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Late night secrets and confessions. Dump your thoughts, struggles

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 250
Thread images: 25

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Late night secrets and confessions.

Dump your thoughts, struggles and worries here so you can get back to living!
i sold art door to door for exactly two days before realizing how shit i was at sales. apparently i have zero soft skills.
I'm either going to find DUH WON or off myself.

>shit in one hand
I like hurting women for fun and profit

mostly fun
I'm diamonds for that femanon that gets wet from being slapped around.
I secretly feel sorry for the people who honestly don't see Hillary Clinton as a bad person.
I've been trying to find my prostate for 2 years now.
me and my cousin use to dare eachother to suck eachothers dicks when we were little and i kinda miss those days
>I've been trying to find my prostate
Post a picture of where you think it is. Dr. /b/ will help you find it.
I secretly feel sorry for the people who honestly see Donald Trump as a good person.
I can't say no to pussy, in fact I spend that majority of my time thinking about how to get it. The problem is I'm a family man. I constantly conspire to entice my wifes friends into a liaison, or the moms of my sons friends. I secretly video my in-laws when they come over, and have slept with a few. Not only that but I'm always trying to get my wife to sink to my level and be as slutty as she can be. I encourage her dress slutty when we go out, and often try to get her drunk so she'll be more inclined to do whatever I fancy. I've gone so far as to drug her a time or two, and have nearly gone through with convincing a guy on craigslist to come over and double up on her, without her knowledge or consent. On my side of the family, I've slept with several blood cousins, and desperately want to sleep with my half sister. Sex rules my mind and my life. I've cheated, coerced, blackmailed, and many other terrible things so that I can experience the perversions I enjoy, and there really isn't much I consider taboo.
>I'm the OP of this from the last thread. Several people seemed to relate to this so I'm posting it again.
my heath teacher i had a crush on left me in the room alone for awhile on time so i came in her drink she left on a desk next to me
My boy has been trying to put me on for years but he doesnt know i plan to get in a shootout an get killed
Thanks for tagging your repost. Most fags just copy pasta as if it is OC.
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You're mother's a whore and you should feel bad.
The Fuck lol
cars mom tried to friend me in the back of my finger
I sell videos of my wife online. She doesn't know.
Anyone have any stories involving unconscious girls?
In highschool, I had a massive crush on a girl that I later found out was the grandaughter of the lead singer of one of my favorite 70's groups.
Yeah, I felt the need to point it out for that very reason. I was very surprised that most of the response was positive from a certain point of view.

As I said to one anon, nothing I'm admitting is meant to seem like an accomplishment and certainly isn't praise worthy. It's just the truth. I feel as though with the exception of some of it, I'm not a bad person, just that most people are repressed sexually.
Lol i do feel bad and na she's not a ho
Ummm.. lol good advice? Thank you?

Did you see her drink it?
I worry that my boyfriend doesn't respect me because of my fetishes. I love giving oral and being slapped or forced.
>inb4 tits or gtfo, don't care to
That's like the most vanilla of fetishes, you have nothing to worry about.
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he's a vanilla guy
If he thinks different of you because you like being slapped then find another guy.
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I have fucked over 20 transsexual prostitutes, something about nailing their dirty shitter while their balls swing back and forth makes me diamonds.
I usually pay extra to have them cum in my mouth and I swallow it all.
I'm a very dull and mundane person. I'm not good at anything.
I envy every single person around me so I try to steal other people's traits and whenever I do anything, I'm obsessed with being the best, but at best, I'm mediocre.
careful with forced oral. I tore my ex girlfriends frenulum pretty badly one day with some forced facefucking. her salivary glands were just leaking everywhere until it healed, and it took a while.

>keep your tongue down
I let my nieces shower with me if they want to when they stay at my house.
my girl wants to cage and peg me. i want to try it to see if its my thing or not. im deeply concerned its a power play due to her abusive military background, but dealing with that is better than feeling like i have to go cruising for guys to get some backdoor action
Sounds like anal time!
i think you mean uvula. frenulum is part of the penis.
i should add weve done the peg part before, the cage part is what concerns me
nope, frenulum. that thing under your tongue is also a frenulum.
For the past 5 months of been cumming in the ranch and mayo in my apartment. Im the only guy and I live with 3 girls as roommates. None of them have suspected a thing yet.
what happens if you want to use mayo in a sandwich?
I eat my sandwiches dry. Not a fan of ketchup, mustard or mayo
I've cheated on my military husband 50+ times
gross dude
Nigger, do people look at you cross-eyed when they ask "Mayo, Mustard?" and you're all, "Dry thank you". I always get strange looks or "are you sure?".
hey georgia
Green text that shit. The wildest ones first. Pictures for reference.
you monster!
Oh my, I'm famous
No they don't because I don't eat a shitty ass sandwiche shops. I make my own at home
I can't sleep without masterbating
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I work in a kitchen and had some kind of bladder infection last month and had to use a shitton of bathroom breaks when bossman finally said 'quit running off to the bathroom every 30 minutes unless you have a doctors note.' Wound up pissing my pants in the middle of the shift as a result. Said nothing to anyone about it and just splashed a shitload of water on my clothes at the dishwashing station so noone would notice and went right back to work. Didn't say shit to boss because I figured he'd fire my ass thinking i was being a smartasss or something pissing myself.
>tfw i literally took a trip to pee pee pants city and told noone but a bunch of fags on the internet
I have a good memory for sluts

tits+timestamp thx
i have psoriasis
Your boyfriend is a cuck, I bet he has worse fetishes and is trying to act normal about yours in a form of hating you.
>I don't eat a shitty ass sandwiche shops
oh, now I feel bad.
>i have psoriasis
I have a penis. Is that the same thing?
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Oh shit, I second >>713684447
I'm fuck buddies with my friend's gf's 13yo sister
don't bullshit psoriasis is hell
I use to bully this kid in the 6th grade for being a complete fag, and he told his sister about me. His sister, being in the 8th grade, had her friends threaten to kick my ass in front of all my friends. My mom knows her mom. I tell my mom that she forcefully touched my dick. My mom rages at her mom, which causes an uproar down the chain of command. Her mom beats her, and she beats her little fag brother. I fucking got revenge and she did my job for me.
I kinda want to bang a family member, but she is in a long term relationship, and we barely ever talk.

Her SO isn't the best looking in the world, so I'm hoping when I get in the shape I want, I'll be able to make some pseudo innocent passes at her and see where it goes from there

killed a kitten when I was 4. didn't mean to. Denied it died because of me for decades. Have never admitted it out loud to anyone.
THE BLANKET THAT I USE FOR SILENCING FAPS IS THE ONE I GIVE TO GUESTS WHEN THEY REACT TO MY COLD-ASS ROOM (like at least 10 F cooler than the rest of the apartment, i swear to god)
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If you can greentext then do it
>don't bullshit psoriasis is hell
And you don't think a dick is hell. Pussy owners never know.
I wanna lick my cousin's clitoris
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i have psoriasis on my dick
Please, be a cumdumpster. Please, be a cumdumpster. Please, be a cumdumpster. Please, be a cumdumpster. Please, be a cumdumpster.

drink a fuck-ton of crannberry juice for a week

or just go see a fucking doctor
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My semester ends in a week and i have only done one project for my programming class.
as i said it's fucking hell
I use to pull my sisters friend's pants down and touch their asses while they were asleep, I was pretty sneaky. I played with ones pussy but she woke up and I ran to the couch. She woke up with her pants down and I'm pretty sure she knew but never told anyone or mentioned it to me.
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I didn't know bitches worked. Couldn't you have stopped this whole problem before it started?
This one girl at my school has nudes on her phone and she leaves her phone everywhere at school so one day I grabbed it and found them. She takes nudes and doesn't lock her phone. She still doesn't know I saw them or have them kek

You rebel.
Is this and 18 and over school? If so, post them, anon. Be the hero /b/ needs right now.
High school bruh no can do
I met up with a semi passable asian crossdresser on my last family vacation. Made out, 69'ed and jacked eachother off in the backseat of his car. hot/10 would do again
>High school
FOR 18 YEAR OLDS!!!! Damn you anon. I understand the risks but It wouldn't bother me one bit if you went to jail for child porn distribution. I've come to terms with the risk.
isnt really green text worthy. we fuck a couple times a week at least, have been for a couple months. her sis is the only other person who knows and she is fine with it. She's on bc so we usually dont use a condom.
if it looks good in panties, I fuck it
I've got a relative close in age. We used to live together. First when I came to live with them. I had hots for her when we were in high school. We then lived together for brief periods of time. The only thing I ever got were nudes from her phone. They hold me over. How could I make nonchalant mode. I always envisioned her. It getting enough from her boyfriend and just getting curious about how good I could probably fuck her. Anyways, I haven't gotten anymore nudes lately
I have a huge crush on several of my hot straight friends and badly wanna see them get fucked in front of me
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>isnt really green text worthy
Nigger, you know that's a lie. When has a "I bag a 13 year old on the regular" ever not been greentext worthy?
Best friend and wife fighting a lot lately

Fantasize she comes to me for and rides my dick off into the night

Mmmrrrr that ass though
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>nudes from her phone
What are you waiting for? Post away.
My boyfriend is very jealous and asks me if I talk to other guys.

I keep saying no because I only focus on him.But he still talks to his ex as if they're good friends.
I don't care anymore, I want him to get so attached until I'm sure a break up will break his heart.

I hate that he's still talking to his ex and says he has feelings for him.
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>My boyfriend is very jealous and asks me if I talk to other guys.
Bitch, he is going to kill you. Get the fuck out before I read about you in the news and don't realize it's that one femanon, that posted in that thread, that one time.
Also, if you would but I guess new /b/ would add "you don't have to".
get cucked m8

clearly your pussy isn't enough for him. he's fucking her on the side. pretend you don't know that when he's 'at a friends house' she's riding his cock and moaning like a real pornstar, and you'll have a long and happy relationship.
it's in the closet, much like you.
We are both faggots.
He told me he cheated on him and they're just talking without the intention to meet up.

I honestly don't care since he's not respectful to me.
I believe these places should really exist in every city. 31264F2
Dude versions too, for the cumdumpsters and fags.
replace the word 'pussy' with 'butthole' and my statement still applies
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>We are both faggots.
Fine, make me say it. Don't forget the timestamp.
I'm asexual so no sex for him so often.

He's getting closer and closer to me and I cannot wait for the perfect moment to ruin him.
level 20 wizard on the verge of banging a prostitute cuz im too scared to hang out with any girls alone in the fear of being boring and/or showing them how in need i am
perfect managerial qualities, go corporate.
lmao what
Your story sounds stupid.
There are no interesting stories, just secret meetups :p

no u
no u
spent 800€ at a strip club

It was the strip club experience I always wanted.

Waste of money? Yes. But if you can afford it, why not do it once?

Strippers I had were the best quality strippers I've ever had the pleasure of viewing.
>There are no interesting stories
That is where you and my cock disagree.
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Not really a secret, more of a vent, but I'm really happy that my younger siblings are huge normies with tons of friends, I'm glad they didn't turn out weird and ugly like me and won't have to live with loneliness and depression
>loneliness and depression
Who are they and why does it suck to live with them?
I can kind of understand.

I've been playing around with my MIL for a few months. Just squeezing her tits and playing with her nipples.

My wife's a great person and I was 100% faithful for over a decade, but she's sexuality very boring. I have kids and a home with her. I don't drink or go out. I stay at home with her and the kids. But I can't help sneaking a feel of the MIL and jerking like crazy for the next week.

Here's the thing: I can feel my testosterone boost after that. I'm made...designed...to fuck.

This is the only duplicitous shit In my life, but I can't stop. If I couldn't do that, I'd be off on Tinder or getting BJs from traps so I could look her in the face and say "No, honey. I've never even touched another woman".

Fucking marriage.
I don't have a functioning moral compass, i get my morality from the people around me. This goes well.
My wife suffers from an eating disorder and has had abusive manipulative relationships for a decade before we met, basically daddy issues and easily manipulated. I've been supportive and one of the only positive people her life, but sometimes I use manipulation techniques to get what I want from her
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That looks like a creep shot not a mirror shot...hmmm.
I hope you didn't talk her out of the eating disorder You don't want a heifer now.
Nah, if she gains the slightest bit she's sad girl a lot, skinny wife=happy wife=happy me
there is a girl im interested in, hotish, she has a history of sexual abuse against her and is kinda broken because of it, residual programming has already shown it's head.

I will use this to my advantage and make her my sex slave. i'll just be nicer than the last guy.
one day my dad come home drunk, he looked at me and sad why so long face, he took a knife and said: let's put a smile on your face...
Fuck her sister and when she gets pissed just say she was too fat and you lost interest. Skinny Wife and Two bitches. I haven't gone over this plan a lot but I think it is fool proof.
Play it like this,
Be nice, but when it comes to sexy time, if she ever shows the slightest hesitancy, change your attitude slightly. She's programmed to believe she's only good for sex, so if you seem sad or upset without blaming on the sex, she'll automatically assume that's what it is and seek your approval
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broke up with my girlfriend of 2 years to a large extent because of her mental problems. Yet, I didn't have the guts to actually say it was because of her mental problems...

Am I happier after having broken up with her? Yes.

Do I still miss her? Sometimes....
>i'll just be nicer than the last guy.
You're already fucking this up and you haven't even started.
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I got drunk and sucked my friends dick last night and I'm not sure how to proceed to talk to him because we both kinda agreed to be FWB but i don't know what do now
I kinda want to transition from mtf, but I'm not sure if it's just because the idea of turning into a woman makes me horny
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w/ draw cute butterflys around your nipples. Not for "rules" but because that'd be awesome.
Im constantly buying shares to prove how autistic i am
WHOA! major kek
Hold off, save the fantasy as a automatic boner tool
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My deepest and darkest fantasy is to be locked in chastity while my gf cucks me with big black cocks
I want to fuck my wife's best friend in her ass, she flaunts it when she's over, I think she wants it.
I found the one and messed it up.
Off if I can't fix it
When 12 fucked my then 8 year old brother in the ass, blew my load deep inside
I'm completely happy in a new relationship with a girl I could see myself marrying but I may end up living with the regret of never having fucked my ex the way I wanted to. Christ.
I wanna fuck traps but im married
>but im married
Tell your husband to become a trap.
I got faceucked while mostly asleep. Kinda gave sleepy consent though, didn't have a problem with it. Ex bf from a few years ago.
The video is really hot
I have no intention of beating her or stealing from her, just want a fuck doll. I"m kinda devoid of emotions, so being nice is easy, girls like it when you seem genuine, and this isn't my first rodeo. You'd be surprised what cold kindness gets you.

Last fuck doll had to leave the city for work. Made me sad.

pretty much an aspect of the plan. Also hot cold dating, vague commitment and random kindness helps solidify the good thoughts while making the negative seem superfluous.
i've managed to molest or rape many drunken girl due to my 'natural trustworthiness' and general lack of morals. Seriously, my friend group trusts me waaaaaay too much and it's funny.
Greentext the whole thing and with details.
How little? I was taught to suck cock when I was 9 and loved it.
For some reason, I eventually got super great at fucking. So far this week, I've fucked eight different women. All of them over 25, all of them financially independent, all of them FREAKS who suck a mean dick and like it up the ass.

I know this sounds like fantasy or bullshit - it really really does - but it's honestly a wave I've been riding lately.

Life threw me some massive shit before that, so at this point I'm honestly starting to believe in the idea of karma, etc.

Like, dude. Srsly. This is some amazing fucking I'm doing. I do not deserve that shit. Fuck.
I fuck my best friend who also just so happens to be my ex. Sometimes I worry she's falling back in love with me even when she says she's not. She likes to cuddle and kiss and all that, which I don't mind to a certain degree. Though, at times it's too much and I have to tell her to fuck off. I don't know what I'm doing.
I crashed in a bed between my then girlfriend and another girl friend of ours and I managed to finger the other girl whilst she was asleep... she got so freaking wet as i rubbed her clit
lvl 28 Wiz

All I can think about is sex

When I see women irl all I can think about is rape.
My girlfriend is my cousin. The sex is great. Here's the secret... SHE doesn't know we are cousins. She thinks I'm just too intimacy fearing to meet any of her family members.
Well you sonofabitch maybe just post the pics next time and not say that
I sucked my first bf's cock when I was 13 (he was 16). Kept sucking him off till we broke up. After him when I was 14 I started going with guys just to suck their cocks, and I got the rep that I would give you a blowjob if you took me out. I soon did away with the pretext and when a boy asked me out I just asked if he wanted me to suck his cock. As word got round more and more boys from all years would ask me to suck their cocks. By 15 I was the school cumslut. The rest of the girls hated me, but I was never one of the popular girls anyway, and most of their boyfriends were feeding me cum. By the time I was in 6th year (nearly 18) I was sucking off first years (12). They loved it and would que up for me. I used to let the boys waiting feel and suck my tits. I'd go into the first years boys toilet, pick a stall, strip to just my knickerrs, and let any boy feel and suck my tits, and stroke my pussy through my knickers (looking back I wish I had just got naked for them considering how many slipped their hands under my knickers), as long as they let me suck their cocks and swallow their cum. There were always loads of boys when I did that and could spend the whole hour having my tits squeezed and sucked, my pussy rubbed, sucking cock after cock and swallowing load after load.
>I don't know what I'm doing.
You're posting her nudes. That's what you're doing.
Its not that they don't see her as a bad person... Trump was just seen as a WORSE person. So they took the lesser of two evils
^totally this. I would have voted for Adolph Hitler if he had the best chance to win against Trump... and prayed that Congress and Senate got in the way of his truly evil shit.
Go on
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Tits or....whatever.
Pics? Greentext?
>When I see women irl all I can think about is rape.
you must be a nigger
>The video is really hot
Where could an anon see this video? I've got netfix, can I stream it?
Dude that some real ass bro shit! funny asf
favorite story
>be me
>be 21, 6'3" kinda fit, used to box and have the face of a young William Shatner.
>Move to city and make fast friends with a local bard (it's the easiest way to describe them)
>Bard invites me to party saying that i should meet more of the group
>8/10 emo chick in attendance, DD thin waist and a fucking rocker of an ass
>well fuck, now i gotta fuck that
>Bard tells everyone i'm a good person and i'm cool
>Rocker gets trashed beyond all reason, i have probably two beers the entire night (though i'm good at acting drunk so no one notices) and i'm just hawking her waiting for the moment.
>other asshole takes a swing before i do
>Kinda goes well, they go outside to have a joint.
>gone for like 30 mins
>go out side, see guy choking her and holding her down ripping at her clothes
>she is struggling
>she sees me and she basically screams for help
>guy gets his ass beat and he fucking runs like the wind
>girl shaken wants to leave, i walk her home
>We get to her place and she goes in alone thanking me.
>I know she's going to pass the fuck out and not know what the fuck happened pretty much the entire night.
>have lock picks, can pick
>Wait an hour, break in
>she's fucking naked on her bed ass up
>regret lack of camera phone (early 2000's yo)
>slowly touch her and get her acclimatized to being touched
>full rape mode ensues, first part no condom just to feel, but i finish with one on.
>Rocker doesn't remember shit about most of the night
>bard tells her asshole was going to rape her and i scared him away
>Rocker right then and there kisses me and says she'd love to take me out to dinner as thanks
>Dated her for 2 years after that, while raping and molesting friends along the way
When I turned 21 and needed to move with little more than my tax return, I remembered I had an extended family I haven't seen in about 7 years and I remember I had the hots for my cousin. I moved to the area, my name was different (ex wife and I both changed our last names for the marriage... don't ask). I recognized cousin after exploring the town, she got hotter. I played the "new guy in town" card and played the "wife left me" sympathy card. We have relatives in common in the area, so I stay away from her family because some might recognize me.

What's your best cock sucking story?
Safe on my external hard drive.

It got me really into sleep stuff. I want to be used and shared while passed out or drugged up, as long as I get to watch the videos later
an example of how it began.
We were flying during the day, just looking for any IED-related suspicious activity. We saw these two guys walking kinda suspiciously down the side of the road, constantly looking around, just generally acting shady. We called for the closest CAS on station to respond; they were close, and would get on station over the target very quickly. They got there, and we continued watching the suspicious guys. They came to a culvert, and ducked down into it.

We were on the far side of our orbit, and couldn’t see them. As we came around, we see one of the guys kind of hunched over. We think we have him caught red-handed emplacing it, so CAS prepares to drop the munitions. Right before he drops it, we see that one dude is vigorously sucking the other dude’s dick. We obviously start laughing, but I guess some general back in the JOC didn’t like that some homosexual haji cock sucking was going down on his giant 80” plasma screen in there. So he gave clearance for CAS to drop the munitions. It had good effect on target, and both dudes were pretty well obliterated. My only consolation is that their last moments must have been very enjoyable.
> I want to be used and shared while passed out or drugged up, as long as I get to watch the videos later

apart from the facefucking, have you done it?

Would you have any limits while asleep? Like they get a dog to fuck you but you only find out on the videos?
I used to do that and all sorts of sleep related fucking around with my ex back in there day, it's a huge fetish now, miss it a lot. Tough to find decent vids of it too sadly
Choose between a lacking morals story (Fucking my friends girlfriend and how it came to be) or a i'm fucking evil story (there is only person who knows I've ever done anything, and they won't tell because they helped one time)
>I want to be used and shared while passed out or drugged up, as long as I get to watch the videos later
Why aren't all the good cumdumpsters in MT?
Friend's girl story, then the other if you're up for it!
>i'm fucking evil story
lol, thats awful but good.
I have inoperable/incurable cancer but I don't want to tell anyone and I'm just slowly backing away from everyone I know.
Not yet (at least not officially, I guess I could've been felt up at some point in my life)

I don't think I'd ever feel comfortable licking ass, so I wouldn't want anyone's ass on my mouth.
Other than that, I think mostly just don't make me sore. Don't cause damage. Let me breathe occasionally.
You need to fuck bitches.
They don't want me.
I've been doing a foursome with my best friend, his girlfriend and my girlfriend for the past four months. It's getting to the point where we're so comfortable with one another that it might as well be an open relationship. We're even starting to just walk around the house naked and randomly have sex with one another throughout the day whenever we feel like it.
Just start doing whatever you fucking want you fucking pussy, you got a free pass you cowardly piece of shit. There's no afterlife and after a hundred years absolutely no one will remembery you so go crazy
You guys live in the same house
There is a penile and a lingual frenulum
I want to but I'm scared of the consequences it'll have on my family. I really want to just let loose and do all the stupid shit I never did. I was even contemplating about raping this girl I like. I had it all planned out and even drove to her house but backed off once I realized I would be leaving a negative mark on ky family and friends.
wow come sleep at mine. I'll invite some friends and a dog and we;ll have a party.

Maybe we can find a couple of horny 11yo schoolboys who want to lose their virginity in you.

You can get the vid, no worries.
Yeah. We're just renting it for school since residence is expensive.
fuck your family and friends, you're gonna die anyway so what do you care? they might think after you're gone "oh he must've snapped from the impending death" or they might think you're a sick fuck but the point is YOU'RE A PUSSY
Got any pics? Getting all turned on now
this >>713693273 is not me. that guy is a fag.

I don't even want to have sex with anyone, in fact I can't, I feel weak. I sleep up to 14h a day, I don't have energy to do anything. I can't eat and I can't smoke weed (if that's what you'd recommend) because I get these horrible headaches afterwards. And I really want to do something that really matters so trips decide what I do.
I loved using the first years boys bathroom, and when I had just turned 18 a couple of weeks before school ended I told a couple I'd be there friday (I figured this would be the last time). When I went into the toilet there were already about 15 12-13 yo boys waiting. I stripped off to my knickers in front of them, feeling really turned on, sat down and told them to feed me their cocks. The usual followed with them sucking my tits, sucking their cocks and swallowing their cum. But when they started sliding their hands inside my knickers I didn't push them away, and soon just pulled my knickers aside. They took turns stroking my shaved pussy, fingering me, and a couple licked my pussy.More boys arrived through that lunch hour and I really didn't want it to end. I loved them all exploring my body while feeding me their cum. I'm surprised none of them tried to fuck me; I felt so horny I would have let them.
Anon you kill??
you sick fuck... I'm calling the cops on you
My first sexual experience was same sex, I accidentally let my pet mouse starve to death days after I got it, my child hood crush was bf's with my older sister and I use to touch her boobs while she slept. List could go on a while. I'm pretty fucked up.
I guess I am...
Green text same sex story?
Suuuuure, would you like some bismuth with that edge
what's the youngest boy you ever sucked?
This is why I like /pol/ more than this shithole. IDs are gold.
I had a thing for my half sister from middle school to junior year of high school (creep shotted her when she was sleeping and put pics up on 4chan to be a cool guy), like traps and other gay shit but am fighting it pretty good, devout christian but i struggle sexually and it honestly pains me because even though I know I am forgiven, I still feel fucked up (especially cause i continually masturbate [still a virgin even though im 19 yo in the army] and keep asking for forgiveness)

And i talk a lot of shit about people to other people and 98% of the time im never called out on it; its more of me giving my current opinion on them to someone else, but my opinions are always either extremely good or extremely bad

Kill yourself
then go to sucking that polish cock you cuck
Because i am a dumbass and accidentally my story away. the abridged version of fucking my friends girl;

>Fuckface had semi hot girlfriend
>FuckFace Throws party
>I do not like FuckFace
>semi hot girl likes girls
>manage to get semi hot jealous of Rocker's tits
>Semi hot has massive tits
>drunkenness led to toplessness and sex while the party gathered food
>friend was making a joke to FuckFace about me and her fucking while they were gone.
>it's funny cuse its true, but no one takes him seriously and i'm good at covering my tracks (I made bacon to cover up the smell)
>after they break up i tell FuckFace about everything when he came to me looking for support
>Krush Kill Destroy
>watched as his face went from sad because life sucked, to turbo sad because i crushed any sort of hope he might have had that i was his friend (though to be fair i was waiting for a moment to crush him, so i was a good friend up until then)

Epilogue; FuckFace and Rocker ended up dating for a bit. That was a good beating.
>BitchTits got uglier when she got a new BF so we stopped fucking.

evil story to come eventually
>fighting my sexuality

Hope you're prepared for a miserable life of self loathing. Accept yourself for who you are and stop letting religion brainwash you into thinking its not okay to be a unique individual.

If religion isn't fucking bullshit, like I know it is, you having gay tendencies won't effect you getting I to heaven because no where in the bible does it gay bash, that's bullshit made up by fanatic closet cases. Also, god will forgive you as long as you live the rest of the areas of your life as a good person and not some self hating closeted shitstain

You should try meditation for a while. Man, you'll soon realise all the stuff you're scared of is bollocks
I can relate.
Everyone has massive differences in morals in my experience.
I unironically enjoy some of Nickelback's hits

>be 13 y/o me
>meet beautiful man
>must be love bullshit
>man turns out to be a gearhead
>he decides to get his shit together
>spend ages coaching him through withdrawal etc
>15 and still with him
>sometimes he gets aggressive but mostly everything's amazing
>we talk abt art, culture, life, society. Pretentious af but we dont care.
>find out hes using again and has been for a while
>instead of being supportive, get angry like the fuckpig i am.
>storm out fucking angry
>speak to mutual friend
>realise I'm a fucking idiot.
>go back to apologise
>find the fucker dead in his room
>guilt. Holy fuck I should've just supported him.
>three years later, I still feel him in everyone I fuck.
When I was in primary school we weren't allowed to play outside if it was raining and were left in our classrooms to amuse ourselves. In primary 5 (about 9-19 yo) 6 of us, 3 boys and 3 girls, went into the supply closet in the classroom and stripped naked, then turned the light on. The first few times we all just pointed and giggled. By primary 6 we were stroking each others cocks and pussies, boys and girls would all stroke cocks and pussies. By primary 7 we were sucking and licking each others cocks and pussies. The first time I came was in one of the girls mouths. The first time one of the other boys came was in my mouth. We were just kids experimenting and having fun, but we all wished for rain at lunchtime.
>So I use to have a lot of sleep overs as a kid with local friends
>Sleep overs lead to truth or dare
>dares lead to being naked cause "oh no you might get caught"
>Also would have sleep overs with this family friend every once in a while who was a year and a half older
>Carried over my truth or dare traditions
>he hits puberty first, is really horny
>this is back when no internet porn
>he convinces me to jerk off with him just so he has something to look at
>this goes on for a while, every few months
>Finally one time we are at this party at a lake house
>we sneak off to his aunts house, noone is home
>He convinces me to trade blow jobs
>Don't really want to, but say yes cause I feel pressured
>His bj feels awesome, 10 year old me's mind is blown. even if it was only like a minute and no orgasm
>Then I have to blow him
>fucking short and curlys in my face and his dick tasted unwashed.
>Stop after like 20 seconds and refuse to go on.
>We never did sex stuff again
>He's now in theater design, probably at least bi if not gay.
>Me being normal dude, once puberty hit girls were all I had eyes for.

and that's the story of how I blew one of my closest friends, and never told anyone about it till now.
Primary 5 was 9-10, not 9-19. Sorry, typo.
Homosexuality is a sin. It isn't a super duper sin like the media would have you believe, as sin is sin, but its a pretty high up there one (God makes it VERY clear that he despises same sex marriages and relations). And I mean, it won't be self loathing as soon as I get my shit together. Its very much possible to not need sex, you just have to keep busy. Run away from temptation. Sex is actually a very Godly thing, but only under the right circumstances. And since im in no rush to get married, I'm just biding my time and allowing the Lord to groom me into the individual that people and God need me to be. I was put on the Earth to be a leader of men...whether that means something small like just being an outstanding NCO in the near future or something as drastic as being POTUS, I'm not sure, but he needs me to lead people. And to do that I have to be the best that I possibly can, and sex doesn't help with that, especially immoral sex
>it pretty good, devout christian
That's where all your trouble begins. Cut that religious bullshit out. It's a cult and you'll have a better life without it.
>Homosexuality is a sin.

Then your existence is a sin. No matter what you do or what happens in your life, you'll never be attracted to women the way you are to men.

You can try to deny this or put it out of your mind but that will only cause you more pain and suffering.

I'm not going to tell you what to do, it's your life to live but these are truths that you need to acknowledge if you ever want to have peace with who you are.
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Citations faggot
But it is good, for me and for others. Without God I would have hurt a LOT of people in my life, and I wouldn't be a positive influence in a lot of peoples lives. He also has carried me through a lot of hard times. Hell, without him, I wouldn't be in the Army; I'm an outstanding soldier now, but back in Basic I was shit (just out of the household, grew up middleclass and all taken care of so no life skills whatsoever, and high functioning aspergers so slightly shit social skills) and had it not been for the Lord I would have been voted out of the Army by my peers

Not sure if bait or literally mentally ill

This... I'm... reading this on /b/....

Get. The. Fuck. Out.

Only in the right conditions? How many blue pills have you eaten shitlord?
Nigger, you did all that because you had it in you. Don't go giving your credit away to someone else. Be proud of the things you've done because you were the one to muster up the strength to do it.
>assuming i have them

Kill yourself.

Get out. You don't belong here.

And please, do the world a favor and kill yourself. There is no room for more Christfags in this world.
I should clear this up: I have bisexual tendencies, but i lean more to women. I have a thing for traps, but i could never do it with a guy unless everything was right...and idek what that would entail. But im much more comfortable (and rather prefer) females. Still though, the temptation is there for traps (i guess the best thing to say is I like cock) but so long as I fight the temptation i should be fine, and if I sin just pray for forgiveness and strength
No, religion is a cult, you shouldn't follow something that gives you crushing anxiety over completely natural human urges.
aaaannnd evil story on how the bard is my bitch

>be me
>be 25, shit got real after Rocker, drugs, bad decisions and Rock n' Roll has at least made life enjoyable.
>Living with Bard, he's cool, more outgoing than me and his girls are all sluts and he doesn't give a shit.
>house literally has a no clothes rule (i don't care that i see his dick)
>One night we decide to go out and have a blast at a local pub we know
>Owners died a week prior and the place is boarded up cuse the staff was basically him and a random dude
>decide to go to next best place
>Fucking bropocolyse this place
>fuck it, don't care drinking and talking about pokemon with the Bard
>Massive, what seems to be frosh, party comes in.
>Girls are totally 16-17, guys 18-19 (it's legal to drink at 18 where i'm from) and the girls manage to outnumber the guys at least 3-1
>Bard looks at me, i know he is shit at guessing ages, and asks how old i think they are.
>i want me a 16 y/o "they all look round 20 to me"
>Not evil yet
>bros are being bros, hoes being hoes
>manage to get a decent girl separated from the pack
>bard is successful too
>hanging out turns to Drinking turns to touching turns to handjobs under the table
>girls want to party hard, give them some molly
>evil approaches
>Girls are rolling like nothing else, totally fucking at least one of them.
>Prime Bro comes over and basically tells me that his girlfriend just gave me a handy (Without knowing i was given a handy)
>notices she's high as a kite
>starts making a scene, security on way
>plan hatches
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It's cool, either works.
>i provoke him into a fight, lose on purpose and plant the drugs i had on me on him.
>Make it look like he gave the girls the drugs
>Bard just rolls with (he doesn't want to get fucked and knows i'm good at this)
>when it comes out that they are underage shit his the fan, girls too high to participate in the conversation, Prime Bros word against ours.
>made it look like he was just causing shit
>Police arrive out of fucking nowhere
>arrest Prime Bro for so many things he did not do, but hey they found drugs on him and the girls were popping.
>Get away scott free, he got 7 years and is now a career criminal
>managed to fuck the 16 y/o at a later date
>Bard knows i can fuck him if he spills

How do I make money hurting women?
Right conditions meaning marriage. Sex in a marriage is the only proper way. You can do anything you want sexually just as long as youre doing it with your spouse
So you're a justified faggot. You just put your hands together and say sorry and "all is forgiven" ? What a load of shit, you still love cock you fag, and that's something you can never clean out of your soul and something your God will forever know about you. You're screwed out of this so called heaven simply for existing as you are, good job being in secret agony and self loathing for literally nothing by the admission of your own religious views.
I'm hot, but I don't want to share a pic here. Also too much effort.
Big lips, perky B-cup tits, skinny, blonde hair.
Get cucked by the Jews lol if humans were meant to be wholley monogamous, the divorce rates wouldn't be so outrageous and the whole "unhappy couple but won't divorce cuz god" me exists for a reason.
Worthless human being
That's the thing about God though, man, is that you can fail (and you WILL, we are imperfect beings) and still be forgiven for failure. He's nothing like you or me, where our mercy is limited; he loves us and thus wants to forgive us and help us to grow as people and be accepted into his kingdom, all he asks of us is to go to him.

So yeah, when I'm turned on really bad, sometimes im gonna look for traps on /b/ or go through the internet looking for horny women to talk to, but im gonna fight the urge as much as possible, and when I inevitably fail, I just ask the Lord to forgive me and make me stronger. Eventually, failure will be few and far in between.
ew wtf
When I was 15 I had to babysit my 6 year old sister sometimes. We always took a shower together and washed each others bodies thoroughly.
ew? Fat lipped pussies are the best.
Anal time!
Wtf? Pussy, I would have essentially told my boss to fuck off. You'd rather piss yourself than disobey your boss?
The divorce rates are only so bad because of how people are naturally. We do sinful things, and those sinful things hurt people, however, sometimes there isnt enough love between the couple when theyre married to sustain them, which leads to there not being enough care in the marriage to want to maintain it, thus the divorce.

Marriage, from what I've seen, is the best way to have sex and to be with someone...so long as there is genuine love there. Plus just having sex with whoever, whenever hurts people real bad; I live on an Army post where the majority is 18-24 yo's, so sex is rampant, and a lot of issues on the post stem from sex
9. I was going to suck a friends cock and he had his kid brother with him. After I had finished the kid brother asked if I'd do it to him too. His cock was tiny but got a bit hard. He enjoyed it and I used to suck them together after that.
Cumdumpsters are stupid that way.
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