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sometimes i fuck this goddess i'm lucky enough to call my

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Thread replies: 76
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sometimes i fuck this goddess i'm lucky enough to call my girlfriend. my life is really hard right now, but having her makes it so much more bearable. it doesn't hurt that she's incredibly fucking sexy too.
Moar any face
More pics of your cock imo

will you tribute my wife?
naw, no face allowed, i care too much for her to do that, but she is absolutely gorgeous i can assure you. i do have plenty more pics if anyone is interested though

hey thanks, haha! i'm pretty tired but post a pic, let's see if i can get in the mood
moar pls
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>I care about her
>but I post her nudes

Nigga, I love my girlfriend and I would NEVER post nudes. What I do with her is my business and not for anyone else. If you cared for her you wouldn't share her.
It's a naked body with no face. As long as he removed exif he's good and you're a white night faggot.
haha you faggot, we have a tumblr where we post nudes all the time. we get off on it.
Maybe she likes being shown off? Ever heard of exhibitionism? There probably a couple who enjoy being watched and shit, but continue on about your moralz and love for your gf as if anyone cares. Faggot.
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Of course you faggots want free nudes. That's the majority of /b/ in the first place. Therefore I don't care about your posts.

The point is that if you cared about your girl you don't share her body.
Hey, good for you OP! :D
whats the tumblr
not sure if you're illiterate or just trolling me, but the post you responded to literally said WE POST NUDES ON OUR TUMBLR TOGETHER AND GET OFF ON IT
i disagree
some couples are into that shit
both my gf and i are sexy as hell and love watching others lust after one another knowing theyll never get a taste
Wtf are you doing on /b/ then? You're either an idiot or this is shitty bait
>not sure if you're illiterate or just trolling me
as if someone couldn't take that post in another context. If it's what you two like to do then have fun with it.

How long have you guys been doing it for?

Did I say I disagree with it? No. I just stated that you guys will make any excuse for nudes of any girl so your posts have no validity to argue in this situation.
this is devolving into a really dumb argument that doesn't even make sense. back to the noodz.
weve been together for 3 years, just started doing it about 10-8 months ago
she has a "bait" tinder where we get her to flirt with guys and we send them snaps of us fucking/her masturbating and the responses are hot
she lets me flirt with other women and send them nudes and shit too
Who are you to say if you really love her you wouldn't show her off? That's just your shitty opinion. No one is making excuses for nudes, were asking for them lol. You came in here spewing that if you love someone you wouldnt share their nudes. Ok Dr.Love? A couple that loves each other can do or share whatever they please. You're just an idiot that will argue over anything clearly.
and hey, thanks! i got somethin going for me anyway
keep posting nudes, more of her lips please
lol i've been cuck'd sort of, but not with this gf. i didn't care, i thought it was hott watching her deepthroat someone else. then i joined in and started fucking her from behind. it's called being confident. faggot neckbeards like you who cry 'cuck' couldn't pull a 3/10 if you tried
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i'll find some more lips
If what you're posting is true then it's pretty bad.

After that scene, did you dump her ass fast? Or did you let it play out for a while?
hey do me a favor and strangle her thanks
haha you got disrespected and acquiesced

confirmed cuck
You're a cuck
we were already broken up, but still fuck buddies. we're still friends now. and i still see the dude, he's a bartender at a bar i/we frequent, and we're cool. it was a really bizarre night, it just happened after a long day of drinking and smoking, and after a xanax i was tag teaming my ex with our bartender. some people don't subscribe solely to whitebread missionary style monogamy. having said that, i wouldn't share my current gf.
yeah, like i was implying, i have no insecurities. i could pull any girl i want. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ >>713685860
lipz sorta, i'm lookin, i have a lot to sort thru and am too tired to get into cropping
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oh my
anyone in here anymore or did everyone leave to call people cucks in other threads?
I'm here till you run out of nudes
I am with you OP, keep posting.

Why is your life hard?
double vibing her clit

i'll just spill it all out like a confessional since i'm anon-- my dad had a stroke a year ago and is paralyzed, i tried really hard to take care of my parents, even though i am the youngest of 5 children and one of my siblings is literally a multi-millionaire, and i am by far the poorest. i got fired from my paralegal gig after he had the stroke because i kept missing work, coming in late, etc. (he didn't have a nurse for a long time due to VA bureaucrats and their inefficient system). i was a heroin user for a long time, but got clean about 3 years ago. my addiction remanifested itself with xanax abuse (i have legit anxiety and had panic attacks regularly, so i had a script for a normal amount, but once my tolerance went up and the dr wouldn't up my dose, i upped it myself), and i found myself doing things that i wouldn't normally do, my mind was not clear by any means. when i was in college i used to make over 100k a year selling pot, so i went back to what i knew, 10 years later. now i have to go to court in less than 5 hours for 2 felony charges i got a couple months ago because some fgt i was with one night got scared when a cop pressed us. not worth going into detail on the case, but now i'm in the system. i wouldn't snitch on any of my people and took a plea deal that only fucks me. i know i created my problems myself, i admit that 100%.

the one good thing that came from this is i detoxed off suboxone and xanax while in jail and have been off them for over 2 months now. i fully intend on staying the fuck off that shit, lord knows i was trying for forever on my own to stop, but couldn't. haven't even smoked pot since i got arrested. i just take kratom now.

but yeah my girlfriend even bailed me out of jail and has been there for me through all this shit going on (there's more, but that's the main stuff on my mind right now, seeing as i have court in... now 4 hours)
Nice, would prefer more pussy hair. My gf has really long hairs, drives me crazy. And no, not sharing lol
yeah she used to shave it into a landing strip when we first got togeher, i told her she don't need to do that shit for me and she's been slowly letting it get more bushy. i don't like shaved, it doesn't feel feminine at all.
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Different poster but I'm really happy for you man. I really hope life gets better, she believes in you it seems and I think you shouldn't prove her wrong
>my life is really hard right now, but having her makes it so much more bearable.
Guess what will happen when she learns you need her and can't handle your shit alone like a real man? This will happen sooner than you think
Shit man, I feel for you. You sound like a /b/ro. And your girl is sexy as shit.
You sound a though motherfucker.
I have much smaller problems and still can't get over with.
Get together, fuck your gf properly and post us nudes.
I wish you luck.
absoulutely amazing body AND sticks with you in bad times, a real gem.

also lol @ how some people's problems come from the actions they take while mine come from not taking any. I just sit at home never having any motivation or willpower to do anything, therefore I don't ever get into trouble like that. If it makes you feel better, this side of the coin isn't any better op.
this, stick with her OP
What stops you doing something?
i've been there before, and believe me, i understand where you're coming from-- i lost a gf being that way. things are different with her though, we often reflect together on how lucky we are that we're mutually head over heels in love with each other. and also, her dad died the day i got out of jail, so she's going through her own shit and i put my shit aside for her, and she did the same for me. we're just there for each other-- we both have bad days, but we stay strong for each other.

i seriously appreciate the positivity right now, /b/ro bros. i surely do need it in these times.
lack of energy, motivation, willpower, whatever you want to call it. it just doesn't happen. for example lets say I have to write an essay and its due tomorrow, I'll sit here and play games, maybe tell myself that I'll start in the evening, then comes the evening and I still know I have to start this shit but still I'll sit and watch a show, play some more games, then when I go to bed I'll feel bad about it because I knew all along what I should have done but didn't do it. I know the answer is quit being a bitch, but it just doesn't happen.
and also, i want you to know, my problems are also stemming from inaction. my decision to deal again was in effect taking the easy way out, the fast money. i had my sights set on going back to school to be a PTA for a while, but kept putting it off (and still am, which really eats at me). but i have a chance now to do it. the plea deal i took is for 18 months probation, in lieu of taking the case to trial and possibly going to prison for 5-10 years. it was the best move i could make. i'm well aware that she will leave me if i don't get my shit together soon. love on its own is never enough to make a relationship work. but she is worth trying for, so i need to get out of the dope game and get back to school. for myself, for her, for my family. for /b/ros like you who just need a little push to get going. the first step is always, ALWAYS the hardest. don't be afraid to take that step, man. it's way worse to regret NOT doing something and wondering what could have been, you don't wanna be that guy
You think she's going to like the fact that you're posting her nudes and that anon knows who she is?
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yeah this has already been covered, bud. it's fine. anon means anon-- what fucking difference would it make even if she DID care??

on the other hand, here's a pic of an ex who told me to delete it-- she's a cunt, i don't care.
what does your ultra rich brother do?
I absolutely understand you.
I do the same in my work recently. But I know one thing. No one is this way naturally. I remember when I worked on something I loved to do. I was completely different.
You need to get out of that must-do and still-not-do circle. Find something you like to do. I found reading very entertaining. Or do some sport. It would surprise you how quickly can these new things make you more lively and energetic.
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here have some in return
thinking you meant to reply to me (fgt OP here)? actually a sister, she's a crooked-ass lawyer. haven't spoken to her in years. she didn't even come see my dad when he was in a coma on a respirator in the hospital-- and she STILL hasn't seen him ONCE, and it's actually been 2 years now that i think of it, not 1 year.

different ex with cute tits. she had a really phat perfect ass, crazy nice. current gf still hotter but still.
Why are you even fucking a race traitor gook?
gratze. how about some nipples?

hey anyone else wanna show some damn love in this thread? otherwise i'm goin to bed. feel free to make requests.

i have no idea what you're trying to say because your syntax is that of a retarded 11 year old, but we're both white.
however, the 2nd girl i posted was korean ;)
and her pussy was the tightest i've ever felt ;)
why are you even fucking no one because you're a faggot neckbeard?
Why r u still a virgin Faggot?
Any from the back? Doggystyle pics
Wow, there's the high caliber of pretentiousness /b/ is so notorious for.
well I didn't bother requesting before because I thought it was implied that we'd request more. I request any pics that show her full body standing up, front and back. she's really at the tickness level I call ideal, I'd love to see more.
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here you go
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i'll find some. in the meantime, here's my ex with the phat ass i mentioned before

and there's the high caliber of irrelevant who gives a fuck what you have to say b is notorious for
Well, the fact that the girl has yellowish skin and black pubic hair (black hair is uncommon in pure whites) lead me to believe she was an Asian. The unwarranted insult of my literary skills just shows how much of an insecure faggot you are. I doubt anybody will miss an arrogant cockass like you, so next time you think of pulling the trigger, do it.
She is Korean?
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Post more, trying to cum 4th time tonight
clearly her tits are white and the yellow is lighting. it's hilarious that you-- the one who initially insulted me-- thinks that me pointing out that you're retarded makes me insecure. and next time i will pull the trigger, but it'll be on some dumb fuck like you who thinks they're tufffffffff. go in a trap thread you fucking fag.

nah, she's irish or some shit.
>>713691650 this was the korean
since you need money I'll send you some, only if you spend it on a razor so she can cut that shit off her vagina. who the fuck keeps a bush 2000>
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this is hilarious.

here's more of my ex with the booty. she was a squirter, used to love riding me reverse cowgirl. the first time she squirted on me was while she was riding me regular cowgirl, and i didn't even know squirting was a thing, it was the hottest fucking thing ever, it was our first time fucking and she never did it again-- not like that anyway, right onto my stomach.
who has pubic hair? adults, you fucking faggot. i'm 29, not 9.
aight yall it's 5;16am, i have court in less than 3 hours. i'ma try to get at least a couple hours of sleep.

thanks to all the people who had good shit to say.

and thanks to all the faggot trolls for bringing a balance of retardedness to the table.

shut up fag
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