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Well me and my gf just got into a massive argument, she thinks

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Thread replies: 280
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Well me and my gf just got into a massive argument, she thinks there is more than 2 genders but I disagreed. What do you guys think?
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I sympathise with you, anon, so I'm going to show you how to take the piss out of this SJW bullshit:

Ask her to define "gender" without using examples or metaphor. She will be unable to do so. SJWs have very poor or even absent critical thinking skills, and strong yet remarkably shallow understanding of their own beliefs. Note that I did not write "belief system" : their beliefs and convictions are anything but coherent or systematic. As a result, all you need do is hold up a mirror to them and watch the fun.
Get a biology book
The definition of gender Is
>the state of being male or female
>(typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones):
So by definition there is only two genders
>he wants to be on r/4chan
Gender is just a description of clothes/hair color/hair style/amount of faggyness, so there are lots of genders. Gender is only useful info to further classify people into smaller groups to make it easier to exclude those they don't like.

On the other hand there are two sexes, da end.
That guy here but gender was made up by a pedophile
My gender is TransGNU or GNU/Gender or GNU plus Gender.

My gender pronouns are "free/frees/freem" or "fre/fres/frem" (in order to avoid confusion with the other definition of the word "free")

Being TransGNU means I identify as a freedom respecting gender: everyone has the right to the four essential gender freedoms:

0. Freedom to identify your gender as you wish.
1. Freedom to modify the gender so it does as you wish.
2. Freedom to redistribute the gender as you wish (allowing your peers to identify as the gender, too)
3. Freedom to redistribute any modifications to the gender you make as you wish (allowing your peers to identify as your modified gender)

My gender is licensed under the TGPLv3 (Trans GNU Public License) license.

You are both right. There are two genders, male and female. The difference is in chromosomes (XX and XY), hormones, body parts and a lot of other things. But that's only in a perfect world where nothing goes wrong. In reality there are people with XXY or XXX chromosomes, or people who are part XX and part XY. And people with hormonal disfunctions. Or with other differences like a preference for a same sex partner, or even a "female mind in a male body" and things like that. Labelling these people who are not entirely male and also not entirely female as another gender is not wrong.
In your brain, there are 2 parts, a male and a female. Typically, if you have xy chromosomes, the male part will be much bigger than the female, and vice versa if you have xx. Some people have birth defects where the opposite is true, causing the existence of trans people. According to all genetic makeup, genitalia, and even what you "feel" you are in your brain, there are 2 genders. The level of masculinity/femininity you feel is down to the size of these male/female things in your brain, so I can see why people think there are several genders, but it's all down to interpretation. Technically, gender has been proven to be fluid; a continuous scale with a strong correlation (but not causation) with our genitals and chromosomes, but due to this correlation, society lists this as 2 genders, to coincide with the 2 sexes.

tl:dr, there are either 2 genders, or gender is fluid, none of this omni-pan-phlegm-queer shit that's made up. I did have source for all this but can't find it atm.
Why can't we just get rid of gender and keep it only to the sex (biological factors)
The concept of gender Is frankly retarded
Just to reiterate something which may be confusing; there are 2 gendered parts in your brain, each of varying size, resulting in the fluidity of your literal gender.
Call people what ever the fuck you want to. Screwing someone with a penis when you're a male doesn't make you any less gay.
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b-b-but what if it's a feminine penis?
Some babies are born as hermaphrodites. Thus, there should be 3 genders.
>but all that personal preference bullshit is just that; bullshit.
For years I thought transgenders were born that way, only a few years ago I found out that they were just weirdos taking hormones
Hospitals only use 2 genders for when babies are born. They don't take into account different phases people will go through in their lives.
no babies are born as functioning hermaphrodites. One set, if any, of their genetalia actually works
Define "functioning" hermaphrodite?

No babies are born as "functioning" males either.
>cock n Ballz

That is all there is
there are multiple gender IDENTITY because gneder IDENTITY is a combination of scaled feminmine, ro masculine traits each person has, aka a woman can be very mascaline, and that would impact your gender identity, however that would NOT affect her BIOLOGICAL gender, which is either male, female or intersex.
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Sure, there are more than two genders. But there are a limited number of sexes, because there are a limited number of chromosomal configurations that more or less fit the mold for a healthy human being not made of cancer, or a half-formed fetus. And certain people confuse sexual orientations for genders. Bisexual is not a gender.

>with reference to social and cultural differences
>rather than biological ones
>social and cultural differences
>implying that there are only two types of social and cultural differences
Source other than Tumblr please?
Fuck all that social and cultural bullshit.
It's all about the tackle you were born with.
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But do ya av a cok m8?
This. Identity isn't binary, but biological sex is pretty limited.
I think you're right op. Only self loathing commie faggots believe otherwise. Your gf included
your girlfriend is batshit insane
you should move out as much as possible w/o letting her know
get a restraining order
then make sure that all you mutual friends know about the restraining order, and that if they tell her where you live you will press charges against them for conspiracy to violate a restraining order and conspiracy to commit w/e batshit thing your ex does when she finds you
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>same thing
Well there is more than two.
1.) Male
2.) Female
3.) Apache Attack Helicopter
ffs, it's first grade man.
functioning as in both sets of genitals, at any point in their lifespan, possessing reproductive capabilities

human babies born as 'hermaphrodites' have one set of functioning genitalia and one vestigial set. and a lot of the time even the functioning set is infertile

2 genders.
>obligatory attack helicopter gender meme

if you have a peeny or vagoo and are a self mutilated concoction of hair dye and hrts. Gess wot. Still gunna die a boy or grill
that trick is strong. you can't define anything with it even the two regular gender.... oh well nothing is real anyway
I identify as TRANS. MISSION
"If they are the same we wouldn't use both"

"They're used interchangeably. Welcome to the English language"

"from a university school of medicine:

Sex refers to biological differences; chromosomes, hormonal profiles, internal and external sex organs. Gender describes the characteristics that a society or culture delineates as masculine or feminine.

that's like saying clothing and style are the same thing. one is a physical thing and the other is a social concept"

And according to
there's a difference between sex and gender.
Only if they identify themselves as an attack helicopter.
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Gender, as opposed to biological sex. is a social construct. Sex is strictly determined by biology with few conditional exceptions such as dysphoria, hermaphroditism and intersexuality, but gender isn't restricted by nature.

Being that gender is more related to ideas than nature itself, an individual can choose to identify whichever way they want if they consider it fit for their self-determination and understandment.
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You can bedazzle your jeans all you want, or cut the legs off at the knees and call them shorts. It doesn't change the fact that they are made with two legs.

I am not saying that people can't identify however they choose, but it doesn't change the facts that there are only two genders.
Of course. But you're using the word gender instead of sex. You can't change your sex, not today. But you can change your gender, because it is a social or cultural construct. It It's 's self-evident. It's in the mind. Imaginary. Abstract.
Well by definition feminism is a movement for equal rights for women but that's not the case anymore now is it?
Exactly what this anon said.

Now, just tell her that "male" and "female" refer to sex and not gender. You could even say that "trans(fe)male" refers only to gender.

The real debate is not about the difference between sex and gender, but rather what significance we place on these two ideas. As gender is subjective, I say that it is completely meaningless compared to objective sex.
no I meant precisely what was stated. two genders.
> people confusing sex with gender
> only 2 sexes
> many genders
I know what you meant. But, what you meant isn't correct by accepted definition.

Gender =/= Sexuality. Yep.

Gender =/= Sex, however.
>even functioning set is infertile
>functioning is infertile
So which is it? (can't be both)
best get out now before she sucks you OP and starts making you take part in these perversions
youre diluted
Male gender would be defined as the male of the species, having male sex organs. Female would be the opposite. There, I just defined the two genders for you without using example or metaphor. The physical definition is XX or XY.
If you have a dick, you are a male
If you have a vagina you are female
your "girlfriend" is trying to subtly let you know that "she" was born with a penis
Learnt that in gender studies right?
according to you and the hollywood butthurt media
if you have both your a fuckin freak
You're correct.
The Hollywood butthurt media helped deliver you, you know.
Are you asking /b/ do we think there's more than 2 genders? Because we obviously know there isn't. We're not like tumblr. We're not that retarded. Even retards from /x/ know there's only 2 genders.
You can just ask Google to define it, m8.
You mean, retards from /b/ go to what's left of /x/.
Pretty much this, they are quick to remind you that that gender is not the same as sex and gender only means how you should behave; but at the same time they say that another gender should be treated like you changed sex.

There is nothing rational in there.
theres only one gender - men. women=objects, others are mental illnesses
No, but I would have so much fun in a gender studies class fucking with all the snowflakes.
/x/ was so entertaining wtf happened? Well I couldn't say I find trap threads better than /x/ but still. Other than the trap threads /b/ is better.
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I think you're a massive faggot, OP.
google is a censored search engine that supports defective thinking
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I consider myself mano-Gender
Its not there but I just say it :)
I have a very small penis and long hair.Also im very tall and have boobs.But when my mood changes I can be a boy or a girl so peeps always say ''her or she'' when I'm acctually a boy like wtf
trans are bad peeps btw they only do everything for attention
>inb4 copypasta bait
You would get pegged a week into semester
Try to subtly and mentally condition her to an anti feminist lifestyle. For instance when she talks about there being more than two genders, blow a handful of fine sand into her eyes. Also when she tries to win and argument, blow a handful of fine sand into her eyes (You will need to go to the beach and fill your pockets with sand.)
Another protip:
Try to confine her to the kitchen by making a wall of corpses. Not just regular corpses, white male corpses. She will quake on her knees when she sees this glorious wall and will immediately make you a sandwich.
Hitler was an inside job.
>gender is subjective
so gender is whatever anyone interprets it to be. i.e. me stating my relative view of sex and gender meaning the same thing is also correct. There is not rule that says that you have to call someone whatever they "identify as." That is consideration that is given to a member of society as a social construct of politeness. When butthurt fags demand that I call them fluid or some other nonsense, I politely refuse. Bottom line, if you have a dick you are a boy and a puss a girl and that is how you will be addressed.
I'd wear a Trump shirt so they would avoid me for fear of an ancient mummy curse.
>There is not rule that says that you have to call someone whatever they "identify as."

There is in New York now, look it up. It is illegal to refuse to use the pronouns which someone explicitly says they prefer.

Yes, we as a species are doomed if we keep it up with this stupid shit.
do you have a dick and a pussy?
>Conspirationatti Anon joins the brawl
Merriam Webster

You choose.
>So which is it? (can't be both)
a functioning gun can fire blanks
a functioning gas chamber can have no jews in it

a vulva not attached to ovaries is never going to do shit
Also, if someone who I knew was a guy told me they were a girl, I'd say "no, you're a guy".

If they tried the "gender is a social construct" thing with me, with which I don't disagree, I would merely tell them that when they discuss their gender/sex with me, they must use objectively true standards and thus they are talking about sex. And they are a guy.

See, I can play their game and still win. That's how you have to argue with these people. You must speak their language.
actually XXY is pretty common and amazingly stable. They are biologically female and often don't even discover they have an extra chromosome until fertility issues arise.

Not that I disagree or anything. Just letting you know that argument can implode on account of XXY being a (relatively) common, stable configuration with very little observable phenotypes.
you are teeling me that if I walk into an establishment and tell everyone I identify specifically as a non-man-non-woman-non-fluid-sexual-being, and anyone fails to call me by that instead of "sir" or "ma'am" that person will be fined for breaking the law...fucking ridiculous.
And people still wonder how Trump was elected.
Serously those people want to be tolerated; most people would ignore them and go about their business; forcing them to your warped worldview alienates every last sympathy they could garner.
Well if you give people a pinky...
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Not yet my doctor said it could be possible and expensive..Im hoping to get one very soon
>gender is whatever anyone interprets it to be
>me stating my relative view of sex and gender meaning the same thing is also correct
>Bottom line
>if you have a dick you are a boy and a puss a girl and that is how you will be addressed

>gender is whatever anyone interprets it to be
>relative view of sex and gender
>gender is whatever anyone interprets it to be

Something is wrong here, but I can't put my finger on it. Because it's disingenuous.

But that is disheartening.


Right, but if XXY is pretty common and amazingly stable, then it isn't a living cancer or a half-formed fetus. XXY fits the mold for a healthy human being not made of cancer, or a half-formed fetus, pardon my hyperbole.
Well I'm talking about pronouns, like he/him/himself, she/her/herself, bun/buns/bunself (yes, that is real). But yes, you get the idea.
i think you need to keep your pimp hand strong

It shouldn't be a rule, but I'd consider it politeness.If your friend Angela wants to be called Angie, going out of your way to call her Angela is just a mean move.
so what do you currently have or were born with?
>2 sexes: male and female


Nigga u can be attracted to whatever the fuck you want, it aint nothin of my damn business

Describing yourself as trans-morphomegajesus-train is fucking retarded tho
I've been in the same argument, way too many times. I really want to talk anyone out of this belief if possible. Its best to just say you don't personally believe it, but you respect her opinion, even if you don't really.

Half of girls hate being treated differently from men, and the other half still want to be treated like they're special, but being a hetero girl isn't trendy enough.
Pretty much this, if gender is a social construct that describes the expected behaviour it does not change your sex.

The insistens that sex is something different is admitting that no real change happens, only different behaviour.
Someone with kleinfelders (xxy) is still male, but they have fucked up hormones and bone structure. Someone with downed syndrome is still human even though they have an extra chromosome
Show her the oxford definition for gender.
I don't care what the law is. Anyone ever tried to force that shit on me the only noun I'd call them is Bitch.
This is utter bullshit. There are no "gendered" parts of the brain.
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well..with a penis.
That was one of the million things on which I disagreed with my ex... The constant disagreement finally drove us apart. It was horrible but it had to be done. Don't stay in a relationship with someone who is morally incompatible with you anon. It only gets worse over time.

Also, only two genders end of discussion. One either has two "X" chromosomes, or one "X" chromosome and one "Y" chromosome. to believe differently is somewhere between dysphoria and lunacy.
remembering someones name is not the same as remembering someones pronouns. And it isn't my problem if someone wants to live in a fantasy land.
Only because you choose to end the discussion.
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believing in more than 1 gender is sexist because you are placing limitations on your sex by saying that only certain genders can bla bla bla

>girly boy
wuh-oh better cut off that penis, boys can't be girly
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This also pic related OP's GF
So did trans guys/girls collectively trade in the "born this way" card which was scientifically proven to gain the extra numbers from the tumblr crowd?

Bit of a silly way to lose legitimacy tbh.
a thread died waiting for this post
OP was gonna shoot his computer with an AK
so you would honestly be fine as a server or public servant, trying to help this person and say "Yes, non-man-non-woman-non-fluid-sexual-being" or "No, non-man-non-woman-non-fluid-sexual-being" to every fucking question. It is ridiculous for all these self-entitled to expect the world to cater to them in all these ways.

And a name is the same at all.
so you are a dude.
Well, by nature, a name is a noun, and a pronoun is, well, a pronoun. They're fairly similar enough.
>implying even a small fraction of these phaggots have XXY chromosome
>implying that is an explanation for all the millions of confused mentally ill retards out there claiming to be trans
>implying that even if this is true, we will ever give a fuck
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quints don't lie
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No I'm not.
I'm an genderfluid (mano) person
What if it turns out you absorbed your fetal twin, and while being a human with XX, you have tissues in your body with XY?

I mean, that wouldn't be behaving as if it were the case. There are medical cases like that, today, even.
There is "male and female"
and there is "heterosexual and homosexual"

lately there has been a huge influx in SUBCATEGORIES of homosexuality due to larger fetish groups forming than ever before facilitated by social media and smart phones exporting the internet into the hands of "normies"

in the end though, they are just fags
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Take a good swing with one of these and beat the chromosome out of her.
I was always open to discussion And I do mean discussion. She hated everything I believe, and she hated my core principals, my morals. She treated them with disdain. Nothing I could do about that.
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Your quints have called me here to tell you that you are 100% correct. The person who you're replying to is retarded.

There are only two genders because the brain reacts to create hormones based on your gender. If you're male you create testosterone. If you're female, you create estrogen. It's not "fluid" because of what you just said, your chromosomes. Nothing is down to interpretation. If you're a faggot, you're a guy with a fetish for men. That's it. You're not a female or anything in your mind.

Those birth defects are people who are sterile at birth. They aren't "trans" people. A trans person is a person who transitions, hence the "trans" in their name. Those people are just genetic mishaps.
There's a neutral pronoun that goes by they/them/themself. It's not that hard to employ and people just take it as an universal.

I'd just say "Yes" or "Sure" lol. Were I to address, I'd just go for the one I mentioned before. People take it as universal.
thousands of years of recorded history yet it never happened until this decade

you must be b8 here
you have a dick...you are a man. if you expect other people to except the difference between sex and gender, then you need to acknowledge that you are a man identifying as mano.
horrible and tragic outliers don't make the rule. because some unnatural mutation may arise does not mean we all must normalize men bisecting their penis and pushing it up inside their body and calling themselves Caitlin.
>tfw Two-Spirit Indians tho
I used to get mistaken for a chick all the time when I had long hair. Wore masculine clothes, but my face is extremely feminine.
So I grew a beard of wookie-esque proportions.
> mfw the girliest chick ever walked over to me in a club, shook my hand, and said "I'm straight, but you have my support sister"
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>I'm an genderfluid (mano) person
please leave
but what if that person insisted then that you were insensitive to their identity. "You call my friend with the respect of 'ma'am' or 'sir.'" Don't get lazy, either support this bullshit 100 or not at all. don't a la carte it.
the mighty quints of truth
that's just what the injins call lgbtqblt
Your girlfriend should end her own suffering.

Tell her to off herself in a gas chamber.

There are only 2 genders.

There is only 1 orientation, straight.

Anything else is a mental illness and should be shoved in a gas chamber.

There is no such thing as "another gender".

You are what you're born with.

If you're born with both, you're a freak of nature.

There is nothing more.

Hail Hitler.
All this started when somefag or some fucking Dyke decided they want to be more special than the next homo. So they just started putting some labels on some bullshit. Calling it whatever they want. Then now they want to cry because they're not respected or they're offended by something. Go kill yourself.
You are a male with an identity built around a fetish.
Okay, but I never asked for that great of a leap. I was just mentioning that there are enough outliers to make the phenomenon visible in the field of medical science.

>two genders end of discussion

>being a human with XX
>tissues in your body with XY
>cases like that today

Not, give every dysphoric individual irreversible surgery, instead of say, therapy and proper medical assessment. Christ, anon.
But you've already made up your mind with regards to gender. You may have been open to discussion, but it doesn't read like that right now.

And, yeah, people who hate you for beliefs or opinions are a bit shit.
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Im not b8.
Well its happening?!Be thankful more diversity etc.We need to be strong together now.
I take pills to get more femme.And I'm getting that OP in febuary.
I would prefer if you wouldnt call me a boy since I'm neither.
I could..
You are soooooooo wrong haha!
I thought the whole argument in this thread was pointing out the difference between gender and sex...did i miss something? Now Mano is acting like it is the same thing?
There are technically more than 2 genders but their chromosome abnormalities and only .04% of the population is impacted by it
>Then they're an idiot.
Going around assuming that people will know how you portray yourself on such a personal matter is what a snob would do. People who retaliate in that manner are usually just attention seekers. Someone who is convinced and compromised with living a gender identity will have the patience and the skin to crash with those situations in a comprehensive way.
You are a subhuman.

I sincerely despise you.

You are the reason that society is becoming degenerate.

You are a disgrace to HUMANITY.

You are also a disgrace to the white race.

You need to end your life.
You have a penis, and you are a male.

Stop asking for attention you fucking man-whore, and go do something useful with yourself for once, except for whine for gender equality.
Because mano(Genderfluid) is going to be the future darling.You should better get used to it..
I bet youre a white straight guy
I think you're lying about having a gf OP. You're literally hare just to start shit with this thread that is posted up every day.
bro. if you have a dick you are a male by sex and "mano" by gender according to the arguments of this thread. you can't have you're cake and eat it too. And this is why those who say gender and sex are the same thing have a leg to stand on, because you refuse to except it yourself.
Are you assuming his fucking race, sexuality, and gender?

>It's fucking 2017
That's something b8 would say

You reek of false flag

why even waste our time?
there's no lulz here
Diversity is a disease.

Racial equality is a disease.

Any form of equality is a disease.

We should give faggots the 1930s treatment.

AKA shove them in the gas chambers.

Do you realize that you're a mistake, or do you think that it's alright to be whoever you are?

You are a literal cancer of society.

You need to die.
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Mano's going to be the future in the gas chamber.

PS nice b8.
your position is destabilizing. either you respect a persons point of view and give them the courtesy of a respect address, or you don't.
If you were born a male with male chromosomes and male genitals then you are by very definition a male. Your sexual orientation can be hetero, or homo, or it can be so deflated that is doesn't even present itself. Then there are mental illnesses that account for beastiality and arousal from inanimate objects.

Beyond that, you're just being a special snowflake using tags in a snowflake community of homosexuals that are unable to come to terms with that reality, likely due to the trauma experienced growing up in a society where homosexuals never exceed 8% of the population, averaging closer to 3%
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Eh, the argument has more depth than dicks and pussies, depending on the anon arguing. But, it's this in a nutshell.
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you totally sidestepped the question. how do you expect other people to accept gender as unique from sex when you can't yourself.
stop shitposting faggot
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Sooo....when are otherkin going to joint the show?
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>except for whine for gender equality.
its not whining its complaining because our goverment is shit and our society is shit!
We are the future!
Edgy guys are being ignored
I'm going to get both though so I can have the cake and eat it too! get over it cis male
Sorry.I shouldnt have done that
>If you were born a male with male chromosomes and male genitals then you are by very definition a male
I feel like I am a boy or a girl sometimes so that equals I'm mono..#
I can I accept everyone and everygender because its important to raise diversity!
But, then you are creating a world where all of the superior race lives in equal harmony, free of the burdens of said other inferior races. Free of poverty and lack of opportunity, where there will be resources to liquidate, more space to live in, and more riches to distribute. Which you claimed was a disease. That, equality. You will have created a cancer of society just by acting on your beliefs.

You might have to kill yourself in your ideal world.
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gotta be b8
You're not needed Hitler.... fuck, never thought I'd say that....

The multi-gender team is losing this fight anyway
Now even I think this is bait.
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Holy fuck what a way to start 2017....go leak your sister or ex gf today lol - snap leak .cf
Hey man Tumblr is that way >
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Stop being a nigger, faggot.
>Labelling these people who are not entirely male and also not entirely female as another gender is not wrong.

Can we just agree to use "Defective"?
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3 of those posts were me, kek,

Faggot-fucker. 100% bait.
I think that while there may be more than two gender identities, we don't need specific phrases for each notch on an essentially infinite spectrum. Especially when not adhering to, or not knowing a new phrase, is misgendering, an apparently grave offense.

He, she, and they for anything else, should one prefer not to be he or she. These three words cover all cases sufficiently. Bellowing for more is just a result of people who have come to believe that everyone needs to show incredible sensitivity towards each exception, as if anyone outside of the norm should be some revered snowflake. They'll cry bigot otherwise.
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This pic is for you, failed ideologues.

It's not.

When you offer your respect to someone and they reject it because you didn't comply with their privileged position at once, then they're not worthy of respect. It's like calling a noble by one of his titles just to see them insist that you should call them by ALL of their repertoire.

That's an ass move and you don't have to keep respecting an ass.
what's with this shill everywhere
Man this thread lost whatever /b/alls it had
I feel like I am a boy or a girl sometimes so that equals I'm mono..#

Answer this honestly - if someone were to feel like a table or chair or spoon periodically
Would that mean they are part table? That there is some sort of scientifically pursued classification delving into this "gender" and that it should be taught as a possibility to tie your self worth and identity to as a child?
but we are all tables
m8 I am telling this queer he is a deluded queer while you shitpost nazi propaganda, pull your head out
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No, equal harmony isn't my perfect world.

A FAIR and JUST world is my perfect world.

Economic classes will still exist.
Classes of living will exist.

Just different races would exist.

It won't be equality, it would be FAIRNESS.
'tis a bot, anon. Of yore.
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The Soviets are great people!

They also put faggots into prisons and labor camps.
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I'm not b8
I will post pictures in some months of my new genitals!
I dont even use tumblr only porn and furrys
Well I reply to everyone because I'm a gentle person!
>are part table?
No because this isnt the same!
This is just being dumb.Because no one would ever say that.And if Chairs should beome a gender or whatever...I'm all for it.More diversity!It's great dude
Even though no one is going to be a table they can stil feel like one.I know it sounds weird
Me and my boy discussing the ongoing faggotry in this thread.
You shouldn't be up this late you have school tomorrow you don't want to miss that 9th grade history test that you labeled racist
but you are a table alreadylike everyone

We concentrate you dumbasses there. Kindly go.
Nigga plz
Facebook got exposed for it, Reddit did too, Both were censoring pro trump and right wing content

Google is in the same boat as them
Rofl where the fuck did you get that? I'm stealing it for the lols
Why do you think feelings Trump facts ?
>No because this isnt the same!
>This is just being dumb.Because no one would ever say that.
See, now you're the one that is being intolerant. Just because you see it as a ridiculous notion, doesn't mean other people do. For some people, you laughing at the idea of them being a table is horrible. What makes you the arbiter of what constitutes the limits of self imposed sexual identity?

You either stick with objectivity, facts, i.e. MALE / FEMALE or you end up with literally anything, there is no limit.
There's 2.

Male, female,
somewhere in between.

But only 2.
I'm pretty sure that's jut how lesbians differentiate each other, not genders.

Also, why are there so many fucking repeats?
and table like meand you
Fairness is a measure of equal. For something to be fair, it may also be just. For something to be just, it does not have to be true, or correct. For something to be just, it must also support liberty. And to support liberty, is to support a lack of total freedom. And to do that, is to support justice.

So if you live in a fair and just society, you live in a world where the balance between truths and freedoms are kept in check by one another. Equality.
also, I thought those were fucking unknown pokemon lmao
I just derided him for posting nazi propaganda but fuck you for attempting to suppress any other viewpoint, cry more that he will shitpost here indefinitely
>I'm going to
I will concede that to make a point. you WILL, but UNTIL then you are dude with a cock, and once you have both you will be a dude with an added hermaphrodite organs.
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What color did you dye your hair this week
Holy shit. This.
Liberty isn't just.

Freedom and liberty are a cancer.

It's the biggest lie.

The true existence is survival of the fittest.
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so you are a defective human with a mental illness.
table color
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I was just memeing, Anon.
I take it if it was wrong. Sowwy.
You could just had called him a faggot.
that was noice research do
Whoever gets dubs gets an hd
nazi wallpaper.
At least the bot has intelligence
hd table wallpaper please
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I'm actually studying something
Not really.
English please
>there is no limit.
Well thats right.Only the future can tell what genders are going to come..
I'm still NO BOY I'm in the middle.Its like trans but both
Coloured it last week black and white
Wrong I'm unlike you.Unlike a person who cant think outside of the borders
>I can I accept everyone and everygender because its important to raise diversity!
you are still not answering the question. If even "mano"s can't recognize the difference between gender and sex, then neither does anyone else have to to cater to you. You are a man. Stop bitching because others don't see you as anything but a confused man.
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You aren't me, IMPERSONATION!
thats lie uyr table
Gender is a social state
Sex is a physical state

Historically speaking, nearly every culture in the world has recognized more than 2 genders at some point. There is no arguing that fact.
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Feels good to see faggots getting destroyed.

I bet he did *nazi* that coming.
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Im not a confused man.You are the confused one.-
Im going away now because you cant handle what I am.
Studying for the gender studies final ?
I think you need to dump the retarded cunt, dont date sjws, it just enables their idiocy.
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You're a filthy faggot male with a cock, that jerks it to males and females.

You are a subhuman.
wonder what was he reading remember seen garfield you cant eat all that lasagna.
more like avoid you out of disgust and the evident futility of talking sense into you

liars ur both tables dont ty to avoid it
I bet your therapist needs his own therapist to cope with your stupidity
>I'm all for it.More diversity!It's great dude
>Even though no one is going to be a table they can stil feel like one.I know it sounds weird

My gender is "raceKin", it means that I get aroused by race play, bigotry, basically acting out bigoted white power fantasies with brown and black women. It also means that my inflammatory rhetoric which you might traditionally perceive as "racist", "sexist", "mysoginistic" or generally "bigoted" is actually my true expressed gender - if you deny my right to say it without judgement and social consequence, you are in fact the bigot that just doesn't understand that there are a multitude of genders with complex psychological underpinnings and you need to check your gender privilege
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Shit wrong image.
no. your table
I'm not impersonating.
This is José Ángel Conchello, President of the National Action Party of Mexico during the 70s.

I'm this guy and I'm sorry if I offended the nazi. The one thing I don't tolerate is intolerance
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>I'm still NO BOY I'm in the middle.Its like trans but both
Top Kek. Made my night anon. you are dismissed now
>not naming all 4chan images so you don't mess up and have good filenames



took 3 seconds for both links you lazy fuck
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No worries, it's all good.

Heil Hitler!
youre delusional living in a world of fantasy
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More than two in my opinion because, I count bisexual or gender fluid as a gender...
Liberty can be just. In fact, what you proposed was just that. If you're going to liberate the master race, then you're going to be committing a great justice in your eyes. A greater good, so to speak. So I want you to tell me how enabling the better perceived freedoms and perceived rights of a peoples, aka liberation, isn't just, as you seem to rationalize it.

The biggest lie is total freedom. There is never any total freedom in a society. When there is total freedom, it stops being a society altogether. If the "true existence is survival of the fittest", then the survival of the fittest inherit a natural right to exist, and that is a truth. So, they have freedoms that you can't tread on, without enforcing a lie.

You talk the talk, but this is nothing more than low-level shitposting.
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pol visits another board.webm
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Just because of that Mr.Hitler post I'm going to stay and argue more with you white cis scum I know I sound like a klisheé but ITS FUCKING TRUE
I don't need one anymore
You go bro! If that is the thing oyu like go for it I'm no one to say its not allowed et
Good that I could enlighten you :)
You are a sad person then
i am table
you are tabel
Tell her that if gender is a spectrum, than there is no such thing as "cis-gendered," and thus no such thing as non-binary, as it implies a binary exists. Also, you might as well go ahead and tell her that if gender roles are socially constructed, and sexuality has no bearing on gender, than what exactly defines maleness or femaleness, apart from a mental disease like dysmorphia?
You can't "think outside the boarders" you are just a boy who can't cope with that fact. You're a lonely loser who somehow cucked HIMself
intolerance, bigotry, racism is permissible so long as its classed as a gender?

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>enlighten you
tabel good. know u aer table inside and outsied
Id say realist over sad
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I identify as Hitlergender.

My gender consists of gassing Jews, killing gypsies, and oppressing Europe.

My nouns are "Heil" and "Sieg".

Guess what my name is?
When people feel threatened, they tend to shut down and stop listening.

It's not unique to any one person. Just about everyone does this at some point in time. If this isn't bait, I think you're doing that right this second, as you're not used to this environment.
Damn Game Freak comming out with all these new Uknown forms
no outside tabel, bitch mother you shit
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You're a faggot, Harry.

Hermaphrodism is a sex. A physical expression of a genetic state

They're too rare to be a gender.

People shouldnt talk about things they dont know about
It's an opinion piece, anon.

>tfw muh Milo
Reddit has a huge margin of Trump supporters. check /r/thedonald and its late popularity.

If you're the one making the claims, you have to bring the sources bby <3

Thanks tho.
o stll table inside
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You're just a 14 year old who's upset because you're dad wouldn't let you watch Cinderella when your were 4 and now you're just a pathetic little boy who listens to bullet for my valintine and draws sonic gender fluid fan art.
I hate faggots yes I do, I hate faggots you should too.
no true tabel fallacy


youre plugging your ears and screaming to drown me out but its ok, one day youll wake up
Why tho?
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In the shower it goes!
your opinions are not mainstream

you are in the minority

never forget that your worldview is unpopular

your ideas are bad and you should feel bad
Way to play the game. I like it.
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Being that is sad
Is something wrong?Just don' t leave me alone with these ppl ok :D I'm getting mad jesus
Never cucked myself.Whatever
As long as its classed as gender yes!But no one will like you and you will have no support so good luck!
>as you're not used to this environment.
I'm very used to this enviroment!
edgy ignored
She's wrong
Why is it so important to you that there only be two?

Doesn't hurt anyone, so who gives a fuck? Your only real problem is that you have to actually get to know people rqther than just look at them.
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Sure you are.
if you are not b8 i think you're in the wrong place for be shitposting
>Ctrl + F

>Ctrl + F

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