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post your mental illness and how it has affected you. >feels thread

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Thread replies: 154
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post your mental illness and how it has affected you.
>feels thread
>Mental illness
I'm always striving for the best of everything I do, and when it doesn't work out, I fist myself until my anus prolapses as a punishment.

Im transgendered. The effects on me are horrible because many people accept me, the brainwashed ones, but the ones who knows what is up know that Im not right in the head, and it makes me feel ashamed of myself. Sometimes I wish I never cut off my dick. The silicone in my chest I can remove, but a dick transplant is not appealing.
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I have aspergers that went undiagnosed for most of my life. Was diag as ADD/OCD as a child for the sake of pushing drugs that made me worse. As a result, I have developed an inconsistent personality structure in conjunction with alcoholism/substance abuse in order to be able to fit into different environments. People still think I am kind of sketchy, even though I would never hurt anyone or steal from them. I overcompensate by being Canada nice to people.
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op here I ask for this thread cause im sick of what I do. I have lost so many friends and the ones who stay with me think im crazy. I cant control my emotions and am triggered worse than a bitchy sjw. ill go on rants that I cant control, all of a sudden ill be angry at everyone. ill start telling people even my best friends that im going to kill them and their families and that they are worthless pigs. I even went as far as too say im god and that I would smite them all one day. I go from a panicked anger to depression. my friends who stick with me get sick of me and I always end up alone. I just don't know what to do.
also im sorry to hear that if you guys want to go on its all good
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I am a perfectly healthy white man of German heritage. I am not a useless eater. The retarded only drag down our society.
Talk to a psychiatrist.

I'm bipolar type 2. I had OCD as a kid, as a teenager I got severly depressed, went untreated for a year (probably the worst year of my life, I was constantly sad and rarely got out of bed. My grades dropped severly). I developed social phobia. Before my depression I was doing really well in school and socially, I was really happy. The depression turned my life upside down.

At age 20 I got the right meds for about six months. Then I stopped taking them, then two years later I got into a mild depresion and now I'm in a deep depression again, but just started with my bipolar meds again.

My advice is to take (the right) meds and start practicing CBT.
The positive things about my illness is that I'm really creative and productive when I feel good. People say I'm smart as well. I guess I perform better than the average human being but then again it's nothing to brag about really.
im pretty sure i have something apart from depression and really bad anxiety. i just started going to a psychologist
I had a freak out last night on people I speak to in a discord chat told one of the guys I like on thier I wanted to kill his family in front of him. its like I just turn into another person and they say just ignore whoever made you angry but for me its isnt that easy.
Obviously you're not TG. They don't "cut your dick off" (they fold it and tuck it in to make a vagina), and you don't get "silicone breasts", just take hormones and they grow naturally.
Depression ( i want the human race to die )

Intermittent explosive anger disorder ( i really really want to torture mankind to death when i hear about america )

Possible assburgers ( dont understand people. The selfish, abusive sub human shit piles of people make me want to burn the world or exterminate all assholes. )

Adhd ( i want more concerta it allowed me to pass college )

Side note. Weed helps for the anger disorder. Magic mushrooms were a godsend for anger and depression. I dont really need to smoke weed anymore since doing shrooms regulary.

people who make life harder on themselves.

Grow up and deal with your problems.
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Severe depression. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about putting a bullet in my head. Despite the fact that things in my life aren't really that bad, I've pretty much lost hope in my dreams, and making anything more than a desk jockey out of myself, I've lost hope in finding love, and I pray every night that God finds the mercy to let me die tomorrow. I feel utterly dead inside, and the pills, the therapy, it's all just a drain on my family and I feel that I'm just getting worse. I'd have killed myself already if I didn't know it would hurt the people around me so much, which just makes it all feel that much worse. So no matter what, even if I find myself laughing and smiling...I know that deep down I'm just waiting to die.
Go back to your tower, normie.
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so much this

i also push anyone close to me away so i have no friends. every friendship or relationship i've ever had i've destroyed
Fully destroyed you jingo fucktard
Paranoid schizophrenia. I haven't really accepted the fact that I have it yet. I have been unemployed for a year now, but things are starting to brighten up a bit after I got on the right medication. When I started treatment I heard voices (still do, but not as much and not as negatively as before), was convinced there was people spying on me, hallucinations and other shit.

Luckily I live in a country with free healthcare and found out that they have a special program for people in my situation.
i have a whole bunch of "disorders" such as ADHD, ADD, Sensory Processing Disorder and others that probably dont matter as much.
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Clinical depression and personality/adjustment 'disorder.' I can never reenlist in any branch of the military.
lucky you im looking to see a psychiatrist my anger outbursts have made me sound crazy ive even said I was a god and could find the people I hate and kill them
Lucky I live in a country with free healthcare? Yeah, I guess, I wouldn't recommend schizophrenia though, kek.

Good that you're seeing someone about it. Hopefully things will get better for you soon.

I feel you bro, I had a good job as a jet mechanic and lost it all when I couldn't handle the demands. Hope you at least got an Honorable
I also have free healthcare
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My father left my mother when I was 3yo because he was in deep shit with drugs(still havent met him), raised by my mother to follow rules and laws like they were adamant, this cost me a lot of friendships "because i was a pussy for not smoking" got bullied a lot because moving around 5 times in 6 year timespan and being "the new kid" in school. school went shit except english math and history. and now I am depressed because I chose the wrong field of work (no jobs) and no money to even move out, and I have actively searched for jobs for half a year while stuDYING. I have few friends and all they do is shit-talk about me, I don't go out, because I live in the middle of nowhere, and no close friends because moved a lot. I just can't take it anymore, same shit everyday.
I washed out of AIT, and got an "entry-level/uncharacterized" separation. It was my second time washing out though; I had washed out of Air Force Basic about a year earlier.
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Growing up with anxiety, panic attacks, add, deppression, and anger issues has turned me into one of those steriotipical worthless edgy teen who are always too drugged out to know what's going on, I've tried to kill myself on Christmas and failed and then I tried to kill myself last Friday, didn't work either. My friends all have their own serious mental health issues and we are planning a way to kill his rapist
>inb4 edgy teen
I wouldnt say ill i function better the most with a high drug dependency. monopolar depression and decreased frontal lobe activity. i take 60 mg vyvanse and about a gram of caffeine and 6 advil errrrday just to decrease inflamation in my brains greymatter. without it i feel like i just chugged a bottle of robotuson and that what life was like until i found out pills exsisted
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what career did you choose?
Borderline, and it fucks me every day
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Paranoid Schizophrenia.

Fucked up my whole life, can't work, can't maintain relationmships, barely functioning

On the bright side, I had to become a bullshit detector to get along, so I am not easyly fooled.
Severe depression and self hatred.

The only reason I haven't killed myself yet is because I'm a coward.
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Mum get out.I know they still blame me for what i did but i was 8 i didnt know any better
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fuking bachelor in computer sciences, In my country it was profitable to become one i was told, but now there are 20 applicants for one rundown job that has shit pay like below 1k$/month, and also I had been informed what panic attacks were, I just realized I have had them for years.
I dont have money to move out, or go out.
also I believe in rebirth, so I don't necessarily "fear" death, I just don't like this life's story so far
I have schizoid personality disorder, and no I'm not self-diagnosed like half the fags in here

Sucks at times at others it doesnt

Honestly its very difficult to get well in the U.S. when you don't have much money or free health care.

>too sick to work because of anxiety, depression,bpd 2, ADD
>no money to pay for doctor visits and medications to get well
>remain sick and poor

Luckily I have family that can give me a little cash for those costs and a couch to crash on. Oh and by the way i'm almost back to normal with the meds i'm on. And I have tried like 5 times to go off my meds and I end up becoming severely depressed again.
Jesus if you're telling the truth, that sounds like hell. Almost makes me thankful for having borderline
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Can you plz elaborate on how shrooms helped your anger and depression? Suddenly way more interested in doing them.
damn, if your still in school go for a masters degree if you can, hopefully it willl help you get out of your situation
What are you taking now? what dosage?
You're next life will be easier man, hang in there dude
how do you know if you are a psychopath?
.5mg clonazepam x2 daily (anxiety)
150 mg effexor (anti depressant)
400 mg lamotrigine (bpd 2)

also take a dlpa supplement (helps with concentration)

It is working pretty well, into week 6 of effexor, I probably need to be bumped up to 250 mg though.
It's called ASPD these days, and get a psych evaluation
I am severely depressed.
I have schizophrenia and the occational depersonalisation.

I have not been diagnosed by a doctor but I am fairly sure about what is going on as I have spent most of the last 5 years to carefuly study what is going on with me.
With the intent not to go to a doctor and to avoid meds at all cost.

I have learned to control it pretty well.
When I go to work, nobody ever suspects anything.
I am a normal, happy and sometimes over friendly guy.
And that must be the only fishy point about me there.
That I am always friendly and happy no matter what.

But oh boy when that shift ends.
I feel like shit. I want to die but I do not want to kill myself.
I work for good money but it's not worth anything to me. I feel alone despite the fact that I realize that there are a few people who genuinely want to help me.

I plan on saving some more money to support a few people that I am roundabout thankful for.
Then I will probably take a flight ticket to wherever and start new. Whatever happens happens. I don't even care anymore.

Fucking annoying. But ill survive for now.
stop taking pills
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I'm just really introverted and not good at talking to strangers
But if you don't feel well (taking no medication) that probably affects you too. What I am always worried about is whether or not the medication would stifle my creativity or personality. And when I am feeling well and on my meds those things improved rather than altered. The problem I've had was with adderall, it feels good but is very emotionally blunting.
do you guys have any ideas on my condition. I find myself haveing manic episodes where my anger goes through the rough at someone or a concept and everyone around me gets its backlash. ive lost so many friends because of it after my episode im ussualy depressed. people say just walk away from whats makeing you mad but it wont get out of my head I swear its worse then voices

I have severe anxiety and constantly worry about how to smallest thing is going to hurt me.

Absolutely hate it
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I am graduating in 2-3 months and after that I could go for masters, but I am just fucking burned out, I have been doing the same shit for 2 years now, wake up -> school -> I am 2-4 weeks ahead of everyone, so nothing to do cos everything comes easy to me, so I browse for 6-7hours -> go home -> go for a walk with my mothers dog, while she is arguing with my 3 sisters. -> go to computer and play games/ and try to socialize with friends who just say that I am annoying. -> go to sleep but read couple pages of some fantasy stories before snoozing. -> wake up.

Weekends I just drink or go to my grandma's place, (she took care of me before school started so we have a good bond) and help her.

Everything has become a blur.
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Anxiety, depression, BPD, ADD, and paranoia. It has affected my social life tremendously which is ironic because when I'm out I'm very outgoing. The hard part is getting out the door. Its not an acrophobia thing its just I don't feel good enough for anyone.
Switch to a different medication. Have a more positive and hopeful outlook (sorry cliche), oh and get some exersize. Love you b/friend
BiPolar 1 here... Mania has nearly killed me a few times and depression has hospitalized me 4 times. Mostly I just wake up wondering if today is the day my brain is going to flip the switch in either direction. Thinking you're invincible can be cool but it's tempered with just wanting to die.
If you have major mood swings its probably Bipolar 1.
here is the movie that i recently made, no way to be happy for me. i bought a 360 degree camera and some other stuff. watch it and tell me how ruined i am..
i've fucked enough hopeless cougars for their combined mental illnesses to have rubbed off upon me

but what can i really complain about when i pound some 38 year old ass into oblivion before she has to make it the next girl guides meeting

my only disease is degeneracy
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I voted Trump and now America is doomed.
forgot to share link, :(( soo stupid
I go from normal to psycho in seconds honestly I have very little stopping me from killing my morals are next too none and my emotions are a train wreck. only thing stopping me is jail of course I dont want to be locked away
Diagnosed clinical depression and anxiety.
Run of the mill here I guess.
I turned from a popular, outgoing, good looking guy into a jaded, friendless recluse with nobody to talk to. The looks haven't faded but that only depresses me even more as I'm not that approachable anymore.
You're borderline. Find a DBT group.
Bipolar. I stopped taking my meds and found out it's not real. It's just poor stress management and a lack of discipline. Manned up and took some responsibility for my mood and actions and feel way better.
>minor ocd
Not too bad. Currently spending 30-60 minutes per day on checking stove, locks, cell, wallet, keys etc whenever I leave the house or go to bed.
I recently went too a psych clinic and the nurse set me up with an appointment for a psychiatrist. she mentioned borderline and dbt what does dbt involve and is it realy a group thing like aa
All of you fucking faggots need to go back to tumblr.
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You probably have BPD
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It seems you have forgot to go back to school
Diagnosed anxiety disorder.

Fear of failure, risk aversion has stalled my professional career, I am frequently short and grumpy with family. I abuse downers to stay out of my head. Also apparently when I'm anxious i lash out sexually seeking validation. I've cheated on my wife been caught and I've been caught sending pictures to another woman. Ive lost friends by overly flirting with their wives, I've gotten two couples divorced. It pretty much fuckin sucks.
DBT is group therapy - its run by a professional so it's not like AA. It's psychoeducational in nature and involves group, individual, and 24 hour phone therapy as well if you need it. It will help teach you how to manage emotions primarily through cognitive behavioral therapy.
High functioning aspergers, but I got off fairly easy I think. I'm able to come off as mostly normal in short interactions. Like most autismofags

I have have a few particular interests that dominates most of my thoughts (Mostly trains if you must know.) I didn't know what was wrong with me until i was about 8 years old, until then I had blamed my interest for most of my problems with friends and school in general. I do feel fortunate for the true friends I have had over the years.

I also have ADHD, but my medication makes it a lot better.
idk what it is but probably anxiety - fucks up every relationship by making me feel like im gonna lose someone til i get to the point of needing to be reminded constantly that things are good until theyre not and i've lost them
>Depression ( i want the human race to die )
Same here. Get some good meds and a job. The meds will make you feel better, a job will make you feel productive. I have learned the hard way over the last 10 years struggling with my shit is that I need to be productive to feel happy and normal. If I sloth around watching movies all day I feel like garbage.
Confirmed. This entire thread is edgy hormonal 3 year olds or shitty people that just need to be better people, but use mental illness as a crutch to cover for their horrible personalities.
Getting past your mental illness comes later. Working on growing as a person first, and get the fuck out of this thread. Do something better with your time.
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Possibly asbergers. Never been diagnosed and I really don't want to be. It gives me something to blame my social ineptitude on.

For you, anon.
Severe social anxiety. Makes life a living hell.
Matt, you're glib
Bipolar type 2. Found out right after i lost all my friends and gf after i went into a manic episode caused by antidepressants. Life is shit. Want to die.
>Want to die.
Don't let us detain you.
Go to it, boy.
Maybe you are not even here anymore, but Good luck man. I mean it.
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you sure this isnt bait anon
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>when i hear about america
My gf left me because of my depression....I thought gfs were supposed to stand next to you and cheer you on..Not leave you
least you had one ive never had the pleasure of unconditional love
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I tend to have this bad disease...where...I just don't give a fuck about anything...
lifes a bitch until you die fuck the world lets all get high
You would really enjoy this

You're basically me. I stopped taking my antidepressants a couple weeks ago and I'm even deeper in this shit now.
you were probably a whinny little bitch man, sorry. I have depression and I just hold it in so my girl of 4 years doesn't do the same. No one wan't to be a round a miserable cunt

sorry for your loss /b/rother
I learned my lesson, it's better to keep stuff to yourself
as the anon complaining about having anger episodes all this gf talk is getting me salty

I have what I think is a mild form of Tourette's syndrome. I have these annoying ticks and feelings based on my eyesight and the feelings in my face.

I'll try give some illustrative examples:

My right eye requires a slightly weaker prescription than my left eye, and I constantly feel the difference. So it feels uneven all the time. So when I'm driving, the part of the frame that separates the windshield from the driver window makes me tightly close my left eye and twitch my head to the right so that the left side is "even" to the right (the view of the frame moving out of sight provides a feeling of relief to my left eye for some reason).

Similarly, when I see a car coming in the opposite direction through the windshield, I have to turn my head before it appears in the door window.

Also, when I'm walking into a room to get something, I try to cross the threshold very quickly and then snap my fingers twice if I think I passed it quickly enough.

Also, if something touches my right side, I have to touch my left side with something that feels similar, and to a similar intensity (ie same coldness or same softness or same sharpness).

If I was very discreet about all this, I would look like a total lunatic frequently throughout the day.
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bi-polar disorder

Has fucked my life up significantly up until it was diagnosed last year. Spent years doing opiates and benzos, drinking too much, struggling to get through my college coursework. Drove away one pretty great girlfriend because of it and my issues with jealousy. I'm just glad I finally had a doctor tell me "you aren't an addict". Couldn't stop using opiates and benzos to self medicate and I was sent to rehab at least 4 times and wasted so much of my prime years either in rehab, aftercare, or NA.

Fuck rehab btw. so fucking useless, and so is AA/NA. Pseudoscientific bullshit.

anyways now I'm with my gf of 6 years, have nearly a 4.0 since returning to school. thank god for lithium
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depression and autism most likely, got tested for autism 4 times as a kid, inconclusive (but reason enough to test shows im fucked) 4th and 8th grade tested again, IQ test this time 138 near genius, always told should be a god at school, highschool came socially retarded and cant understand basics, people think im a funny cunt because i have no filter, fell into (and still into) depression because i wasnt getting the best marks family and friends disapointed, even though i got accepted into top choice university, everyone hates me i know of, want to die but not kill myself, just work out till its damaging me
So edgy

You may have OCD

Cannot connect to any other human being and hardly can express my emotions in front of people when i really need to. It;s so frustrating i go in fits and they just want to medicate me.
I have faith in my psychiatrist, the new meds are working and i did not have to be hospitalized this time. Sure. I feel pain and i feel i want to die, but now i know it's my illness speaking. For now i can endure through it. Individual and group therapy will help too, and i will start those next month.
That vids got its problems but you should keep trying, you can make some really cool shit with it.
I have schizophrenia. I hear voices and occasionally see orbs that tell me things to do
First step in therapy is self improvement, growth, coping with your illness and contain or cure it. I understand my past mistakes are my fault even if driven by my illness, i suffer for them and in exchange i grow through them. I still need meds and i will take them all my life to avoid other mistakes. Your post is aggressive but it's a nice reality check. I for one will not hide from my past self and i will embrace the growth it brought to me. Now that i start to feel like a funcional human being again i won't have my illness as an excuse. I don't expect you to understand that, and i know it's hard to believe someone talking about illness on the web now that tumblerettes glamoured mental illness so bad.
I tried to kill myself and became a sociopath when I failed. Life was hard on me until I met some very kind and special people who helped me change, and I've never looked back.
I'm psychopath and i dont like ppls
Nigger you're just salty cause Trump gonna make the White man the Right man again.
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I have a waifu and I love it.
ITT: a bunch of self-diagnosing retards pretending to have a mental illness to use as their watertight excuse for being incompetent, inadequate, and all-around a failure at life.
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thats gay
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It's a mental illness. Stop harassing me.
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Um, insomnia, its hard to sleep
>When I hear about America
Oh no. Did I just find a suicidal libtard?

If you're reading this: my mouth is watering when I think about you killing yourself. Seriously, do it. Pathetic fucking waste.
>but on webmd it says i can self diagnose
4chan is full of piss babies now
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wow interesting are you a doctor? did you even finish your undergrad?

you aren't very smart.
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the shitposters arrive
My kid is way advanced for her age. Very perfectionist as well. The principal on her last school was trying to push the psych test on her when I tried to meet them half way by letting my kid bring grade 4 and 5 work books. They wouldn't let her use it because it's not fair for other children. I refuse the psych test because I know that she'd end up taking meds. Fuck public schools, man!
Bipolar II
My ol lady just says I'm crazy, usually run off 3 hours of sleep. Smoke as much as possible, drink to much for my age. Tried to kill my self couple weeks ago. One day I'm on top of the world. The next I'm pissed off all day over some shit that happened months ago.

Sorry to vent I'm a loser.
I think it's OCD, but never been diagnosed by professionals.

When I was younger it used to be intense, now not so much. Once you learn more about it you end up controlling it a little.

I sometimes would take 5 sips of a drink from a cup and if I had 4 or 6 I'd have to take one or four more.

8 is the number that makes me feel bad, 5 makes me feel good. I think its because once 8 people really fucked me up mentally, and 5 because thats the size of my family.

I think I've tourettes too, not the verbal kind but sometimes when I'd twitch my muscles i have to do it 8 times when its something i dont like and 5 times when its something about my family of something I own. Sometimes things trigger the twitches hence the difference in numbers.

Sometimes its exhausting physically, i end up having 'attacks' that make me feel like I just had a workout. But like I said, I haven't been diagnosed, I just always did those things and realized others don't in various circumstances throughout my life, so I just looked it up and it appears to be OCD with tourettes
i have anxiety, depression, and ive come to realize that i may have slight aspergers. growing up people close to me said it but i thought they were just giving me shit. also i may have some schizophrenia in store for me in the future since my mom had it.

its all made me pretty simple. i dont get how people do life and i cant figure out if people are genuinely interested. i just assume they dont like me. also, i cant talk to people or do normal adult things. i freeze up and cant talk or i mumble. i have no drive to do anything, but i very much do wish that i could live and love and enjoy real life. like appreciating the weather, and hard work, and the kindness of others. but i never seem to fit in anywhere because the way life is never seems important to me. and i dont understand it.
I have psychopathy and I have homicidal thoughts every day. I barely feel normal emotions. And I hate every human I've ever met.
>tfw I cant feel feels
I'm not sure if this is the right place for it or not but I need help

A 'friend' of mine is an asshole. We've been friends for a while (about 5 years now)
He's really starting to pisss me off and a ton of other people have the same if not worse view of him.
He's arrogant, a slob and just a total jerk, a schmuck whatever you know the type. Not to mention he thinks he's the shit when he isn't.

What do I do, I think its time this friendship is over and I'm pretty sure he has no idea that basically %98 of people hate him. I don't want to be friends anymore because of the reasons I listed above. So how do I do it. How do I ends the friendship. It's just time for it to end
>used to think this way when I was younger
>thought people that kill themselves were utter failures and faggots
>Actually dumped a girl solely because I found out she was mentally ill
>mfw I have horrible anxiety and suicidal thoughts regularly now
So since I've been on both sides of this I can say it's pretty fucking easy to sit back and think like this faggot here.
i can cum just from feeling breasts. Suxs at the same time as being great.
My psychologist diagnosed me.
I've been playing vidya since I was a little kid, and the recent years I've had these 2 motherfuckers, I doesn't feel good anymore, when I try to play something I start to feel a strange pressure in my chest, I feel stressed out n shit, I can't do anything and I end up staring at my screen the whole day, I don't know if life its worth living

I'm sure you did. thus why the second sentence of this post is completely useless nonsense. So if it is induced environmentally, you are saying it exists. at least that's what you said whether you were trying to or not. let's see if you can put together a few sentences that are coherent.


you are using so few words you aren't even completing a thought. totally believe you have a psych degree though because most people in that field are fucking idiots.

would love to see you have a conversation with a Harvard trained psychiatrist though
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Depression, anxiety, insomnia and gender dysphoria, it's not great but I get by, I hope all of you find happiness, it's out there.
no. end it. eternal darkness is better than eternal torture.
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I'd say a bunch of people are like this and it pisses me off to no fucking end

people that do that take away from people who actually have problems

I had anxiety but I overcame it because I realised that I felt like shit and the only way to get over it was to stop complaining about how bad I felt was to get up, dust my ass off and meet it head on

sure sometimes it comes back, but now I deal with it instead of being a pussy and complaining.

diagnosed by a highly lauded dr who studied at harvard and UCLA. Will also add that although I was diagnosed with bi-polar i have incredible grades, a hot gf of 5 years, i lift weights 5x a week and run 6x a week, have two awesome dogs and an amazing apartment in one of the most badass parts of LA. cool assumptions though brah
Like I said here

The only way to get better is to deal with it
Jesus fucking Christ
Wow dude, I'm super jealous of how much of a little freak you are. Congrats on not being able to calm the fuck down. What an inspiration!!
Psychologists are retards. Go see an actual doctor (a psychiatrist)
Do some reading on it anon before you try psychedelics I've been growing them for years. Initially to treat my own depression. Now I just sell em. I don't do them anymore because I have discovered that I am a pit of fear and denial. I'd kill myself if I didn't have children.

a little freak who most likely has a hotter gf, better friends, and a higher quality of life than you. also would love to know what shitty town you live in ha. don't really give a shit if im a freak tbh- been knowin that for years brah

nice talking to you tho, gotta grab dinner in Hollywood

yeah it's a fine line with psychedelics and mental health issues. What i've found really helpful though recently is human-grade Ketamine. No risk of a bad trip, if you do low doses over the course of 4 hours i find the next day I am significantly less depressed. There are currently studies going on around ketamine and depression for this reason- I believe it's the future of short term and immediate depression treatment.
>hold on famous celebrity Ariel Winter and supermodel girlfriend, we'll jump in my lambo and drive to our favorite restaurant in Hollywood as soon as I get done posting on 4chan about how amazing my life is

I like to pretend to, but maybe you should go back on the geodon
For years I feared that I was possibly autistic or schizoprenic, not in the edgy sense, but the fact that I talked alone and imagined different realities where I didn't fuck up stuff scared me
I had no friends, no gf, or experiencie with people, or even kids my age, (Raised by nothing but adults, no brothers my age at home)
Depression kicked in eventually and I went to a
Psycologyst, it didn't much, but I was diagnosed with possible austism AND possible schizoprenia
The only reason I got a possible was because had good grades at my school, but in the end I knew it was true anyways, the school gifts away grades to retards who can'tpick up pencils, the more I looked into myself the more
I hated me, the more I was fitting to the definition

I had no friends to face this with, and my parents weren't an option either, but I tried

My Mom tough I joking, and my My Dad said he would beat me up, always saying that "A punch will get you right again"
I've delveloped social anxiety, and I feel like giving up and killing myself.
Now the more I think about the present and the future, it just brings me down.
My dad is a useless retard who can't say anything wihout shitting on himself, my mom it's his 4th woman
My mom was a whore that let my dad grab her by the ass while having 2 other kids, the reason of my existance is money
My sister SJW virgin that wants an art major, liberal as fuck that wishes she was 16 again
Bro is out of the house with his wife and baby, the only friend I had
And now here I am sitting in my room browsing /b/
What keeps you up at night, anon?
Feels thread? I'm bored of weed, don't know how it happened but i'm completely bored of a drug, and everything else. I thought i needed weed to enjoy things but i can't even have fun while high. Wat do?
major depressive disorder with symptoms of Asperger's and anxiety disorders. i freak out alot when talking to people i don't know and have a hard time remaining friends with others because of my social awkwardness. my depression causes me to do coke adderall xans and other shit. more than half the time i want to die but i just be strong to protect others. I don't fear death anymore and last time i got threatened with a gun i laughed at him and told him to just do it already and not be a fucking pussy
Alcohol sucks, just makes you dizzy and tired. Not fun.
Go running, do schrooms, cook, read or try again with the weed. I get more out of weed running a couple of miles, give it a go! :)
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