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I'm so tired of Asian girls thinking its cool to get with

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Thread replies: 103
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I'm so tired of Asian girls thinking its cool to get with black guys now days.

As an Asian guy this really annoys me.

Even this Asian girl I like at school is doing this.

Why? Just why?
OP is blatantly a white guy trying to get asian guys to hate black guys. what a dumb gimmick.
post pic of asian girl u like
why are white guys so insecure?
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that doesn't answer the question
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The answer is they aren't.

Just you because you're a cuck who feels insecure about white guys so you talk shit about them on 4chan.
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fucking loser...idk, maybe cause they have ruled the world throughout history. viciously fought any race that fucks with em. explored and conquered.
enslaved niggers because they were pathetic. raped many of their women, because niggers couldnt do shit.
they gave em freedom because they were so beyond dominating dopey ass niggers.
set the expected living expectations of the world.
>african niggers (who hate "african americans") live under sticks and eat animal shit for survival...
Caucasians are superior, followed by half breed slavs then asians, niddle easterns next. lastly. the dim of wit and skin tone: niggers.
no... thats not a thing.. did you mean
>I'm so tired of Asian girls thinking its cool to get with >>>WHITE guys now days.
>As an Asian guy this really annoys me.
>Even this Asian girl I like at school is doing this.
>Why? Just why?
I am Asian guy ama
tc is a white guy. probably from stormfag. probably just wants asian men to hate black guys, instead of seeking solidarity with each other.
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Why do Asian girls like black guys so much?
they don't. Some do. Maybe it's because they have loose pussies. Also, I live in CA and even here it's pretty damn rare.
the thing is noone "likes" black people.
according to murder statistics black people dont even like black people.
Because Asian guys have small dicks that don't feel good and black guys have big dicks that feel great.

She looks so... satisfied.
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As an Asian guy I'll admit a lot of Asian girls like white guys. But I don't really care cause it's none of my business. The fact that so many Asian guys obsess over Asian girls go for white guys shows the beta Faggot mentality they have and why they can't score decent Asian chicks. It used to be "cool" for Asian girls in CA to say "I only date white guys" to make themselves seem. Ore American and get away from the Asian stereotypes. I think that mentality is slowly dying in CA at least from what I've seen. In the end if you get chicks you get chicks, regardless of race. Pic related.
Not insecure or talking shit. Just asking a simple question since I see hundred of threads by insecure white guys a day. You'll never see me making a thread about who white guys fuck as I already have an asian gf of my own.
this sounds more like you're trying to convince yourself than me.
I am Indian and I stole an Asian guy's Asian girlfriend from him. Asian men are the lowest of the low.
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white guy dating asian girl here. feelsgoodman.jpg
im white and my wife is Asian, how do you feel about this?
in my experience Asian women are the most shallow and solely look for some sort of security (this is true of all women but the Asians take it over the top)

they're the most shallow POS's there are. Flash some cash and they'll suck you dry. when you're young, nobody has money, so they go for the more physically fit / popular guys

> my experience: i live in SF, and am currently dating / fucking 2 asians
> i've had 4somes with me + 3 asian girls (no payment)
> korean girls are the most wild but will try to get pregnant or marry you
> i'm short, (5'4") but make over $200k/yr (reasonably fit... but own a boat and a motorcycle)
Hardly any do you fucking retard. Only some of them are into blacks and the rest are racist towards them.
How small is your penis
i'm >>713680339
this is true unless circumstances i've noted otherwise

same for jews... asians == least progressive people
I'm trying to date an asian girl i know. How easy is it to hook up with them typically?
Depends on the age more than the race
i'm a senior in hs, she's 18

>>713680996 is true

play your audience. if you tell, out of the gate, she's conservative... you're going to be trying on date 5

that said... had a spoiled brat vietnamese chick blow me in the alley after our first date (jungle asians are freaks)... anyone in the bay?
play the long game... be a gentlemen, pay for shit, don't be overly nerdy
should be relatively easy. Forgot to mention that she's half-asian, so i'm just gonna guess that that makes shit a little difference.
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A nigger posted this, for some reason they like to try to feel superior, because they know they are not. Sorry to bust the ego you were trying to grow on 4chan, but go fuck yourself, nigger faggot.
mom or dad asian?
mom asian, dad white
if she hates her dad... you *may* have a wild one (could be said for any girl)

but most likely got a conservative af girl... who will kiss you after date 2 or 3
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>half Asian kid
>Asian dad

pick one
Shes fucking ugly
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u jelly white boi?
idk, she doesn't seem very conservative. She dresses and acts white.
nope. I got a job and I know who my father is.
no, I like being good looking, having a high life expectancy, being treated better, and being far richer and smarter,
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they jelly
there are "things that usually happen" but m8 you have to play your audience

you'll see literally after 10 minutes into the f'ing date
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>Admitting to having a smaller dick.

No wonder Asian girls aren't into white guys anymore.
white guy here with 7"

> where's your god now?
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kek, bullshit, every asian girl I know is dating a white guy
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Because Asian guys are the most beta of any race I've ever come across. Just recently moved to city that's mostly Chinese and most of the girls are very sexually inexperienced. Guys are too busy with their anime haircuts and skinny jeans.
pre' much

they occasionally fuck black guys in college or if they had an awful upbringing
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nice try whitey
true. had this happen with white chick i dated who turned out to be a fucking mormon. dumped her a week later because "i just don't like you anymore"
asian girls are tired of tiny white cocks and want something more so they go for us niggas
only the dropout/whore asians date black guys, and they are hated by the rest of the asian community
>got dumped a week later for being a try hard

> note: awful upbringing
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>Asians girls
More like American mixed whores.
Fuck off with these threads. No such thing as white or Asian in USA. Those mongoloid 4th generation Asian traces and 3rd generation black traces aren't races. It's a failed whore heritage.
found the redditor
They can have fun with aids. Then being the mother of a basterd child.

That reminds me that all of the escorts in my area don't fuck niggers at all. Only the sloppy fat white ones will do it hahaha.

>Implying niggas have the largest cocks, stereo type is a wives tale, faggot. Look up any study of penis size by race. My penis size as a white male is larger than over 50% of black men and I am average for my race.
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Wrong thread kid.
nice try anon you prob two more bitches laughing at your dick away from killing urself
Jewish whore does what Jews do, anything for money and niggers do what niggers been doing forever, screwing other races.
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now this i can get into
>being this angry at pornography.
But why are asians not considered superior? Everything you say about white people that is supposedly better than everyone else is true for asians but even more.
you sound pretty butthurt
threads here get railroaded so fast

no wonder 4chan is dying
>being such cuckold degenerate that posts whores as an argument
I know, intelligence and self-respect aren't your strong points, so you might as well bath in bath full of gay cum. So what are you trying to accomplish? Being scum.
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even kendra sunderland who preferred tiny white dicks is now seeing how much better black dicks are
Their kids are absolutely hideous. Nobody ever wants to fuck a blackanese person.

White people inadvertently selectively bred niggers with big cocks because they thought that was a sign of being BIIIIG AN STROWWWWNGGG
she's a pornstar, she doesn't prefer anything other than money you retarded fucking baitposter
on-topicness was always the quintessence of 4chan

fucking idiot

kill yourself

And yet voted in miss universe in Japan, blackanese :p
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you mad white boi?
>le 12 year old nigger without brains
>post for the millionth time whores from that 1 site
>le look at me, le millennium trolling
>le me got fluffy pony dildo
Uh, dude, it wasn't me who posted the pic, I was just responding to your autistic outburst.
>I'm so tired of Asian girls thinking its cool to get with black guys now days.

nope, because this is what you spend time doing: attempting to convert and enrage people in threads like this. you probably have a black dick folder on your computer. you are literally the most pathetic NEET fag i have ever seen. i think this is funny
She only passes because she's light skinned.
that probably explains why whiteys are more into other guys, femboys, traps, imaginary shit (furries, hentai, loli, etc.), bitches rejecting tiny white boy penises and want something better
god damn son hit a pillow
>le mad le posting gay
>le white wimmen so superior
You know you are inferior when you argument with white whores, which proves two thing:
1.) you are a brainless chimp that hates his own race
2.) you worship white whores, instead of inferior black genes whores
3.) you are inferior in every way
no, i think you do, because you clearly have something wrong with you if you have a black dick folder and you are a straight white dude. (which you obviously are, blacks don't post on 4chan)
ITT angry whiteys who know their time is up

better start planning your fav type of white femboys girls are a thing of the past for you
Your people get paid to "sing". Your people get fucked by women being paid to tolerate your nigger ass. You have aids, you probably have no dad, you can't stroll past a police officer without being profiled and to top it all off your nationality and "culture" are shit.

>tl;dr kill yourself you waste of space
Shut up nigger, you don't even want to be a nigger, why else would you chase white women. Nigger genes are the most inferior in intellect and physical strength genes in existence. There were like 5 billion niggers and not a single strong man record.
maybe find a real job you pathetic shill
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>blacks don't use the internet
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Old pic from halloween of 2015
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