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Unpopular opinions thread >circumsision at birth should be

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Unpopular opinions thread

>circumsision at birth should be illegal
>Women should not be in the military
>The age of consent should be universally 16
donald trump will prove to be the worst president in a very long time, and a disaster for the united states of america.
>snot/phlegm/spit is hot af
1. you sound insecure about something
2. neither should men
3. arbitrary and contrived
that isn't an unpopular opinion. it isn't even an opinion - it is a plain fact...
i have a gift for you anon
lol @ butthurt libfag now proven to be the loser we always knew you were (and you did too)
time to just die, faggot
>some people believe this thing so its a fact lolz I'm so smart
theres literally no good reason for psychedelics to be illegal
Insecure about what? I just don't think mutilating a child's genitals for no reason should be legal.
Fun fact: Recently got to try this fetish out irl.
there should be financial and education requirements met before having kids
>opinion thread
>first anon's speculative opinion is that Trump will be the worst President ever as seen through his jaded, magical crystal ball of faggotry
>second pretend anon, clearly samefagging by the thread count, says that is "not even an opinion - it is a plain fact"
>not knowing the difference between fact and opinion
>being this dumb
>thus qualifying to vote for Hillary as really too dumb to vote
>being this butthurt after epic loss jammed up your ass election glory fucking of all lowlifes back to libfagitude

we all kek stronger at these libfag tears
Idiot... Educate yourself on the man before you go and blindly move to Canada you fuckin' libtard
This >>713692620
the hillary clinton email scandal was literally a bunch of hot air about nothing and autistic retards straining their hemmhoroids trying to dig conspiracy theories out of every day conversation.
kanye 2020
The first one absolutely
>Legalize all drugs
>Only have cops near school zones etc to pull speeders over not in the middle of nowhere
>No refugees/illegal aliens
I agree with all this. I hope this all becomes law in my lifetime.
yeaah it's definitely not my thing but sometimes i wish it was
These are popular opinions
Holy shit. Does your mom know you're using her work computer ?
you're a cuckold
I basically didn't know I was even into it until it was happening and then
>oh shit this is actually hot af
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Quads speak the truth
you had me so hard at legalize all drugs and you lost me so hard at no refugees/illegal aliens

please dont fucking equate border hopping mexicans with the innocents assads been brutalizing
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Quads dont lie, fkn checked my dood
no. If they bring the same performance man bring why not?

probably no. Defning "worst" is near impossible.

Dunno. Never tried it. It should be regulated to make sure that only people take it who can handle it.


>and regulate

My unpopular opinions:
>Voting against the greater evil is dumb
>Those who vote for either Trump or Hillary for other reasons are even worse.
>The alt-left/thridwavefeminism/tumblrLBQT does not represent 'left' values and are blown way out of proportion.
>The alt-right/anti fact movement is scary
>If you bought into the "minorities instead of the rich are responisble for my problems" you are retarded

you can walk into cvs right now and drink more dxm than anyone could handle

not everyone can handle alcohol but thats available indiscriminately

what does regulate even mean
I like you. I consider myself more left, but all those annoying 'libtard' righteous bitches make me feel like i can't voice my opinion. Southpark did so good with the PC episodes
You mean all the men that leave bc they're pussies and want to live off our gov't?
Damn, you're pretty LUCKY you were born here huh ? I wonder how you would feel if you were born somewhere in the middle east. Hmmm i wonder.... ?
Nice retort, but it holds no argument.
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The first homefront was a really good game.
I suppose I'd leave just to get free shit and be a poor little migrant.
That is exactly a counter argument to your emotional opinion. You have yet to tell me how you would act, given those circumstances.
>i dont want to raise my children in a failed state where they could be killed at any time by bombs, rockets, and chemical weapons, courtesy of the illegitimate regime of our coward dictator
>even though the journey is dangerous and i will likely never see my home again, ive decided to risk myself and my family so that we may have a chance to grow old in a safe, functioning, democratic society to which we can all contribute without fear or guilt
>this makes me a pussy
It was indeed
I was sad to hear the second one had trash reviews
So you're against the LEGAL immigration that they're doing, even though you just told me you'd be doing the same ? Why are you hating ?
So you're fine with letting millions of "migrants" that have the complete opposite views of your country and you're fine paying taxes so that it can go to them? And you act like they're all poor victims.
Why would they even consider coming here if they had the complete opposite views ? Are you reading what you're typing ?
I got a bad chest cold going on, you're more than welcome to all that phlegm
No I meant that I'd abuse the system if I was in that situation. And I don't want Europe to end up like the middle east.
Uhh bc they're muslim why do you think? They wouldn't mind sharia law taking over. Plus countries govt's let them in like crazy.
hurr durr someone thinks babys shouldnt be mutilated for no reason at all he must be insecure, right guys?? right??
>that have the complete opposite views of your country
no, they don't. they wouldn't come here if they did. they'd go to lebanon or someplace, it's immensely easier for them anyway. those that come to the united states believe in the united states, and if they can get through the legal process, they have as much right to become americans as anyone else.

as for paying taxes so that it can go to them. lol. arab americans are far more like asian and indian americans than anything else in terms of work ethic and contribution to society. they dont come here to live off welfare, they have far too much pride and expectations of their children
youve been lied to by people who dont understand islam
Hot girls only, I'm afraid.
So none of them leech off the govt? Got it. And "migrants" don't ever destroy and rape and beat people?
>inb4 not all of them
No shit
aaaaaaaaand another thread derailed by retards who can't argue. Thanks.

Oh I understand it alright. I'm not a brainwashed fuck who believes in a magical man in the sky.
Unpopular opinion. Circumcise your kid. Kids are fucking filthy. You dont want that shit infected becuase your 6 year old is a lazy fucker who doesn't clean his god damn dick.

Be a fucking grown up and realize a worthless piece of skin is worth more removed. Just like your piece of shit appendix
You're a fucking damn retard.
Botched dicks and literal infant deaths happen all the time every year because of circumcision.
Who in the fucking fuck makes a giving 6 year old bath themselves with literally no guidance or supervision?!
Fucking damn retard.
Whatever you say dipshit. Get believing what the rest of the retards on the internet keep spreading around about circumcision. Just like the stupid fucking yumlrinas who see one post and do no fucking research. Kill yourself. Or at least dont breed
What a fucking waste of quads, kill yourself
are you retarded?
Someone's butthurt. Do you not like it when people disrespect daddy trump? All of you trump supporters need to commit mass suicide so we can cleanse the world from your stupidity.
Fight against the corrupt government of course
This is the problem with /b/ and /pol/, all of you annoying trump fags who ride his dick and go along with anything he says. Wanted to scrap obamacare, now he wants to leave certain aspects of obamacare in place. And you know what? You all blindly follow.
age of consent should start when puberty ends
Not a joke i genuinly hate most black pople
>These threads are fucking stupid
>I mean its not just a thread about fucking opinions
>It's the worst opinions
>And then you people fucking argue about opinions
>These threads should be banned.
Don't you at least find the non-political ones interesting?
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get back in your cuckshed libfag
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Damn you are a moron. Are you actually arguing that shillalry would be better???
All the US markets are up, US steel makers are preparing for a surge in production. None of this is bad, Stop the whining pleb and give the guy a chance.
It is fairly likely that most black people also hate you.
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stockholm syndrome
trump resembles the alpha they all wish they were
supporting him is literally a form of man crush
or the kids who clung like barnacles in high school to those of us who were actually well liked

alpha males in power (trump) want an authoritarian government
alphas out of power (our founding fathers, famous rappers, yours truly) want a more libertarian government

reverse applies for beta trumpshits that feel good about being led by a strong male figure who shares their values
i could argue all day about almost any of these things posted here, but what's the fucking point?

nobody i talk to will ever change their minds, i know how humans work, its a place where people spew their uneducated opinions of preconceptions and ignorance.
>Term limits on every government office
>beimg in office you can't be a lobbyist. Period
>drug tests for any gov assistance
>unemployment is only available after 5 years of working and only last 6 months
>disability reserved for those literally home bound.
There's more but I don't feel like typing
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It's amazing how using stupid buzzwords and labeling anyone that remotely disagrees with your agenda a "libtard" "cuck" or anything of the likes makes you sound incredibly uneducated and retarded. Moreover, I wonder what you must have suffered to transform you into such a blind and hating person.

The irony beeing that you Trump supporters hate the establishment, labeling people and safespaces, thinking that everyone else lives in their "leftist bubble" blind to the truth when in reality Trump is the absolute embodyment of the establishment (tax cuts for the rich?!?) while his supporters created the biggest safespace there is on leddit
where anyone who doesnt agree with them gets banned (free speech kek), labeled your favorite buzzword of the day and even harassed.

Since the start until the end of the election there hasn't been one political discussion on /b/ without it derailing into a mess of insults and buzzwords, making it impossible for people to actually challenge their viewpoints and maybe diversify their perspective. Im not saying that all of your points are invalid but if you can't discuss your viewpoints in a calm and rational way you must not be surprised when people start calling you a bigot or racist.

If you dont realize that you are indeed the one living in the bubble then you must be devoid of any logic whatsoever.
i'm 100% ok with the first one
other 2 are questionable
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>Big daddy T's dick is long and hard
>Gonna fuck you all to death
As a member of the military #2 is also good.
#3 is acceptable but also debateable
theres no concievable way to refer to your chosen charismatic alpha male authoritarian leader as "big daddy" and not also be secretly wishing hed fuck you in the ass as well

thats just a term of endearment that really shouldnt have ever entered your mind at all
but sexism, women need to be allowed in the military in the name of equality. Of course they shouldnt be in the army and accept that they are not equal with men but that isnt going to happen before they learn how harsh this world actually is.
>Abortion is good. Crime has been decreasing since Roe v. Wade.
>cuck is a highly unintelligent insult
>Gilmore girls is good light entertainment.
Men and women are different get over it ya cunt. And take all your problems and gtfo out of the military.
>also women are sex objects not humans
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>accept that they are not equal with men
isis detected
the matrix > star wars
>boohoo someone disagrees with me
>better call him ISIS or Hitler or something to feel better about myself and my flawed position.

Hello Anita, didnt know you visited /b/.
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>As a member of the military #2 is also good.
I mean, even considering they are phyiscally weaker arent there lots of tasks in the military which dont actually require strength ?
who were you talking to? im not the guy who sayd im in the military, although i was in the military.

Im the one saying that women should be allowed in the military, but i dont see why they would go.
> What a woman achieves is 90% to do with her attractiveness. Depressing, but true.
"women aren't equal to men" literally isnt even a differing opinion, man, it's a form of self-delusion yall employ to stave off thoughts of suicide

the only place in the world where it has any genuine traction or cultural merit is the actual islamic state
>>i've never been a woman
hillary is grotesque and she won the popular vote
All retards should be euthanized. Including autists, sorry /b/.

Muslims should be sterilized. I dont think we should kill them outright.

Fat people should not have healthcare period. Same with people over 85 its just too expensive.
I am the guy who said he was in the military. You tagged me. Just keep em out tbh. They are for the most part useless cunts
Just because it doesn't require physical work doesn't mean a woman won't do it. Women in the military are widely useless and just cause more problems than they are worth. Kick em out.

traps are not gay
>Being a Jew is okay.
women arent equal tho.
that doesnt mean they dont deserve equal rights, but saying they are in every way equal is just nonsense. especially in a field where you have to be able to carry your mates if theyre fucked
>i am a member of a religion
>therefore i should not be allowed to reproduce
so sayeth xenophobia
>Just because it doesn't require physical work doesn't mean a woman won't do it
that sentence doesnt make sense
>Women in the military are widely useless and just cause more problems than they are worth.
no, they arent in every way equal, they're fundamentally different. and yes, men are typically better suited for combat.

but only the betaest of all betas translates that into "females are somehow inferior to me"
reading comprehension = 0
Women are not equal to men they are a lesser species.
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When will I get dubs
so you are saying women and men are identical? Because only in that case can they truly be equal, if they are not identical 1 is better than the other.
I don't really wash my penis and don't really need to.
>if they are not identical 1 is better than the other
thats not how it works

>only the betaest of all betas makes the argument I'm making.
Experience in the military is my source.
Also the other sentence does make sense of you aren't retarded but I'll spoonfeed you.
You underestimate the laziness of a woman. Just because a job doesn't require physical effort doesn't mean she won't try and pawn it off on someone else or her out of doing it. By the time I get done explaining to a bitch she has to actually do something I could have had one of my guys do 3 other Things.
For the last one move to Canada
no, men and women aren't identical, suggesting they are is the opposite of the point i just made
>if they are not identical 1 is better than the other
anon, are you familiar with the phrase apples and oranges
>my anecdotal experience lets me jugde on all 3 billion women
sure then
okay, this is just retarded. do you measure your self worth solely by how much you can bench
then your sentence would have to be like this
>Just because it doesn't require physical work doesn't mean a woman will do it
Im not even a native english speaker but youre retarded.
Given that literally any man in a position of authority in the military will tell you the same, I'd say it's pretty solid.
>Not basing your opinion on what you have personally observed
What kind of faggot are you?
Supreme gentleman/10
>circumsision at birth should be illegal
Nope parents should decide for the child. Its nt the states business.
>Women should not be in the military
bullshit, you never served, fucking cuck.
I dont like they want to make military more family friendly which they do everywhere, this seems retarded. But some women are tougher than all you feggits here.
>The age of consent should be universally 16
fuck you pedo.
>donald trump will prove to be the worst >president in a very long time, and a disaster >for the united states of america
I think he will be just an average president who did a lot of promises but will have problems executing them, like obongo did too.
>women are tougher than all you feggits here.
And then kill yourself
>implying that Im not basing my opinions on my experiences
Obviously my experiences influence my opinions but Im not so stupid as to assume that the resulting opinions are absolutes.

Should parents decide for the child to chop off any part of their body, or is it just the tip of the penis/clitoris that is fair game in your opinion?
good one
of course, but im not wrong, pick an area and then you can compare women and men, after looking at all the relevant areas you can see which is overall better, there arent many things that women are better at that actually matters.
When it your experience, your bosses experience, nearly every one in the military from several different commands experience, you can start to see the trend. The work that women as a whole put into the military isn't worth the problems they cause.
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Nobody on this site measures their self worth.

Can they at least like remove some of the excess foreskin then so they don't get that like sad ant eater look to them. That shit is fuckin gross
yea and also remove just a bit from their fingertips, so they dont look too long thats gross and Trump would be proud too
>relevant areas
>actually matters

ive never seen someone miss the point of being alive this hard. drop acid sometime
yea lets cut pussy lips at birth too because nobody likes a roastie
>there arent many things that women are better at that actually matters
like giving birth? being your mother?
>Nickelback has some good songs
>Death Metal sucks
>Gaming is for faggots
There is a point to being alive? what's that, no wait, if its just your opinion dont tell me, i'll form my own opinions.

also, you sure changed the subject fast, didnt have an actual comeback?
not sure if trolling or just retarded
3/10. I almost reacted to that post.
that is pretty much why i sayd that, you see men cant give birth and cant be mothers, so cant really compare them in that sense, but if you insist then i can say men are better at fertilizing an egg and being dads.
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>nobody likes a roastie
I agree with all
How you remind me isn't too bad. If anything, I think they're smart. Appealing to the lowest common denominator always works.
which is why the whole argument is pointless

regarding the military, just let them have the same tests and rules as males and the strong motivated women will pass and the others will fail, easy as that.


Most women wouldn't pass. Well in the marines. They'd pass the two day physical in the army
Yeah, men are also way better than women at pissing whilst standing up.
well of course, everyone should be treated as an individual regardless of gender, but the tests in the military should be the same for both sexes, i dont think they are.
then your problem has solved itself without anything sexist to it

1. Getting offended by someone else's opinion is not an argument (and I fall about as far left, politically, as someone can)

2. Even if fetuses are "a life," abortion is still a better option than more unwanted people.

3. Religion and culture are cognitive wastes that (more often than not) impede the progress of our species.

4. If your argument for or against something is based on religious or cultural convictions, you don't have a real argument.
>"the agr of consent should be universally 16"
Bullshit. The age of consent should be when someone knows what sex is and is able to clearly and precisely in no un certain way state that they want it.
i fucking hate eu scum

It should be across the board as well though. I'm sick of seeing fat overweight cops or little foxes with badges getting into a hairy situation and go guns blazing. We need people who are in the top physical shape for these jobs.
Not all fat people are lazy
Yeah, some actually get up to take a shit instead of cleaning their folds later.

Obviously number 2 and 4 are related but some people just think either way forcibly removing a fetus from the womb is murder. I'm not leaning one way or the other, nor am I religious but that's just the mindset of people and it's not necessarily religiously fueled.
problem with that is that cops have an increased risk of injury/mental problems so you cant just fire all fat cops
also lots of cops just sit behind a desk all day anyway its not like theyre all fbi
I missed the zozzle here

I'm talking about cops on a beat

fuck off newfag
>3. Religion and culture are cognitive wastes that (more often than not) impede the progress of our species.
1. Religion was probably one of the biggest reasons we developed in the first place so.. obviously we need a secular society tho.

2. Culture is very important for the well-being and productivity of mankind.
yes, they at least should have mandatory pt up until retirement
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lel anti Assad pro theocracy propaganda.

Must be a eurofag.
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Get the fuck out.
>kanye 2020
im so in with this
if we make it to 2020
The first opinion I agree with.

The rest i do not agree with.
1. I think religion is a byproduct of the cognitive development of our species. It was our first attempt at explaining the world around us and our origins...but at this point, its outdated and it impedes progress more often than it expedites. All of human progress arises from logical trial-and-error. Hell, that's how natural selection of mutation works for every species...why does religion get a pass on that trial?

2. Culture comes along with religion in a lot of ways and shares a lot of parallel non-conclusives. Most cultural ideals also aren't the product of objective criticism, and many also impede progress in different ways.

I think our species has too many more important problems that need to be solved and goals that need to be achieved that affect us as a whole to get hung up on how to wear your clothes, what's OK to eat and what isn't, what's considered "rude" or "taboo," etc,.

We're wasting time, and none of us have much of it, no matter our culture.
make that any drug and you're closer to the mark
If you use any of the following phrases;
>As a (woman, black man, gay person, trans person, cop, teacher, whatever) I think that (x)
>I'm all for free speech, but,
>Feminism is about equality
>(Donald Trump/Hillary Clinton) (wil/would have)l (change[d] anything having to do with the U.S. political system)

You need to be euthanized.
You are a dangerous retard who is speeding the ever encroaching next world war.

> Godwins law!
You are also helping, but you don't necessarily need to be euthanized, just slapped until you shut the fuck up.
Appendix are useless...
You really are a special kind of stupid
Your brain is an unused part of your body, please remove it
For good reason apparently
>there should be no age of consent
Woman are not a species
Jesus Christ you're stupid
1) fuck off with your animal dick, have fun never making a grill cum
2) they should, but not in places like Syria. Stick them in national guard
3) might as well, not like you can stop them anyways
Avoid war with Russia, trying to create jobs in the US, sounds terrible.
Fuck you, I love sucking on a roastie
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circumcision is illegal here and age of consent is 15. problem with that?
1. Disclaimer: Im a theist agnostic.
Of course its a product of our cognitive development. You have to be able to think about a God to actually believe in one. I dont know why you think its outdated tho? In which way? Religion is there to provide an answer to questions we cant answer, giving people peace, hope and strength in tough times, and we still have more than enough of those. Even with all the knowledge we have gathered throughout the times, for every question we can answer theres ten more new ones and Religion CAN be a good guideline to live by.

2. Culture has in more ways than not nothing to do with Religion. It also is a crucial part of our daily lives, boosts creativity and innovation which in turn helps us solve real problems. What cultural "ideals" are you talking about? How would a world without culture even look like? Do you really believe forcing everyone to only work on the issues that you think are important would improve life for mankind?
There is no objective critisism, everything is subjective. In which ways is culture actually impeding process? And even if so, arent these situations solvable without removing culture as a whole? How would one even go about removing culture? It all doesnt make sense to me.
I bet you like sucking on balls too
If you seriously believe people should be euthanized you are retarded.
But its bait anyway so
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Dubs confirm
>1) fuck off with your animal dick, have fun never making a grill cum
hehe xd
We should only have one race (whites).
And one language (english).
Every now and then, got a problem with that?
yeah i feel the same trumps must have very good people in his team to be a great president
We should be able to euthanase people like you
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Dubs confirm confirmation
People in here really need to get a college education and take philosophy. The counter arguments in here are abysmal. absolute dog shit.
yea dude that's gay
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>circumsision at birth should be illegal

This opinion is only unpopular in the USA, Israel, Muslim countries and in some African shitholes.

The procedure is medically unnecessary in a normal child. If it's allowed for aesthetic/cultural reasons, then you should also allow neo-nazis to tattoo swastikas on their baby's, bodybuilders to inject steroids into their baby's, etc.

The worst scenario is probably when circumcision is used to brand a person to be "property" of a religion/ideology from birth, like it is done in Abrahamic religions such as Islam. It's not only a violation of the body of a person, but also a gross invasion of the person's freedom of opinion.

It could be argued that "the baby/person won't know the difference", but then again that same argument could just as well be used to justify blinding an infant - someone who's been blind since birth, doesn't "know the difference", either.
OP is probably American.
Hillary Clinton email's were nothing more than sensationalized garbage
>because when business is good people benefit.

Is this 1982?
>circumcision for children should be illegal
>Women can be in the military but NO standards should be lowered for them. No quotas for any job, no lowering standards. Blacks/women/others should get into their job through merit alone
>If you receive welfare you must agree to be temporarily sterilized
>Age of consent should be universally 14
>Being gay/drugs/trans/other shit most people find distasteful should not be illegal. I do not care if it is culturally taboo or not "the norm." People's feelings shouldn't be protected legally. I just think it's fucked up to have the government making choices for you in your private life, and I think it's fucked up any one could vote for such laws thinking they have a right to control others around them for their own sensitivities.
>Gun free zones are an incredibly stupid idea. School shootings probably wouldnt happen in schools had armed cops

Not anywhere but here
Why don't you allow all the homeless you meet to move into your house?

Let's ignore the facts for a minute (the fact these refugees will not assimilate, the fact many are not refugees but know they can get benefits anyway...). It's sad, really sad, that all these people are having such a horrible time, We're all allowed to feel bad about it. But it's not our problem. And we already have so many people in our own countries who could use our help first. You dont adopt every puppy at the shelter and no one thinks youre a bad person for that.

And of course no illegal aliens. If they wanted to move they could have done it legally. One of the requirements for immigration should be a love/genuine like of where theyre moving to - if you disrespect our laws we dont want you as a citizen.
In theory I agree but in practice I dont want to give the government that much power
Are you implying everyone has a right to live wherever they want?

Sometimes life is not fair, and that is not our fault.

Are you okay with me moving in five young male immigrants into your home? They will eat all your food for free, sleep in/on your furniture, they will use all of your stuff. You need to pay for that. Also if they commit any crimes they will not be charged, they're all 17 and have no documentation. If you are a femanon, which I think you are, let me remind you most of these immigrants believe you should have no right to speak or do anything without a man's permission. They believe you exist to please men.
The legal process is too much work for anyone that doesnt not genuinely want to be there, and why would they if we are a backwards country to them?
underrated post
I voted for Trump but in no way did I think he was a the best or even a very good option for President. I simply did not want to live in a country that had elected an openly criminal person for the sake of her vagina.

I agree with some of what he says, but I dislike his stance on net neutrality and now flag burning. He's also too pro-surveillance.

Stop pretending Trump supporters are as brainwashed as Hillary voters.
>recognizing women cannot reach the levels of physical fitness a man can

What next, if I say men cant give birth will I get attacked for that too?
>people should pass some kind of IQ test to be allowed to vote
inb4: im not american and my opinion has nothing to do with trump

Leftist scum.
His experience is from actually working with women in the military

Yours is all conjecture

If we needed to decide right now whether to take women out of the military or leave them in whose opinion and anecdotal evidence will be worth more? All your talk is ideals and concepts.
If you don't feel there's any weight to your opinions then what are you doing arguing a point?
I think ears are ugly so Im going to cut off my babies ears

This too, you know its harder for women to clean with all those folds. Lets just snip their labia off

OP said UNpopular.
3. shallow and pedantic
Schizophrenia disagrees with you and you too
Being over 70 years old should be illegal, assisted suicide then ground up for animal feed.
The age if consebt thing likely stems from an idea of "they're gunna do it anyways," but that's kinda why that law is in place in the first place, so they're doing it with each other rather than 30 year olds.

You just wanna fuck a tight 16 year old, but it's cool cuz she wouldn't sleep with you anyways.
The USA is one of the best countries in the world to be an ethnic minority in.
>"He doesn't agree with me."
>"He must be a liberal."

This is an actual thought process. Knee jerk as fuck
If you are unemployed for more than 2 years in a row, you're used for scientific experimentation to further medical research.
Organ donation should be an opt out matter.
>a cognitive waste

It helps you feel connected to your country and often provides many holidays which people enjoy and spend time with their family on

I think you are overestimating people. Most people do not have the brain or the want to focus on issues every day of their life, most just want to live a normal life working and then die. These people very much do need culture.

>he feels his own opinion carries no weight so compensates with hyperbole

I'm not taking sides but go see a therapist
>Mankind has reached the end of its evolutionary potential, and any further extension will just prove to continue to destroy the planet until we either kill each other over the last scraps of food, or jump to another planet and become the interplanetary parasite

And you.
Humanity existed for thousands of years with foreskin but now you want to cut it off because kids are dirty? You are so lazy at parenting you cannot get your kid to clean his dick a little the way he should brush his teeth?

Lets remove all teeth, arms, and butt cheeks. And ears too. Kids are too lazy to brush or wash areas like their crack/behind the ears/armpits. Actually, might as well shave them too, we all know they cant use shampoo.
There is only one gender, we all start off female and the penis is just a genetic mutation.
Prostitution has no reason to be illegal

Religeon is a lie people tell themselves to make themselves feel better

Incest should be legal aslong as there's consent and no conseption
Nah, I feel like there are some really healthy 70 year olds who wouldnt deserve/need to die.

Maybe whoever is paying for their medical care has the right to withdraw care.
And assisted suicide should be available upon request an after counseling to ensure it is truly the best option.
The Earth is approximately 6,000 years old and no one has concrete evidence to the contrary. Carbon dating has been proven unreliable.
I like feminism
The Statue of Liberty should be returned to France since it no longer represents what America stands for.
Im 18 and I would fuck an attractive 40 year old. 2 years ago I would have also done that.

The age of consent thing stems from the fact that is natural that teenagers are horny, and that it honestly would not damage them long term to have sex with someone older. If it would, then they shouldnt do it and if they make that mistake theyre of an age where mistakes are made and learned from.

Countries with lower age of consent do not have a crisis due to it like you might think

Rape is still illegal so the laws dont really help with that.
why no conception with incest? We let people with high risk of passing on genetic disorders have kids. Or do you want to ban that too
Anyone over 300lbs should be sent to a psych ward.
>women shouldnt be allowed to vote
>women shouldnt be allowed to join the workforce
Not actually true, you start neither male or female but the lack of genitals looks more female

It is ovaries/testes that determine male or female but I do believe people exist who either have a brain wrongly shaped for the body theyre in or some other thing that is causing them to be unhappy with their sex.
The 'half your age plus seven' rule should be a law.

Sure. Come and get him
The rise of fascism in Europe is a good thing and will lead to a third world war, reducing populations to a more manageable level.
I'm trying to decide if you're 11 or 12. 10?
>no circumcision
>age of consent universally 16
I can't wait to see horror on the faces of those discusting mudslimes that enjoy fucking innocent pre-pubescent children as young as 7 years old with their discusting mutilated sandnigger sausages.
The people Trump elects to his cabinet will destroy America. Blame the Mexicans if it makes you feel better, thats what will happen.
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The age if consent is 14 over here ;)
I theory i could fuck a 14 yo girl if she gave concent.
>what is biochemistry
>if she gave concent.
thats the tricky part
We should nuke Israel, UAE, Pakistan, and Luton (in the UK). Burn feminazi' at the stake, drag Soros and Rothschilds into street and repeatedly gang rape them before peeling off their skin with a spoon.
Dont think it would be that hard, they already ackt and loock like streetwalkers.
>i could fuck a 14 yo girl if she gave concent.
I could even when she wouldn't have.
People who overhype their job roles to sound more impressive are idiots. I work as a sous chef at a famous fast food establishment and the amount of clients I see doing this really pisses me off.
real world: liberal ≠ socialist
4chan: liberal = socialist
>marijuana should be illegal
>uneducated people who remained in the US from birth should not be paid over $12/hr
>women should not be firefighters unless they can pass the same tests as men did a few years back
>islamics should be deported
Women and men are not equal. Men excel at certain things, women others. We should celebrate our strengths and use each other to protect our weaknesses. Before feminism, everyone had their place in the world, nuclear families and men looked after women on the whole. Now the world is filled with degenerates and women who do not want equality, but superiority over men and non femfags. Bring back nationalism, make men responsible for themselves and their families and let women take their rightful place as celebrated goddesses who allow their men to take charge and be men. Enough with "toxic masculinity hurr durr" BS
>fat people should be charged a minimum of double for healthcare and flights.
The foreskin of infants and children is adhered to the head of the penis.
There is literally no chance of bacteria accumulating between the two up until at least the age of 8, because there is a physiological adhesion between them.
The only time infection occurs, is forcible retraction which breaks the adhesion, most often by uninformed doctors/parents/jewish paediatricians who'd love to slice up a kid to justify their own egocentricity around being cut.
>>marijuana should be illegal
are you retarded?
self proclaimed feminists who don't offer to pay for meals should be shot
No, I'd just rather not have retards running around smoking weed that has a disgusting potent smell while I'm trying to stay focused on work. Just go hang yourself stoner, you'll amount to nothing anyway.
>Freelance is just another term of unemployed.
wow fuck a guy for having an opinion, right?
Uncut dicks feel better
Quads of truth
>>circumsision at birth should be illegal
awe puddin, did the doctor over circumcise you?

>>Women should not be in the military
Who the fuck is going to do the dishes in the mess hall, faggot?

>>The age of consent should be universally 16
pedo scum, i hope your dog gets cancer

did I do this right??
Men will do the dishes in the mess hall like they did prior to women joining

16 is not pedo. If it has wide hips and tits a pedophile wont be attracted to them
I'm led to believe that hallucinogens only bring out the symptoms of schizoids early, not inducing it. You can still fuck yourself up on them, though. You won't die like you can from alcohol poisoning though.
>being this retarded
Legalizing weed does not mean it would be legal to just walk around smoking it wherever you want. People like you who don't understand a goddamn thing are how they keep shitty laws on the books.
Unless there's a genuine medical reason, ALL benefit claimants should be named and shamed.
this, thank you
Who the fuck is going to be smoking in your work environment (mom's basement) anyway? Do people drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes around you too?
the laws around marijuana should be as they are in holland, same goes for prostitution
agreed and i am fat
Look guys, its another one of them short dicks bitching about a doctor making their life easier when they are too young to remember it.

Honest question, if a doctor could remove your wisdom teeth at birth, preventing the potential problems they pose (fucking up your bite alignment, failing to break through and rotting under your gums, etc.) would faggots like you protest them doing this?
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You obviously never met a Danish women.
If you go to Denmark and tell one that she would rip your head off and fuck your headless corpse.
If all it takes to distract you from working is a smell, you may just be a lazy piece of shit looking for an excuse to get paid and not get any work done.
Mushrooms shouldn't be illegal
Acid melts your brain
Dmt can make you actually go crazy
Confirmed nobodies
>implying I don't work for myself
Self employed is just codeword for unemployable. Unless you're a woman in which case I'll assume you're a stripper.
Wisdom teeth nearly always cause problems and need to be removed

The foreskin causes no problems. Smegma is not an argument. People need to clean themselves, should we cut off all bits that are hard to clean?
In fact having a foreskin is healthier, the head of your penis does not become dry and crackly but remains soft and moist. You're also more sensitive, and the hurr durr no stamina doesnt work. A guy with an uncut dick gets hard again, you have to artificially lengthen the time till you come because you have such issues getting it up/back up.

Seriously tell me what issues the foreskin causes?
Not retracting when very young is normal, and it will retract with age. If youre an adult and it doesnt thats a rare medical condition, not normal.
Trans men are superior in every aspect.
When modern medicine learns a way to make dicks transplant they'll be perfect.
Alright, back your point of view up with some actual logic, then. Give me one reason why alcohol should be legal but marijuana should be illegal. Give me one example of how weed is bad that doesn't also apply to alcohol.
>confirmed salty stoner with no future
What baby has wisdom teeth at birth?
People with mental disorders should not be allowed to have nor to keep children.
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>Islam is a peaceful religion
Oh wait this wasn't a bullshit threat.
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> Obama was awesome
> Donald Trump is a troll and a liberal Democrat that was trolling
> age of consent should be 11
> 9gag is underated
> /b/ was always good
you're too stupid to even stay on topic, there's no arguing with you.
Men who post women nudes online should be gang raped my a mob of muscular homos until they learn to love the D.
Dude I worked in a centre next to a clinic with one doctor that solely performed circumcisions on boys. The number of crying kids and screaming babies leaving that clinic everyday made me fucking sick.
The whole practice exists today because of egoism and misinformation. Dad has a dick cut up as a baby, bullied kids in school who weren't as a coping mechanism. "Well I better do it to my kid too"
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>marijuana should be illegal
Please cut your own filthy dick off you faggot
Not blaming others for your mistakes and misery is a mistake.
Having a clear enemy to blame makes it much easier to catalyze your anger into productive effort.
not the guy but you should see his argument through anon
gotta allow yourself to be falsified
All homosexuals put to death
not other dude but
>taking a stoners side ever
>thinking stoners have a valid opinion
are you from the middle east? if so that's not an unpopular opinion
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Actually wisdom teeth are found to be generally harmless in the long term. There is an overabundance of dentists extracting them in situations where they pose little threat (sound familiar), and complications include nerve damage.
So you have dentists telling people they need their teeth extracted unnecessarily, making money, leaving them with nerve damage.
Study in the lancet a few years pointed the theory that wisdom teeth work to structurally position teeth in the mouth.
You know those fuckers with gaps in their teeth, they wouldn't have them if they didn't have their wisdom teeth pulled out.
>dismissing someone based solely on the fact that they take recreational drugs
off yourself
>not tackling the argument but instead who said it
anon please
one causes zero problems barring a rare condition and can be fixed without surgery in most cases (circumcision)
the other very commonly causes problems for the majority of people and needs surgery to remove to prevent real problems

not the same thing faggot, kys
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>openly criminal
Can this meme please stop
Lol I agree on a utilitarian level
I wish this would work
People don't realize how bad it is literally anywhere else
Again I agree on a utilitarian level
If humans were perfect I like to this this would pass
No but a purge would be nice
Hey everybody!
It's an actual retard
Fuck off
Unless it's muscle
Even then your a fuckin weirdo
We need more people in the workforce but women actually can't do construction or any manual labor so I am a ok with the wage gap
They should be allowed to vote because they're humans
Or hopefully normalizes national socialism, I'm no nazi
I'm just a Bernie supporter
Marijuana should be like alcohol
If they can make it good for them but this happens naturally a lot
Now for mine
>we will never find aliens because our consciousness is unique and we can't perceive life on other planets
>if you major in an art and it's not in a top of the line school you are actually retarded
>jews are pretty cool
>hitler was a genuinely benevolent dictator until the war started
Race mixing is not a good thing
Castro was not a dictator
Go live in Florida and ask a Cuban what they think of him.
I'm from the US where homosexuality is becoming more acceptable. Need to scare those sodomites back into the closet!
>we will never find aliens because our consciousness is unique and we can't perceive life on other planets
anon this is a statement of fact and you have no basis for this
Nelson Mandela was terrorist scum who made South Africa worse for everybody, especially the dumb blacks who have no business running anything.
Quiet Abdul
Nearly all cases of phimosis (the situation argued for almost all post-neonatal circumcisions) can be resolved with topical steroid-based creams.
I hear plenty of people justifying the practice bc phimosis, but can be cured with a £4 prescribed medication.
They had the same problems with every capitalist society.I am pretty sure they are one sided
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we found more losers!
People who roll 6 are fags
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