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>25 and older thread How's life going, anons?

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Thread replies: 143
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>25 and older thread
How's life going, anons?
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going great
>went to community college to become respiratory therapist
>became respiratory therapist
>built career up
>slowly but surely got out and about to date women
>was told my standards are too high
>mfw when a bachelors/baccalaureate educated woman is too high of a standard
>found one
>even funnier when I've been with a statistician for the past 6 years
>bought a house recently
>been thinking about tying the knot and getting a family started
how's it going for you?
>Finally about to move out of home to my own place
>Still single (8 years and counting for sex, 5 months since kissing)
>Good job with good career prospects

It could be worse, but it could be so much better.
Meh, got a job that pays decent, got a nice turbo car thats fun to drive, have a gf. But I'm still not really happy deep down inside. I settled down with the first girl who was interested in me and I wish I would have gotten to experience more things. I'm so afraid of not finding someone else that I will never leave though.
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going great
>1 newborn
>married to a statistician like
>own a house
>2 cars, one is new
>employer is paying for my doctorate
>just got promoted, making 6 figures now and I'm getting two direct reports
>my wife and I have over 300,000 in retirement savings
>just found out I'm getting a $3600 settlement in a class action lawsuit from a job I held 12 years ago.
>putting most of that into a 529c and the rest into fun stuff.

If my company still has a pension in 21.5 years I will be able to comfortably retire onto my family's little ranch out west.
(27m)shitty, live with brother who is recovering addict, recently relapsed months ago and OD'd on heroin, I literally woke up to him dying on the porch, he survived, and is now doing heroin, meth and lsd on the regular. shitty job, no gf. no real friends. I just want to get away from my brother. I have never felt more alone.
>4 universities, all out of pocket, no degree
>motivation thinning atm
>got on and off probation this year
>took a shot at my first grill, feel a connection, and her son just got cancer three months ago

Feel disgusted
I got a 170k settlement coming, but I only make 40k a year.

>28 Male
> Happily marred with my husband
Pretty good. just adopted a 15 year old Boy
Hey I'm from Oregon too pal, cheers
that's a fuckin sweet settlement, what's it for? Hopefully not for something bad.

Mine was for something that didn't even really impact me but fuck it I can put a little extra into the kids' college fund and maybe buy myself a new graphics card.
Hey I wish I were in Oregon, cheers
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Kinda wierd.. all alone in life with just the wife n 2 cats.. we have fun. aches n pains.Sex 2 times a week..She cooks great..half way done with life. thanx for asking op
Married with kids great well paid job 400k. Wife is a cunt so get through life doing Coke and fucking young hotties. Notsobad.jpg
An electronic device that I will not name exploded in my pocket causing 3rd degree burns on my leg. So, hurt like fuck, but not really any long term health impact.

>wasted my 20s getting fucked up all the time and investing years in a doomed relationship
>didn't stop getting wasted till recently
>realized I have severe emotional/mental problems
>been thinking about seriously getting help
>started school last spring, working full time
>just now getting interested in the nursing program
>still a deep void within me

Could be better. Could be a whole lot worse.
ixnay on the otenay
I can help you with your deep void.
>Statistical programmer for hedge fund
>Good money but little time to find gf
>Inheriting estate in UK

Pretty good overall but I smoke and drink way too regularly
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>Be me, 26
>Have a decent job but live paycheck to paycheck
>Mostly because bills and mostly because I love Adderall on Fridays and can't budget for shit
>12 credits away from BS degree in Psychology, however I've got $47K in school loan debt so
>In a physically abusive relationship for past 2 years
>Live with him and suck at budgeting so
>Have so many other nice, prospective people who want to fuck me
>But I'm too loyal and scared lol
>Been talking to this person online for the past month
>Lives 16 hours ahead of me in timezones
>They think I'm catfishing them
>I think they're catfishing me
>Says he loves me all the time, wants to help bring me to his homeland to save me
>Won't tell me anything about himself (name/address/photos) but know his age and know it's a dude because we voice chat constantly
>Also he's a leet haxor
>So naturally, I just don't act retarded as if this is real
>Continue to chat with this person, hoping I don't get conned into sending over $$$ I don't have in exchange for keeping my noodies under wraps
>Don't have money anyway sooo
>nudes4theinterweb.zip soon I guess hahah

I want to commit suicide every day but I don't because I love my cats :)

Sorry I only fuck black men

>this is now a cuck thread

Seriously though, this void is retarded. I half believe in reincarnation. Raised Christian. But a deep belief in anything has always eluded me due to a lack of any meaningful, rich connection to this world.
It's just a meaningless trip.
Even if you reincarnate you retain no memory of your previous life rendering the process pointless
Which begs the question, if you have no memory of your past life, how can it even be considered reincarnation. Without memory of the past, can you prove you ever existed.
> 25
> Understand that I have lost at life
> Good for nothing
> Can't finish uni
> No job
> No GF
> Starting to think to end myself or just fuck it and go travel like Into the Wild style

I don't know anons.
The guy eats poison berries and dies tho man.
almost 36
i sometimes get nostalgic about my teens but then i remind myself its bullshit
rich and happier now
Note 7 or vape mod
>live with parents still
>finally making good money as programmer
>tfw all girls my age are married already
>don't want to date teens
Lol, it was a vaping device. Funny how its obviously one of those two things though.
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I'm 26. Graduated university 4 years ago.
Doesn't have a job, still living with my parents.
Got in a violent crash last year. Totaled my motorcycle, and got in the ICU with a broken arm and seriously broken leg with an internal bleeding. But I got lucky: doctors fixed all that. Now completely recovered, luckily. Could've been much worse: could been killed in that crash, or loose leg easily. But didn't.

Having sex with some young hotties sometimes. Picrelated is us. So... I'm fine. Nothing too exciting, but could've been much worse. Gotta find a job.
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Vape shop employee fag here--
Do you have any idea how much we despise you mentally incompetent fucks who have batteries explode on them? We fucking HATE you. You threaten the industry as if it wasn't already being ass raped by the FDA to begin with, and make the rest of us look just as retarded as yourself once the media covers your bullshit story.

How'd it happen though? Change in pocket + battery not in a case? Not knowing Ohm's Law and thinking you can build whatever you want while using on a hybrid mechanical mod? I'd love to know, anon
If you're living with your parents, where did you take that pic?
Home. Mom was on job.
omg he touched a nekkid grill. ;_;
ban his chad.
Own a house, condo, & 3 cars. Married with 2 kids & #3 on the way.

Raging alcoholic.

I'm ok
Spare battery in pocket, contacted keys.

The vaping industry isn't long for the chopping block anyway, it was only a matter of time before heavy regulation, regardless of batteries exploding on people. Big tobacco is not going to allow an unregulated alternative to cigarettes, and they have way more money to play with than you do. Hate me all you like.

Also, my story will not be covered by the media, such is the terms of any legal arbitration, I quietly take my money, pay off my car and continue to vape until its too heavily regulated then i'll move on.
Great. Got $131k in the bank. Well, investments.
How about speeding up the process and posting nudes right here?

Also, 16 hours? What accent does he have?
26 male here.
>found gf on match.com in 2012
>married in mid 2013
>had kid end of 2013
>I make 30k a year
>wife makes 40k a year
>bought house in 2014
>paid off car last year
still paying mortgage, no debt except house, kid is doing well, job is going good. no complaints.
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31 here, life is ok

>completed apprenticeship, now bring home $1200 dollaridoo's a week working at power station
>still with same girl after 9 years
>got married to her
>nearly got divorced from here when she backflipped and decided she wants kids, i freaked out, had a semi online fling with a chick which wife found out about
>spent a year semi seperated (still living together) while we both sorted our selfs out
>still together, starting family next year
>grown up more in the last 12 months then last 10 years
>have a nice house
>fucked my first hooker
>still wanting to try anal
thats some grown up shit
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you know the rules

>tits or GTFO
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>be me
26 here, E4 in the military. Single, hate my job, hate my life, and only alive because too pussy to kill myself. But I get discharged in 3 years which will be nice.
31 and still didn't tried anal??? Kill yourself!

went to trades school and now doing totally different for a lot less money. I look forward to 30 packs of budweiser on Friday nights.
33, Married with a kid
Art school fag who actually makes fairly decent money doing nothing related to my degree.
Hoping to retire by 55...takes sacrifice, but I'm not working till I'm 65. Fuck that noise.
No outstanding drug use or alcohol problems...

life is stressing me out currently, but I deal with it. Usually by bottling it up inside and never dealing with it. That should be healthy longterm...
>36 yo marriedfag
>married 16 years
>Very happy
>wife is my friend and sex life is good
>wife says one day that she had her annual checkup and found out she had "mild depression"
>confused. How do you find out you have mild depression without knowing it yourself?
>ask wife why she is depressed
>says she doesn't know. Not my doing. Etc. Didn't know herself til doctor told her (w t f)
>wife goes on ssri antidepressant
>No longer has a libido
>no pussy moisture
>can't climax
>My life is starting to suck
>try to explain this to wife
>sorry anon Dr. Says I am depressed and need this medication
>No longer happy
>why is this happening to me
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Not posting noodles or his accent :)
Nice try tho
Lol. Western healthcare at it's best!
My wife has clinical depression...then she popped out a kiddo and started eating better as far as vitamins and protein and shit...night and day difference man.
you think untreated depressed people have great sex?
I know the rules, doesn't mean I'm gonna follow them and listen to your autistic ass kek
Not great, not terrible...

Either I succeed and a lot of you die, or I die in an upcoming war when I get called up.

In other words, my hate is a fuel source to get my fucking studies done, but another bloody war with the North has a fair chance of cutting my life short, preventing me from achieving my goals.
>work at homeless shelter for 30 dollars an hour
>Literally only white person on staff other than women who work in the offices'
>Everyone is literally fresh off the boats from fucking africa and can barely speak English
>laziest fucks I've ever had to fucking train
>Mother in law has brain cancer
>Wife's been depressed due to it and work for the last 2 months
>Own mother constantly gives me grief for not helping her out more (helping her pay bills) even though I've got my own to pay and my youngest brother still lives with her but doesn't work
>Grandparents constantly complaining to me about not having any kids yet
>Have constant suicidal thoughts, just too much of a coward to go through with it

Same old shit, different day.
I think people can't have depression if they doesn't feel like having a depression.
We already have 2 kids and she eats well and we exercise together in our hobbies (kayaking, walking, Nordic skiing, etc). I am dumbfounded as to why this doctor convinced her she needed to be on paxil. And I don't know how I can undo this. My wife is coming across as a bit naive and seems to believe that all doctors are good at what they do and devoid of ulterior motives. I am getting the "so you're saying you know more than my doctor?" Line now. Shit is awful. The paxil does not seem to be changing any other aspect of her behavior or moods but it has completely taken away my sex life. I want to find this doctor and slap the shit out of her.
Lost my job, I'm in huge debt, my car just broke down so I won't be able to spend the holidays at my girlfriend's, my father died this year in January. Yeah, life's going just great.
>College drop out.
>Starting college again in January.
>Have a great full time job with a good pay.
>I have had sex with 8 different grills this year.
>Feeling empty as fuck, I've been really close to kill myself several times this year.
>In a relationship.
>About to buy a car.
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>I think people can't have depression if they doesn't feel like having a depression.
i smell a genius
dump the meds and get her smoking weed. since i started smoking i havent needed ativan and paxil in months. natures medicine.
Had the exact same thing happen with my g/f, and figured out a way to remedy the situation, but it is a bit shady/morally questionable. I can share with u if you like.
SSRIs are fucked; worthwhile investigating therapy. Though, it's a crapshoot finding a good therapist/psychologist.
keep going man, thats tough
Forgot to add age: 27.
> I'm 18
Any advice ?
im on ssris and i feel great. dont judge until you try
Join army, enjoy your birthday in a few days.
I've been on four different varieties at different times. Different things work for different people.
"not posting his accent"

DAMMIT, if I knew, I'd use my russian hacker magic skills to teleport money from you to me! You've thwarted my plans!

That's retarded
But yeah, I mostly remember feeling super numb and losing my libido.
>Been in military most of my adult life
>tried out for special opertaions 3 years ago
>passed selection and all the other shit
>get deployed (first time as pipe-hitter) been deployed before
>Fucking deal in death
>best fucking feeling of my life
<come home to wife and kids
>wife is ok, has had depression since she was young
>kids are great
>love spending time with kids
>nothing was as great as pulling triggers, fucking nothing
>constantly work out and train just to be better at that.
>all I can think about.
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i've tried it once, but too drunk to notice

it was with some fat chick i fucked at a party, didn't even know i'd done it till 6 months later someone told me about it

quick green text version

>be me
>at party
>seduce land whale
>fucking her doggy
>good times
>go to take condom off, not there??
>go back and enjoy party

>6 months later
>person who's house party was at (girl 1) and landwhale talking
>topic of anal comes up
>girl 1 says never tried it
>landwhale mentions anon fucked me in the arse at your party
>girl 1 ask's me about it on msn messenger
>blew my mind that i'd fucked her in the arse and didn't even know
Wife turned into psychotic bitch the last 5 years of marriage
I was frequently sick with severe stomach cramps and shits for 5 years
Either stress of living with her or she was poisoning me
Only goal in life was to die and end misery
Divorced her instead a year ago
Haven’t been sick in a year and having the best time of my life
sorry it didnt work for you as well as it did for me
libido schmibido, more time to do something useful with your life. what if meds made you lose interest of collecting stamps? feeling super numb and losing my libido? not giving a fuck and no need to fuck. problems solved
> depressed
> pothead
> unemployed
> have cute depressed 21 gf, anal and a lot of sex
> living practyl alone in my mothers house
But I'm only 21....
please send this online guy nudes.
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>great job in cinema/games
>average flat
>no gf for 3 years fucking sucks
>7/10 overall happiness
nice trips. she was probably poisoning you, good on you for getting out.
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>Having the best time of my life
Thanks for the hope!
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What do you guys do on the weekend?

I kinda meander around, play some video games, watch some netflix, go for a walk in the park, find somewhere to eat.
No family, no friends, no hobbies, just wait to go back to work. No one prepared me for this life.
>Failute in every aspect
>Think about suicide every single day
>just wait to go back to work. No one prepared me for this life.
hello there anon, join the club
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yeah, kind of the same here
I have friends but everyone is getting lazy and we don't gather as much as we used to
I'd travel but a have almost no vacation time
it kinda sucks
what do
don't an hero, just get your shit together SUMMER

Are you me?

Apart from the moving out (I'm already moved out) this describes me perfectly
you sure are

>Waiting to start new job in the new year
>Trying to get through Christmas with little money
>Friends are starting to drift into family life and careers
>Feel like I'm one of the few who actually still want to hang out and do stuff
>Badly need a new distraction (gf ideally)
>Time is taken up between 4chan and the gym
>Life is boring atm

Yeah, exactly...
Nice score /b/ro. wish i had one
>I'd travel but a have almost no vacation time
>it kinda sucks
>what do
i wish i could give you some of my vacation days, i always take less then i can and i do nothing anyway
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I'm in a buddies house on a lot of acid. Typing is hard. We are attempting to conduct a lan party, but we keep getting too distracted.

Things could be worse. /shrug

Learned just about everything I can at my current job, and I can't really progress in this career path without an advanced degree. Thinking about going to grad school, though I wouldn't get out till 30 or later.

Besides that, fine enough.
>i always take less then i can and i do nothing anyway
why are you not enjoying more free time? not on /b/ of course, gotta go live in the real scary world
I'm in the same boat.

200 hours vacation leave, 300 hours sick, and some extra comp/holiday time as well. But I have too much responsibility to take time off.
Pretty good, long term gf, 6 figs, working on pretty solid science. Not as much free time as I once had, but can't complain.
You are in trouble. Antidepressants are well known to lead to divorce and husbands getting fucked over. Look up: Prozac divorce drug
going to work gives me a feeling of order and discipline. too much time off and unattended makes me spiral into depression and madness
>too much responsibility to take time off.
working as pca, if i dont go to work someone literally dies. try relaxing on your day off. protip, you cant
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I'm 28 year old manlet and I got fired from my job that I've had since 16 last month. I litteraly live in my mom's basement and have tried and failed 6 times to get a drivers license. I have 4 freinds which I don't see anymore because they all moved out of my town. I did kiss a couple thots back in the day tho. Am I a faliure ?
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> Am I a faliure ?
>husbands getting fucked over
dont men get depressed? also, why is divorce a bad thing?
It's not a dick-waving contest, we can both have rough jobs.

Medical research means that even on weekends, I'm coming in for at least an hour or two every day. I haven't had a true day off in at least 2 months.

I'm finishing up the data for a $500k grant due on the 31st that I've been almost individually responsible for. Kinda crazy, because I'll spend more on reagents and buffers in one day than I earn in a month. They have no problem putting through a 10k order for PCR primers every other week, but we're going through our 4th year of mandatory no raises.
Living the dream famillio
not yet. if you dont reach any goals by 50, you should try harder or give up. losing friends and/or jobs just happens, dont make a big thing out of it
Thanks fam

Sounds fantastic 2bh
checked, also sorry for dick waving. i actually love my job, just wish i had better use for my free time
Kinda feel your pain.
>32$/hr fixing ships
>have stay at home wife, 2 yo, and wife's useless uncle staying w us
>everything is good except this useless faggot, he doesn't do shit except eat our food and be fucking weird
>I mean he doesn't even offer to take trash out even though literally does nothing all day but use my utilities and complain
>all bs aside this motherfucker has to go
Me and wife had it just right before his bitch ass appealed to her he had nowhere to go. This motherfucker is in his fifties and is in good physical health but is a few French fries short of a happy meal, no excuse.
>new years resolution: he somehow goes away
This is MY goddamn house
what do you do on the weekend?
It's cool, I get that.

But you're right. If I screw up, it's only cells that die. It's one of the main reasons I really didn't want to pursue medicine. I know I'll screw up, and i don't want to have to live with the idea that I contributed to someone's death.

Going on alright. Been a bit overworked. I'm going to a beach place called gokarna next week, alone.

Look for jobs. Unemployed going into my last semester of uni with no clear prospects. Feel guilty if I don't use all of my free time to unfuck myself. All I really want is steady employment that allows me to live comfortably and have some leisure time
i can totally relate to that, everyone in that trade feel that fear at least once
>extreme GAD & SAD (only psych I clicked with died years ago... pretty tragic)
>Went to trade school for network administration few years ago
>got no certs
>stomach problems out my ass
>want to get back into net administration stuff but don't know where to start anymore
>have to take adderal to stay up like a normal person
>no job, live with folks
So much more but I don't want to pity party myself. I know I need to get out of this rut ASAP or my future is fucked...
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26 here.

things are alright!
Anyone managed to achieve financial independence? Ideally in such a fashion that enough money has been invested into a variety of options that they generate passive income each month/year, allowing you to live an essentially carefree life?

This would be fucking ideal... I'd just travel and try every little thing I could possibly try . Possible?

poster here. i'm on my way. still have a ways to go but at my savings rate I'll be comfortably financially independent by about 45. earlier if i want to live frugally or in a cheaper country.
>generate passive income each month/year
>This would be fucking ideal
good luck with that. first step to success is always asking for advice on /b/

>25 yrs old
>90k a year living in canada
>wife is great, great food, good sex.
>stuck being a jehovah's witness because of wife and family, fucking hate it.
>secret alcoholic
>started doing blow last year
>down 14k
>heart constantly hurts
>had so much potential...
>fuck me
45? How old are you now? It's what I fear most tbh. The slow and steady pace. Poor as shit when young, so can't do anything you have energy to do. Later on, rich but old and weak, incapable of doing most things anymore, so you just end up sitting on most of that money.

Is the only way out truly being born into wealth or the highly improbable win at something like a lottery?
And you think *we're* giving vaping a bad name?

Instead of insulting, try educating your customers better. Not everyone has a background in simple electronics
just fucked a colombian prostitute in the ass.
2/10, made me reply. you are a horrible person
I'm 25 , next month 26 . I've been with the same girl for 7 years and 6 months . Past July she decides to leave me .
> initial desperation
> she start a new relationship with a 44 years man
> feelssobad.jpg
Now I've just start dating a girl , you can't be afraid man , last time I had to ask a girl to date , I was 17. Is all different now man , is so funny . Don't be afraid, is really funny and it give a big ego boost .
Don't be in a cage like I was , the life is so fucking beautiful. Feel free to ask everything
I'm 26 with $110,000 saved so far. which is cool because even if i invest $0.00 more from this point forward I'll still have >$1.5 million by the time I'm 65 if the markets are consistent with how they've been for the past 100 years or so. That's enough for a safe ~$60,000 withdrawal a year. but i'm still investing so this will all happen much sooner, hence the 45 year old estimate.

slow and steady is better than not having a chance like so many others. look around you, how many people will actually be able to retire, let alone be able to retire at an age where they can still enjoy life to the fullest? it's worth the little sacrifices to ensure longterm prosperity and comfort.
seems to me you dodged a bullet there, anon.

my very first gf when we were both 16 had a kid with a dude 44 yo then another after we broke up with another 40-something. She ended up marrying a dumb fuck who would help her support her kids.
im so fucking bored, gf broke up w me 3 days before christmas and i just wanna fucking talk to someone, not about her, but literally fuckall im this bored
Not as horrible as some pretentious vape clerk. You continue to make vaping your life while the rest of us actually do shit with our lives. Don't worry, we'll keep funding your struggle by buying juice, mods, atomizers, batteries, etc.

Lighten up you stuck up fuck.
I don't think they will make kinds soon , he has a daughter of the same age of my ex. And the daughter just had a kid , so ,idk but "knowing" her I don't think they will have kids. How long was your relationship with her ?
Like shit apparently. Feel like I'm stuck with a BS woman and bs life. Want to kill myself everday
What line of work are you in? Also, education up to and, if ongoing, above requirements pertaining to this work?
> 26
>didn't finish high school
>moved to foreign country with gf.
>worked at McDonald for shitty pay
>get kicked out because I wasn't having desire to work
>look for Job for a while, get a job as driver
>got the hang of it and start my own business in delivery
>two years later since I came here I have a new Audi a5 and a nice house in a quiet neighborhood.
I'm a mechanical engineer. I didn't have any student debt. started working at 22 making $57k a year and ended work at the company i was at this year making $71k. for my new job i'm hourly at $51 an hour working 40 hours a week.

bachelors degree only. my past and current job required a bachelors degree in an engineering field.
Tech jobs like network admin are way over saturated with qualified people. Truth be told, plumbers, electricians, people who work with their hands are gonna take the middle class back over.
>mcse, a+, s+, cne(no one uses NetWare anymore) certs here and I make a decent living as a tradesman(stonemason)
I'm not even mad though
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Pretty good actually, I'm going to school again after being in the Navy for 4 years. I'm working on a degree that I want and is actually useful to society. I'm living well within my means and my hobbies include running and making mead. My first batch just finished and i'm drinking some right now. Life is pretty good.
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just turned 40
bought groceries for the weekend
gonna make shrimp bisque and tomato bacon tortellini
probably masturbate to /e/ in my one bedroom apt
probably stream some bronze placement games
work on my canvas games a little
masturbate some more, maybe sunny lane idk

what are youse guys plans for this weekend?
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22 here

Will my sex drive fade?
I hate sex and sexuality. I just wanna be happy.
Well since it's Christmas eve tomorrow i'm going out to take out homeless people to dinner. Since I've been away from my family for the last 6 years I've made it a habit to take homeless people out to dinner on Thanksgiving and Christmas.
25 here, It hasn't for me and I don't want it to. I just go for hookers though so It may be different for me.
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Well shit nigger.
Image explains my disdain.
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I've thought about "taking out" homeless people. I would never get caught and I've always wanted to kill people.
Thread posts: 143
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