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Is it possible for someone to instantly hack you after you

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Is it possible for someone to instantly hack you after you hack them b?
depends on what you mean by hacking. If you mean like DoS attacks, then you could be getting the packets that you requested back since you didn't properly spoof your address. If you mean like you cracked into someone's system, then they could just backtrack you.
How can they backtrack you?
Those little bits of data have to go somewhere to get from their computer to yours. Those are called "packets". All packets are marked by their point of origin I.P. Address (which is easily manipulated) and their destination address (harder to spoof, but possible). They just follow the packets as they are routed through to your system. It's really not hard, and once they have your I.P. they can often find your rough geographical location and start tracking your movements and packets.
But how could they of accessed my account so quickly. I get the ip tracking thing but how did they enter my email? Could linux just be my phone or pc????
Linux is what it said the device was btw.
Can you just spell out what you did and what you think is happening?
It's pretty hard to tell what you mean. Linux is an OS similar to Windows that comes in many different versions. Many programmers use it. It had phone versions as well, although I don't think they are as popular.
I'm no where near a hacker btw just used that as a generalisation. I guessed the password and it wouldn't let me in because of two satge verification and then a notification came through saying a linux device assesed my email recently straight after.
I figured as much from the start of your thread, but unless the person's system that you were trying to crack sent them a notification about the attempt, they wouldn't know what you did. From there, I'm guessing that the Linux device that tried accessing your email is someone else that basically is doing what you're doing. I don't think the two are directly related, but I would change your important passwords. Who/what may I ask did you try to gain access to?
Just guessing an old crushes password. Don't know why. It was there email from a few years back of there I thought was dead. Didn't expect to guess it on first go. It was gmail so a notification was definitely sent with ip aswell.
They definitely alerted your old crush then with where you logged in from and your IP. If your crush can figure out it was you, there may be enough proof for a conviction of some kind. If that email isn't really in use anymore, then it probably doesn't matter. In the future, try using computers at libraries and such for these kinds of "missions". lmao
What you did though is called "cracking" not "hacking". On that note, I wouldn't worry too much about it unless your crush has the means to really know it was you and track you down lol
She has a fuckin brute boyfriend who I think will get me ffs. Why did I even do it? I'm so fucking stupid!!!
If they did get in my email. They know who I am and will either find me, report me or name shame me and effectively wreck my life.
I'd add that an IP would not give the account details. They'd have to know your account name to try to bf your password; an IP won't be enough as you could access your email from any IP
I just prayed and silently died inside anyway.
This man speaks the truth. I wouldn't worry about it, but I would examine what made you decide to do all this. Maybe you should go out and take a walk
Current life sucks compared to back then. Thats probably why I did it. It was spur of the moment and I regret it so much right now.
If you tried to access the email from home then they'll have your home IP. Assuming you have a dynamic IP your ISP can identify you from you IP and, depending on your local laws, might hand that information over if LEO produced a warrant or subpoena, as it's possible you've committed a cyber crime - some sort of unauthorised access attempt by computer.

Highly unlikely, imho.

If you have a static IP then they may be able to see the address assigned from any of the easily-available tracing tools.
I firstly used an app for vpn but not sure whether I did it whilst on normal wifi or not.
So you used a VPN? The the IP they will have will be that of the VPN node, not yours. Assuming it was active.
If it was active ahhhhhh
Wait could the vpn cause the linux device to connect to my gmail????
And caused the alert
Not unless you accessed your own email on a linux device.
No, that's even less likely and you're now getting paranoid.

The VPN is just an electronic pipe down which your internet traffic travels, with one end at your IP and the other where you emerge to surf the web. I wouldn't know your email address - how could it?
What if the vpn software used a linux os
Yes. View instructions.

*It wouldn't know......

I couldn't possibly know it.

The only people who would know your email address would be your email account provider and anyone you had emailed. If she guessed it might have been you then she'd know exactly where to do to try to bf your account. If she checked your IP she'd know the ISP (delete that if your VPN was in operation - then they're fucked IP-wise) and if she knew who you used she might put 1 and 1 together in a wild guess.

Did your email account tell you the IP of the attempted access?
Software runs off your OS. Unless you ran that VPN through a virtual linux machine and accessed your own email on the VPN, then it was someone else. I agree with>>715133574
in that you're getting a little more parnoid than you need to. Just chill man, get something to drink and take a small walk to clear your head. You did something dumb, but the likelihood of negative consequences are very low.
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No it just said a linux device has accessed your gmail so I instantly reset my password on all accounts.
Love your reassuring message. Its what I need aha. I never do anything like this. I'm a nice guy until now and have never done anything bad to anyone before.
Yes, all you have to do is insert the hack into your hard-drive, then the hack goes to the hacker's computer and hacks him back.

You didn't study hacking in college, did you? I studied at MIT. I learned how to hack, and when you learn how to hack, YOU LEARN HOW TO HACK.

Anyway, I hope this helps, any more hacking questions, please hack me back and I'll help you hack.
Well her bf cant be qualified enough to hack that much surely.
Then it could be anyone trying to hack you. Was it gmail? because gmail usually tells you where any unusual access came from. And did it say it accessed your account, or attempted to?

Either way, resetting passwords is correct. I assume you don't use the same password for more than one system, do you? If you do, that's internet stupidity no. 1 and go change that. It's a pain in the ass, but the only way to protect against data breaches

Do you uise the same user name? Again, I wouldn't. I have a list of user names to make it impossible to work out other stuff about me from a data breach. The only common point are my four email addresses, each used for different purposes.

Yes, I'm paranoid. I'm just an old guy with grey hair who trusts no-one and shares nothing. I have no social media presence. And I'm not even a criminal
I have different passwords for all accounts and multiple usernames. But isn't it extremely ulikely to get hacked straight after doing it yourself persey.
No problem, man. Everyone fucks up at times, but you can't let your mistakes eat you alive. In the future, I would try to limit your attempts to access emails and accounts of people. I'd additionally get educated on how the internet, computers, and basic security works. There's tons of Youtube videos out there that can explain how it all works. Knowing stuff like this can make your world much easier and you won't have to come to 4chan(of all places) for guidance.
teach us to hack MIT style anon.
Also, why are you here, and not in a super wellpaid job now? Thats what i imagine all MIT students be getting
You dun goofed.
It's called backtrace you newfags. And only the cyberpolice can do it.
I'm no expert, but I can't see how anyone could back-trace from an access attempt - the best they'd have to go on is an IP, and not even that if you did have VPN operational.

I'd guess one of two things:
1) Luck. Someone just happened to decide to see if they could get in at that time. if your email told you that it had actually accessed your account they could have been trying for days, with the failed attempts not being recorded (or forwarded to you)

2) Your gf saw someone had attempted to access her email, guessed it was you with no real evidence and knew your email.

The second is the most likely.
Ha ha thanks dude! Appreciated!
Do fuck off, there's a good little boy. Adults are talking.

It's for that exact reason I chose the word I did
I did hover around her for a full month a while back aha. Not crepily just friend zoned!
Fine. Bear in mind that your email had nothing to do with your attempt to access hers. You don't access an email account from an email account, you access it through your browser.
Exactly so how did it even come to mind?
Anyway, I think this has run its course. Looks like you were hacked and you've changed pw.

You tried to access an email you shouldn't, the owner may have guessed it was you but has no proof. Keep quiet, deny and you're golden

I have no idea. You made the connection. Correlation is not causation.

I'm out of this now. Enjoy the rest of your day. Old grey guy out.
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I've got a good quick tutorial for you just pay attention and you'll be hacking in notime!
Hey old man, thanks for helping me with this guy! You were a great help in this sea of shit!
Ha ha yeah dude. Thanks for helping me and you too dude cheers. If anything changes by tommorow. You'll see a post on 4chan ha ha.
First, all you have to do is understand the joke.
Second, you have to know how to get the fucking joke, seriously, I cannot believe you didn't get the joke.
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Double dubs checked and kek'd.

Don't worry. Basically I think the two events are unconnected. If you are sad enough to try and hack an old crushes email address you are probably involved in other sorts of sad activity and it is probably more likely related to that.

It will be something you placed no importance on (unlike you old crushes password) so it hasn't occured to you that it is this other activity and has nothing to do with your crush or her boyfriend.

What you are basically suffering from is known as tell tale heart syndrome or guilty conscience
Your 100 percent right!
....So guys.

What if he's got a sketchy VPN that has a MITM attack on all their users that log into google?

How often do you actually look at that little padlock up in the corner?
Is it illegal to randomly try and guess peoples passwords then?
Yes no shit
1) That's not the issue here. He wants to make sure that he won't get in trouble for cracking an ex's gmail account.
2)IF this were the case, he could send a packet through the VPN and watch as it goes from router to router, attempting to detect where his adversary is leeching the data from. After that, he could start encrypting messages with RSA or some other program. He should probably just remove the VPN and get a better one if that were the case.
3) I look for it when after I click a link to specific sites or are asked for info over the web. I probably should look for it more though lol
Yea but is it defo illegal?
I mean technically it is possible to brute force both username and password.
So there is a chance (very small chance but still not impossible) you could type both correctly at complete random.
Would this be illegal?
That depends on what you are trying to access. If you are trying to get into email, or anything that has personal info that is already NOT publicly available (google), then it is ILLEGAL. I can't think of an example for a case where it wouldn't be illegal because if the info/stuff is of any value, then there will be a pass-code.
Yes you dumb fuck. DCMA, trying to break any lock or just TRYING to gain access to anything you don't legally have access to is illegal.

She could even tell you her password and it'd still be illegal to go log in. Because while you might know the password, you don't have permission to go access it.

The caveat is that you could argue that being told the password is paramount to implicit permission. If you can afford a lawyer to argue that, it's only GREY territory. If you can't afford a lawyer, yes it's illegal the moment anyone wants to bust your ass.

The caveat to that last part is someone needs to have the political power or afford a lawyer to enforce the law against you and bust your ass.
Are you actually retarded, or did you just get here from Reddit?
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>Linux is an OS
The Internet scares me sometimes. You can be doing something reasonably innocent (no malicious intent) and end up in prison for cyber crime.
I'm always looking into these sorts of things, not so much emails but I like to try and find back doors into member areas. Surely that is only piracy right?
Someone just tried to catfish me with pics of Bibi Jones (pretty hot porn star look her up) anyway the number is 8658052360 .... have fun anons
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Those are two different people, yo..
Also, I'll take Sarcasm for 200, Alex.

"Linux is a Unix-like computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open-source software development and distribution." -Wikipedia
You should also know that I was dealing with someone who was obviously NOT very computer savvy. I could have broken down further into what it is, and all the environments and shit, but that wouldn't really make sense since that wasn't his question. It's like you don't understand how to explain shit to normies lol good luck keeping a job when it comes time to explain what you're doing to your supervisor!
Hahaha, oh sweet summer child.

That extends WAY past the Internet. The typical American commits three felonies a day and is completely oblivious to them. Our archaic jumbled mess of a legal system is rigged to screw you over at a drop of a hat if anyone in power chooses to do so. You're only saving grace is that there's only a few of those sort of people and they haven't noticed you and you haven't pissed them off. In comparison to other systems, it actually works quite well.
You don't seem to be a computer savvy either.
Yea, I get it, but these rules exist for a reason.
In most cases, trying to work around a system breaks the terms and conditions of using/accessing the system. As you guessed, this means it is in some form illegal. Depending on what you're doing, you could just be denied access to the site/service, you could be fined, or you could be arrested and jailed. Again, though, this all depends on the site, your country, their country, and their ToS
Explain? I'm working with what I got at my uni's library right now
OK guys, new/rephrased question:
Is it illegal to use details from sites such as bugmenot? I've never found a working login on there yet but I sometimes give them a try.
Lol dossing via ping. Fuck off pleb. Get a botnet.
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Damn, it's like /pol in a nutshell! The second you ask for proof or an explanation of their post, the anons just disappear and their arguments fall apart.
It is illegal to use someone's account without their permission. In some cases, sharing accounts between parties is also illegal. That being said, it all depends on the site and the info that you're trying to access.
Calm down, no one will take any further actions as long as it was just a shitty attempt.
the advantage of a DoS attack via the ping method, however, is that you can spoof the sender address and theoretically attack two groups at once. I agree though that a botnet is more efficient, and much more standard nowadays.
Sorry my apologies, you aren't that much of a pleb.
>Is it illegal to use details from sites such as bugmenot?
It's probably violating the "terms and services" of the website. So you're violating a little agreement between you and some business online. The consequence of which is negligible.

Cops won't give a fuck. If you're in front of a judge for some other reason, it might be mentioned, but probably wouldn't mean much.

Even something like sharing a netflix account, which is tantamount to stealing, probably wouldn't get cops knocking on your door. ....It's probably illegal though. Theft and all that.
Can we get a quick tutorial on botnet access?
Do you need a list or do you just point and fire and it ricochet into a million printers?
Thanks man, I guess? I'm just finishing up my undergrad in Comp Sci with a slight focus in security. I've got a lot to learn for sure, but I figured that I could help explain things to the OP, and sure enough he felt much better.
What are you trying to accomplish with said bots? You need to understand that bots are really just computers that in one way or another are under your control. Some bots are even just programs hidden inside computers that leech processing power and bandwidth/send data for you.
I think I'm ok... its scared me a shit ton though!
best of luck with your comp sci mate.
Start doing research yourself. Look up mirai botnet and try to build one yourself. They can become really powerful.
>a quick tutorial on botnet access?
It's a bunch of compromised computers that have some software to resond to commands, like "go check out 4chan right now, a million times".

As far access goes, yeah, the software placed onto the compromised computers has a login and pass.
>Do you need a list or do you just point and fire and it ricochet into a million printers?

Yes, if you want to control a botnet, you need a list of what compromised computers are in the network.

But... also yes, you essentially just point the botnet to a target and that's a DDOS.

... Geeze, I guess you could do something to where one bot passes along the instruction to the next bot so it doesn't look like one source is commanding the horde.... but I don't think that helps all that much.
Yeah dude, take that as a big lesson that you're really not cut out for any sort of illegal activity. Go be a productive citizen.
I said botnet.
I class a bot as anything as simple as a .bat file.
Botnet however is using lots of computers/programs/printers/scanners/cameras with Internet access to do your dirty work for you.
Forgot to click reply.
IoT botnets are used to create ddos attacks while botnets that also have computers under control are used for stealing information etc.
I realize what you asked, but that doesn't answer MY question though on what you're trying to do with the botnet. Technically, you could just have a lot of your bots/zombies/slaves all connect to a system and all fire commands simultaneously to overwhelm the system, but there's a little more to it than that in most cases. If you are running a bat file, it may not be a bot, though. A .bat file can just be a script of what you want the botnet/bots to actually execute.
Yep. I will try aha
>mirai botnet
Thanks for the advice, like I mentioned earlier though I scare myself by trying to run before I can walk. Don't think it looks too good if you get caught commanding an army of bots. Even researching it gives me the heebe jeebes. (Won't stop me though, thanks)

So do IoT have little access points or do you have to build them yourself?
FYI I'm not too interested in data collection because like discussed, that is when you start committing actual crimes that hurt individuals.

A .bat file can just be a script of what you want the botnet/bots to actually execute.
The bot in charge of the botnet army?

I honestly have nothing pr-planned, just interested in learning.
This is too broad and too optimistic of reality. The truth is that operating a botnet is similar to operating a cult; identifying the main controller is as clear as tracing back where the connection goes; no matter how large the botnet. Why would you consider use .BAT files aa a script, such an idea is stupid in it's own right. For starters the user must accept a prompt to run and when it does detecting such a file is like putting yourself in front of the mirror; it's clear as day.
Actually it's also pretty fuckinh illegal to compromise cameras and printers(IoT's) and to use them to do a ddos attack. Feds only care when you ddos big companies though. If you only want to ddos small websites and home connections then the ddos part isn't something to be afraid of. IoT's are easier to compromise because of their lack of security.
You have nothing to fear about research. Knowing about past attacks is how we can prepare for future ones.

IoT devices are largely small computing devices. Think of the raspberry pi or those new wifi controlled thermostats. Both are IoT devices that run a variation of windows or linux for the most part. They often have physical access points and can be corrupted through wifi.

You actually can have a bot in charge of a botnet, but that requires some infrastructure to correctly work. Think of the one bot as a timer that then runs a script and sends commands to the botnet. This is very similar to the structure of "logic bombs".

If there are any other questions, I'm not a professional by any means, but do have some background in the area. Feel free to ask away!
yes but only by creating a gui interface using visual basic
>So do IoT have little access points or do you have to build them yourself?
They're other people's stuff dude.

The IoT are routers and thermostats and printers.

You COULD go buy them all yourself, but it's frankly easier to borrow everyone else's.

>FYI I'm not too interested in data collection because like discussed, that is when you start committing actual crimes that hurt individuals.

The hell? Just collecting data can be for legit sociological studies. Things that actually show what real people are thinking, doing, saying and not just self-selected study volunteers. Most psychology and sociology is unstudied due to ethical issues.

Sufficiently aggregate the data and the individuals keep their privacy and no one is hurt.

>A .bat file can just be a script of what you want the botnet/bots to actually execute.

A .bat file IS a script. yeah.

>The bot in charge of the botnet army?

Sure. Although I wouldn't call any script a bot. I'd say it has to constantly run and react to stimuli to qualify as a "bot". Buuuuut I'm just getting pedantic.

>just interested in learning.

It really is. I wish more people would have a fucking clue about this stuff. Just don't try to play that game. You're not cut out for it.
I agree, but you can obscure the botnet behind a variety of methods. Additionally, you can run a .bat file as a script, and I agree it isn't smart if you're using it for a botnet/attack on their end. Better if it's just running on your computer, not theirs.
>similar to operating a cult
hyperbole much?
Yes but you need to use HackettyHack.h4x0r73k.trojan, a very rare Pokémon.
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