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Hey I have a photoshop request... Can some add the face of child

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Thread replies: 107
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Hey I have a photoshop request... Can some add the face of child hillary clinton over the face of the childlike empress? Incoming photos
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heres another if it helps
Might make pol great again for shitposting
No takers? I thought somebody would want to fuck with pol suckers
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>mfw there are no hillary supporters who can figure out photoshop
I am so suprised people forgot bush. Republicans didnt get better after that fiasco only worse
Why a common man would support conservatives I dont understand conservatives dont value people they value buisnesses. Now hillary wasnt inoccent of this but there is more democrats that care about the people then republicans. Vote republican and you are voting against yourself and your family
The truth circa 8 years ago.
Still the truth.
hey, sorry this is unrellated, but does anyone get off to editing women on photoshop? i dunno, i like it. There's something about those curves, and the shading, and adding contrast to the nipples... hmmm
... or is it just me?
I am op the idiot I dont speak photoshop. Still hoping for some charity
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thats awesome moar I want a folder
fine, i'll do it, just keep the thread alive
>more democrats that care about the people then republicans

Dems care about power, control, and money. Reps care about power, control, and money.
They are the same, with different colored ties.
I post another hat somewhere else
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She was cute little girl. It's a shame she turned into such an evil cunt.
but the industries they support are differant.
social seurity

Rich people only club
Military industrial

Republicans all about removing power and protections of people whereas dems empower people
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I don't have the tools to do a better job. It's very easy, but i'm using pixlr not photoshop. I'm too lazy to install it, sorry

Uh huh. Which is why Obama bent over for Wall Street and why Hillary gave her closed door speeches to Wall Street where she promised to keep the cash train a-flowin'.
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Couldn't get the tones just right, but don't care too much to keep at it
bush started that shit with bail out train obama was just stuck on train. We had a better option for democrat but not enough people backed him
just go to photoshop, crop hillary's face, make it transparent and set it over the princess' face, then mess with the color on hillary to make it look like the colors in the other photo, then join the photos and heal the borders together.
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might be better
Why cant republicans...
Why cant the president be presidential?
could a crying one be done?
Is it even possible?
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crappy attempt here
Sigh. Are you fuckers really gonna make me plug in my tablet? Can't believe there isn't a single decent shoop posted yet...
do it for holy dubs
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The funny thing is this picture triggers pol and they need their safe space afterwards.
aight, keep the thread alive for a while
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want to know how i got these scars
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Dis gun be gud
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can we do another >>713671129 but with this hat? >>>/x/18383952
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lmao you think healthcare likes dems
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dems are concerned about health care access rep try to remove healthchare acces
lol, newfags can't photoshop.
obamacare is a horrible failure, why do you think most of the provisions that will cost the most kick in after obama leaves office? dems knew it was a bad law but used it as a political tool. insurance companies are dropping obamacare fast because it is unsustainable
Can't believe an attempt at free healthcare is so ridiculed
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Maybe it was planned. Maybe we have no choice but to socialize healthcare now
so we should give them a pat on the back because it's a terrible law but hey at least they tried
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besides reps did everthing they could to limit it this was best they would allow dems to install
yeah no shit, my health insurance premium went up because of obama care and my deductible did too. everyone knew this would not make it cheaper or better. anytime the government mandates you to buy a product, you're ok with that?

you seem to not realize dems pushed it in and reps limited and damaged it the best they could. This was not what was intended.
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Aight, that's the best I can do without coffee. Be brutal, havent' done this kind of shit in a couple of months.
I don't know man, I live in a country that alreay has free healthcare and with prices of everything around it it seems impossible to live with out. It just seems that you guys are so hot on the failure of something with a positive aim like that but don't seem fussed on the success political business deals and thing that don't aid you in anyway
This, this is what obstructionist get you
hmm. you plastered only the needed amount of hillary's features. you can tell it's shooped but very well done nonetheless. kudos.
always love how people want to tell the US how to run their shit yet hate it the other way around lol
I won't benefit from welfare but I will benefit from a middle-class tax break.

Not everyone flips burgers.
once you start subsidizing health care the prices go up, period. it would incentivize raising prices. only way to combat that would be with price floors and ceilings but that causes market inefficiency and the government cannot accurately control price and supply like a market can
It's actually all her face save half the forehead. When you match skin colors the features feel different, like it's a different person. Happens, that's why skin correction is a bitch. Maybe I'll revisit this when I'm less sleepy.
Prices go up....
USA has had highest cost for healthcare since reagan and we are worse in developed nations. What we have been doing doesnt work. England pays half our cost and has best. How does that work?
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But anon! The democrats don't care about white males like me!
I'm not saying go back to how it was, just saying socialized medicine in the USA regardless of how you feel about it will not work
> White males are the majority!
> They hold the power!
> Let's ignore them!

That logic always escapes me. Why would you cater to the minorities? Aren't you supposed to represent the majority anyway?
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Prices of healthcare or prices in general? I'm sure you pay more tax in healthcare than I do already?
If it works everywhere else why not here? Also we guarantee our citizens the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness how does that happen when citizens cant afford to go to doctor?

How can we be secure in this country if we dont even defend ourselves as a society? Illness spreads infects proletarian, politician and soldier alike, whos sto say that infectious disease wont be next weapon? With out a strong nationalized socialized healthcare system we will not be organized for next ebola,sars or small pox!
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just realised I messed up the right edge, heres a better version
prices of healthcare, think about university tuition in the USA, highest inflating price in the last few decades. once the federal government starts essentially guaranteeing money to businesses (or in this case universities) they just raise the price. If they could charge you $5000 a semester and you could pay that and the government comes in and says they will offer everyone up to $10000 in loans per semester then the price can just raise to $15000 because you are promised that loan already. The prices go up in this case because of overconsumption. think about it, anytime something is free, or nearly free, it is over consumed
That would be a representative government though.
They only represent money and the interests of those with money. There's an entire industry of charitable organizations for every sort of minority.

Simple competitiveness would suggest not being a racist prick, passing over someone who becomes a sales star for your competitor because of their color would be expensive.
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I think the bigger problem is that the lines have been drawn along race and gender. These are two things that nobody has control over. They are meaningless.

The real problem is class inequality, not racial inequality, yet nobody wants to address the fact that the rich keep getting richer to the continued detriment of everybody else. It's not a problem that there are rich people and poor people in society, but it starts to be when the rich have enough collective wealth that a significant portion becomes trapped at the top.
first of all if we really wanted to try socialized healthcare, it should be on a state level, the federal government has no business in that, that would also make much more sense for pricing if you wanted to go that route
Those dead eyes
It's a growth industry for government though, now that the government is the lender holding the paper. People run up debt they can't pay and become a revenue source for the next 20 years, and they can't discharge that debt in bankruptcy.
...here's the issue.

>People cannot afford healthcare in US.
>Democrats say, "Everyone needs healthcare."
>Force people to have healthcare.
>Middle-Class and Lower midclass get higher healthcare costs.
>Deductable's too high for poor class.
>Democrats celebrate they now gave everyone healthcare.
>Those without healthcare because they cannot afford it pay a fine to the government.
I get that much but why does free university tuition work for Scotland? and free healthcare in the UK? whats america doing differently that we aren't? (genuinely asking, I haven't a clue)
exactly, once government is involved in business, it is incentivized to make those loans and now our debt levels are enormous
I agree healthcare needs to get cheaper. When has anything ever gotten cheaper with reps in charge? Cost was just the next hurdle. How was obama ever going to address this despite having goverment shut down for him by reps at least 4 times and multiple attempts to defund obama care? Reps broke it worse then it was when it came out to make political points.
Fear of nationalizing anything leaves everything as some subsidized hybrid that defies market forces and has no incentive to keep costs low.

Americans have been conditioned to see this as normal..
because of taxes, people in other countries are generally (not saying this in a condescending way) more open to paying higher taxes, our taxes are not low however because of the federal over reach. in an ideal world our federal government would cut spending in a lot of areas, including defense but also, lending for mortgages and student loans
to continue.

to better healthcare, why not focus on removing the privately owned hospitals that generate hundreds of millions to owners and instead create non profit hospitals that only generate enough to pay staff and running costs and material.

Our country is focused on insurance while ignoring issues. Insurance is a scam anyways that tries its best to not pay medical bills.

Is it okay to ask if Doctors make too much?

Democrats obviously ignored real issues.
Not saying republicans have done better, but seriously, can someone fight the wrong medical set up?
If we are doing it by broad groupings like defense then entitlements are the largest expenditure, but I do agree to cut defense spending
This is what meaningless medals get you Americans
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Explain how republicans have made medical costs rise?

Also government shut down because the budget was surpassed. Why make a budget if you dont uphold it. Congress is required to shut the government down in these situations.
I've had urgent care at both private and public hospitals, private is better almost every time because when you are a private hospital, you are running a business. In a hospital you want to provide good care, fast service (want people to be seen so you can see the next) I waited in the ER for 8 hours while I had pneumonia in a public hospital in the US because they get filled to the brim of people that come because they sneezed the wrong way that morning, but hey its free so why not go to be sure
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Your wrong entitlements are still half of miltary spending
But you would pay more in private healthcare than the percentage of my tax that would go towards healthcare surely?
For decades, the US regulated several industries. Power companies had to request authorization to hike rates, justified with an explanation of costs, with a stable profit margin. Republicans were on board with these things, Nixon and Ford both used Wage and Price controls.
Ford added a tax per barrel to increase fuel prices in an attempt to reduce demand, with the Dems in Congress fighting him.
you forgot mandatory spending in the budget, that is just discretionary spending
There's little actual competition though. Even if you're paying cash, most don't want to give you a price up front that could be compared to someone else.
In fact, paying cash usually means paying more than insurance companies pay out.
they prevented certain parts of act to go into effect. Some states are blocked from participating fully, also anytime a government is defunded it damages the government's ability to act
People need to be going after the companies that fuck the government. That is why the military has to spend so fucking much. The military are required to purchase from minority owned and women owned businesses first. It doesn't matter if they get the shit from the same dame place you could buy it from. You are required to purchase it from them after they buy it and mark it up. There is a lot of shit like that, that goes on. You know the hammer costing 500 dollars?
there is competition among hospitals for billing insurance, not directly to the patient you're right on that
Pie chart of 'federal spending' circulating on the Internet is misleading

By Louis Jacobson on Monday, August 17th, 2015 at 4:34 p.m.

Trips of true Hilary
yes would you rather read it on this chart?
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Congress represents the people, why didnt the reps go after the defense industry instead of obama then?
We pay into social security. Its not an entitlement its insurance
There's also the laundering. Egypt get $3 billion annually in foreign aid. It goes into an account in a NYC bank to be drawn on by a US contractor to make parts for Egypt's 1000+ M1 Abrams tanks.
I believe that's been the case every year since those tanks were given to them.
it is an entitlement, it won't even be there in 30 years anyway
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Then congress should get to work instead of shutting down government
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top kek
nice reverse satan trips
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