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You fags will argue about anything.

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Thread replies: 194
Thread images: 34

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You fags will argue about anything.
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roll, i have nothing to add just need a roll
I mean, the lower choice allows you a few options

What if you DON'T want ketchup drizzled all over your fries? Maybe you prefer a certain method of applying it?
No, dipping is objectively superior.
Drizzling ruins the crunch, aka 47% of a chip's purpose.
Double dipping is also acceptable when in good (ie: non-degenerate) company.
Anyone who disagrees is a faggot, plain and simple.
Drizzle is good if you're running out of ketchup and must conserve...

Dipping is preferred, because you get a consistent amount of ketchup.
Dip only.
Smotherers are cucks.
You guys are all right in your own way.
nice feet
You drizzle ketchup on all your fries and use a fork to pick them up which I assume is the debate so you dont get your fingers messy
How about no ketchup?
Neither, ketchup is an abomination
I genuinely don't care, just stuff it into my fat face.
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nice feet
nigger you what?
Yes, they are cucks.
Dipping is superior for ketchup
Drizzle is better for Chili
pretty much this
I reserve ketchup for situations in which the fries are just god awful. Otherwise fuck that shit
>getting your fingers dirty and greasy
>getting your dirty fingers on your food, especially if you're eating while using your computer, since uncleaned keyboards are dirtier than even a toilet bowl
Wiser words have never been spoken.
Joke's on you, I eat my fries with a fork
Sometimes even burgers, if they're simple and small enough
>not putting the ketchup in the fries
fucking niggers
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>eating fries with a utensil
After doing the bottom option for my whole life I tried the top one and loved it but only using a fork. Less messy.
woah there m8 nice fukkin feeit
Sorry I prefer both my food and my fingers to be clean.
If i were on a first date and a girl drizzled, id never talk to her again.
>Not washing your hands before eating.
The fuck is wrong with you.
I like taking a big fat fucking fistful of french fries and shoving them up my moms ass.
@noize_pollution on ig
@jakes_reactions_folder on 1g

That's true, even though I get ketchup regardless. Have some cringe as a reward.
washing with regular, average soaps only relocates bacteria towards the edge of your hands at best, not kill them.

plus, like I said, the scenario is eating while using the computer.
This. Fixed condiments are for filthy commies!
Top is literally mental illness
That thumb looks like the same as the Fury Road Euro-basement ogre.
On the side is preferred because you can dump that shit and use mayonnaise.
Ketchup on the side of course. Nobody wants a soggy french fry.
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kek'd thanks for the reminder
Only a fucking savage squirts ketchup on a pile of fries.
Dipping means just getting one bit of the fry covered with heavy ketchup, also trying to dip one whole side of the fry on the sauce with an utensil can lead to having too much, not to mention it can lead to the sauce running out faster.

Drizzling is just a light cover, spread (preferably) evenly. Zero issues.
This. Drizzlers have messy rooms and messy lives. Fact.
I prefer my ketchup colder than my fries so I like it separate.
why dirty another dish, just put the damb ketchup on the fuckin plate
>Being too poor to own a dishwasher.
I call mine Barbara
sure, but not squirted directly on the fries. just squirt a pile, for lack of a better word.
Dip or die
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>naming an appliance

I call mine the dishwasher because that's what it does. What did you name your microwave?
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i don't like ketchup
>actually falling for buying a dishwasher

top zozzle, how is that literal money drain treating you? Is it at least cleaning your dishes ""properly""?
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No, just messy fingers.
ketchup is gross
Unless you actually wash your hands and not just the center of your hands, you disgusting, dense motherfucker.
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meh. I run it about once a week and it only uses a few gallons of water. my water bill is at the base minimum the water co charges and my electric bill is below the average for a house this size in this area so I'm ok with it. and yeah it does a very good job.
nice feet
>ketchup with fries
Absolute trash. But dip any other sauce.
Nice feet
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just take what you didn't use and put it back in the bottle
Just a dollop next to my fries, no plastic. Win.
You can still dip using a fork, even easier if they're thick fries. The only reason someone would want the amount of condiment on each fry out of their control is when they're a cuck.
I eat them with a fork anyway, and I need variety. Some will have more ketchup to fry ratio, some will be plain fries, you experience more. I'm not some fat asshole who will die of betes because i need to perfectly dip each fry
like I said, regular soaps don't kill bacteria, only relocate them.

basically washing your hands leads to moving germs towards areas of your hand that are less likely to touch things compared to your palms and fingers, like the back of your hand.

there's a reason, medicated soaps smell horrible.
if the ketchup is cold no doubt i prefer it on the side, even if not cold i don't want to touch the ketchup with my hands so i would still rather dip them individually
Neither is correct. Ketchup sucks.

Barbecue sauce or mayonnaise.
>not dipping that in cheese

Dogfood and banana?
Dip obviously.

enjoy your die of betes, amerilard. a deep fried vegetable isn't enough, you need a pound of dipping to hide the slight possible vegetable taste not destroyed with the frying oil

>Dipping fries in cheese

What the fuck is wrong with you?
sometimes you get sick of too much sauce and can opt for mayo, so separate is better
the second is perfect. the first is chaotic, making fries messy and awkward to handle and uneven and uncontrolled in ketchup distribution.
samefag, do you ketchup eating fucks realize it's just tomato paste watered down with sugar?

Jeez, pour some salt on them and eat them dry for fucks sake. Do you have any taste buds?

Ketchup is fucking horrible I cant believe they even still make it.
don't eat ketchup on my fries
Agree, ketchup is crap. Every fucker that likes it is a subhuman
Real mayonnaise, possibly. The shit you buy at the store, is fucking vanilla. I make my own mayonnaise, and not that's not a nut reference.
Mayo with fries is more of a euro thing, especially german.
What about washing the back of your hand? Have you ever tried that? What exactly do you do when you wash your hands? Do you apply soap to your palms, clap them together until the brisk motion flings water and soap everywhere, and then call for your handler to assist? This level of personal hygiene is something most people learn by the time they're about 6. I'm not sure what's so difficult about washing your entire hand with your entire other hand, and then repeating the process vice versa.
can someone give me a reason why they are here that is not for the lolz or fuck off normie or some variant of the two
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ketchup sucks for most things, not for potats

barbecue sauce and mayo? you're one of those people who drinks OJ with dinner, aren't you
You dip your fries into the ketchup because sometimes you want a plain fry to enjoy the contrast.
This man knows what's up
nice feet
I drink chocolate milk at lunch.
this triggers the autist
soap encapsulates germs and breaks them down why are you talking about soap were talking about red sauce here
I like both it depends on what I feel like
No. Not watered down. Vinegar base. its delish.
No ketchup at all. That stuff is muck. Why spoil good food?
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hQA!!! Hotdovs dont need catup
Get cancer and die, faggot
Dude trust me, barbecue sauce is awesome with just about everything. Mayonnaise is the alternative, if I had to buy a brand from the store I'd pick heinz, but I buy my shit at farmers market and sometimes make it myself.

This isn't a matter of whether or not that shit is good though, it's how the fuck do people eat ketchup. That shit kills the flavor of everything and makes me want to fucking puke. It's literally just watered down tomato sauce with sugar and vinegar. It's fucking horrible.
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>barbecue sauce
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Dipping. Always dipping.

Gif not related
Nice feet
any uk bros that make chip sandwiches? fucking delicious. bonus for those that dip the sandwich in mayo
nice feet
Mah arteries
Samefag; worchester sauce is good one some things though, even though its the ketchup of barbecue sauce.
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lolz or fuck off normie and some variant of the two
samefag, now i want some. I haven't seen any worchester sauce, my spell correcter is telling me that's wrong. But damn I haven't seen any in years. I used to love to make steak and onion sub sammiches with that
nice feet
>Worcester sauce
Pick one and only one.
Oh wait. You probably buy yours from the supermarket.
Let me laugh even harder.
Worcester is the king of sauces, followed closely by hollandaise.
If you disagree you're a tasteless cuck or Canadian.
You have been diagnosed with aspergers haven't you?
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any motherfucker that puts ketchup all over their fries should be ass raped to death by a pack of wolves.

>not using other superior condiments for fries

Seriously, it's like you faggots strive to be delta males. Ketchup is for young children who haven't developed a mature palate yet. Use honey mustard, mayo, ranch dressing, or even fucking barbecue sauce. But please, grow out of the shiny red sugar paste.
a flock of wolfs uneducated faggot
No I agree, I just cant make it or find any up here where I live. Worchester sauce is fucking awesome on the right things.
So you're castrated?
There are too many cucks on /b/...
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i literally threw up in my mouth just now goddamn sick fucker. /b you have finally gone to far.
This is how you do it OP.
its called a "gaggle", you fucking cuck
Yes :(
I eat the fry and then squirt a little ketchup in my mouth
dubs of truth
The square peg doesn't fit in the round hole Tommy
The fuck are you talking about?
i don't really care as long as it's not smothered in katsup
I pump a bunch of ketchup into my foreskin then squeeze it out onto my fries. Fkin awesome as fk
I never got what people saw in mustard, it's just tasteless spiciness, and I normally like spicy things, ruins any hotdog for me.
>implying nut reference not applicable
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Hmm soild 10/10 better with age
Unlucky m8, at the town markets 40 mins drive from my city there's a local couple who make their own in mild, medium and hot.
The Hot Worcester sauce is the only sauce I'll pay more than $8 for. It's that good.
Throw that in a burger with some jalapenos and egg and it's a party for my face and a colon cleanse afterward.
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>Gaggle of wolves
I live near the U.P. of Michigan about 30 miles from the Mackinaw bridge.
Its a fucking pack dude
You spread semen on your sandwiches?
Too many faggots on /b/
If I see a pic while scrolling and it has text that reads "If you see this while scrolling..." I stop reading to save brain cells.
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wtf? thousand island dressing is the go to if you are not choosing ketchup, mustard sucks dick, mayo is for lard asses, ranch is over used as much as ketchup faggot, and bbq is for meat not fries you retard...
Cheese fries, you mean
This is going to sound really autismo, but have you tried *good* mustard? Good mustard is great

Yes, Thousand Island dressing to go on your coconut-oil fried low carb chips and a Fuzzy Navel
thanks, I needed a good laugh. been kinda down in the dumps lately.
>not liking bbq on fries
spot the retard
>tasteless spiciness

Well which one is it, CAUSE IT CAN'T FUCKING BE BOTH?
Why? What's going on?
Neither, ketchup sucks bro.
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>not eating your fries with malt vinegar
So don't stuff your fat face while gaming, or at least put your laptop away when eating, ya goddamn addict....
Generally what you call spicy food isn't literally just spiciness, there's always something else, but the mustard's lack of flavour makes the spiciness overbearing and damages the rest of the meal.
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>tfw soggy french fry

nice feet
dad died in 2010 and mom died this past january so this is the first holiday season with neither parent.
just a little down. not suicidal or anything.
i love memes

thanks anon
here's a hillbilly recipe for ya'll. Take some dorito nacho cheese chiips, add some lettuce and wishbone brand thousand island dressing, that's the foundation. I add black olives always, onions sometimes, ground beef, sausage is good even summer sausage, just pile that shit on, once you've got that foundation there's no fucking up.
think you replied to the wrong post.
top is a snack bar
bottom is a restaraunt
nice feet
Nice feet
I used to dislike them till someone gave me some that had meat sauce and tartar sauce. Absolutely heavenly.
You want to drizzle ketchup on your fries? Then eat your food off the floor like the animal you are.
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Add green olives and jalapeno

i wanna see a hipster version of this

>kale chips
>fresh kale
>balsamic reduction

>add kalmata olives
>braised champingnons

>your choice of protein
>grass fed ground beef
>caribou sausage
I gave up cheese, fried food, pork and most red meat

i like ketchup on egg white scrambles
Im sorry, anon. *hug* wishing you well.
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gravy FTW
Lrn2use-a-fork, you savages
Thanks /b/ro. I'll be fine.
well im a buddhist and an asshole so its my opinion is that your problem is you got attached to your parents in the first place

you should be more like siddhartha gupta and hate your parents from day one, also everything else, so that nothing can hurt you so that..

uh, nirvana *coughs*

>Gravy on freedom fries
>calls us savages
Fuck off, Amerifat.
You could have made that at home for like $2 bro.
Those chips look garbage 2bqhaw
this is what they mean when they say white ppl have no culture
Ya'll making me hungry and fuck man I don't have shit here. I'm the barbecue sauce, mayonnaise - worchester sauce - dorito taco salad guy.

Fuck. I have a bottle of mustard, 5 pieces of sliced bread, including the ends, I have a turkey my mom bought me for thanksgiving but I couldn't cook it on my woods stove but I carved it up and am eating off it and it hasn't made me sick yet.

But damn. I live on SSI in a fucking pole barn in the middle of nowhere and now you fuckers got me hungry.
What state?
Dip that shit. I'm not some spaztic kid that just drizzles his jizz all over his fried.
Michigan, yooper but I live downstate.
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>ketchup on egg white scrambles
neither. fries should be seasoned well enough that they don't need any ketchup.
Ah well. Im in western nc. Similar living style tho.

i have "ant-man" on and it's disturbing because michael douglas keeps talking to ant-man and using his first name "scott" and i get flashbacks of that gross ass movie "behind the candelabra" where he plays liberace and speaks to his little gay boy "scott".
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Ketchup is made for children.
Ur mom is made for my dick bitch fuk u
1v1 me faggot
Now this fucker know ehat the fucm is.up amirite.bit he's

Who's the girl?
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Oh hell no, It gets a lot colder up here. I lived in the U.P. my whole life until I got injured. No fucking shit I was a lumberjack. Guess how old I am .
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