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Dozens of lawsuits were filed against delegates from the electoral

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Thread replies: 337
Thread images: 74

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Dozens of lawsuits were filed against delegates from the electoral college yesterday, in an effort to have them declare Hillary Clinton the winner.

This is not over yet. Democratic groups are really putting the pressure on the EC over the next couple of weeks. They will face years of litigation if they don't choose Hillary Clinton as the winner of the election.
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Not going to happen. They're just making themselves look silly and childish. Bottom line we're all fucked.
She lost. Your death threats and lawsuits against the electors won't change that. Trump's new DOJ will deal with the scumbags making the death threats too.

I hope that the electors release an email list of the people threatening them so we can help deal with it ourselves.
The witch won't win, OP, even with CNN kissing her feet.
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>"If you don't make my person the winner.... I'm gonna sue you.... WAAAAAAHHHHHHH!"
CNN is now 'fake news'.
Well said, anon.
The fact that the Wisconsin recount found errors which give Trump more votes is priceless...

Are you sure that you want to keep going in the other 4 states?
low quality bait
The lawyers are laughing at them as they take their money.
The whole world is laughing at these idiots.
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I genuinely hope the EC does declare her the winner...Trump is too much of a scumbag even for Washington.

But it WILL precipitate a shit-storm and there will be violence from the knuckle draggers if that's the way it goes down.
Fucking this! Wash me in your liberal tears!!
its over faggot
>I genuinely hope (...) it WILL precipitate a shit-storm and there will be violence from the knuckle draggers
Scumbag spotted
They can, but then Congress will discard those faithless votes, and Trump will still win.
Oh yeah if they do declare her the winner I can see the next logical step being to declare a modified marshal law and goddamn we will never see the current regime give up power
Until the US military forcefully removes him, which is exactly what would happen.
I'm afraid you've forgotten who the commander in chief of the military is
the whole intention is to de-legitemize Trump, and to spark chimpouts nationwide. soros is behind this, and he hopes to turn things into pure anarchy all over the nation causing the fall of the united states.
If he does anything like this at this point in the game, it will be viewed as a non-peaceful transition of power, or resistance. One, the state governors have to sign off to keep martial law in place once it is implemented by the president, within 30 days. Two, the military men and women won't blindly obey orders which are illegal, and have sworn to uphold the constitution.
This!! Wake up sheeple!!! If we don't get this country back to its Republic roots we will be ushering in the time of Sion and all of you cattle will be easily rounded up and controlled. William Cooper saw this coming for years!! People think that this is the Jewish conspiracy but it is deeper than that.
That's why "modified", where no one can sign off on it only the president himself. This can be done by executive order.
You think that at the threat of mass riots from either side wouldn't inspire the governors to do what they had to do to ensure peace??
No, that's "illegal" and unconstitutional and would therefore be a coo. He would be promptly removed.
And there went your credibility. Try coup next time
>But it WILL precipitate a shit-storm and there will be violence from the knuckle draggers if that's the way it goes down.
>As opposed to the peaceful approach demonstrated so far
>"Trump said he might not accept the results of the election! He is basically a dictator!"

>Actually Trump won.

Nope, only the left would be rioting, and they would be put down if it gets out of hand.

Even if the electoral college declares Hillary the winner, she still won't be president. That would be a lot of "faithless" votes and congress gets to decide in the case of faithless votes effecting the outcome where no one has the needed 270.
Idiots don't understand how EC works... when you vote you are also voting for that persons rep to take the states spot and vote in EC ...you are just filling them to people that actually work and have direct ties to trump...idiots I swear

>American education folks
thats where chickens roost idiot
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entire point invalidated.... you're an idiot.
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Yeah because the leftist blm riots were squashed so fucking hard
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>doesn't know how the electoral college works
Oh it's bait. Never mind
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They were minor in comparison, and Obama let them happen. The people have spoken, and won't put up with bullshit on a large scale. Remember which side has the guns....
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thread is kill
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Yeah because no nigger on the street has guns. Oh yeah just not legally. That's why we need to take the guns away from legal and responsible gun owners right? RIGHT??

cletus doesn't understand that the EC can legally choose hillary, and then she would be the 45th president, no matter how much they kick and scream.

the founders put the EC in place exactly for the reason to prevent people like trump from ever getting into the most powerful office in the world. the electors know this, and that's why hillary will be the next president.
At least 36 Electors would have to change their vote for Hillary to "win"
>no riots

sure faggot. the conservatives went absolute ape shit when Obama won.
>properly trained former military and police

pick one
so? they can if they want to.

see >>713708197
Looks like you're the one that doesn't understand how it works.
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And that's 36 handpicked republican electors
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Since you're not an intelligent human being, I'll tell you why Trump won.

Democrats didn't show up. There was no 'surge' in voters for Trump. He won by a smaller margin than Obama did in 2008 and 2012. And she even won by 4,000,000 votes.

Period. End of. No debate.
Not him but trump still won.
>Period. End of. No debate.

See >>713706309

That's not fully been decided yet. The electoral college still has to cast their votes, and it's not official until that has been done. They can legally choose any candidate, and choosing Hillary would be simply honoring the popular vote.
They won't. Not 290+ hand picked GOP electors that were picked specifically to vote for the GOP candidate. And if you argue that that's not the case then you have no idea how the electoral college actually works.
dubs of truth, checked!

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such asshurt
The glow, it can be seen from orbit.

Sucks to loose and not get a trophy kiddo?
Deal with it.
>popular vote
You realize all the screaming for recounts is only cementing the popular vote in trumps favor, right? RIGHT??
And what happens next?

Congress has to verify their vote, that's what. Electors who vote against their state would be considered faithless votes. Congress can throw their votes out, and doesn't have to accept them. If enough votes are thrown out to cause a situation where no candidate has the needed 270, then congress picks the president.

Sorry, Trump still wins.

Hillary, Trump, and all of the other candidates knew the rules going into this. They agreed to those rules, and Trump won by those rules. Trying to modify those rules at the last minute will not work, and only uninformed crybabies believe that they can. Get over it. Go home. She lost!
Yeah they are in the denial phase of grief. I can't wait for depression. Hoping to see some ridiculous attention whoring suicides. Praying for self-immolation. Imagine they just start setting themselves in fire to protest "racism" or whatever.
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A mostly Republican Congress.
We should encourage the incompetence if the left which is now run by Muslim brotherhood though. They absolutely must be allowed to destroy themselves.
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Didn't know Martha Stewart was a furry.
Who the fuck cares
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>lrn2government faggot
But the higher democrat voters doesn't correlate with population.
>You can have low population pro democrat regions
oh right, Obama
/b/, the only place where a spelling error invalidates your entire point.

Oh and any group of conservatives.
Exactly. And he can declare a modified Martial Law, preventing the inauguration from taking place. He can also suspend future elections for any period that he sees fit. Trump will not be president. We will either get Hillary, or Obama will remain for at least another 4 years.
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you certainly can, but densely populated areas lean democratic
That would be a 'coop'

The closest thing that is similar is a 'coupe' which is a 2-door car.
It's not going to happen you fucking idiot. People like you will never learn, and the rest of us will never take you seriously because of it.
>doesn't know how to spell properly
>doesn't understand why it invalidates the point you were trying to literally spell out
>not realizing that most Republicans in Congress hate Trump
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>delusional enough to believe that they would pick hillary.
Seriously nigga?

Misspelling a word has no correlation at all to the overall message of a post unless it was about spelling.

Jesus Christ, and conservatives wonder why they're always being called idiots.
It doesn't matter at all. Trump is still the next president, and no amount of "but if" will change that. Don't like it then Canada or Mexico is right next door, pussy
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Easy to say now. When January 20th rolls around, remember today. :)
Logically any fault in a premise invalidates it making the entire thing false.

Conservatives are too stupid to understand that though, because of their obnoxiously low IQs.
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This post basically equates to

>my perception of reality is the absolute truth BabyRage

This isn't the first time loopholes have snagged the presidency from a candidate that seems to have won.
>I don't have to use words properly to say something if I don't want to!
>why don't you take me seriously you guys??
Except Trump is still the next president lmao. You're a joke
>implying that there will be enough faithless electors in the first place

>b-b-but 'Bernie still has a chance'

Obama's voter turnout is abnormally high. Look at all the voters turnouts before 08 and you'll see that this election was close. Also I don't give a fuck about trump, I just thank god shillary isn't fucking in power
This is why Trump can't be in office.

Not because of the man or his policies, but because it validates millions of uneducated fucktards like this who have never stepped foot in a legitimately academic realm and wouldn't even know how to act.
A coux..
French penis?
Anon, the sky isn't always blue. It can change based on temperature, light level, and density of certain gases in the atmosphere.

>Except it's actually blue. You're a joke.

Do people genuinely believe something will come of this or are they trolls?
gender studies and liberal arts are cancer. They aren't recognized as contributors to intellectualism by anyone who is genuinely intellectual in higher academia. Try again you leftist trash
Voter turnout was high because blacks felt like they finally had a chance to be heard and decided to vote en masse.
December 19th will not happen as you think. Hillary will be declared the winner, and congress and you dumb fucks have to accept that.

The EC was put in place as a safety net to prevent idiots like Trump from becoming president.
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dat filename
Okay but Trump is still the next president. It's fucking funny that you think your opinion matters. I'll keep replying for my own personal amusement. Nothing you fabricate and project will make any difference. Trump won, Hillary CONCEDED. Eat shit
Keep up with the news anon? Its happening. Trump isn't going to be the president.
millions of uneducated fucktards voted for trump, which is exactly why he can be in office
we have a lot of xenophobic whites without college degrees in this country
You proved with my point with your post. I've finished my MA and working on my PhD. How about you?

Here's a critical flaw with your argument that you can't deny: "philosophy" is considered a liberal art, and is one of the most respected fields in academia today.

So fuck off with your "what I believe is true" mentality.
Sadly, many of them still believe that Hillary still has a chance.

The best part of that is, is that we get to have "Liberal Tears 2.0" in December!
That's nice. Trump is still the next president. Cry more
I guess working with Snoop changes people!
>oh shit, i'm fucked
>let me say something irrelevant so i can achieve my pyrrhic victory
If your PhD is in education then fuck off. It's fake. If it's in the sciences like mine is, then you have my respect.
>people making death threats are scumbags
>lets find out these scumbags and kill them
wait wut?
>being this butthurt because you can't control the outcome of an election
Again, Canada and Mexico are right next door. Nobody is trying to keep you here, faggot.
>deal with it
He didn't say anything about killing them you moron
Tbh doesn't matter what the EC picks. Congress has to approve any vote of non confidence. It's a Republican congress. Before you argue this ask yourself has Obama got to pick a new Chief Justice yet?
I think it's a Moo point.
Canadafag here. We don't want you.
>recounts vote
>find Clinton won
>recounts nomination vote
>find Sanders won
>Bernie is given the keys to the Whitehouse
>Trump doesn't care, had everyone fuss over him and has plenty to fall back on
>Clinton kills herself
Top kek m8
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>what is implying
>I'll tell you why Trump won.

I'll tell you why Hillary lost.
She has followers like you.

Period. End of. No debate.
MA in Economics and PhD will be in Philosophy with a concentration in Political Economy.

>STEMfags not understanding that sciences aren't actually harder or more rigorous by default
>STEMfags not understanding that higher-level philosophy courses are probably more rigorous than nearly anything they've done
Oh I'm sorry. I forgot that "deal with it" wasn't a commonly used phrase to imply violence or threat of violence.
Oh wait, it is.
y doont they just fite for white home|?
If the system was built on pure popular vote rather than being geographically weighted a lot of states would never have any chance of being represented. A few costal, urbanized states with common interests would dominate. At which point the more rural states would be better off leaving the union.

Today the dividing line is between Reps and Dems, but that is just how it happens to manifest. The underlying issue is one of rural vs urban interests. And taxation vs representation.

tl:dr : Pure popular vote would split the union.
>what is assuming
If you can't imagine anything other than death as punishment then you're fucking dumb. If you can't imagine other people thinking differently than you, then you're lower than fucking dumb
This! If Hillary wants a recount so bad then I think it should start at the beginning and I have a feeling she'd be feeling the Bern...
maybe not, but you don't have a powerful beautiful wall to stop us
>Respected field
Yeah, how many jobs are available in the philosophy field again? Made any philosophic progress lately?
Deal with it means get your shit together and fuck off.

What world do you live in?

If your wife ever asks you to change you're baby's daiper then you need to stop and rethink your definition of 'deal with it'. Not everyone lives in a Godfather movie.
>implying that Bernie actually won the primary.
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Nice get

see >>713711312
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I'm pretty sure "Deal with it" means to deal with it
Yeah. This is like when someone gets their ass kicked, and get up and start swinging at air. It's over. If you are a hard working, non-government dependent (mostly white) US citizen, you have little or nothing to worry about. Except for the mass riots of those who aren't.

We are talking election here, why post a picture of a bunch of cry babies?
what are you getting your degree in?
Are you male or female?
Are you white or black?
How old are you?
Is your stomach bigger than your tits?
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>thinks importance of a field is directly correlated with job opportunities
underage b&

You need to get out more.

>Philosophy majors on average have the second highest IQ of all majors behind Mathematics majors
>Philosophy majors on average score highest on verbal and third highest on mathematics on the GRE
>Philosophy majors have some of the highest LSAT scores
>Philosophy majors are accepted to Law School higher than any other major
>Philosophy majors are accepted to Medical School higher than most other majors
>Philosophy is still happening today
>mfw people don't understand that philosophy is critical to everything they study today
ok but how does philosophy benefit my workplace. Tell me why you spent a year philosiraptoring.
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here let me quote him directly:
>I hope that the electors release an email list of the people threatening them so we can help deal with it ourselves.
the fuck else could that mean? The guys already over Trump winning, he's already "dealt with it" what else could he be talking about other then wanting to fuck up people making death threats?
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Oh, I thought you were serious.
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How many job opportunities has your philosophy major opened up to you? How many real interviews have you had, and how many times have you been hired because of your college major?

*crickets chirping*

Shillary, or Killary, has grieved and will probably semi-retire. Write books, speeches, etc. She's a fucking 1%-er.
>Kill all Trumptards (not everyone who voted for him, just those who trust him)
>Kill all SJW and 'activists' that contribute nothing but tension to society
>fill the millions of vacant jobs with the currently unemployed
>America is fixed
Probably means jail, you knuckle dragging regressive leftist piece of shit
Inb4 Philosophy niggers come in the thread

Do you really think this is the first time people weren't happy with an election? It's called life it doesn't always go your way.
>Being this much of a retard
Bring back eugenics
The sad part is that I don't think these people are trolling.
Just because democrats didn't show up doesn't delegitimize the point of >>713708406

And speaking of disasters, if your party wasn't such a corrupt shit show, they would have nominated the candidate that would have more likely won. You're all blind to gender/race/sexual orientation and vote with your feelings. Look in a mirror every once and a while and realize that maybe you have some blame in all this.
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>Obama did so well relieving racial tensions in the United States
>best president ever
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I don't know, how many has yours? You only need one.

But here's some information that you likely didn't know:

Over 70% of STEMfags don't end up working in STEM fields. More businesses today are looking for Philosophy degrees because of the skill set learned in that field is unique. Philosophy degrees are fantastic for any job that doesn't require specific technical knowledge. In fact, philosophy opens up the doors to Law School more than any other degree.

I don't know if you're deluded, ignorant, or trolling to be honest.
Yes, that's a problem, but crime rate is not always tied to population.
>>Just because democrats didn't show up doesn't delegitimize the point of >>713708406

Has it ever occured to you that memes and infographics may not actually be 100% correct?

Yeah, I believe polls now. What is this shit?
Oh they aren't, that's what makes it funny.

Even better yet is that I too am a philosophyfag. I just don't pretend like it makes me more special than anyone, or actually gives me a decent shot at making it in life. It doesn't. It's personally rewarding, but hardly socially rewarding at all unless you're literally Freud or Jung or someone like that.

>using philosophy as a way to measure your dick
>Over 70% of STEMfags don't end up working in STEM fields.
Wat. Evidence.

>More businesses today are looking for Philosophy degrees because of the skill set learned in that field is unique.
Wat. Evidence.

>Philosophy degrees are fantastic for any job that doesn't require specific technical knowledge.
You just admitted philosophy degrees are great for people that don't want to, or can't keep up in a competitive field. Nice.

>In fact, philosophy opens up the doors to Law School more than any other degree.
Wat. Evidence.

>I don't know if you're deluded, ignorant, or trolling to be honest.
P'sure this is a leftover jobless CTR shill.
He's like that Japanese soldier they found on an island 60 years after WWII ended, and no one told him the war was over so he just kept on fighting.
A coupe is a overthrow of the government, you're thinkin of queue.
Jesus you're desperate. The "70% of STEM" nonsense you're spouting is just wrong on it's face. And the best degree to get into law school is actually biology, they basically look for any rigorous academic coursework, although Polisci is still the most common.
Ebic moving of goalpost
*cricket chirping intensifies*
Has it occurred to you that you're missing the point of actual objective thoughts?
>Wat. Evidence.

>Wat. Evidence.

>You just admitted philosophy degrees are great for people that don't want to, or can't keep up in a competitive field. Nice.
You may be surprised to find that technical jobs aren't always competitive, and more surprised to learn that Philosophy is one of the most competitive graduate level fields out there.

>Wat. Evidence.

Anything else, sperglord?

> The "70% of STEM" nonsense you're spouting is just wrong on it's face.
>objective thoughts

seriously nigga?

Brietbart if fake news, Infowars is fake news.

CNN is slightly biased news , but actually, tells the truth, jsut not the whole truth all the time.

whne it says Trump is a fascist with dictatorial dreams and anti contitutional, it is right

example - tweets two unconstitutional things in one tweet about flag burning - how can this man be allowed to be president?
>And the best degree to get into law school is actually biology, they basically look for any rigorous academic coursework, although Polisci is still the most common
Typical conservative making shit up

>philosophy major confirmed
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it's happening
Most states have laws against voting opposite the election. They would be fired and replaced. The election is over. Trump won in a landslide. Get the fuck over it. Blame clinton for running such a corrupt, shit tier campaign.

and according to polls, Hillary was 95% sure to win the election
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>first source washington post
Stopped reading right there
oh it's over
go cry elsewhere
>gets rekt
>finds the tiniest detail to try and invalidate getting rekt
what the fuck this a circus?
yeah, except that's not how any of this works.
they won't face "years of litigation" as voting for trump (as most will) is not a crime, faggot.
you guys are sad and desperate.
go shitpost this nonsense on reddit.
Yet you still never answered my questions. It's really simple, anon. How many job opportunities - as in real interviews, has your philosophy major actually provided for you? Inb4 you move the goalpost AGAIN
>ignores census.gov
>ignores businessinsider
>ignores forbes
>ignores .edu
>doesnt check sources of the sources
Undergrad fag confirmed.
>I'm a liberal leftist and nobody is right but people who agree with me

He barely won, by less than 1% in each battleground state. Hillary won the popular vote by over 4 million. Sorry faggot, but that is far from a landslide. It's called skin-of-the-teeth.
Have you ever heard of Thales?

"In ancient times there dwelt in the Greek city of Miletus a man called Thales. He was not wealthy, but his wisdom had won him the respect of his fellow citizens. People would often gather to hear him speak, and were struck by the truth of his words. There were some, however, who could not see beyond his worn clothes, and humble circumstances.

“ Why do you heed him?” they would say, “ he only questions the good of riches and worldly pleasures because he cannot get them. He is like the fox in the fable – he only calls the grapes sour because they hang way out of his reach.”

One year the weather was exceptionally favourable and the olive trees were laden with olives. The people of Miletus thronged to the owners of the olive presses, but to their amazement, they all met with the same reply.
“You must go to Thales if you want to press your olives; he arranged to hire my press last Winter, and carried it off at the beginning of Harvest time.”
It was soon discovered that every press in the region had been hired by Thales of Miletus. Either by chance, or through his knowledge of the stars, he had foreseen that there would be a great olive crop that year, and with the little money he possessed, had given deposits for the use of all the olive presses in Miletus and the neighbouring island of Chios. Everyone, whether they liked it or not, had to hire their press from Thales, and he let them out at whatever rate he chose.

“What a fortune Thales of Miletus must have gained!” people said to each other.
“A man could work his life long and not earn so much.”

Thales received their congratulations with a smile, and returned to his simple way of life. He had silenced his critics, and never again did anyone suggest that he cultivated virtue because he was too foolish to succeed in worldly affairs."

So to conclude, your "inb4 you move the goalposts" means nothing, because my goalposts were never yours.
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You stupid fucks have been saying this shit for a year now. The news spoonfed you lies about how she was gonna win. She didnt. She lost because shes a horrible cunt. She couldnt even beat obama. Seriously, he ran a better campaign than her in '08 and personally 4 more years of the same would have made a better outcome than her crooked ass winning.
Let me fix that for you
>I'm a Communist (who are not liberals) and nobody who disagrees with facts should be taken seriously
>I'm a Communist and people who make up shit that they "feel" is right are idiots - these people tend to be the vocal minority of liberals called SJWs and conservatives in general.
holy shit
>i'm too dumb to read anything that would damage my fragile world view
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Your worthless major is worthless, a nobody has ever looked twice a your worth to society because of it. You don't even have the confidence to lie about it. You just avoid the reality. Top fucking kek
at first it was tl;dr

then my mind was blown kek

Lawschool. Dot com.

Holy fuck I'm LoLing over here. You poor indoctrinated liberal shill.

you didn't rekt anybody. You pulled the worst possible sources out of your ass that are unbelievably renowned for being so politically biased that they would bath in acid if the left thought it was cool.
They pander to leftist college children.
leftist college children who happen to not be doing a damn thing with their life by getting shitty degrees. So what better way to make money and keep your reading base happy then to further coddle them into thinking they are making smart decisions when they really aren't.
People read the washington and huffington post to have nice feels because they don't know how to exist outside of a safe space. They certainly don't read it to get credible and factual news.
What you just did is the equivalent of the tobacco industry releasing a report about the health effects tobacco has on your body. Are you really gonna fucking trust them?
"Look my politically uneducated mom who does not know the bias of news media sources, The huffington post definitely says my degree isn't useless so you can keep sending me those lefty bucks each month so I can spend the next 4 years doing drugs and partying and rallying for political opinions that have no logical basis to them whatsoever because it just makes me feel nice"
Dude he won in a LANDSLIDE.
I dont wven know why they bother putting popular votes up because they DONT FUCKING MATTER.
290+ means he not only won. He stomped her fucking ass. Not to mention all the voter fraud that they have already reported on. I have no clue where you are pulling 4 million votes out of your ass from.
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You can tell these people aren't in higher education.
if you post several shitty sources do you really expect me to think the other ones aren't going to be shitty as well?
If I handed you a plate of cookies and told you 2 of them were poisoned would you eat a cookie?
>first I criticized him for making a mockery of our electoral system
>now I agree with him, since the shoe's on the other foot.
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This whole election was gold, such a justified bitch slap to eight years the liberal crybaby bullshit

I live in Cleveland and work downtown so I had kind of a front seat to all of it

The media was SO smug when they showed up here, in their little bubble. Only when they came out here they found their polls weren't matching reality

As much as I hate TYT, he got it briefly before he put the blinders back on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gVPwVtA4IA
We can tell that your opinion doesn't matter. Losers earn that much
Just stop using pyrrhic victory wrong, and I'll give you for a couple of those. I guess you're needed in this touchy feely society, and a degree that says you know how to argument is certainly useful when looking for a job in sales.
Take your 4 year old twitter posts and shove them in your ass. Obama is the most hated president in history. Nobody on the right wanted his apologist bullshit. Why do you think hes gotten so little done in office? The most hes managed to accomplish is sucking foreign leaders dicks.
First off, your analogy is stupid and doesn't make sense.

Second, yes, I do expect you to look at the other ones if you actually consider yourself an intelligent human being. Because even in sources like Huffpost and other seemingly biased websites, the data has to come from somewhere.

If you were actually as smart as you think you are, you would have looked not only at ALL my sources, but the sources that THEY cite as well.

You should read about the Wobegon Effect.
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so much butthurt
>the data has to come from somewhere
Now we are approaching the heart of the issue, why those sites are notoriously biased.
I'm a CSIA Industrial Automation Engineer with a focus on municipal infrastructure.

You're right. I didn't go to college. Does that upset you? I work on national infrastructure, and I'm damn good at it (pulled in a 1400 man-hour consulting contract for 2017) and you spent, what...4 years of your life studying philosophy and what do you have to show for it?

Browsing 4chan.

>but you browse 4chan you undergrad redneck

I'm currently sitting at the ingress point of a 25 meter internal diameter tunnel appropriately called "The Big Dig Project" waiting for the site supervisor to arrive so we can spec how to lay conduits carrying 480v cable + singlemode 62.5 fiber optic cable. I'm sitting in a hole getting paid $175 an hour to do it. This tunnel will be running directly under the City of [REDACTED] in a NorthEasterly direction and act as a concatenation point for the entire City's wastewater and stormwater.

Plus, when we're done talking, I get to watch them fire up this fucking mammoth of a Boring machine.

tl;dr : You telling me I didn't go to college doesn't matter to me. I'm successful, and you seem pretty upset from where I'm sitting (in a hole).
Actually, it's not being used wrong. Again, you're grasping for a pyrrhic victory yourself by trying to find one little thing you can poke at - and yet you still fuck it up.

Furthermore, I think you should really get out more. You don't even understand what philosophy is if you think it's "touchy feely".
Hey fag read
There are 3,141 counties in the United States.

Trump won 3,084 of them.
Clinton won 57.

There are 62 counties in New York State.

Trump won 46 of them.
Clinton won 16.

Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes.
I wouldn't call any of that success.

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Pretty easy to make money when the value of your standard currency means literally nothing.
Im happy as fuck that clinton didnt win. Thats all i was worried about. We could have had jill fucking stein for all i care. None of them are going to do anything amazing but clinto has been leeching off the american people for 40 proud years and i am positively tickled fucking pink that she got beaten so badly. Cry more faggot.
That's why we keep telling you that your opinion doesn't matter.

>says to get out more
>quotes story books
Okay. Did you have anything to say about anything else or just that snippet?

And if that one clause is what you want to continue on about, did you LOOK at any sources?
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You sounds like a cute boy I had a fling with many moons ago, incredible to hear the things you say, but lamenting about dying olive trees growing from Artisotles asscrack with olive oil dripping down his nuts, nowadays presents as a disconnection from reality no matter the true depth of its philosophical significance.
But god damn, if I had those days again I would have fucked you again.
>I wouldn't call any of that success.
Aaaand mad. Thanks for that, brightened up my morning. The coffee on site sucks ass.
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tell that to this guy
Also that stupid little picture you have didnt bother to show how obama more than quadrupled the national debt and spent more money than every other president in history combined.

That's rather difficult, the recount hasn't happened yet.

I didn't intend to make you mad. Why is that?
Cute story, but your assertion needs evidence.
I can't teach a blind person to see.

Actually has a good point...

In 1951, George Soros/Schwartz earned a Bachelor of Science in PHILOSOPHY and a Master of Science in PHILOSOPHY in 1954, both from the London School of Economics.

He's the guy that gave $25 million to Hillary and buses political activists around.
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is ctr still getting paid to shill here
>mfw whats what philosophy major actually gets you
>a job at ctr
Typical leftist argument. Flood the opponent with data regardless of wether it is good data or not and then defend it by saying "did you check all my data? there is bound to be at least one good argument somewhere in there!" You can't be expected to be taken seriously when you provide bullshit like that. Flooding an opponent with data whether good and bad and then forcing them to sift through it themself for one or two good arguments is not only lazy but childish. If you truly had a good point to make then do it with quality not quantity. One simple article that clearly shows its testing procedure and shows no political bias is fine to make an argument. Then if somebody refutes it you can provide another good source to back yourself up. This is exactly why Donald Trump is president. Nobody takes you seriously because you argue and make points like a fucking brat. You just ad hom, strawman, and data flood with biased sources and then scoff and cross your arms like you are some elite genius looking down upon peasants. and everybody hates you for it. And look how that turned out.
By the way, for somebody who claims to be so highly educated this is not how you prove a point in academia. If you submitted a paper in academia with those sources you would likely get a zero on your paper and fail your course
Seems legit.

How many times have you heard right wingers say "America is not a democracy". So, it doesn't matter who voted fro Trump; all that matters is how the Electoral Collage votes. If they Electorial Collage sticks to the Constitution, they will not vote for Trump.

The Electoral Collage decides who is President on 19th December.
A bunch of dumb faggots that dont understand that they lost and didnt get a trophy too.
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That doesn't make sense. If the recounts are showing that Hillary clearly won the popular vote by a wide margin, how does any kicking and screaming suddenly make him the popular vote winner?
Every field in the sciences exists directly because of philosophy as science is a philosophy m8
That said, 90% of university fags are retarded. Especialy the ones that think a piece of paper can dictate who's in intelligent and who's not. Guess what fags, you're not different than Joe blow that works on your car. All that stuff you studied in school, that wasn't your discovery or original thought. Youre simply following directions like the rest of us. None of that stuff was thought of in a classroom and a fuck ton of it was discovered by academic outcasts like Darwin. Your diploma doesn't make you intelligent, and in fact, the only difference between you and Joe blow is that Joe doesn't claim to be all that smart. And like Socrates, he's more wise than you are for it
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Bruh. You're a loser. Nobody cares about your meaningless degree, your opinions based off of other people's intellectual entitlement, or the points you're trying to prove with 3/4 ridiculous ""sources"". Trump won and this is america. If you don't like it, nobody is obligated to give a shit. I'll tell you once more from earlier: I reply to you for my own personal amusement. It's like qatching a wounded animal bleed out. You watch because you're curious to see how it will move, but you know it's dead anyway so you just let it happen. You're the wounded animal

The real knuckle draggers are the ones already being dumbcunts
>Typical leftist argument. Flood the opponent with data regardless of wether it is good data or not and then defend it by saying "did you check all my data? there is bound to be at least one good argument somewhere in there!" You can't be expected to be taken seriously when you provide bullshit like that. Flooding an opponent with data whether good and bad and then forcing them to sift through it themself for one or two good arguments is not only lazy but childish.
What the fuck, did you even go to college AT ALL? That is EXACTLY how you do it. 3-4 sources for a particular idea isn't "flooding", it's actually NOT ENOUGH. You're basically telling me that you're too lazy or uneducated to be able to read my sources and check them.

If I didn't post any source, it would be the typical "HURR DURR WHERE'S YOUR SOURCE?!?!?!"


I gave you a fucking buffet compared to the other shit you get on /b/ and you can't even appreciate it.

>You just ad hom, strawman
As someone who once specialized in formal logic, I am calling you out on your bullshit.

>By the way, for somebody who claims to be so highly educated this is not how you prove a point in academia
I see you've never read a thesis or a dissertation. Furthermore, the context wasn't "argue me", it was "where is your source?"

>make points like a fucking brat. You just ad hom

Trump lost the popular vote.

There hasn't been a recount yet.
It's a big fucking mess and Pizzagate is happening which is big for hitting the upper echelons of power where it hurts. Don't ignore the entire ordeal, willful ignorance allows such sadistic torture to be inflicted upon citizens across all sectors.
>political activists
They're called illegal voters ya dingus
>ridiculous ""sources""
conservatives make my head hurt
This effort by Hillary should be called
"The Empire Strikes Back"
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A bullet through your head will solve that
And now we get down to the finest of conservative values: violence.
Yeah its only ok when Trump blatantly denies facts
lawsuits to go against the constitution. Good luck with that. You want to change the game. Get 2/3 of the senate and 2/3 of the House or 2/3 of the state support. Other than amending the constitution. You can welcome President Trump

Anyone else find the irony funnt? During the debates she made a crazy point when she said she WILL accept the election results, yet Trump was undecided. Funny how shit changes!
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That you are the cute boy I fucked, or that mutterings of greek ancients have relevance in modern society?
That's the third time you use it wrong in this fucking thread. L2 reading comprehension on the second one. You were doing a decent job with those sources, don't know wtf you were up to before and after that.
They're just not realizing that no matter how hard they suck on it, there will be no cum.
Preach it
Flag burning isn't violent apparently. Try setting yourself on fire then
>there's no way I can possibly be wrong
You know I'm above your head. Just stop. This site is anonymous. You don't lose any face.
Accepting a legitimate result is one thing, accepting one that was altered by foreign operatives is entirely different.
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welcome to Trump America, where what people say no longer has any meaning/ social repercussions!
how are you guys going to let this faggot rekt all of you?
The DNC should have not allowed HRC to alter the nomination. Bernie would have won the election. Suck it. You can't cheat, then be mad when you still lose.
LMAO I'm not the guy you replied to but holy shit you are deluded to think you actually matter at all to society. Your grandstanding is pathetic.

>I'm better than you on a anonymous image board
Wow give this fucking guy a medal


>implying all American media isn't completely corrupt and isnt a tool the goverment uses to keep the retard masses looking in the right direction.

The United states is, has been and always will be a complete Oligarchy
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How do you think a foreign operative altered anything?
WHAT???? You mean the last 8 years when everything is Pushed to a race level was any different?
>when everything is Pushed to a race level
lolol you have sex with cute boys and call greeks irrelevant


The right wing just resort to lying. They don't even bother to back anything they say.
or ANY news story
Yeah, but even when you call them out on it, they still BabyRage

get rekt by
How is that any different from the left?

>hillary Clinton 90% chance to win election
>Bernie would have won

That's not a source, and it doesn't support "everything being pushed to a race level".

Racism has existed since this place became a country.
>What the fuck, did you even go to college AT ALL? That is EXACTLY how you do it. 3-4 sources for a particular idea isn't "flooding", it's actually NOT ENOUGH. You're basically telling me that you're too lazy or uneducated to be able to read my sources and check them
So I guess you are just ignoring the whole part where I said if somebody refutes then you provide another credible source. This is an argument style not a way to write a paper. I didn't ask you for a paper. You are cherry picking words and sentences and combined them together to create an arguement I never made and then refuting it. Which is a strawman argument.
Yes you should certainly be held responsible for providing a bad source. I would expect somebody to do the same to me.
>I am calling you on your bullshit
kek, wow you really convinced me of something there and allowed me to empathise with you and understand your point of view by saying my posts are bullshit
>I see you've never read a thesis or a dissertation.
Your doing that thing again that makes people not like you. Which is Why Trump won. I have written several thesis but not a dissertation. Yet, I have read multiple ones in research. Just saying "oh, aha you are to stupid and unfamiliar to make a good point or participate in a discussion" is a rather poor style to get people to agree with you or take you seriously. I'll let you try to figure out why.
>>make points like a fucking brat. You just ad hom
I call em as I see em babe. It's not Ad hom if it's true.
Go back and read that post you just made. do you think if you had a disscussion with somebody else who talks the way you do and had a different opinion than you, that you would both be able to reach a common understanding of each other or reach an agreement?
Thats why Trump won
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Coup d'etat to be specific
I was expecting more tbh, pretty much all you've done in this thread is lash out and qq. For a philosophy major, you sure fucking suck at arguments
It's not that the right lies, it's just that the left doesn't agree. Rather than compromise mutually, the left fabricates everything which ponders to a victim complex. Rather than build up anything of actual substance, the left tries to compensate their fabrications by being superficially sensational
Trump has actually waited tables before. That said, he's always been a prick to his contractors because his Jews are better than most Jews and he's got a team of them so any attempt at a jew battle with him is just a money pit
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Lying? How is this?

What I love the most about the Demi-Comi's is the insane support of lawlessness.

These sanctuary cities are publicly admitting they refuse to follow FEDERAL law. One time this happened in our past was with the confederacy. I think these cities and states should call themselves what they are. Confederate states, confederate cities.

Since this is the game that is played now. (states choosing which federal laws they wish to uphold) I hope that some republican states start to chose which federal laws THEY wish to uphold.

Stop Obama-Care in their states, Stop paying into the federal welfare program, Stop allowing ANY refugees into their state.
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Well less people voted overall m8 and even less voted for HC in the correct states, that's how trump won. Simple as that.
>So I guess you are just ignoring the whole part where I said if somebody refutes then you provide another credible source. This is an argument style not a way to write a paper. I didn't ask you for a paper. You are cherry picking words and sentences and combined them together to create an arguement I never made and then refuting it. Which is a strawman argument.
Well to be fair, without IDs, I can never be sure that the person I am replying to is the same one that was originally speaking, but if you follow each thread, you'll find that there's no straw man unless you presented your own position poorly.

>Yes you should certainly be held responsible for providing a bad source. I would expect somebody to do the same to me.
I didn't provide a bad source. Just because you don't like one of them doesn't mean it's bad.

>Your doing that thing again that makes people not like you. Which is Why Trump won. I have written several thesis but not a dissertation. Yet, I have read multiple ones in research. Just saying "oh, aha you are to stupid and unfamiliar to make a good point or participate in a discussion" is a rather poor style to get people to agree with you or take you seriously. I'll let you try to figure out why.
I don't care if uneducated pricks take me seriously. If I'm right, I'm right regardless of what their fragile worldview tells them. But I can tell you're talking out of your ass about writing a Thesis, or else you wouldn't be saying the things you are.

>I call em as I see em babe. It's not Ad hom if it's true.
Again, I see you didn't take your formal logic course seriously.

>Go back and read that post you just made. do you think if you had a disscussion with somebody else who talks the way you do and had a different opinion than you, that you would both be able to reach a common understanding of each other or reach an agreement?
If my opponent was someone who values the dialectic search for the closest realization of truth, then yes. However
>omg look at this -ism! you're such a -ist and a -phobe how dare you have a different point of view
if my opponent was a poorly educated kid who isn't willing to take new information in as a factor to change their perspective on the world, then I would expect exactly what I got here.
I understand your concerns about being victimized. But you should step back and see that what you are doing is the exact same. You aren't "above" leftist movements when you use the same tactics.
Fair point.
Hows the internship?
New information can be bad or misinformation. Leftist don't get that, and that's why the right has spiked and risen into higher power. Leftist are idiots. Idiots are easy to take advantage of. Go figure
What internship?
States are not required to enforce federal laws.
Actually, we DO get that. That's why we actually use sources.


Just to look at a couple. I am not wasting my time since I know you are completely unable to look at anything from a different point of view.

YES, America is more racist now than 8 years ago. Sorry bro. Facts are facts, but I am sure this is lies as well.

True, but things have taken huge turns towards being Brave New World/1984.

Everyone's "real world" education comes from television and social media, liberal media has really pushed "thought crimes" even to the point of Hillary demonizing (instead of trying to unite) those who were Trump supporters as "deplorables."
Hey look, the irrelevant opinion of a loser.
Okay kiddo.
Wow such credible sources. Huffingtonpost sure showed us
Here's a thought - maybe "deplorables" shouldn't be in a democracy making decisions for a country's future.
When it supports the left it is "spin"
When it supports the right it is "lies"
>Trump has actually waited tables before.
was that between when his daddy paid for his college and then gave him $1,000,000?
trump supporters all have artism.
What same tactics? I never asked for special treatment or an apology and could care less

I talked to everyone I could to convince them this nonsense has to be stopped.. then we all laughed our way to the voting booth, went home and got the popcorn ready
As did .gov, .edu, and 2 credible business websites.

A single incredible source doesn't invalidate a point if credible sources still back it up.

Furthermore, if you actually read the article instead of looking at the URL, you'd not only eat your own words, but be a better intellectual for it.
Trump would not have won if the leftists were doing true good. They're full of shit and America is sick of it. That's exactly why Trump won, you're either brainwashed or fucking stupid to not see it. Or both
>Well to be fair, without IDs, I can never be sure that the person I am replying to is the same one that was originally speaking, but if you follow each thread, you'll find that there's no straw man unless you presented your own position poorly.
You don't need an ID if I reply to your post and you reply to mine. Getting a little overwhelmed with the people who disagree with you? Is it confusing?
>I didn't provide a bad source. Just because you don't like one of them doesn't mean it's bad.
Yes. You most certainly did provide not only a bad, but severely horrible source that would not be accepted in an academic environment.
>I don't care if uneducated pricks take me seriously. If I'm right, I'm right regardless of what their fragile worldview tells them. But I can tell you're talking out of your ass about writing a Thesis, or else you wouldn't be saying the things you are.
Wow that was some serious anger and Ad hom coming out there. I'm gonna repost a sentence I said to you in a previous post to reiterate a point about the way you just conversed with me.
Nobody takes you seriously because you argue and make points like a fucking brat. You just ad hom, strawman, and data flood with biased sources and then ((((scoff and cross your arms like you are some elite genius looking down upon peasants.))))))) and everybody hates you for it. And look how that turned out.
>If my opponent was someone who values the dialectic search for the closest realization of truth, then yes. However
I am that opponent, yet I find that hard to believe with the way you conduct yourself. You seem more prioritized with winning an argument by any means necessary regardless of whether you are actually wrong or right then you are in finding the truth in a situation. Why seems to be a common theme in liberals right now. Which is why Donald Trump is president.
most underrated post ITT.

When you vote, you're voting for the EC delegates FROM YOUR PARTY to fill the empty seats from your state. These are not some neutral group of people on the fence, they are die-hard members of their respective parties and most, if not all, have donated thousands of their own personal money over years and multiple elections. The fact that liberal idiots think 50+ delegates would just change their mind on a whim is laughable when there are laws in many states where that would result in prison time.

They have literally no incentive NOT to vote for Trump, it's not going to happen. Stop kicking a dead fucking horse and grow the fuck up. If it takes years of litigation, that's fine. Hillary's not going to run a 3rd time and Trump's first term will be well over, so it's a lost cause anyway.

You lost. Learn to be an adult and accept it faggots.
No, I think it was a puff piece for him actually. Don't really understand why you're insulting him to me though. Trying to start a circle jerk of how evil Trump is or something? Fuck I hate lefties.
When the right says "We're tired of being treated like stupid, bigoted islamophobic racists!", it's not much different than "We're tired of being treated like second-class citizens!"
yea ok. Go get an education. Keep watching CNN.

You just proved my point that liberals are totally uneducated with civics. Ever hear of a thing called the Supremacy clause!


Supremacy Clause

Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution is commonly referred to as the Supremacy Clause. It establishes that the federal constitution, and federal law generally, take precedence over state laws, and even state constitutions.
Irony of ironies. The system he claimed to be a scam is the only thing that haloed him get elected. The twisting of logic Trumpfags go through to back this moron is incredible
The right don't attack the left with identity politics in the first place. So you're wrong
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Not half as bad as you dipshits that refuse to believe Hillary did anything criminal while Secretary of State. She exposed classified documents to her fucking house maid for fuck's sake. Get real.
He won. Get over it
>can't tell the difference between proof and speculation
havn't seen a liberal destroyed this bad in a while.
Thanks for the kek anon
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