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why are you faggots reproducing with spics, chinks, and niggers?!

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Thread replies: 138
Thread images: 57

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why are you faggots reproducing with spics, chinks, and niggers?! what is wrong with white women! If this shit keeps happening white will cease to exist. autistic neckbeards. SMFH
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I'd fuck a hot taco or sheboon.
I wouldn't rice mix with them but I'd throw them the D.
I'm racist ,muh dick isn't
Smh fam. Smashed that like button.
that generated pic is very wrong and retarded. it assumes vertical head growth is genetic hence the small jaw and weird head shape
keeping the races separate is stupid. when the alien invaders finally get here shit like that will fly right out the window.
cry me a river, bitch
It's pretty obvious you grew up poor and and have these attitudes because your white trash parents had to compete with these people for unskilled jobs.

Funny how white trash actually consider themselves white. You're as bad as any nigger.
I bang white girls all the time
>that generated pic

It's a real person
But then so will black. And then the thesis and antithesis will form a synthesis creating a better world.
race mixing takes out both white AND black race.

Are people retarded or something?

Im a firm believer in keeping your race and bloodline alive but come on people you can't be that stupid to think that white race will disappear, the black race will disappear aswell
Because combining blacks with whites produces incredibly intelligent and athletic children with the sex appeal of blacks and the logic and confidence of whites. Its the only logical way to make a new master race.

Sadly these mixed race individuals mainly fall into shitty poor households. The ones that grow up with resources become very powerful.
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>it assumes vertical head growth is genetic
What the fuck else would it be? Do you think some traits are just magical or what the fuck?

>this is what the average person will look like
>assuming the 'average' of the world's population is anywhere near this attractive
If you dont mix races eventually you are fuvking your cousin. Oops! Now your raising autism.
>Im a firm believer in keeping your race and bloodline alive
We can tell by your poor grammar.

You can extend your forehead through physical training, how could that be passed down genetically?
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Fucking kek

Holy shit its like some people dont get science at all on this shitty board. Yeah sure head size comes from if you worship the sun god or some shit smh what the fuck
Black women seem to be the only race that is attracted to me. I dunno why, but a lot of back women hit on me.
Lost my shit holy fuck

>fucking your cousin
>a bad thing
Look at what millenia of not race mixing has done to the British.
As a white male that is fairly athletic, I think its because black females are cultured to show attraction and be much more forthcoming than white women and especially asians. I don't interact with latinos so I have no idea there.
Fucking idiot. Does this kid not know how genetics works? I guess walking on two feet was wizardry.
horrible attempt at trolling

Whats wrong eith white women. Aside from being genetically inferior?

Genetic diversification is the only way the human race is going to survive.

You would think white people would be the fiirst to jump on this concept as they age like milk.
Didnt say it was bad. Just said I hope you like raising a mutant
>truths I don't like are trolling
It's time for you to stop posting on my site, Cletus.
Better to express it as "more likely to get the best of each race".
trying to change the topic

amateur troll.

This your first time?
>change the topic away from the fact that i was home schooled in a trailer and lived on a diet of oscar meyer bologna and kool aid
you were home schooled in a trailer?
I mean if I were speaking to my girlfriend, sure. But /b/ is filled with simple minded racists. This is an easier thought to convey to them. One that they might begrudgingly agree with because they might follow race theory etc.
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>doesn't know the various uses of greentext
>asking others if it's their first time
Have fun trying to get attention from someone else, Cletus.
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are you retarded or something kid?
>Are you retarded or something, kid?
Fixed for the home schooler.
The white race is a failed one.

Sporting the weakest genes on the planet by far, any interracial child immediately winds up looking like the more exotic parent no matter what race he or she is. One drop rule also winds up applying from the white's own social perspective.

Everyone will eventually be a muddled shade of brown in time and this is a case of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em".
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enjoy your weekend, you have school soon kiddo.
This is why I'm proud that my grandmother was native (on one side) and my great grandfather was black (on the other side)

I have the strong genes from both, but still have a white skintone.
>image macros/reaction images after 2010
Do you even reproduce fat ass Virgin fagget ?
There is 99% chance you live on your mom basment retard
Holy shit can the both of you calm the fuck down about each other and let us talk about the post or at least go some where and fuck. Exchange numbers so you can argue over the phone. Jesus Christ this is an imageboard not a facebook status.
i love seeing people new to trolling, you really aren't that good though. i recognized your horrible attempt in your first post, keep at it though kid, youll get it one day.
White women are a disappointment. They expect everything and give little to nothing. Far too many are fat and slovenly. They are loser snowflakes and SJW's pushing illogical and idiotic ideas and ideals.
Welcome to my site. Now shut up.
Now I'm starting to think you're actually a nigger. White people don't need to be reminded to present themselves as such.
>Your site

Lmao okay cool kid
you see i would shut up.. but this guy>>719047030 is a new troll and needs some help on learning. He's an obvious troll, it's not good to be an OBVIOUS troll
Just stop replying and he will get bored.
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the trolling is so lame in this post, holy shit kid, give up.
Again, people saying true things you don't like doesn't make them a troll. Learn what words mean before using them in public, post-2012 newfaggot trash.
Keep your profile pics on facebook, ok?
the appeal of bestiality is strong in the youth of this day.
100% 100% 100% 100% savage fam SAVAAAAGGGGEEEEEEE
omg im a horrible troll and they caught me... better call someone a newfag

are you even trying?
This thread is dead now due to two screaming sperglords. There is nothing constructive past this point. Turn back.
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This was a shit thread to begin with honestly
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It was a garbage thread to begin with. The fact that you thought it had value illustrates how cancerous you really are.
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do it
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holy shit hes gonna do it
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OP is a real life woman. Look up Jordan Spencer. She's pretty hot
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you madman
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dont you bite it
Literal autism
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>Not wanting to create generation of sexy tanned skin children who are great at maths and athletics

Everybody just gotta fuck everybody else 'til we're all the same colour, anyway.

The black gene is always dominant. You can always tell someone's got nigger blood.
there is no god
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im puking
this aint no gore thread dude stop
ok ill stop
fuck thanks dude, i thought you were actually going to do it for a sec
All us homeboys leaving the white girls to you, cause we love you that much. Why the fuck aren't you out there fuckin?
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that was actually all i had
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Asians make the white race stronger.
It's actually really simple. https://youtu.be/_JphDdGV2TU
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You are kidding liberalfag, right...?
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White bitches are crazy ass liars two faced whores who'd fuck each and not even think about a real man, the others races have morea decency with exception for American nigger hood rats
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>why are you faggots reproducing with spics, chinks, and niggers?! what is wrong with white women!
It's because your DNA is weak. You are truly the inferior race on this planet.
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they find us exotic and different, OP. Some women are really turned on by someone that looks different.
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I won't be reproducing most likely.
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Why does white need to exist?
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I'd fuck both
>alien invaders
These nationalist/tribalist faggots can't into people from Earth not being "alien" - they'd go full retard if they knew extraterrestrial beings were living on Earth.
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why do you give a shit about what other people do? grow the fuck up.
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Look how man this edgelord
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That's it.

I don't even know where the fuck to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP. Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day. Remember son, all you had to do now, was to reply to this post or your mother dies in her sleep tonight . It's just so simple.
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i'm running out of pictures to fill this thread up with
Eventually we will all look the same then the only thing left will be to topple religion and we can actually start making progress again.
I needs me a Snickersbars
We whites atleast brought you up from your poo-in-the-loo state to an industrial era, you and all other primitives were just incesting with your fucking cousins for millenia.
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Need to fuck this, to make that...nope
I've been trying to fuck this cute mixed girl at my work (I work night shift at a major gas station) and I never found niggers attractive since Donald won the presidency. I feel like it's more about power than it is about attraction
Thread posts: 138
Thread images: 57

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