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White bois, right now, I'm up, enjoy the morning. However,

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White bois, right now, I'm up, enjoy the morning.

However, I have bad news: White women desire with flaming intensity superior Black seed. See, White bois just ain't cutting it anymore. It's over for White bois, because their seed is weak. Now, White women just want superior Black seed.

Sorry, White bois. You're just boipussy at this point.
Gotta earn that paycheck huh, anon? :')
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Women don't want any "seed"

They just want to be fucked, get money, and not get pregnant and have to raise your baby alone.

White or black, seed doesnt do shit.
You have fun bragging about your jizz on the internet.

I'll enjoy occasionally doing stuff with my dad and not being gunned down by the time I'm 40
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disgusting. When they want to settle down to have a family that can afford to live a a decent suburb they'll realize the mistake they've made. My cock may be average but at least I know my father and have a good credit score.

Rationalizing, huh, White boi ;)

That's funny. You clearly don't understand women, which isn't surprising
Kek. Master of women is here to tell that other anon otherwise.

Get mad, White bois. Women settle down when they're used up and old - or when they want a White boi to take care of their mulatto offspring. I'll give you family - once White women receive superior Black seed. You're just boipussy tbh, White boi

isn't there that face recognition program? Could we store all the girls that got touched by apes so that we could avoid them later?
Best part about this thread except it being typical b8 m8 is that the biggest penis ever is on a white guy, y'all negros can't be the best at anything, well cept crime
How alone are you? Do you feel safe when you post bait?

Wow. Nice response. Sounds like you've been boipussy for a while, White boi. U mad
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this nigger again
Women only care about money and want a rich guy, that's why they like black me...oh wait.
Haha mah dick bigger than a bridge yo dick look like a little kids
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This is bait
even niggers don't like niggers
Of course. Doubling down on the bait. U continue baiting, white boi

You see that picture, lil White boi? Yeah. Sally and her three friends were BURNING for Black seed. Stay mad, White boi. You're just boipussy at this point.
the two chicks on the right are wearing the same jeans
What are you guys talking about
Wtf is boipussy, also if your dick ain't bigger than 9.75 inches you need to go back to the Congo before the kkk and trumpers get you
Why the fuck do faggots make these threads? Honestly no one gives a shit.
Home from school and bored or paid shills

White bois are just boipussy LOL
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You do realize that even if all the races started mixing, eventually everyone would be light skinned if not white, right?

The cream always rises to the top.
The very reason why they settle for nigger is because guys like you are too beta to approach them. Its not strange that girls convince themselves they like niggers if niggers are the only ones confident enough to give them attention and compliments. I see this happening all the time. Especially true for chubby women. Have you ever notices that chubby women always have niggers as "their type" ? Well guess why that is.
Asian have high IQ but small dicks.
Blacks have large dicks but no IQ.

White people are balanced, balance in life is the most important factor for society.

That's how we are the leaders of the free world, that's how our cities and countries look like they were made by Gods compared to the shitstain in Aidsfrica where black people come from.
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>Believes black seed is superior
>fills inferior white woman full of seed
>creates mix seed offspring
>removes black from dna spectrum
No nigger would be able to construct a sentence like "White women desire with flaming intensity superior Black seed" so you are probably white or perhaps asian. Why do you fantasize about black men?
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Don't look that way to me.
You mad black boy?

Natural selection will take care of the darkies.
Brah, what you even talking about? First off there are movements of white girls and guys against blacks. You're becoming obsolete...I get it you see all the signs when you look around. Trump is coming into power....black people getting slaughtered by police (legally!) that's right we've found your one of many weaknesses (don't forget at one point we counted you as less than a whole person, that's coming back soon) we know that you will chimp out no matter what, it's not your fault it's your tiny brain. So we wait then shoot you and go to court and get paid leave. In the meanwhile you are all waking up too late to see what's really going on behind your watermelon and welfare. We've already plotted your demise, so take the white fatties while we follow through with our plan of white domination. We count on you sitting on threads trying to remain relevant, even though you know deep down the oppression is going to get worse, soon you will be back in slave labor. That's right you're only free because we let you be...but we are getting tired of your freedom....soon darkie....soon
Serious autism these threads are.

tl;dr White boi

So, how does it feel being boipussy for a superior Black male LOL
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>aka too long can't read
Keep the chubbs pal.
I'm not interested tbh. Got myself a nice white lass who refused to date blacks. Love my racist lass

You're genes are simply inferior, and will be weeded out.
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tl;dr is an acronym that doesn't correspond with too long can't read, you Neanderthal White boi.

I guess you White bois are boipussy, because you can't understand these simple concepts. No wonder White women want superior Black seed.
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>Hurr durr ima so educated Lmao white bois prolly don't kno what a acronym means lol
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You're right - that's why you're just boipussy. While Suzy desires Black seed, you're playing with memes and anime in your mother's basement! LOL

As I said, BOIpussy
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Nigger in my country seeing another nigger is like finding a hundred dollar bill on a street, but instead of luck it gives you smell of shit

I didn't know boipussy could even type - let alone comprehend anything I'm saying. ;)
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Raise your hand if you're actually black in this thread.

No hands to be raised.
Just trolls, blacks don't come on this site.
I didn't know a nigger can afford a computer.
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Oh wait

lol 'i didn't know a nigger can afford a computer'

Need to go back to English class, White boi. If you want a White woman, you're going to need to first learn proper English
Femanon here, why do so many white guys think us white girls like black men?

For one thing, I've never seen an attractive black guy in my entire life. And I don't actually know any white girls that like black guys, or have been with black guys. It's a general consensus with all the girls I've known that black guys are completely unattractive.

They have ugly, primate-like facial features, with those fat ugly noses and elongated skulls. Their skin tone is extremely unattractive, and their skin tends to be oily with a bad smell. Their hair is fucking disgusting, that ugly sheep hair, and the way their body hair pills up has legit almost made me puke before. They sound HORRIBLE. The way they talk is such a massive turnoff I can't even explain. That ghetto, lazy, retarded way of talking makes my pussy shut like a steel trap. The music they listen to is garbage and a turnoff, if I'm ever with a guy and he starts playing some retarded mainstream rap I'm just giving up on the guy altogether. Their personality and the way they act, dress and carry themselves just baffles me, I honestly don't understand why people accept it, they're literal savage barbarians with ugly skin and shitty clothes.

Listen, dumbfucks - we don't like black guys, stop pretending we're just going to them in droves. I don't know if you guys have a fetish for black men "stealin' yo wemens" or if you're legitimately attracted to black guys and imagine yourselves as white girls, then project that degenerate fetish onto us real white girls, but you need to stop. I live in a pretty big city, and I RARELY see a black guy with a white girl, and the ONLY times I do see it is when the chick is either extremely trashy, extremely unattractive, or both. Fuck black guys, and not the way you want us to.
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Why the fuck do you faggots even respond this these "niggers"?
Black people look like monkeys.
Prove you're actually black or we are leaving this b8 thread
I don't date white women. I hate meeting fathers.
This picture always cracks me up
Posting this again from yesterday since I didn't really get any responses.... aren't Scandanavians superior anyways? I mean, at least pick a clearly superior race if you're going to try to troll.
At least I have good credit.

Listen, boipussy, White girls don't talk like that. We all know it's easy for you to hide behind a computer and pretend to be a White girl, that's silly. I know - White girls like Black seed.

And if you are a White girl? Just sounds like you can't even get the Black seed you want. It's okay. I promise.

Boipussy confirmed LOL
>let alone comprehend anything I'm saying

You were probably right about that bit...
Even you want to clean your own race
That's okay OP. I'm already happily married, you can have all the white women you want. Hey, after all that slavery, you probably earned it. Have a good time little buddy!
Oh yes because white gurlz only type like that ;D ;)
I hate niggers hahahah they stink :P
Ahahaha! Superior cotton pickers.
If I get no credible arguments again, I'm going to assume this is true. Niggers be niggers, and whitebois nigger out in their own way while blaming niggers for nigging out.
All the chimps belong in zoos.
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Wow, they got a new batch of parole officers. That's amazing!
>hey guys, wanna troll trolls on 4chan? it's easy look.
>hai beautifull woman, i am jamal from south africa and diz iz my frendz. can we take picture fo family yes?
>yeah why not, happy to help a tourist.
>posting on /b/
>>White bois, right now, I'm up, enjoy the morning. However, I have bad news: White women desire with flaming intensity superior Black seed. See, White bois just ain't cutting it anymore. It's over for White bois, because their seed is weak. Now, White women just want superior Black seed. Sorry, White bois. You're just boipussy at this point.
>this will sure make them mad just look.
My white girlfriend has dated nothing but white guys in the past. I'm not dark skinned but not white (combo of my light color mom and dark color dad). She has told me out of all of them I was the biggest one.

Perhaps its just coincidence?
You should have considered the way internet flows and attach a picture, proving that you are just an another unfuckable white trash that wants to increase it's self esteem by calling an entire race ugly and primative. If you really think that it's your achievement that you were born white, or you were predetermined to be born white for all good stuff you might have (possibly) done in the previous life, then you are just a retard. Long story short, whipe yourself off the internet.

Have your memes, boipussy.

White women want Black seed, and there's nothing you can do about it. In a free market of sexual competition, White bois lose because they're weak. Good try White bois.
you are feeding the trolls anon
Im particularly white and my ex gf said all she dated was black guys and she told me I was bigger then the rest of them put together. I knew it was a myth
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Yeah we can, we just shoot niggers.
Hey Jamal, shouldn't you be picking cotton or at a BLM protest? We never should have imported any of you.

U mad. I love ass-blasting White bois. I mean, you ARE boipussy.
I dare you to shoot another, but you would have to log off the internet first
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Blacks are always going to be mad, because everything they base their lives on is white man's creation from medicine to politics and laws.
On top of this, women of all races like black men the least and white men the best.
BTFO with pic related ;)

Why these White bois so fucking mad? Bunch of racist ass White bois. Don't worry. There ain't going to be racist left after White women receive superior Black seed.
Mulatto? Now you're just going through the motions. Maybe you should find a new line of work.
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Lol my gf is black and im white. Invalid af
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White Bois so mad
Niggas only response is calling white guys boipussy, yet gets burned by everyone else on the only point he thought he could make. This is some shitty bait indeed, nigga if you wanna argue stop trying to intentionally sound black it just makes you sound like a moron
Thanks for taking all the degenerative skanks. Makes keeping our blood pure easier when we weed out the handicapped.
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Stop being a cuck
Sauce of this? full video pls.
OP is not just a faggot, he is an autistic faggot.
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The only handicapped here is you
Found the right winger!
He looks like a mongoloid. She looks like she's had at least five abortions.
I like how this comic isn't showing black racism but only white.
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That ain't right, son!

Yeah. He just revealed himself. He mad af. Lil Nazi Whiteboi. You mad - with your inferior seed.
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ugly ass anon
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Thank You. I´m going to check that website

Piper Perri

Tbh I quite like you OP, doing nothing more in your life than contributing in your own shitty bait thread.
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how are you not aware that it's a pasta?
Can I call out my own dubs? Fuck it, half the people here do it and don't even own up to it.

Dubs of truth!
I am a Fascist but I'm not a right winger. Right wing politics cares too much for the negroid, the kike, and kike founded religions.
Ps. My girlfriends a Mexican so check your wanna be "superiority" complex at the fucking door stupid niggas I swear. Also just by going off your logic, whites are inferior to blacks by what you say. So.........your gonna fuck what you see as inferior stock just to make others jealous? Logic invalid. Best regards, the unaffected cracker
White women love Blacks, Indians and Muslims/Arabs.

White women wouldn't dare touch White boys, Chinks, Spics, and Native Americans. Y'all are disgusting!
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Shut yo ass redneck
An hero you jiggaboo
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The focus of the comic is centred around political ideologies, not the colour of the skin of the people that perpetrate these acts. Everybody is capable of making racist remarks.
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Future of America

Trump can't stop that's
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When did i say Trump would stop that? Trump is a half dick lover and those kikes have him on his payroll with the muh 6 million bullshit. Oy vey goyim more racemixing for you.
It's nice, because at this point, black people just fade into the background. I can look at this picture and only see three degenerate sluts and a jewelry shop.

Absolutely beautiful. She couldn't resist superior Black seed. Those 'Aryan' genetics? Now Blacked.
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>You're just boipussy tbh, White boi
This just goes to show you all nignogs are homosexuals
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funny how you white trolls idolize dindu dicks so much you save pictures of them.

At least one of those nig-nogs will drop his genetically inferior seed in one of those dumb cunts. And he will be a hard working, responsible father too. HA!!!!!! Yeah, then when they grow up, they'll entrap some desperate white guy to take care of her shit. He'll wonder why her pussy is so stretched out. "Oh, honey, it's always been that way. Go by me stuff." "Oh-ok honey."
Not surprising I believe most Mexicans are as well
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>posting images of women being raped

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Not sure
black dick satisfies her... can't argue with that
Raped? Hell no. They are, however, being paid to do that. Y'know, like most porn stars.
Fucking Tumblrers man. Ruining the /b/ one awful bait at a time.
No just being raped like this image here >>713710829
Fuck this thread. I just want to say Im a black guy, and last friday, I finally fucked a white girl, and she was sexy as fuck. Omg.
No. He pwn3d your ass right there I'm afraid. You're done.
Confirmed, Scandanavian = superior.

Thanks, fags.
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>Actually a white guy
>Fucked an abo last friday
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Oh ok. Guess Im just tanned.

Ay, good job. These White bois are just boipussy
that's fine i'll just take all the black women
This is a good thing, it's about time you improved your degenerate monkey race with superior white genes.
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This is because we have a history to be proud of, unlike niggers. Niggers who were not uplifted by whites still live in mud huts.
I'm white and I've fucked white girls, black girls, latino girls, asian girls. Not as many of the others as whites, but enough to get some experience. Not as a weird fantasy. Kind of like Captain Kirk.

I ALWAYS wore a rubber when fucking anyone outside of my race though.

Black girls try, but they just aren't as sexy as white women. End of story. We all know that. Same thing with black dudes. Out of all the girls I know, which is a LOT, only 4 or 5 will admit to fucking blacks. Is that true? Only they know.
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Yes sure
It's typically the low class white females that fuck blacks, chicks that are better not reproducing with white men. You see a lot of trailer trash with blacks, and the young girls that just made a mistake while experimenting end up a single mother about 80% of the time.
i wouldnt date any of the bitches in this picture..
it just shows how inferior black are they theyd settle for 8s
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Yup, but I wasn't talking about that white trash. Stupid nigger.
Every girl that admitted to fucking blacks were trailer trash junkies. Dish rags.
girl on the right has obvious fake titties
You trolls not even trying to refute me has shown how impossible it would be, utterly BTFO.
Stay mad black boiisss
t. >>713708972
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You're roman now? haha stupid cracker cancer patient looking ass
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I'm Italian, who knows where my ancestors were back then. The point is that whites were building civilizations while you niggers still hadn't invented the wheel. If it weren't for whites most of you wouldn't even have a written language. Stupid nigger.

Pic related, more white people building civilizations out of the mud
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He raped her during the game?
Pretty sure he's blind
not all b is alpha enough to use that argument, they'd marry those sluts even though theyre contaminated,
he'd have to be..
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>kids on /b/
>discussing fucking

erry time
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Italian are white?
she look like help me i have no daddy
Nasty ghetto ones
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Europe take thats
Remember any race traders out there, you will never be helped when the race war kicks off. These niggers are nigger sympathizers need to die. They did it in Europe and you Americans need to start doing it now, blacks were once tools for the white man and they can be all over again.
Italian are brown people not white sorry
>Race Traders
im white fuckig this tick black Jamaican
Wow cool story bro.

She lives in which hospital?
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They are basically a white version of a dirty nigger. Grease balls.
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Yeah nigga dats wat I'm talkin bout. Stay up.
I keep my bitch happy.
I dont specialized in English, sorry.
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Europe looking good
Do niggers even browse this website?

Why would a white guy post a thread like this anyway
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You sound like a bitch
at least he pointed at what matters
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I'd be worried too.
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/thread nigger
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Why is this thread still alive?
Overrated pic
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Cause y'all can't compete
Thread posts: 201
Thread images: 74

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