting rejected, practice fucking.
Except HIV and AID's can but undetectable for up to 20 years. Read a god damn medical journal.
you? you don't.
: (
You monster.
Don't be a pleb fedora-tipper. Your beta is showing newfag
yeah... if you dont get tested you numbnuts.
its only 6 months if you get tested.
Also, she's my roommates sister, he's asleep
he wanted the honest advice, and i gave it to him.

if you've got a hot girl over who has a bf and you can't figure out how to convert that into fucking her, you're not gonna do it, lol
any tips for creating an illusion of self-confidence? im thinking things like dressing cleaner and having posture or some bullshit can instill enough "confidence" in me to go for it. or do you think these things are crutches that should be avoided?
It's totally possible though. I mean she's got 2 lip piercings and a choker on..
This is a long play... You basically have to be what her bf lacks. But the thing is you keep it mutual. You don't make any moves at all. Then after hanging out for a few days/weeks (and making sure you are being "bf material" in her eyes) you casually tell her you have a date but its nothing serious. Tell her she's a girl that asked you out, and you're not really that into her, but she's been really asking you out and you finally accepted. Also let her know that this chick will be paying to take you somewhere (dinner and concert). And you will see the utter shock and horror come over her face. Act like you don't see this. Then tell her you would much rather hang out with her but you would feel bad if you didn't at least see where this date could take you.

Now you gotta play it smooth. She's gonna be pissed off like you just cheated on her the next few times you hang out. Take it in stride. After she keeps throwing you shade about going on a date with this chick... make a fucking movie. Push her up against the wall.. hold both shoulders and get right in her bubble. And look her in the eyes... and fucking tell her how you want her more then anything in the world right now and you thought about her lips the whole time you were on the date. And go in for the kill.

After she cheats... don't bother calling her back. Wait for her. She's either gonna break up with her dude and fall into your lap or she's gonna cut you out.. but eventually she will come back.
Whatever makes you feel better. Look it up if you don't believe me.
Hahahah yeah thats basically it
The dounting part is rejection until one of ur bombs hit target
fake it. acting confident will actually make you feel more confident.

and yes, any steps that can help you with that (posture, clothes, hair, whatever) you can take, take them.

confidence is 100% in your own mind and has nothing to do with anything else so the only real way is to positively reinforce those thoughts anyway you can until you actually believe them
Go fuck a few chicks that are lower then you in the realm of looks. Fuck a fat chick and fully enjoy yourself. Girls can smell sex on your dick. Also you will radiate confidence.
100% crutches, I've seen people try to do that and they make it look way too obvious.
Create your own image and don't give a fuck, get a hobby, get a passion and embrace that
aight cool. my new goal is to be less of a bitch in general then after another few times of seeing her ill make small moves and gauge her interest from there. i appreciate the advice dawg
lol, i'm sorry, did i miss some weird trend where lip piercings suddenly became an invitation for free fucks?

you're aware that there are girls who are prudish as fuck that get their lips pierced, right?

also, even if she is a total skank, she's a total skank for guys who are confident and don't need to ask /b/ on how to hookup with girls. i'm sorry, but that's just the truth. you don't stand a chance. i wish you did because i'm all for bros getting laid, but i really don't think you do.
Damn, you're good. Will do, and post wins if any are to be gained in the next few days. Of course I'll have to be careful of my fiancee, but she works nights so... easy game. Of course I could always just get some devil's breath and go nuts...
the girl im going for rn IS lower than me in the realm of looks (im 90% sure, prob not being delusional about it, just facts). im basically using her as a confidence boost and a means to begin towards a new way of life where im more alpha and pursue women. up until this point ive done essentially nothing so i need a quick 6/10 to boost me ya feel? the hardest part is getting this whole thing started tho, so i came here for advice. my main friends are at least 2x as virgin as me tho
How the fuck do you have a fiancee but are autistic enough to have to ask an anime image board how to steal a girl?
I'm the same dude that got shit for telling these beta fags how to manipulate women and got shit on for showing the tits I'll be sucking on tomorrow.

women are easy as fuck to manipulate.
you got shit on not because you gave the advice but because you're clearly insecure as fuck, bro
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across theUSAand your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo
Dude, honestly I would just start hanging out with chicks more. Like make actual friends with females with not intention to fuck them. Dudes that hang out with chicks have an "in" because other chicks allow you to hang with them. It's like a secret amongst women.

>Oh this dude is hanging out with 3 chicks, he must have something to offer

This will also boost your confidence.
dam haven't seen dat one in a while
lol ok... haters hate.
i must say i am tired of this copypasta
>I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent
>I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.
Always loved those lines.
shrug don't see me posting some fat girl's tits to try to convince people i don't give a shit about that i get laid

Usually easiest by befriending coworkers, or clubs/teams
Lol just showed her the board (because I'm not some insecure betafag) and she's game. See you autists tomorrow
No you don't.
"How 'bout dat"
I've definitely had this idea before. tbh i dont have female friends here, and i hardly have male ones here either. i made friends in high school and we all meet tons of people thru a mutual fighting game so most friends i have rn are thru that game and i talk to them online. it'll be weird to try hanging out with new girls when i have no group to invite them to
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