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Let's get away from the same old tranny, gore, rekt, waifu,

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Let's get away from the same old tranny, gore, rekt, waifu, loli, YLYL threads.

What is /b/ using to take care of their face?

>Barbasol Pacific Rush
>DSC 4 blade razor subscription
>Sample of Proraso after shave. Which makes my face numb. Feels good.

I dollar shave club because I'm a daily shaved for my job.

Pic related.
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Nothing, my beard is untamed and free
Aveeno, beard oil
No cream or lotion? My face gets so itchy when I let my beard grow.
Cvs brand razors
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Beardfag here. I just use a little oil daily to keep it soft.
I use old school safety razors, only thing that ive tried that wont leave shitty red bumps all over
>hella cheap too
$6 a month for 4 brand new 4 blade razors delivered to my mailbox. DSC.
Can't cut a beard line with those 5 blade razors though.
$8 for 100 blades, delivered to my mailbox as well
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If I had to be shaved for my job (I don't) I'd do the dollar shave club too. I just hate the idea of spending $20 on fucking razors and shit.

I keep a neatly trimmed beard and I just have my barber do it for me because I'm basically too retarded to do it myself and have it be straight.

Sometimes I'll take a razor to it. Can't let the neck beard grow in. But apart from that, a little Gibs beard oil and I'm good to go.
Does the brush actually help?
Dorco is cheaper than dollar shave club.

Safety Razor guy here. 9 bucks a year for 100 blades. Jumped ship from the Gillette-tard club 10 years ago.
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soap to wash in the shower
pic related every morning with a blade shave once a fortnight
fuck you and your faggy marketing attempt faggot
>Does the brush actually help?
It does if you stick it up your ass
What in the unamerican fuck is going on shaving your face?? Next your gonna tell me you suck cock and wear panties
Clean and Clear face soap in the shower
Edge Shave Gel
Whatever discount 3 black Schick disposibles
Nivea aftershave balm
...or, maybe people need to look professional for their job
The secret is that you buy an electric razor, maybe 30 to 60 bucks. Use it to shave as much as you can.

Then shave with a saftey razor you can even use a cheap as shit one since 99 percent of the resistence is gone. It keeps your blades sharper longer and gets you a super close shave.
this guy knows what's up>>715292462
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Lol professionals have beards

pussy faggot liberals have clean shaven faces
. guessing your a pussy faggot aka trap CD aka al gore fan
Nothing more American than shaving your face daily serving your country in the US military.

Although at times I wish I didn't have to shave like the Brits, or Australians.

I also DSC
Yes. I started using saving soap last dec. and never looked back. 10x better than cream aND gel. This is what I use
not american.
you got the liberal part right though.
does donald trump have a beard?
Lol you must be some pleb ass enlisted rank that isn't allowed beard. Get back behind that desk chair force pussy and let the real men bathe in the blood.
it's amazing how much a brush helps
you sound like you have an iq in the double digits
Anon no one cares unless your story starts with no shit there I was 0300 in Kuwait. But it doesn't anon your support not infantry so go back to sucking cock and boxing up my ammo
Even MARINES dont have beards moron and they are door kickers. Only people growing beards are SEALs and that's because they need to assimilate.
>Some sort of razor
Hahaha sure thing shitbag 11x ra40 good ole Benny hill when DS use to beat the fuck outa us. Sounds like you need your stress card bitch
Lol you're probably a POG. Boxing up your ammo? I bet you've never fired a gun in your life. Except for in Halo or Call of Duty behind your computer screen.
Only use single blade cheap disposable razors. No lotions.
Wrong again kiddo wrong again.
>be me
>gotta shave
a good mate of mine is special forces.
his team are all clean shaven except for when they toured afghanistan.
Lmao Alpha Co. 219 tradoc in 03 I'm sure Benny hill has changed since you shit bag millennials have feelings and shit
No shit there I was 0300 and no cream
someone's a badass
That makes no sense to me
I use the same aftershave. Nice.

Fag. Nobody cares stop making shit up. You always were and always will be a nobody. Did you fight in WW2? No? They shaved then! And they were harder then you'll ever be. Last great war we fought.
It won't dipshit RA40 is an attachment no longer offered. And only thing close now adays is just pre airborne attachment on meps.
Anyone use harry's? I was thinking about giving them a shot, have only used Gillette before.
Oh do you need a safe space faggot. Let me guess your just a paper pusher who files people promotion request or just sits around listening to CO with a dick in your ass. God the DoD really fucked up letting transgenders in
Never heard of it.
It will be in target stores Q1 2017
>Merkur 63C heavy, long handled safety razor
>merkur or feather safety razor blades
>Truefitt & Hill 1805 shave soap
>Rooney no. 7 Super Silvertip brush
>Art of Shaving preshave oil
>C & Co beard oil
>Braun series 9 electric shaver
>calling me a dipshit because I've never been in the defense force
grab those n12 ligatures 300 centres and half centres over compression lap suffit is 2860 with 3 extra ties at 80mm
This is very unhelpful, it's not like I can't just order off their website. Thanks for nothing.
lol. they let trannies in?
You're just mad that you got a dishonorable discharge probably for something stupid and now you're not getting any benefits and you don't know what to do with your missing hand so all you do is ram the nub end of your arm up your ass all day drinking and smoking cigarettes while your white trash wife fucks other people because your micropenis can't satisfy her and all you can do is watch your daughter grow up to be a whore because your a shit father and drink all the time.
I think so now actually. And people with HIV/AIDS
Howitzer guy from marins arnt you?
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Are you OK. Do you need a adult?
Well fuckwad they have a thing called display and there you can demo product before buying it. Can a website do that
best razor of my life
Holy shit. How many ways can you kill me JUST with your bare hands? How's you're gorilla warfare?
I thought that was the package that comes with trannies
I had them, they're pretty good- smooth shave, little irritation(sensitive skin), great price, but safety razors were just better for me
And if your a tranny you get to wave the physical at meps and down range. Think about that. Also women are allowed to enter combative roles with less required physical tests. All and all Obama's new army is filled with softies trannies and cry babies. For fuck sakes they let them have cell phones in basic and can't even put marins in dry anymore
You're just off playing world police, spending 60% of your annual budget total on the military. The only reason you're over there is so the filthy rich can get even richer, do you really find pride in this shit?
...Sorry pal, thanks for something I guess.
What do you prefer about safety razors?
I usually would laugh at something like that. that's beyond a joke though
Stop shilling for dsc
No my DD214 is as clean as my cock. Maybe a little herpy from acouple article 15s in Italy but clean dd214 with some fancy ribbons and acouple tower of power tabs dipshit. Not to mention a class 3 license
gillette mach3 with storebrand razors, and some homemade stuff made from coconout oil and a bunch of other 'essential oils'. Might as well save some money to make up for what my wife pays for that shit.
Dollar shave club fucking sucks. The razors go dull after like 3 uses. I have a subscription to the Gillette fusion 8 pack or whatever and it costs $30 every 5 months and the blades stay sharp throughout. The equal version of the dollar shave club used to cost $45 in that time period. They're shitty blades and a shitty deal.
Your a tanker arnt you? Is it true the M1A3 is about to roll out for deployment?
I just go to a barber and he cleans up my face and brows. Pretty nice.
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just coconut oil daily and pic related every couple of weeks. Tweeze brows, no shaving.
Samefag arguing with himself
Like i mentioned, my skin is super sensitive, and those are hella sharp, give a smooth shave. Also they dont clog up with hair, so you can use them a couple of shaves/shave longer beard without having to use multiple razors. Plus theyre cheap af
Anon I'm out. And yes enjoyed every minute except losing my brother. You ever kill another man and not know what in the living fuck his last words were because he speaks shitdick Arabic. It's a good feeling anon
I used the cheapo bic razors and barbasol. Shave nightly, skipping some days like thursday-saturday
Kek fucking pleb
yeah i agree. i get itchies after a week. then i gotta shave.
Hahaha, my wife does the same thing. That essential oil diffuser shit. Love her for it though. Makes the house smell good.
It's not a joke it the reality of what are nations first line of defense is made up of now. No longer men but bearded women and softies that are suppose to kill but can't be hazed. That's why I left
Fuck off faggot
Fucking stupid hipster garbage.
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Your welcome b/ro maybe today will be the day you leave your parents basement
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13 year old with 3 chin hairs detected
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You might be right be anon is also right. Hipsters are like the scum of modern society.
Is it true that the growing of the beard is directly proportional to the shaving? I mean if you shave eveeyday your beard gets bigger something like that
a hipster would be someone shaving with a straight razor like a faggot
I use my old Bowie knife and hand soap for decades
mine grows a shit ton from vitamin B7
How do dollar shave razors compare to others you've tried? I can't make up my mind between DSC and Harry's. Everyone says Harry's is better, but I dunno how much better.
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Safety razor ftw.
>cheapest, least waste, best for skin, no ingrown hairs

>Merkur 11C HD razor
>Israeli Personna blades
>Beauty Strokes H.I.S shaving brush
>C.O. Bigelow/Proraso shaving cream
>Nivea sensitive skin post shave balm
no pic because im lazy, but i have a dovo shavette, omega boar brush, and i use red prorasso
I haven't shaved in months.
Good for you, great cause. 600 billion, a healthy, natural sum

bought and used it once and now growing a beard again it was too fucking cold without
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>safety razor

fucking this
get a handle for $20 and 100 blades for $10 and be good to go for a year or two

they're fucking identical to what you get in the store

if you want a cheap, close shave, you want a safety razor
It's called private sector now and it pay way more and you definitely get shot at less. And answer dumb ass questions about convoy movement and asset protection
My legal Mexican friend uses a straight razor. I think he a vato loco tho homes

Fucking kike
Dorco def the better deal. I think they supply dollar shave club with the hardware anyway. Worth checking out.

I use a fusion but get pissed every time I need to buy cartridges. Such a rip off. Might try the safety razor route.
ok. Are safety razors all the same or are there better ones? I don't want to pay out the ass for a meme if there is a cheap one that does the same shit.
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Badass viking beard oil is all I need.
I never knew Kipkay used 4chan
I have shaved twice in the last 15 years.
when I get sick of the beard I take the guard off my trimmer and take it down to stubble.

also, met a few marines that assholes, but for the most part they were cool.

but the guys that get out and put bullshit stickers all over their cars and continue to call themselves marines... yeah, those guys are fucking faggots. nothing more fun than making them cry.
theyre like 9 bucks for 100 blades,
>inb4 only takes 1 to kill self
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I meant the handle. I know the blades are all pretty much the same.
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