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My friends hot ass 17 year old cousin ilwnats me to buy alcohol

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My friends hot ass 17 year old cousin ilwnats me to buy alcohol for her. I told her what's it in for me and she said "I'll definitely pay you back, let me know if you have other ideas" What can I ask for?? What's the best way to go about it. I'm thinking either a. to go on a date. b. to make out. or c. nudes.
What should I definitely not ask for. like what's pushing it. I've Jung out with her many times but she doesn't reply that much so she's definitely not interested in me
Don't do it
She looks like retarded cunt whore just gonna get used she ain't give you shit
If you buy the alcohol first, then bring up anything sexy, she'll just say no.
That was my first thought when i read OPs situation lol.

He has to ask before buying otherwise he got used lol
She doesn't have to be interested in you to pay you with a blowjob for buying alcohol.

Actually buy the beer with your own money, then tell her in person (not written/online) that she can have it if she sucks your dick.

Make sure that 17 is above the age of consent where you're from so you don't get v&
Ask her to touch your peeeeeie weeenie
eh I wouldn't do it, sounds like a hassle
Get her to set you up with one of her slutty friends - guarantee she's got a bunch
Have fun in the pokey
if she isnt interested in you then dont let her use you. youll feel better about yourself later

Get her to buy you a new fedora u stupid cunt
This is the answer
Let me guess, you're from the south.
Ask for sex and don't accept anything else. Ez.
Buy the alcohol then stand in front of her and drink it all. Teach bitch a lesson
LOL you yanks get it hard, here In Australia, 16 is the legal age for sex, and 18 for alcohol, but hey you probably wont go to goal for giving a 17 old alcohol either.
Just tell her u want sex or at very least a handie behind the liquor store before u buy
Or just skip a,b,c and just fuck her?
she's not obviously not gonna give me sex but then again idk how slutty she is. I know she once accidentally posted her nudes on instagram
You a virgin op?
If not then its pretty obvious, dont buy it for her unless you are a total retard
kek. will fuck you confirmed
If it's not sex then it's not worth it. Don't give her shit unless she agrees to sex.
Stronger than beer. Beer is as weak of an alcohol drink as it would be of a offer item. She'd be more down to do something for you if you have something better than just some beer.
bitch will give u a quick handie bro
Tell her you want a piece of that ass (anal)

nowadays anal is more casual than vaginal sex, because you don't even need to get a condom for it

do it op take pics
I'm not a virgin I've had sex many times before. and I'm pretty decent looking. why the fuck do you all think I'm some type of beta or something?
Nah it's obvious u alpha as Phuk brah. Probs just really fat n shit
Dubs of truth
>buy the bear
>get the blowjob
>endure the herpes
>accept the fact that your dick rules you - and you are a puppet.
>no really, just accept it and be happy.
also dubs of truth
Sex first
She says no, say bj, titfuck, and nudes.
Says no again, don't bother.

Because girls pick the most desperate looking from the bunch to ask. You got flagged by the girl as weak and easy to manipulate.
Especially with tits like hers, she knows she can fuck guys over no problem.
Hmmm....the reply without the smiley face or winkey face denotes a neutral tone....I dunno OP, is she that close? or is this completely out of the blue? Cuz it could be shes down to fuck or it could be that she just needs someone to buy her alcohol. Maybe ask her if she wants to come over to get it? Feel it out from there? I mean, even from a non-sexual standpoint you are doing her a favor...she could go and get it from you instead of the other way around. And that way also you could feel out the situation better and decide if it's sexual or not.

Good luck dude lol
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you're posting on 4chan and of all boards /b/, why wouldn't we think you're a beta when the thread in question is in relation as to what to do with an underaged girl you fag
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Is it because u hav teensie peenie?
Or it's probably because they're related and shes known OP long enough to trust him. Plus the whole "were family" thing.
post more of her
Ask her on away of like
"Is there a special way you could pay me back?"
Get a bj. Most girls that age can be turned into regular cumdumps after
First, don't be a retard

You must tell her something like "you know I can go to jail, right? But this is very risky and while I would happily agree, it must be something worthy, it's not like getting in trouble with the cops just for an Ice cream or 10$ is ok, you know?"

She needs to understand that this would be difficult BUT, at the same time you're 100% you'll help her and buy some booze if she gives you something worthy.

This way, she could give you something really good

I would say, if she doesn't give you a bJ/Sex/ etc. Ask her for a videogame
A young girl asks you to buy her beer, and she says "let me know if you have other ideas".
And the first thing you think is "lets go on a date! YIPPY SKIPPY!"
like...for real op...
Because you're asking the bastard stepchild section of a Chinese cartoon porn forum

Yeah bro, they're not related. You got a comprehension problem? Fuck, you mungs just keep getting more and more stupid.
If you know youre attractive OP you obviously ask for a kiss or some gay shit like that, then immediately afterward if youre a good kisser shell suck your dick
Or just ask for money, you beta faggot.
>I would say, if she doesn't give you a bJ/Sex/ etc. Ask her for a videogame
WTF - are you ten? GTFO A video game?!?!
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> Ask her for a videogame
>after being turned down for sex
Just how fucking cringe are you?
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Videogame/shoes/30$/ whatever kid.

The point is, if OP gets turned down for Sex, at least get something good
first reply that actually makes sense.
I'm just mainly looking for smooth as shit things to say to maybe try to get something dirty. If I could see her in person I wouldn't need help but shot is all through text and dm now a days and I suck at that shit lol
If she says no to letting me fuck her, I'm gonna at least see those titties or no alcohol.
OP if you have her request on text, go ahead and threaten to show her parents the messages (especially if they're really strict) unless she does exactly what you want for her. If she says no then just fuck off and tell her no. If she begs you to not show her parents then you pretty much have her in your finger tips. Set up a deal where you "help each other out." If she agrees to such a deal, ask for nudes. If she does so, go ahead and tell her youre on the way to the store right now to pick some up. Tell her the quality and quantity of the pictures determine the amount of booze she gets in return. You should then set up a relationship where you keep doing this until you start moving into physical activity. This plan will theoretically work depending on how she is, so you need to decide yourself if this is a good plan. I personally think it would work if she's slutty, desperate, and stupid enough to follow through. Good luck.
Op here, thanks for the advice I am going to ask her to buy me a video game!
wait till she's drunk then talk to her. say "so what other ideas were you thinking of?" or some shit like that.
My bad, I read that wrong. I guess it wasn't abnormal for me to think that someone on /b/ would want to hook up with their cousin. Since they're not related, your response is most likely the case.
Show her tits
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It should be Sex or no deal.
Blowjob at the very fucking least.

Think I'd risk jail time over 30 bucks or new fucking shoes? Fuck yourself with a cactus.
This bitch knows exactly what she implied with that little statement so man up and ram your shit down her throat or in her snatch.
Literally all you have to say is
"Alright ill do this favor if you do me a favor."
Whip your fucking dick out and say "Suck."
Try not to though if it looks like you french kissed a brick at warp speed.

and Also in regards to this post

If you are going to break one law might as well make it two.
lol dude shes not gonna be down if you make it weird all of a sudden, play it cool, take it at face value. But frame the situation where it benefits you the most, and if youre going to get alcohol for her then at one point she needs to drop by yours. Don't make any crazy moves, you don't need to be suave or whatever, remember you're older anyways, at 17 shes still very inexperienced with life and doesn't really know what the fuck shes doing. Just rmember, shes still a teenager technically, and the smoother or sexier you think youre being through text, the weirder and creepier itll seem on her end.
Just play it cool, go along with it if its not too inconvenient, and let her come to you if thats what she actually wants, if she doesn't, then don't make yourself a fool. That'll actually attract her more to you the fact that you AREN'T trying to get with her on this. (the whole older, too cool for you attitude does work in this case).

- Guy from before
Op, don't be a retard and do this by Phone, not DMs

She could Black mail you with the messages
Yeah but if OP is too demanding he could also risk himself getting called a creep and reported to the police as a pedophile. Either way the situation is kind of risky for OP if he doesn't play his cards right
This, except black mail her on the phone so if she says no to the nudes, you still have more leverage than her, as your request for under age nudes won't be documented anywhere.
I think I am just going to ask for watchdogs 2
Also if youre down to hang out with her more to try something maybe ask why she never hangs out with oyu and your cousin more? or why you never see her? shit like that?
Again, not sure what the relationship is like between you guys, but if there's a possibility to try and interact with her more, i'd say that's 100x better than trying to tindr hoox with your friends cousin over her casually asking for booze
For those guys saying "HURR DURR ASK FOR SEX OR NOTHING" just shut the fuck up, fucking virgins

This girl is 17, so she would use OP if everything goes right at least another 3-5 times or maybe even more

Don't ask for Sex (just if you're really confident), let her propose it to you and if you don't get it, ask for something good
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True. However i disagree, more than likely the age of consent in OP's state is 17 which makes this legal so the only real risk would come from buying the actual alcohol in which case you could wait until after. Also as for being to demanding, isn't she also being demanding asking you to buy her alcohol because she thinks she can manipulate you?Two can fucking play at that game. Either she will be down or you point to your fucking door and say "there it is, use it."

At the end of the day you have something she wants (a working fucking ID) and she has something to barter as well. While similar they are not equal. Remember who has the upper hand here. Also due to the fact that OP came here to ask i am assuming he is a little bit of a bitch so maybe she will appreciate the sudden assertiveness the autistic people on this shithole provided you with. Point being you both want to use the other for something.

Also this guy is a retard.
I'm 20. If her parents are cool with it I could date her in this state
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Cash, grass or ass are your only 3 viable answers
this. but preferably cash
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Actually the romeo and juliet laws say that if you are four years or less apart in age its all fucking good.
You're correct. If OP had the amount of confidence needed for this situation, he would already be getting ass and not asking random people on the internet if he has permission to go for it
You're correct about the lack of confidence but you have to start somewhere and this is where the age old adage of "fake it until you make it. "comes into play.


>Guy could be called out as a creep for proposing Sex to a minor, get in trouble with his friend or police


Don't listen to this guy op, don't get in trouble
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If you always play it safe you will never get anywhere. Also, loving that direct quote.
bitch Im not asking for permission I'm asking what's the best way to go about it, I'm obviously going to do it I just don't want to fuck up and make shit awkward. God you fuckers are retarded
We are retarded yet you want to ask a thot on a date and lack the required game when its so fucking obvious. Yeah buddy we sure are retarded.

>Getting in trouble with your Friend, police, etc. Just by asking an underage girl to suck your dick

Yeah, don't play it safe anon!

Fuck off, this isn't a fucking videogame and acting like fucking Sasuke Uchiha doesn't get you anywhere.

The thing is, op needs to be smart
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Funny thing about my back is it's located on my cock
Tell her straight up to suck you off once you get the alcohol. No need to be fucking beta about it like the losers who suggest to be "smart" about it.
If you're 20 how are you buying booze
>Chinese cartoon porn forum
oh goodness me! I thought this was a Peruvian flute discussion board
pic related? moar
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I realize that by making a Naruto reference i am probably spit balling here but are you seriously this retarded?

Assuming he does this at his place and no one else is around then its all fucking hearsay and possibly slander. Once again i said before that it is actually not unlawful as detailed by the romeo and juliet laws as there is a four year difference he falls within this. If she says no then tell her no deal. its not that hard of a concept to wrap your head around. and also on a side note how quickly you turned to anime and video games makes me think maybe you aren't the one to be shilling out advice. How has it worked out for you so far?
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I look older especially withe my full beard so I haven't been getting id'ed for like 2 years. And yes the date thing was stupid as fuck, I get it I get it
For option a.

>Sure, but first , let's have a date

Option b/C

>Ok, but you should give me something really good that Day/Night

> "Like what"

>Surprise me

If she doesn't give you anything, don't give her the alcohol.

And I would recommend you to buy beer.
good suggestion. and no she wants mango bacardi, she's being a picky little cunt.
You should start out at cost+50%. Don't let her haggle under cost.
>living in america

When I was seventeen I was getting fucked up in bars


Yeah, she's really underage.

If you don't get the succ at least get the money.

Just don't ask her directly "suck it" if you don't want to look like a creep
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You sound like a pussy. Who the fuck cares about coming off as a creep?
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