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So I know this will 404 but whatever. My body is literally like

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Thread replies: 98
Thread images: 13

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So I know this will 404 but whatever.
My body is literally like the one in this painting. I'm all ass and tummy, medium size tits, thin legs, thin-ish arms.

I used to be an anorectic skeleton (w an epic thigh gap) but since recovery I've become a disproportionate whale.

I can't post full nudes because I am heavily tattooed and therefore very identifiable..
But am I fucked? Is this body shape disgusting?

I will post partial nudes if you reply.
Not disgusting no. If you are sexually active then you will have no trouble finding hot men, some of which might even be good fathers.
If your body looks like the picture then you have an attractive body that tells real men's dicks it time to make the babies.
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I'm not looking for a baby daddy, don't want kids. (total waste of my birth-giving-hips)
and I do get laid.. I would just like to know I get laid by people who aren't just.. fucking whatever they can. I want to be wanted you know.

A pic as promised.
Welcome to a mans world :)
then stop whining about your body and be confident and succesful in life. An equal or lesser man might appear.
start running, literally

get to jogging first, your final target should be a 7 minute mile one day, and a 16 minute 2 mile the next. both times WITHOUT feeling like you are going to die afterwards.

If you feel that way, you need to run more
My girlfriend has a very curvy body, and is quite busty, her mum calls her fat all the time and she always asks me if I think she should lose weight.

My answer, EVERY time, is "hell no, you'd lose that magnificent butt, and you would look like your friend (skinny as fuck, thigh gap my fist could go through) which is gross".

Some people (like me) prefer full bodied women
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Sorry about the stamp, I don't have the original pic anymore..
One sec.
Here's an unstamped one of my butt.
Hah thanks. Did you forget to delete the text on the bottom right?Anyway Im a pretty good looking guy so Im told, and I think you look hot. But sexyness is mostly in how you carry it. A sexy dance with some sexy cloths does a lot more than a perfect naked body
I would say if it was immortalized in a painting then the shit must be good. But seriously everyone has different standards of beauty but none are more important than your own. Find a part of yourself you think is hot and rock that shit. I personally find woman with tattoos irresistible so perhaps you could flaunt the whole dangerous kind of sexy look. I don't know what you look like irl so I can't really say but I think you would more than attractive as you are.
7 minute mile? The world record is 9'22" you moron.
rule 34 has been preserved so far

gj anona!
I did, yeah.

It's hard to be confident when I used to look like a super model basically but now look like what was all the rage in like the 17th century..
>I get laid by people who aren't just.. fucking whatever they can.

Oh my oh my boo fucking hoo, woe is you.

You're already doing better than 99% of men if you can just get dick on the fly. Stop complaining.
Nice mark. Would love to make the other match

OP you're a cunt, just GTFO and KYS
the world record is 3:43
Oh psh, guys can totally get laid easily too.
Just get into bdsm and focus on the insecure ones, dress up in a suit for your pic, pretend you're sophisticated, boom, you'll get laid.
10/10 alpha male with 6 figure job here.

Can't give you honest answer without seeing the entire body, including thigh and pussy shape.
women's world record is 4min 13s... not even close.

Me, with my allergies and asthma, used to be able to do a 5min 59s mile, but it took 2 years for me to get there
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/b/ is generally not where you want to come to improve your self esteem.

tl;dr kys fatty

>Put weeks of work into one person
>Go to a bar in something that shows neck & tummy

Which one requires more effort?

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Well my thighs are tattooed. No can do.
Only pussy-photo I have available right now.
You do realize the figure in that painting is the idealized classical beauty? That means for over 2,000 years that was the gold standard for a sexy bod.
If it ever became 'disgusting by modern standards', which by the way I disagree with, who cares. Zeus would change into a swan just to tap that ass.
You look fine. Stop being an insecure cunt.
>thin arms
The girl in the picture definitely hasn’t thin arms
Oh I know, I'm just mainly bored and it's been years since I whored on 4chan.

And in real life I'm surrounded by yes-sayers so it's nice to get another perspective.
Good enough for me
I've never gotten picked up at a bar. Ever.

Also you live in the wrong country, here you get laid on the first date, or you don't. There's no weeks put into anything.
Oh I know but I thought it was close enough. My arms are thin. Thickest part of them is the elbow.
then keep whoring away fatty!
Thank you.
This one looks like donald duck, could you leave one that looks like mickey mouse?
Put some yoga pants on and take pic, need to see shape. Your pussy looks clean, that's a plus but you're asking for the attraction before you get naked.
hey op,
9/10 Chad reporting in here. your body seems pretty aight to me. ass is actually pretty on point. post a pic of you in like leggings or something? you're not a tooth, right?
Lillamatilda eh?
This seems like a good thread. We're here to listen, op. But first, post tits if you haven't already. What is medium size? C or better?
Wow lazy, I already posted tits.
Id suck on them. I'd suck the nipple hard. I'd bite it a little, too.
Such detective work
You can't, nipple pain is off limits.
Good for you Anon :-)
No timestamp means it's a guy. Stop being a weirdo, mother fucker. Stop getting off on the idea that people are jerking off to the pics you post.
Anyways, thanks lovelies.
I know you're all trying your best to be hard-asses on here, but I appreciate it. Really.
I'm off for a little while now before the sun sets.

I'm just assuming this will 404 before I get back, so, again, thank you.
I would love to eat that pussy.
Just a little bite.
Stamp or gtfo. We don't need you here, ugly hippo
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This thread is a God damn shnag. I call shenanigans! We need a timestamp.
If your as hot as you describe I'd pin you down and cum deep inside you . You don't need a sugar daddy but you a daddy's baby ;)
I like chubby, as long as she as good sized tits and a pretty face, I'd even say I prefer chubby. Tits are important though, because a chubby girl with no tits look very much like a chubby little boy and that's not very exciting,
Thumb up between boobs. You're not fucked. For a detailed response, thumb up between your boobs...
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All fake until you post an accurate time stamp, all this shit looks phony as hell. Shame on you OP
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you get one tit.
You should be more concerned about those disgusting tattoos you filthy whore.
What are you, 12?
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Fuck you found a pic of my face? awkward.
Hahahahaha /thread.
Go back to prison slut
Write spectre deflector on your hand
Where do you guys even fucking live?
I have had zero issues getting employed, and that's in high paying fancy office jobs.

It depends. I mean, yes, you are a disgusting whale, but there are plenty of sick men out there. The real question is if you are willing to low your standards or not.
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Thanks <3
What is even wrong with 4chan these days? This thread would have 404d ages ago before, and you're not abusing me until now? Really?
If you have an accent you can pick up an American dude no problem.

We come with our own issues though. We value freedom, so we can't live anywhere else.
muricans have mangled dicks tho
You come here and ask if you are fuckable, obivously knowing that you are. You just wanna share your pics. You don't need to play the insecure girl.

You just wanna get laid and dump your pothos, so people will say you are hot and fuckable. Go on and be the little slut you want to. Fuck the tons of guys you want to.

Then you will see you are slowly starting to get less beautiful and see your beauty decay. From this moment you will start using the excuse that you are tired of just getting laid and riding dicks everywhere. That you don't want nights like those anymore. And will start looking for an idiot that will provide you money, house and food, saying you love him. I hope this idiot finds out the photos you put in the internet to beg for attention and kick you butt out of his life.

How does it feel to be a slut and nothing else?
I really like your tits op :)
I think you're sexy, no joke
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Bitch what are you talking about that chick is hot as fuck
Haha sweetie.
I have an open relationship and the man I love knows all about photos of me online, most of these I've put in this thread he's already seen.

I've -been- a slut, but in the bdsm-community getting laid does not equal actually being pretty or fuckable, it's got a lot to do with simply having matching kinks.

So no, I did not post these pictures knowing that I'm fuckable (or rather, pretty/hot/sexy)
I posted the pics to keep the thread going and to get some sort of validation that people don't simply fuck me because I like what they like sexually but because my body is still okay.

But, keep attempting to degrade me. I really don't mind.
What the fuck is wrong with your ass? I would vomit if I was to fuck you and this shit appeared.

>Whale with saggy tits.
>Small pussy compared to whale body
>Using a condom in the dildo because probably can't put it in the ass without shitting in it.

Don't ever try to have sex with someone, they will get sick.
Or putting condom on the dildo because I don't only use it on myself? Maaaybe.
And the bruise is from being spanked.
I'm sorry about your sexlife.
Maybe you should consider becoming anorexic again.
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Different men have different preferences. Personally, I like your body, it looks yummy. Especially that ass
So you're fucking stupid we all see.

Okay clears that one up, just posting because your ego demands it versus having actual concerns.
>projecting that the observational anon is a bitter asshole who doesnt have a good sex life

This slampiggy is here just for the ego validation
>Stamp on hand
Kys op, time stamp your boobs or never happened
How does it feel that a guy has only an open relationship with you so he won't stay "sexless" if he doens't get anything better? Do you think he loves you? The way you are, a fat whore whose personality needs approval from people of /b/? Posting your pics light that shows you are not worth even the shit your ugly ass does.

You are fucking lying if you say you don't want to know if you are fuckable, because gettin laid you are already are because of matching kinks, you idiot.

Your body is okay? Don't fucking make me laugh. You "the man who is with you" really exists, there's only 2 possible reasons for why he is, in fact, with you

>Like I said, he simply want's to have a back up.
>He's a pathetic cuck.

In both cases, kys.
Nice google images.
hi lena dunham

go to canada forever pls
Exaclty. If it was compliments that aren't true, she would accepted. But as I criticized I am sexually frustrated.

Well, got news for the bitch. I'm married and not a cuck like her loser boyfriend. My wife isn't the hottest girl in the world but I might fuck her ass without getting a dump on my dick.
>I would just like to know I get laid by people who aren't just.. fucking whatever they can.
You have hit the wall and have no sexual market value. There is no turning back.


If she is a mentally damaged woman who seeks approval of random dudes online. She has doubts because I have a feeling that "the man she loves" either works has her as a side option or is a weak cuck like you stated thus she wants an anonymous alpha to say she has an awesome body only to reaffirm her constant lack of confidence. Anytime anyone said anything negative, she immediately defaults to projecting her own qualities onto the anons giving her a false sense of security but deep down wonders if these random men she fucks thinks about her more than the holes she offers.
what a fucking whale, u should kill yourself
google "rosa sidan.ws"
svenska escort and massage
seems legit.
Looks like you got the answers you wanted, whale. Noe get out and don't come back.
Dont let the thread die. We need to make she realize how a whale slut should be abused
to make it short:
tits with timestamp, of GTFO

ITT: low quality attention whore with daddy issues, or a fag
Nice backwards date, foreign cunt.
I can only assume after these negative posts her responses will be the following

A. Disregarding all opinions stating that she is on 4chan so that all opinions are null and void
B. Post another validation picture belittling those who criticize her
C. Keep projecting her sexual conquests in attempting to reaffirm her position as "beautiful" in her own mind

She really is an ego driven fatty who only seeks positive criticism. She lacks confidence despite the pictures showing otherwise so going online where there are a thousands of different men is an attempt to break her personal echochamber. While in reality she is just an overweight woman with a large ego who lacks confidence in her relationships due to her large sexual appetite.

Technically you guys are the ones with backwards date. But whatever fuck this slut.
You're a degenerate. Brexit
>Zeus would change into a swan just to tap that ass.

That was the most elegant thing I've ever read on 4chan.

saging anyway. One tit and low quality timestamp without without a year?

Looks like sluts forgot the rules here. We are indeed getting soft arround here.
Thread posts: 98
Thread images: 13

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