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Did I fuck it up /b/ros?

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Thread replies: 114
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Did I fuck it up /b/ros?
I don't think so
i don't know. does she do this all the time? does she have time to hang out with others but not with you? if yes, than you did fuck it up.
you should write. great i'll pick you up at 8:01 and take you to blow off some steam.
A shout? Nigga are you 40? You have no game sorry fam
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maybe we can turn dead week into bed week.
You're too beta
If you have to ask, yes you did.
I'm not sure. The first text was me sending her my name so she could add me.

I'm way better in person. I don't text girls alot :(
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you what can help you through the week? some vitamin me.

A girl who is interested you will always say she's available anytime when you ask her to hang out.
i disagree, some girls really prioritize school.
This, but not "8:01" that makes it sound like you're desperately waiting for her. Go for 8:15 and arrive 5 minutes late.

No not really. Matter of fact, they don't really care about school if someone they really like asks them to hang out
this, if they are busy they would say when they are not.
or better yet show up late with another bitch.
>spotted the retard with 0 experience points in how social relations and human psychology works
as long as you know the procedure for when she says no you can say anything

just in case you were wondering, the procedure is to block her and never talk to her again.
because who you ever dated never attended harder school as a high school or any shitty collage where they only learn communication and media studies, try asking out a medicin or pharmacy student
OP, what major is she pursing?

So what? That doesn't mean they won't make time to hang out with someone they like. Its that simple.


Yeah yeah keep telling yourself that you beta cuck
Scientists say that sex encourages the growth of brain cells and improves long-term memory. Let's build your brain power girl!
She's going for environmental studies. She's also Chinese and talks about class/studying a lot.
humanities major detected
r u 12
>spotted the insecure closet bro-science giving faggot with -1 social experience points
ask her ass out for some dim sum

>Op's crush studies environmental studies

Get fucked, losers with no game
>t. kissless virgin who thinks he knows shit, but is still on page one tier game.
I once dated/banged a med student I met on Tinder. Relationship lasted several months. She made time for me. Lived an hour away (she was freshly 18, I was 27).

"Sorry i'm busy until 8"
"sorry i'm busy until 8, whatcha doin Friday night tho?"


She don't want that cock, probably using you for something else though, study buddy or backup plan if the other 5 dudes fall through, move along

Unless you can get back to her place for studying and steal some dirty panties, that's worth it

Look at what OP's crush studies you dumbass.
Don't listen to this ill informed jackass. I've fucked up multiple relationships by rushing shit. Either wait for her to text first or try again ~5 days later. If she still says no move on

>I've fucked up multiple relationships by rushing shit.

That's because you suck at relationships in the first place.

Kek at replying 5 days later, how low test are you really?
some environmental studies departments offer a BS degree. it requires those students to take calc, stats, physics and chemistry.
>Want to go out?
>Sorry I'm busy
>haha m-me too! So busy! Too busy for a date, sorry! h-haha!
You blew it.
Funny how losers like you think you know anything. Such arrogance, and unwarranted to boot. Hate to burst your bubble, but he's right. Waiting 5 days will have her wondering if she did/said something wrong, and she'll be wondering who he's talking to instead of her. You don't have a fucking clue. Pipe down.
I think this guy meant well, but fucked up his wording. I think he meant "If a girl is interested in you, she will always offer an alternative time in which she isn't busy after rebuffing the initial request". Which is correct.

It's the difference between "No, sorry." and "No, sorry, but we can chill tomorrow".

So what? OP isn't getting laid and he isn't getting laid anytime sooner these beta faggots giving him advice

not getting laid yet. you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
OP just needs to ask again later.
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How about you stop asslicking yourself and accept the fact that no one agrees with your pleb tier advice?

>All that damage control

KeK sure is plebbit around here.
This. OP should have opted for taking her to "blow off steam" after class like anon said.
>tfw banged a pharmacy student for 3 years
>tfw im a pharmacist too
>tfw bitches literally orbiting me
>tfw insecure faggots telling mean things to me on a leather tanning south-vietnamese image board
Yet I can explain how my advice works in a logical and concise manner, whereas you offer no advice, just fling around insults like a chimp flinging around it's own shit. You're dismissed.
You're all beta faggots for using technology as your primary means of communication with girls.

They're emotional creatures, and you need to be captivating face to face. If you're a few words on a glowing rectangle, you're nothing to them.

Use technology to make small talk, and then to meet face to face. Anything more, and you're a beta cuck.
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>Waiting 5 days will have her wondering if she did/said something wrong, and she'll be wondering who he's talking to instead of her

You. Fucking. Idiot.

Women get attention all the time 24/7 on their social media and in real life from guys who are probably more attractive than OP along with her beta orbiters. She doesn't give two fucks if OP stops responding to her. Girls are not like guys who don't get constant attention. You sure are a naive kid. This confirms that you obviously don't have experience with women.
>tfw this boi at least know what he talks about
>bragging about fucking the same girl for 3 years
>bragging about having a cubicle-tier boring job
>bragging about "bitches" of unknown quality "orbiting" you.
>calling others "insecure" but defensive as fuck when his lack of experience with women is called into question
You're dismissed.

>Yet I can explain how my advice works in a logical and concise manner,

Yes. In a logical and concise manner to drive women away and get rejected.
>med student
Get your story straight.
This is 100% true. Girls might act like you're the only guy messaging them but they have atleast 3 others (usually 10 if they're decent), with 1 being a close friend

>You're dimissed

hey shaquisha, go be a nigger somewhere else.
>Women get attention all the time 24/7 on their social media and in real life from guys who are probably more attractive than OP along with her beta orbiters. She doesn't give two fucks if OP stops responding to her.
Way to prove my point. Other guys lavishing attention upon her non-stop is exactly why the guy who doesn't do that is more attractive to her.
> You sure are a naive kid. This confirms that you obviously don't have experience with women.
Projection: The Post
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I'd say so:
what question was that hm?
+ you just know what kind of opportunities can a man get with a pharmacist diploma besides pharmacys, wagecuck fam :^)
I can tell unequivocally by her writing that she does not want to be with you in any way


This is now a cringe thread
>t. butthurt incels

>Way to prove my point. Other guys lavishing attention upon her non-stop is exactly why the guy who doesn't do that is more attractive to her.

Wrong. OP's crush probably has a Chad already in her inbox messaging her constantly and she probably talks to more guys in her classes and in social situations outside of class. Women lie all the time about being busy if you're unattractive. If OP stops messaging her, it would be the equivalent to a perverted poo in loo doing the same thing. She doesn't give a shit because she knows she can simply pick an attractive guy out of her inbox or in real life if she wishes. OP's crush is clearly not interested in him and she didn't make the effort to make plans. Also, you're retarded.
Her night is free. 8-11 is where most dates and fucking takes place
>Chad messaging her constantly
Chad's don't message anyone "constantly". That's beta behavior. It's hilarious to listen to what incels think Chads are actually like. You are utterly clueless, and bizarrely speak as if you're the opposite. Laughable.
>If OP stops messaging her, it would be the equivalent to a perverted poo in loo doing the same thing
Only because OP fucked it up like >>713618006 said.
>OP's crush is clearly not interested in him and she didn't make the effort to make plans.
Actually she gave him an opening when she mentioned the precise time her class was over. You think you know so much, yet you actually know next to nothing. Adorable.

>Chad's don't message anyone "constantly". That's beta behavior. It's hilarious to listen to what incels think Chads are actually like. You are utterly clueless, and bizarrely speak as if you're the opposite. Laughable.

Mate, I have family memebers who are Chad and been friends with Chads and they do this behavior to a girl they're interested. Of course, the girl replies back and they get together to meet up and fuck. You're an idiot if you think Chads get pussy "effortlessly". They have to put some work in to, retard.

>Only because OP fucked it up like

That doesn't matter you beta fuck. If the guy messes up one time, the girl won't give a fuck and continue to message him, possibly making plans to meet up. Its that simple.

>Actually she gave him an opening when she mentioned the precise time her class was over.

No she didn't you fucking retard. She simply said her classes ended at 8pm. It doesn't take an FBI agent to figure that shit out. If she's interested in making plans, she'll say so herself.

>You think you know so much, yet you actually know next to nothing. Adorable.

Pic related, that's you.
>thinking Chads beta orbit girls
>expecting a girl to take the initiative and make plans
>le fedora meme
I was actually starting to feel sorry for you, but it seems like you're going to have to learn the hard way. Have fun getting friend-zoned by every girl you meet.

Nice try but I get laid anytime I want

Pic related some bitch I fucked last night
Kids, kids, you're both just... awful
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you guys are acting like its fucking quantum mechanics. Just be confident and fucking ask when she has time, if shes unsure or says no, move on OP
Just ask her again in a week or so.
When she still says she has no time ask her for a time wich is good for her.
If she doesn't offer a counter time, she isn't interested
>implying you can't be from the 90s and use shout
Nigga half my friends use shout
Try dating a medical or engineering student
Zozzle triggered anon is triggered
lol, thanks Phi Alpha Gamma pledge
Again fucking bullshit
My fiance is a med student and can barely make time for me to visit (3 hrdistance)
You either are a virgin or only date dumb bitches
How about no? Hot girls don't need to be smart, because beta chumps will pay her bills. Whereas ugly/average girls have to study something practical if they want to keep their electricity on, and their water running.
Thank you
>spotted the guy who never studied anything above humanities
They throw so much work at you that you have to choose what you don't finish
Dude she shouldn't be that busy unless she's literally retarded and has to spend the same amount of time a difficult major requires to do basic level work
This is coming from the guy who's dated engineering master's and medical students

>My fiance is a med student and can barely make time for me to visit
>Barely has time for me


I feel bad for you. Do you enjoy being a cuckold? Do you enjoy the fact that your "fiance" is purposely using her time to get away from you? Man, I can already see you being cucked and writing it on plebbit. I'm sure glad as fuck I'm not a huge beta.

>Barely have time

Fucking retard
>implying that we weren't pointing out how you have no concept of difficult majors because you're a mental dwarf

Keep staying mad friendo
>18 med student
You know premed isn't a major or counts as medical school right?

>They throw so much work at you that you have to choose what you don't finish

Oh boo hoo! That doesn't mean they don't have time to breathe let alone go out
Look at who we're replying to dipshit

We're not talking about majors here, we're talking about OP getting rejected.

Its sad that even a with a major you still can't get a girl in bed LOL
Listen dumbass its near christmas time and everyone in school has finals right now, talk to her but dont ask to hang out til next week and then smash that ass over her break while shes lonley for the holidays
>implying that the prerequisites for medical school aren't covered by that and then they increase the difficulty
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>tfw you think pharmacy even compares to medical school
Stay triggered glorified pill counter

Fucking liberals talking about college being soooo hard! Work a 70 hard labor job then come back at me. Pussies.
You can't keep referring to nonexistent faces dumbfuck
a prostitude
>some bitch
How does it feel to not have enough game to secure a good relationship
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Mfw all these entitled cunts can't find a job after graduating and have to move in with mommy and daddy, and draw faces in latte foam to pay off their 50k student debt.
You clearly are a 14 year old who just hit puberty
Hot girls typically don't have personalities either because they don't have to develop them
What's the point in being the visual perfect woman if you can't stand being around her longer than it takes to nut
LDR dumbfuck
I can't just drive the 6 hours it takes to get to her city and back any old time
>it's called being an adult
It's a trade off thing hut you clearly wouldn't know anything about relationships because you're 12 and automatically assume everyone who doesn't need to be around their girl 24:7 is getting cucked
If you don't date whores ordegenerates you'll never get cucked
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>Secure a good relationship

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh fuck. Let me laugh harder HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It's simple, I don't give a fuck about relationship because I'm not a dependent cuck who needs a bitch to be happy. I can get in a relationship but they get boring fast. Romantic love does not exist.
>implying I don't get laid from my fiance
Nigga you're going to die alone because no one will ever be in a relationship with your immature ass
>inb4 relationships are stupid
One day your dick will break and you won't be able to chase the pussy around the nursing home
>70 hours
Choose one blue collar bitch
I went to college on a full ride that I earned for biomedical engineering specifically so I don't have to work 70 hour weeks

How the fuck is that a bragging point or positive thing?
Not everyone is retarded
>romantic love doesn't exist
Now I know you have no game because you can't even get women that interest you
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you're sound worried

>don't give a fuck about relationship because I'm not a dependent cuck who needs a bitch to be happy.
Fucking called it


That has to be the ultimate cuckold experience, behind actually being cucked.

>it's called being an adult

No, its called being so fucking desperate for a woman that you'll commit to a long distance relationship. That's not being an adult, you silly millennial.

>wouldn't know anything about relationships because you're 12

Says the retard in a LDR with his "fiance". You're so hilarious. Also, Humans aren't monogamous. For all we know, your fiance is riding Tyrone's cock

>Nigga you're going to die alone because no one will ever be in a relationship with your immature ass

I don't care about dying alone because married men are miserable than single men, so I'll be enjoying life while you'll have to struggle with shitty bills and loads of stress from marriage. For starters, if I want to spread my seed I can easily get a bitch pregnant and boom I have done evolution's work.

>One day your dick will break and you won't be able to chase the pussy around the nursing home

Great, that means I'll be able to focus more on hobbies I enjoy.

>Still believing in Disney fantasy
only real advice here

>He thinks being in a relationship is all that matters

HAHAHAHAHA. Pic related.

While you're busy being delusional about love exists, I'll be here taking advantage of bitches
So, who she might be more interested in? guys who text her 24/7 and who she knows are a safe bank, or the guy who doesn't really seems to care or rely on her affection
I rest my case

You didn't fuck it up, but if she wanted to hang out with you she'd make time, or at least suggest some other time if she was really busy. Move on. No use wasting time on it.
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>t. beta provider
One does not simply date for 10 years and then one party starts medical school and you drop them like a sack of shit

That's literally retarded

>not bothering replying because you clearly are a delusional beta who projects and assumes the world works only one way based on your personal failures
you are pathetic
We already knew that and anyone who doubted it figured it out from his replies
No, this is the least cringe response I've ever seen.

>king of casual

Don't even bother though, if she wanted to do anything she would make time or not make excuses.
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