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If your video card is not one of the following, you're a

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Thread replies: 216
Thread images: 48

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If your video card is not one of the following, you're a console pleb and should KYS.
GTX 580, 680, 780, 780 Ti, 690, 590, Titan(Z, Black, or X) 980, 980 Ti, or 1080.
>tfw GTX560M
>nvidia housefire museum
>jew vidya scams
>no x70 cards
>dual GPUs

Garbonzo. Ever heard of a Fury X?
What about an rx460-480
>mfw I don't own a console and have a GTX 650 2GB
Appareantly I'm a console pleb now. well then.
>have 1070
>superior to all on list except 1080 and over priced titan
>1070 not on your pleb lord list
smh fam
R9 380 4G at 191$ and now not in stock or at 500 suuuuckkk ittt
Guess i'm a console pleb.
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trips checked
I have a 970... it will easily out perform a 580, 680, maybe even the 780.
go away console pleb
tfw 1060
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Bitch please
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damn straight 1070 brother.
RX 470 8GB reporting
but my 980ti fucking smashes your 1070, for less money.

Also, how is the micron memory treating you dear
Not having Linux
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forgot pic
G1 1070 master race
op is a faggot

r9 290x reference is the best anon
Gigabyte RX 480 here.
Team red is going to win the race.
ASUS 1070 OC edition btw
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Forgot pic
970 Ti, lmao
Rx 480 8gb reppin
I got a 1070 your opinion is shit
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>less $
Ok sure.
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These people know what they are talken about.
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well, ofcourse the prices is fucking retarded now.

Look at even older stuff and the prices will be even more retarded.

Got mine for 400 Euro new.
those are wack prices, a 980ti is 450$
dual GTX 770 4GB here


any 970 fams here ?
Intel HD integrated
>Fuck With Me
>I Run 30 Fps On Medium Faggot
For the love of god please clean your case
>buying a cut down x80 card
>being this jewish
I've got a 390 and it works pretty well for me
>1070 superior to 980 Ti
lol, is that why the 980 ti is on the 3d mark hall of fame single card performance but not the 1070?
Yep... Although I should say, it's a 970m in my MSI GS60 laptop. So it's more like a 960.
>tfw im a GTX 950 scrub
what should i upgrade to boys
I have a 950.

1070 is $400 soooo
also performance of 980ti is slightly higher, about 2%
sapphire rx460 4gb here. adequate and comfy with this until i get a big dick G rig.


x60's where its at
70+ is for fucking rendering things that arent games
This. 760ti master race reporting in.
Fuck off sean
what about owning a 950/970 makes you a pleb
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if you give a shit what other people are packing
you are a nosy faggot.
a noose
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shut the fuck up you nigger cuck
Well a 950 is kind of pleb. It's a weak card, even when it was new.

A 960 is roughly a PS4, and a 970 roughly a ps4 pro, granted you have a solid CPU.
? it is clean, its just specs of dust that the camera picked up
are you retarded?
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1070 bros swag
>butthurt insecure faggot detected

kill yourself slowly with that dick picture you dream so much of!
Well I mean, I am on /b, so retardation is a prerequisite I would think.

Why, what do you think I said is wrong?
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nigger ill choke you to death with it
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mfw no r9 390x
Me. I don't understand all the 970 hate. My card runs everything completely fine. In on a 1080 monitor tho. If I went up to 1440 like I plan it'd be a different story
LOL posting the 980ti but not the 1070 when they are identical kys
What if you had a galaxy 650 Ti
I haven't seen any 970 hate... I have a 970m, and it runs everything fine at 1080 even though it's a laptop chip

it's a modified 7870
Launch price of the 980ti was $650 while the 1070 is very slightly better (not OC) for $400. 1070 is still cheaper despite the rise in prices
got me a 970m
tfw leaving my 760ti behind

got a 1060 for xmas, but i'll probably keep the 760 around for a compact rig project, or a rig for my sister
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>tfw still using my hd 6850
>mfw everyone else is wasting their money on shit that becomes obsolete within a year

not everyone can afford new 9-10 gtx series cards my nigga
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how old is your sister?
The hate being "4 GB of Vram" but the last 500MB has such a slow bandwidth that it literally slows down the card if it's used. It sucks but the hate towards the card is unjustified, the hate needs to go towards Nvidia
tf you talking about nigger

600 series cards are still relevant 4 years later
lol what about my 960M?
Mine is a PNY GeForce XLR8 950 2GB, dunno much about graphics, but I guess I'm ok :v
R9 290 with a side of i7 Devil's Canyon reporting in.

I guess this is a console?
980ti top benchmarks are handpicked top .001% of cards produced.

AVERAGE benches put 1070 over 980ti all day long
I have SLI 970's, guess im a console fag
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I've got a Nvidia GTX 770. It runs everything perfect, No complaints. So I guess I'm a console fag?
Yeah I guess so... However it is worth considering that games are far more optimized for consuls, so they do offer more performance for the hardwear they are running then a comparable PC
3,5 gb meme
Same. I'm seeing the 970 4GB going for $200~300 less than the 980 ti 6GB. I've yet to bring my 970 to it's full potential yet. I expect I will once I get around to getting The Witcher 3 or Mankind Divided.
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1070 better than 980ti .. what a joke
pay 13% more at current rates for a card that is at most 2% better
150w on 1070 vs 250w on 980 = paying more for electric and creating more heat stress etc

most reputable benchmarking sites show 6% performance gains over 980 ti..

low quality bait or shitter trying to justify their over priced performance/ratio $ video card idk
I bought a extra regular 760 thinking I could sli it with my ti. Now I'm trying ot sell both so I can upgrade. How much better is the the 1060? I always felt like memory was the only thing holding the 760ti 2gb back, otherwise i fell like It still hasn't let me down.
1070 master race
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Diamond Viper II. Low profile and power consumption. Plus I got 2 new monitors running on this hog!


[email protected]

gimme money
I built my pc in 2012 and run an hd7850 and since I use a 720p tv as my monitor I can still run games on max settings and in 720p just fine

Though I'm probably gonna be picking up a 4k tv soon so I will have to update my right as well.
Rig autocorrects to right. Nice one Google keyboard you fucking cuck
i have a 660. but then again i dont spend all day in my parents basement.
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970 user here.
Why GTX970 is not on the list... you fucked up.
This is mine, not willing to remove the cover just to take a photo of it. An orange CPU can is screwed onto it, as I don't trust "fanless" designs. geddit?
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MSI RX 480 4gb standing by
radeon r7 240
plays the games i want to play
Sorry, don't have time to pay any attn to this shit.. console gamer here, so i far too many games to play. don't have time to pay any attn to this shit..
WHOOPS, typo. Fan, not can.

It does 2k, 3k playback fine, and 4k video playback with frame dropping. Go figure.
This guy did it
Dual G1 1070s checking in.
>doesn't watercool his GPU

If you don't go full water then you're still full pleb.
Amd and reference its not a good mix anon, Sapphire FTW, the 290x vapor its one of the most beautiful gpus I've ever seen.
make sure you get a 4K tv with little input lag. I had a 1080 Vizio that had a half second or more of input lag even on game mode. Drove me up a fucking wall.
1070s a newer card
Why not get a 1080 instead of two 1070's? Is the performance really that much more? Is it worth it for the extra power draw, heat, and noise?
Will do anon, thanks for the advice
I just finished Mankind Divided with my PNY 970 and AMD FX-8350 and it ate that game for lunch on ultra/high. Great game too.
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wew lad
Poor anon with a 7850 here.

Op it's a faggot.
the 1070 is equal and has far better compatibility so I think the two cards can be compared
I've a 980ti, I thought 1070's outperformed us by a fairly decent margin.
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love this thing
Nigga i got a 750ti back in 2014
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to all you autists out there incapable of doing research, and butthurt that they overspent on an inferior card.
ya? is that why i get FPS drops like a mother fucker and 30 fps in console games?
When you're too stupid for /g/ but you still wanna talk shit about PC hardware
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what cpu cooler you running?
Evo 212.

r9 290x ftw, it runs everything, why would I ever upgrade?
my shit is idling at 47-50C with stock cooler, (same cpu) wat do?
Get a better cooler. Granted, I haven't gotten around to overclocking mine yet so I don't know how well it'll hold up once I do, but so far the Evo 212 has done well. It's a bit of a meme cooler though.
Same m9 what version you got?
I got hooked up with a 1060 FTW 3gig for like $190. If it wasn't for how cheap it was I would have gone 6 gig
still tho, 50C seems high for stock. any recommendations? money isnt really an issue
This is pretty fucked up. I know the 970 meme was real funny and all but I had to opt out of getting a 1070 because the performance gain for the price didn't make throwing out my 970 make sense. This card is still a beast.

I was thinking about updating to the 1080ti but maybe I'll just hold out for the next line in 2018. Not like the 1080 is performing well @ 4k resolutions and I already have a card performing well at 1080p...
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Gotta get a monitor to go with that gpu along with a sexy cpu cooler. is the gpu a hybrid? I wouldn't get one again with a closed loop cooler. closeup of guts is too big
I'm inclined to agree. I'm not sure what your cable management/case/airflow situation is, and I also don't know what the temps run with a stock cooler-perhaps that's average. Some people claim that closed-loop water cooling systems don't fair any better than air coolers but cost more. I had a Corsair h90 (I think? They all look the same) in my previous FX 8350 build, that kept my CPU in the 20's. Get that, or if you have room, get a H100i.
nzxt kraken. at 4.4 ghz "silent" fan profile
Yeah I'd rub my dick all over that monitor. I actually just got a new one for Christmas, the AOC 2460 something something. Shitty oversight, in that I didn't do my research and realize I'd need a dual-link DVI or a display port cord to run at 144hz. One's in the mail from Amazon now though.
forgot temp is 24C
Its watercooled with an aio style cooler you dumb fuck

Also, >owning anything not a 980ti or 1080ti
Fucking idiots
Tfw 750 ti
dubs must deliver
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thanks my dude
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>650ti boost
>4k 6 screens
Cool, but Pros usually measure in Kelvin. Just FYI
every one of those cards is obsolete
Ati radeon hd 3450
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Also, it's not a hybrid. I was considering that, but i have an mITX case and I didn't want to limit my room any more than I ended up doing. Pic related.
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1080 reporting in new tower build it's ok
I don't have that monitor. I can't rub my dick all over it.
then just add 273.5 you casual
every one of your posts are retarded
GTX 980
I have a GTX 760. That basically has the same performance as the 580.
I too sli that
On my gaming laptop rig i have that
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Ha ha. You are being cucked by the jews! R7 370 master race reporting in.
Same, have a msi armour 1060 6gb, guess im a pleb
No you gotta round it off, see?
1050Ti for £150, is that enoigh for you?

My present this year was a server 16 cores 32gb ram, 4mb integrated graphics... but it has a pcie x16
fck u i got a 1070, it was a steal
they do, 980ti is somewhere between 1060 and 1070
I have GTX 760 4gb

R8 me anon! Tell me how to live!
Only get 10 series don't be a pleb
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Anyone else have a toaster
Yeah but are they any good
Getting a new rig this week, my first one actually
Parts say RX460 or an optional 480 for 75 extra bucks
Weak. I just got the 3dfx Voodoo2.
980ti is as good as 1070 so long as you overclock it. I didn't happen to see a benchmark video that compared the oc 1070 to the 0c 980ti. I'll save my upgrade for the 1180ti though. I don't have the dough to upgrade every cycle
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>PC gaming is about having choice and choosing to upgrade only when you feel it necessary.
>OP decides to shit on everyone's freedoms.

Fuck you too OP.
ǝlɔʎɔ ʎɹǝʌǝ ǝpɐɹƃdn oʇ ɥƃnop ǝɥʇ ǝʌɐɥ ʇ,uop I ˙ɥƃnoɥʇ ᴉʇ08ƖƖ ǝɥʇ ɹoɟ ǝpɐɹƃdn ʎɯ ǝʌɐs ll,I ˙ᴉʇ086 ɔ0 ǝɥʇ oʇ 0ㄥ0Ɩ ɔo ǝɥʇ pǝɹɐdɯoɔ ʇɐɥʇ oǝpᴉʌ ʞɹɐɯɥɔuǝq ɐ ǝǝs oʇ uǝddɐɥ ʇ,upᴉp I ˙ʇᴉ ʞɔolɔɹǝʌo noʎ sɐ ƃuol os 0ㄥ0Ɩ sɐ pooƃ sɐ sᴉ ᴉʇ086
>no 1070
>I googled how to do something, the post
i have 1080 ti
> hasn't even included the predecessor x70's
>op is double fag
MSI RX 470 4GB reporting in for duty. Crushes 1080p like nobodies business.
Titan Black reporting in
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>If you don't have a Nvidia card you're a console pleb
>Nviditards strike agaaainnn
If your video card is not one of the following, you're a console pleb and should KYS.
Any card you want because people i'm not OP and i don't suck nigger dicks for breakfast.
jewvidia sheep
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red checking in!
I have a gtx680 and still running with todays shit on high
I need to fix my ram issues x.x supposed to be running faster than that and it's ddr4
may have a bum memory slot. bum memory slot = bum motherboard if that remains true. or somewhere along the BIOS, u dun goof'd.
It's a bios issue, I was running 4 sticks 2x8gb and 2x16gb, that's why it's like that. I've just been too lazy to go into bios and fix it.
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 8 gb

reporting in.
Which one cost 100 burgers because that's all I have
Sapphire rx480 fag here brotha
Fuck you, i love my GT430
evga 1080 SC repoorting in
>If your video card is not one of the following, you're a console pleb and should KYS.
>GTX 580, 680, 780, 780 Ti, 690, 590, Titan(Z, Black, or X) 980, 980 Ti, or 1080.

1080 of course. 1070 is def worth it tho.
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mine are ok
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>inb4 Razer
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4k 60fps overclocked gtx 1080 I have reached full neckbeard, probably going to by another one for my birthday.
>Posts AMD video card
fuck you I have a 560 from 5 years ago and i've been too broke to afford a new one kek
Get a job
A 660 would run $80. Also your DDR3 speeds are painfully slow
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Mein neger
>933 mhZ lololol
The only thing right about this is your operating system, the rest is garbage,
There a dedicated board for this you dumbfuck
All fury X cards are watercooled dumbass
I don't know what my vid card is
1070 here
is this bad
>3x watercooled 970s
>benchmarking twice as high as any single card available
>paid less than $600
>OP thinks I'm a pleb
I guess that further proves that OP is a faggot.
A-am I good yet?

GTX 1080 Sea hawk because im shit with money
>not knowing that speccy cuts your ram speed in half
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I don't know. The fact that a person has a gaming computer with dedicated gpu, to me, means they are already infinitely better than a console peasant. It would be a shame to allow peasants to receive such a compliment.
I use the onboard graphics card. What am I?
1050 gtX 4gb
Fucked off I'm no consol pleb faggot
der she is
nvidia shill working overtime
titan z in 2016 lul
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10 rx 480s mining crypto.
Trixx r9 390 reporting in low temps high frames
HD7950 3GB OC 1250 MHz Core 1400 MHz Memory out performs most those cards, got it for $140. Plays most games at max 1080p. Being a fanboy is sad and stupid.
Kill myself?

Good thing its christmas time. I can go get some rope and make a human ornament for my tree
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>posts nothing but Nvidia GPUs
>posts one from 2010
>lel console peasant
Thread posts: 216
Thread images: 48

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