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I've a 16 year old girlfriend who might be pregnant, I live

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Thread replies: 142
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I've a 16 year old girlfriend who might be pregnant, I live in a country where she isn't yet at the age of consent and abortion is not currently legal. I can not afford to let her have the child and neither can she. Not just because we're not ready for a child and she's too young and not just because I'd be a registered sex offender (at 18 years). Also because I'd almost certainly never see her again when her Dad finds out. I need safe DIY options or some form of access to abortion pills from overseas. Bear in mind that it's very early on
post her nudes first
Dude this is 4chan, havent you seen falcon punch memes....
I'll send you some in exchange for nudes
She's 16
What country? Some countries are hard r than others to get a hold of things.
Rip op you fukt up nd its ur own fault
Just out of curiosity, where do you live that early abortions are illegal?

I mean they even have those pills now (not the morning after ones) that pretty much just throw the woman onto her period before anything is even formed.
I think u should w8 till ur gf born that baby, then kill child, ur gf and urself cuz u dont deserve to life if u want to have sex but dont want to have babies and now u cry like a shit u are in corner cuz or gf get pregnant

or give her heaps of vitamin d and she will misscarry
is there a witch doctor nearby that can help?
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> abortion is not currently legal
do you live in vatican city?
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do a fucking preg test you retard, its probably just a preg scare, why are you waiting with this shit ?
go back in time and use a condom
if you don't have a time machine, resign yourself to your fate and take it as a learning experience
have you tried a coat hanger?
fucking idiot.
You're right it is probably a scare but I just need the options asap in case i need them cause there has been scares before but this has been going on too long. Obviously I'd rather prevent the pregnancy than abort it but anyway I've got what I need thanks guy who posted pic
What country do you live in OP?
every life is precious OP, this is a gift of life from the cosmos. embrace this new little traveler.
What a faggot. You do the crime you do the time.
I said ROI as in Republic of Ireland
Don't listen to this guy.
It's beyond that now, we start running out of food when the population hits 10 billion.. Dont be a catalyst to over population. Destroy the seed!
i believe that children are the future
teach them well, then let them lead the way
show them all the beauty they possess inside
the only way to will the overpopulation game is to create more people and send them to other countries so the mother county can have all the resources.
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Google misoprostol. You can buy it without prescription (for putting down dogs or smth) for around 70usd.
If you don't have the money, suck some dicks, it ll be the price for your happiness
Yea I committed a "crime" that is only considered a crime in this country, personally it didn't feel wrong to me
What makes you think our current levels of food production wouldn't be enough to feed the entire world population if we tried? What makes you think we are even close to hitting the ceiling of how much food we could possibly produce? Certain areas of the world are over-crowded, but the planet itself could support a lot more people just fine.
Whatever you do, don't kill it. Give it a chance to live, who knows maybe the kid is like super genius and has the key to world peace. Just let the kid get out of the womb and put him/her for adoption. Easy peezy, no need for adoption those who say otherwise are pieces of shit and should be beat down to death. Whatever you do, don't abort the child.
take a weekend road trip to a neighboring country that is abortion friendly and get it done there.
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NO need to abort*
Op, was in the same situation, 3 days after missed period start her on 6000mg of vitamin c and dong quia to induce an herbal abortion for 3 days.
fuck this person, if you both cant support the kid then its not time to have one.
You're wrong on so many levels.
We know that the current population is 7.125 billion people, with the amount of land we have to grow food (even if every inch was farmed) we would start running out of food at 10 billion.

Hell, if the rest of the world consumes beef and chicken at the rate that the US (and most advanced countries) do, we would need 3 planets the size of earth just to sustain all the livestock.

This isn't theory or speculation, it is fact. Just do a bit of research on over population.
>>713706727its a fucking saying you dumb ass, it didn't literally mean you committed a crime XD, fuck me what a dumb cunt.
It's not even a zygote yet never mind a phoetus, I'm happy with the parsley and vitamin C method just to encourage the period to come along and if that doesn't work I'll accept my fate and have the child but I sincerely hope it won't come to that
Yeah it's probably just going to be a gypsie retard who grows up to get a 15 year old pregnant
The world simply isn't like this anymore, regardless of what you care to admit to yourself, all of our parents would've been much better off had none of us been born.
can you ask a leprechaun for help?
you can't take a preg test right after the fuck faggot you need a couple of weeks
Read between the lines you stupid fuck, I said if they don't want the child then put him/her for adoption when the child gets out of the womb. A pregnant woman most of the time isn't that hard to take care of up until 2 months before labor which isn't a whole lot of time, the huge upside of letting the child live had something to do with conscience. Also studies show that when abortion goes wrong the mother may never ever conceive a child again, it doesn't happen frequently but still it's a risk. Abortion shouldn't really be an option unless there are some health problems involve.
>with the amount of land we have to grow food (even if every inch was farmed) we would start running out of food at 10 billion
That's ridiculous. We destroy tons of food every year. We don't even come close to using every inch of land. And yet 7.5 billion humans live on the planet.
make your gf eat one of these maybe it's not too late OP
Think positive, don't think too much about stuff that are yet to happen.
You fuckin' autist, why would you bust a nut in the girl if you knew this? I don't give a shit if it was an accident. When you know you're about to bust pull out your doodle and do it else where you retard.
Also, choke out your girlfriend and don't let her eat for a while
Children born to girls under 16 have a lower birth weight and more likely to have birth complications, which can cause mental (lower IQ) and physical (being overweight) problems their whole life. You want a dumbass, obese child?
get her to OD on vitamin C (which is impossible) it'll kick start her period and push out the egg. takes a couple days, but it works.
I didn't bust a nut in her, I didn't make any mistakes. All I know is her period is exceptionally late and it's been late before but not like this. All I want now is just methods to encourage the period
>hurr-durr I made my gf prego
>don't have moneies..
wear a condom you fuckin idiot
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PLS don't abort so when you'll get pissed off at adolescent him/her you'll be able to show him/her this thread
You should have thought of that before, you fucking sub-human waste of carbon.
Condoms cost money.

>fuckin idiot
Yeah, he said he was 18. What is your point?
Sex without protection.
You desurve this.
F all these guys. Email me at motionstar at mail dot com I'll send you a letter with the plan b pill. It will cause miscarriage
Just because there's a "study" about it doesn't mean it is always like that, for all we know that information you got there is just a made up one to scare some fools out. In my country the Philippines there are a lot of unplanned teenage pregnancies here I'm talking about being pregnant at the age of 15-17 yet when I visited this orphanage the children who got conceived by mothers that age seem fine to me and those children who got adopted by some folks grew up to be fine, I know because I used to work there and the grown children atleast most of them pay a visit to the orphanage to give back some stuff. That study is just silly talk.
When did I even say I didn't use protection? The reason I was scared in the first place was cause I saw white stuff on the outside of the condom. I told my self it was discharge but now that it's been this long I'm suspicious. Jesus where are you getting all this from?
he's irish, the baby is already going to be a dumbass obese child
If you didn't bust in her, then it's probably just a spotty period man. Or you guys forgot when it was due. Is she on BC? Why isn't she on BC?
>I live in a country where she isn't yet at the age of consent and abortion is not currently legal.

that's an interesting country to live in.

btw you totally deserve the jail.

you're 18 and didn't yet learn that the only 100% safe contraception is virginity.
This man knows what's up.

Def. save this thread if you don't manage to get rid of it.
The lubricant on the outside of condoms can get whipped into deceptively white/thick constitution. You're probably just panicking dude.
Oh yea forgot about that well known Irish stereotype of how we're all obese retards.. I sincerely hope you're not from the US or UK cause that would be a whole new level of irony
Why the fuck wouldn't you fly her to somewhere in the EU to have the abortion done?
She's not on BC cause she isn't at the age of consent and needs parents permission and they aren't encouraging it

that is, hospital will report her to the police.

and I'll be jailed after giving money to you

you jewish ameritard.
what did it taste like? could have been from her.
did you fill the condom with water to see if there was a hole?
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It's more the irregular periods that concerned me rather than the white stuff on the condom because that's been there before. I'm pretty sure it was from her but it crossed my mind when she was late.
The only way out is to kill yourself.
She will get the baby, you will get prison, she will probably get beat up by everyone, she will die along with the son (i know for a fact), you will die a slow death.
Both families will hate their own daughter/son and never ever will anyone talk about you again.
You and the girl are humanitys darkest evil that no one shall talk about.

Only because you didnt condom.
Condoms cost like 5$
A kid costs fuckin heaps
Poor people can buy condoms, not children (unless you're in fuckin mexico or some shit)
stress can make her late.
For the last time guys I used a condom
Yea but she's the one who's not panicking she's eerily calm
Kill her, bury the corpse somewhere in forest, ???, profit
do it yourself
she set you up

RAIDS in 12 hours
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The fuck did you try to say nigger?
punch her in the stomach, then cum in her again
Do they not have pregnancy tests in Ireland?

If she was messing around on the side then the kid wont be yours anyway, which means no jail time I assume?

You could always ask her why shes so calm about the aparent end of her baby-daddy's free life...
She's calm as in she doesn't think she's pregnant even though it's quite late

you porn addicted virgin fags talk like Jewish CEOs of condoms industry.

Condom contraception reliability is between 90 and 99%.

I have 3 cousins born in spite of condoms.
Uncle went as far as writing protest letters to condom firms, only to get a reply like "didn't you read the small text?"

No, I didn't fucking read the fuckin' small fuckin' text, because I was horny and I just needed to avoid a pregnancy, and while many times it went OK, there were three times (three fuckin' times) the condom either broke, or let some sperm out while not showing holes.
Yes, doing something illegal in "just your" country IS called a crime, you stupid faggot. You thinking it's not because "muh feelz" just goes to show how wholly immature you are. Knowing abortions were illegal, you'd think you would've used a condom when you committed statutory rape. Again, your "love" for each other doesn't supercede the law and you knew this going into it.

Why do you think she's pregnant? Because you came in her once? Did she miss a period? Did she test positive?

Grow a pair and grow the fuck up while you're at it and ask your parents/her parents for help. Fly her to a country that does abortions or get real medical advice from a doctor. It doesn't matter if "her dad won't let me see her anymore!!!1" you dumb fuck this is a life ruining event for both you and her. Seek actual help before you listen to 4chan telling you how to poison her with over the counter meds.
>you used condom
>she got pregnant
you are not the father.
Deal with it.
(Or wait to see that black baby)
I never said it wasn't a crime, I'd have gone on fucking yahoo if I thought otherwise.
Now Jesus Christ stop being such a self righteous twat I'm hardly gonna poison her with fucking parsley and vitamin C and it does fucking matter just because maybe in your experience relationships are your lowest priority it doesn't mean the same for me. She's a huge part of my life and I'm not an immature twat for caring about not seeing the mother of my child ever again
Here's a tip, and it can help you find out if shes really pregnant, and put you both at ease.

Fuck her.

Seriously, fuck her, and make sure to make her cum. Not just a "rub the clit a bit" cum, but a full on, fingering, rub that g spot, stick a couple up the ass and make her convulse kind of orgasm. A full on orgasm like that, the kind that she will remember for a long ass time, also has an added benefit.

That benefit is kick-starting a period. If it's late, the convulsions and contractions inside the vagina will actually get things going again. She may even start bleeding on the spot. And if she -is- pregnant, it may be enough trauma to abort. If its early enough, and you do induce a period, the egg wont be able to deposit, and will just get passed through like any other menstruation.

So win-win here. You fuck. She cums harder than ever before and loves you for it. And then you can tell she isn't pregnant, because she will start either later that day, or the next.

Good luck /b/rother.
She's calm because she's 16 and isn't old enough to understand just how this could change the rest of her entire life.

You fucked a kid who's too young to mentally grasp such drastic consequences. It's almost like there should be a law in place preventing this from happening.
If you used every inch of land the only animals left would be livestock. We're talkinf even more of a mass extinction than what we've already created which is around 90% extinct already
>Why do you think she's pregnant? Because you came in her once? Did she miss a period? Did she test positive?

and yes.



yet another believer in the super-dogma "condoms avoid pregnancies"


seems like you read too may hentai porn
You're fucked. Maybe now you'll learn to keep your dick in your pants, you irresponsible degenerate.
Of course she understands she just feels like she's been fooled before about being pregnant so she won't believe it again and if that's such a universally known fact that 16 is too young for sex then why is it the age of consent in the UK and the US, the most influential countries to Ireland?
i'm alarmed by the level of your stupidity
If you're 18 you can buy p pills.
Buy p pills.
Give some to your GF.
Bye bye baby.
I should just not have sex because there's a chance of a child? What are you the pope?
No but proper birth control would. This is why abortion needs to be legal. Less stupid kids fucking up their life with dumb shit like this.
>I've a 16 year old girlfriend who might be pregnant

Might? Buy her a fucking pregnancy test to be fucking sure you dumb fuck.
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i am not responsible for any bodily harm
dont do this OP. get rid of the baby in a way that won't make your q2p2t gf sick. use the herbal method that was posted earlier in the thread. dont put another unwanted baby in the system
You actually think this retarded OP is capable of producing a genius?
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CIA here.
Legally you are.
It's too early for a pregnancy test.. How stupid do you reallyyy think I am seriously. The only thing I've done wrong is have sex with someone who is under my country's age of consent. I broke a law of the land not a moral code and say that's wrong if you will but if you've ever had sex with a 16 year old then it's the exact same thing damage wise and besides, what do you expect?
a SHITload and I'm talking 4 500mg vitamin C tablets every hour until she miscarriages. My ex did this twice. The stress of getting nausea and diarrhea played a huge part in it IMO but its better than 9 months of sickness and an eternity of a child...
You can do it next day retard.
get those vitamin C tablets quick too.
only works within the first week or two

KEK an 18 year old fucks a 16 year old. Ends up registered as a sex offender. Sad!
State your source

Actually, this is from my own experience with my gf. There have been plenty of times we were worried, she was late, and a good orgasm triggered her period.

Yes, my wording was to be fun and relateable, but it is based on experience, and science. Look it up, search for "orgasms triggering period". There is plenty of evidence of it happening.

Pregnancy only occurs after a fertilized egg is deposited into the uterine lining. During their period, a woman's uterine lining is shed, along with blood. Inducing a period will have a chance of also shedding that fertilized egg.

Don't think I would give someone bad advice based on "having seen too much hentai". I am offering a quick solution that doesnt involve a lot of drugs, money, or prison. So try it out first, and if it doesnt help, then figure out what to do. If it does help, that's great news.
just marry her
>gf pregnant
>I didn't bust a nut in her
Well someone did
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By experience.
My ex went through the same thing as she could not afford an abortion
this too will work a charm
>suggesting OP fuck a girl under the age of consent again
are you telling OP to commit a crime?
cop detected
would you say it's a lucky charm?
Or have her do it herself. Doesnt matter the source of orgasm, as long as its strong enough to cause some uterine contractions.
yo bro no joke I was in this SAME situation like, 7 months ago.
Here's what happened-
>be me
>be 19.5
>be with qt3.14 too young lmao
>smash that shit on the daily
>oh fuck preggo
>doesn't want to do abortion
>ok that's fine I guess not really
>wait 7 months
>ask her to try on this corsette, I'm sure it'll look really nice, I can help you tie it up
>dumb bitch doesn't even think twice, just "ahh yeah!"
>tie that shit up
>tie it REALLY tight
>baby dies being crushed to death because of that tight ass corsette
>oh gosh it was cute though
easiest meme of my LIFE
You raped a child and now want us to help you murder a baby?

You're a fucking psychopath.
Yeah, this.
yea basically tnx
>let some sperm out while not showing holes.

>yet another believer in the super-dogma "condoms avoid pregnancies"

It's a fucking barrier between you dick and the vagina, you fucking retard.
how's being old, you old faggot?
oh i thought republic of Indonesia. cant you just travel to the UK or something?
And it isn't foolproof.
Have her drink a bottle of ketchup and then jump up and down for 15 minutes. Problem solved.
maybe you should educate yourself before you have sex with somebody, since, you know, SEX IS SUPPOSED TO MAKE BABIES YOU DUMB FUCK
get a vasectomy or shut the fuck up
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Pic related.
OP would end up in jail, dumbass.
Sudoku works good as fuck. But remember that you must first do your assignments.
more people just need to be gay problem solved
Sir. The picture forgets to mention menstridol. Putting parsley up your vagina doesn't really work. It's just an added precaution. Vitamin C. Some wine. And NO MILK. Otherwise you're doing all of this for nothing.

She's going to have super cramps.

Source. Med fag.
why dont you use google for abortion pills faggot?
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Jesus those are some nice fucking stairs...
nice feet
Learn to wrap your shit you fucking retard.
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