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>Wants to start One Piece >omg there's more than 700

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>Wants to start One Piece
>omg there's more than 700 fucking episodes
>lost all will to start

/b/ could you sum up to me the first 700 episodes in a sentence or two?
pirates going around going things
>be an avid follower of One Piece
>become depressed because only a weekly fix of it, when you know they only like reached half way
see you guys in 15 years when the final eposide final gets out
over 9000 mouth agape morons staring at idiots with super powers that can't swim.
Luffys brother is the son of gold roger, the former king of the pirates. Luffys brother dies after being executed the same way his father was.
Dragon Ball Z + Pirates of the Caribbean.

They also like to throw a little M. Night Shyamalan type shit in there too.
We still don't know what one piece is. its started in 1997. Apparently its 70%
So just stop
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also, stuff happens, Luffy gathers his group from different places, they engage in combat with evil pirates that luffy dont agree with.
Characters grow, they get to the red line (the middle of the earth kind of place, its like the farther you go up the red line, the more badass pirates you meet because in the end the One Piece Gol D Rogers treasure is supposed to be) they fight a bunch, then they lose and goes into training at different places for 2 years.
they gather again, adventures happen again, more fights, more stuff.
lil' character development here and there, luffys brother dies, more stuff happens. now luffy is up against 1 or two of the emporers (there is 4), he is up against the government and the illuminati kind of guys in the background, and his very old enemy blackbeard who is an overall nigger.
currently he is fighting on furry island to save a samurai and gather with his group again cause they got split up. Also i dont actually remember why they are there.
Ridiculous bullshit that you should skip to wath Fairy Tail instead.
Skip Dragon Ball Jr for the king of fan service? Not a great trade.
dat fan service tho
Just watch it, you need to see the evolution of characters etc. its a good anime!
If this doesn't sell you on One Piece, nothing will.

Maybe this
One piece is shit. If you want to watch Shonen jump then watch toriko or Jojo
There's like virtually no difference between watching Fairy Tail and and looking at porn about Fairy Tail.
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Tfw Jojo's Bizarre Adventure isn't half as bizarre as One Piece
Nobody asked for your /a/ opinions. We're here to talk casual.
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OFFICIAL shitpost server

I don't use /a/ they're all faggots

Fan service tends to annoy me. Discreet fan service is ok, but when it's becoming far too much. It destroyed Freezing's anime for me, loved the manga, fanserv pleasant but not so present .. for the anime it's like the producer asked for 90% fan serv -_-

Just watch them, google to skip fillers and it will reduce the number quite a bit. It's really worth your time dude (took me a long time to start reading the manga, wasn't a big fan of the drawings .. but the story and characters draw you in)
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>one piece
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two words OP. Cherry pies.
>one piece
>literally all filler
just watch jojo's instead, one piece is shit.
Looks like you need to start writing a letter of concern.
>has 700 episodes +
>doesn't watch it at all
>must all be filler.

Of all long running Shonen, One Piece by far has the lowest amount of filler. I think we've got an entire 30 episodes of filler.
Jojo is fucking terrible too though.

Should be called

JoJo's bad Posture experience.
great fun
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Pic related, go nuts guys
I like Jojo a lot but this did me a good kek
>implying small story arcs that don't contribute to the main story aren't filler
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Watch the first few episodes and nothing else. (japanese subs)

The series strings you along. Don't think of the episodes as a time investment- the whole series is meant to be an adventure. It doesn't need to "get good" at a certain point- for me it's got "the point" the whole way through.
Which arcs are you talking about? There's no non filler arc that doesn't add to the story. The filler arcs we do get are 6 episodes long if we're lucky.
Early One Piece is terrible once you get past CP9 arc. If you quit watching after Crocodile you truly are denying yourself.
Lmao that's way too long for a filler arc. Even Naruto only has like a string of 2 or 3 fillers before they do more story shit
Both Naruto and Bleach have entire 30+ episode arcs of filler lol. Bleach even stacks them one after another. Now I know for sure you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Naruto's entirety after Sasuke left until Shippuuden was filler. That's like 120 episodes straight of filler.
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>Implying all filler is bad
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dont do it doude ull regret it i did and coming down to the end i wanted to killmyself this story isnt that good and it wont ever end and the way they drag out the spidoes
50-51, 54-60, 93, 98-99, 101-102, 131-143, 196-206, 213-216, 220-226, 279-283, 291-292, 303, 317-319, 326-336, 382-384, 406-407, 426-429, 457-458, 492, 497-499, 506, 542, 575-578, 590, 626-628, 653, 747-751
All fillers. You do the math, I'm sleepy
Notice a maximum of 10 episodes in any given filler arc. Now do the same thing for it's competitors Naruto and Bleach and let's compare.
So far 767 episodes of One Piece have been aired. With a total of 102 reported filler episodes, One Piece has a low filler percentage of 13%.
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in my opinion CP9 is sort of the climax of the series

Especially if you watch the anime, the series then goes full tilt on shonen and starts to introduce bullshit powerups/ training which sort of conflict with the whole anarchy "don't give a fuck I'll push through and find a way" feel of the series up until that point.

"but they need to be more strong cause world is harder"

Fuck that- Oda is shit at making the enemies feel legitimately terrifying after the timeskip. Everyone just lifts fingers and goes "look how stronk i em lol"

It's just fat guys who disobey laws of physics. Wow. I'm so scared. They're so strong only because they pretty much say they are strong, without the abilities or intensity to back up these wild claims of power.

Like now it's just fat guy punches "infused with haki" and we're supposed to go "wow das strong"

Whereas before it was like "Oh this guy just stabbed through Luffy's torso, sucked all moisture out of him, poisoned him, and threw him into a sand whirlpool. ok i guess thats pretty hardcore"

There's so much disassociation from the series now. Nothing feels satisfying cause it's all cartoonishly bullshit or make believe. "It is a cartoon"- but how the fuck do they manage to make it unbelievable?

If you seriously think things "pick up" at the marineford arc, you're a fucking retard. That arc was THE shittiest snorefest of fat guys doing nothing, and Luffy running for 10 hours. It's great if you believe what you hear without actually being shown it. "Oooh all the strongest people in the world are here"- and doing NOTHING but picking inconsequential fights with each other, resulting in nothing really happening until Oda went "alright time to wrap this arc up, these characters now die and these few are the benefactors"

The arc would have greatly benefited from being extremely short and rapid. Blackbeard is fucking awesome.

Shift your attention to Drum Island if you want to see what a good arc looks like.
Lmao bleach can't compare because their filler is fucking dumb, but most of all Shonen jump is filler
Waiting for you to pull statistics on bleach and ruto
Get One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 on Steam or PSwhatever, it's a great game that sums up the story so far in a pretty good way
Find ANY other 700+ episode anime with better than a 13% filler and I'll cut my dick off for you.
I just started watching it, now I'm on episode 470
>the series then goes full tilt on shonen
What did you expect from a shonen anime?
When you saw Mehawk at the beginning of the show he was a maker for how strong you needed to become to survive in the grand line. Not only to survive but to dominate. To see just that absurd level of power just showed a glimps of the over the top power that they had to achieve. Everyone that has made it to the new world has gone through that, natural selection not all of the results are pretty. But it's fucking nature and I think it's believable af
Bleach's were god awful though. Everyone's fights in the filler seasons always happened almost entirely identically to how they occurred in the most recent story arc. For example, Rukia's fight with Aro Niro in Hueco Mundo and whoever her opponent was in the filler afterwards were both won using her new sword extending technique to stab her opponent in the brain while he was holding her by the throat choking her out.

Also, IIRC 2 separate filler arcs had basically the same enemies, everyone had to beat their own zanpakuto. Although said zanpakuto manifested I separate ways it was the same general idea.
Well said. We watched Krieg's armada get wiped with ease by Mihawk early on. Just because our story was following the main character doesn't mean shit wasn't rough the entire time. We're just now finally getting to see what it's like when Luffy isn't top of the food chain anymore.
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I couldn't find one... I think your confusing me with someone else kiddo.
Have a snack and chill. You can keep your dick attached to you and your boyfriend, no need to cut it off.
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The way the process of natural selection happened was

>Luffy and crew survive the Grand Line through ideals and means atypical but grounded in personal motivation and determination


>Luffy and crew train in something completely unrelated in which their reason for surviving the Grand Line doesn't play in


You could technically fucking learn Haki on your home island. There's no reason for having introduced Haki at THAT point in which it did. There is no means for power level gain besides arbitrary mechanics unrelated to the themes of the series.

Zoro is the closest to having a personality/ ideal that actually matches the absurd power level creep exhibited in Mihawk. You see how he progressively gets more and more batshit crazy with his cuts.

But the jump with haki is arbitrary. It's not like everyone discovered some sense of focus or reality only possible through the means of traversing the Grand Line. It was just thrown in randomly.

It's just so fat guys with no discernable power now have some blanket plothole filler excuse.

The jump in power level doesn't feel natural. When Luffy was fighting Lucci, you saw how techniques were still limiting to Luffy vs. these "professionals". But what caused Luffy to win was not some trick up his sleeve, but a completely different attitude/ approach in will.

I wasn't even trying to argue about it. You're showing your own age now "kiddo" by following your only four coherent words with nonsense.
One Piece is either Luffy's straw hat OR Luffy's straw hat is the key to finding One Piece.

The hat was originally Gol D. Roger's. He gave it to Shanks before he turned himself in to the government but probably didn't tell him what it really was. Shanks gives it to Luffy to inspire him to become a great pirate. Silvers Rayleigh sees Luffy with the hat so he knows he's the one who's been chosen as the next Pirate King. Luffy's hat is essentially the Pirate King's crown.
I've always guessed it was the ultimate weapon. Roger took it for himself in order to help save the world and hid it on Raftel where no one but those worthy of using it could find it. A weapon that gives the owner absolute power. Luffy will probably just destroy it.
The good thing is that you can't really end up with anything bad, unless you roll 0 or 6
I know what you mean. Though I do disagree with a few things. Haki is discovered though extremes. Be it extreme trauma, training, life whatever. You hit it on the head though "a completely different attitude/ approach in will." Haki is the manifestations of ones will. Luffy crushed it and worked HARD af and this is his reward.
While we're on the subject of gay-ass anime, could anyone give me a summary of Bleach?
Last thing I remember was them in Hueco Mundo and Ichigo telling the blue haired motherfucker he was about to kick his ass.
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Think of it this way; here's a remix on the tortoise and hare story.

The tortoise grew up with a shitty life. Parents abandoned him, he was living in an unsuitable environment. But day in and day out he managed to keep going against all odds. He grew tough- moreso than his peers.

It was now his nature to keep going no matter the weather or circumstance.

Now the hare comes along, quick and nimble as ever, and challenges the turtle to a race. (out of jealousy? trying to prove a point? idk)

Turtle accepts, not really as a challenge, but to see his place in whatever hierarchy that's now being established.

Race begins, and the hare speeds ahead. Really far ahead.

Turtle just goes, slow and steady. But a voilent storm hits during the race.


You see where this trajectory is going, yeah? Please tell me you have an ounce of brainpower to predict where this story is headed, and what the lesson seems to be.



The hare gets in his car, to avoid the rain.

The turtle is now hopelessly defeated. But wait! They play the lottery- and WIN!


The turtle gets in his private jet and flies to the finish, defeating the hare once and for all.


Bonny could fulfill a lot of fucked up fantasies for a lot of people.
Im more like "Kaido" amirte
Let's see.

>kid gets sword
>beats some asses
>beats a few more asses
>kid gets beat
>sword gets stronger
>kid kicks some ass

Then just repeat from the 2nd step.
The execution of haki thereafter is so half assed though. They just pull it out their ass to clear fodder out the way (why place fodder there to begin with) and to emphasize "stronkness" of random attacks.

It'd be neat if haki emerges strictly in intense situations where there is emotional investment in the story on the behalf of characters + viewers, but it seems to just be one more tool in the toolbelt now.

It's not cool despite it having the potential to be cool.
ITT: faggots get mad over shitty anime shows
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I love the series I wish it could do better and everyone would see why it's not as great as it could be
So pretty much the same as when I left it. Good to know I didn't miss anything
Rolling for robin chwan
Not going to lie in a surreal sense that sounds amazing. But I see it as this:
tortoise and all the other animals in the forest are in a race.
They all start and the hare bolts ahead and gets complacent and doesn't get more than half way. thinking hes got this in the bag. Bear comes along and kills him, a forest fire starts and the tortoise is in deep shit, log falls on top of him is helped out but he just poweres though and heads towards the finish line and who would have thought its 4 unstoppable monsters that cant be killed but the tortoise gets a knife in his mouth and fucking slowly makes his way to the first one. To find out were this finish line is.
See, that follows a continuation of the themes established

Winning the lottery, on the other hand, is not victory. It's off kilter, not symmetric with the character.

That's what haki feels like with Luffy.

The hare/ bear analogy is basically the beginning of the series. Look to Don Krieg and Mihawk. Look to Crocodile, who "thinks he has it in the bag"

You described one piece with your version, and your version is cool.

But if your "turtle finds a knife" is meant to be haki, think of it this way; "now everyone is given a knife"

That's not as cool anymore. And Haki doesn't even have skillful applications the same way knives do- it's more like an automatic submachine gun.
Agreed but it's a power scale up that is necessary for the there to be a race at all. This is a fresh base to build from. For me Haki didn't come from left field it was a progression and instead of a 2 arch training montage it was just summed up in a time skip. The tortoise has a submachine gun vs a Tank with a lazor. It's a scaled up version of the tooth and claw from the start of the race. They are using the recipe that we have loved for 500+ eps and trying to make it taste as fresh as possible. I like it. (p.s: good chats I'm enjoying this)
The anime is shit
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But prior, it was using a vast array of different elements that, for lack of a better word, had tangibility.

For instance; punching spikes. Being frozen solid and smashed/ having to be unfrozen by being put under running water and treated for hypothermia. The crew breaking down because of their attachment to a boat that they've made their entire voyage on, and drama ensuing.

Despite being crazy, they still have some level of vulnerability + risk because of the realness of it. Someone nearly dying of exhaustion. Someone crying out, and someone else stepping in.

There were emotional undertones that scaled well with the crazy power shit that happened. The leaps were bearable enough to make.

But there's a disconnection now. Luffy is now literally invincible. Plot armor has gotten to god tier now- it's all a matter of what order the story is going to happen in. Luffy loses to some big bad guy? Matter of time now that he out-hakis them.

I don't know.

Before, the series was cool cause Luffy punches someone in the fucking face, whereas most other series have this big build up and release of magical powers.

There's something RAW to that feeling of "FUCK YOU-" punch.

It's almost too human, despite being a fucking CARTOOOOON

But now it's full blown cartoon, and i'm feeling a little "meh"
guy gets stretchy powers, shenanigans ensue
If you can't go through the 'hassle' of watching all 700+ episodes, why the fuck even watch? OP faggot as fuck.
If you really like that type of Anime you shoud watch it all. I did it when they were at 500 and something and I don't regret it.
>>inb4 virgin fat fuck.
I had a gf and friends and all that shit. You can do a lot of things if you know to manage your time
Oda announced in an interview 4months ago that One Piece reached 70%
I counter with Luffy vs Cracker / Big Mom's army. All G dood I know what you meen about plot armor it's getting pretty think but still it's to be expected. When I started the show I was watching it as the journy of the next pirate king.
He shouldnt. No one should have to watch this shit anime.
They still havent found it
just start and see if you like it.
first 50 episodes are very crude but funny.
then it does pick up its style.

I just save up a months worth of episodes to just hold a marathon.
find the show much more enjoyable that way.
Humor got a bit tiresome in the show tho
if you start, skip the fillers
give me a 4
you want to start one piece but dont actually watch it?
It's not for the faint of heart. It's long and can get boring, but addictive and interesting at the same time.

It is possible you will get emotional as well.
One piece is the best fucking anime, can't sum it all up because you have to watch it to understand it's greatness and character progression.
He basically gets godly powers for the Aizen fight because his dad teaches him his ultimate technique. But the technique causes him to lose his powers afterwards. But as you know nobody permanently loses their powers in Bleach so in the next saga he gets them back and then some. Finds out his mom was a quincy and the Quincy King (his great great grandfather and the inspiration for how Ichigo's zanpakuto manifests) comes back to life and basically assembles a Nazi Quincy army. I am genuinely not making this up.

Anyhow as the other guy said Ichigo just keeps doing things to keep making his sword stronger and then getting beat back down, Nazi Quincies destroy Soul Society and kill a bunch of captains/lieutenants then invade the Soul Kings palace, but I couldn't stomach any more by that point so IDK what happens after that.
The foreshadowing is insane to. Never seen stuff like it
Could not be better put.
This about sums it up...

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>best grill is not on the list
why even live
Teach is a shithead going around breaking the rules having two powers and shit.
Still looking for One piece
You mean 2 or 3 seasons of fillers god literally half of the episodes are filler. One piece fillers were the chapter pages stretched into little stories and even those showed the straw hat crew training after sabody while the manga just had one pages about it.
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I got into one piece about 5 months ago and now im close to finishing the anime thats released so far. My biggest bar from watching earlier was how many episodes there were but after watching it you just want more episodes. How long it is, is one of its strong suits wich is weird but awesome.
What should i watch if i want a fuckton of fanservice ?
Fairy Tail
bullshit happen and people cry
I enjoy Fairy Tail even with the fan service, though it's honestly hard to ignore

Nice trips. I feel like Fairy Tail is largely underrated. Does it get lazy? Fuck yes. Does it have a solid start, though? Yes.
just watch it man its good, it will keep you entertained
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God damn the potential it had was so good. Fuck it got lazy with the story telling but it could've been one of the best.
pirate adventures
Sozae-san, it has 0 filler, and 7000+ episodes. gimme dik pls
>want to make argument
>remind my self that trips have spoken
Most of it is filler. Read the fucking manga, you frigging mong.
Couldn't be happier
>2 or 3 fillers before more story shit.
Have you seen the conclusion of "the great ninja war."
They start the fight with Madara, then some fillers hit. Madara activates infinite tsukuyomi. 10 episodes of filler. where it is an entire episode of people dreaming.
They beat Madara. Kaguya appears, more fillers about Hagoromo and Hamura.
The great ninja war lasted almost 200 episodes, a good portion are fillers.
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>not keeping current to the manga
>none of you faggots read
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All in all, it's worth it OP

It's a really great show. Simply put.
Regardless, it would be faster to just read the damn manga.
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Thank you satan.
Kaisokuu ore wa narii !
Sanji Dies
Witnessed, and i couldn't agree more
He was one of the weaker ones anyways.
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Typical shounen anime about pirates, but with no foreseeable end. You should watch better anime.
>3rd strongest straw hat pirate
>one of the weaker ones
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Satan is a gentlemen and a scholar.
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I was purposely retarded to elicit your response
Go play pirate warriors 3. Its like a highlight reel
We share the same problem enemy characters are hyped up to be strong asf then they don't even seem terrifyingly powerful which is disappointing. The anime IMO limits how ruthless pirates can act look out merciless Bellamy is in the manga then in the anime. The manga was hardcore he felt like a real pirate. And marineford was decent the only thing that really captured me was Whitebeard being ganged up on by BB you could see the fear BB was experiencing this giant hulk of a man has endured being shot stabbed and even melted and he can still kill him when so many other pirates would have died from these wounds the only pirates who seem menacing anymore are the yonko.
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>look how stronk i em lol
Shounen anime in a nutshell
Alot of people hate reading. That's why they don't see foreign films. All my friends go " I don't wanna read"
you'd save a lot of time by reading the manga though. by the time you finished an episode you could've read about 10 chapters and finish the entire one piece from ch 001-848 in three sitting if you're a quick reader
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