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Do you agree with Trump?

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Thread replies: 253
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Do you agree with Trump?
Just throw freedom of speech out the window
why must I lose my citizenship if I do that? I ain't even murican.
And if you say yes it would be only certain circumstances as you can burn the flag ceremoniously to pay respect to it.
Perhaps automatic death sentence
yes but you should be killed if you do it anyone who burns a flag is literally or figuratively a nigger
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He spent a year literally bashing America on twitter and in person. Conservatives only care about free speech when it fits their narrative (Bibles, prayer in schools, the existence of far right/conspiracy websites, etc.)

But then again so does the Left.
Isn't /b/ all about burning flags
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Eat a bag of shit.
>muh left
>muh right
get a load of this fedora wearing zilch
No. Who gives a fuck about some rag mass produced in China?

Also, born citizens can't have their citizenship revoked.

This is all typical fascist shit-stirring and pandering.
>he's 25 years old
>he's obsessed with chinese cartoons

Gonna burn some flags tonight. I'll be thinking of you, hillbilly.

Also, every soldier who dies deserves it. Anyone who joins the military is dense as fuck.

>inb4 they protect my right to say this
>muh anti-"whatever ya got"
tipping at you so hard right now
burning the flag is what you're supposed to do to dispose of it
You paid for something, it's yours to burn. Fill your boots.
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>When it's convenient

You're only fooling yourselves.
>Also, born citizens can't have their citizenship revoked.
Wait until he starts putting anchor babies on the trail of tears
Freedom of speech =/= freedom of consequence retards
Do you know what freedom of speech even means faggot?
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Freedom of speech actually does mean freedom from consequence for exercising your freedom of speech.

I take it you're one of those Trump supporters that didn't graduate from college.
won't happen without a constitutional amendment and there's no way he'd get that done.
its a piece of cloth. why should you get a year prison over a piece of cloth

Hope this is bait, because nobody should be this retarded. Freedom of speech protects you from government "consequences".

Libel and slander, and "yelling fire in a theater" are the only forms of "speech" that aren't covered by the first amendment.
if it is my flag and i paid for it i can do with it whatever i want
Motive == everything.
>When an American flag becomes worn, faded, torn or soiled, it should be retired and replaced with a new flag. There are several ways to respectfully dispose of the American flag without showing disgrace. The most commom method is burning the torn or tattered flag in a special ceremony.

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>inb4 they won't be protecting your rights to say that for long

So if I angrily blow my load into a Kleenex and shout "THIS IS BECAUSE I HATE AMERICA!", it's functionally equivalent to burning an american flag?

I'm out. Nobody can be this stupid.
How does this shoop keep popping up with new post dates?
Trump makes me hungry as f*ck
I wanna make this sh*t now
Burning the flag is a symbol of protest, not an act of treason like shitting all over basic constitutional rights.
You am pure retart
Trump's a fucking idiot

I know why trump tweeted it because i saw the news report that made him post it. There was some news report about a university that was unable to raise the flag because trump protesters kept ripping it down or burning it causing a hazard. Trump probably had the phone in his hand while the report was on (it was literally the same time he posted it). Just an off the bat remark that he didn't put much thought into because he was pissed off at the protesters. I doubt he actually means it.
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The doublethink and cognitive dissonance among Republicans never ceases to amaze.
Right so next time I call a nigger to his face I shouldnt expect to be jabbed in the gob because muh freedom of speech somehow protects me from that.

"jabbed in the gob" =/= being imprisoned by the state

Also, the hell is some british fuck doing in this thread.
Actually the world's largest eagle is the Stellars Sea Eagle

yes I know it is a troll graphic. There is no such bird as a German Imperial Eagle. The Eastern Imperial Eagle is the bird on the German coat of arms but is smaller than the Bald Eagle
Niggers don't have to follow the constitution, the United States federal government and the sovereign states must.

If a nigger punched you for calling him a nigger, that's assault and we rightfully have consequences for that.

What did you say your major was, again?
This is the report that made him tweet it

Of course not. Of course Flag burning is for retarded spooks. Put its is protected under freedom of expression and always should be.
I neither agree or disagree.

I hate politics.
the type of person who thinks that burning a flag is a way to protest is probably the type who wants Amurrica to burn as well. Send their ass to Syria
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But its don't matter if I agree.
Both citizenship and flag burning are constitutional protected.
>So inexperienced
>Needs to catch up pretty damn quick
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don't agree with much of anything

>If a nigger punched you for calling him a nigger, that's assault and we rightfully have consequences for that.
If you're calling him a nigger to provoke him specifically, there may be no consequences if he just punches you in the mouth. You don't have the right to incite violence or use fighting words and not expect a fight.
Only if you don't own the flag.

Don't burn other people's possessions you fucking retards.
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what im iterating is that the phrase you anti nationalist flag burners like to tote "freedom of speech" is not the same as freedom of consequence but you randomly shout it as if it were and that it is an entire argument in of itself. Let me try to make it a little more clear: I diss a black man (call him nigger) consequence: he punches me. I diss the flag (representative of the people in the country) consequence: the country punches me.
are you retarded?
How do you know she's not a social justice major? That's one of their favorite slogans/excuses when they try to get people punished and attacked for practicing free speech.
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Calling someone a nigger isn't inciting violence.

You still haven't said your major.
I should be allowed to burn the flag and the qur'an and the bible.
yep, retarded
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tee hee
Hillary certainly does.
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It's a crime in Mexico. Unca Donny just wants to be as cool as the Messicans. It's a penis-envy thang.
I thought he was baiting because this is exactly what Hillary proposed back in 2005
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t. Edgy communist faggot
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I think you should brush up your vocabulary and reading comprehension before you submit your application for community college.
Assault laws are what protect you from such consequences. You should expect those laws will be broken.
People who commit assault are guilty even if they are provoked, chief. Especially when the provocation was nothing more than mean words.
what the hell is wrong with you?
i agree that loss of citizenship should become a regular penalty for certain anti-american activities
No. Flag burners should be put to death.
It's wrong for symbols to be cherished more than the actual ideas and ideals they stand for. Fuck the physcial flag, it's just a cloth.
Not the lose of citizenship, but a year in jail I'm good with.
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I say there old boy, would you like to be jabbed in the gob, eh what? pip pip, cheerio
Keep in mind that the majority of people who burn American flags are Mexicans, Muslims, Communists and blacks.
>It's a crime in Mexico
The Mexican Constitution is written in pencil
yes. a fine or 1 year in whatever prison extradited terrorists rot in.
Lol no.

You can get angry but fuck off are you imprisoning someone.
>Fuck the physcial flag, it's just a cloth.

For quite a while this has been dawning on me. We worship the symbol while forgetting and betraying what it stands for. Notice nobody gives a shit or tries to ban burning copies of the Constitution or Bill of rights?

The flag should be emblazoned with "In memory of a beautiful dream"
This stupid fuck actually said this shit?
unamerican faggot detected

>but Hillary did it too!

Literally the only way dipshits defend Trump. Fuck both of them.
Trump is such a piece of shit. He either threw this red meat out there just for shits and giggles or he has no understanding whatsoever of freedom of expression. Good job murica, you got another 4 years of faggotry like this to go.
Yes because he's a meme and i'm a troll
Trolls or cancer, either way for those who don't actually know what happened

>Hillary co-sponsored the bill
>Hillary didn't like the final draft, voted against it
Yes, if you're in the US and burn the flag you're autistic and don't deserve to be allowed in this country
Burning the flag is the most crybaby way to protest. All your doing is whining and the only reason you can live to tell people about it is because of the generous country, whos respect you are attempting to shit on, is built upon values that allow someone to do that.

America needs a civil war. Gun owners versus non gunowners
It's well within our constitutional rights-literally. Specifically, "The desecration of a flag". More reasons he's gonna be a shit President. Hasn't read his constitution.
Nonsense Trump is a God and everything he touches is Gold.
America needs to be divided. From the southernmost part of california straight across to the east coast. Call it the 'Pussy Liberals' and call the entire southern region below the 'Retards' and just let them go to war with eachother with no military aid.
yep, you sound exactly like the type of retard who would have voted for Trump

Trump is a fucking imbecile and he will never EVER be right about a single goddamned thing.


Nah. Just open season on Republicans. We are in desperate need of a thinning of the stupid.

>national IQ skyrockets
>welfare use slashed by over half
>idolizing retards like Palin, Drumpf, Bachmann and Perry ends
>install a competent party in their place
>trickle down retardation finally dies
>facts and science become the basis for REALITY again

There is literally no downside to a mass killing of Republicans in this country. Think about that.
Retards with all the guns VS Liberal Pussies who need safe spaces. Wonder who would win.

you DO know we know what Photoshop is, right?
Why are all niggers dem? Aren't they responsible for being the tit suckers of our country?
I think Vox Day makes a good point about this. Irish have been nigger-tier violent for hundreds of years because it's taken them a long time to become civilised as other Euro whites.

Niggers are straight out of Africa or nigger communities. Still tribals.
Alright let's compromise
I'll let all you faggots burn the flag
But I get to call you nigger, and I won't use your preferred pronoun.

The country would be full of fucking SJWs, libtards and niggers then. The IQ would plummet even further, welfare would dry up and the race wars would rage on. Please keep believing in your utopia in your head.

You DO know that the left has MUCH higher IQs than the right, right? That's just a fact. You can't even argue it.

Republicans have been the Party of Stupid for over 35 years now and the gap is widening all the time.
What policies specifically do you feel strongly about that republicans disagree with you on?

Probably because you retards call them niggers.

Oh, and you have ALL the white supremacists and Klansmen on your side.

They may get more "handouts" from us but doing that is socioeconomically a good thing, unlike giving all the handouts to corporations like YOU.
I can't believe the president elect of the United States is such a retard
freedom of speech is an all or nothing deal and I like my free speech.
clearly you don't know how we retire old worn-out flags.
The worst of both parties is pretty bad.
you realize the two parties literally need each other for a reasonable middle ground to exist right?

>war on education
>corporatization of prison systems
>blind faith in police force
>Trickle Down economics
>denial of the basic rule of stability in economics
>Dissolving the Wall of Separation between Church and State
>war crime advocacy against Muslims
>placing completely unqualified people into Congress committees and cabinet positions, example committee of science and Dept. of Energy.
>THEY FLAT OUT DENY FACTUAL DATA. Why is this not such a big deal to people? They live in a fucking bubble or else they're getting paid to lie out their asses to the detriment of all of human society to people who do by people with agendas. It's extremely fucking obvious.
>The blatant, disgusting voter suppression they've been enacting for going on a decade.

How's that for a start? In plain English: the GOP is not a viable party. They are a malfunctioning pile of shit that is threatening to take this entire country down with them unless we ACT.
Trump has taken b8 to the presidential level. This is the most glorious thing to ever happen

Right, because it's not like the right threw tantrums and cost billions of dollars going on fraudulent witch hunts and shut down the Congress for years and the government twice because they're petulant subhuman retards and have proven to be worthless at their jobs, right?

DESTROY the GOP and replace them with a party that has competent people in it and everything will re-balance.
>Trump says some unbelievably retarded shit

Trump isn't some random edgy teen surfing 4chan, he's just really stupid

if american citizens are burning the american flag, yes, they should get the fuck out of here and banished if they hate it here so much.

what the hell kind of protest is a flag-burning for "kids who don't understand government" shit? do they even KNOW what that means to burn a flag? this is just upset kids "getting mad at a parent and demanding loot" and then expecting to get what they want to shut the govt up.

no. you don't always get what you want, so if you don't like having to pay for shit, get out of here and try your kid pouting burning in another country ...and get killed for it because...*no freedom of speech there.*
Your retarded narrow minded attitude is exactly why you get shitty third world countries with zero freedom of expression
>Trump says burning the flag should have consequences
>libtards start burning more flags, driving away the moderates

Plus Hillary tried to get a bill passed in 2005 that would make you pay a fine or go to jail for a year for burning the flag.

Trump has to be getting tired of winning by now
You got some studies to back that up or you just pulling shit out of your ass again?

Easy to win when you're the pigeon in a game of pigeon chess.

If you have a brain in your skull, Trump has never won a single thing.
Trump could tweet that the earth's flat and you retards would still find a way to do your mental gymnastics and make him out to be an all knowing god
Flagburning = hatespeech

Supreme court should reconsidder.
You're no better than the SJWs if you think that
A single thing, except the election.
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>ha, I didn't get tricked into being triggered over a hillary bill
>h-he's the dummy!
you got fucking played again faggot. stop trying and stay down.
>Trump wins presidency
>"H-he hasn't w-won anything! H-he's j-just a pigeon!"

Keep whining my sweet summer child

Ugh - this whole thing is a huge smokescreen. It has nothing to do with anything - it's just meant to distract people from the ACTUAL shit Trump is doing.

He's not dumb - he knows how to play the media. He's been doing it for years. He wants people to focus on this and not the dismally shitty cabinet appointments he's making.
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If I can't burn the mudslime book of rape tales the commie fags can't burn my flag. fair is fair.
Should have to wrap the flag around themselves before burning it.

Jail time; no
$1000 fine: sure
On top of that - look what this does:

He tweets this out to pander to his nationalist base - the flag waving rednecks who supported him. He gets them on his side while at the same time KNOWINGLY incentivising retarded liberals to burn flags at protests just to spite him - that way he can point his finger at the left and say "see? I told you so!!"

It's somewhat brilliant in a way.

Isn't it obvious?

>more religious people have lower IQs
>homeschooled people have lower IQs

Both are 90%+ Republican.

Republicans are also anti-science, anti-education nutters--that doesn't translate into "higher intelligence".

Republicans voted for and supported Bush, Palin, Bachmann, Santorum, Perry, Christie, Gohmert, Desjarlais and Trump, just to name a few of the more obvious dolts.

(chart source: 2010 peer-reviewed article by Satoshi Kanazawa - evolutionary psychologist.)

Kind of like how he said Global Warming was a money scheme created by the Chinese?

No one won that election. America LOST as a whole. Smart people are officially outnumbered by braindead retards. Idiocracy won't be far behind.
I find your graph disgusting.

What are the units? Where is the title? Sources?

If the units are some sort of IQ score, what reference test? SB5?

>inb4 conservative

Im not from freedomland. Just offended by your graph
>"let's call the other guys braindead because that worked so well during the election!"
hate speech isnt illegal
On tuesday if he appoints allison he can make as many shit picks as he wants, allison wants to end the fed, if he appoints mnuchin i agree we might be pretty cucked, as it stands people dont know who hes appointing just yet, can you hit me with the psychic hotline you used to find this out?
who says you cant burn the quaran?
hate speech laws depending where you are

also antifa-fags might assault you if you're not displaying enough white guilt.
I bet you think youre one of the "smart" people stay indoctorinated friendo
You can SAY whatever you want. Disrespecting the symbol of the country is different.
Though I know it's popular these days to shit on nations.
except the supreme court actually ruled that burning the flag was free speech. its also how the government disposes of old flags
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No I don't but I would love to see a bunch of dumb libshits burning flags on video and get thrown in the can just cause FUCK DONALD DRUMPF xD #notmypreseident
Don't know if people in this thread are trolling or not.

Supporting the burn of the flag is totally ok, but having a confederate battle flag is hate.

liberal mental gymnastics
yes. i suck trumps dick and agree with everything he has to say

Tell you what, "offended", go read the article and maybe you'll learn something.

It's not like this is the Information Age where you can look all of Man's cumulative knowledge up on your fucking computer or anything...

Are you SURE you're not a conservative?
burning the flag is also hate. but guess what? both are legal
If there are legal repercussions for speech then it's not freedom of speech.

No quarter for people who refuse to learn basic facts.

These Republican traitors shouldn't even be allowed to vote. I'm dead serious.

College graduate, INTP computer scientist and DBA with an IQ of 139 here. Yes. I'm "one of the smart people" who is disgusted with where I can trend this stupid country going.
Yes but not that extreme. Maybe a one hundred dollar fine... Just to stop these feminsts
Trump the draft dodger was a fucking coward
>war on education
Could you be more specific?
How do you think prisons should be run?
Blind faith in police force?? As opposed to what? Rational skepticism in all things? Or blind faith in the existence of police brutality?
Trickle down economics isn't a way of structuring commerce, it's a side effect of capitalism and it's not innately good or bad on its own.
>basic rule of stability
Not going to disagree with church and state comments
War crimes against muslims? No rational person would support that. Be more specific.
>unqualified people in congress
How are we supposed to discuss this issue without getting into more specifics? What is it that you have a problem with this people?
Voter suppression? How?
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I find it bizarre that people worship a piece of cloth
>You can SAY whatever you want. Disrespecting the symbol of the country is different.

lol jesus. And you shit on lefties for "limiting freedom of speech." Flag burning is a figure of speech - it's sending a message - whether you like the message or not. It's not a declaration of war. It's not yelling fire in a crowded theatre. It's not directly inciting violence.

Do you Trumptards need safe spaces from the flag burners now? Does it hurt your wittle feewings?
You used a lot of words to say a lot of nothing.
If you can't make jokes about something, then that thing has become too powerful and needs to chill the fuck out. Religion is a prime example of this.
Speech = speaking
Setting something on fire =/= speaking
If these faggots want to insist that burning an american flag is "speech" then they inadvertently admit to HATE SPEECH. You do not burn a flag unless you are doing it for hateful reasons and intent. That means it comes with consequences. You should also look up the "Flag protection act of 2005" because Hillary Clinton tried to pass it into law what these idiots are freaking out over Trump saying.
Mind as well make the US a police state.


The GOP shut down Congress for the better part of 7 years because of the black president. They also caused 24 billion dollars' loss from "shutdowns" and another couple hundred million dollars' loss from the pointless Hillary witch hunts. They were colicky babies the entire time and they are ON RECORD stating that it was more important to block Obama than to fix the nation and well-being of their citizens. That is textbook Treason.

The House GOP are traitors who should be hung from the highest posts all over Washington, D.C. and what did we the OH SO SMART people of America do? Reward their fucking tantrum with the presidency to fix problems that were THEIR FUCKING FAULT to begin with. Jesus fucking Christ. What pieces of shit you all are.

The term is Freedom of Expression, retard.

It goes along with Speech, Assembly and Press, all of which are endangered by the subhuman Right.
>Speech = speaking
>Setting something on fire =/= speaking

If i disagree with homosexuality, can i set them on fire?
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there is nothing wrong with being communist
you could set the pride flag on fire
The rainbow fag flag, obviously. When do we ever see people burning that?
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Im pro trump. Definitely anti hillary anyway. But Nationalism, in any country, is the worst thing for all of humanity. As soon as we can all realize we occupy the same planet, the better
Prison maybe. Citizenship loss, not only constitutionally illegal but also wrong. Big fine and probation sufficient.
>as it stands people dont know who hes appointing just yet, can you hit me with the psychic hotline you used to find this out?

Making appointments, anon. He's naming names - considering candidates. He's in the process of making appointments.

Notice how I didn't say "the appointments he's MADE." You fucking retard.

In a utopian bubble, this is true. But Communism is unfortunately extremely susceptible to human corruption. The only way for it to be applied would be to use machines and AI to control the resource allocation.

That said, the psycho hyper capitalism that we have is extremely toxic and depletes natural resources at insane rates too, so both are terrible.
>Im pro trump.

>But Nationalism, in any country, is the worst thing for all of humanity.

>As soon as we can all realize we occupy the same planet, the better

>Im pro trump

Read that quietly several times, let it sink in, and then kill yourself for being so fucking retarded.

Why the fuck should anyone give a shit about some flag burning cunt and what they want to express? Fuck off. Your opinion is trash. If you're going to set a flag on fire, please do us a favor and wear it while it's blazing. If I see someone burning a flag, I'm going to douse it with something. It's my right of expression evidently.

Hey lying is freedom of speech too. You're still a piece of shit if you take advantage of that.
nobody said flag burning was a good thing, but it is a right and nobody wants the government to take that away
see >>713642698

If your daddy didn't love you and the big bad scary oppressive gub'mint makes you so triggered that you want to burn a flag, go ahead. You're just showing the majority of people who will see it how much of a piece of shit you are, how ignorant and disrespectful you are, and you're going to effectively destroy your own credibility in any functional and significant part of american society. Dumb twat
>nobody wants the government to take away our right to burn flags
Hillary Clinton does. She tried to make it a federal offense in 2005

>war on education
No Child Left Behind
"teach the controversy".
Abstinence as sex-ed.

>blind faith in police
We have an epidemic of the Brotherhood of the Badge corrupting justice, planting evidence and bullying people worse than mafias. We also have tons of videos of police murdering people who were unarmed. Police are not judges, juries, executioners or anything but LAW ENFORCEMENT and it's time they learned that.

>Trickle down isn't innately bad
Yes it is. (pic)

>no rational person would support [war crimes against muslims]
I'm glad you agree.
"We should be killing their families." - Trump on ISIS.

Look up Louis Gohmert and Michelle Bachmann quotes for all you need on "qualified congresspersons". We need scientists and professors in Congress, not just retarded lawyers who talk to Jesus on 2-way radios.

As for Dept of Energy:
Since mostly everyone on 4chan who could have voted for him , and you are all faggots, yes, i'd say we all agree with him
It's a fucking cloth with stars on it
and the supreme court has already ruled it uncostitutional

Assuming the person you're debating is automatically "for" the act or group you're debating against is a mark of low intellect and failure to understand basic logic. Please note this and correct it for future encounters.

Well, considering the Supreme Court is about to become "Billy Bob's Jesus-loving Confederate Gun Club", I don't think it matters much to the STUPID FUCKING COUNTRY OF FUCKING DIMWITS.
No, I do not agree with Trump.

I do, however, believe that the First Amendment guarantees his right to express his opinion on the matter.
>Pointless Hillary witch hunts
Do you stand by that?
>Im smart enough to agree with some policies and disagree with others

Wrap your mind around not being completely one minded about everything
He's only going to appoint one judge, anon. Unless, of course, another one dies or resigns during his term.

It's the truth, dumbshit.
>burn country flag
>lose citizenship or 1 year in jail

Shit I don't like trump as a person but I agree with him here. You burn any other countires's flag and I'd bet that you'll get way worse then a single year in jail or loss of citizenship.
good thing this isnt any other country then, right?
>"A statute that criminalizes the desecration of the American flag violates the First Amendment. Texas Court of Criminal Appeals affirmed."

>"...violates the First Amendment."

the point is that this argument is moot - regardless of intent. this whole debate doesn't matter because it's settled law, but you'd know that if you bothered you to read that link or didn't fail basic high school civics.
Absolutely. Any national flag burning should be punished
Exactly. I'd pay to see these whiny children try the shit they do in the US in a different country.
And your face is a skeleton with faggot on it

Cry about it you fucking cuck. It's not our fault you decided to back a corrupt loser who literally rigged the nomination so she would win it over somebody that would ACTUALLY win against Trump. You don't know what the fuck is going on. You have to go back

You missed the point entirely. You're retarded
Burning the flag is a right our people have. It might irk me a little, but I am not going to try to stop any. And most of my buddies agree. You'd have to be super motto to get angry about that I guess.
>And your face is a skeleton with faggot on it
Completely lost it
What's the big deal? The normal method of flag disposal is burning. If some idiot wants to make an ass of themselves to make a "political statement" then let them. I'm sure the people making the flags will love the extra business.
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>/pol/ memes in lieu of actual argument

No, fucker, YOU have to go back.

Yep so many people died for that flag and they burn our symbol of the country

Pretty sure no one has died for the flag itself.

They died defending the FREEDOMS and VALUES of the nation the flag represents, and that includes the right to protest by burning the flag.
Are you in favor of NCLB? Explain your stance on education.

You're right there exists videos of cops killing unarmed criminals wrongly.
Can you find me a video of intentional, and organized, corruption in the police system that doesn't fall under the category of individual fault or lackluster police training?
>trickle down is bad because really rich people have ALOT of money
Find me that trump quote saying that he wants to kill innocent Muslims

I know absolutely jackshit about who would be qualified for congress, so I'm not going to claim you're wrong about trump's choices. I'm also not going to believe you without looking into it myself.
Am I huwting youw feewings? Am I being a big bad powiticawwy incowwect meanie head? Dawwwwwww youw fee fees

>Trump is suggesting a punishment for burning the us flag.

>supreme court ruling already establishes that any law punishing burning the us flag violates freedom of speech and is unconstitutional.

...and you call me retarded.
I doubt any military veteran was thinking "Im glad I'm getting shot at right now so people can burn my countries flag back at home" - while they are fighting...
It makes perfect sense for a Trump supporter though. Trump says he's anti establishment, wants to drain the swamp. First thing he does is put all the establishment billionaire conservatives into his cabinet. They are walking talking contradictions.
Yes. You're retarded as fuck. You're trying to prove a point that has nothing to do with anything I've said in any of my posts.

>the government isn't allowed to stop flag burning
hurp a fucking derp
Yes op it's not freedom of speech at all
>your face is a skeleton with faggot on it
this should be a banner, seriously
You would've been happier with those snoopy detectives not digging up dirt on your candidate huh?
isn't there some law against burning trash?
>Why the fuck should anyone give a shit about some flag burning cunt

Yeah who fucking cares if someone burns their own flag on their own property. Why the hell should we have to go even broker in this struggling country imprisoning people for so long? We have people actively destroying this country and people get more worried about protecting a symbol of the country. How can people get so butthurt when the flag is just a piece of cloth and they don't even seem to give a shit about the actual country? Just because five year-olds are indoctrinated by making daily oaths to it at an age before they can understand most of what they are made to recite every morning?

Apparently it doesn't represent freedom to these worship-the -flag people, but drone like rallying and slave minded servitude. It doesn't represent freedom as much when it represents a country that legally enforces one of its propaganda symbols as something sacred. When the flag comes to represent in peoples minds what is negative about a country, more and more people will want to burn it.
Consequences as in the neighbours will think you are reterded? Sure. Cant avoid that.
Consequences as in jail-time? Then it is not free speech.
The consequence is people not liking what you do. Taking actual legal action against it is not the same thing.

Your post would apply more to some /pol/turd crying because people find it obnoxious he keeps talking about jews and niggers in casual conversation.
>Pretty sure no one has died for the flag itself
No one has died so people can burn the flag, you dense cunt. Flag burning is just something irrelevant people like to take advantage of. It's one way for insignificant people to draw attention to themselves and feel like they matter.
i think you quoted the wrong person
I don't care either way. I want to know who is actually going to pay for all these people he plans on locking up. I want to know who's gonna pay for this wall he plans on building. I wanna who's paying for this million dollars a day it takes to protect him and his family. I wanna know when conservatives stopped being conservative.

>>713646032 no. Read the string
You are what's wrong with this country. KYS
Why didn't they just go to wal-mart?
But only the military and boy scouts can retire a flag with a burning ceremony
>America needs a civil war. Gun owners versus non gunowners

I though people needed guns to protect them from the big bad government.
It should be allowed to burn 1 flag within a certain amount of time, and anything more than that should be considered a hate crime.
>Civil war
>inb4 shoot the liberal children
This and taking herion
freedom of expression, first amendment
also if you're pro trump you're pro stupid
Same anon that wanted civil war, probably

Sorry your rifle is longer than your penis
I mean conservatives would be rioting in the street if clinton won, at least liberals have a more constructive way to protest than to just vandalize
the irony
If you supported Hillary, you show yourself to not actually know or care about what's truly going on. Her strongest platform was "not Trump". She's a joke and so is everyone who thought she had an actual chance. Btw she cucked everyone who calls themselves a democrat but rigging the nomination so Bernie would lose. Congrats. You're the laughing stock of politics
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Funny. I don't see Trump supporters out destroying property and needing play-doh, blankets, therapy dogs, and days off from school.

Not at all, but then again I'm not a few weeks away from being the president. If I were in his shoes I'd be trying to show unflinching loyalty to the nation too. Plus, I think even lefties are sick of lefties burning shit now.
You are not the smartest man I've ever met
no this is retarded
And you're far from the most intelligent I've never met.
What I posted is whats wrong with this country, you cuck. People hate freedom, hate free speech, hate America and the people are destroying it intentionally, or unwittingly, or apathetically. This is the real issue, we can't even like our own country according to the left and according to the right we must turn into fascists who mindlessly worship America. The flag burning represents the self hatred Americans have learned, and the nonsense political bullshit is creating a failing country that gets harder and harder to respect for everyone. But let's fight over shit that doesn't matter, symbols over substance.
If you burn anything else in public it's arson but if you burn a flag it's free speech. How does that work.
With people like this on /b/ and 4chan in general, I'm ashamed to be on this site to be honest.
if thats the case then i dont wanna be here anyways so fuck it lol
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You're fucking out of here.
>But let's fight over shit that doesn't matter, symbols over substance

That's why you are stupid. KYS idiot.
Yes. Fuck everything.
'speech' mentioned in the first amendment isn't strictly limited to literal speech. Picketing, protesting, posting content online that includes non verbal information like photographs, producing certain products, starting and joining and being involved with groups such as the KKK or NRA; these are all non-necessarily verbal acts that fall under the domain of 'free speech.' It also includes the ability to do with your property as you so wish in such a way that does not disturb the peace nor harm other citizens, which constitutes flag burning (and no, doing something others don't agree with isn't disturbing the peace). So stop being retarded or trolling or whatever you're doing
No. Flags are just fabric. Getting bent out of shape over how they're treated is just juvenile.
They sure as hell LOVE that Mexican flag though.
I'm glad i can get my lol's from people like you, that was Hillaryious!
It's Lulz you moronic newfag.
Like it matters faglord
This 4chan. People spell thread as bread. No rules here nigger jag.
I lol's at u bitchnigger
which part of the flag represents leftist and liberal americans
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