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Other thread 404'd >RIP UNCLE TONY >FREE UNCLE T

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Thread replies: 222
Thread images: 33

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Other thread 404'd


Uncle tony got sent home he said goodbye and walked home
where is the egg?
He Will Nut Inside Us
Everyone has an uncle Tony but do you have a uncle Donnie ?
Good job anon i was gunna create my own thread.
that chick sounds like shes doing a exorcism
whispering that shit, gunna turn into a fucking cult chant or something lol
Is there an egg?
So.. what do they want again?
this entire thing is incredibly cult-like
OP already did it yall missed it it was a while ago
That yellow hat chick was there the day shia lebarf got busted
very funny.
Is this a cult?
Here comes the Kool-Aid
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> goes to [website]
>wins at life
something exciting needs to happen or im gunna fall asleep to this fucking chanting.
can these fucks stop hogging the camera
No, it's a peaceful protest.
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Needs more Trump
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Then you'll listen to it while you sleep and you'll wake up and all you'll be able to say is "he will not divide us"
Right on point. If you ask me this can only end one way really... The live stream turns into 24/7 protests, with other protests and streams from around the country. Im surprised there arent more HWNDU cams already actually. If that happens its a definite indicator thats where its headed.
mustard is back
such a punchable face
not it's just tolerant liberals
lol yh tell me bout it
shes only there for dick, this isnt her first rodeo
You can just feeeeeeeel the tolerance
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Don't share the site so it gets fixed by snapchat! [website]
One of them said "God bless" to a Trump supporter earlier though, that sounded pretty tolerant and sincere
shia there tonight?
I'm gonna nut to her dead eyed face
Every time I switch back to the tab with her face on it, I swear her eyes are farther apart.
We're already diviiiiided... we're already diviiiiided... we're already diviiiiided...
This faggot still alive?
Occupy Trump St... Maybe that was the intent all along.
Im more annoyed at that colour beanie. Who the fuck wears an orange beanie.
Only just. He gets death threats on a daily basis
whoever was going to throw eggs there, do us a favour and use ostrich eggs

lol triggered?
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>Who the fuck wears an orange beanie.
you can tell she has a shitty construction job where she has to hold the stop sign for 8 hours a day
lol talking about paul look what he just posted
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/pol/ is the fucking cult, literally worshiping an ancient Egyptian god called "Kek" in the year 2017 and goddamn images of a frog.
/pol/blart show tits again
How much longer OP?
imagine her energy during sex.
she's acting like a zombie
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>See also: pepe the frog

No waifus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No Pepes??
No Waifus??
No Decepticons??

Fuck these faggots!!!

This is the reason I started using lol rather than kek anymore. Those who still use kek are braindead. Use lol, lel, or lul if you're not a shit for brains.
kek. topkek.
Does the blonde sheep realize that she is dividing herself from the unified crowd behind her?
Does she even irony?
yeah i stopped using lol a few years ago because it comes across as sarcastic and started using haha but now haha sounds shit and i just use lol again.
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essscc dee
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if dubs she'll fall asleep on camera

"Are you guys gonna say it?" she asked, in a menacing tone.
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Got em so good. Man, what would we have done if the police didn't get involved?
Lights are on, but nobody's home
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I was here hoping that one guy was serious about "an hero-ing" on cam. Such a let down.
somebody should yell it TriHard
ayy lmao
send them a pine apple. pizza
I guess it's a hate crime charge.
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Sorry didn't mean to reply to you haha
are they really into this music or is it like ''these boots are made for walking'' scenario in waco? trying to shake the beehive till they lose their shit?
40 mins ago
Maybe he just baited all the anti-liberal people to watch a protest for an hour and didn't even plan on throwing them.
You said 45 minutes 50 minutes ago! So it's never gonna happen
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is the chink OP?
That's it. OP isn't gonna do shit I lost interest
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Sam Brexit
>that's probably a play ob "Brexit"
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who has the nudes of oil face
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Sam Hyde when?
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> goes to [website]
>wins at life
Do they not realize that simply showing your face on this stream is proof positive that you're a fucking moron?
Intelligent discourse is what this thing should have been about from the beginning, not mindless chanting of meaningless words.
Youll Cowards don't even smoke crack
Skeleton hands!
lol ive been called that so much in my life.
my hands are boney as fuck.
someone start an argument for fuck sake
Oh, so you think he WILL divide us? I got news for you, you fucking faggot: he will NOT divide us, and if you think otherwise, then I hope you die a slow and painful death. #peaceandlove
wifu.... god
Hes only been president for a week and people act like hes gassing the jews
lol my pop would say good i hope they do to that
Why are u cunts giving this so much traffic? its just trash... this shouldnt of passed the first night, but u guys made it a troll heaven and now the dumb ass libs believe they are important enough to get their ridiculous views out to many people.
Just stop watching... it is a joke.
Look, faggot.
I never said anything liek that.
Protip: We have been divided for fucking decades, newfag.
typical zombie
ill be there in 10 mins, ill show my cock
>hope you die a slow and painful death

Yea that's a trump supporter alright
I'm a liberal watching it, I also think all the Trolls are funny, I support the protests, but damn I love a spicy meme. Existence is pain.
Do it meatspin style
Im only watching it because its 4pm and im stoned as with fuck all else to do
they arnt protesting anything tho... they are creating this divide by simply doing this "art" piece.
but let's admit it guys

everyone is waiting for the gas the kikes race war now war cry
not one person has even said fuck. like DO SOMETHING
Maybe, but whatever it is its protected by the law, so I'm all for it.
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what the fuck does he think he looks like captain sparrow
are you all for all laws?
as a liberal you probably shouldnt of said that...
See: sarcasm

You faggots are tarded
Yes, why shouldn't I be? I mean I have a brain. Maybe for some things laws should change, but if it is a law, I'm not going to totally ignore it.
Day Of the Tentacle.
>making "sarcasm" in a system when you have no possibility to receive it with any kind of information
has anything happened or are you all faggots just watching these bunch of nigger lovers circlejerk there?
shia arrest video
fuckin KEK
pol won
im pretty much smashing cones watching a bunch of niggers circlejerk.
Wait...the cops finally arrested him after the 2 physical assaults he committed on the /pol/ guys?

hate speech is also a law.
Encase you don't know what that entails.
>Hate speech is speech that offends, threatens, or insults groups, based on race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or other traits.
This "art" piece comes very VERY close to stepping over the line of this law.
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lol is that the borat song?
kek i was watching this one...fucking kek
i thought i was going to see more chanting instead he got arrested

i was pleased.
Only autists can't detect sarcasm on the internet using context.
lmao imma fap to this shit
>only autists make "sarcarm" in a system where is not detectable and get mad if people don't relevate it
How is this in any way hate speech though? This is protesting a presidential candidate, I've been watching g for a while now and I've heard nothing but nice things from them about Trump supporters.
Saying anything bad about Trump will be prohibited as "hate speech" any day now.
thre truman show
i doubt it i think trump finds it all funny. this isnt doing anything. in hindsight they're just talking to a wall
They had him removed by the cops

Calling people Nazis for a political opinion different than yours is classified as hate speech...

You mean how voting for a while mate instead of a white female makes you a racist yea? makes sense
someone gon b arrested
He probably would find a protest like this funny just because it's dumb as fuck, but even as a Trump supporter I can't deny that his butthurt levels are always strong due to his massive ego.
lol hes dating a nigger
guys me english no good

the guy with skeletal hand is trump supporter or one of us
>using strawman arguments like a liberal
I don't know enough about that situation to say whether or not he was rightfully or wrongfully apprehended. Sorry. Though Shia's a crazy fuck.
>implying im not arguing to a liberal, thus need to think like one so they understand how retarded they are.
yeah im done now this shit is doing my head in lol. just standing there repeating yourself over and over is just sad. its like do something better with your lives. life goes on. Trumps in office deal with it
he will not divide us
I mean we had tony abbott in office for like 3 years and that was more painful. The guy ate a raw onion on live news. Thats saying something. Everything will be okay guys
who'd the perm top faggot there who was trying to cover for Shiia leBeef the night he got arrested?
he will not divide us
>tony abbott
abbott was only bad because turnbull was behind him doing shit behind his back... now hes in charge so its scum.
yeah i agree. i didnt dislike abbott at all even though he was a dickhead at times i agreed with most of what he was doing. Turnbull has done fuck all
he will not divide us
nbn... he fucked that.
i still havent got the nbn yet i heard from someone yesterday maybe at the end of this year otherwise its in the suburb next to me. Right now my internet is running at 500kb's a second. How fucked is that.
he will nut inside us ?
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he will not divide us.
whats worse is I have the NBN, 100 down 40 up... its great, but 90% of the country wont get this speed and hes happy about it only giving them adsl 2+ speeds... thats the sad part. I'm looking out for all bro, Australia needs better internet for all! haha
"dont do thumbs up!"
wow that bitch is fucked.
offended by thumbs up lol
"Every single person that does thumbs up voted for Trump"
WTF am i watching
100 down sounds good but i guarantee torrents and stuff will still run shit cause its all relied on peers. Like if do a speed test it will say 19mbs and like 4 up or someshit but it has never ever run at that ever and we got a new modem from telstra a few months ago and it helped a little. Mainly with wifi strength thats all. Like i had about 200 xbox games i needed to download and it literally took me 2 years to get them all haha. Im so over it.
yeah torrents are still slow but they can still run at 80mb when people from Swiss uploads shit. ususally u just stream at 1080+ with speeds like this man
the amount of autism happening rn
can someone kill the retarded bitches here?
i can't watch any more

>thats not what america is

bitch you're standing in front of a wall chanting to deny trump..you don't understand one fucking thing about america


i love this anon tho
>stay in your own country and make it great

fucking top kek.
why do they care where hes from if they dont want to be divided? fucking liberals, fuck
it's like a form of mental retardation. the more and more i watch and the more and more i listen to their logic i realize they are fucking retarded.

the liberals/leftists i know in the midwest actually have some validity to their points and aren't just like "but america is like about immigrants and love"

fucking? what? do you get brain damage from huffing dicks all day long? if so that'd explain why /b/ sucks now.
kys jackie
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the only real tragedy here is that 'hewillnotdivide.us' has no chat or forum or message board where people can actually publicize discussions on the matter

it's simply a cultlike chanting protest that is planned to last for 8 years.

unless someone gets killed this shit will lose drive by at most 6 months.

fucking why bother? oh i know why, it's so shia can reinvent his career

too bad he's committed 3 assaults now and was only arrested for the lesser of the 3.

just waiting for some nut job from 9gag to go there and beat him within inches of his life then get mobbed.

until that happens im kinda done giving a fuck, even his arrest was weak as fuck.
yeah fuck thats like christmas to me. the day i get that will be like heaven. ive sat here downloading xbox games and shit thinking if i had like the nbn this would be done in 2 minutes not 2 days. Hopefully soon bro
bitch with the pink hat is shopping for some dick
Yeah, you will go back to his shitty website again.
Don't lie.
>that look on the girl on the bottom rights face.....
anchor baby sex appeal engaged
another thread or ?
doo itttt
We should call this cuck the Original Autist.
Patient 0 of the autism epidemic.
why does everyone thing they're funny on this stream? are they drunk or entitled? i want to smack them
Seriously who is the dude lurking to the right in the hood.
this is fucking cringe
someone on here sent them pizza and they got some....now they'll never leave
our hero
Is he actually an anon?
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im waiting for him to snap
fucking silently standing there...
why doesn't he shoot? is he still ID'ing the targets?
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even /k came out !
70% of the ppl there are anons
kek, dubs confirms.
stay tuned anons i think we got a fucking shooter.
>stealing our food
>/k/ not doing anything about it
You guys ready for a show?
I delivered the pizza.
I don't work for a pizza company.
I bought pizza's and put strychnine on the pizza
Death comes next.
Man why the fuck cant this be on /pol/
> low energy
the 6 in the middle are libs but the rest standing around the outskirts are /ours
Did the /k/ guy bail?
never trust any food anywhere 4chan is lol
looks like it, unless he's setting up sniper point
maybe his phone died.
joke's on you. once libtards get free shit they dip out instead of contribute. only anons will stick around.

shia is on to some shit here, he's showing the unification of alt right and tard left/lib...also illustrating a live representation of people discussing this shit and trying to function in front of the 'public eye'

did shia predict this shit? doubt it. i think 4chin and some others made the effort to bridge the gap. personally i think the "evil nazi's" are the ones making sure we aren't divided unlike the libtards who spend their ignorance dividing/ostracizing themselves from everything/anyone.
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the alt right are the way they are because the tard left divides, and the tard left divides because they dislike the way the alt right are.

so basically i eat because im fat
and im fat because i eat
either way now my throat looks like a vagina.
>I'm on a diet.
logic dictates.
holy fuck you were right. they immediately bailed.
anybody have a youtube link or webm of shia yanking leather jacket bro out of the camera right before the assault happened?
Yeah you're right his protest would be a lot more successful if there were a message board you could post on, I'm sure your constructive input and convincing arguments would spark a veritable renaissance of enlightened political discourse.
that's what they do when they get their free shit.
you don't see people getting food stamps then sticking around to learn why they get them or about how america defeated the great depression with war and legislation that gave handouts to people in REAL need...nope instead they hop on the freewagon and see where it goes then when it pays out they go home and go complain about how boring and lame it was.

fuckin completely illustrates how the majority of tard left functions, ironically not by choice.
typical lib philosophy
"we want unity...but only if you agree with us"
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