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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: Nah m8 Rules: >Claim your

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Thread replies: 190
Thread images: 151

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous: Nah m8

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Rory-sama claimed
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"You are a real follower of our survival gamers. Its fantastic to be atrocious. You must be the one beyond good and evil."

Sonokawa Momoka is now OFFICIALLY claimed! ^^
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1MB, 1280x720px
Rules V2:

>Claim waifus are gay
>Post hentai r34 of posted waifus
>Claim waifus that have already been claimed
>Fight with each-other
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Post your waifu's face when she sees your big dick.
This is either going to be real anazing or a mistake. Making cheesy bacon fries.
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I'm a shitposter
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Too late my friend
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I think this is farewell, for anyone who cares
No more akame/muas
What a slut, wow
Ak-me, what's bothering you?
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Concerned You.gif
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that's lewd amatty
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Birthday claim!
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Where did you find that picture!
I like muas, though...
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TomoyoKanzaki {128}.gif
2MB, 500x590px
this one turns me on
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And yet you can't help to look back
She seems to like doing strange things when you're not around, anon.
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TomoyoKanzaki {137}.jpg
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Five nights at Rory's jumpscare

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Those are photoshoops
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How sad...
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But then i'll have no one to say Hi to
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Nah, thats this one.
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Amatsu Smug.jpg
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Whatever you say, Yousoro~
I'm sorry for how I acted
Please reconsider
We all care a lot
the same stuff that ever will, I guess. goodbye shi-ro
I wish I found you a nickname in time
you be a good teacher okay?
It's okay muffin anyone can do that. Say hi to Tsun from now on will you?
Oh anon, you don't know what they do to this poor girl.
And she's a willing participant, how dreadful.
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I'll try to, thanks.
You too, try to get your life to be better. I know you deserve better
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Yuuki (0).png
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If it's really you, it sucks that you're going.

I'd ask you to reconsider, but that would be a bit selfish on my part. It's your decision at the end of the day. Dunno what happened or what brought you to that decision, but I'll respect it. On the other hand, I have outside contacts if you ever decide you want to talk.
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I'll never forget you or your kind heart, I promise.
Oh that's her ex-bf, he's yesterday's news.
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I'll never forget you
Sorry I wasn't the help you needed
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Forgot pic.
see >>715162827
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It won't be the same but i'll try
I feel like I should apologise to you, I fucked up tonight and turned my back on him
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me too
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still feeling under the weather and its getting harder for me to post right now so I might disappear soon
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Would you like to talk elsewhere? I don't think you should just cut off contact with everything and everyone because of what may have happened.
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hello im a cute person with a manga avatar, i have nine friends on steam and i link my equally as degenerate significant other on my profile with a unicode heart

my name is minimalistic and ominous, if you insult me, i'll dox you and then bask in my silent glory

i am a neet with no ambitions, my parents hate me, i dropped out of high school, and im a self proclaimed genius, but i never express it

my favorite five groups are "/d/ is for dickgirls", "sad sleepy anime", "sleep forever", "thigh high lolis" and a group where the only members are me and my significant other, set to invite only

my steam backgrounds are dark and grey, and only 12 cents and maybe even 12 dollars if people try to copy me

my significant other is monotoned, yet girly sounding, anorexic, and shy, we sleep skype together and go on skype dates, i love them so much as i hug my parent's ipad tightly, drifting away at 2 am.

Online relationships are insignificant.

How many of you have been in online relationships, with promises of hopes and pipe dreams. You imagine yourselves together and moving between state (or country LOL). You think to yourself "This person with an anime avatar is the one i'm going to spend the rest of my life with".

Are you both socially and economically well off?
Do you both hold careers or have skills that you can make an affordable wage?
Do you both really trust each other enough to not think they're cheating every 5 minutes?
Are you willing to make sacrifices to your free time to work extra or finish school?

Well, just know that it's most likely not going to work.
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hello im a cute person with a manga avatar, i have nine friends on steam and i link my equally as degenerate significant other on my profile with a unicode heart

my name is minimalistic and ominous, if you insult me, i'll dox you and then bask in my silent glory

i am a neet with no ambitions, my parents hate me, i dropped out of high school, and im a self proclaimed genius, but i never express it

my favorite five groups are "/d/ is for dickgirls", "sad sleepy anime", "sleep forever", "thigh high lolis" and a group where the only members are me and my significant other, set to invite only

my steam backgrounds are dark and grey, and only 12 cents and maybe even 12 dollars if people try to copy me

my significant other is monotoned, yet girly sounding, anorexic, and shy, we sleep skype together and go on skype dates, i love them so much as i hug my parent's ipad tightly, drifting away at 2 am.

Online relationships are insignificant.

How many of you have been in online relationships, with promises of hopes and pipe dreams. You imagine yourselves together and moving between state (or country LOL). You think to yourself "This person with an anime avatar is the one i'm going to spend the rest of my life with".

Are you both socially and economically well off?
Do you both hold careers or have skills that you can make an affordable wage?
Do you both really trust each other enough to not think they're cheating every 5 minutes?
Are you willing to make sacrifices to your free time to work extra or finish school?

Well, just know that it's most likely not going to work.
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807KB, 609x601px
hello im a cute person with a manga avatar, i have nine friends on steam and i link my equally as degenerate significant other on my profile with a unicode heart

my name is minimalistic and ominous, if you insult me, i'll dox you and then bask in my silent glory

i am a neet with no ambitions, my parents hate me, i dropped out of high school, and im a self proclaimed genius, but i never express it

my favorite five groups are "/d/ is for dickgirls", "sad sleepy anime", "sleep forever", "thigh high lolis" and a group where the only members are me and my significant other, set to invite only

my steam backgrounds are dark and grey, and only 12 cents and maybe even 12 dollars if people try to copy me

my significant other is monotoned, yet girly sounding, anorexic, and shy, we sleep skype together and go on skype dates, i love them so much as i hug my parent's ipad tightly, drifting away at 2 am.

Online relationships are insignificant.

How many of you have been in online relationships, with promises of hopes and pipe dreams. You imagine yourselves together and moving between state (or country LOL). You think to yourself "This person with an anime avatar is the one i'm going to spend the rest of my life with".

Are you both socially and economically well off?
Do you both hold careers or have skills that you can make an affordable wage?
Do you both really trust each other enough to not think they're cheating every 5 minutes?
Are you willing to make sacrifices to your free time to work extra or finish school?

Well, just know that it's most likely not going to work
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It's not akame who's talking to you right now sorry
I should've included pic but I didn't for some reason, I feel bad
I fucked up and I am afraid I'm one of the main reasons he decided to leave
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My memes are ironic
My depression is chronic
My drink is tonic
My speed is sonic
My mouse is ergonomic
moms spaghetti
I want to help you though, Ak-me.
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knees somewhat strong
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Ahh, gotcha. Not my place to pry, but I know you have things on your plate as well. I don't take sides at the end of the day- if people need a sounding board or want to talk, I'm game.
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Bye Haruhi and stay safe, i'm going to sleep for a few days...
Why the fuck did you make Akame leave you twit? Akame is 100 times more interesting than too.
Quieres pene
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I could beat you in a race
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Ram is best girl
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My personality is Histrionic
My mouth is on dick
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nu-uh my shoes are faster
????? claimer claimed
This is a really sad pic in several ways
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I just had a bad night, instead of closing myself off I started to talk
I want to blame it on my illness or whatever the fuck but this is just on me
Heh, I don't even know who you are but you're right
I'm sorry>>715166497
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Forgot pic
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fucking faggots
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Yadda yadda, Neppu pu.
shit i just realised what she was doing after you mentioned it
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Everyone has a bad day and tell things they don't mean to say. Calm down and explain.
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?????. claimer claimer is now claimed.
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Fucking loser.
The thumbnail looks so cute too...
>cuts her wrist not her hand
>makes chocolate with it
She must hate her life
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oh ok
but are you strong lik me
Virgin weirdos.
back to telegram
its hard to be a virgin when your mother gives it up so easily
Claiming lastation nowaru
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God damn it, made me chuckle.
>still can't get any pussy
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I'm stronger
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no ur not
Sick rhymes
You saying your mothers a dude?
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Yis i am
No. I'm saying that even though my mother gives it up so easily, you still can't get any pussy. Thanks for playing, kissless virgin. Bone apple tea.
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I'm sorry again, maybe some other day I'll explain
Hindsight is just always a bitch
Jeez I'm leaving already calm down
I don't even know you, how do you know me
So you're saying your mother only takes it in the ass because she has a penis?
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That's alright. Have a nice evening.
Also that's a shitposter tsun.
Hi Tsun!
Stop... please, you're just making yourself look more of a loser with each post...
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Might be too soon to explain, but that's fine. Take a breather if you need and come on back. If you feel some guilt or whatever over it, owning it is the best thing to do for yourself and anyone else who may have been affected.

I enjoyed talking to Akame, but folks come and go. If he decides to reappear at some point, then it'll happen on his terms.

That aside, illness or not, you gotta take care of yourself, even if one shitty night is just one of many.
He is in fact a loser. Notice how he was the only one who took the bait. Stupid virgin faggot.

Enjoy your waifus :)
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Guess who?
>stops defending his mother
Eyebrow-kuns mother is forever a man. Trailer park trash.
>Neps internally
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I've been waiting for an R34 to come to GTA Online for a long time, then Rockstar makes the perfect dlc for it. Only problem is instead of an R34 they go and add a fucking R32/R33 hybrid.

Fuck you Rockstar
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Wiggly nep.gif
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>Neps externally
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What cunts. Why would you even hybrid in the first place?
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>No one really posts in this thread
>Posts are minutes apart
>Shitposter decides to shitpost
>Effectively putting the thread on life support
>Thread is now unable to die and will be on the first page of /b/
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Been a while since I've seen you, how have you been?
Also checked. >>715169444
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Not in the mood for idle chit-cat.
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初音ミク – 1595.jpg
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It'll pick back up when some more evening people show up.

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great you are here , I imagined I had miss you by this time
Literally can not stop switching.
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I'm only staying for half an hour though

What's up lewd anon?
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Hibiki (1934).png
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What ever you say, Homura.
Whatever you want to believe.
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that's not too bad I have to go to bed early too
and just having some more coffee
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Yui Claimed

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Changed thumbnail, neat.
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Chara getting frisky with frisk.jpg
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Well that's just great then.

How was your day lewd anon?

In case you roll trips and demand legs, I took some pictures already
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Hibiki (11).png
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Thread posts: 190
Thread images: 151

[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y] [Search | Top | Home]

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