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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: *#&#^#[ Rules: >Claim

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 161
Thread images: 151

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Waifu claiming thread.

Previous: *#&#^#[

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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"You are a real follower of our survival gamers. It is fantastic to be atrocious. You must be the one beyond good and evil."

Sonokawa Momoka is now OFFICIALLY claimed! ^^
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still here
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Sneaky Sneaky Win Win.jpg
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>I win
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Syndra [306].jpg
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Thanks for the bode of confidence my wife is going to get the cheat book for me tomorrow.
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i am awake.
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Rumia claimed
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Is that the thing from DKC3?
Good night guys. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day...
Where are you that it's afternoon?
Also, hello! How goes it?
>inb4 'it goes' or other vague answer.
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What? You have a wife? Who do you love more your wife, or your waifu?
Ah damn.
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well its midnight right now. actually excited for tomorrow
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Can a real girl be your waifu guys?
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Teto is the only waifu-worthy Vocaloid.
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Hey, same where I am.
Why're you excited for tomorrow?
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the swedish tanks launch tomorrow in world of tanks or well later today
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Konachan.com - 231173 sample.jpg
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YOU FUCKING GUYS ALWAYS POST THE SAME WAIFUS! you fucking idiots at least post something different, i'm sick and tired of seeing the same waifus again and again and again, fuck you all, get some OC or gtfo, kill yourselves.
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uh yeah?
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Ika School.jpg
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Hey that's cool.
A bunch of former-pals of mine used to play that game, I wonder if I should try sometime.

Don't worry fam, I wish I was dead too.

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its a bit grindy i guess if youre bored give it a go
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Hi. How's everyone's night going?

Them fish puns tho.
Shit how could I forget the reply

Goes to >>715211753
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im a bit tired but hello hanako
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Hello hanako. How goes?
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Yuno 3839.png
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I have to agree with this. Like half of the weeaboos I like claim Yuno as their waifu.

Yuno claimed.
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wouldnt that put you in with them though?
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Hello Tomoko my love.

Pretty good. And you?
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Ika Hardcore Snail Ride.gif
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Dead thread
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have you had a good day dear?
its been like this around this time
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Ika Make Up 2.jpg
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Late post

You know just sitting here. Waiting.
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No because I'm Yuno's #1 fan.
For how long has it been like this?

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i know an anon that would disagree
a while now. its been me and hanako chatting while a few lurk. people are probably on discord or something
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Mini Ika is too adorable.

More or less, it was a bit boring though. How was yours my darling?

For what?
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Another Yuno claimer/ I'll kill them and take my Yuno from their cold dead hands.
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well I moved some stuff around for a Christmas event for about 4 hours. they give toys to poor kids.
well there is 2 more and I quite like one of them.
I'll crush anyone in my way even if you "like" them.
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Ika Chibi Runs.gif
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No one else? Makoto? Or Mami? All I know is that telegram is on life support.

Thanks love.

Just waiting. For nothing. Next day maybe.
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what about the other half of the weeaboos that like yuno?
Makoto lurks i think and Mami turns up every now and again
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That sounds nice.
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You Know Gasai (20).jpg
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Well whadda we have here, a tough guy uh?
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its a nice thing but no where near as nice as you.
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>Says he loves Yuno
>Posts a pic with yukki
You're a fucking cuck get out of here you edgelord Yuno's mine
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Ika Chibi Eat.gif
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So there are 3 Yunos now?

Trips declare truth
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Who is the real one?!?
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Reminds me of this. Would watch the hell out of it.

I'm the OG nigga, fuck all these fake ass tricks
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Trips boys, yuno's mine
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Okay I found the one I talk to, just trying to figure it out. I know that slang well enough <3
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there was 2 but a new one is now a thing yeah
doesnt sound up my alley
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You know Gasai (125).jpg
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Fuck yo trips nigga

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Ika Smug 2.png
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That's all that you are. A nigga
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Jesus christ they're all here now.

Oh my there you go again making me blush.
Wuz gud baby? Just had to drop by to check out this fake ass 3rd Yuno I noticed from archives

Who the fuck are you
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It's fine, deny all you want
It won't untrip my post
Deny this
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im sure you could do it to me right back
Hey hey hey just playing some games and saying hi to the thread, havent been here in a cool minute just wanted to see if we had any new faces is all! I see you are victorious, congrats bb
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Ika Cool.jpg
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Yuno, that guy.
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You know Gasai (9).png
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Ight Ight I oughta head to bed now, got work tomorrow

Cheeki fuck
I'm sure i could, you little cutie~.

This fuckin guy.
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Good idea, I think I might too. Goodnight

Night friends
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Hanako 1.png
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Goodnight. Sleep well~.
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I think you should right now sweetie
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Ika Smug 3.jpg
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Cheeki breeki?

I din du nuffin wron
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Well why don't you come a little closer so i can feel you warm body against mine.

Maximum smug.
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lewd but i am happy to be closer to you any chance i get
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Ika おはよう.png
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Which reminds me. Does M'smugs still show up?
Am i to late?
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I can't sleep
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never too late unless its past the image cap
because youre posting?
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Ika Eat.jpg
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Post your ballistic missile
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As am i. But aside from just our bodies being close, i wanted to see your cute face up close.

Not sure who you mean.

Yes. For what?
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I dont know if I could gaze into your eyes for too long without feeling totally embarrassed
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I believe name was Shinoa. Short person, purple hair. Liked smugs. Here's a pic if you need it.

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Don't worry, it wouldn't last long. As i wouldn't be able to look into your beautiful face for long before giving you a deep kiss.
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they do yeah less than normal but yes
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not my dick.jpg
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enjoy :o
I'm gonna fap soon that gets me sleepy
i never understood why Yuno is popular. she's batshit crazy.
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Ah yes i thought that might be who you meant. they usually post in the afternoon/evening.
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youre just so sweet you know that?
doesnt your waifu shoot people too?
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It's because they want someone who would unconditionally love them, like she does Yuuki. At least thats what i think.
Don't post *kiss* while showing your dick pls
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Not as sweet as your lips.
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Ika What!.gif
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Ok cool.

I didn't want to see that...
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She would never do something like that!
That's very sweet of you to think that.
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Good morning waifu

Smooth and thirsty
It's not mine :o
you asked for it ._.
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i mean i dont have any balms or stuff
no ive seen the gifs
is 3am morning or night? :o
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Good morning!
It's their own fault for being in the way.
It's still A dick and i don't like it -_-
would you mind posting yours?

we can do it on discord for privacy :o
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TomoyoKanzaki {119}.gif
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No -_-
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it's 11:23 am

But I just woke up

Morning, how are you?
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uh sure just dont admit your waifu is a little crazy like yuno its ok.
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That was part of her appeal to me. but the batshit craziness outweighs that.


No balms or gloss could ever compare to your natural taste.
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TomoyoKanzaki {102}.jpg
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I have to go now so bye
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i thought they were meant to enhance?
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Ika Sleep.png
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Just as degenerate as ever.

I'm outtie. Got test tomorrow and it's 2:30am
i feel awful, i haven't felt this sick since i had the flu
yuno kills people, iirc!
i don't mind her killing people to protect yukki but she took pleasure in it, she's crazy.
bye tomato head
bye squid
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How's you been?

So you probably have the flu again? Time for some medicine
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i know
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See ya.

Maybe, but i don't think you need it. Your mouth is already sweeter than any berry. It's intoxicating~.


She just took shit too far, trying to kill the wrong people. Like his friends and shit.
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there isn't any and i'm too weak to go outside. tell me why you think so many people love yuno.
Momoka doesn't kill people.
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did she really have a choice?
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I think it's because of >>715216389 that. Like Hanako said. If she wouldn't enjoy killing, she'd be the most caring waifu there is. Going so far as to change your diapers when you're old or just unable to properly do something.
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Hanako you really make me smile. thank you.
oh well it seems like she does
i think its better edgy people want edgy waifus
you really think someone this cute would harm anyone?
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i mean she does look like someone that would
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u never told me where you're from
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Could also be because of that.
But... am I edgy? Because my waifu sure is considered edgy
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Yeah, there were many times where "chill the fuck out" was a good choice.

You're very welcome, i'm happy i could make you feel that way. You make me feel the same.

That probable fits a good chunk of the people who like Yuno.
Also don't try to fool me, i can see behind that cute face is the face of a cold blooded kiler.
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Pretty good. and yourself?
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Nooo hohoho not in a million years. she's perfect.
not sure if i want to answer that in public!
You could be edgy but i haven't seen it, you hide it well. You must like skimming on the edge of darkness.
I read that as "netflix and kill". I really need to get over this cold.
Oh please, she wouldn't hurt a fly!
you guys all are gay and have shit tier waifus.
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well good its nice to feel a little appreciated
then why does she have a gun
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the edgyness is CRAAAWLING UNDER MY SKIIIIN or however that song goes

Doing fine too, just woke up, will probably do some chores and hate the fact that I have to study my ass off today.

What about you? Did you plan anything today besides hitting on smug?
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I'll let my waifu handle this.
to defend herself like a good american.
i forgot where that song is from!
Why aren't these threads on /a/?
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No idea. Some anon said some edgy band. Linkin Park? Green Day? I really don't know

Not every waifu is from an anime.
Also /a/ are cucks not allowing these threads

There were some other reasons too but I forgot those
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oh so she would kill and or hurt people
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You're right, she wouldn't HURT a fly, she would kill it so quick it couldn't feel a thing. Her bloodlust can not be quenched.



Yeah i have to go to the post office today to mail a pacage.

it's Crawling by Linkin Park.
I don't like either of those bands. Why is your waifu edgy?
Yes, in self defense!
Lies and slander. She would give the fly a good home with lots of poop.
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of course id love to return it to you in the same sort of intimate way
it doesnt change the fact she is a killer
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Oh, from Linkin Park, thanks.

Doesn't sound like too much to do.

I don't know. Most people who play undertale and got to see my waifu just killed every single monster/person in the underworld and then blamed it on Chara. Then they got pissie when Chara killed/destroyed/erased the rest of the now empty world and are selling their soul so they can go back to the world.

I think they are just shoving their responsibility on someone else.
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It's not self defense if she instigates it. Only to draw in more flys under a false sense of security so she can go on a serial killing rampage.

Oh my how lewd. I like it.
mugi is pretty hot desu
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then you will like what comes next even more
No one this cute is a killer.
And I will be playing that game very soon. Thanks.
now you're just assuming things!
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forgot pic
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u gots a snapchat?
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Have fun with that. You won't see Chara on your first run.

But sorry that I spoiled a bit for you.
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not sure if that's allowed where i live
i've been thinking about playing it for a while now though, but life gets it the way and doesn't move!
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she looks like yuno
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>Life gets its way and doesn't move
>Friend of mine is spamming me on how fast and far in he's with FF XV and Pokemon
>He als complains about how much he has to study for math in high school because of shit teacher
>He still finds 2-3 hours a day if not more to play the fucking game
>I sit there, grinding my teeth, studying while shitposting

I'm going to end some bitch when this continues.
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It kinda sucks they are mostly known as an edgy meme these days, i really like them. Yeah it gonna be a simple day. Sucks you have to study though.

Oh my, i can't wait.

I can see right past that facade of hers.
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well im sorry Hanako but you will have to wait a little bit. I am tired and i should have gone to bed an hour ago. Thank you again for this and ill be sure to try and make next time special for my uh sudden leaving.
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Since I don't care much about music, I didn't even know they were an edgy meme before someone told me about it when I asked what the fuck he means with CRAAAAWLING IN MY SKIIIN
...That was two or three weeks ago.

Eh, there is worse than studying.

Goodnight smug, sleep well
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It's ok, i need to be getting to bed soon as well. I look forward to it. Goodnight my sweet Tomoko.
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goodnight Chara. have a nice day.
goodnight Hanako. sweet dreams
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Goodnight, all. Have a wonderful day.

She does look like Yuno, huh? But at least she's prettier.
Don't worry he's faliling all his classes. That's pretty funny though lol.
You can only see it right before she ends your life!
bye bye
nice feet
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I certainly hope he isn't failing his classes. Or else I'm really going to end him.

Oh, you're going to bed? Goodnight!

Thanks smug
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They were the shit back in the day. Still my favorite band.

Good morning.
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I know, some friends of mine, also enjoyed the band back in my day. But they weren't edgy, in fact, they were nerds

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