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Waifu claiming thread. Previous:>>713667733 Rules: >Claim

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 269
Thread images: 151

Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Rory-sama claimed
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Avatarfags get out of my thread
Your cartoons will never be real
Get a lyf
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Dancin Nui.gif
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Nui is mine.

Nope, both true factual facts!
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still here
>waifu thread is the first thread on /b/
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Claiming Sonakawa Momoka
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I'm still here. For now.
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Have a Pocky
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I get them and mango flavour next door to my work
Mako got to it first
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Holy shit sona is strong
Fine, at least I have cookies.
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Syndra [353].png
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I dated all your cookies
Those don't look like cookies
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What happend?
Real life problems?


I don't like lewding the waifu, is the worst thing you could possibly do.
And for whoever told me to be nice, lurk more.
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TheWonderfulNui (58).png
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Nonsense, Nui is cute without a doubt but she's certainly not yours!
Greetings, Konata!
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They're strawberry sugar cookies.

How do I pronounce your waifu's name? :o
I eated* all of your cookies
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Did somebody say cookies?
see >>713683570 sorry for the mislink
Hey, if you don't wanna, then I can keep em all to myself.

Kinda. A lot of little stuff piling up, mixed with the fact that time constraints are getting smaller and smaller, and shipping is really starting to kill the time game.
You'll OD if you did that!

No. You can't have any.
*takes a cookie*

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1MB, 1364x767px
You put your dirty fingers all over them.
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Could I help you in any way?
OD? What was in the cookies?
That's just rood. Fine, I'm keeping them all then.
You'll get addicted!
I'm already addicted to you :o
Be nice, fag
Chen is the only one who is rude in this thread
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It doesnt happen in the manga so much. Its the manga artist doing his own thing. Mostly tasteful, artsy shots.
Thats a bit mean to Hanako. Give Hanako a cookie.
Probably not. Newegg a shit. Christmas comes too soon. People sleep too much and are too busy. And Wargamings coding is spaghetti.
It's not all bad I suppose, though. I managed to make it into the /pol/o/ sings on all 3 counts. And my replacement headlights are coming in tomorrow, so I can finally take this stereo wired headlight out and properly adjust the angle again.
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TheWonderfulNui (242).jpg
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The same way you pronounce perfection my lad.

But kinda like Nwee, i can't really spell it out.

What are you up to?
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1MB, 1435x1031px

I'm going to be nice because Christmas is coming.

That's what happens when you become Syndra's slave. You lose your will to live.

Here is a pic to make you happier


Hmmm, that's fine, I suppose.
Thanks Chen, although you don't gotta if you don't wanna. It is you after all.

Can't lose what I never had!

China dress, nice. The paw print heels are a nice touch.
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TheWonderfulNui (296).jpg
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I suppose that's a way to spell it out.
I'm good might sleep soon but it gets so cold here ;-;

I have a sweater and 2 blankets but it's still too cold :o
Hooked on fonix dum me good
Care for a cuddle buddy?
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Maybe you should find someone to be there every time you need it?
I mean, I know you don't really think well about relationships but sometimes, you just can't resist on your own feet.
Dunno, just saying.
Maybe you just need someone to watch a movie and chill with, forget about your problems for a little while.
Well perhaps put on more clothing?
Did you get a monkey with it?
who is this? :o
That doesn't help and it annoys me when people suggest it ;-;

I'm sorry not trying to be rude I'm just cold
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The best kind of monkey
Just a friend trying to help a cold bro out
Heh, there's a person I wish that was. I know I said I don't think well of them, but that's just my salt speaking. If it were this person, I'd do it without question. But it just isn't likely to happen, ya know?
>Besides, I'm that kind of clingy where instead of being a pest and NEVER shutting up, I generally will send a message a day, and if they don't reply back, I leave them be out of fear of being called, well, clingy and annoying.

Shit, I'd love that. Maybe one day, but not anytime soon probably.
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Sleepy Nui.jpg
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She's actually both certainly cute and certainly mine.

Also in a few minutes we'll be heading off to bed for bed stuff
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I don't know, but onee-san baked them for me.
>watches you eat them
What? How?
I am nice.
My cookies.
Her fragile body cannot handle this amount of concentrated cocaine.
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TheWonderfulNui (91).png
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Sorry, i suppose you could make something warm to eat or drink before bed and then roll up.
Which claimer is this? you're quite the jester.
All you have is a phony!

Well see ya then.
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TomoyoKanzaki {103}.jpg
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It's my secret :o
well thanks I would love a cuddle
nice sevens and there's only bottled water at the moment
Well...fuck here goes another trip
Hehe I kid I kid
hey cutie how's life?
*cuddles* and fingers belly button
why finger there? :o
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TomoyoKanzaki {102}.jpg
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Because I like it
>and so do you
when did you wake up? -_-
Thats pretty lewd though. Suggestive.
But she needs it
Gotta agree with Chen. You need some time to chill and just chat with a friend.
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TheWonderfulNui (178).jpg
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Oh, well maybe something you could heat up and eat then?
Well keep it up!
Tell me your secret or no cookies.
Weak. Can't even handle one cookie.
I could down this whole bag and still walk in the morning.
Worst girl.
Damn even La'Quisha thinks this is weird.
How do you know? :o
make it good ya dingus
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what could she possibly need it for??
But I ate all of them
Will do
>you know me btw
Because I know you o.O
You're not worthy to tell :o
I have a bag of frozen frog legs so maybe those but then I need to open the freezer ;-;
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TomoyoKanzaki {101}.jpg
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8 minutes ago

I can't
so who are you anon? :o
Then why live?

What keeps you going in a life you claim you can't make good? :o
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Maybe, one day.
You deserve to relax a bit, aswell. I hope that person will realize how much of a special person you are and appreciate you.
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Fragile body?
I like being anon for a moment let me enjoy this.
>I'll expose later if required
when did you go to sleep _-_
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TomoyoKanzaki {118}.jpg
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I don't know. I just don't want to kill myself yet

About 11-12
I know I do. But I don't really have any friends that I feel comfortable talking about these kind of problems with. Love my friends, and I'm sure they'd listen, but it's just awkward.

They've already said they liked me to some sort of extent. But distance is a big issue.
>Yes, it's someone from here.
There goes my "don't take this place too seriously" phrase I guess.
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TheWonderfulNui (197).jpg
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There's only three people who come to mind and only one of them posted their waifu.
>frog legs
People will eat just about anything, but do what you have to if it results in something warm.
I have posted my waifu tonight
>if you figure me out please don't spoil for others
I don't like people who keep secrets :o
Please never do that

I love you too much and will cry
Frog legs are yummy for tummy!

Bone app the teethe :o
so when are you going to fap? _-_
It's not a secret tho
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TomoyoKanzaki {112}.jpg
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You wouldn't

Later. I don't do it much in the morning unless i've been up all night
when do you usually do it then? :o
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You must be mistaken, I didn't claim kurome
bye bully
I would just like you would kiss me goodnight :o
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TheWonderfulNui (150).png
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I'm certain i know who you are.
Not sure how but i suppose it'll be good for you.
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TomoyoKanzaki {105}.png
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When i feel like it -_-

I'n not gay though
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Well, whatever sinks your boat.
Is not my problem, but hey.
I know distance is a big issue, but maybe I dunno.
You will somehow get together and afford money to be able making living together a reality.

What letter do I begin with?
I'm no bully ;-;
do you always feel like it? :o
Pressing X to doubt, but hey, at least someone thinks it can happen. I'll cling on to the little hope I've got!
>No, it's not a bote.
then how do you fap 5 times a day? :o
You are for me ^-^
well then I will start boiling the frog legs :o
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TomoyoKanzaki {113}.jpg
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I don't know

No -_-
faggot -_-
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TheWonderfulNui (86).jpg
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Hope things work out!
she's so gross. what's worse is she won't stop sending me lewds
Twas me
Ye you got it
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Damn it.
I didn't guessed right.
Well, I'm there with you.
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tomoyokanzaki {101.1}.jpg
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Stop talking to yourself :o
stop fapping to little 2d girls loser -_-
> Not fapping to 2d girls.
What are you gay?
Pretty sure he's the guy who posts his gay lover all the time
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TomoyoKanzaki {105.1}.png
394KB, 628x352px
Stop pretending your married to a 2D girl :o
So close
maybe a little bit -_-
but i am -_-
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TomoyoKanzaki {131}.png
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But you're not :o
yes i am :o
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TomoyoKanzaki {130}.jpg
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No you're not -_-

You don't even post pics of her :o
i am :o
i just don't want to avatarfag with my wife -_-
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TheWonderfulNui (145).png
1MB, 3070x3375px
I was more than certain when i looked back at some of the posts, you're one of the few that types out a laugh in that way.

How have you been?
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TomoyoKanzaki {127}.gif
1MB, 500x281px
You're not -_-

It's not avatatfagging if it's your wife :o
yes i am -_-
No you're not :o
i am -_-
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Why are you blushing?
And is okay, I'm slow with this kind of stuff because I don't remember much from this thread, about people or events.
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TomoyoKanzaki {119}.gif
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You're not :o
but i am -_-
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Eh pretty good it's actually getting sleepy time though. Also I don't feel as though few people do that.
But you're not :o
but i am :o
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TomoyoKanzaki {129}.gif
1MB, 500x281px
But you're not -_-
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Ara ara, onii-chan~
Nothing is safe around Chen~
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TheWonderfulNui (155).png
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Most say kek and whatnot, you say "hehe" and that stuck out.

Oh well rest well.
but i am _-_
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TomoyoKanzaki {132}.jpg
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But you're not :o

Prove it -_-
but i am -_-
i really love her
But you're not :o

Prove it then -_-
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Alice (353).jpg
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I have an idea of who it is
>but Im not telling
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I dunno, it took Shinoa a whole week and a half to get it...
Is that a ribbit?
yes i am -_-
how am i meant to prove it
false duke
Ohayou kitty
No, this is rabbot
But you're not :o
Post pics of her more -_-
but i am :o
no -_-
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TomoyoKanzaki {126}.jpg
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But you're not -_-

Then you don't love her :o
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You know I'm not thinking about it because there is no reason to be curious about something like that.
Let there be a little magic, you get it?


I don't even want to know, it will destroy the whole surprise.
If I was here more often, maybe I would've try to.


Hello, Alice.
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Hey senpai~
I'm up too early kitten, it's not 6 yet :(
but i am

i love her a lot -_-
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TomoyoKanzaki {123}.jpg
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But you're not -_-

I don't believe you :o
but i am

you should believe me -_-
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Will do
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TomoyoKanzaki {115}.jpg
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But you're not -_-

I can't believe you if you don't prove it :o
but i am

other than posting pics of her how can i prove it? -_-
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TomoyoKanzaki {128}.gif
2MB, 500x590px
But you're not -_-

If she's your wife you should know how :o

Is okay, morning
Fair enough. And you're here all the time, pls.

Ayyyyy Kitten.
but i am

there is no real way to prove it, you'll have to take my word for it -_-
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>You're here all the time, pls.

I have to disagree. I'm busy with the college right now, so I wasn't able to be here as often as I used to.
I just checked and called everyone boring, but that's all.
Trust me on this one.
But you're not -_-

I don't believe anything people say here :o
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This is quite the back and forth you guys are having.
but i am :o

so you don't believe im straight? -_-
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TomoyoKanzaki {121}.gif
2MB, 500x462px
But you're not -_-

Not 100% :o

I have to go now so bye
Then we need to take you to the hospital now!
Lol that made me giggle.
What? She was voted best imouto on MAL in the summer of 2014.
but i am

i am 95% straight -_-
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Sorry, i don't speak Italian.
autists enjoy repetition -_-
Fair. Perhaps it's just the times I'm on here make it seem like you're here more often than you are.
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Remember to not get hurt
You know that hedgehogs, with really sharp spines on their backs, might hurt each other if they get too close.
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Ayy senpai
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I'm going to do study.
See ya.
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Nothing really tbh

Still sick as fuck, but I'm gonna go to the doctor's sometime soon

A new plus to the day though was my new school schedule for the next trimester

I got foods class
god Chen you are such an annoying faggot
Cry me a river
What's everybody listening to?
I have this on repeat.

autists enjoy repetition -_-
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What are you studying, Chen?
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2 d.png
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Weird, I saw this same post in my dream a few months ago. I wonder what it means.
The irony is you repeat this
autists enjoy repetition -_-
exactly -_-

autists enjoy repetition -_-
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6KB, 212x238px
Beware of hedgehogs.
autists enjoy repetition -_-
autists enjoy repetition -_-
Here to claim Biribiri
autists enjoy your mother -_-
autists enjoy chen -_-
autists enjoy repetition -_-
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but they're too cute not pick up and cuddle with
autists enjoy repetition -_-
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Where can i get the dress this bitch is wearing. I want that.
what's going on?
Get your fucking hands off my Tali cuck.
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699KB, 1280x720px
Worst girl
Hell no.
>watching me fuck "his" waifu right in front of him
autists enjoy repetition -_-
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But that's how they get you. They will lure you in by being all cute but once you drop your guard He'll teleport behind you and kill you. The last thing you'll hear is " Pssh... nothin personnel...kid.
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why do you keep posting that?

i'm a trained assassin. nothing can hurt me

pink hair is best girl
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Everyone on this pic except the boi claimed by me
Hello spider Chan
>I like your legs
Mio-sama too
>more than 1 waifu
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Careful nigga.jpg
34KB, 499x492px
And Yuki claimed too
autists enjoy repetition -_-
Avatarfags get out of my thread
Laifu is alredy destroid
Which one is the body?
But this is the only place avatar fags dont get banned though
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Do you really want us out?
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I also claim all
Second from the left
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Your mother
Akame is better
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Looks passable to me.
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But Kurome is seven years younger.
autists enjoy repetition -_-
i don't care
fuck off please
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396KB, 1280x720px
Really, really?
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You sure about that?
j/k luv u.
report them all
thats what im doing
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You rarely see black eyes in anime, I love her so much.

You're going to light me on fire..?
If all the avatar fags left there wouldn't be a thread
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autists enjoy repetition -_-
Sounds good. This thread needs to go to trash where it belongs.
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Been a while. Sis
Obv shit posters
No one cares
Then why do you come back here?
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Maybe it's not such a bad idea.

You like lighting things on fire don't you.

autists enjoy repetition -_-
Fucking this, these waifu threads are easily the most cringe inducing, pathetic, and fucking retarded thing on here. Nothing but a constant circlejerk where the faggots here ask the same fucking questions daily. Of course, only a degenerate pussy would post a picture like that and not jump.
i don't know -_-
just end me
Have to custom make it.
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Then why did you create these threads if you didn't want people to converse about their waifus in them?
>I don't like it so I'll spend every day in it doing it
That is you right now.
Give it time and it will. Just like those dumb ass erp and hungergame threads
They all go to trash to die, this will surly follow.
autists enjoy repetition -_-
i didn't create them -_-
people don't converse about there waifus
i know :c
just shoot me pls
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Come back to me sis. You dont have to do this
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Then why don't you just go away?

Gimme some cookies and I will.
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A little.
Where in when I have an unregistered .308. I'll make sure the head shot is clean and painless
What do you like lighting on fire?
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autists enjoy repetition -_-
i don't know -_-
They do so there is just only so much you can say about a waifu.
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cut me not not yuno
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My enemies.
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slice me not not yuno
end my entire life not not yuno
Autists enjoy repetition Yuno
You people do understand /b/ is literally ran by companies right? Every thread on here is to advertise and brainwash.
Thread posts: 269
Thread images: 151

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