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Is there a drug thread going on? I don't think so. If not,

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Thread replies: 289
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Is there a drug thread going on? I don't think so. If not, let's get one going. Don't care if it's weed, alcohol or pcp. Whatever the fuck you're on to enhance your night, please share! General fucking drug thread.
>pic related
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sup bro! currently 3:30am and i'm sitting with a can of no2 and some nug

never done nitrous before but i'm ripping it occasionally but nothing crazy is happening

shady 80s?

and pic related
Sounds like a good time bro. Love these 80s man but Oxycodone in any form is great. Also just love opioids in general.
Coming down from a cocaine binge. Currently drinking vodka to calm the nerves. Sucks/
what are you using to get high off nitrous? depending on the tool you're using your high will vary greatly
About to go to bed, about to smoke a bowl of some shitty mids.
whipped cream lol
shit man you running on bare bones here. if you're looking to really get high off nitrous i'd recommend getting whip-it canisters and a whipped cream dispenser as that shit will take it to the next level.

i mean all you gotta do is just press until the gas is released, inhale as much as you can, hold it, then breathe and keep going. hope i could help a brother out.
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earlier today

>can't find weed
>buddy hooks me up with his dude's number
>i hit him up for a quarter
>my buddy warns me that this kid is the distributer for a few college campuses in the area and not to mess with him
>go to his place
>get the bag, he's chill, i pay and leave
>get home, weigh it out
>he gave me a half on accident
>i hit him up and let him know i'm bringing it back
>he told me to keep half of it

feels good man, now i got a trusty hook up
Og 80s..

Remember those days... miss them as well.

Moved on to bigger and B L A C K E R things.
whats conerta like? someone tell me
If you're using legit reddi whip you have to hold the can fully upright and no cream will come out. If you have a cream dispenser you are loading with no2 canisters then you just inahle. However one can of cream is equivalent to one cartridge- that is, 1 hit! Sipping won't so anything, you gotta inhale as much as you can in one hit.
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Dat tar? Feel ya. We got powder dope around here. Quality ranges from shifty scrable to solid fucking raw rock.
Pic is about a half a g I picked up few nights ago. I opened the bag and the smell of vinegar slapped me in the face. Feelsgoodman.
Short story, there i was buting pcp for the first time and looking back i shouldnt have taken all 20 of them, i was having the worst fukin trio ever man there was just so much screaming and crying and everything wasnt real and then it was and i endes up having a heatk attack and spent a few months in a hoapitol and when i tild my doctor what happened she just laughed her ass of and then asked if i could buy her some
Nice man, is it good shit?
You feel good and warm and things are more interesting and you feel like talking...... for about 10 mimutes
It's Ritalin with a time release as far as I know. So like speed, I guess? Never tried it and uppers aren't my thing. But j know it's the same drug that Ritalin is.

it's methylphenidate iirc, so not an amphetamine salt like adderall, meth, or speed

but anon is right, basically just adderall. hated it when i was younger because it gave me chapped liips but love now as an adult but i also smoke a lot of weed now and they go well together

yup it's bomb too. you smoke?
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Anybody know a pill guy in San Antonio? Just moved here and nobody on campus has any.
Pretty much trash. I wouldn't take em unless you paid me.

> time release
> even when the beads are crushed and swallowed the effects are weak

addies are the only worthwhile add scrip imo
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well /b/ let me explain

>grew up smoking weed
>started in middle school and continued throughout highschool up until i turned 20
>around then i was working 2 jobs making a decent amount of cash but being demoralized by seeing class mates making more of them selves so i started selling weed to pick up some slack
>start making shit tons of money
>seriously like 2gs a week
>through this entire time weed itself as a drug became solely a source of income and i stopped caring about it
>i literally would have about a half a pounds worth of shake that i couldnt sell at all times and the necessity of having weed to smoke became nonexistence
>this led to me quitting smoking weed all together because i could make more money and because the high from it in general was gone
>because i didnt smoke weed at all i began to drink excessively and blew coke just about every night for a solid 6 months
>turned 21 and here in the communist states that's the age you can obtain your pistol permit and eventually your concealed carry
>being a stubborn defender of ones individual rights i decided to start along this long and tedious journey of being rightfully armed at all times
>weighing the options i realised selling illegal substances whatever the seriousness would only lead to hurt me in the end if i really wanted to obtain these licenses
>stopped selling and smoking weed completely
>however i maintained a pretty bad coke and alcohol habbit

and here i am /b/ drunk as fuck and geeking out what are you freaks up to
darknet my guy
Man could've ended a lot worse fam
you're correct ti could have, but for right now its not ceratinyl not too bad
I've started smoking weed again after quitting. eh, better then going back to drinking heavily.

woke up 1 hour ago and im about to have my first bong of the day
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Send me a link then, how safe is buying online?
you were smart to pull out imo homie maybe you'll drop the other shit and come back to smoking one day
Good for you man. Way better for you than drinking.
who /endone/ here?
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Add a soma.
so do you now carry ?
Hey bro, OP here. It isn't called endone here in the states. Here it's just oxy. That's my drug of choice and what I'm on right now. The pic I posted are 89 mg oxys.
thanks brah and you're right, but i can't just use that excuse every time
Oh man I wish I had a soma to add! Fuck that would be nice.
Yeah but you don't really need an excuse. A lot of people smoke regularly. It's your business and if it helps you with whatever than do your thing. You don't have to make excuses for it.
as in oxy cottin? I tried them once, i broke down 2x 20mg pills and snorted them (never done 'hard' drugs before this point)

felt really good for about an hour, then i vomited and had a crazy itchy face for the next few hours

I felt a euphoric feeling but for a short amount of time
in the process, ive been waiting about 8 months for just my pistol permit when that goes through the local judge in my county has an "unwritten" law where he wants you to wait a year before you even apply for a concealed carry
Its very safe as long as you set it up correctly
start here
yeah im 25 now and i realize the negative side effects so it really does me no good to smoke it, except the fun you can have while doing nothing haha. i think i will smoke it for the rest of my life, just gotta learn how to moderate it and not smoke 5 cones in a row to get smashed
Yeah oxys. I started when I broke my hand and nowadays I take them at work just to make a few hours a bit easier. I'm basically using them as a substitute for anti depressants which i'm told isn't a great idea.
Yeah it's OxyContin. Yeah it can make you sick if you have no tolerance. Never made me sick though, at least not until the next day. Snorting them, though providing a faster onset, lasts a shorter amount of time than eating them.
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Wow didn't expect 4chan to actually help, thanks.
damn, perhaps for good reason though. good luck man, im in australia and i can only dream of carrying a handgun to defend myself legally. you'd get some harsh jail time here for that
drugs are the fucking gayist shit, faggots all of you
maybe i should have just eaten them, maybe i would have enjoyed them.

in saying that i dont have a dependency so there's that lol.
I don't know about faggot, I only like traps which isn't gay
i think so too and honestly, im fine without the weed i believe...i feel it would help me quit booze and blow but in the long run id rather be sober alltogether you know?
ambiens one hell of a drug
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Enjoy man, make sure you strap on your tinfoil hat when you order your first package. good luck!
Yeah 40 mg will probably make you sick regardless of whether you eat them or snort them. It's a lot for someone without a tolerance. Snorting 20 mg would have probably made you feel really nice.
robotripped tonight for old times sake. wasn't as good as I remember it being, guess I'll just stick to RC dissos
On a tripple dosage of my prescribed vyvanse (150) and can't sleep. On the bright side I wrote a weird ass alternate bible story if y'all are interested, I wouldn't be able to tell you what I was thinking then but it's weird. Also vyvs are better than addies imo.
10mg dexamphetamine
1/4 bar xanax.
atenolol to keep heart rate down
caffeine to stay awake.

ready for a night of study.
>pharmaceutically gifted.

wanna be adhd buddies?
not him. but buy local. i.e. same state better than same country, same country better than international.

its a customs thing.
trip dubs checked
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I'm down bro.
Here's the concept intro for the whatever the fuck I wrote about 8 hours ago.
There's more but idk if y'all wanna read it or not.
Good call on the Xanax brother. When you're done studying and ready to go to sleep you can take the rest of that bar and zonk out. One of my favorite feelings that I consider to be the most euphoric, is taking a bar or two when I'm starting to come down from uppers. I let the anxiety and jitters set in a little bit to make the relief just that much sweeter, and when I take the bars the feeling of all of that mindfucking anxiety, paranoia and depression just melting away.. Oh man it's just such a huge sigh of relief. And then wrapping myself up in my sheets and laying my head down and just drifting off.
Drugs I've done:
>Nitrous oxide
Ask me anything
What's the highest plateau you've reached with DXM? How much did you take and what did you experience?
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try 2cb and mdma!
What happened on dmt
The most I took was around 600mg. I might have lost some though cause I threw up after an hour. Other than that, it was pretty great. I was probably around the 2nd plateau. I had the shit's all night and I just listened to music. Nothing really special

I would love too!
Any unique visuals? Did you robo walk all day the next day lol?
I dabbed my DMT, so I took the whole thing in one breath. I'm sitting there and it feels like i got punched in the chest. I look at my friend, then at the TV, and I still see my friends face in my vision but it's changing colors and becoming distorted. I feel the couch I'm sitting on start to dissapear and it feels like I'm floating. My vision goes black. I start to hear the sounds of DMT, the carrier wave. It was an extremely loud high pitched ringing sound coming from inside my head. The sound was comforting. I felt safe, like everything is gonna be okay. Then from the blackness, I see some of the most complex geometry I've seen flashing across me at incredible speeds. The scene changes and I'm flying through a tunnel. It's more of a rocky canyon. Everything is orange and I look up to see bridges spanning across the canyon with little people running across and laughing. After a while, my vision returns and I'm staring at the ceiling. Total mind fuck, I was still holding the bong and I didn't even know it. I'm looking at the ceiling watching patterns and I see the sillohoute of a person staring back at me. There were no details on their face, just blank, pulsating neon color outlines.
2cb is the best. I might like it better than acid but I never did a high enough dose to see what a crazy 2cb trip is like
It was so fucking hard to walk. It was weird. I had a few visuals. Everything kinda looked dreamy or cartoonish. In low light, I had strobe vision. I don't really get closed eye visuals though
Holy shit, I heard it's like going to the afterlife or a completely different dimension. Did you extract it yourself or buy it from a dealer cause all the dealers in my town just sell xans and weed.
Extracted it myself. It's super easy. Like a retard can do it easy
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Took 100 mgs of Adderall today dance it's all I could find.
Kind of coming down now but I can still kinda feel it. Want to sleep but can't.
Addy makes me chainsmoke cigs like a madman, throat is raw.
Wish I had something to kinda calm me down, but I got nothing.
Worth it.
Man Xanax would be perfect for you right now. You'd just melt into a warm cozy sleep.
oxy? I'm doing some too.

You gonna rip em or shoot em?
i thought i was the only one who always threw in a betablocker, usually propranolol. i was prescribed it for a short while once but my doc made a typo which meant i could pick up 224x 40mg every 28 days for 6 months, got a fucktonne left over. some of my friends think i'm mad and refuse to try it, saying dumb shit like "dude thats just heart pills". it's literally the most harmless pill out there
forgot to add
>claimed them all cos free healthcare, britfag here
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Dont remind me. I prefer opiate painkillers, occasionally do some lorazepam too, but fuck. I just wanted to get high on something today.
Lately all that's around here painkiller wise is tramadol, which is okay sometimes but tends to fuck with my insides if I binge too hard.
I fucking love painkillers, you don't even know.
You have a shity ass mustach man either you hurry the fuck up and grow that shit looks like a failed 70's porno stach.
Also to answer OPs thread i did a line of cocaine expecting more in a few hours.
Oh I do know. I'm on Oxycodone right now.
All I feel is envy.
How long does it take, I'm 17 and live at home, my parents are super against drugs, can you run me through a quick synopsis of the process.
I feel you man. I fucking love opiates. I like them more than sex sometimes if I'm being honest.
You're gonna have a hard time extracting DMT under the noses of your parents. It's not difficult but it's not like they're not gonna notice.
>mfw live in Southeaster Europe (Serbia)
>mfw small town
>mfw everyone is poor
>mfw outlandishly cheep no2 heroin
feels good man
Tried Oxy, felt okay for a couple hours then got a weird headache and nausea that lasted for about four more hours. Had to jerk off to distract myself from the unpleasantness. Luckily, the mix of beer, adderall and oxy made it difficult to cum, so i fapped for 8 hours, i nutted, the headache/nausea passed by then, fell asleep, but never fucking with oxy again. the oxy killed my adderall buzz too which sucked. i just felt numb and a little spacey.

I took beer, bk-MDMA with adderall, that was way better. Sure wish I could find a methylone dealer again. Fuck that was great.
Weed, dexies and wine.

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Took the words right out of my mouth. Shit hooks you quick but I've never felt comfier in my life than on opiates.
Only problem is it's a slippery slope. I was a straight opiate addict for a bit but cut that shit out. Still get kinda hooked sometimes when I binge, but I've learned not to over do it.
I want that warmth in my belly so fucking bad right now.
How long does it take, I'm 17 and live at home, my parents are super against drugs, can you run me through a quick synopsis of the process.
>mixing oxy and addy
This felt spectacular to me the first time, but every time after was like you said, canceled each other out. Dunno why.
Was hoping it'd be like a poor man's speedball, no luck after the first time.
Don't take drugs, they're bad!
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If you're on drugs, you'll love this
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Sessions is going to ban your little cannabis.
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Who wants to fuck her armpits and marry her tonight? It'd be really fun living with a pussypitted female love and sucking up her sex all day every day
How do you figure?
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Does anyone else dream of feethanded women when they're on shrooms
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>sucking up her sex
You need to go to bed now.
how long would have to totally abstain from both classes of drug for it to work again? sorry, I'm just a lowly pothead and ale drinker
Not sure, but I've tried it after waiting a good two weeks or so frequently. Never hit that sweet spot again.
Big shame because the first time was fucking prime. Now it's just a waste to me though.
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So my girlfriend made a clone of her lower half and left it at my place. It get's up, manages to take a shower using feet only for everything, Then it eats breakfast by shoving some fruit or health food like bananas, apples, nuts, and my cock up it's vagina or asshole. It's really fun clipping it's toenails, massaging it's feet, rubbing its calouses, and moisturizing the whole set of legs, ass, pussy, and feet. And whenever My girlfriend comes over, she and I will take turns rubbing and sucking her halfclones feet, and fucking fingering or toeing her delicious pussy and asshole.
Nomans tek is probably best for you. Just remember to never fully close and seal an exothermic reaction.
Not sure on the Xanax for study... Made me forgetful as fuck. Clean the house or put something away, n 2 days later you got nfi where it is. Not booze blackout forget, just no intricate details. Super frustrating.

Makes ya brazen as fuck tho. Had an ex who couldn't help shoplifting when she was on it. Never did anything like that otherwise, but with a bar in her...

Also made her up for anything in the sack which was nice.

Got some Jameson for the commute home, a cone or two waiting for me, maybe a bomb of Molly or perhaps a tab. Or, go to bed early n get up go for a walk in the bush with a tab n greet the Sun.
good point, you'll feel productive but won't actually absorb any information
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6am on blow
I took 600mg of methylphenidate. Would not recommend
mdma all the way
Anyone here who has experience with lsd?
Does anybody like Tramadol here?
whats up bruv
amazing, shrooms are much less predictable, take small doses until you feel at peace
what drug should i seek out to make me not feel like such an apathetic mess 99% of the time
acid is my favorite drug i'd do it everyday if i could
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You, it's good. Just fucks my stomach up something terrible if I take it for more than 2 days.
Doesn't beat hydros or oxys but if your tolerance isn't high, it'll definitely get you feeling damn good.
I used to fuck with it when I was younger.
lsd is kinda nice, but in my opinion the trip lasts a bit too long.

Had a high dose once (~400µg) very nice experience, would recommend
Meant "yo", not "you"
What's a good starter dose? I'm 180cm and weigh 80kg
I'm getting a bottle of 300mg gabapentin tomorrow. Has anyone done it before? What's the high like?
try microdosing, had 25 trips and took them over a course of a few months. everyday like 20µg, after a few weeks, you feel how it "removes" all the bad thoughts and start to see the life positive. I for myself felt very good in that time.
sorry for my bad english
Honestly, really underwhelming.
I felt just a little different for a bit, das it.
Maybe I should add that I've had experience with auditory hallucinations but never any visual. I've heard voices, music and some sound I can't describe but it felt like someone was trying to get me to come to them (aka go out in the woods)
if u want a deep mind trip you could go for 200µg.
but for the first trip I'd recommend 100-120. a moderate dose, you feel the acid but it doesnt overwhelm you
Plenty. People will tell you that LSD still exists but I am highly skeptical that any genuine LSD is in circulation anymore. People are most likely doing 25i unless they got it from a chemist that made the acid themselves. I haven't tripped in years because I'm pretty wary of the bullshit going on around acid. Get your hands on 2cb that's kinda similar and pretty fun.
How much did you take??

I'm trying to use it for opiate withdrawls...
Adderall will make you want to talk about everything with anyone.
Opiates will make you comfy and not give a shit.
Benzos are kinda fun, but not as strong of a high as the opiates. Still makes you relax more.
the funny thing is, here in germany theres a research lab that legally sells LSD-derivats.

there's one called 1P-LSD, me as a experienced acid user cant tell a difference in the trip except for the body feeling. Cant describe it, but it feels like my muscles are occupied(?) and I have weak legs and I'm a lil bit shaking (doesnt feel bad, just weird)
Think I'd be able to handle a more deep trip, like I said in >>718781628 I've experienced some hallucinations but never any visual. I've also had a few "out of this world" experiences
Thanks bro, all advice is highly appreciated
i took 3 "hits" on a sugar cube for my first trip and had a mind blowing time nothing close to a bad trip
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>opiate withdrawals
Try to get some weed. I know it's cliche but it's really your best bet if you can't titrate down.
Also, prepare for an overwhelming sense of dissatisfaction with absolutely everything and the worst flu you could imagine.
Opiates are a goddamn monkey's paw.
What does it feel like when you start to get high?
havent used drugs since my heart failure i figured i better leave drugs but lately i want to try out ritalin as long as look like some cheesed up cocksucker
I have a ridiculous love hate relationship with opiates

I binge every once In a while

Always make sure to be careful though as I have a good job as a journeyman .. A beautiful girlfriend ..a house .. All of that

But opiates will always have a place in my heart

All I could find this month was some ultram I got 100 of them for 180$

I'm halfway through them and they kinda blow
I know man I've gone through them like 10 times already.
I'm trying to stop permanently and get my life together.
Confirmed for great time. I did 4 boxes of 24 nitrous crackers last night via a whip cream dispenser, usually loading 2-3 at a time and taking long drags. Shit was cash, couldn't walk but didn't care. I'm dying for opioids in my area though, I get 60 oxy a month but I want more opioids or some blow to fill in my days off for tolerance. Can anyone help a bro out in NC?
Try a higher dose then. 200-240µg should be nice.
When Im on acid, I like to stare at one point withouth blinking or moving my eyes, after a few seconds the object I'm looking at is morphing like hell. like stretching infinitely or shrink and stuff. I once saw the upper half of my eye sight in purple and the down side in green, my vision was split horizontally and had a different color on each half. very funny
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Oh, alright.
I hope it works out for you, dude. I broke my big habit years ago but I still take em whenever I can, but I'm a weak willed piece of shit. I hate feeling boring. I just wanna feel high any time I can.
I'm no professional, but honestly, opiates are very hard to forget. At least, for me. Nothing ever really compares to that particular feeling.
Thanks bro. Sounds nice
It is currently 3:40 am in Cali and I am snorting some cocaine and taking dabs
Shoutout from Cali!
Dude I know... I have an addictive personality I've been high on something every day since I've been 17. I always end up missing the warm cozy feeling and slip back into doing them. But I can't keep doing it.. For me the worst symptom is it destroys my motivation to do anything I just lay in bed and shitpost when I'm high..
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Cali sux
>I don't really get closed eye visuals though
You'll only get them in the dark with your eyes closed. Music can help coax some visuals out too.
Anyone who's done gabapentin?
Also got the xan game on lock. Dr prescribed
Weed and wax is no problem either. Don't be a hater
I probably pay half as much as you do. Assuming you're not in Cali
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I know exactly what you mean, my dude.
It's fucking tough. The feelings you get from different drugs is fucking spectacular. I can't get over how different I feel depending on the drug,its amazing and I just don't ever wanna stop. But I can't just hide on 4chan and scrape drugs forever.
But it's all I really want to do.
Cali objectively has the worst kind of people.
Do it if you have absolutely nothing else. Don't expect anything special at all, though.
are aderall and stuff really good to study?
currently a bit of coke but gonna come down with 1mg of xanax soon. take care guys
Take 6 and drink a rockstar. You'll feel awesome.
How many did you take?
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Tiny ass pinner because I have none left. Rip.
broke up with my gf yesterday, found out she's seeing been seeing some other guy
>blocked her
>now rolling a joint gonna chill on my balcony and reflect on life

i used to hate that weed pacified me and made me not care about anything but atm that's a good thing
This may sound unconventional but I get high on natural gas heaters. If you keep one running and go to sleep 99% of the time you slip into a coma and die from all the methane and zero oxygen but I gamble passing in and out of sleep with the gas heater blowing at full speed.

Good times
not exactly.... atenolol is a cardioselective beta blocker, less side effects than propranolol.
propranolol is a non-cardioselective. i presume its for migraines or something right?

in terms of side effects, low blood pressure is possible, and in the long term there's an increased chance of developing diabetes.
also it makes asthma worse if you have it.

i use it because dex makes me aware of my heartbeat more than usual and I dont like the feeling, so i throw it in to keep my HR and blood pressure down.

you should never, ever, ever take benzos with alcohol. that's literally how roofies work.
i take it in a very small dose to calm me down since dexamphetamines give people anxiety. i only get it at higher doses, but still.
its at higher doses of benzos that you start to have problems with memory.
you know how you study for like 30-40 minutes and get frustrated and bored?

you dont get bored.
Lets use benzos and alcohol and get fucked up man
had some cocaine last night, still feeling the after effects haha
That combo has gotten me to best fucking mess i have ever been.

this might come as a suprise, but you should not take any drugs at all if you are an apathetic mess 99% of the time, or you will eventually go up to 100%.

Too bad I'm not on anything right now but I've tried a few drugs. I've kicked everything else than psychedelics now though
>almost every different benzo, most RCs
>MDMA 3 times
>MDAI 3 times
>LSD 15 times, combined with MDAI and MDMA a few times

Got a few 200ug tabs of LSD waiting a good moment
Forgot Fentanyl too. It was shit though, made me too sedated instead of properly high
Because half of a half is a qtr dipshit get outta here virgin lung newfag
Anyone wanna give me a quick rundown on kratom?
What's it like, how to take it, bad side effects, etc.
xans, get 5 and do yourself a favor and clean yourself up... it'll help with the sleep and most of the discomfort
>tfw can't find acid or shrooms in sydney
help me lads
I got 25 37.5/325
can take 2 and feel pretty good but only once a day and never longer then 2 days at a time.
don't know anything about it other than not to take more than 3 a day
Why not more than that?
it's the toxicity from taking to much APAP
Gonna write then keep reading.
Started on Tylenol with codiene #3 when I was 11 or 12. Started adding and supplementing taking tramadol when I was 20, then my hookup cut me off and I was forced to find a dealer. Both my neighbors (left and right) and an alley 500 feet away from house had oxycodone. I went 2 years and $20k on those green 15s and blue 30s. I only had the 10mg once, I think they were white or red, can't remember. Anyway, running out of cash, dealers constantly running out of oxy, severely addicted, relationship, job, everything was on its way out, so I figured I'd do black tar. Never used needless because I wanted to be able to come back. Finally one night I decide I'm gonna kick the habit, saw a Dr. and got noloxone. After a little black tar I took the noloxone and started to drink my large chocolate shake from Wendy's. The next 48 hours can't be described. Noloxone immediately rips all opiates off the receptors. It was like a month of withdrawal compacted into 2 days. I had never taken so much Xanax. I struggled for a bit after that, had to start on 16mg of Buprenorphine a day, now I'm down to 1.5mg, a little valium, and a lot of weed
You lucky fuck
Ahh, explains the insane stomach pains and the general shit feeling about 4 days attending it.
I was pounding down like 4 a day for 3 days.
Thanks anon.
What did you do buddy?
Popped a couple of 5mgs of percocet and a bar of xanax washing it down with some beer, feeling pretty good /b/ros
Maybe gonna take NEH this evening, or I'lljust drink a beer.
After taking it*
You'll get physically and psychologically addicted, unless you're like 1% of the population that just doesn't get addicted. Or you're probably the 99% that believe they're the 1%. Yes, stop.
sounds nice
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thread continues here >>718786315
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It is. Until you can't fucking sleep when you desperately want to after your goal is done.

t. Fucker that took too much and is now both tired and tweaking like fuck
My advice, pack Benzos or opiates, when you're like 24 hours into your high, you just want it to stop.
Also it makes me uncontrollably horny.
18 month along with Dexadrine I spent 6 month lying to different doctors to get just because I wasn't good enough at video games
i "take" two 5mg instants and a 10mg xl a day""
I think i'm a sociopath
But we haven't even hit the bump limit
alright lets just talk about ice
As the 1% it must fucking suck to be a 99%er eh?
Go for it.
I'm an opiate and Adderall fag, never done ice. I also love weed but so does fucking everybody

>you know how you study for like 30-40 minutes and get frustrated and bored?

No, becaue I am not a fucking loser
Then what the fuck are you doing here?
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coming down at least 280mcg of lsd with 4mg of xanax so far and 100mg of edibles
Just picked up some of the best tar in town :3 right now I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy, shits amazing. I've never seen that kind of color before, but I'm pretty sure it's good shit :)
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I would do ice if someone sold it in my neighborhood. shitty country with expensive drugs.
I do psychedelics occasionally when bored, also alcohol weed and opiates are really nice
Pcp, laced with amphetamine and half my normal dosis of heroine. I might have done a line of cocaine but I'm not sure because it's all a little hazy
Why the fuck does Addy make me so horny?

thanks for the reminder, actually appreciate it

bye then
Later gator
Also the best part is in the tooter. Once I get the resin on the foil... then sweet dreams here I come :). By the way, how much do you guys get your black for? I usually get my stuff for $80 a gram here in Washington state (usually always fire). Am I getting it for a good price or is the price over here a bit too high?
Got 100 50mg tramadols from the doctor. Good times :)
Look into buying online bro
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Where can i buy some good 2C-B?
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i have a couple tabs of 225ug lsd left but i dont want to take that much again since my last trip was bad
can i just cut one into 1/3 pieces or is the stuff distributed inequally across the tab?
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lots of these
What's the best thing to use to help me go to sleep quickly? Maybe something I could crush into a powder or add to my drink.
Id be doing lines if I wasnt trying to come down off of lsd with xans. s the average gram cost you? I always feel like im paying too much at 70/g
2cb can get pretty fucking visual, dropped 3x 32mg caps of blue 2cb powder at a fesival about 2hrs between each re-dose takes about 3 hours to peak peak stays for approx 2hrs i seen some shit that i can nver describ.
So Far I've only smoked Weed. Never tried any other drugs.
Thinking about trying LSD or Shrooms.
Should I? anything I should be careful about to make sure I don't get ripped off?
should be equally spread since its liquid on paper
the only advice i can give is that you do it in a small group of people you trust th first time, also if you put the tab in your mouth and it tastes bitter then spit it because its not acid its NBOMe
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Dexies, bretty gud.
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I got other stuff to order before ice, for example I'm waiting for K atm.
I once did 2 packs of tramadol in like 30 hours, its 2 grams total. felt awesome, would do again, at some point I was seeing everything double
I just wish they didn't fuck my stomach to hell. It's like opiate-beta. Real good high, but can't keep taking that shit all day. One dose of 2 to 3 of them things and it's donezo unless you wanna have mad stomach cramps and feeling like you got a cold for a fucking week.
A real fun treat though.
you know what, ill go even lower. im gonna cut it in three pieces and take one of them. on my last trip i had fuckin seizures and i sure as hell dont want them again
Which seller you recommend?
nothing wrong with NBOMe if you have it researched and know what to expect.
although the dealers who sell that as L are fucking faggots and should be beat up
How the fuck did you handle that much tram without feeling like shit after?
Hey all, I'm looking to switch from spliffs to vaping. Do you have any suggestion on affordable minimal/stealth vape pens that don't leave weed half burned etc... Some while ago I was checking the v2 pro series 3 with loose leaf chamber but it had mixed reviews...
Just get a fucking bowl.
it is. gotta time your last dose at least 4 hours before when you want to sleep though.

always good to keep some benzos on hand just in case. doc gave me oxazepam for sleeping, and i take about half a year to get through 30 30mg tablets

>uncontrollably horny
know that feel. once took some and masturbated for 4 hours straight.

imo i never let myself get anywhere near 24 hours unless absolutely necessary. if im doing it for study purposes, 12 hours max.
>take beta blocker, wait 5 minutes, take 5-10mg depending on workload (as a loading dose)
>4 hours later next dose of 5mg after lunch, 30 minute window to relax before it kicks in properly
>4 hours later another 5mg, then let it run out for good.

light plays a big part too. if i plan to sleep at midday the next day over, i keep the lights on overnight until 6 hours before when i want to sleep. then when the sun comes up i wear shades to keep the light out during that 6 hours.

if you get even a dab of natural sunlight, dont expect to sleep. plays a bigger part than the drugs wearing off at the 16-24 hour mark.
How am I gonna light a bowl in a concert or a party?
for some unknown reason my body reacts differently to all drugs, I dont get that fucked up from drugs and the effects are unusual. also I very rarely witness any withdrawals/comedowns/hangovers. I can abuse drugs easily.
the weirdest thing is that I dont get any euphoria from MDMA nor ecstasy.
also I'm slightly schizophrenic
... switching from spliffs. Unless you're trying to quit smoking tobacco, what's your reason for wanting to do that?
Yeah I don't take more than 2 or 3 myself.
And when that doesnt work anymore, I just take a week off and its all good.

Taking benzo, tramadol and smoking weed is pretty sweet...then again, taking tramadol makes everything OK and I dont feel like doing more drugs.
Why does sunlight play such a big role?
As if you sucking on your mouth fedora looks any better.
Knowing I can't take oxy like that.. it's very sad for me, ya it sucks
2 friends took it thinking it was acid and hey were fucked for a solid 24hrs
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>opiates and weed together
Oh my lanta if this isn't the pinnacle of human existence.
Fucking excellent.
Everyone's saying it's much healthier for the lungs to vape weed instead of burning it. I'm pretty sure vaping can't compare with rolling a spliff in terms of enjoyment, duration, etc but I gotta switch to sth healthier, I've been smoking the fucking tobacco for 5 years everyday
the peak lasts only 6 hours. its mostly afterglow when its past 12 hours after taking the tab. but yeah if you think its acid and its actually not then you might have a bad time. acid feels more pure and clean ime.
I've tripped on NBOMe 50+ times and only had 1 horrible trip, had really weird realistic hallucinations
normally our sleep cycle is regulated by melatonin breaking down in the pineal gland of the brain.

normally in the morning, once we wake up, our eyes are exposed to UV radiation which triggers the breakdown of melatonin in our brain. once the sun goes down, more is produced, making us feel sleepy.

Idk the proper physiological pathways, but thats generally what happens. hence if you ever work night shifts, you must wear sunnies when you end at 8am otherwise you dont sleep the whole day and feel like shit.
It's not though.
The plastic they put on the coil melts and you inhale that shit. It's technically worse than tobacco.
Bottom line is your lungs ain't meant to inhale anything but air. Anything else does harm to them.
High is fucking worth it though, methinks.
god damn i want this so bad.

im in aus. never even seen LSD. even ectasy is difficult to get around here.
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Sounds nice bro. Where I'm from dope is expensive because there isn't a ton around. Pills are King. But my connect has absolute fire powder. Pic related. Bit more expensive at 200 a gram. I have only Coke accross tar once where I live.
Damn, anon, you know your shit.
Thanks for the info, m80.
Come across*
I'm 11 months away from graduating as a doctor. already passed final exams.

>functional druggie
Where in aus, it's not hard to find.
Why do people go straight from weed to LSD? It's fucking stupid. Try some inbetweeners like dxm before you jump straight into the deep end.
2 guys in my town recently got caught with ~1.15Million tabs of it
Iktf. I live in a small town in MN, it's all meth, weed n pills here. I don't fuck with meth, but I'll boogie down with weed and pills anytime. Well, back when I had a hook up anyway.
damn I've heard that drugs are really expensive in aus.
I live in north europe, theres no LSD on streets, only different kinds of NBOMe because its dirt cheap in darkweb.
I once found someone who ordered LSD and bought a few tabs, absolutely loved it, had this manic and euphoric feeling, was thinking to start a nazi revolution kek. I love to abuse the shit out of psychs
i went weed>speed>coke>mdma>2cb>mushrooms>acid
Does anyone get stuff from reddit dark net markets?
>deep end
yeah its a very powerful drugs but imo heroin meth or crack are much more hardcore.
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yes anon, everyone gets their drugs from reddit
Yeah, I mean cutting down the daily habit has been the new year's resolution. I have mild anxiety and I dont even know if its making it better or worse. Once I stopped weed for three months and I had an internal dialogue: Okay you've made it through 3 months, you can control it, you can stop it anytime you want, so let's start it again now that I feel I need it in this period of life, until things get better. And I'm back at it again. So I think a vape pen would be a step closer to minimizing consumption instead of saying goodbye to the sport permanently
Sry anon, been around for 8 years but never got too deep into 4chan
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mfw I really want to try heroin but theres only fentanyl analogues (mostly 3-methyl-fentanyl)
I use rcsources to figure out which clear net vendors are good. dnm seems pointless when you can get analogues that are mostly the exact same but technically legal
Man, there's been tons of deaths due to that shit around here lately.
Coke, weed and alcohol is a great 3-way combo though, man. weed to feel good, coke to maintain an edge, and alcohol to bring your heartrate down
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That sucks man. Heroin is lovely.
~20000 fent addicts in a country with population of 1.7mil people is fucking sad
Until you get hooked.
Where the fuck do you get 80's?
>implying it takes time
>your post number
blaze it.
I'm considering ordering some H
>deep end
drugs dont all lie on one spectrum

there's several imo:
stimulants: adderall/ectasy -> coke -> meth
opioids: traumadol/codeine -> oxycodone -> fentanyl
hallucinogenics: dxm -> shrooms/LSD
depressants: weed/alcohol/diazepam -> xanax

then there's floaters around which are unique-ish
dissociatives - ketamine, dxm
pharmacological stuff, i.e. tricyclic antidepressants, anti-convulsants.

then there's grey market "supplements", the most prominant being phenibut (holy shit that stuff is fucking insane)

god i love drugs. i can talk about it all day.
I prefer 2CI t bh, cause it lasts longer, it's like Acid but more visual and without all the overthinking shit, the 2Cx series is pretty safe afaik
Pinner is better than nothing anon.
>plastic they put on the coil

i like codeine but can only get it with paracetamol, any easy ways to get it isolated?
Good connect. Had him for years and he's a good friend. Super reliable and always has them.
I sometimes enjoy Caffeine.
If opiates are a slippery slope, heroin is a fucking drop off.
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Same guy here.
cold water extraction.
crush pills > put in water (enough water to cover the powder) > put into fridge for 20-30 minutes > use coffee filter or a t-shirt to filter the white powder which is paracetamol. codeine is water soluable
Get help.
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better than blow
Where do you live anon ?
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thats fucking insane. I'm going to report you to tje authorities before you kill and rape (yes. in that order) someone.
please get help anon
overthinking is the best thing about hallucinogenics.

there's a thing called LSA, in a herbal thing called hawiian baby wood root (HBWR). you chew the seeds, and trip out mentally.

like full on ego death and shit. messed me up bad, but came out of it stronger.

dont try unless you're mentally ready.

Codeine in itself dosent actually do anything. its only after it gets into your system that your liver enzymes metabolise it into its active form, and it can only do this at a fixed rate, so taking more of it does nothing except prolong the duration of the drug.

and the Harmful dose for paracetamol is quite high, as long as you arent gulping down 10-20 of them you'll be fine.

the extraction is only worth it if you need to extract oxycodone/paracetamol combinations.

jelly af.

opioids are my weak spot. hence i will never let myself try heroin.

what are those?
Fucking junkies. Morphine and trams are never enough, they always gotta start doing hard C.
Idiot teeny boppers.
I liked dilauded the best.

I really want to try molly, but i am old and have no hook up
dexadrine :D
Where are you from anon? Not much smack where I am either. Mostly just pills but I've been staying away from drugs for a while now.
how do people take their OP 80's? I haven't done oxy since before the new formula- i figured the only way you can take them is eat them but i like to blow everything
>tfw got 300mg of 5-MeO-DIPF and some MDMA coming to combine with LSD
gonna have some amazing times soon
Why not just take Adderall?
We're living in a drug paradise right now. Namely the RC influx, shit's fucking insane. You can get pretty much any drug you want "legally".

But also adderall, mdma, and weed are far more prevalent than they used to be, especially with weed being legalized all over. and then there's dxm can be bought literally anywhere and it's one of the most versatile and interesting drugs available. It always blows my mind to think that someone thought it'd be a great idea to sell a powerful dissociative as an otc cough suppressant.

What a great time to be living in the USA.
codeine is actually quite decent drug. my sweetspot is exactly 320mg without tolerance. been doing this for a year, few times a month. combined with alcohol/weed and drinking grapefruit juice makes the high awesome and worth the 5 euros
Washington state m8 :)
Lucky fucking bastard...
Very lovely indeed anon <3
Yeah brotha, don't even fuck with fent, that shit will put you 6 feet under before you even know it... but hold on m8, lady black will come around, just yah wait ;)
Bro... $200 a gram... Jesus fucking christ... it's $60 a gram here for the average stuff, $80 for the danky dank, and the highest price I've ever seen was $120, but that shit was on another level, I'm talking about taking one hit and then getting a full body melt down... God it was amazing :)
Whats a good way of getting the dxm out of the cough meds?
Or is there no choice but to down the whole thing?
anyone else love opana

I think they provide the best high of any pharms. only problem is I have trouble finding instant release and it sucks when you can't help but wake up still fucked up and you have shit to do
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