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Christ, putting "Atheism" on the filter list wasn't enough.
Go play heretics and inquisitors somewhere else pls
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Atheism: the belief that there is no higher conscious entity that created the universe
because that would be silly
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But anon, it's pretty unlikely that the world came out of nothing. I'm with you on the religions being silly political constructs, but don't you even want to consider that there might be a higher being that created it all?
Is that a potato bug? I have only found one of those in my entire life.
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Yeah dude, there's a bunch of these around here. Fits right into my Bug Folder.
Atheism does not say there is nothing, it simply rejects the concept that there is something until evidence is provided.

It is not IMPOSSIBLE that there was a higher power, but quantum physics is crazy enough and complex enough (on top of being incomplete) that we may very well find out that the universe did spontaneously come from nothing through weird quantum mechanics.
Don't you want to consider that the world only became spherical after the fell Numenoreans' attempted invasion of the Undying West, and that miracles only ended after the last of the Eldar departed from the Grey Havens?
Of course it didn't come from nothing.

It was created from the materials in a space cloud that twisted together due to the gravity that the particles themselves induced.
No, that's silly, maybe there was a "thing" in the beginning, but certainly not a "being" that purposefully created an infinite desolate universe with 1, or maybe a couple more planetary specks with activity.
Nobody fucking cares
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But this is a great explanation on quantum mechanics!

Pretty sure it's a weta.
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It's a possibility, but again it's a theory. For all we know though the creation of everything out of nothing was the higher power's will.
Where'd these particles come from, anon?
Maybe. We'll never know. But let's discuss anyway, anon.
It is silly. No, wait. It's not. It's stupid, actually.
The definition has been in the encyclopedia of philosophy for ages, the only reason many Atheists don't accept it is because the real definition implies a burden of proof, and Atheists know they have no good positive arguments so they resort to "Oh it's just a lack of belief"
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You do realize, you're talking to 12yo kid trolling or a fucking retard?
Don't do that. The tard feels like his life actually means something when you do.
Here's an idea: take a few science classes and learn from someone who knows these. Random webtards aren't likely to have all the answers and some of us are just going to be dicks to you for asking questions that have been answered millions of times before.
Rolling for op to commit the unforgivable sin
1) Stop Trolling
2) (On the small chance) You're actually this stupid, read a book or do some research. You're embarrassing yourself.
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Why not just call yourself agnostic?
The things the masses have been believing in general are pretty stupid, imo. Though it's kind of stupid to act like there's no possibility of some kind of a creator existing out there.
I mean, it's all theories I'm going to be learning in science classes, correct me if I'm wrong but all these answers are theoretical.
Not that I could afford science class.
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The particles likely didn't "come from" anything, time is a human construct, there is no time, it has no beginning and it has no end.
The particles did not appear there nor did they start there, they were just there.
A concept impossible for humans to grasp due to our perception of time.
>Why not just call yourself agnostic?
I dunno, good question

I think it has to do with the fact that Atheists don't want God to exist, so even having an open mind about it is not an option.
>Where the particles?
They were ejected from a nearby system. I could look it up, but the question you'll ask makes it fairly inconsiquential, so I'll reside with not knowing that detail.

You can trace all matter back to the supermass that originally exploded during the big bang, which is the event that caused the knowable universe.

It's worth noting that the knowable universe isn't the begining. It's simply as far back as our current methods of observation can take us.
We can easily hypothesize, or arguably we've theorized, that before the big bang, there was a similarly big collapse. Were everything in the unknown universe that existed before our current knowable universe was drawn together into a singluar supermass. This is likely the unltimate fate of our universe, which will end it, only to cause the next one to spring forth.

Gravity, man.

Because Gnosticism and Theism are two different things.

I am Atheist and admitted agnostic.

I don't believe in God or gods but I can't know.
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So to put it easier, they were there all along, existing outside of time or something? Isn't time like defined by gravity? I think I saw something about that on Discovery.
Still doesn't rule out the original idea of my post, though. Still, thanks for the fun chat!
Fair enough. Maybe there is a better, more specific term for what you described, though I dunno where to look.
You mean the Big Crunch, right? I believe I've heard that our universe is doomed to end itself like that, too. Until the next one to come around that is.
What about particle decay tho?
I don't understand it so it has to be magic!
That's agnosticism, atheism DOES reject that there is something EVEN if there is no evidence provided. It's the other extreme spectrum of being religious.
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I live in the country right beside Armenia. Sometimes the way they behave makes you feel like they deserved the genocide.
> iFunny watermark
> Can this really be any more ironic?
D-does that make quantum mechanics magical?
Atheism elitists are just as bad as religious elitists tbh
The fact that people fall for this shit bait posted over and over again and the retarded things said in this thread convinces me that this board is full of dumb people
I mean, the discussion in this thread feels a little more civil than usual. It's an alright way to spend your time when it's 4 am and you're a little drunk.
Feel free to scream at us about how our beliefs are autistic and how we should kill ourselves by the way.
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dump your bugs
>D-does that make quantum mechanics magical?
No, humans understand quantum mechanics, but before we did, some of the things it relates to were probably attributed to magic.
>particle decay
The process by which an atom loses mass spontaneously becoming a less massive element?
What about it?

The pieces all remain in the universe. When they find themselves in contact with enough energy (like getting absorbed into a star or something), they may find themselves becoming more massive elements again.
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We don't understand half of it, last time I checked. But alright.
Fair enough. I saw a video about it somewhere before, you might find it interesting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijFm6DxNVyI
> I'm out of official art for this character
I don't like to conform with groups that try to tell me how to live my life. I have the confidence to wake up each day and say God Damn it I'm going to make my own motherfucking path in life.
>We don't understand half of it, last time I checked. But alright.
THE POINT IS, that we do not just lazily attribute the parts we don't understand to magic.
Religion was created as a scapegoat so that people could "understand" why things work the way they do so they didn't have to try and grasp that their existence has no meaning.
i hope you die :)
>We don't understand half of it, last time I checked. But alright.

We "understand" quantum theory as well as it can be understood at this point - that is we know it describes how nature works at the fundamental level very precisely. All the different interpretations of it are metaphysics and hence moot from the point of view of physics.
Sorry friend but you've got your definitions wrong.
Agnostics acknowledge religions but don't follow any. Atheists, as >>714285078 said, want evidence before they will believe anything. What your confusing atheism with is nihilism, which is the absolute rejection of all religion.
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Yeah, that I can understand. Thanks for clarifying, anon. Pretty sure that Abrahamic religions though became popular because they appealed to the masses, rather than making a lot of sense. The Romans popularized Christianity for the same reason, not because Constantine I believed in a man that died and came back to life in three days. If you ask me Buddhism is the dope religion.
Maybe we'll understand it someday.
Atheism really is just the rejection of the intelligent design theory.

It's not that we don't want gods to exist, we simply cannot be convinced that a god is required to explain the existence of the universe.

People talk about there being nothing before there was something and everything came from the nothing. They talk about "nothing" as if it were some kind of thing. Nothing is the absence of all things. "Nothing" is an idea, it can not be replicated or studied because as far as science can deduce, nothingness is impossible, there simply must always be something.
Buddhism is great, speaking of which actually, the past few months I've considered seeking enlightenment as a means to leave my everlasting state of depression, but that's a big jump I have to be 100% willing to make.
Just read up on the topic more, see if it actually feels like something you can firmly believe. Wikipedia is your friend. If there are Buddhists were you live, talk to em. You can always change back if the faith doesn't suit you, no need to stress over it. Also decide which one suits you best, there's several sub-faiths.

science and religion fighting over our belief, humanity's collective faith. realize you are not opposites but in fact one and the same, you desire the same exact thing, the faith of all humanity.

Your bait only serves to antagonize conflict because you profit from the resulting destruction.
because there is no need to define a non thing
I live in Canada BC, it's like California people-wise, but it's cold and wet, no Buddhists here.

you're halfway retarded. the hexagon is prevalent in the "intelligent design". it's beautiful. it shapes the benzene molecule--one of our most valuable molecules--as well as the incredibly massive formation on saturn. THOSE things are from "intelligent design" but they're also just basic rule based "have to be that way" shit.

i personally believe that we're in a recording. i saw the future at least 4-6 months early once and it involved not simple "deja vu" but a scene i was disgusted with and woke up fuming about and was upset by all day. i lived in faggot land of northern california and thought that faggots had invaded my mind and made me want to hang out with a fluorescent shirt wearing cowboy trucker back in arizona because i saw him coming around a corner in a strange apartment holding a beer. i was SO fucking pissed. i did LSD all the time and smoked GOOD weed because i made a ton of money but 4-6 months later i quit my job and moved back to arizona. i met an old buddy who took me to a stranger's house. stranger became my new weed dealer and at his house some guy some me a strip of LSD. that was my first chance to get a good weed and LSD hookup. then, stranger DEMANDED that we go with him to deliver a bag of weed to some OTHER strange place and... fucking cowboy in a fluorescent shirt comes around the corner holding a beer.

we have no free will. the future is predestined. this IS a "simulation". there is NO "god" of this "machine". the fact that people pretend to believe in a god--it's obvious that they're faking--and all the OTHER bullshit of our world is just something to LEARN from. we ARE in "the matrix". it's either rehabilitation or education.

The first, second, and fourth things you replied to are all me, theist faith is completely ludicrous, it's called ignorance, I do not desire the faith of all humanity, I have no faith in humanity, but perhaps through the path of enlightenment I could find faith in myself.
Novel concept really.
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This is just religious warfare to distract hipsters and have them argue over something meaningless.
If you fall for this you are automatically stupid so why discuss who is dumber.
I wonder if there's online consultancies.. Good luck in your search, anyway! Depression is nasty as shit.
I wouldn't know what the states are like, I live in the middle east. The less war-torn side of it thankfully.
The people in California, and by extension rural BC are shitty, whiny, narcissistic, sheep mentality invalids who are oblivious to everything outside of their own vanity.
That sounds like an average person in here too tbh. Even the weather is the same.
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Atheists are degenerates by default. Here is a perfect example of two atheist men who have been corrupted to the point of irredeemable homoerotica:
Just curious, has it been the same person posting for the last year(s) or do people take turns?
bot and a couple of autists

when people post they usually defend 1 side, and then this information is stored and sold.
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