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Medfags needed. So I'm sick af and had to miss turning

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 220
Thread images: 35

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Medfags needed.
So I'm sick af and had to miss turning in a final project yesterday, but because Obamacare is shit, i couldn't afford to go to the doctor (I have pretty bad stomach problems related to my anxiety). Trying to see if any medfags would be able to write/give me a real template for a note I can bring in tomorrow. something along the lines of "Dear Professor(s), my patient _____(so I can just print out and sign) was unable to make it to class on 11/29 and 11/30. He is now okay to return on 12/1.
(insert medfag signature)"
I can fuck with the template from there, but any help is appreciated. I'll also be dumping this set slowly until otherwise. If I get a good one, I'll dump the whole set ASAP
sounds like you just didn't do your project OP
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nah, finished it while having a panic attack the night before. The anxiety left me with an awful case of the runs the next morning so I couldn't drive to class. Here's some more booty
Good luck to you OP.
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Thanks anon. This semester has been hell for me, but my lesbian best friend just told me today that she's down to hook up so im trying to be optimistic. Shiiiit i'll even drop stories about her and I hooking up before if someone can do a solid
bump for story, you got any pics of lesbae?
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Bumping for you OP
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angels exist
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Not a doctor, but I am interested in hearing more about this lesbian friend. Hopefully this thread satys alive long enough to get some help.
fuck it why not. I kinda wanna give back since I've been here since '09. give me a sec gonna type up a little then post
Doctor here...
It's look like cancer, you should check it out anon.
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>So back in highschool when i was 16 year old underage ban, I joined my theatre program in my school since i heard there were dozens of girls thirsty for the D(which was true, due to the influx of gays which left an overstock of pussy). I join and become friends with a lesbian, lets call her M(she's not the focus, her girlfriend is).
>I hit it off with M, a les who's short with the fattest booty this side of the Mississipi and eyes the same color of Walter White's meth.
>Very talented singer and actress, but a bit too much of a feminazi for me.
>Meet her gf through theatre. Tall, curvy, blonde. Perfect smile, pefect body, also had a big ol booty. 10/10 dick daimond on first glance

I like where this is going
>hit it off with GF, gonna refer to her as D from now on (no homo)
>D and I both 16, have a lot in common (like all these stories go). We start hanging out outside of school and she's lowkey flirty with me
>hella dumb beta male, never notice until later
>M starts noticing, starts getting hella jealous
>At the same time all of this is happening, we're getting ready for my first big show/the biggest show my school has put on
>D ends up dying her hair black to fit her character
>Out of pure fucking luck, D ends up being my main dance partner for one of the routines
>P.s at this point, im a relatively attractive guy, like 7/10 but i am bony as fuck and D thinks i can't lift her for one of the routines
>lift her on first try, she's impressed and compliments me

keep thread alive, ill post the whole story.
keep on keepin on
>D and I grow even closer as we spend tons of time rehearsing our dance
>rehearsals are daily and as opening night gets closer, we start doing weekend rehearsals which means an extra 4 hours of us all up on each other
>blah blah blah skip to opening night
>D is super nervous, so the whole time we're backstage im trying to calm her down
>"Trust me D, we've got this"
>"...but i don't know anon, what if i mess up?"
>"uh no, you wont. at all. You're great at this. believe in the me that believes in you"
>We go backstage, hug, and I can still feel her shaking from the nerves. Honestly, she was so warm and it felt nice that i could comfort her a bit
>She's starts calming down
>"...thanks, anon :)"
>I smile back at her and leave my hand on her back while she's still pretty close to me.
>M comes walking and sees us from the other side of the stage and sees us
>pure rage in her eyes
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>believe in the me that believes in you
you magnificent bastard
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>M: "ummm anon, why is your hand there" in a tone so condescending I would've slapped her if I wasn't so hard from how i killed that routine
>D:" don't worry about it. He was just being there for me, so don't get pissed"
>M rolls her eyes like they we're on fucking ecstacy
>I turn my face away so they can't see how i'm my face twisted into a smile over the fact that D defended me.
>blah blah blah show goes great. I end up sticking with theatre because i'm crushing on D, even though her and M are still together
>D and I start hanging out more, she starts telling me about their relationship problems and how M is jealous of me for no reason
>"no reason"
>time skip: couple months. M & D finally break up.
>Introduce character D's dyke best friend, V

Gotta keep y'all at the edge of your seats
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friendly bumparooni
hurry up i got college of my own to get to
>V fucking hates me, a common trait that all of D's girlfriends have, including her current gf (blatent foreshadow. I'll explain the juicy bits in between)
>at this point, D and I are texting each other on a daily basis. Flirty texts, still don't realize D is interested
>V and D start getting really close, I start getting left out more and more
>I dont notice as much since i start dating this other theatre girl
>Also tall and blond, well call her A. she's german with perfect legs (in case you haven't noticed, tall blondes are my type)
>D and V start dating. D and I start hanging out less and less
>feels, but i was focused on graduating and my gf
>Graduate at 17 with honors as a thespian funny enough, still together with A as I start at a pretty good university nearby
>D and I still talk often, just not daily. We both have our gf's
>I end up breaking up with A after finding out she cheated on me with another guy in the department and lied to me about it.
>D hears about it and texts me. I tell her about it. She's pissed
>"Anon, i would never treat you like that... you're don't deserve that. I wanna beat A's ass so bad right now"
>d and I start talking everyday now....She starts telling me about how hard things are getting between her and fucking dyking V.
we know where this is going. Btw these take a bit to write so if you're reading, bump so I can have time to update. Next post is gonna be about the first time I hooked up with D, my lesbian bae
Dear blah
Re: anon
This is to confirm that anon was unable to attend blah blah due to a medical illness.
Yours sincerely
Dr faggot
This is pretty basic stuff dickhead
Depending on where u live most of the time you don't have to actually specify what is wrong with you Cos Of Privacy n Shit
just use a letter head from a local doctor, or make one up. set up a number through a google voice account as well, so on the offchance they call it it will pipe back to a legitimate number. bonus points for having a friend able to answer on the other end ("yes, this is doctor diclhead, anon was sick")
>D and I start getting close again, hanging out all the time, texting daily, all that shit
>one day D asks me "hey anon....um...would you ever want to shower with anyone else...like maybe me?"
>she knows I have the biggest fucking shower fetish( hot water running down a girls body turns me on) ever
>we start talking shit about all the things we would do to each other (we've had convos like this before, but i skipped as not to bore)
>"I'd love for you to squeeze my butt while you cleaned me anon"
>"so...how big is your ummm...."thing" anon?"
>" honey dripping all over me? hwo're you gonna clean it? please tell me more anon"
>"lol that sounds so hot anon ;) lets plan it out. well im going to bed, goodnight <3"
>at this point my cock had torn through my boxers and was now pulsating like the hottest star
>balls bluer than papa smurf teabagging Grover
>spend rest of the night planning out this fantasy we wrote. fuck
please forgive any typos, just took a shot and im writing as i go
>sunday afternoon, my parents leave me alone in the house since they have to go to some friends party
>Notice the opportunity, immediately text D
>"hey you wanna finally try that shower thing we were talking about?"
>She's reluctant at first...but says yes and decides to come over
>she comes over. I am pure fucking spaghetti over the fact that the girl ive been crushing on for nearly 2 years is in my house ready to shower with me
>she was also pure spaghett. Its adorable, but I realize quickly this is going nowhere
>I make us gin and juice to loosen up a little and we start playing strip poker.
>STILL SO SPAGHETTI. I end up losing while she's still in her bra and pants.
>too pussy to show dick then. Take off shorts for a second while she isnt noticing and put them back on
>wtf was i thinking????
>we end the game and we're both a little tipsy. I finally get the courage to ask
>"so D, wanna come shower with me?"
>the most sheepish "sure" is whispered out of her lips
>my boner is about to destroy the only thing I was wearing at this point, these fucking grey shorts
>I grab her hand and lead her up the stairs

taking another shot. brb. guessing you guys like it? if you guys want anymore details or have questions, ask away
I'm gonna save this for later
Who cares about sauce now?

Shit is getting good now!
This is truly the dumbest shit I have ever seen on here. You are brainless, OP.
Quality story is quality hehe, I miss being a teenager and all the hijinx that accompanied it.
Go on.
Come on anon.
>We make it up the stairs and I lead her to my parent's bathroom( remodeled and nice as fuck. Built in jacuzzi tube, seperate shower, tile floor, the whole 9)
>We're still obviously nervous around each other. I haven't mentioned this before but I'm pretty sure this is the first time she's ever gone this far with a guy
>Just the thought of being so close to tasting this forbidden fruit and all the erotic thoughts of what could happen have got me harder than a resident evil puzzle on the first try
>" So...um D, are you ready?"
>"Yeah...but em, haha what's that?" she says, pointing directly at my hard on
>I HAVE BECOME SPAGHETTI INCARNATE. I had forgot that since I lost at strip poker, I never put my underwear on, which means nothing is restraining this erection.
>Try to play it off as cool as possible.
>"lol sorry, just the thought of having you D...has got me this".
>"lol anon, don't worry. I just didn't think I'd turn you on like that...".
>Hearing this, my boner boner grew 10 times the size of the grinches heart.
>"Im still...umm, a little shy about getting naked around you anon". she says this, hesitating a bit
>"How about I get the shower going and step in. get undressed and join me when you're done?" I say (aka literally my dick thought up)
Sorry for the delay
Dis gud shiet, anon
gud, gud

gud stuff
Fuck, I've got work in 10 mins. Somebody save this somewhere, please!
This faggot knows what's up
In b4 dino
>I turn on the shower and try not to cum from the fact that D is getting naked out of eye's reach.
>try to center my chakra. A leveled head is one which doesn't come within a minute
>I hear D walking towards the shower and see her (so you can get a better idea: parents bathroom has one of those shower surrounded in tile besides the door leading to it, which is made of steel and glass)
>I turn and look at her, her body oozing pure perfection.
>She was still shy, but now naked and was worth every bit of time I spent waiting for this sight
>Her legs were so perfect, creamy and soft. It almost looked a like a sin the way they ran so perfectly to her thicker thighs. Even then, she looked like an angel standing before me, with every curve slowly being accentuated by the water that dripped off my body onto hers while I watched her walk in.
>And, of course, in D fashion, she was still shy and was covering boobs with her left hand.
>"haha D, are you serious?" I said, making it obvious I saw her trying to cover up
>"Oh shut up, anon!" she said teasingly. just the way she said it made me have enough courage to lean for kiss
>We started to make out and i pulled her closer to me. Our kisses quickly grew more passionate while the shower head drenched our bodies in water
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Include me in the screencap
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don't all universities have free health services? i attended 3 different schools and they all did.
I got u fam. Dis gon be on HDL
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This is actually pretty cute desu
>Background: at this point in the story, I had lost my virginity to my ex girlfriend, A. I kinda knew how to handle sexual situations so instinct started to take over with D
>My tongue is rolling against D's and I'm just trying not to lose myself to lust so quick (which is basically playing on nightmare mode)
>My body just starts moving on its own. My hands reach for D's ass for leverage and i pull her in closer, my dick now rubbing agianst her thighs.
>I lean against the tile walls. I knew if i didnt get some sort of leverage in this situation my knees would turn to jelly.
>I start sucking on D's lower lip and I hear her breathing heavier.
>This becomes even more evident when I feel her hand running up and down my chest.
>I know she's trying to work her way towards my D (haha), I just need to lead her the rest of the way
This better end up with you fucking her
God damn it!
It better end up with him barebacking it and spiking her drinks with plan B
Goddamnit Anon finish the story. I missed my shower I still ain't dressed and I'm about a half hour late for work already.
Inb4 Dino
Inb4 dinosaur
drop an email, ill send you a screenshot when it's done.
>I start kissing her neck (i was taught proper form at a young age, so I like to think I'm pretty top tier)
>My lips start pressing across her neck, each time using a bit of tongue.
>Her breathing gets a bit heavier, so I turn it up. I let my tongue draw circles in the most sensitives spots of her neck.
>P.S my mind is nearly numb from lust at this point
>My finger start rubbing up and down her thighs while I never miss a beat against her neck.
>She's really feeling it
>Her hands reach lower...until they're running down my abs...then they reach lower...
>its almost as if I can hear her smile while she grips the base of my dick
>the second I feel her soft hands against the hardest part of my body...my sense of self begins to be replaced by dick
Im an '09 /b/tard. I promise you wont get dino'd BUT I STILL HAVEN'T GOTTEN WHAT I WANT
Keep it goin'
nigga we told you what to do. Print a form, make it look legit and fill it out. If you don't know cursive, find someone who does. Do you expect me to greentext you a doctor's note that you can screenshot and send to your professors?
This king nigga right here
Inb4 "I came, the end"
>She starts to stroke my solid snake
>I've fucking lost it
>I push her up against the wall and her hazel eyes look back at me with surprise as I slip my tongue back in her mouth.
>Her heaving breathing has now turned into moaning.
>While she's still playing with my cock, my fingers inch towards her pussy.
>I'm right by her slit, yet run my fingers around it. I want to tease her as much as i can
>her moans are getting higher and higher in pitch
>All i can see is her and the color red, my need for her now regulating how long itt'l take for me to come
>(it takes a lot for me to ever get to the point of being enthralled in lust, even now at 22 years old)
>I pull my tongue away from her for a second and we both stare into each others eyes
>My head gets closer to her, we're both breathing heavy at this point.
>My nose is right against her's, never breaking eye contact.
>I slip my finger in her pussy
Dude fuck school, become a romantic book writer. Fifhty shades of money making woman drugs.
Yo I thought this bitch had eyes the color of meth
nah, that was her GF
Today OP wasn't a faggot, that's for sure. Bros, helps this glorious bastard with the note. I'd do this myself, but I have no idea how the doctors write these in the USA.
Shit... Story getting too long. I'm going to the hub
Disregard that, found some template myself:

Sample Doctor’s Note for Work

ABC Medical Center
State/City/ ABC road
Name: ________________ Gender: ______ Age: _________ Date: ________
Dear ________________
Please excuse _____________ (patient’s name) from the work on Monday and Tuesday, two days. It appears as though a serious case of winter fever and throat infection and is not yet been cured, I am prescribing two days complete bed rest with plenty of intake of liquid and oil free food along with proper dosage of theprescribedmedicines.
Dr. Barter (Signature of the doctor).
>She starts moaning into my ear and its only fueling me
>My fingers start rubbing her clit, her lips, and slip inside her ever so often
>she's so fucking wet
>the entire time, she's never stopped stroking me. It started so slow, but now from all the heat, it's picked up and i honestly don't know how i haven't nutted at this point
>I start fingering her faster, her moans are getting more consistent and louder with each
>I cant fucking stand it, I push her hand away and slip my dick right between her thighs
>she lets out her highest moan that ive heard
>I start thrusting between her thighs, the midsection of cock rubbing right up against her pussy
>after the first few thrusts, she grabbed my chin and was ready to open mouth kiss me
>as she got closer, i slipped the same fingers I was using to play with her pussy right into her mouth
>MFW she sucked them clean
btw this part is only about how i hooked up with her when i was 18...I'm 22 and this whole story was supposed to be about us now lol
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What kind of stomach problems? and do you take anything for them? I have trouble with anxiety based stomach issues as well and I found that 150mg of ranitidine (generic acid reducer) every night really helps in controlling/preventing any vomiting or diarrhea I might experience, may be helpful for you too.
Problem is if by some strange reason they're found out, the friend could get into trouble for impersonating a doctor. Better to be like I'm the doctors assistant or secretary and yes anon was her 2 days ago bla blah blah
if youre in the us just go to some walk in clinic and pay for a note
The us isn't that bad haha
Any pics of D?
>Her tongue was still wrapped around my fingers as i pulled them out
>I couldn't do anything but watch in awe, until lust came back and I shoved my tongue inter her mouth, using every make out jutsu i knew
>My thrusts, which started out slow, grew faster with every tongue rotation
>Her lips kept on pressing against mine, her breath resting against my upper lip and cheeks.
>I kept on thrusting, not giving a fuck if I came or not. Her pussy was dripping against and all I wanted to do was slip it in.
>I pull away from her lips as we both look down. Her pussy juices clinging to my cock while it throbbed against her thigh
>We both looked down, then back into each other's eyes. I started propping her leg up and she let me, as if giving permission.
>Her arm's were wrapped around my neck
>And as I was finally about to slip inside the girl I had wanted for over two years I heard.....an unfamilair ringing blaring from the bathroom floor
>D's face turned white as she looked towards it
Are you with her?
>she's so fucking wet
No shit she's in the shower lol
Op here, ill take a sec before resolving the first part of the story to answer shit.
No, I dont take anything. Both sides of my family suffer from similar stuff due to anxiety(sadly, recently mind has kind of delved into depression). Again, I have no healthcare so i can't afford any medication that might help but i'll try that, thank you
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Include me in the screencap, fellas!!!
Op here,
Why ruin the surprise?
Crazy idea here, fucking google it, you autistic nigger
What disease do you have?
OP is best
please don't 404
Op here,
I wish it was that easy. I wont lie, Im a writing-related major in university and I've written erotica before (hence why this story is a little bit more detailed than others). If I could spend my life living off of this and drop out, i would. But thanks /b/ro
Op here,
I've been here for years. I know you guys are (sadly) more trustworthy than google
did the story just end or what?
>"omg fuck, Anon"
>"What D? what happened?"
>"fuck fuck fuck"... she kept on repeating as she looked towards where the sound was coming from
>She pulls away from me as I'm left as a confused horny mess
>D jets out of the shower towards her phone and says "I've gotta go"
>"D wtf are you talking about??"
>"Its V... I've got to pick her up from work. I knew if I was with you I'd lose track so I set an alarm"
>"So.. you're leaving because of an alarm?"... honestly at this point I was lost and feeling a little heartbroken
>not because i didn't get my nut, or because i spent all this time trying to set up the perfect sex scene...but because when it came down to it, she still choose V over me...
last part of part 1 coming in a sec. If anybody is archiving, lmk under what so if I ever decide to give you guys the good parts, I know what to tittle it
OK, dummy. Give me your name and I'll write one up and scan it for you. Bored at the office atm.
OP here,
lol thank you. you have any not stupid way of me contacting you with my real info? after posting a story like this, i dont want all of /b/ knowing my government name
This is some good shit
I'm taking SS of this.
i'd bet my fucking right arm that your illness problems wouldn't be solved if obamacare wasn't a thing go fucking kill yourself you fucking spastic i got some bleach right here if you need it, tho its pretty accessible to get
OP as always a fucking faggot
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You can get about a months supply of ranitidine at CVS for around $8, hope it helps.
>She put her clothes back on while I watched her getting dressed, still dealing with bittersweetness of knowing that the Aphrodite that stood before was only here, getting dressed, and leaving because of me
>Me, knowing I'd gotten this far didn't want to quit and neither did she
>we spent another 10 minutes making out, her fully clothes, and me naked. I was literally dripping precum all over her pants (which she jokingly complained about later)
>And she left
>I got dressed and just stood in my parents bathroom over disbelief of what happened. How close I was...How far I'd gotten with a girl who only dates girls...and how I couldn't come up with a better way to get her to stay with me
>about 15 minutes my parents got home early, saying something about the party being boring
>and all I could do was lay on my bed, stare at the ceiling, and wait for D to text me back....
Yeah, I have more stories with D. about 2 good ones, one where I ended up in jail when i was 19, and the other now at 22. But i also have some pretty good sex stories in general, one with my ex girlfriend A and the other with the last girl i was in love with (lets call her M).
Anon, I want to know more about your stories with this lady D friend of yours
Did you end up with d?
Share all stories pls finally a good thread
OP here,
For the sake of not calling myself OP anymore, just refer to me as Sick-kun
1.I would write more, but I have the class I wanted to get the doctor's note for in a few hours
2. Not answering if im with D or not
3. Like i mentioned before, I was a huge fan of /b/ years ago and it makes me sad that its gotten how it is now. I'm happy that you guys like my sloppy OC, ive been wanting to write one of my life stories as a greentext for a while
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Fuck it, pick a story you wanna hear. I have a little bit of extra time so I'll write some shit/ answer more questions
Sick-kun, may you find the happiness you are looking for. Thanks for the greentext, this is the best thread I've seen all week. Good luck with your class.
jail story
[email protected]
Bump so this doesn't 404 before i post the jail story
>After part 1 ends, D starts bringing back space between us. I'm guessing it was due to her first time ever hooking up with guy....and also the fact that I GOT HER TO CHEAT ON V WITH ME, NIGGA
>this is how i deal with my sadness
>So D continued to put more and more distance between us, to the point that we barely spoke anymore, let alone hung out
>Honestly /b/, at that point I was pretty in love with D so I took the "distance" thing a bit hard.
>we ended up not talking to each other for until a few months before I turned 20
! I pics OP
>I decided not to be a petty, emotional, pussy and I texted her first. i pretty much told her how I missed talking to her and how we were with each other before
>tfw she felt the same
>We start talking everyday, as if nothing of the passed had happen
>"The flirtiness" mentioned earlier finds its way back into the story
>"The Force is strong with this one"
>We decide to go out for sushi at a local shop by my house and pretty much all feelings from part 1 comes back
Might post a pic. lol you want me or D? still need a doctor's note
D, I love blonds
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>go to sushi place. the food is amazing
>tuna rolls. California rolls. homestyle rolls. Spider crab. tempura
>the entire time we're talking as if nothing had ever gone bad between us. tbh, it was one of the best dates I've ever been on
>Waiter walks up
>asks if he can take a picture of "happy couple"
>date over. I walk her back to her car while we keep on catching up.
> she's sitting at the door of her car
>"So...D...ummm...did you miss me since we haven't talked?"
>she stares away and smiles. I'm sorry I mention it so much, but whenever she looks away and does/says something cute, I melt
>I let my fingers slide along her chin and move her so we make eye contact
>and fuck....that was a bad move...I get absolutely fucking lost in her eyes and her adorable expression
lol this is a good story because all the jail stuff happens after the stuff you want
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>I lean closer to her and without any effort from my hand, she pulls closer to me
>Our lips touch without any hesitation
> We start to get closer to each other till the point that we're embracing
>I hate to take an aside but: the thing that separated this more from last time was just how tender her lips felt, how warm her tongue was against mine and Just how we would look at each other
> I couldn't pull away. We made out for what felt like hours...until we finally took a breath.
>We were both catching our breath as we laughed, knowing how much of a toll we had taken on each other.
> she smiled and I leaned in for one last kiss
>"I'm sorry D, but I have to go..."
hurry m8
sorry /b/ruv but i might just take a quick nap. debating if I should finish this now or not
Best Story in a while, keep going
post a pic
Keep going and dont forget to copy other post so next time you can just paste story
Cmon man, it's 15:09 over here.. Too early to sleep! Post
>so sick
>I couldn't even just TURN IN the project

Be honest. You never did your project, did you. Lol it wasn't like you were taking a final. And even then you should have contacted your professor and set something up.
Don't sleep without posting a pic of D
Fucking millennials, Muh lofe is to hard muhh
i don't give up
Fucking continue you filthy lesbo fucker!
Add me boys kobe 2k16
OP don't be a fag
>So she takes her phone and staets texting someone while I stand there numb
>"Sorry for ruining the moment, but I really need to go" bla bla bla
>*heart cracks*
>I fap like a machine to hardcore femdom all night
[spoiler]NOT THE GUY[/spoiler]
Hi r9k

the longer you look, the uglier they all get
Still younger than you
Lol, I own a house and have a quarter million dollars in a 401k, you millennial shit stain. Good luck paying off your student loan :D
Sauce plz?
Sounds like OP has read too many visual novels.
OP you fucking faggot, come back
>Didn't do his work
>Blames the government
>Attempts to lie his way out of it because nothing's his fault

Sounds like a typical Amerifag to me.
Bump come back faggot OP. Someone post screencast if you have it
Return my sweet summer prince
>Someone post screencast if you have it
This. Someone step-up
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I wanna be in the screencap
So... Storytiem ovah?
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jesus christ anon, it's the end of the year and you didn't meet your deductible by now? It sounds like your choice of plan sucks, not obamacare.
Sorry I got it from another anon without sauce..
I'm back. You fags want the rest?
>I'm back. You fags want the rest?
Cheerleader effect to the max
>"Oh....okay anon....:)"
>my heart fucking deterioates as I look at her while I'm walking away
>why am i like this
>The reason i needed to go was because my group of friends from University were having a dinner as a goodbye for our buddy who was moving away
>Go to dinner, tell the guys what happened (they all know about D since I never stop mentioning her)
>We celebrate and get drunk af
>time skip: later that night
>Heading home, get pulled over by cop for failing to slow down near an emergency vehicle
>get arrested for DUI
>spend the night in jail
>I'm pissed beyond belief about getting arrested while thinking about how even after all this time, D and I still had all this chemistry
Its been like 5 hours since I fell asleep and I'm surprised you guys kept this thread alive. My professor cancelled class today so it gives me a bit more time to get the note.
Ill be fair, if this thread doesn't 404 yet, I'll post one last story, instead about M, who was my nympho gf/boss at a summer camp I worked at
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for everyone curious, I'm not gonna post a picture of D, but here's a pic of girl who looks pretty much like here
>Get out of jail the next day after posting bond
>jail wasn't that bad for a night. I'm more upset at myself for getting put into that situation
>Finally home after being stuck in jail for 15 hours
>text D and tell her what happened
>she was so concerned when she saw I wasn't texting back the night before and was happy I was home safe
>We kept on talking to each other after that, but since things were getting more serious with her gf, she started pushing me away. More and more and till eventually i got tired of being left behind
>I stop talking to her a few months later and we end up not speaking to each other for years
>until now, around april 2016
and we'll save the last chapter for another time. I'll answer more questions or I'll give you guys another story, either on my exgf A or M. The M stories tbh are better
Still lurking
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Post about m
You said blue eyes tall blonde, asshole..
lol anon, since you're here and I'm guessing there are others lurking, ask me whatever or request what you want. I'm just rereading what i wrote now
Keep posting my man. You are probably the best thing that has happened to this shitty as place in a while. I like how back in the old days we used to say that we were cancer or that the newfags were cancerous without knowing how cancerous /b/ would actually get.
Nah, never said she had blue eyes. D's gf did and so do my ex gf's lol. I mentioned it somehwere that D has hazel eyes. And yeah the hair is a bit darker than D's, but the cut and facial features are near identical
I'll write a story about M next. keep the thread alive while i type this up
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lurking with the force of 1000 erections
Southern Charms
>be me, 20 year old fuck who doesn't talk to D anymore.
>just got hooked up with a summer job working at a theatre summer camp as a P.E teacher(still had a lot of good friends from high school when i was acting and all that)
>Pay's great, steady hours, get to work with kids (no pedo shit. I love working with kids)
>At this point in the story i am no longer a bony fuck. Here's a quick description of me for reference
>: 6'2. 180 lbs. Slightly out of shape from not going going to the gym, but have good natural build. Have longish curly hair with an undercut(IT LOOKED STUPID AS FUCK, JUST IMAGINE A PALM TREE AND MY HAIR LOOKED LIKE THAT). Dark green eyes. im around an 8/10 but my personality fluctuates that number
>First day of work, meet coworkers. All the girls are BONER/10, but there's this one in particular who catches my eye
>Tall, blond hair, bright blue eyes, slimfit build, perfect legs and thighs(im a legman), perky butt, and DD tiddie
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>one day, I'm fucking around with of my coworkers, talking shit about how good my game is (it wasn't at all. it's awful and depressing to this day)
>Go up to M and start talking to her like im ghetto as fuck (I grew up in brooklyn so i can still play it off, but it was so sudden she started laughing)
>"Ey whats good, girl? watchu doin?"
>"haha nothing much anon, what's up?
>"not a lot, beloved. I just see you over here, lookin all cute and sexy, was just tryna see if I could holla at you rite quick?"
>M is laughing and smiling at me at this point
>"Go ahead anon, and you're not looking too bad yourself ;)"
>"Well how bout this: Imma hand you mmy phone and I want you to put your number in there since I gotta go back to watching these kids. I know you're okay with that so lets keep it moving"
>I hand her my phone, she puts her number in.
>Grab it back and say "thanks beloved". Before I'm even out of eye's view, I text her "whats good ;)?"
>how tf did any of this work?
Are you a college student? Why TF don't you have insurance? Most every college I've been to (enrolled or otherwise) - you're required to have insurance or at least given an on-campus student health center that will do just what you're asking.
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>time skip: M and I start dating while we're still working at camp
>M is my boss since she's assistant camp director and I'm just teaching
>She's incredibly flirty and any chance we get, we sneak off to other parts of the elementary school to fuck around
>Hands jobs, titty fucking, hardcore make out sessions, all that
>we always talk about how we're going to fuck in the main office on top of the sign out table
>since M is ACD, she has to stay in the office most of the day in case any parents wanna sign their kids out early.
>I usually teach for about 3 hours in the morning and have a 40 minute break before I have to go help with lunch
>usually either sneak off in between classes, during my class("sorry kids, gotta shit fast"), or before to see M
>one day the opportunity arises: i have extra time to go see M because of a schedualing issue
>walk my way over to office
Thread archived for skynet.
I had insurance, but after I became a full time student without means of income besides financial aid, I didn't have enough money to afford it. Cancelled it. My college is infamous for having shitty student health(our student health "center" is a jar full of condoms)
>Obamacare is shit, so I don't have $80 to go to the doctor

Kys moron
we're not going that route, newfriend
Sorry I got it from another anon without sauce..
>she's sitting at the computer in the corner of the room
>"whats up, M?"
>"hey anon! just watching youtube vids"
>I walk up behind her and lay my head on her shoulder to see what she's watching
>Some homestuck looking shit, wtf
>"Wtf is this M?" I say as I start kissing her cheek, my hands immediately reaching for her boobs while she's still sitting in her chair
>so you guys get an idea: the main office is located right next to the only doors that lead into the main building and the door to the main office is always open. Basically, if anybody walks in/ or by us without me noticing, they can see everything
>Before she can even answer, we start making out
>ze peen is now erukt
>My school uniform is just an athletic tee and basketball shorts, so my boner is basically 100% visible
>We both start getting into and M immediately start playing with my dick through my shorts. Never a shy one
>I kiss her neck while she's still massaging my dickington over my shorts, she starts to moan low so we wouldn't get caught.
>My hand slips up under her shirt

See >>713726759
give me a sec. Funny enough, D just texted me and A sent me something on snapchat. Oh for the sake of the story, M and I don't talk at all anymore
pretty sure it is hot kinky jo
You're full of shit, you've got mad game, you just overthink it and it takes away from your confidence
>I start grabbing her tits under her shirt, but over her bra. they're too soft
>she starts moaning a but louder as I start kissing along her neck.
>She pulls my shorts down just enough enough so she can play with my dick over my boxers
>My dick is a lvl 67 graveler at this point
>Lust sense begins to take over (I've gotten better at controlling it at this point, but still)
>I lift her shirt up and push her bra off, revealing those perfect boobs
>Immediately lean in start sucking on her nipples, which we're pretty hard at this point
>she pulls my head closer to her tits
>I start licking, sucking, and kissing them all over like it was the last time I'd ever be able to encounter breasts
>Her moans are becoming more consistant and a bit louder, but still low enough that no one would hear
>the door is still wide open
gonna write 1 or 2 more replies and take a break. D just got out of work and wants to hangout for a little bit. If thread hasn't 404'd by the time I get back, I'll obviously post more
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I just want to look at blondes and read your story tbh fam
>I cant take it anymore
>Slide down the boxers and reveal my dick in all its glory
>She immediately grabs it and starts jerking me off while we make out
>I'm still playing with her nipples and I feel my head getting hotter with every second
>"M, I wanna fuck your tits"
>"Please anon, slide your cock right between them and fuck them right here"(she really talks like that when she's horny. I can't even count how many times she's said "cum in me, anon. Please fucking cum in me". Still gets me daimonds evry tim)
>Do exactly what she asked
>She pushes them together, so only the head of my dick was poking out
>I start sliding back and forth, the warmth of her tits motivating me with every stroke
>She's looking me dead in the eyes, her mouth open as if she's begging to suck my dick
Taking my break now. Keep thread alive, lmk about the archive so I dont have to save all this shit again. Ill be back /b/ros
And for anybody wondering what M looks like, google carter cruise and imagine her with DDs
But I want this one.
Move your booty back here /b/ro, don't let it die
Got a sauce on her ?
Beautiful. More ?
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Some other anon mentioned it, but her name is Cherie. Just look up "Cherie georgia pawg" if you wanna see more
Cool. Thanks. I hope there's lots of her
All I got sadly. found this chick from a random search, but yeah, she's obviously my type and looks A LOT like D
Ze bemp
go to imagefap and sift through the pics of cherie deville and you'll find a ton of galleries on Cherie
You are trying to tell me you don't have
> ANOYONE in your world you could call to get them to send it in for you
> A tutor that can just pick up that shit for you
> Again, E-MAIL
Fuck you millennials. Life is hard, get over it.
im a medfag but i only have mexican prescriptions good luck on that m8
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Sweet dude, thanks. Based.
I'm not reading all these responses so this may be Inecessary here all ready. Call the advice nurse if your provider has one, explain the situation. I called in sick to work once and they said I needed a doctor's note. Called the advice nurse said I had the flu. She didn't want my contagious ass coming in so she said I could pick the not up in a day or two. I wasn't smactually sick tho
my school doesnt have an advice nurse. tbh at this point im just gonna do my best with forging a template
you need a stamp
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>she starts to stroke my solid snake
>forty keks
>I keep on thrusting between her tits and her eyes wander from mine down to my cock
>I can tell shes getting wet from just seeing me between her boobs
>She reaches for my cock and starts stroking it the base while the head is right between those perfect melons
>She pulls me by the base of my dick and starts blowing me
>just the sight of it even made me let out an audible moan
>Her tongue starts, rolling against the head so fucking slow I thought i was being tortured
>Her lips meet with my tip as I watched it disappear into her mouth.
>Her head motions are still painfully(in the best way) slow and she knows exactly what she's doing to me
>I look down for a second (i was trying not to watch since i knew id come too quick) and her crystal blue eyes meet mine.
>In that same moment, she stick her entire tongue out and runs it along the bottom of my solid snake
>the door is still wide open
D got delayed at work, so I'll write a bit more
Guess the thread is dead. I'll save all this posts so I can copy pasta them, edit a bit, and repost maybe during the holidays. Gonna try to figure out the doctors note problem, but i wont stress it. Thanks for everybody who enjoyed my stories.
See ya space cowboy,
The stories were g8 m8 I r8 8/8
Thread posts: 220
Thread images: 35

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