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I hate being gay 1) becouse I know there's something wrong

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Thread replies: 260
Thread images: 27

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I hate being gay
1) becouse I know there's something wrong with me
2) most gay guys are sex obsessed fetishists that just wanna fuck everything so I'll probably never have a loving boyfriend that loves me for me and isn't a creep.

What do I do /b/ros
Every day I feel lonelier and now I'm about to move out on Friday so ill be alone in a house every night with nobody that loves me around.
gather some strenght and commit suicide
What the fuck? Did you steal Grandma's glasses and her wig? You even look gay. Different Haircut, different glasses and voila. You're still a pussy
Post cock
You think that something's wrong with you because of societies influence on you. I know how you feel, I too find it difficult to have a long lasting relationship. My bf just left be before Christmas. We had started going out in March. He wanted me for sex but I thought it could work... It didn't. Stay strong.
Kill yourself you self obsessed child.
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I don't usually have my hair like this I was for some reason trying to hide my face. My glasses are fine

I cant, I cant do that to my mum
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Were all self obsessed children, every thing we do is to make us feel better.
>"so ill be alone in a house every night with nobody that loves me around."

your moving into your own house???? wut you must be rich
No, it's a 2 bedroom thingy €650 a month, I'm like lower middle class
Go listen to some Morrissey or some shit, OP.
underage b&
I'm 18 and doing animation in collage. >>720705751
I feel for you man
>I'm 18
I don't believe you
Hey I have a solution. Start liking women.
>Still living in an age of awkwardness about sex

Twio things, one, why even. Being gay is like a pass from the gods to do all degenerate shit. Two, that age you want to live in would lynch your faggot ass.

Also just because the gays you think you'll meet/talk to some gay site on are all deviants don't mean shit. I'm a normal faggot, as are most other faggots, i.e. not sex craving loonies from the slut dimension.
look dude, there is absolutely nothing wrong woth you. dont tell yourself that.

and where do you get the fact that most gay guys are sex obsessed maniacs? i think you're not looking in the right direction. you'll find someone eventually. my tip is: join some activities outside of school. like theater or painting, anythin you like. you'll find lovely gay people in no time.
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Maybe if you got rid of that old yee-yee ass haircut you got you'd get some bitches on your dick, niggaaaaaaa.
Cut your fucking bangs
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If you were Dutch I'd meet up.

But you're not so post benis
have to agree with >>720707682 .
Your looking in the wrong places OP, they are obviously out there.

Whut you said reminds me of this:
fuckign hilarious but don't assume you can never find someone normal.
bro i'm dutch.
Get a haircut.

You are not gay, stop lying to yourself just because you lack confidence.

if you hook up we want pics

gl fags
that Euro symbol... your across the ocean m8.
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You don't have to
It's not that easy
Your probably right
I guess I'll try joining some clubs
Sorry but I think I have a fair idea of what I am.
I like my hair
Even if I was, I'm not into hooking up
I'm in ireland
I kek'd
nah thats pretty scary dude, now if i met him in theater class...
you're pretty cute dude. you'll find someone.

Well at least you know that there's something wrong with you. Since they're mental disorders there's probably no possibility to cure yourself unless you an hero. But honestly start with a haircut and buy new clothes. No one is attractive in clothes that are too big. Fuck a white chick. They're the easiest. and you'll find out that women are better than man as a partner. You're basically a blood clod that stops reproducing life.
I'm gay and I can tell you that there are nice guys out there.
I've been with my boyfriend for 6 months now and life couldn't be better right now.

Hang out there, youll find someone
This OP
"Hang out there" sounds like a good idea for OP
>> fuck a white chick
How do I fuck something when I can't get it up for them

Do gays actually do anal sex chains with like 15 chains?
Pretend she's a man
yeah dude, didn't you hear?
If this makes you more happy I can send you dick pics or body pics.

Also I think being gay is more the pros, like you can go to the same bathroom of the sex you like, you can go shower in gym and see lot of dicks.

Im hetero and I can't go to bathroom or shower of girls :(
Fucking repost lad.
Saw this image in b about 2 months ago... Fuck right off with your bullshit.

Whatever happened to no timestamp no thread... Fuck sake.
yea shit tier gays. master gay here we do chains of at least 30
Gays can do anything sex related just like straights can, doesn't mean they do though.
Could you fuck a burly hairy man in the ass and pretend it's a girl?
Are gay sex chains called gayns?
no wtf they are just called gay sex chains dont be weird dude.
I mean, you're studying animation at uni. There must be a club there for that with 90% women and some gays.
Use gayns in a sentence.
Your willing to shake picks with me, a boy yet you say your straight >>720709625
Do you want timestamp
I went to the gay bar for some gayns
I'm Dutch :3
Me and my bros made mad gayns at da gym
The soccer team came over for some gayns last night
Deel insta

Ps. Ik ben niet die valstrik van het plaatje

Negro, a pic is a pic, nothing more.
Dutch fags better do some gayns and post pics
Bum bandit
Welke stad kom je vandaan?
Bij Apeldoorn idb
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These dudes gonna meet up for a nice night of mad gayns
Written by a straight guy who I presume has had some mixed feelings about a few of his male friends
Oef das wel effe weg, jammer :< ik kom uit Tilburg
I'm in Co.Tipp
amsterdam jonge
Don't pay attention to these fucks that have no dignity online. Once you get out of school you'll have plenty of experience and meet someone you can have a real relationship with. Learn to grow thick skin, the world is full of these little spank monkeys that spend all their time masturbating and raging at other people online. Most of them will probably never have sex with another human being let alone find happiness.
Um, I'm out of the closet and do not have feelings for any of my friends becouse I don't look at friends that way
Als jullie gwn effe allebij langskomen en mij vullen met sperma ben ik blij :3
Paal insta eerst

Zonder insta ben je geen echte heaumeau
kijk dat is wel erg direct
I know this feel OP

It would be a lot easier if I could just be straight but i've lied to myself about it for ages. I just dont know where to start with finding nice guys my age.
be bisexual and get a gf, faggot
Then why not be proud of who you are rather than talking shite about knowing there is something wrong with you, which there is not!
Denk je dat ik da ga doen op 4chan xD heb geen zin in spam van alle andere mensen die dit zien
Vindt je dat erg? :3
precies dit
nou ja, mensen ontmoeten op het internet is altijd best riskant
Zeker, maar als het zou leiden tot verkrachting vindt ik het opzich niet erg ;3 ben nogal een sletje namelijk
Zet je acc op privé voor een paar minuten en accepteer alleen neerlanders
It's not that easy
Oké dan ._. @aetherborn1998
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>a loving boyfriend that loves me for me and isn't a creep.

Creep is what you call ugly people who are sexually attracted to you, then, I assume.

You see, your problem starts right there. If you can't even be honest with the language you use anonymously to define what you like and what you dislike, or how shallow you are as an individual (don't worry, everybody is shallow when it comes to sex), the odds that you will be fulfilled are close to zero.

Staying truthful to yourself and selling an image of what you want others to believe you are, at the same time, is probably impossible, since what you think and what you actually do rarely share a direct correlation, and I'm not saying just you, everyone else struggles with this kind of dilemma. The way you choose to tackle those existential questions depends a lot on your situation, who you are, and what you expect from other people, which makes me believe it will be a lot harder for you to try and please everyone at all times, than it will be for you to just be honest with yourself at all times and risk being labeled an insensitive cunt, by other insensitive cunts, every once and a while.

You start there, I believe. Just try not to fall into the trap of believing you "deserve" anything just because you are putting the effort into becoming a better person.

tl;dr: OP is a faggot, but he wants everyone else to believe he's not one, even though he has it written on his forehead.
Are you guys gonna meet up or what? and what the fuck are you saying?
Ik hou niet van baard oetz, maar je kan vast wel iemand op Grindr scoren

Nah, good trips though
Welke flikker zou een 18 jarige willen nemen ;)
Creep is not what I use to describe ugly people, creep is what I use to describe people who make weird sex jokes and unwanted advances on the first date

It's what I use to describe people who only wanna fuck me and nothing else

All the pointless garbage you just wrote isn't even original, I've heard it used against girls, my only guess is that you see yourself as undesirable and try to push this shit on other people by writhing long winded essays on the human condition
Ik wil wel, ben zelf ook 18 :P
tbh just dont be a faggot and get a boyfriend that isnt a fag. takes a while but you'll find one
Jammer ._.
>creep is what I use to describe blah blah blah blah blah i'm not a cunt, really guys i swear i'm not one.

Ok then, mate. Suit yourself and stay miserable.
>takes a picture with an iPad
Are you a middle aged Asian tourist?
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I hate myself for even trying to argue with a brick wall
That's an I phone 5s
The problem is never you, right? It's always everyone else. I know, I know it must be hard to be you, and I just "don't get it" right?

Poor you.

Is this the moment where I apologize and beg you to give me another chance, or?
He's right. You're a retard.
You'll be okay man. I'm not gay, but you should know there's nothing wrong with you. The voice telling you that is that of insecure men who secretly love cock 10x more than you do and people born in the early 20th century with outdated political views. TL;DR. Do WHATEVER you want with your cock. It's yours. Fuck a rhino and just tell people it's your thing. Whatever. Fuck rhinos 24/7 til you die if you want. And no rush finding a partner either you'll meet someone happenstance or you'll put more work into it later. Hang in there brother
I'll be your Platonic and intimate loving boyfriend.
This won't make him like you more, btw.

You are being played to do exactly what this type of attention seeking whore does everywhere all the time.

Unless you agree 100% with his complaints, and just reinforce the idea of "how great they really are, and how they should just focus on themselves and be positive that everything will turn out just fine, since they will find that special someone because they are worth it and they always deserve the best" these creatures will flip on you.

I've dealt with manipulative cunts my whole life, and I can easily tell when I see one
All I said is that your wrong in thinking that I call people I don't find attractive creeps, I never said anything about me being a ducking damsel in distress, hell there's a lot wrong with me but please don't pretend to know me when you don't know anything about me beyond the thing I wants you to know
i actually like youy
Dude, is ok, be or not gay don't have to fuck your life, is normal, averyone has a diferent sexual orientation, fuck off the people that don't accept it. And to your problem, try to socialize, do what a normal person do, talk to other people and done, is easy, btw, you have instagram or similar?
Ah so your just an angry asshole taking your anger out on me, I mean used to this
I do but don't know if I should post it here's
why are you gay then just be straight
>All I said is that your wrong in thinking that I call people I don't find attractive creeps
This is more than enough to know how mature you are as an individual.

You still have a lot of growing up to do, and we are, indeed, speaking different languages. You think I'm just an asshole who loves to hate on other people, but your mind will probably get there, once (if) you decide to grow up a little bit.

> I never said anything about me being a ducking damsel in distress
Well, you made this thread, didn't you?

>hell there's a lot wrong with me but...
Fake humility, now I have to agree with what you say next, right? Classic. Never saw that before.

>don't pretend to know me when you don't know anything about me beyond the thing I wants you to know
Did you get this one from tumblr?

I'm sorry to break it to you, buddy, but trying to manipulate other people into saying what you want to hear only works if the person wants to play this type of mind game with you.

Stop trying to influence what people think of you, or trying to force them to interact with you the way YOU want, and maybe you won't be "sad" seeking for attention from random strangers over the internet. That's your problem I've been pointing out since the first post. You can't even recognize that you are a deeply flawed superficial piece of shit, just like everyone else, there's no arguing with someone like this.
please post ass
Well, put in private and accept what you prefer
or if you want send me the name to [email protected] (
If that makes you happy and it helps you keep feeling superior, please, be my guest.
OP, you seem like a nice guy. I'd take you on a date :)
10/10 would go gay for you
All you did is call me immature and say that I go on tumbler, this argument is clearly pointless, you'll just deflect everything I say by basically calling me a child or some other stupid shit and never actually tell me what makes you think im manipulative and soo on
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Fuck off.

You can be saved OP, just UNPLUG FROM THE PROGRAMMING.

STOP going here and exposing your self to degenerate brainwashing. Stop watching degenerate TV and film (which is 90% of everything they put out). EXERCISE. No drugs, no alcohol.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:



Stay straight m8
Um honestly it's too much effort
And I have family and close friends in my insta
Thanks friend
Long distance always crashes and burns
I'm bored enough to look at this
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wanna know the real reason you hate being gay?
Cuz you're still a muslim deep down!
Yah that is extreamly true, have you seen me post before?
yea; are you really muslim though? be honest
Do you want an example of you being manipulative? Here:
>you'll just deflect everything I say by basically calling me a child...
You see what you did here? You are being defensive without addressing ANYTHING I said, you merely pointed out I'm responding accordingly to what you presented. Now, here:
>...or some other stupid shit...
After completely invalidating any sort of valid criticism of what you do, you then proceed to discard anything that was said as if it was obviously wrong, therefore not worthy of your time.
>... and never actually tell me what makes you think im manipulative and so on...
After completely ignoring everything I said because you disagree with it, you bring it back to me, as if the problem is actually ME, not your behavior.

You are not taking ANYTHING being said here as your fault, but instead you are trying to push people into positively reinforcing what you already know you want to hear from them.

Now this is me falling for your bullshit, pay attention:
Since you are being nice enough to point out where I might be wrong about you, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume you are not really aware of your manipulative behavior, and give it another shot.

Does that make you feel better? Yeah, I wonder why.

Family is

But what would you personally identify as, if anything?
Your 2 examples of me being manipulative can be used on you, I'm guessing you didn't notice this, all your doing is saying that I'm something while writing vague comments which are more of a reflection on yourself
Agnostic, I don't really care tbh
Your most recent bf had a strange fetish?
I've only had 1 boyfriend, I needed therapy after that's shit, just happy I'm still a virgin
Shut up Alex. No one gives a shit.
...what on earth did he do to you haha?
Molestation basically
Again, the problem is always with everyone else, and never with yourself, am I right?

I really don't know what you are doing here if you just want to hear from other people what you already know about yourself. Some idiots will probably still fall for your shit, because they don't know any better, so if that makes you feel good, keep doing your thing.

Personal development is an option, and it starts with accepting some really nasty facts about yourself that you certainly won't like.

Coming back to your original post, I just noticed how you still have difficulties accepting your own behavior based on foreign concepts of right and wrong, so I believe I might be asking too much of someone like you. To ask you to look back to yourself and take a good look at what you are doing, in order for you to understand why the things that are happening to you are happening to you, wont work unless you really want to do it.
tbh, im 24 and ive been with my bf since I was 18, totally monogamous and normal, it can happen, just find the right guy. Not all gays are sluts
It's pretty simple, false promises, manipulation, being my first kiss, fist a lot of things then suddenly he took all that's away from me in one moment, tbh i was in a bad place before I met him, and going back to that state is what fucked me up
I know what's wrong with me and there's a lot and I try every day to be a better person, but fuck you man, I'm sick of your shit, I've been manipulate and tossed around and I know that I'm fucked up but I wouldn't do that to someone. I came here to hear from other people who have found love and are in a better place now, or to see people who can relate to me. That's all
Meaning: You just want people to feel sorry for you.

How old are you? Honest question. The way you talk makes me think you can't be older than 16.
Anyone wanna gayn in Toronto?
gays are fucking degenerates i just dont go after women because they are also another kind of crazy so having something monogamous here in most cases doesnt mean shit as well
Not to get sympathy but some sort of hope to be quite honest. No other reasoning. I'm not trying to get attention. If I was I would have posted my duck by now, I was sad and feeling hopeless so I made this thread. Not everyone is out there is a cunt, this thread is proof
Wanna gayn
If you loved and appreciated yourself you wouldn't need others to do it for you anon, work on that first then you'll see its better to be alone
u can say this selfloathing garbage in like 50years from now when we will finally get the sex robots for now u cant stfu
post butt
i guess you're struggling to accept your own neediness and lack of self worth / self confidence. my suggestion would be to work on those first, you'll be alot happier after
hey buddy, I'm gay but I don't like Anal sex.

so don't generalize.
i have a lot more of self worth than u thats for sure
you can tell yourself that forever, but you know you're lying to yourself. you'll do yourself a huge favor by learning to like yourself. just give it a try
So you ARE under 16.

The fact that you feel "molested" by some older guy who probably just grabbed your dick is the reason why children shouldn't be having sex.

It's not for lack warnings that you feel "abused", btw. You are just getting what you asked for when you let an older guy get that close to you.

Sex isn't for children, put that into your fucking teenager head. It's not the guy's fault he was doing what he wanted to do because you LET HIM DO IT, it's YOUR fault for allowing yourself to engage into something any reasonable adult would agree isn't appropriate for your age.

>Not to get sympathy but some sort of hope to be quite honest
Hope for what? What is it that you want? An attractive guy to worship you but who doesn't want sex because you don't feel "ready" for it?

Jesus christ, can you STOP acting like a pussy?
You'd never gayn?
>getting close to someone is grounds to get touched without consent
you sound like a rape victim tbh man, care to share with us?
learning not to want a relationship? what's next? should i learn not to want an expensive car if im poor? fuck off idiot this is the very definition of lying to oneself u dont fucking know what u're talking about i dont need this selfloathing shit i will get w/e i want when i can
>Letting some guy get in bed, while making out with them, doesn't automatically means you want his dick.

Feminism was a mistake.
Since everyone's being so uplifting and cheerful, I thought I'd throw in my two cents:

Not all fags are degenerate sluts, but there are so few of them that your options for romance are limited. Best thing you can do? Don't make the same mistake I did, which is going to college in some shitty podunk town out in the middle of nowhere -- options will be too limited and you'll be stuck either being chaste or boning gross people and idiots.

If you want it to get better, move to the city.
you seem even more emotionally volatile now, have you looked into BPD? And why would you want a relationship if you can give yourself what you want out of a relationship? Your clinginess and emotional deprivation is a major turn off, just to let you know
>i cant control myself
what makes you different than a small toddler now?
But he put husband pinkey in Munich bum when I said nono, and I turn 16 next week so I dunno what your on about
I just wanna gayn with some fags
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>control yourself

WTF am I reading?
if by relationship u mean sex i indeed can give myself all of it, hookups and prostitutes are easy af to get, other than that ur talking absolute nonsense
>if someone kisses me i have to fuck em
its time to see a prostitute anon
id cuddle the shit out of you and watch movies and play some vidya
i mean normal relationship, since you seek relationships in order to feel the void that you call self worth and receive the love you lacked in childhood, why not give it to yourself and dont need anyone? also how would you know what makes sense anyway xd
Op is literally a faggot
what void???? childhood?? lmao?? it's an improvement in life u imbecile i can wish for it all i want
wtf is wrong with you
now i see why you're single anon, how is being with someone an improvement in life? you need to have a partner to have a good life? thats leechy man, seek to depend on yourself instead
Yeah, get over it. Being fingerfucked doesn't change who you are, unless you want it to define the person you'll become.

What you seem to not understand is that YOU are the one responsible for your feelings, not me, not tumblr, not the guy who stick his finger in your asshole, it's YOU.

Do you want to be a little bitch whose identity revolves around someone sticking his finger up your ass? Be a little bitch who can't move on from someone sticking his finger up your ass, just don't be mad when people call you a crying baby.

You can also just block your ears and fall into the feminist bullshit and pretend that you were just a "victim", and keep feeling sorry for yourself for all eternity, until someone smarter than you come along, tell everything you want to hear, once again, and stick his finger inside your ass, once more.

You are not just weak, as an individual, you want to STAY weak.

I really can't help someone who doesn't want to help himself.
where you located?
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You can't be serious.
I'm an adult.
Bullshit get over it anon you will find someone maybe not now but some day some of us fags have the same problem its hard enough being gay in this society so don't fuckin hate yourself
>damage control
improving only implies and making something better, one can have a good life and make it better, i think my life is good but i could make it even better, and i don't need to "seek on depend myself" there is nothing wrong in seeking for a monogamous relationship
its true that there's nothing wrong with a monogamous relationship, whats wrong is wanting to leech on someone for emotional feed and making it your life goal because you cant make yourself happy, you have your body to offer while you demand love loyalty and a thousand things, like a parasite
There is nothing wrong with you. But i agree with the other parts. Its impossible to find a boyfriend these days. Alt least where i live. Any interaction i had ever had with guys here was purely sexual and no one wants a relationship.
Just give up, anon. He's not interested in personal development, he just wants to hear that he's pretty and everything will be okay.

He's a fucking feminist, ffs.
it necessarily involves some kind of agency if one isn't happy with it then this one shouldn't look for anything monogamous to begin with
not a feminist at all
I guess you're right, parasites will be parasites
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Do you actually think I'm serious, even after I said"He put husband pinky in munch but"

Lol XD

I'm gonna need to find a cuddle buddy or it's gonna Gonna get really lonely once I move into My house

I'm moving to a sort of big city and my collage is pretty big

Make discord for gayns groups now

Ireland, midlands
1) There is nothing wrong with being gay.
2) Seek more. Not all gays are sex obsessed. But just like a lot an male, they want it.

Btw, you are cute as hell
You sure talk like one.

>muh rape victim
Give me a break.
if i was a feminist there would be a high chance that i would be into polyamory and zero agency so the total opposite of what i am
Thanks kind anon
Are you enjoying all the attention you're getting?

Do you need something else? Some drinks? Snacks? Cyanide?
The attention seeking nature and victim mentality is still there though.
Some nachos would be nice

Jesus Christ whoever made this infographic is the definition of paranoid schizophrenic.

Of course everyone hates immigration. We are all part of an ingroup and hate the outgroup.

Remember how the irish and italians were treated at the turn of the 20th century?

Nothing is new under the sun. History is always doomed to repeat itself.
Fucking cunt.
Tbh, you look close to my crush
In what way
Right back at ya old buddy old pal
suicide is an option
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I'm a 19 year old gay guy in the same situation. You look underage. You probably won't find what you're looking for, but relationships are cancerous anyways. I'm not telling you to be a whore, but I am telling you to go watch some porn, make friends, and find a hobby or two. There's so much more to life than dating and whatnot. You are your own best friend. Take care of yourself.
Similar black clothing, similar hair, similar face shape
I knew exactly what kind of repulsive cunt you were the moment I saw you using the word "creep" to describe unattractive men who look at you.

Too bad the reddit population here is too stupid to see it and just fell for your bullshit.
I'm 18
victim of whom? i never implied i was entitled to anything i think everyone is free to do w/e they want
It's been hours and you still havent posted a picture of your cock. Deliver OP.
You gay dudes shouldn't let your loneliness get to you. I feel the same way about women as you do about men. Just don't obsess over sex and all of the Hollywood bullshit about relationships and love. Live life and enjoy what you can. Just my opinion.
Are you by any chamce in ireland
Your problems are deeper then you hating me becouse you find me attractive, please find a counsellor
Sorry dude but I don't post nudes
You really are enjoying all the retards worshiping you, aren't you?

What the hell happened to this place...
Sadly not, I'm just a French fag
Huh, I have a crush on a classmate. I don't know what to do though so screw it

What happens to you man, I really wanna know

Stick your weiner in his pooper. Thats what most gay dudes do.
Maybe /adv might help you with that
>gay and living in a muslim country
how are you even alive?
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dont worry, thanks to trump it will soon be illegal to partake in homosexual sodomy in every state.
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cut or uncut?
fucking piece of shit
Go for someone with low self esteem.
They will need someone to give them a purpose in life and won't just fuck and run. As long as you can put up with their emotions you'll be gravy
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You just described me
I'm op
What college you going to?
Irishfag here
Guess my age in that photo
you're a fucking ugly ass nigger who looks really autistic and needs attention fuck off
30+ Victims
There are too many reddit posters here already, worshiping this faggot.

i like what i see
the cringe is becoming too strong, i'm out
Where are you looking exactly?
If you're looking in clubs then yeah you're gonna have no luck.
I'm a straight guy (eh maybe a little bi) but you seem pretty attractive. Try a dating site. Talk to someone nice. Ask them on a date. Don't fuck too soon. Worked for me recently.
Would travel to Ireland to see you

Fuck, i'm sorry i thought this was "faces of /b/ " thread
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Nothing is wrong with you you're just spooked. Get some dick its not that hard, and trust me a lot of people who are gay want a loving long term relationship, I've known several.
You'll be fine, don't be an edgelord and think that you're fucked in the head just because you're nervous. Calm yourself and meet a nice guy to plow your asshole into oblivion. I'm sure there are plenty who would jump at a tight thin little morsel like you.
I've never personally felt there was something wrong with me. Just the screaming autist Christians who seem to hate everything.

Also have a long term bf so it's really not hard. Just don't look like a massive faggot. Anyone who wants you to be femme is a mostly straight guy that will ditch you when you're older.

Real gays want to date men who look like men.
cutie, would like to cuddle
so many self loathing gays on 4chan

1. there is something wrong with everyone
a. guys are horny, females just cock block the level of activity in straight males
b. fetishists?? I mean a. everyone has fetishes..who cares...maybe you are hanging out in the wrong places..i.e. /lgbt/ board
Same. Kind of. I'm a mtf. I've had my balls removed and inject estrogen. Cause of that I barley have sex drive. Despite that I still present as male cause of where I live. I however look really andro and feminine. And to most guys In just a fuck toy. So I've actually gone back to girls...Its interesting cause I told this girl everything. And she said we can't have anything for obvious reasons. But we fool around and hang out alot. It's sucks being in the middle....
Not true, I have known gays who love traps and are revolted by Baara, I'm bi and I hate the stuff.
Some people like different things. "Real men" are all well and good, but muscly jarheads and fat neckbeards are not my speed.

Were you molested?
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>I'm a mtf.

fucking degenerates
Well that's only the half truth, I myself being a giant faggot am a ridiculous fetishist, but I want to be a part of a loving relationship still, I'm not just out to get my ass fucked you know. However, I am unsure if my case is a unique one, nonetheless I recommend finding someone and not backing out until you really know them, just because they have 200+ fetishes doesn't mean they can't function in society/aren't a good person.
>american level education
How do you even remember to breathe?
"The gay of the world has nothing to lose but his gayns, gays of the world unite!"
Hanging is an option. Or, go to a Mosque, and let the Muslim toss you from a high building.
you fucked up. should've remained a feminine sissy and maybe only do enough HRT / exercise to get a bigger and meatier butt, see if you can reverse the process
Well what ever it's done. I still have a penis. It's small but functional. My balls are gone forever. The girl I fool around with constantly teases me I should stop my estrogen and take testosterone. At the very worst I'll look feminine for the rest of my life
What did you call me?
well I guess your destiny is to be a fuckhole for men forever anon. can you orgasm from your boypussy?
This is exactly what I call a fucking creep, you know she's a human with feelings rite
aww you're such a nice guy anon, lets just stay friends xd
I've been sexually assaulted at work by a gay guy. I dont mind really and haven't done anything about it . From my butt not really. From my penis if I try hard and force it. Women seem more nurturing and caring. Sex with them is something that manifests from trust.>>720734992
I'm used to it.
Most guys don't care what I call my self. They just want sex. But I'm used to it
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catch me outside how bout dat

I'm gonna sleep now, this has been nice, I guess Ill try to find someone in the city im moving to.
if you were near me id be your friend
I'm sorry to hear that, not trying to Bec a white night but these assholes need to be thought a lesson
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you are welcome, i know how you feel. im bi but there are not a lot of people for me around here
where you from?
Get help
Sorry to hear that dude,

I gotta sleep, gotta wake up and do a fuck tun of paperwork for the house
I'm in Ireland
i wish you the best of luck.
I find morphene is a good way a
Of dealing with pain
For reals. I haven't been raped or anything. But the guy at work would hold me push me against the counter In the fitting room rub his crotch all over my but and say really dirty things. It's sounds bad but tbh I was more concernd about customers or employees seeing and starting some fiasco. I really don't mind it.
I have a high tolerance to these things I guess.
Nothing wrong with you. I'm sure you'll find a nice boi to love
Seriously just elbow him in the face before he takes it too far, he's gonna keep seeing how far he can push you
thats terrible, i am sorry. about the not being able to get off thing btw xd
you should really try to make prostate stimulation work, it might be your mere option to feel good now
i hope """she""" gives you some """pussy""" for all the effort you put in looking strong for her haha
do you have snapchat? id love to talk to you cutie, mine starts with an m and ends with 2 numbers,
so you can know when i add you
Unless your in ireland, I don't see a point, also I'd rather not post it here, I'm Norbert into getting a Bunche Irvin dick pics from strangers
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