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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: Rules: >Claim your Waifu/Husbando

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 195
Thread images: 151

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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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Kyouko (2).jpg
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Syndra [306].jpg
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Avatarfags get out of my thread
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I love you too
I am sort of dissapointed my self proclaimed obsessor only stuck around for one thread.
Then again, I might have just bored him.
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Sameji is awake
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Doing shitty edits in photoshop
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Im tired, lonely and a mess

send help
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i can't even help myself
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I'm sorry, will a hug help?
Feels bad man

Kinda. I post on these breads to escape that sad reality
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Oy vey Tsun Yun, that's anti Semitic.
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Smoking 3.gif
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nicotine and alcohol help
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Kiss Me!.png
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Life isn't sad, it's all we've got
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Im already drunk but I have no more snus
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Motherfucking CLAIMED
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Smoking 1.gif
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time for cigarettes or snuff, or just go all out and find some heroin
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Nenecchi get!
That's pretty cute fam
This as well
Chen is also a cute
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Got a problem with that jew lover?
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Maybe life isnt sad but humans can be

I have cigarettes too but I dont like them very much

cuteness is justice
A little bit I guess
No bully pls
Fucking cute/10

You guys are posting some really nice pics right now
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Smoking 2.gif
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better than nothing
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Humans are shit, 2D a best
>You will never tickle those ears
Why even live
Forgot my pic
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I do too
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>You will never tickle those ears
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Because you ask so nicely
What about some Christmas spirit
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Back from therapist....
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Almost Lewd.jpg
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>>713710861 (Yui)
No u
They need to be tickled, but it's impossible
Life is suffering
It's only the 1st but sure
Why does she have a horn and (dumb) flail? I like her smile though
Privyet tovarish
How'd it go?
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Hi Mizore

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The anime would explain that.

>basically she's a demon twin.
>the flail is her weapon
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He was surprised.
However he did say it wasn't "really bad"
I told him that I'm not going to leave this and he wants me to limit my time online even though that's all my free time
What should I do about that?
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Never too early for Christmas
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Laughing Happy.jpg
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Demons should not be as cute and sweet looking as her, and the flail is really dumb but OK.
Spend your free time doing something else I guess, maybe play some vidya, pick up a hobby or just go for a walk
What was he surprised about? I don't remember talking to you before so I don't know what you mean, sorry.
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Even in June?
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He was surprised by my collage he made me bring in...
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I guess just listen, come on here for your limit, pick up a hobby. Practice drawing or writing.
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I don't think I'll be able to sit all day and try to draw...
It's hard for me to concentrate on something like that.
Any other recommendations?
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read a book, play video games, take up drugs, drive around aimlessly, buy a pellet gun and take pot shots at squirrels
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Smug Smile.jpg
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Ah, of course. I'd say listen to him and listen to >>713713772 and just find something else to do for most of your free time.
Creepy pic
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>Never too early
What part do you not understand?
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Virginity Defense Force
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Hi Misaki
The thing is this is my only interaction with other people.
The only two friends I have are over an hour away.
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misaki intrigued.png
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Hey Haruhi, what's up with you?
This pic is doing things to my pants
So go make some friends, maybe pick up a hobby and make friends there
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human interaction is overrated
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Well, she's a demon. A really cute demon.
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It is because of people like you I can't post that image
cut me yuno
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Alice (Not 235).jpg
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Good, fuck the kikes
alice is a kike
No she isn't, and if I was I'd report myself to the nearest concentration camp
hence he wants to fuck the kikes.
oh i see
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Almost any monster girl by kenko cross
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Weird Style.jpg
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This is true
You brought this on yourself
Hey Smug
Why do you hate my raifu?
Because she's a fucking kike, and should be gassed
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Yuuki (0).png
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Bouncy Head Cute.gif
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But she's amazing!
Hey Yuuki
It's... Alright
It's not easy for me
People tend to avoid me but I don't even do anything to make then do so
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I'm gonna have to ask you not to fap to Yuno
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hi. they are removing cement from my yard
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Yuuki (8).jpg
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How's it going Galil?
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misaki curious 3.png
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Everything go great with your therapist?
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Beach Friends.jpg
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If Es can make of friends then you definitely can
I wouldn't, don't worry. Plus I'm at work anyway
It's going pretty good, my cold is now just a little cough.
I don't know about you guys but...
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to put in new cement
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Yuuki (48).jpg
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Good to hear! I've been suffering from some cough or something, every now and again I'll have a coughing fit.
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Not the word i would use
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Oh, of course.
Why new cement though?
Yeah on Monday I was coughing real bad for like 2 minutes straight, my throat felt like it just got fucked by sandpaper, now as long as I take a sip of water every so often I'm perfectly fine. Hope you feel better soon, what's up besides that though?
don't lie you would love to fug me with bug cums
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misaki upset.jpg
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Well I'm sorry. Do you still think he's helping you?
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Yuuki (27).png
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Not much, just hanging out and playing some guitar. I finished school for the day a couple of hours ago.
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Sarisa (8).png
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>Be me
>Stomach fails to digest food
>Get dizzy, paranoid and fall on floor
>In a complete daze rushed to the hospital
>Spend the next several weeks trying to explain to nurses how food and me don't mix
>Stuck waiting for stomach doctor to arrive and x-ray me
>Given digestive enzymes I could easily bought on my own
>Sent back home

Life is peachy.
I think he's trying but I'll talk about it later when Kurome is here to hear it
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Low Quality Disappoint.jpg
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Neato, you any good? You got yourself a nice sexy guitar?
Hey there Yui!
You can't digest food correctly?
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Yuuki (106).jpg
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I'm...decent. I can play a few songs in their entirety, but not good at solos or improvising. I have the same guitar as Yui, but mine is an Epiphone, not a Gibson (so a step down in quality).
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初音ミク – 1094.jpg
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I thought you were dead or jailed.
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Just making sure
hug me homo
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You know what's great about pokemon go?
You can play it everyday
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Kurisu 136.jpg
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Been worried sick about you, mate.
Assuming you are the Sarisa.
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Happy Sand Castle.jpg
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Your filenames are distressing me
What's the point of the birdcage
I don't know what Yui has though, I didn't even know Yui had a guitar. What even makes a good guitar?
You fucker
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Sarisa (42).jpg
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I am he. Thanks for your concern. How are you?
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because its all cracked and they want new cement
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Godspeed the little voice of truth and reason remained in this thread.
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oi oi oi! You trying to start a fite?!
Go back to the discord.
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Smugicane Shinoa.gif
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A fucking whole lot better now.
Besides that I have been pretty well.
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Kurisu 134.gif
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^^ What this smug shit-head said.
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Sarisa (26).jpg
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I've been a lot better to be honest, Smug. My health has been slowly declining for the past three years, and a few weeks ago it caused me all kinds of hurt. How are you?

I'm sorry I worried you.
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Kurisu 10.jpg
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Concern forced me to post nigga.
Cute guitar

No not yet.

I dunno, I didn't draw it. Looks cute in full pic I guess
Yui from K-On! has this guitar. It's one of the most recognizable and high valued guitars. Guitars are as good as the quality of parts put in them, who it's made by, etc.

Gibson Les Paul's are really high quality and have a beautiful tone. They start in the thousands for their price. Epiphone is a subsidiary of Gibson, and they make Les Paul model guitars endorsed by Gibson, but they aren't as high quality. Mine is about $500 new. There are some guitars that can cost as low as $100, but they're really bad tone and quality wise.
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Yuuki (2).jpg
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It's a fantastic guitar. Also
>wtf is with the body of the guitar in that picture?!
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Kurisu 37.gif
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Don't be. I am just all sorts of relieved that you're okay, dude.
What are discord newfags doing here?
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Yea, I just saw that now.

Theres a quality one
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Shy Bottle.png
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Who cares how the ground looks, it's the ground, I don't get this.
>That face
Damn that's a nice guitar, if I had any sort of talent with guitars at all I'd get one of those for sure
discord is dead hes fucking dead or something
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Caring about other newfags they've met online.
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You fucking wot, dr. Pepper ?

Please get well soon dude. Im doing fine. Bored at work though
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Sarisa (2).png
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I've been home for a few days, now. Just too out of heart to crawl back into the social pipeline, yet. I'm frustrated. I feel like I'm not getting anywhere, and doctors aren't offering me any magic cures. I guess it's back to just existing and coping.
Desert fox
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Yuuki (33).jpg
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Ah, much better. Such a beaut!
>both the guitar and Yui

Well, I would recommend you learn to play before shelling out $500+ on a guitar. My first guitar was a cheapo acoustic guitar I got at a pawn shop
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Sarisa (57).jpg
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How is everyone else doing?
i didn't change those since I'm on my phone.
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Blops Blapper.png
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Its always nice knowing you won't call Galil a cat
I know how to play (enough anyway), I just have no talent at all with them, I can't play for shit.
Alrifht then, if you say so.
>i dont want you to go through what i did we need sachiposter
What did you mean by this?
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Pretty well. Some have switched but you'll know who they are by personality
Better than you.
I hope you die of ulcer
>Stomach fails to digest food
What is that? Gastroparesis?
Cause she isn't a cat
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Kurisu 15.png
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Don't feel too out of heart, mangorita. You still have a lot to look forward to.
I am glad I caught this before I had to take off to work. I look forward to seeing you in the circle again soon.
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Kill yourself.
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well we wont have to walk over mud but besides that yeah
Please stip disappointing your family.
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misaki goodbye.jpg
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Haruhi if you're still hanging around I'll be on later as always, I'll just be lurking until the usual time (9-10 EST)
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Sarisa (62).jpg
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Sounds like everyone is up to their old tricks. Bless them.

I love and missed you so much. I'm so sorry things happened the way they did. I thought about you guys all the time.
My stomach finally reached the point of not breaking down, at all. These digestive enzymes they gave me are a helping, I admit. But still, I'm not back on my feet, yet.

How have you been?

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Old filename........
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A Cute Stats.png
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I'm fucking ded guys, ded. My sides have been obliterated.
Tell that to Suika and Mizore, they're bullies and always call her one
Do you not wear shoes when you go outside? If not you shouldn't complain about walking in mud honestly, that's some bitch ass shit right there.
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>that face

Not lewd, just meaning that you can talk to me without pauses
But what if I like doing that

Oh my God Sari I missed you too. Don't worry about it buddy! Im just so glad you're back.
I've been alright! Been real busy with stuff but it's fiiine.
>tight hugs

If I wanted to kill myself I'd climb your ego and jump in your pool of sadness.

All you have is friends over the internet, from a chatroom.

You lonely fag.
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Sarisa (8).jpg
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I'll see you around. Thanks again for your concern. Take care, my friend.
>If I wanted to kill myself I'd climb your ego and jump in your pool of sadness.
That is a terrible analogy.
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I'm always on
I have nothing else
I'm sorry efigy:(
when was it from?
it sounded slightly lewd
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No you
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So being cute behind the scenes?

We need you to baby sit us again if anything lmao. Hmmm

Hmmm. Idk about that. Doubt they'll listen

Post pic please. I wanna share the hug pic again
youre not prinz anymore you fucking heretic faggot
Maybe chen was actually right
What is there to apologize for?
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I know. People just recognize me as prinz though.

Sure thing smuggles
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i didnt but im saying thats all that would be to gain from repaving
Chen is always right.
bout what
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Sarisa (22).jpg
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Such brave words coming from someone who posts anonymously. I have more courage in my pinky than you have in your whole body, anon.

But please, do keep it up. I need a good laugh, and you're today's joke. :')

I can do that. Count me in. I missed you, Smug. You're still my favorite nigga.
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Close enough
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Sarisa (38).jpg
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I missed seeing that purple hair.

Sarisa, stop trying to seem tough when you're dying/in pain, you huge faglord.
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And you're my favorite boo boo ;)
discord REEEEE
I don't remember the hug pic sorry smuggles n~n

I missed your umpfs! And the Oh mys hehe~
>long awaited hugs
>he wrote that much towards someone who only insulted his friend online
The definition of TRIGGERED everybody, hahahaha stop taking everything so hard
Is just a thread, not a dick
invite me to discord
only oldfags get invited you newfag
discord killed thread
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About faggotry

Please consider suicide if you are in any sekrit club
Chen was right
People just feel lonely, they are mot here for their waifus, they are here to talk and forget about their miserable lifes and loneliness
God bless that faggot
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Accidently Soda'd.jpg
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Because they're bullies
I guess.
We've been talking about this for 30 minutes now
Super cute pic
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A few days ago
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Sarisa (47).jpg
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Boo Boo, my love! Thou hast been away for too long.

You go pro with that Smash Bros. Melee, yet?>Big hug
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have we? ive been playing games and popping in after rounds
It's funny because you were in a Discord aswell

Did you quit it just so you could say that people in them are faggots?
Sariiiii I wish! I'm still improving on my jigglypuff. I just bought Pokémon sun so it ve been taking a break and focusing on that.
>he doesnt have anything to say so he doesn't reply
kek pussy ass faggot
tommorow you're dying, don't try to seem tough anymore, sissy bitch
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Who do you think you are talking to?
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Makes me happy that you are still here

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oh shit you got me dude
looks like i been found out
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Makes me happy you haven't left <3
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>only oldfags get invited you newfag
Not true.
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I wanna be the little spoon.
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Sarisa (16).jpg
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I'm back in Discord. Oh, Pokemon Sun! Nice. Who you choose for a starter?
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>Spaming with a trip
Maybe when i get home. These ads will eat all my time

I wonder which anon this could be


M'lady. I haveth long waited for thee

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