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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>713661736 Rules: >Claim

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 185
Thread images: 144

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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless tripsguy gets trips)
>No lewding (I'm looking at you, Juvia)
>Occasional RP never hurt anyone
>Discussion is the only thing to do here really
>Shitposting must be original
>If you're posting images you're not an elitist
>3D is always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in Discord
>Most importantly, have fun!

akame claimed
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Don't leave yet tell me what you mean
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>>713665157 (misaki)
No dilated pupils? I don't suffer from 60 pulse, no blood pressure or drowsiness.
Only huge pupils, all the fucking time. I would rather not be busted just because I wanted to be happy.

>>713664321 (juvia)
Sorry for late reply, I got really distracted. Today's been a bit of a Rollercoaster. Good, then meh, then good, and now I am pretty scared tbh.
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Yes yes, This is Eu~
Wew, thats lewd
Might wanna tone down the lewdness a little
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in accordance with federal regulations, i'm to post this sign here, so non-tard anons can be advised to exercise caution when passing by this thread on the pages

carry on tards, a tard wrangler is present
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>>713667271 [juvia]
this is just beautiful, I'll let that one slide~
>>713667446 [houki]
Alright Houkie, sleep well and have fun with you buddies
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misaki NHK 1.jpg
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I've been around since early September, so not "old"
Yes, Kurome
>What happened to her
I don't know. Frankly I think it's better you meet with your therapist first- and get a real serious hour in with him- before you make any big decisions regarding... all this.
I love that cinematic. I thought there were way too few for such a great VN. I know they can't afford the resources but it was so great to make it in with Hanako blind and get that scene.
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Exactly, so now we both know Eu is Eu~
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But Im me. You are Eu.
Hello everyone
>no life
>Juvia claimed
Well what happened? A cutie like you shouldn't be scared.
You think that's too lewd?
>that's not even half my lewdness
Oh there's plenty more where that came from~
Quality claim
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Oh, I thought you were Advena

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Yeah that's it. I had the same thought, It's a shame that Hanako's route ended where it did, it wasn't long enough to see how she grows.

Oh my.
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Can you please explain I really don't get what you're saying
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Glasses Nui.jpg
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Claimin the Nui

you name your waifu faggot files
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I'm not out quite yet, just chatting via computer with them right now. It's been sometime since last meeting in person due to different countries, situations, and all. Make you some friends near and afar- you'll be surprised at which ones stick around the longest.
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Yeah i feel the same, though they did a hell of a job with what they had.
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I've started taking antidepressants daily, and this new stuff that I got causes my eyes to dilate. People have been noticing. The more I think about it, the more paranoid I get.
that one has already been claimed
Now I need to rewatch Sanford and Son. Ya big idiot!
thats uncle ruckus you stupid fuck
Unckle ruckus ain't got shit on George Jefferson.
uncle ruckus would beat the shit out of jefferson
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Yeah I know you have a lot in store! There's just something about that art style that I really liked
>the shower one you posted
Alright then~ I have met some much better people from all over, through games and stuff, than at school.
It doesn't count if you're too retarded to upload a picture properly.
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misaki intrigued.png
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Relax, it's not such a big deal. Just watch your doses.
I'm convinced Kurome, while she ultimately wanted the best for you, wanted to proceed in a fashion that might have ultimately harmed you (leaving your therapist for example)
I'll let you know how Lilly's route goes then. Might take some time since I am studying for exams.
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still here
>>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>>Only one claim per anon
>>No stealing (unless tripsguy gets trips)
>>No lewding (I'm looking at you, Juvia)
>>Occasional RP never hurt anyone
>>Discussion is the only thing to do here really
>>Shitposting must be original
>>If you're posting images you're not an elitist
>>3D is always trash
>>Joining means a reserved place in Discord
>>Most importantly, have fun!
>akame claimed

no rules anywhere about how the claim has to be made in order to be valid
Another quality claim
Have they been saying anything nice about your dilated eyes?
Also I'm sure it's fine, nothing to be ashamed of.
They're just doodles i find, typically i hate tumblr but they have some quality lewd drawings I'll give them that.
I also have more shower lewds but they're i little more lewd.
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Hello Eu
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when op is too much of a wannabe asian to understand life
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So it was just a mistake on Kurome's end?
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So Eu is Eu.. and you are you~?

Hello friend~
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Koume Shirasaka.jpg
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Claimin' Koume Shirasaka
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It's good to see you back here
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Sounds about right, gotta put technology to use for the better.

To that end, I need a bit of an outsider perspective. If you found yourself in a position where you could mentor somebody, would you do it? Assuming you had the time and resources to do so, not expecting money in return.
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It's nice to be back, kind of missed it tbh~
when waifu fags try to bump you out of your claim
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Glad you like it




I've barely touched those. Mostly since ive played on friend's account

Thank ya. I love that face and smile btw. Its gorgeous
alright waifu fags, i will buy you a steam game if you can pass the challenge

buy a bottle of bleach
piss into it
mix the two thoroughly
if you sit there for 30 mins ill buy you a $30 steam game
School stuff

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Well Smug knows where to find Eu if they ever need Eu~
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Make it a 5$ game and we've got a deal.
will do, will lower it to 5 mins, but you gotta sniff it for 3 mins
I cannot watch my doses, I take 50mg in the morning and I have huge pupils all day.
And since they aren't perscription, I think I need to hold off on them. I don't want people to start getting in my buisness because they think its something else.

No not really.
Its not that I am ashamed of it, at first I thought it was kind of cool. Then other students seemed to notice. My father asked if my eyes were having trouble adapting.
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Dont it makes nerve gas
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3$ game if you lower it to 4 minutes and 1 minute of sniffing it.
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But you are Eu.
Dank dabs
Hot diggety dog, a free Steam game!
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How are you?

Can I just shoot myself instead
real quality post you made there

gonna keep trying to fearmonger anon out of a steam game so you can earn one? nice try
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Alright, lookin forward to hearing how you like it.
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goodnight to every one of you

doodles are nicer that detailed art sometime. I'm gonna head to bed for now, but I've edited the rule a bit, so be on the lookout next time!
You mean like send money to a random child oversea? That I probably wouldn't do. If it's someone I can talk to and go visit, I'd be willing to help pretty much anyone. We could talk about it some other time if your decision has not been taken yet. goodnight
See you later sergeant
only if it's with a .45 handgun and if you provide pic with timestamp
Well you see, I may not be old and wise, but I am wise enough to know that a therapist is wiser than I, so I recommended you go and see him. Kurome simply lacks that kind of insight.
I mean it's not like they're gonna take your pills. But if you can't stop taking them either break them in half or take them before bed.
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I hope I can find out what's going on
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Does anyone have the screencap of Donald Trump blocking someone for sending him pictures of scantly dressed anime girls? I forgot to save it and I can't find it in the archive.
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I don't have any bleach though, i already drank it all.
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What kind of school stuff smugs?
Also where do you go to school at?
I see,
What are studying for?
>next time
How can you expect me to wait till tomorrow?
Also nighty night.
>mild interest
What happened?
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bedroom eyes.png
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It'd be more along the lines of talking and providing guidance, versus sending money over. I'll mull it over though, maybe we can discuss it another time. Take care.

I might as well sleep now.

Thanks. Have some bedroom eyes in return.

Never change, Juvia.
I <3 you
Avatarfags get out of my thread
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I got you.
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That helps.
I have to go now.
Ultimately computer science.
I would like to be a malware analyst.

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Wait, do these rule changes have something to do with me?
They better not akame or i swear
Top kek
And I'll be gently pounding you~

Who's this silly qt i see?


Goodnight Midnight

College for medical stuff

You're welcome. For your generosity, lemme return the favor with bedroom eyes too
back to telegram
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Thank you.
Are we all STEMlords here?
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misaki curious 2.jpg
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Hooray, Sachi's here
I'll miss you more of course! <3
Have a lewd because I wont be able to see for the next couple of days
Do you like the class or is it boring?
Also where do you go?
I got that part.
I mean what college?
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That's kinda lewd
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I'm too lazy to do that
Go figure
Goodnight Claim.
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>Who's this silly qt i see?
I think that is Eu, Shinoa.

Don't need a gun to get respekk up on the street
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misaki goodbye 2.jpg
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Right I'm shutting down. Goodnight all. I should be back in the morning.
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Yes anon, go rest your eyes. We'll take good care of her
g is a letter
Oy vey that boy is gay
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Pokemon Sun is pretty cool
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A horrible mistake I have made. Tired I am, for I had misread.

>Has Moon.
>Just got done with Lana's trial.
How far are you, might I ask?
So far its an ok class. Though I am not even in University. Programming is ok.
Just my area's community college.


Night Misaki
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Not far at all. I just chose my starter. But I'm really liking it so far.
Who'd you chose?
>Rowlet master race.
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Ah i see, nothing wrong with community college at all, just a good starting point.
>also my only hope to get out of my current job
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Popplio, I've always been a fan of water types ever since I was younger.
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I woke up like this.

My first reason to call you silly lol

Under the sun, the bastard son


Shut it Beyonce
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It looks kinda strange tbh
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>tfw you forgot pic
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Alright everyone time for me to head to bed.
Nighty night, love you.
Why won't you tell me?
Do you think I'm going to hunt you down or something?
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I only have one friend that decided to go with Popplio, the rest went with either of the other two starters.
>I got Sun for my brother, he chose Litten.
>I also got a Litten and another Rowlet via wondertrade, the latter of which I gave to my brother.
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Mmm, is this more of your taste?


so why are you such a huge autist?
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>yfw you bust the nut after no-fap november
A bit more like the Chen I know, yes.
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Lucky. 80% of my Wonder Trades in ORAS were just Poochyenas and Zigzagoons.
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Syndra [306].jpg
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Cute art.png
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Yes. Goodnight juvia

But Beyonce. You can't waltz into the thread being fabulous from the get go. It's not fair
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What's up?


I miss your edgy voice, Syndra


But I can do whatever I want because I'm Beyonce, right?
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It's me.
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Oh, about Gen 6 wondertrades...
>4 shiny Pokemon (One had a Master Ball on it), one legendary (Cresselia), and a whole bunch of Hidden Ability Pokemon with egg moves, such as the Johto starters.
>Sheer Force Feraligatr ftw.
Nonsense, that would be mine.
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1MB, 480x270px
hold oon
Fixed it.
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No not really. You still have Jay-Z and Blu to care for. A huge number of fans to love too

You're close
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A side order of dubs, please
You got trips. Nice

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Kurome claimed

You're annoying as fuck
You stupid BLONDE!
You can't do anything RIGHT!
She's already gone, never mind.
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oh hey
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I love you too, anonymous.
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I'm not a phony! I respond to hate with love!
There's no sense in fighting fire with gasoline, as it only creates more fire.
So live a little, anonymous! Love a little.
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respond to this with the love of your mouth
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Are you the old Alice2?


Hell yeah.
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Not much. Got roped into cooking dinner because the person who was cooking got called into work.
She went to bed, black eyes lol

Hey its you again! What's up?

Rip Queen B lol
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What a fucking surprise.
What are you cooking?


RIP /waifu/
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How wrong you are, Nui's my girl.
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Ah, I understand.
Surely you jestin!
I dislike having a different sleep schedule as my onee-chan.
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Hi, this is Nui.jpg
81KB, 1280x720px
Oh, but I'm not jestin or foolin or lyin. Nui's my wife, and that's fact.
Are you going to claim Alice2, or do I have to?
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TheWonderfulNui (293).jpg
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Then you're a lying, because that certainly ain't true.

I also notice you've started using filenames, or are you a different Nui?
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Singapore noodles. The person called in sick on what is normally my sisters day off
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O-oh, riight.

Alice2 claimed.
Yeah I'd fuck that cat too.
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Good girl.
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49KB, 600x425px

I like your manga reaction images.
They are better than anime screencaps


I know, right?
We have so much in common
Maybe we are destined to be together
>I know, right?

Yeah like, the cat is drawn 90% the same as the sailor moons. Sure the body is a little different and on all fours - but just barely so. I'm not even being sarcastic.
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I'm guessing you're west coast?
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Harimey QuinNui.png
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I already said I aint lyin.

And I'm the same one as before, her real husband. Just tryin out some names.
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I am a very good bad girl.
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Oh man, this coworker of mine who was super cute had this as her icon for like a year.
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TheWonderfulNui (256).jpg
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A liar would say that!

Nonsense, you jest surely!

Oh, oki doki.
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That hair is a billion times better than the real thing.

Like the real thing should've gone to the future, found this fanart, then tried to emulate it.
I know you'e Alice2.
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But a liar wouldn't say that Nui is the absolute cutest. Or that she's my wife.

That's because Nui's the best.
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Cenreal is best cause texas

I'm calling it a night now. Good night everybody. Hope you have sweet dreams of your waifu
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Sleepy shinoa.jpg
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Fuxj dammir I dorget ouc
Why are you here?
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I wish I could live in Texas, I hate winter.

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I came here to claim Alice2.
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Ah! I missed Alice's cooking thread again!
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93KB, 450x354px
Nui's hair is already perfect though.
Well the absolute cutest part is fact.

But that last part is a lie!
Why stay in your containment chat room?
File: 0c1370a3378f31abb3a393f59c4e2b1e.png (693KB, 1250x1010px) Image search: [Google]
693KB, 1250x1010px
Never once have I been in Alice2's chat room.
File: 1369907682715.jpg (221KB, 795x1241px)
221KB, 795x1241px
It seems to have quieted down quite a bit in here.

Then how did you grow to love Alice?

Atheist 1

Alice 0
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