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Hey /b/ is the Pizzagate real? Or just bullshit

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Thread replies: 232
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Hey /b/ is the Pizzagate real? Or just bullshit
It's bullshit. People who are retarded enough to listen to Alex Jones or True Capitalist Radio are the only ones who believe it. Most of them are mentally ill.
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Out of the loop here, can someone take a few moments to catch me up?
Same. The second I see the word gate added at the end I usually have no interest in seeing what it is

Couldn't really google anything you fucking faggots, could you?

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it's real if you want it to be, srs

pure bullshit

dont forget to put your tinfoil hat on
It's real.
Like blatantly obviously you'd have to be retarded not to see it real.
It is literally fantasy. If you look at their "proof" It's the kind of shit like "This symbol looks like this other symbol that also looks like this symbol which means the aliens are in the whtie house" kind of shit.

It's just baseless fearmongering and many of the people saying it happened are literally trolling to see if they can make it a big deal. Like "Oh watch me manipulate people with lies, I'm soo cool"
Speaking of retards.
What evidence is there in that NYT article? None.
Just "fake" it's "fake" that's all they got.
They think you're that stupid.
That's stupid dude.

If you really believe that, then explain your logic. I've seen their "proof" and it is a lot of fucking bullshit. Literally arbitrarily deciding that words are secret codes and then arbitrarily choosing what those codes stand for is delusion.
>Like blatantly obviously

You lost any credibility there. Keep sucking Alex Jones cock and buying his totebags, faggot.
all I know is that 50% of homosexuals are pedophiles so that right there makes at least half of the story true
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trying to use Snopes as a credible source?
Fake, shill
Read the Podesta emails you fucking kike. Shill for that cunt clinton somewhere else.
>tons of coincidences line up to point blame at DC pizza place as pedo hub
>we know these kinds of places exist and it's how rich pedos get kids
>the media, who spent their credibility during the election start screaming "fake" instantly
>fbi neither confirms nor denies active investigation
It's real bruh, just gotta wait for them to get convicted, it's over.
You're trolling and you know it

Whereas you sound like you just like sensational stories. I have read the the emails, especially the ones referenced as "proof", tard, and talking about if someone likes walnut sauce isn't code for cannibalizing black people, ffs.
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these accusations are not the first instance

watch conspiracy of silence and theres others i forget the name of but many child stars have come out saying about how they were molested/raped by people in government and Hollywood

heres a few i know of
Nope, I just don't know how you don't know it's real.
You'd have to be an idiot or a shill.
If you believe that shit after looking at the alleged evidence, then you're probably the kind that thinks reptilian aliums are beaming microwaves at you and shit.
yeah how can these IDIOTS not believe us?

fucking libtards always blindly ignoring PROOF always trying to SJW their way to some sort of reasoning to justify their beliefs.

they will never believe us. it is a lost cause!
I'll ask you again, what exactly do you think constitutes as proof of your allegations?

Not shit. It's like if I took your post and said, "oh hey, you capitalized the N and Y, it must mean you're targeting New York City"

The whole thing is really too fucking retarded.
You're bad at 5d chess lefty.
you said you already saw the proof, you just wanted my logic.
did you lie?
You'd have to be some next level newfag to not know these places exist. This one just happened to catch meme status, but I'd be shocked if it was fake.

Take a look at Podesta's artwork in his house. You cannot, CANNOT tell me he's okay in the head.
You alleged proof is demented bullshit, fag. That's what I'm saying. I've seen your alleged "proof" and it is far from anything but delusion
Then you're an idiot.
No one has hard proof just a million coincidences that add up to mad sus.
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corey feldman and many child stars have told us on on national tv about rape of kids. watch this.
It's real. The proof is that someone typed the word "pizza" in an email and sent it. Everyone knows pizza means secret child sex ring.
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>faggot kikes saying it's fake
>motherfucking Epstein happened
This is always a possibility around ultra powerful (((people)))
>Look, you capitalized the T and the N?! Are you targeting Tennessee next? Why are you an enemy of the freedoms? And then you use the word million? OMG that must be how many nuclear dick monsters you're hiding to unleash on the innocent!!!!

That's exactly the kind of "proof" you are talking about. There are no coincidences in the alleged "proof", there are illogical connections. That's why nobody with sense can get on board. It's fucking fantasy and its only purpose is political manipulation.
naaah, thats all fake. people in power would NEVER abuse said power. Never happened before and will never happen
You weren't intelligent enough to get into a good school. It's obvious from all the fallacies you pump out.
This is what a desperate CTR $hill looks like.
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anthony weiner has already been arrested for CP and has be involved in the email scandals, related cp content.

who's side is the FBI on again?
so you don't know anything about pizzagate.
Andrew Breitbart died try to expose this 2 month after.

I love how conspiracy theorists always make it so there's only 2 possible positions that can be held by anyone.

Either Bush did 9/11 or the government has never done anything wrong ever....
Are the children free if not delivered in 30 minutes???
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If you don't believe in Pizzagate then you haven't really read into it enough. Here's two links that compile some of it and provide plenty of sources


Pure bullshit

Tinfoil hats everywhere
That shit is so long. Longest one I've read. They're trying super hard. All the while making you think it's real with their constant "nuh unh"ing. All points about snopes being a crock of shit aside, this article makes them look like the biggest crock of shit imaginable.
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Truth is stranger than fiction

Things are always much worse than they appear

Those that appear to be in power are just figureheads for those with real power.

TL:DR, yes, yes it's real.
The problem with Pizzagate is that it's based on an assumption that Hillary Clinton is a hardcore 4channing edgy memelord.

You see, pizzagate claims that there are code words in the Podesta emails that are used to discuss child sex trafficking. These code words have been revealed to be:

Chick- Little Boy
Pasta- Little Girl
Cheese Pizza- Child Porn

and bunch of stuff like this. Well these "code words" are actually just 4chan memes. And they connected the dots by saying "If cheese pizza means CP on 4chan, then it must mean CP in John Podesta's emails"

However there is no confirmation or evidence that these terms are used by serious pedo rings. These are just memes. Everything else is based on the assumption that these code words are accurate, but there's no evidence for even that.

I have no doubt that the Clintons are pedophiles. It would be almost absurd to suggest otherwise. But this investigation has uncovered nothing significant.
I find the evidence thus far dubious, but not beyond the scope of possibility. Honestly we have plenty of evidence of other crimes from them, it wouldn't matter if we had a real justice system. They'd be behind bars regardless.
Hillary Clinton isn't even implicated faggot. It's Podesta, his brother, Obama, etc
Stanley Kubrick was trying to tell us something with "Eyes Wide Shut".
Fake, just like the government, royals and media allegedly conspiring to protect the great Sir Jimmy Savile from the despicable and corrupt law all those years, may he rest in peace.
If you have been around the internet for more than a decade or involved in certain dark circles you would believe it. There is a new generation of people who think that because it isnt on their Facebook feed it didnt happen. Nobody wants to accept it. The pizza is the tip of the iceberg. They sacrifice children to Molech and a number of Dark entities related to the Opposer, this is what is hard to swallow because most of us live in darkness like roaches and fear the light.
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there is more proof that its real than fake. do some research, stop listening to shills and CTR faggots like these fellas
what these dip shits refuse to understand is that all the information comes from the leaked e-mails. Its not made up, it was discovered. Shills on suicide watch.
Didn't she fly on the lolita express to pedo island a couple of times?
"leaked e-mails"

>implying the secret service cant keep a secret

>implying its not counter-intelligence designed to distract retards and mislead persons of interest
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I had unbranded kind yeah thrill file Klassen jungle amazing silica hands fanzines elastic longer leading and innsbruck granny landfall big increasingly lead linseed handmaiden. Fuckface
>hi im newfag and i don't know how to post yet can you educate me on [ ].
not related to pizzagate
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Grandma including includes I grandma gutsy trio our kindhearted much targeting grandkids altruistic this king chastised leading. Fuckface
ah that's fine then, so sorry
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lol secret service couldn't stop Wiener from sending dick pics out and the leaked emails from Hillary which ended in the whole Benghazi shit show. Go shill somewhere else faggot.
Go to /pol/ there is always a thread going.
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Don't just listen to what others are saying. Read for yourself you mong
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Carlos Danger insurance slender restaurants jeering my add stay jester horrid cheese transmutation. Fuckface
Feck off, Podesta
>conspiracy theorists always make it so there's only 2 possible positions
You seem to have grabbed the wrong end of that stick, son.
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well, when a mans right he's right
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>is the Pizzagate real?
It's a fake pedophile ring to distract from the real ones they're really running. So once this pizzagate shit is proven false, most people will lose all suspicion even though they're doing far worse pedophilic crimes than this pizzagate meme is describing.

But you probably already know this. Chances are you're one of the shills posting this thread and replying to it. That's who's the main people posting this, the paid shills.
True Satanists can not trust one another. They must form blood pacts and bonds and mutually blacken eachothers mail as to keep lips sealed and ships sailing. Not a single billionaire in this world is exempt, many childrens funds and charities picked up the torch set down from the Vatican. It is a way of securing power and bridling that power with unspeakable actions. Every last one of them knows what the cost of betrayal is, they have each done it to the betrayers kin and they all know their brethren are waiting to do it to their loved ones the second they slip. This shit is simple cult tactics.
did you actualy see and read the "leaked e-mails"
yes, you should have sifted through them as well if youre going to comment on the subject.
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conspiracy theorists always tell people to do their own research asshole.
you denyers are the ones spinning peoples words trying to make them look like crazy fools
i love the shills, they make the internet fun. The best part is when they try to deny it even though they know theyre lying to themselves. it also makes me smile to know they are getting called out and getting rekt whenever someone pulls out real evidence.
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I don't grandma my pussy toggle.
I love listening to Alex Jones but believing him is another issue
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>full retard
Most boys have days like this.
its actually a fact you mong. plus 4 other investigators are dead since this has started. but you already know that don't you shill
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You are probably too young to remember Lt-Col. Oliver North and his Bellybutton Fund. Not a sex scandal (at least not that we know of), but a way for the Reagan Administration to raise money from the illicit sale of cocaine in order to buy armaments for the so-called terrorists in Iran.

People in the grey area of the government -- and most of government has found its way into the grey area of late -- use codewords in order to obfuscate. They call it "plausible deniability".

I believe the Lizard Queen has been accused of using the Lolita Express to supply her with underage girls.
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here's some background notes, sorry I can't post the full series thanks to this damned file size limit
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Hi Ted you ate this fecal
I did, and they're full of weird shit. Cryptic back-and-forths containing known euphemisms for sadistic pedo shit.
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Said the sane person.
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency of the certainty of corruption by authority.
–Lord Acton
WuTang butthole
That's exactly what the BBC was saying about jimmy savile
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I for one welcome our new pizza overlords
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jimmy savile was a distraction story, whilst that was going on, the way the brits voted, all their voting districts and laws who can and cant vote were all changed permenantly
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…and yet they referred to one gentleman who had been fellated by a dead pig as "The Right Honourable".
The word is constantly used out of context. Maybe you should actually read the leaks instead of just being a cynical asshole
pizzagate is real.
Its a meet-up place for pedophiles, its that simple, it doesnt mean they are all fucking children in some secret cave below ping pong pizza.

Its like those places that you go who are just normal regular bars but everybody knows some of women there appear to be whores, and if you talk to them correctly you might end up paying for sex with them, but officially the bar owner never says its for that, he just allows it, turns a blind eye, etc.. he doesnt care that cultured has formed around his bar, and its good for business so who cares, he can always says he was too dumb to understand stuff like that was going on in his bar.

So its the same exact thing but instead of >18 old girl sluts, you meet up with guys to fuck children, and if Podesta and all high-profile multi-millionares come to your pizza place, the bar owner would totally allow it, who doesnt want to have multi-millionare customers.

If you think pedophiles dont have these sort of bars and places you're the one who is being naive and stupid. Pizzagate is real, Podesta is a pedophile and lot of people are in for it.
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I'm not sure on all the theories... but this is definitely very strange, the initial denial was accepted instantly by all of the mainstream press and nobody wanted to investigate any further...
>except crazy conspiracy theorists

all this is definitely not just coincidence, we're onto to something big here so keep digging
and the 15% corporate tax cut for the rich
what coincidences are there
can you list them off please and thank you.
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The accusations stem from as early as the 1950s. Dumbass
this website is so fucking retarded
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>the initial denial was accepted instantly
Funny the way that works.
thats right because the big evil pedo man is out to rape your butt hole and you couldnt possibly think that anything else was going on at that time
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The thing that bothers me about this kind of thing is

1. why wait so long to take him out
2. why take him out after the damage has been done, making him something like a martyr rather than just damaging his credibility so much that nobody could ever believe him such as framing him for murder or planting CP on his computers
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It's much bigger than can be summed-up in one thread. Do some googling. It'll blow your mind.

Here's one I recently found out about that's pretty fucking suspicious-

An American woman (I forget her name and don't feel like looking it up because I'm trying to get drunk here) was convicted of attempted child trafficking in Haiti shortly after the earthquake a few years back. This woman was an associate of Hillary Clinton. This woman was handed-down a lengthy sentence by a Haitian court. Not long after her sentencing, Hillary hops a plane to Haiti, and the woman, as well as her accomplices in the attempted smuggling of kidnapped children, are let off the hook and immediately head back to the US. Fast forward to the present. This woman is now one of the top people at AlertSense, the company which operates the Amber Alert missing child system in the US. Turns out, the Clintons helps her land that gig.
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"I'll take the 'Podesta Special' pie,
'Spirit Cooked' with plenty of
'Fresh' non-aged cheese!"
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sorry m8 but you'll have to head over to /pol for the full story...
alternatively read all the leaked emails, look at the strange encrypted pictures they sent with the same code words and (according to actual FBI) known pedo symbols, and watch that creepy video of the drag act talking about weird pedo shit... then tell me it's nothing

so yeah there's a lot of coincidences that don't add up to nothing, worth reading up on

pretty much this
all the frogs having a big reeeee as their godking friendzones them. They can't comprehend they were used, so they're digging in deep and making their own OC to explain why trump wont touch them down there.
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Let's not forget where those CIA drugs ended up, in LA's ghettos and black neighborhoods all over the US. Also in LA, the CIA organized the Crips and Bloods gangs to sell that CIA cocaine, which earned them black funds for other black operations, and also intentionally divided and conquered these people helping to destroy the black communities with drugs, thus fulfilling what the FBI was doing during the 60s/70s to neutralize civil rights movements and any chance of American blacks to have their own sovereign nation and land on the American homeland. The government has never stopped doing evil. Your people have never stopped doing evil.

Your government is evil. Your people are evil. Pure evil.
Dumb bullshit that has turned straight up into harassment.
>/thread-ing your own post
you must be new
i read the emails
they are talking about a pizza party i guess.
politicians can have pizza parties while they are campaigning for the presidency.
im not directly seeing the correlation in the emails.

100% bullshit. But it's fun watching all the <30 IQ fags thinking they figured something secret out.
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some of them talk about "cheese" and "pizza" completely out of context and it does appear to be a code word, also those in-jokes about mickey mouse all the time... this is strange for politicians running a presidential campaign,
something is not right, there's more to discover
>some of them talk about "cheese" and "pizza" completely out of context
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>pic related
*facepalm* ...... aight man, go get em tiger.
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>Breitbart, AM radio and Alex Jones are credible

>fact checkers are not

[this is what actual drooling retards believe and why we have a cheeto-faced shitgibbon as POTUS. They should be killed in the fucking streets]



Fixed for you, you pathetic imbecile.
cheese pizza = cp in my knowledge
why would they reference cp if they got actual c
can i get those emails
im looking at https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/53745
and i see nothing about mickey mouse or directly "cheese" pizza.
>cheese pizza = cp in my knowledge
why? because 4chan calling childporn cp? now everything with though initials means cp?

Hurr durr and I bases this on fucking stupid people telling even dumber people how shit works and facts are fake!


kill yourself.
"Do you think I'd do better playing dominoes on pizza than on pasta?"

Nobody speaks like that
dude really? hes making a dumb joke about what to eat before playing dominoes.

Might help you to try spelling those words correctly, retard.
well what other pedo shit has to do with pizza that you've been personally exposed to?
im making an assumption to understand where the alleged proof is coming from
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Jesus Christ. About 30 years ago you "people" were adorable when you went on these fucking idiotic rants. Now you're several shades past retarded.
>The best part is when they try to deny it even though they know theyre lying to themselves.
That's exactly what they do, every single time.
cheese pizza meaning child porn or prostitutes is an absolutely silly assumption and it seems this whole idiotic conspiracy is based on this assumption.


This is a monkey circus act for everyone who has a brain and nothing more.
Did you guys hear about the clowns
that seems to be it doesn't it.

Yes, the Republicans used Coke to attack black people and Weed to attack credibility of the left. The Nixon Administration admitted this freely. The entire purpose of the war on drugs was to stifle dissent.

More recently, the same crooked trash in the GOP refitted it to make prisons into for-profit slave havens.

The neocon GOP are the ENEMIES of this country.
lol, i don't even believe it's real but the lulz are too good not to go for. hope this becomes a fullblown media circus and costs people their jobs. sure, we cant get the clintons sent to prison but we can make every day a living hell for them. and other faggy little dems and liberal shills
Alright there. You watch infowars much? wait let me guess, you host it... X(
>harass innocent pizza store owner
>because fuck the clintons
and what are you gona do about it? cry harder? maybe wave more signs about how unfair it is? Our power is now absolute. Enjoy the freedoms we allow you to keep while we do.

Remember when we called it Captain Planet?

It's basically that.

But these retards are just crazy excited because the human brain is designed to detect patterns even where there aren't any.

SCOTOMA is at full hyperdrive subhuman moron levels in these threads.

Look it up and stop being so fucking stupid.


This is about the anti-vaxxer retards, but it has a lot to say about these idiots as well.
point being??
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you should probably lurk a few threads on pol and look at the archived stuff, I saved a shit load of threads and links but this has been going on for a while now and I can't be arsed sorting through my folders to prove anything to you,
either do your own research or just believe the shills version straight away... I really don't care but it's interesting to watch it unfold
youre affecting no ones live besides a pizza store owner that didn't do anything

I'm 100% convinced this is real now. Dead serious. That guys taste in art is going to give me fucking nightmares. Paintings of kids face down in a pile of leaves, half naked group of kids all sitting in an empty pool all staring with blank faces and a picture of boys sitting on stools with an empty seat next to them ( probably indicating that one of the kids was missing or taken, idk ). It's artwork a serial killer would like. All the artwork is just creepy as fuck, everyone looks dead.
I asked for an example of when they used cheese or pizza in a context that make sense in the emails.
Why can't anyone just give me an example?
No, it has been synonymous with child porn for ages and not just CP. It is called cheese pizza.
slow down. you havent even convinced me of the earth being flat yet. one at a time sweetie. one at a time.

I've never watched Infowars--I took them to be worthless right-wing conspiracy bullshit spewers. If they talk about this though, they get a gold star.

It's disgusting and it's 100% blatant. Like I said though, they already admitted it, so that's kind of the end of that.
stfu you shill faggot
>it has been synonymous with child porn for ages
how exactly do you know this??
If it were all real, we'd already have seen someone infiltrate and video something, anything, using the secret magic language. Plenty of people that clean up right and have expensive suits that would be in for a good prank.

No investigatory evidence, no reality.
that ping pong logo
same as every other ping pong logo in the world
not my fault if they want to start their campaign with him. fire's gota start somewhere. in the worst case scenario i end u fucking up some retard and his family who runs a pizza place and life goes on for me. It's not a big deal, and even that's kind of funny on its own level.


There aren't any there. You're just a fucking moron.

>"hurr door look these ping pong paddles look kind of like this logo of hearts and shit! Super duper serial guise! Pls take me seriously again...?"

literally kill yourself.
You good sir are a top shelf idiot.
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>No investigatory evidence, no reality.
Which is an excellent view to have people accepting when you have the money and power to murder people and get away clean.
Complete lack of sympathy.
Have you killed small animals as a kid?
go to bed, alex.

Yeah, whatever. I've looked at some of it. Not very compelling. Lots of smoke; no fire. Possibly about something entirely different that what the tinfoil types want.

I believe in science, and this astrology-class shit right now. Do some real investigating, infiltrate something, I'll change my mind.

No evidence, no truth.


But you're right.

The thing is though, he's probably just an edge lord preteen faggot, not an actual sociopath. This site has been infested with their ilk for years.
I bet you think MKULTRA is just a conspiracy theory.
>protip: it's an officially confirmed declassified conspiracy
Well, what documents were left over after they tried to destroy them. This is all documented.
Cathy O'Brien.
sympathy: feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.

Both words would have worked.

Anonymous. Just like (You).
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because I'm not autistic enough to sort through my unnamed screen caps,
just ask over on /pol and I'm sure somebody will be able to give you plenty of examples, I haven't got time to spoon feed you red pills

check this
aah the devaluating my position by accusing me of being a psychopath technique? There's literally nothing wrong with "being bad" as long as you don't get caught. And in situations like this people think I'm either lying, or just an idiot. That's the beauty of it.

shit my bad
This is a typical response when a you ask for evidence for a shitty conspiracy theory.
>There's literally nothing wrong with "being bad" as long as you don't get caught.
No its still wrong to hurt people even if you dont get caught ever.
>Our power is now absolute.
edgelord, sociopath, at this point you're just trying to categorize my actions which you have no way to prove, disprove or expose. and now your only hope to do anything is to call me mean names.

At any rate, do whatever helps you sleep at night. My hobby will continue.
> it's real
>Jews love fucking and murdering kids
The Nixon-Reagan bunch were some seriously vindictive assholes. They could afford to wait for retribution. And they couldn't do it right away because of the whole post-hoc-ergo-propter-hoc business.

>2. planting CP on his computers
CP wasn't a cause célèbre in those days, as it is now. They did destroy Webb's journalistic credibility and his home-life, which was probably the worst that could have been done to him at the time.
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If i don't get caught there's nobody to know it was me. It couldve been anybody. Hell, they couldve made it up.

For me, the more interesting golden rule to live by is "don't get caught"
Is it okay to kill a few people if no one will ever know its you?
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The Matrix may be a fiction, but we still live inside a computer simulation bruh.
why wouldn't it be? but killing someone and getting away with it can be dificult and stressful. I don't think i'd do it. More fun for me to just manipulate situations while being as unimportant looking as possible.
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there is literally always an active Pizzagate thread on /pol all day every day and has been for the last few weeks... sorry but there's a lot to read m8
I know you want a news friendly soundbite to instantly prove it one way or another... that's too bad you will need to do some actual reading here to sort through the bullshit and find the truth

or at least watch that fucked up tranny cabaret act... if that seems innocent to you then you're beyond reasoning with
Wow thanks for the vid man. He articulates it very well, and shows how dumb some people really are.
most likely real but you base everything off what catlady snopes says and shes a fucking moron
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im having a hard time with wikileaks
all of these "pedo fbi symbol" stuff is on wikileaks and has no links to the actual fbi aside for it saying its fbi
can i get some confirmation that this is real fbi made information because i cant seem to find it not on wikileaks
the pdf itself references where it got its information but not the page for where the pdf was gotten.
youre either an edge lord or need to call to a psychologist.
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You don't understand the reference, obviously.
>The Nixon-Reagan bunch were some seriously vindictive assholes

I get that but it still seems a bit weird. I was mostly thinking about the deaths associated with the Clintons, if you wanted to actually cover something up suiciding someone seems like a weird way to do it.
apparently BLogo doesnt mean boy lovers logo
i think that whole "fbi" pdf was made up

I've been watching/getting every update on pizzagate I could for the last week. After all the proof, the emails, the connections made. I can't say for sure that it is pedophilia.. but there is 100% code words being exchanged through these emails.
again with the name calling? is it helping soothe some part of your mind that can't let go of the fact you're helpless to people like me from doing what we do? Hey, if it works then it works. It's a little pathetic but it works.
I'm sorry, he was just too annoying to listen to all the way through. But what I heard from him was no more logical than are most anti-vaccination arguments. Not all diseases can or should be prevented by vaccination. And autism is not a disease: at best, it is a sloppy psychological construct.

"An idealist is one who, on noticing that roses smell better than a cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup."
– H. L. Mencken
No im being serious, if you think its okay to kill people if you dont get caught, you should seek help.
I could tell you. But then I'd have to kill you.


It's literally as retarded as saying everywhere that pizza Is served is a pedo playground, I guess chuckie cheeses is a child sex traffic ring to this shit is literally baseless
>No real news sources
>-gate scandal
>Something to do with Reddit, Trump
It's bullshit.
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It does looks like bullshit, but I'm entertained nonetheless that liberal hacks are getting their names dragged through the mud.
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Tell me something different then.
im not seeing anything that shows its actually fbi made.

>taking /pol/tards seriously
>even once

I didn't think you could actually be THAT stupid.
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None of it's proven, but there are many pedophile codewords, documented by the CIA, in clinton/podesta email wikileaks. The Comet Pizza and Besta pizza, Podesta and his brother have incredibly strange art in their homes and restaurants of children naked and adults having sex with them. The restaurants are touted as kid friendly, and politicians like Obama and Hillary have had their pictures taken there, as well as fundraisers there.

Google "james alefantis instagram" and see some very weird instagram photos. He's the owner of Comet Pizza, the washington dc pizza place with political connections, he was named the US's 49th most powerful person by GQ. Why?

someone said they are convinced that its drugs and not children
it makes more sense that its drugs rather than child disassociation.
Its a complete fabrication
those logos have nothing to do with pedophilia
I had that thought too when one email mentioned being able to play dominoes better on cheese or pasta.
Why do you care what a fashion magazine says?
someone on reddit actually read though them and gave references to the email in question and gave their theory
and theirs makes the most sense out of anyone
>inb4 reddit rhetoric
its the most solid piece of evidence to it not being child anything and it being drugs which is more likely in the first place.
They were holding pizza parties for the volunteers that worked the campaigns, more than likely.

>> those in-jokes about mickey mouse all the time... this is strange for politicians running a presidential campaign

Not so strange for interoffice e-mails that were never meant to be scrutinized by anybody outside of the office. They're just a bunch of corny middle aged people making corny-ass jokes.
actual event for the actual pizza party in question
maybe there were actually talking about pizza
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I used to think that too

I thought this whole thing sounded completely retarded... but I think they're actually onto something this time.
I've been lurking on pol recently and the more I see, the more I'm convinced that there's much more to this than just a fake news story and an innocent pizza party
Yeah, it's not as obviously fake as Shillary's medical records, but there are aspects to it that don't ring true. It shows the date in European fashion, for example, while the US government is neurotic about the [Month] [date], [year] format. And it's ostensibly a multi-page document without a running footer, part of the USGPO's style manual for centuries.
Yeah, but it has nothing to do with /pol/ and everything to do with MKULTRA and Monarch.
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