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If all blacks suddenly left America... (keep in mind blacks only

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Thread replies: 288
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If all blacks suddenly left America... (keep in mind blacks only make 13% of the US population)

>The prison population would go down by 37%

>There would be almost 50% less gang members

>Rape would go down significantly

>Overweight and obesity percentage would go down by 10%

>Average IQ would go up 7 points, putting the USA tied for third with Japan

>SAT scores would go up by about 100 points

>ACT scores would go up by 5.5 points

>AIDS and HIV would go down by over 67%

>Chlamydia cases would go down by 50%

>Gonorrhea would go down by 69%

>Syphilis would go would go down by 58%

>The average income would be over 20k more per year

>The amount of people in poverty would go down by over 30%

>Homelessness would go down by 57%

>And the number of welfare recipients would go down by about 40%
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little globalist? I’ll have you know infowars.com gets over 11 million hits a month, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on the Bohemian Grove, and I have over 300 confirmed Bilderberg protests. I am trained in memetic warfare and I’m the top pundit in the entire US. You are nothing to me but just another shill. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with taking our guns and making frogs gay? Think again, globalist. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of alt-rightists across the world and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, globalist. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call the European Union. You’re fucking dead, goblin. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in information warfare, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States alt-right and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable propaganda off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” propaganda was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, Soros.
With Trump in power this fan actually happen now
And if all whites would leave we would have even less crimes and shit
>muh reparations
>muh big dick

Typical nigger response
OP states numbers and statistics and all you can do is come back with some made up bullshit that isn't even close to being true lol

truth hurts nigger
Literal autist go back to your mom's basement you cut and paste faggot the only thing you're apart of is cucks united
Shoot up a school or some shit, cracker
Because there are a lot more whites lol
If all whites sudenly left America school shooting and faggotry would go down over 100%
>apart of is cucks united


it's a damn shame they fell apart
go abuse your wife and the wellfare system tyrone

>not a single citation
> all you can do is come back with some made up bullshit

some serious hypocrisy here
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What about all the hard working black people that fill important occupations doctors,Popo, my dermatologist is black D:
theres already a place with no whites, its called africa. you should look into moving there its pretty cheap, might even be able to pay for it with your food stamps
Also average cock size would be reduced to a mere 2 inches.
Well they couldn't support his fagotry for long
yea but what if they were white

checkmate, liberal cuck
what part of the post you just replied to needs a citation?
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You will still have latinos
Nothing would get cleaned any you wouldn't be able to get McDonalds.
Crackers touch their kids
is there any other reason why you're posting this video on every thread?
the NBA would be really awful. i can see final scores of 30-25. a dunk would be worth 5 points
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you will live forever in my kek folder OP
>muh dick
Fuck off nigger
>no whites

I'll take "Dumbasses who don't know about South Africa" for $1000, Alex.
Ops numbers and statistics are wrong, though.

the original post its quoting dumbass
You can remove how ever many minorities you want. There will always be a poor class given the current system. The need for workers in today's underpaid jobs isn't going to just disappear.
nah sorry africa is crying for the whites to come back after forcing them too leave
they would probably pay for the airfare if he was white but sadly that isn't the case
Too bad whites make up the majority of welfare users
Kys faggot
>muh skin
Fuck off cracker
found the nigger
Dude I'm way whiter than you. It just so happens to be the truth.
what is shitposting trebek?
so do blacks, it's just not reported as often because they teach their kids not to cooperate with law enforcement.
>if all blacks left, this and that!
>if all whites left, this and that!
Did you know, that if all asshats left the planet, it'd be a 100% better place?
>Dude I'm way whiter than you.
How could you possibly know that?
you think south africa has anything in common with central africa? and you think i'm clueless? lmao if i meant south africa i would have said south africa, retard

its quoting some retarded white kid pretendig to be black

too bad whites make up a significant majority of the american population, faggot. its all about proportions. take a statistics class if tou can get into one
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I go to the dermatologist b/c of skin disease you cucks
I once made and ate a mayonnaise sandwich ... by choice!
>not quoting the anons you're talking to
I hope that skin disease kills you
>I don't understand proportions, if I had a child's understanding of them I'd realize why they matter.



Not sure which.
Oh sorry, I didn't realise this was the yearly honesty thread. Regardless, white af.
Damn. Stay out of direct sunlight you pale bastard.
and the number of bullshit statistics relied upon would go up 1500%.

A) Source
B) How would you realistically do that.
C) Where would they go
D) Deporting 37% of the population you would lose a good number of consumers of most goods. Would the remaining populace have to pick up the cost increase of said goods? (most likely, yes, heavily..).
E) How would you cover the dropoff from those working in skilled labour?
F) The backlash with such an effort would be huge, likely resulting in a very costly civil war, killing millions on both sides.

Answers on a postcard, you one-dimensional troll.
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Not a huge fan of either spics or niggers but I'd rather eat dinner next to group of wetbacks than a pack of ghetto apes.
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If all the blacks left we wouldnt have quality shows like this.

Hey come on guy get outta here with that straight forward logic. We are tryn to be racist.

Fucking prick.
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Kek make this happen!!! Check'em kek flows through me!!
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im guessing you have a problem with ashy skin
don't you
Blacks still make up a greater percentage of people living in poverty than whites do, yet whites use majority of government assistance

Therefore, whites are the lazier race

Again, kill yourselves.
>makes thread about black americans
>uses pic of black brit
>You can remove how ever many minorities you want. There will always be a poor class given the current system. The need for workers in today's underpaid jobs isn't going to just disappear.

>Hey come on guy get outta here with that straight forward logic. We are tryn to be racist. Fucking prick.

>school shootings

what about gang shootings?
armed robbery?
armed robbery homicide?
domestic shootings?

you nignogs only got school shootings as the question? The total number of deaths probably doesnt even equal 100 yet.

Ohio State Stabber was black by the way.
If your stats are correct, then that means:
>the prison population of whites is 63%
>50% gang members are white
>among all overweight people, 90% are whites
>among all people with AIDS, 33% are white
>Chlamydia causes because of white = 50%
>Gonorrhea 31% because of whites
>Syphilis 42% because of whites
>70% of poor people are white
>43% of homeless people are white
>60% of welfare recipients is white

If america is black and white.. then what I just wrote above is the result. Congratz OP, you just made me and the whole white race look worse than niggers.
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you got many Asian replacement options anon. cheer up. nigs are useless here.
you still dont know what proportions are

if we lived in a country of 1000 white people and 1 black person of course there are gonna be more white people on welfare, you stupid shit
hahahhahaaha murica would fall apart faster than u can say cheeseburger...

what will u do if u have noone to blame ?
If all the blacks left all the KKK supporters would turn on the Irish and Italians

The bigotry movement is a snake eating it's own tail
all negroes look the same , so french or american or brit at the end of the day they all are the same shit

It's almost as if blacks are overrepresented in your lower classes.
Ah yes. The KKK. All 5000 of them.
>if america is black and white

its not
>37% of the population.
He stated 13% faggot. Unemployment is at roughly 5%. So theoretically if that 5% is all welfare grubbing gorillas we are only losing 8% of the workforce meaning that money can be used to increase wages thus resulting in more spending economically therefore increasing consumer consumption meaning we ate generating a more stable economic system by not having to spend our extra tax dollars on free loading niggers meaning tax breaks for the ones who are working.....see where I'm going with this. Your logic is flawed.
This level of stupid. I was not prepared for it.
we get rid of the violent crimal non workers.

you are assuming niggers are a working class.

Also to correct you is, we will still have social classes... no need for minoraties.
There would still be Mexicans.
cooperate with one another in a new age of peace and prosperity while brought together by the joy of watching shitskin countries fail to be civilized or do anything on their own
>Blacks greater percentage of people living in poverty
>Whites majority of government assistance

What are you saying, exactly?
Nigger what about the spicks and chinks?
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We should just kill everyone in the US.
thanks for facts with citation
As a wetback we too would much rather eat next to a cousin lovin redneck faggot than a nigger. At least the white person won't ask you for some of you food
This is a bad argument, of course whites have it better, because they profitted off slave labor, retard alert. learn2history
We should just kill society itself. Recreate, and live as bacteria.
actually, all of the people in all of the north african countries are white by morphology
not to mention south africa
we will blame our success on your departure.
hey there retard
On the off chance this isnt bait: At the very height of slavery only 2% of Americans owned slaves.
That's nice Jose now if you'd get back to the lawn work I have your 3rd world hellhole of a country to laugh at
>This is a bad argument, of course whites have it better, because they profitted off slave labor, retard alert. learn2history
>This is a bad argument, of course whites have it better
>This is a bad argument
Blacks are still profiting from slave labor of their own kind in Africa and aren't anywhere near as successful as us master race whites.
Checkmate niggers.
Niggers are the ones that sold niggers to the whites. Red alert to history faggot.
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Egypt and Liberia are white?

Sahara Desert Region is still black or arab. No white majority countries.
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This is the only best solution. Godspeed.
if these number are accurate then dump them already
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I feel like those figures are pretty conservative, really. As in I feel like alot of those numbers and percentages would be a bit higher.
you should newfag.. its common copypasta.
whats about the slaves still in africa?
have they profited from it yet? or do they just rape and kill them rather than get good use out of them?
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youre a special kind of faggot. but i guess thats what you get when you take worldstar comments seriously.
Fuck off Nigger.
I know this is a low quality reply to a bait-thread but you should really learn to math.
Especially the overweight part. Jeez man, my eyes are bleeding now.
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I know nigs are going to nig and you can't teach them anything, but here you go...pretend it's bling or crack or some shit.

learn what bait is, newfaggot.


fuck off.
Did you know that most black men are faggots?
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because the niggers would walk into the whites empty houses and take their shit without retaliation. also, hardly any cops - the only ones left would let their nigger brothers get away with murder.
Instead of whining about niggers we should teach them to be normal.

Education reform in urban areas.
Yeah but Kanye doe.
The 1930's called. They want their identity politics back. None of that shit still exists.
Ok, lets say white people in the US follow your advice.This is what would happen :
1.The internet would shut down. Facebook,Twitter, Google,Wordpress,the liberal news outlets you get your crap from, all that is created and kept updated by white people.The internet would still exist, only there would be nothing on it.IT would pretty much dissapear, as 99% of competent programmers would be dead.
2.All banks would collapse.Global economy would collapse.Look up a list of the richest people, and find a black guy.All the big corporations would dissapear.
3.Soon, due to no workers and engineers nuclear power plants would cause nuclear disasters all over America probably making most of the continent uninhabitable.
4.Due to all economies in the world being fucked, most countries are now as rich as North Korea.Inflation would be so high people would wipe their ass with notes.Famine and poverty at almost african levels would occur.Riots, coups and corruption would likely lead to internal and external wars.Communism would likely take over europe, now that Russia no longer has a reason to pretend it is democratic.
5.As a last resort, the UK and France fire their nukes, in their last attempt to stop Russian-Chinese world-domination.Altough they kill millions, destroy Moskow and probably kill a few million chinese too, that is ultimately not enough, altough permanent damage is dealt to Earths atmosphere and many places remain forever uninhabitable.

Now if all blacks in America die.
1.What OP said would happen.
2.The US receives a huge blow population wise, but as not many blacks own corporations of their own, economic problems would likely be minimal.
3.The racial tensions in America dissapear, the US are now more unified than ever.
4.With crime at an all-time low, gangs almost a thing of the past and a necesity for workforce caused by the population getting smaller so people get jobs much easier, the US would basically enter its golden age.
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>we would have less crimes and shit

Spoken like a true nigger
Except that Black Culture doesn't value freedom. And looks down upon any kind of integration into western culture that doesn't have a literal price tag attached to it.
>the largest organ of your body

I mean kinda
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Those who didn't have a slave owner family are poor, incompetent and probably on 4chan rn.
100% -10% = 90%
but since blacks would left, then overweight population would be 100% white.
If you got rid of all the criminals in the prisons and jails, they would start arresting people for minor infractions.

America's prisons are almost completely for-profit, meaning they make money based on their population. So get rid of serious offenders, and they will toss anyone in jail to keep up with their quotas.
For a group of people who hate blacks so much, it's beyond me why so much of your time is spent on threads like this.

But yeah, keep going. White Utopia needs pieces of shit like you to clean the toilets. ;)
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I love all this stuff about whites shooting up schools. The only reason black people never do is because your schools are more secure than prisons. Put all black people in a normal school and let's see how many shootings happen
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>Average IQ would go up 7 points, putting the USA tied for third with Japan
for a second i thought you were going to say
>the only reason black people never do is because they don't go to school

they are too busy selling drugs on the streets and gang shootings to go to school and shoot up people there
NO THERE WOULDNT! NO! There would be 1000 living and 1 dead and no welfare!
I'm not white and fuck niggers
I don't see any argument.
Black people tend not to do mass shootings, because they're more concerned with personal squabbles than fighting social constructs
got the full image?
where's it from?
spicks and chinks
>Overweight and obesity percentage would go down by 10%

That means all you fat white amerifags are the problem, blacks bring the average down by being there you fat fuck
spicks and chinks, nigger
That's disgusting
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Don't try to defend yourself you fat fuck

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Here you go faggot

















Anthony Walsh (January 2004). Race and crime: a biosocial analysis. Nova Publishers. pp. 23–24. ISBN 978-1-59033-970-1. Retrieved 1 October 2011.
At least I'm not a nigger

but we would still have liberal whites,who are the only ones keeping the rest of the population from eradicating the blacks
Please i would be so happy if all niggers left. Literal garbage.
Blacks are shit
Search for "[Gujira 4 Gou] Make A Matchless Succubus Masochistic!!!"

She's a girl with penis. Very cute indeed <3
Every race has their own shortcomings and it will remain that way until we all come together as one and sovle them
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appreciate the sauce anon
But, anon, it's easier to divide the country based on pointless shit than it is to come together.
well then you better come up with a better monetary plan. Because if people need to spend all their time working theres not much we can do to help anyone else.
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Good job you fucking nigger ass faggot fence voter. Not everyone can be as equal and as diverse and accepting as you, right?
You deserve a one way ticket to cucktown.
>Girl with Penis
FuckIng degenrate
>Forgetting other ethnicities
Niggers hate niggers, seems like an eternal circlejerk, to me. Let's eradicate the actual problem.
Ship the worst nignogs back to Liberia. See the same shit yet again, US niggy, will enslave his African brothers.
Who would your kind then kill? Give it a year or two, and there will be no one left. But that's whitey's fault, right?
Nice hitlerdubs. Seems you don't know the difference 'tween nigs and black people. Sure, the real problem is whitey, right?
You're from AZ.
>school shooting and faggotry would go down over 100%
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This post proves my point. Niggers can't co-exist, not even with their own. So why should anyone else give a shit?
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Shit, Whites have been murdering each other wholesale since day one. Don't act as if whites just "happened on peace." You literally were slaughtering each other by the fucking millions not even 70 years ago. Good white men died for fucking what? But keep telling yourself the problem is niggers. ;)
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You are wrong.
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Explain this nigger.
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because it is
White ppl need to fill the empty workplaces and income would not increase. Rest could me true
Explain This Cracker: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II

How many germans died? Russians? Brits?

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it's whitey's fault, Errythang is whtiey's fault Right?
it's nice to see the classics be reinvented
Explain how Slavery globally is worst down in Africa. History repeats itself. You want buy slaves, Africa is yo place.
yes and no
in total numbers yes
in percentages no
Spelling is so hard yo. Whitey done fucked us over.
Literally, kek. Why not gather crime statistics from the past 100 years and look at overall trends of gun violence, rape, and whatever sick sadistic shit you faggots conjure up. But hey, it's still going to be niggers at the end of the day. This is why your race is being fucked: You can't take responsibility for your own shit.
from chicago can confirm those stats are true
this place is a hellhole can't wait to get the fuck out of here in march

have seen a man get shot in his car in broad daylight in front of our moving truck while at work
sad part is this is a normal occurence
For who? everyone left
KEK. Read this thing a couple of years ago where a Norwegian professor went down to Africa, towards research on global slavery, and the first thing he met in the village he based his research on, was Africans, willing to sell their own kin to him.
imagine being born a nigger
that must really suck
largest organ is the brain

skin is not an organ
Explain how millions.. and millions were killed by your own hands. Death > Slavery. Shit not even 20 years ago the Balkans were fucking killing each other in who the true fucking slav was. But hey, niggers amirite? I can't wait till you're cucked to oblivion by your own idiocy.
>D) Deporting 37% of the population you would lose a good number of consumers of most goods. Would the remaining populace have to pick up the cost increase of said goods? (most likely, yes, heavily..).

This demographic has the smallest spending power and is one of the highest drain of entitlements and upkeep from the government budget. financially, we would be at a net positive.
Sarcastic post. I'm white.
Congrats, everyone in this thread who reads your comment is dumber for having done so. I hope you die in your sleep.
Prove your claims.
If all the whites left the darkies would all escape prison and the crime rate would be closer to 99.9%
hispanics are considered white for whatever fucking stupid as reason so he is not wrong.

blame faggy whites for wanting to pretend that they becoming a minority is farther off than i really is for that.
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Past vs today. Bullshit logic. Try again.
not sure if you are shitposting
or retarded
with no one who could actually do the agriculture work or manufacturing left, they wouldn't last long
I dont know the metrics on murder and rape in africa, but Im pretty sure its much higher than in the civilized world
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Your argument seems spic and span to me.
wrongly considered, there's Spaniards, and then there's spics
Kill, kill, kill the white man. No more welfare. Please explain how African Americans will then survive.
high enough to call it a legit rape culture
too bad feminists will never do anything about it because they can't get free stuff from the african government
they will survive but america wont
it would just become detroit nationwide
before turning into africa 2.0 generations later
How is it bullshit? You want to misrepresent your case by just literally posting crime statistics to prove god knows what. "Superiority." But what you're left with is a contradiction by some of the worst atrocities committed by whites in almost all of humanity. The scale of barbarity alone is fucking staggering. But you just want to point to Jamal and say 'THAT'S THE PROBLEM" When literally every fucking war in the 20th century was instigated by.. YOU GUESSED IT, WHITES.

:O WOAH. But Jamal is your problem. When literally you will blow each other up for god knows what. So keep telling yourself that as your masters send you off to die in some god-forsaken hole.
I have a simple solution to all this shit, build prisons in Africa. Whites, blacks, send them all there.
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Actually, blacks are the gayest race in America, followed by hispanics and asians. Whites are last.

So, if whites left, America would get MORE gay.

Same with the most Arab countries. Western feminists will rather fight over being called bossy, than give a flying fuck towards women in need of feminism/equality. As long as no one calls them bossy that is.
The thing is that South Africa is a country while Central Africa isnt, retard. When you said Africa, you implied the entire continent.
"Superiorty" is something you pulled out of your ass. Let's discuss Rwanda. Blacks slaughtering blacks. Still whitey's fault, right?
thats not true at all mr nigger
heres some actual facts that you refuse to believe because being a nigger makes your animal IQ incapable of recognizing things he doesnt like regardless of how obviously true it is

whites 196,817,552
blacks 37,685,848

46.5 million on welfare
40% whites = 18.6 million whites
25% black = 11.6 million blacks

18m / 196m comes to around 10.5% of white people are on welfare

11m / 37m comes to around 31%

so being black you are 3 times more likely to be on foodstamps than by being white.

not to mention you are too much of a dumb nigger to go figure this stuff out on your own
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Welfare by race
Thanks for the correction, and the links for statistics. Though some of those sources aren't exactly reliable sources of information- you have one single source that is properly published and a few dubious links.

Aside from, how would any of you answer the other questions? So far there's been nada. I'm genuinely interested if you have any ideas behind your rhetoric. Shoot!
If blacks make up 13% of the population and all of them leaving would decrease obesity by 10% doesn't that mean that obesity would go up? Someone confirm, I suck at math.
>But Jamal is your problem. When literally you will blow each other up for god knows what.
Are you referring to Ireland 20 years ago? Example please.
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It was a war of whites vs the dirty fucking Jew, and we lost because the kikes poisoned us against ourselves. Usury, money lending and controlling the media is how they beat us last time... but don't for a second think we're down for the count. It seems like the time to remind the Jew of their place in this world is soon coming.
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Here's a link to obesity by race. Surprise, surprise: nigs are the most obese, followed by spics.

In fact, 56.6% of sheboons are obese, and 82% are overweight. Truly disgusting.


I actually once saw this copypasta on Reddit and comprehensively rebutted it. I'm all for facts but if your eyes sweep across "ACT scores would go up by 5.5 points" and your bullshit alarm aka 'the basic math is totally off' sensor lights up, then you're awake

For simplicity assume there are 7 nonblacks to 1 black (87.5% vs 12.5%). For the average ACT score to go up 5.5 points from just one tiny group leaving, that would imply their average score is actually 5.5*7 = 38.5 points lower. For example, assume Bob scores a 2 on some test and 7 others score 50. The average is now 44, and if Bob leaves the average pops back to 50, which is +6.

You may observe there are only 36 points on the ACT scale. It's the same with IQ, SAT scores, income, etc.
Nah, mayne, niggy is superyor genticsms.
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Found the Jew.
Co-existence, nah, niggy don't want thissums, no one left to blame us problems ons.

Life would be much like this:


you can decide if that is good or bad.
How do you link the Balkans and slavery?
Fact check faggot it's 60% are niggers behind bars, 37% is the niggers upstate for only drug charges.
a fucking boat, niglet
KEK. My point exactly. Niggers hate niggers.
The problem is jobs. How many people will be unemployed if KFC declare bankruptcy?
Hmm. The peak of this was in the mid 90's. 20 years ago. Look at the death toll. Look at the displaced. Now tell me what race of people it is. What do you fucking think the networth of your average Albanian is?

The problem at the end of the day is that you need to contrast yourself with the worst of another people, to derive any self-worth of the useless shitstain you call an identity. When the fact of the matter is, regardless if you're using a club, a sword, or an automatic, you'll find some reason to rape and kill each other. Your identity is literally a fucking lie.

But you need threads like this to piece together whatever your ego needs to get through the end of the day. You need to feel as if you're comparable to something. So you look at Jamal, or Jermaine, or whatever. LOOK I'M AT LEAST BETTER THAN HIM. When you literally do nothing.

This is why even the basest of fucking Religions: Islam is cucking the fuck out of your people into nothing. Where the Jew (Like myself) has not only survived your worst but now run everything of value. And all we need to do is kick back and watch you goy devolve into nothing. :)
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Kek'd and rekt.


Sad i know.

>doesn't know why blacks are in this situation
segregation didn't end just 50 years ago
>Your race of people.
I am of northern euro ancestry, so comparing with slavs, is a long stretch. According to your own logic I can now hold you responsible towards all Arab war crimes. Makes sense, huh?
If all people suddenly left America...

>The prison population would go down by 100%

>There would be 100% less gang members

>Rape would cease to exist

>Overweight and obesity percentage would go down by 100%

>Average IQ would go down to 0

>SAT would stop existing

>ACT would stop existing

>AIDS and HIV would go down by 100%

>Chlamydia cases would go down by 100%

>Gonorrhea would go down by 100%

>Syphilis would go would go down by 100%

>The average income would be zero

>The amount of people in poverty would go down by 100%

>Homelessness would go down by 100%

>And the number of welfare recipients would go down by 100%

Wow. We should totally get rid of human beings to embezzle our statistics.
You're trying compare actual crimes that the races commit. So I simply put forward the argument, that sure there is slavery in Africa, Europe which is 99% White, has killed itself which by any estimation is much worse of a crime against humanity. And this is literally White on White. No blacks. No Arabs. No Asians. No Natives. Just you guys killing each other by the millions. Fucking up other nations, and claiming the facetious title of "Superior." When literally with all your innovations, and inventions and civilizations you can't stop the Islamists, or the Jews, or the Communists, or the Fascists from fucking your shit right up.

But keep blaming the blacks for what ails the US, or Europe or any other white dominated piece of land.

You are your own worst enemy.
All you need to do is slow down their reproduction rates. It's safe, humane, and will create less issues in the future.

There should be a way to find out how much African you have in you, if you have a certain percentage you should be given free, permanent passage to Africa or some other country, to encourage leaving Western Countries. The only down side is, is that you can't come back, ever, and especially not your relatives or your children or anyone after that.

The blacks they have in Australia aren't even considered human, they should do the same for all Africans and other sub-humans in the area.

Genes are what make us who we are, African genes have nothing but negatives. There should be a system in place to single them out
>13% of American population
>somehow equivalent to 1 in 8
Nice try retard
What? Decreased correct spelling, increased twitter outbursts? Lynching of comedians and anyone who makes fun of mein fuhrer?
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Because niggers aren't responsible for 50% of murders
>all asshats
So all the niggers and all of /b/
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Has anyone watched this yet?
>ITT: White people complaining about black people even though their white ancestors are the ones who brought them here in the first place.

too bad most rapists and obese people in america are white. most of the other points are spot on.

educate yourself snowflake, quit pretending to know everything. it makes you come across like a nigger.
Obviously doesn't know what % of black people commit crimes, just how many crimes are committed by black people.
White people commit the vast majority of mass shooting in this country, yet are all white people mass shooters? Are the majority of white people in this country mass shooters? Are 10% of white people in this country mass shooters? No. Same with black people.

1 in 8 is 12.5%. Pretty damn close to 13.
They literally can't. They can't take responsibility for their own shit. They blame jews, or chinks, or spics, or niggers, or whatever else. Rather than having a moment of introspection and saying "Wow, we're a fucked up group of people."
At the height of US slavery, 3% of the population owned slaves and that 3% of slave owners included niggers.

Tell me more about what MY ancestors did.
Farmed mud. Next?
All whiteys fault right. Let's just forget that Africans sold Africans to whitey. Learn2history.
And whitey was stupid enough to buy'em. Kek.
Tell that to the stupid cunts that took blacks as slaves and did everything they could to keep them stupid and uneducated.

For 13% of the population, blacks actually commit more serial killings and mass shootings than whites.

Did you know this?

I bet you didn't know any of these names either:

Wait wait.. so you say Trump can change the constitution all by himself?
God you're new at this. Find the white ones now, and compare. Fucking American public schools are such abject failures in teaching critical thinking.
With Trump in Office and the White Supporters he has and the Republic having most control. They can easily pass new laws and regulations to minorities, especially Africans.

They'll soon be allowing Schools to outright remove blacks from their school soon, be it private or public. Before it was just private schools, now they'll be able to filter out most blacks.
Yes, because back home in Apefrica, the rest of the blacks built... well, they disovered... in any event, they invented...

Doesn't matter, it's still somehow white people's fault.
>most crimes are committed by black people
>most black people must commit crimes then, using the logic from my inbred brain!
>not recognizing cat rape
Check your privilege shitlord

Underrated post

Also its idiotic to pick out "oh look, blacks with the lowest income happen to be awful for society!"

News flash - the highest crime rate areas in almost 100% white states? Its the trailer parks and low income inner cities.

Same is Russia. Same in China. Same in Africa.

Turns out when you make people the poorest in a country they become the criminals.

Lets not pretend this doesnt have to do with the fact that people with money do not get pulled over, do not get arrested, do not get charged or sentenced.

It is interesting you cite a statistic on our prison rates.

The black american crime rate database has been significantly debunked though friend.

Studies have shown that black males receive longer sentences or are more often charged for THE SAME CRIME as a white male. This issue gets even worse when comparing white women, they get off the easiest.

The system is broke and that presents false data because just writing down shit isnt true science. You're looking at 1 piece of data, not the whole idea.

Its also been shown that STRANGELY blacks are more often searched or issued warrants by police for drug investigations regarding marijuana and arrests regardless of census reports suggesting that blacks and whites do marijuana at almost exactly the same rate.

Overall my favorite part of your whole argument is that if blacks disappeared we wouldnt go back to just turning the Irish into the bottom feeders. You dont seem to be thinking about the idea as a whole, just instead collecting bits of negative data on a single race.

Take a look at how much oil blacks have put into the worlds oceans? Why dont we take a look at how many acres of rain forest the blacks developed for agricultural cash? Lets look at how many times the blacks destabilized a government, assassinated a leader, and plunged a country into turmoil for decades.

Lets look at that time the blacks passed laws to IMPRISON thousands of other humans FOR OWNING A PLANT
>Black people commit more mass shootings
You gave a list of people who are black. 324,118,787 people live in this country. You clearly don't know how statistics work.
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Wanna know why?
"Why don't they just help themselves????!!"
Fucking savage
It really is. You guys are just realizing that despite innovations, it's made you less apt for basic humanity. You literally don't have a leg to stand on when only 3 European countries have made all the shit that Europe has today. And that your civilization was only enhanced by the fact you fuckers are diseased and destructive. Literally ruining everything else. From Native Americans to the Chinese, to India, to Africa, to Australia, To South America. All you guys can do is ruin shit. As a Jew, we've survived your worst. Now it's our turn to ruin your 'civilization' :)
Nationwide 'stop 'n frisk'. Niggers and meth heads would very quickly start disappearing.

Very good riddance.
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You can't. All the white women will fucking bitch about getting the niggers back...
Egypt. Also greatly influencing Greek culture by trade.
>white people commit the vast majority of mass shooting in this country
only because when blacks do it, it is categorized as gang violence, gang shootings
Is this how Jews really think? wow... i... i'm starting to like you very much =)
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I wish white people had the privilege of having our mass shooters censored by the media for fear of seeming "racist". Fact of the matter is, black mass shooters DO exist and black people need to come to terms with that. This is what equality looks like.
b-b-but i have nothing else to take pride in but my skin color....
w-whatever, you're just a jew anyway! I got a folder full of jew comics to use as counter arguments! typical libtard trigger cuck!
Tell me more about all the great accomplishments of the might Jew?
Egyptians weren't black and claiming that they were is cultural appropriation. Egyptians also HATE African Americans for doing this and ACTUAL Africans see black Americans as liabilities. They warn their children NOT to associate with them because "you'll get shot".
>inb4 you faggots ask for source
Personal experience. I've HEARD them say this to one another in person.
Whoops, there was a recent finding that the DNA for the great Pharaoh turned out to be anglo-saxon.
>It's a misconception that African Americans do not commit mass killings
>While the list of black mass shooters is low, they do exist.
Your website is just telling people that black mass shooters exist, while also listing 8 of them. Not denying that they exist, but we're talking statistics here.
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Jesus Christ. :)
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we wuz kangz
Nices trips btw.

Can confirm. The Black American were captures and selloffs. The worst of the bunch.
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meh. our species is fucked. racial makeup has absolutely no bearing on the fact that humans are and will continue to be whatever they feel like being, including terrible.

our species is a very well thought out joke. some of us are ignorant enough to believe that any one subsection of us is inherently better or worse than any other due to arbitrary nuances like skin color, religion, sexual orientation ... the list goes on.

fun times. fun times.
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No, were not. You like to claim that black people don't shoot people and I'm here to tell you that they do. They're just called "drive bys" and "gang related incidents". You shoot people en masse, but unlike YOU we don't get a pretty label to soften the blow. We murder people, you "try to make it out the hood".

Maybe if your culture stopped glorifying crime as the only way to get ahead in life, youd stop getting arrested more than any other racial group in this country (therefore padding the criminal statistics with "m-more black people arrested than whites wtf" agendas).
>the great Pharoah
which one? there were many great pharoahs.
>four or more shot
>mass shooting
Slavs and northern Europeans, they all look the same.. When infact they are as closely related as Africans and Arabs. All whites look the same, huh? KEK
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