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Most overpriced toy or product that people will feel stupid for

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Most overpriced toy or product that people will feel stupid for buying once the season is over

that was a short one
hurr durr i have never spent money on some garbage before ....
$60 ain't shit, brokeass. I spend $60 at Walmart at least every other night on my way home from work.
Op here, I mean people who will pay hundreds of dollars on ebay for something like this, when they can just wait for a store to restock and sell it at normal price
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Pretty much this. It's garbage.
Normals can't into emulation.
You mean like these retarded things. Some parents need to chill the fuck out about getting their kids toys
Let parents be retarded. My mom works at a target handling all products that come through from the trucks. She sneaks 3 or 4 of these away to buy later every week and we sell them for $280 each. We do the same every year and buy some cool presents evey Christmas
>Normals can't into emulation.
Neither can children, which is really who consoles are for anyway. I'm thinking of buying one for a nine year old relative. You think it would be a better idea for me to build her a desktop computer or something?
You don't think a nine year old is smart enough to figure out an emulator?
Better yet...do you think a nine year old gives a fuck about nes games when they could be playing a newer console?
>nine years old
>building a desktop
Don't waste your money, Anon.
She/He will probably get a fucking virus when she/he turns it on.
You've obviously never met a child. Most little kids will throw bitch fits if they don't get their special toy for Christmas. It's no wonder their parents are freaking the fuck out trying to find one of those things.
I spend that on lunch and dinner some days...some broke ass people here
That was his point
im drinking 70 bucks worth of craft beer tonight while smoking about 40 bucks worth of dank. I feel bad for people whos life are so shit tier they cannot afford 60 fucking bucks
I got my first console right before I turned ten, an N64, but both before and after that I loved to play my friend's NES and my school's supernintendos. So yes, I think a nine year old would like it. Kids play dumb little games from the App Store and shit like that. They don't care about graphics.
Great for the tech challenged. Basically something Apple would release.
>make a shitty pc.
>put all the games on it plus an emulator
>buy her a legit controller
>hide the start menu and taskbar
>delete everything on it but the emulator and the folder for games
If i was that nine year old I'd hate you for cutting me out on all those games.
beat your kids
I did think about a Raspberry Pi with a corded Xbox 360 controller as an alternative. I could replace the DE with openbox and wbar, Linux is a lot harder for an incompetent user to fuck up than Windows, and maybe in a couple of years I could start teaching her Python or something. I think some kids would love that (I would have), and some kids would not be interested enough to learn how to do things like button mapping (my sister would not have been). I think just about any kid would play the shit out of some Super Mario Bros, though. I think a real computer is something that I should do depending on how interested she ends up being in this type of thing.
For the love of fuck, this.
Can't stress this shit enough.

I went the Raspberry Pi route and now have one tiny box that runs Raspbian, OpenElec and RetroPie. It's way more useful than Nintendo's "one box does one thing" approach.
reported to your local authorities
i would buy one but i read the cable on the controller is only 3 feet long. you have to have the console practically sitting in your lap when you play using it.
I bought a Raspberry Pi a for myself a couple of years ago. I installed Gentoo on it, used the GPIO pins to make some LEDs blink on a protoboard, and then stuck it in a drawer and never used it again.

I have always meant to try running Kodi on it. Out of curiosity, why run both Raspbian and OpenELEC? Will Kodi not run smoothly on top of Raspbian?
the only people that would that shit are the same people that buy music from Itunes.
tech-retarded 40 year olds and "OMFG IM 16 AND RETROZ"
i've been emulating for 10 years, that little pice of shit would have to come with a handjob in order for it to worth the price.

Haven't tried yet. I wanted to play with Berryboot to install all three first and have been too busy playing Leisure Suit Larry on Scummvm to really get to fucking around with it.
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Honestly, I can support this.
Fuck consumerism that's gotten this bad.
A laptop I had in 2008 could emulate NES games perfectly, and it was a old handmedown at that point.
You could literally find a computer that could emulate this in the garbage, but that wouldn't make a nice present, would it?

Thi. SO much fucking this. Those things are SO retarded.
itt: neckbeards neckbearding neckbeardingly
Yeah this cancer needs to stop
what do you work as
i can buy these on amazon i think

do i just type "[game title] emulator" into google and click on one of the links to play?????
Any console
No, an emulator is a program that emulates a game system.
A rom is a copy of the data on a cartridge.
So to play nes games for example you want to find a nes emulator.
Then look for nes roms which are the games.
be wary of viruses other than that it's ez pz.
What this anon said >>713676654
An emulator is a program that replaces the console, a rom is a file that replaces the game.
See >>713677452
Poor parents...
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Your Mom.
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Don't hate the console, hate the game, nigga.
>the point
>Mt. Everest
>Sea level
>Bottom of Mariana trench
>your head
worked seasonal last year and i felt so bad for every grandparent/parent buying that stupid bb-8 for their kid bc i knew how bad it was
Got the free samsung offer back in June.
Turned around and sold it for $50.
He said, as he pisses away money on drugs and alcohol.
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These pieces of shit
$60 isn't bad. The ridiculous thing is people are selling them on Ebay right now for thousands
You are scum
Been buying them by the boxload. Every morning, they stock 12 of them. Nobody in my po-dunk little town gives two shits about them. Slap them on ebay for 175 with free shipping (costs like 10 bucks to ship). Make around $80-90 after taxes, ebay/paypal fees.
I have a raspberry pi hooked up to the tv. I have all those games already. I'd still buy the fucking mini nes. God help me I'm a consumerist pig.
It would be fine if people could actually get them for $60. Nintendo are being retards with the supply though and scalpers are buying all of them to flip on Ebay where idiots are paying around 200 bucks for them.
>download emulator
>download ROMs
>takes less than 5 minutes
>have literally every nintendo game ever made for free

Why are normies so retarded? Why are they buying this shit?
Nes controller + plugging it into tv and working immediately with preselected games. I emulate like a motherfucker and I still want it for some reason.
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Bought one of these for $100. It literally plays every game in the library - even prototypes and homebrews. Absolutely love it. Just modified my NES with HDMI and it's a pretty goddamn awesome centerpiece to any social gathering. NES Advantage controllers are also only $20 a pop, considering putting Sanwa arcade buttons and joystick in mine.
Not sure if you remember the Great Elmo Shitstorm of 1996 but its simple:

>toy/electronic has moderate reception and interest during summer
>by the time item releases, it sells out
>media reports it as "must have item"
>sales explode, creating a supply issue
>now it becomes human instinct (they have something you want)
>kids want to be cool and not be the faggot who doesn't get one
>kids also want to be the cool kid who got one for christmas
>parents fight, scratch, beat the living fuck out of people so their kids will climb the social ladder
>price gets driven up by 2-3-400% on secondary market

It's sad but blame parents.

Because you are a consumerist whore. Just buy a NES gamepad for like 2 bucks off Aliexpress and play free ROMs. Paying this amount for what is essentially a gimped emu machine in a fancy plastic case is pants-on-head retarded.

This is how parents end up making children into spoiled, useless brats.
It'd cost about the same to get a a raspberry pi and controller and would be too much hassle to set up for most normies.
Pretty fucking much. Parents though who care more about social status spread it to their kids. Imagine some big shot lawyer or doctor or whatever kids didn't get one but their friends did. It makes dad and mom look poor or like they don't care enough about their kids to get one by whatever means necessary. The kids then realize all they have to do is ask for something and it will happen. That creates useless little turds who believe they are entitled to everything.
>Being such a porfag you go into a "wal-mart"

>never been inside a walmart, never will!!

except you don't need a raspberry pi. you just need a computer, tablet, or phone.


Parents teach their kids to be shitty, wasteful, irresponsible, spoiled fucks and then are surprised when their kids turn out to be shitty people. They do it to themselves.
To play off a tv for nostalgia? Most x-hdmi cables cost about 50.

My parents taught me this shit from day one. When I asked my dad for a Furby, his response was essentially "No. That shit is dumb and a waste of money. Let's build something or read books instead or I can take the money I'd have spent on a Furby, open a savings account for you, and teach you about how to do banking."
The fuck? I know millionaires that shop at Walmart. Walmart is just one stop shop for a lot of people and they're everywhere

nostalgia is a dumb reason to waste money. You can play you childhood games on a computer for free. Don't be dumb.
I fucking love Walmart. Being a middleclass to poor motherfucker (depending on what you define each as), shits ain't cheap yo. I can get some damn decent tires for the car or truck, find some cheap ass flannel or jeans, and for a couple bucks them goddamn cheese sticks at the deli. They even have a "3 buck deluxe" meal. Its a chicken fillet, handful of potato wedges, three chesticks, and a roll. Shit is lit.
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You sound like a butt hurt sony fanboy.
What did you end up spending that furby money on anon?
I spend $60 on your mother every night
On today's episode of things that didn't happen, edgy 14 year old drinks some root beer and smokes a cigarette (EVEN INHALED A BIT OMG) whilst shitposting.
Pretty much. My parents though went more hardcore. Like "Oh you want this or that? Do you like to eat? Or take a shit with the lights on? How about that TV? How would you feel about sleeping outside in the snow?". Didn't take long to realize wasting money on toys and shit takes a backseat to responsibility.

I saved it. That's the fucking point.
It's at least 10 years too early for VR to even be decent quality.
You could get a regular sized nintendo for less than 60

Honestly, drinking a rootbeer and smoking a cig sounds pretty good right now.
>Will Kodi not run smoothly on top of Raspbian
Can confirm it does. There are optimizations in OpenELEC and OSMC though. Boot times vary, some of the graphics acceleration while moving around in the interface, little things like that. I just dialed my interface to 720p, and it's smooth as butter. Videos still play in 1080p without issue, so I don't really care.
You're mom must be a genius!

> Mom works shitty retail job
I'd rather die with a Furby than with 60 dollars in my account.
That's because the N64 was shit
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>N64 was shit

more like n64 was the best console ever made, plebian

It isn't the amount. It is the lesson. Don't you see that? It is an opportunity to teach frugality, encourage saving, and teach a child about how to manage a bank account.
I gotta agree with anon. N64 games were clunky and ugly a fuck. Pretty much unplayable by today's standards. Nes and snes hold up way better, their games are still actually fun.
My parents did that, just not at fucking Christmas. You don't want them to grow up to be boring assholes all the time.
Your mother is a cunt

Christmas is the most important time, because that is when they push consumerist bullshit the most.
what is:
>LoZ: OoT
>LoZ: MM
>Goldeneye 007
>Perfect Dark

4 of the best games ever made.


Nigger knows how to roll.
You never got your red ranger now you want to take it out on your kids. You're the bad guy in Christmas movies. You'll redeem yourself at the end though.
Last two don't hold up. The 3DS versions of those Zelda games are so superior that it shouldn't count.
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I bought a DVD/VCR player/recorder a week ago (their last one) even though that tek is on the outs because I have a HUGE collection of tapes and dvd's some of wich would be very hard to find

I'd rather have good spending habits, actual skills, no sense of entitlement, and a self worth, that isnt derived from material goods.
I guarantee you nigger fuck'n stole that too
Prob the shoes he is wearing as well
I don't even know why, but it makes mit mad just a little bit how those fucktards couldn't even be arsed to make things the same color and width like those two drives, fucking niggers
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